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Stress and work-related mental illness among working adults with ADHD: a qualitative study


Abstract and Figures

Background Though many adults with ADHD underperform professionally, are more stressed, and have more days of sickness absence compared to adults without ADHD, few studies have explored the experience of working as an adult with ADHD. This study explores the general experience of working with ADHD, including stress and work-related mental illness. Methods Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with 20 working adults with ADHD. Interview topics included how the ADHD diagnosis and/or symptoms of ADHD may have affected participants on the job, how work may have affected participants’ well-being, and the need for support and accommodation. Qualitative content analysis was used to explore verbatim transcripts from the interviews. Results The analysis yielded three themes that describe some of the challenges of working with ADHD: Working and living with ADHD, Needs, and Special abilities, with a total of eight subcategories. Subcategories were Specific challenges; Relationships and cooperation; Negative consequences; Planning, prioritization, organization, and structure; Support, interventions, accommodations, and aids; Openness, understanding, and acceptance; Strategies; Strengths and qualities. Conclusion Further knowledge about the challenges of working with ADHD is needed in workplaces; where organizational support is lacking, much in terms of accommodations and aids is up to the employee, and the disclosure of diagnoses may be associated with great dilemma.
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
Stress andwork-related mental illness
amongworking adults withADHD: aqualitative
Martin Oscarsson1*, Martina Nelson2, Alexander Rozental2,3, Ylva Ginsberg3, Per Carlbring1 and Fredrik Jönsson1
Background: Though many adults with ADHD underperform professionally, are more stressed, and have more days
of sickness absence compared to adults without ADHD, few studies have explored the experience of working as an
adult with ADHD. This study explores the general experience of working with ADHD, including stress and work-related
mental illness.
Methods: Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with 20 working adults with ADHD. Interview
topics included how the ADHD diagnosis and/or symptoms of ADHD may have affected participants on the job, how
work may have affected participants’ well-being, and the need for support and accommodation. Qualitative content
analysis was used to explore verbatim transcripts from the interviews.
Results: The analysis yielded three themes that describe some of the challenges of working with ADHD: Working and
living with ADHD, Needs, and Special abilities, with a total of eight subcategories. Subcategories were Specific challenges;
Relationships and cooperation; Negative consequences; Planning, prioritization, organization, and structure; Support, inter-
ventions, accommodations, and aids; Openness, understanding, and acceptance; Strategies; Strengths and qualities.
Conclusion: Further knowledge about the challenges of working with ADHD is needed in workplaces; where organi-
zational support is lacking, much in terms of accommodations and aids is up to the employee, and the disclosure of
diagnoses may be associated with great dilemma.
Keywords: Adult adhd, Work, Stress, Mental health, Qualitative content analysis
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During the last two decades, the proportion of sick leave
in Sweden due to psychiatric diagnoses has increased
drastically. In 2016, psychiatric diagnoses accounted for
27% of newly registered and 44% of ongoing sickness
cases [1]. In Sweden, psychiatric diagnoses are associ-
ated with the longest periods of sick leave, longer than for
cardiovascular disease and cancer [2]. Similar trends have
been observed in many OECD countries, at least since
the mid-1990s [3]. e increase in sick leave due to psy-
chiatric diagnoses has been attributed to several factors,
including changes in working life, health care, and other
aspects of everyday life. Lidwall etal. [4] point to a tran-
sition from physical to psychosocial strain, while Lidwall
and Voss [5] point specifically to difficulties balancing
full-time employment and family obligations.
Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) may have particular difficulties balancing work,
leisure, and family, and run a high risk of suffering from
mental illness. ADHD is characterized by symptoms of
inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It is one of
Open Access
1 Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
the most common psychiatric disorders among chil-
dren and adolescents, and for most patients, symptoms
persist throughout adulthood, with associated nega-
tive outcomes on both individual and societal levels [6].
Worldwide estimated prevalence of adult ADHD varies
between studies, depending on population, methods, and
diagnostic criteria, but is estimated to be between two
and five percent (e.g., [7, 8]).
Many adults with ADHD underperform academically
and professionally, compared to their intellectual poten-
tial [9]. ADHD adults report significantly higher work
impairment than controls regarding performance and
effectiveness as well as attendance, teamwork, and inter-
action with supervisors [10]. According to Adamou etal.
