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Theoretical foundation for word classes

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Abstract and Figures

The word is a significative unit of a language system. As such, it fulfills functions of cognition and communication, but is also subject to structural constraints. Criteria for the classification of words are based on both of these spheres. In the hierarchy of grammatical complexity, the word occupies a position between the phrase and the morpheme. It may consist of significative elements, but its composition is more subject to potentially arbitrary rules of grammar than the composition of higher-level units. The principal operations of cognition and communication constituting complex significative units are the propositional operations of reference, predication and modification. A higher-level operation is eased to the extent that the lower-level units which provide the operands are categorized. In this perspective, word classes are prior categorizations preparing or incorporating propositional operations. Propositional operations are executed at all complexity levels. A given operation may be executed at one level in some languages, but at another level in other languages. Given the position of the word in the grammatical complexity hierarchy, relevant alternatives include the classification of roots, stems and phrases. Given the theoretical position of propositional operations, they provide a basis on which to conceive word classes as interlingual categories, i.e. categories that may show up in individual languages. This is, at the same time, the basis on which word-class systems of different languages may be compared. While major word classes have a relatively straightforward foundation in the universal propositional operations and therefore tend to be similar across languages, minor word classes are specified inside a language system with respect to major ones and are increasingly subject to language-specific structural constraints. Accordingly, languages differ more in their conformation.
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Christiani Lehmanni inedita, publicanda, publicata
Theoretical foundation for word classes
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De Cesare, Anna-Maria & Salvi, Giampaolo (eds.), Manual of
Romance word classes. (Manuals of Romance linguistics, 36)
Berlin: W. de Gruyter
annus publicationis
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1The account is largely based on publications by Lehmann listed in the references, especially on
Lehmann 2013. References to the sizable literature are found there.
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2Facete is not actually related to the other forms based on the root fac-.
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         %$ 
  -.      '  $
3For the ancient grammarians, adjectives were (common) nouns; cf. ch. 3 of this vol.
major holophrastic
noun verb interjection ideophone
referential deictic
 ?
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          
           , 
           
  
3.3 Relationality
:      
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  +         
  
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6      
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4In the ideal isolating language, this level would seem to be absent since there would be no
difference between a word and a morpheme. However, all isolating languages have compounding.
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     $     /
 
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%  /       
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,$     
 - .  -.  " -.     
%( ( ( 
 ((!
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 #)
. 
    
     +      
        $  
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           
        ,    
         *
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 $
    B     
. %
5.1.1 Distributional analysis
%           $.
    / (    
  :   *9       
 $  -.    " -.    
           
  $  -.        
       
 %$*9
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         +   
   $ %
         
5.1.2 Limits of distributional definitions
:      
'          
;        
 A 
  /)<<F( D      
           
       &   
          :  
             
 #F
 $      
   $.       
'          /=>9)(  
            
 C         
. %
.  
         +  
/ 
1         
         
/ =>99(F           
/= ?9(
          
      !    / #HH#
A#HH)( B       
:       " 
 -. -.  -.       
    A -. -.  -.  
+      
  $   
   
5The pair ‘predication vs. modification’ has a structural counterpart in Jespersen’s (1924, ch. VIII)
‘nexus vs. junction’, although Jespersen (p. 114) does not consider junction a “degraded predication”.
 #3
            + 
/#HH#$-$.(G 
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,BC -1.
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.f 
2 01 
6.1 Major and minor classes
!     !     
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6.2 Adverbs and particles
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Jespersen, Otto 1924, The philosophy of grammar. London: G. Allen & Unwin.
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From among the various processes that form prepositions in the history from Latin to Castilian, the investigation concentrates on the formation of prepositional adverbs like Spanish delante (de) ‘in front (of)’. There are two mechanisms for their formation: (a) An adverb or a preposition is preceded by a superordinate simple local preposition which initially specifies a local relation, but ends up as a reinforcing expansion of its base; and (b) an adverb is converted into a preposition by a following functional preposition which serves as a relationalizer. In case #a, the syntactic structure is often destroyed by univerbation, and the resulting reinforced preposition is lexicalized. In case #b, the alternation between adverb and relationalized preposition is regular and bidirectional, so that the combination of adverb and relationalizer is normally not univerbated. The exception desde is given some attention. As a result, the formation of prepositions of this structure is, at the outset, not a matter of word formation, and such complex prepositions are therefore not compound prepositions, but instead lexicalized univerbations.
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Categories of parts of speech have both semantic and structural aspects. The two sets of features are essentially incommensurate, since the semantic features derive from the functions of language in communication and cognition, while the structural features are essentially based in the combinatorial potential of signs in a text. Consequently, the two sets of features are largely independent of each other. Their combination in a language yields sets of parts of speech whose systematicity is largely language-internal To the extent that there is a functional motivation for parts of speech, three restrictions must be made: 1) It is not, in the first place, a cognitive, but rather a communicative motivation. 2) The functional motivation of word classes is not direct, but mediated by semantic and syntactic categories of higher order. 3) Only the primary parts of speech (verb and noun) are motivated in this way. The secondary parts of speech (adjectives, adverbs etc.) and the minor parts of speech (pronouns, subordinators etc.) increasingly have a system-internal structural rather than a universal functional motivation. Given these heterogeneous functions and constraints, there is no uniform nature to all parts of speech.
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The assignment of a linguistic sign to a word class is an operation that must be seen as part of the overall transformation of extralinguistic substance into linguistic form. In this, it is comparable to such processes as the transitivization of a verbal base, which further specifies a relatively rough categorization. Languages differ both in the extent to which they structure the material by purely grammatical criteria and in the level at which they do this. The root and the stem are the lowest levels at which a linguistic sign can be categorized in terms of language-specific structure. Further categorization is then achieved at the level of the syntagm. An empirical investigation comparing the categorization of roots and stems in a sample of six languages (English, German, Latin, Spanish, Yucatec Maya, Mandarin Chinese) turns up far-reaching differences. These differences in the amount of categorization that languages apply to linguistic signs at the most basic levels throw into doubt any thesis claiming universal categoriality or acategoriality for roots. Such a static view must be replaced by a dynamic one which asks for the role of categorization in linguistic activity. At the same time, these differences raise the issue of the amount of structure — or of grammar — that is necessary for a human language.1
This article is concerned with the basic syntactic and semantic structure of Riau Indonesian, a hitherto undescribed dialect differing in many respects from standard Indonesian and Malay. Riau Indonesian appears to exhibit an abundance of zero-markings of various kinds, in which a wide variety of syntactic constructions and semantic categories lack overt morphosyntactic expression. Two alternative descriptions are provided: an “easy” description, couched in traditional grammatical terminology and a Eurocentric perspective, and a “simple” description, positing a single open syntactic category, and unconstrained rules of semantic interpretation. The latter, simple description, is argued to be superior.
The Oxford handbook of linguistic typology. Oxford etc
  • Walter Bisang
Bisang, Walter 2011, "Word classes." Song, Jae Jung (ed.), The Oxford handbook of linguistic typology. Oxford etc.: Oxford University Press; 280-302.