[11], while adults with ADHD may be highly motivated
employees, ADHD-related difficulties will soon begin
to adversely affect work performance. Some manage to
compensate with administrative support or modifications
to the working environment, others with well-chosen
careers such as creative professions or elite sports, but
symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
are limiting in all but some workplaces. Many adults with
ADHD have more difficulty than others managing time,
organizing work, prioritizing tasks, following instruc-
tions, and regulating emotions. While some can hyper-
focus on interesting tasks, this may increase the risk for
e relationship between workaholism and ADHD
has been demonstrated by Andreassen etal. [12], among
others. In addition to the ability to hyperfocus, Andreas-
sen etal. also suggest a compensation hypothesis where
adults with ADHD may spend evenings and weekends
working to perform on par with their colleagues or to
work without distractions. Furthermore, Andreassen
etal. suggest that the inattentive nature of ADHD may
lead to procrastination and perfectionism, while the
impulsive nature may cause individuals to take on more
tasks than they can handle. is may be aggravated by
hyperactivity, which, combined with difficulties relaxing,
may lead to stress and occupational burnout.
e relationship between symptoms of ADHD and
stress has been demonstrated by Combs et al. [13],
among others. ey found inattention, rather than hyper-
activity, to be the most consistent predictor. Rogers etal.
[14] demonstrated that adults with ADHD were more
fatigued than controls, while Brattberg [15] showed a
strong association between ADHD, burnout, and long-
term sick leave. In a large population-based study of
twins, Friedrichs et al. [16] found that symptoms of
ADHD were associated with an increased risk for stress-
ful life events, such as divorce, loss of a job, or financial
loss. As previously mentioned, adults with ADHD also
run a high risk of suffering from mental illness. Several
studies have found that most adults with ADHD meet the
criteria for at least one comorbid psychiatric diagnosis
(e.g., [7, 17, 18].
Researchers studying the economic burden of adult
ADHD point to increased costs for sick leave [19]. De
Graaf etal. [20] found that workers with ADHD had an
average of 8.4 excess sickness absence days per year, com-
pared to otherwise similar respondents without ADHD.
In a sibling comparison cost analysis, Daley et al. [21]
found that adults with ADHD had an average of 34 sick-
ness absence days per year, compared to an 8-day average
among their siblings without ADHD. In a study on data
from a large manufacturing firm, Kessler etal. [22] found
that 20% of workers with ADHD had one or more sick-
ness absence days in the past 30days, compared to 10%
of workers without ADHD.
In a study of ADHD outpatients aged 19 to 29years,
38% received sickness absence recommendation, com-
pared to 2.4% in the general population receiving that
benefit [23]. All patients included in the study received
specialized treatment for ADHD, yet many had a signifi-
cantly impaired ability to work.
In Sweden, the position of professionals with ADHD
in the labor market has been emphasized by government
agencies (e.g., [24]), patient interest groups (e.g., [25]),
and clinicians. Internationally, similar calls of attention
have been made by researchers (e.g., [11]), global profes-
sional associations (e.g., [26]), and non-profit organiza-
tions (e.g., [27]). Even though many adults with ADHD
underperform professionally, are more stressed, have
more days of sickness absence, and more often receive
sickness absence recommendation, few studies have
explored the experience of working as an adult with
In one of the most comprehensive qualitative studies to
date, Brod, Pohlman, etal. [28] conducted focus groups
and interviews to study the general burden of illness for
adults with ADHD. Work and career were important
topics in all focus groups, with work requiring both cop-
ing skills and support. Among the identified obstacles
at work were disorganization, inattention, and problems
with authority.
Interviewing adults with ADHD between the ages of
21 and 38, Ek and Isaksson [29] found that work can be
supportive, through structure and demands, if adapted
to individual capacities. Participants appreciated rules
and limits for what activities to perform at work, facili-
tating focus and realization. Participants also described
how employment gave value to their lives and provided
a social context. Similar results were found in a study by
Goffer etal. [30]. In a sample of students, where many
combined studies with working, participants described
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
how work provided relatedness, a sense of belonging, and
value beyond mere monetary compensation.
Studying experiences of young adults with ADHD
and the role of context, Lasky etal. [31] report that for
some, stressful and challenging work may alleviate symp-
toms, by forcing attention and keeping boredom at bay.
Interviewing successful adults with ADHD specifically,
Sedgwick etal. [32] identified several positive aspects of
ADHD. While many aspects were relevant to people in
general, a few were regarded as ADHD specific, including
divergent thinking, hyper-focus, and nonconformist.
Interviewing a well-educated, high-income sample
of older adults with ADHD, Brod, Schmitt, et al. [33]
report that participants described accumulated negative
ADHD effects on educational achievements, job perfor-
mance, and subsequent financial status. Participants also
described how the stress of ADHD exacerbated other
stressors in their lives, with an aggregated negative effect
on quality of life. Interviewing older adults with previ-
ously undiagnosed ADHD, Michielsen et al. [34] found
participants to be hard workers, with some working too
hard due to difficulties saying “no”. Some specifically
reported overstepping their physical boundaries, culmi-
nating in physical ailments due to stress.
Quantitative studies of occupational issues among
adults with ADHD tell us much about the negative con-
sequences of working with ADHD. While previous
qualitative studies provide further insight into the experi-
ences of working with ADHD, more research is needed
on how adults with ADHD experience their working life.
is includes specific occupational challenges, successful
strategies for coping, and the relationship between work
and mental health. is project aims to further study the
general experience of working with ADHD, specifically
explore stress and work-related mental illness among
adults with ADHD, and identify needs in preventing
these negative outcomes.
In-depth interviews with 20 adults with ADHD were
conducted between May and July 2021.
Participants were recruited primarily in collabora-
tion with a large Swedish ADHD patient interest group,
Riksförbundet Attention. Information about the study
was published on social media, together with a link to
a website where interested individuals were invited to
read more about the study. Terms and conditions were
detailed on the website. Before recruitment, the study
received ethics approval from the Swedish Ethical Review
Authority (Diary number: 2021–01029). Participants
were required to be 20–64years old (Swedish definition
of working age), have a diagnosis of ADHD, speak Swed-
ish, work half-time or more, and have work experience
equivalent to at least three years full-time. No compensa-
tion was awarded for participation. Provision of informed
consent was required to submit a notice of interest, thus,
written informed consent was obtained from all partici-
pants. With this notice, data were collected regarding
age, gender, education level, occupational status, work
experience, and ADHD diagnosis. Finally, participants
submitted their email addresses. In a few days, 90 notices
of interest were submitted, and the website was closed to
new submissions. All participants were given a random
identification code (e.g., 1a2b), and their contact infor-
mation was stored separately from all other data. us,
participation was pseudonymous.
From the pool of notices of interests, 20 individuals were
chosen purposefully and stratified to reach a heterogene-
ous sample concerning demographics. Half identified as
women, half as men. Ages ranged from 23 to 60years,
education level ranged from high-school degrees to more
than three years of university studies, and work experi-
ence ranged from 5 to 40years. ese individuals were
contacted via email and invited to schedule an interview.
If unavailable, or not responding, another individual of
similar age and, if possible, the same gender was con-
tacted. In total, 61 individuals were contacted before 20
interviews had been scheduled and conducted. Table1
shows the characteristics of the final sample. As few men
submitted notices of interest, the final sample was pre-
dominantly female.
Data collection
Semi-structured interviews were conducted via tel-
ephone by authors M.O. and M.N. e interviews were
recorded using digital audio recorders. All recordings
Table 1 Participants’ Characteristics
Participants (n = 20)
Age (years): M (SD) 41.9 (8.61)
Gender: n (%)
Male 5 (25)
Female 15 (75)
Education level: n (%)
Elementary school 0 (0)
High school 3 (15)
University 3 years 5 (25)
University > 3 years 12 (10)
Work experience (years): M (SD) 17 (8.94)
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
were transcribed verbatim by the interviewers. Identi-
fying information was substituted with generic analogs,
e.g., “employer”, “city”, or “care provider”.
An interview guide was used through all interviews
(see Additional file1). e guide was developed by the
authors, based on previous research and topics relevant
to the research aims. In the first part of the interview,
topics included experiences of current and previous
workplaces and jobs, how the ADHD diagnosis and/or
symptoms of ADHD affected participants on the job, and
experiences of support from colleagues, managers, fam-
ily, friends, and professionals, including accommodations
and resources in and around the workplace. In the second
part of the interview, topics included how work may have
affected participants’ well-being, how the ADHD diag-
nosis and/or symptoms of ADHD may have influenced
that relationship, and the current need for support and
accommodation in and around the workplace. Finally,
in preparation for an intended future study, participants
were asked about their interest in, and attitudes toward,
an internet-based psychological intervention targeting
stress and work-related mental illness among profession-
als with ADHD.
A conventional approach to qualitative content analysis
was used to explore the content of the interviews [35].
e analysis was conducted by M.O. and M.N., under
the supervision of A.R. Both M.O. and M.N. are licensed
clinical psychologists, trained and experienced in the
assessment and treatment of adult ADHD.
First, all transcripts were read to the letter. Quotes rele-
vant to the research aims were highlighted and extracted,
i.e., all quotes regarding work and explicit, implicit, or
possible mental illness, including stress and potential
stressors. Quotes regarding the intended future study
were considered and included if the content also con-
cerned the current research aims. e selection of quotes
was continuously discussed between M.O. and M.N.,
with assistance from A.R. All quotes were then con-
densed into units of meaning, using the original word-
ing of the participants. roughout this process, some
quotes were shortened, and some excluded, with respect
to the research aims. Again, this included a continuous
discussion between M.O. and M.N., with regular con-
sultation of A.R. Finally, all units of meaning were coded
inductively, as true as possible to the original wording of
the participants.
Next, all codes from one interview were extracted,
organized, and categorized by M.O. and M.N., individu-
ally. Similarities and differences in the results were dis-
cussed until consensus was reached. e final categories
were compiled in a mind map, with their respective
codes. en, the remaining material was divided between
M.O. and M.N. Codes from all interviews were sepa-
rately extracted, organized, and categorized into mind
maps. e result of each categorization was thoroughly
reviewed in discussion between the coders until con-
sensus was reached. Finally, the results from all inter-
views were reviewed collectively, to develop concluding
themes. Categories from all interviews were gradually
clustered, with close attention paid to maintaining inter-
nal homogeneity and external heterogeneity between the
final themes [36].
As presented in Fig.1, the analysis yielded three themes
that describe some of the challenges of working with
ADHD: Working and living with ADHD, Needs, and Spe-
cial abilities, with a total of eight subcategories.
Working andliving withADHD
Topics related to working and living with ADHD, natu-
rally, comprised large parts of the interviews. is
includes experiences and consequences of working with
symptoms of ADHD, before and after diagnosis, in differ-
ent workplaces, in different stages of life, and the circum-
stances that may mitigate or aggravate existence.
Specic challenges
All participants described specific challenges related
to working with ADHD, concerning symptoms and/or
situations. Among the prominent symptoms were those
commonly associated with ADHD, such as distract-
ibility, forgetfulness, restlessness, impulsivity, and impa-
tience. Also prominent were symptoms less typically
associated with ADHD, such as emotional dysregula-
tion. Many participants described a hypersensitivity to
criticism and failure, and a general sensitivity to changes
in mood and atmosphere in and around the workplace,
negatively affecting work performance and psychological
I feel like I’m very sensitive to criticism, and to things
not going my way. I easily fall into believing I’m
drastically inferior to my colleagues, even though
I know I’m not. I take everything in, it becomes a
strong sensitivity to such things, which can cause a
dip in energy, or cause my motivation to drop, or
make me feel sad. (Participant A)
e sample was heterogeneous regarding professions,
and, as such, challenging situations varied between par-
ticipants. Recurring, however, were monotone and repet-
itive tasks, which caused under-stimulation, boredom,
and subsequent dejection. Another typical challenge were
meetings. Problems with meetings included difficulties
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
staying focused and keeping up with the discussion, trou-
ble gathering one’s thoughts while conversations derail,
and stress building up as meetings go overtime:
I get really stressed out from knowing we won’t get
through the agenda. It makes it hard to focus on any-
thing else than seeing the time run out and knowing
we won’t finish. It also makes it impossible for me to
keep up with the discussion. I can’t keep up with the
discussion while focusing on what I think the meet-
ing should really be about. It’s too many discussions
and conversations at the same time, on different top-
ics in different areas. (Participant B)
Relationships andcooperation
A large majority of participants mentioned experiences
of working alongside and together with other people,
and how those encounters affected their experiences of
working with ADHD. Prominent was the sense of other’s,
imagined or true, judgment of oneself. Some participants
described coming across as lazy, ignorant, or incompe-
tent, when dysexecutive. Others described repeatedly
being perceived as too much or too straightforward.
Many also recalled a history of faux pas in the workplace,
as a result of tactlessness and indiscretion:
It’s taken a while for my colleagues. ey’ve thought
I’ve been angry or, well, been in the mood. ey feel
it’s a little uncomfortable. And I’ve told them what’s
what, that I’m saying whatever I’m feeling or think-
ing, out loud. (Participant C)
Negative consequences
Whether participants enjoyed their job, had a good rela-
tionship with colleagues, and felt support from manage-
ment in their vocational aspirations, they all described
indisputable negative consequences of ADHD, related
to their work. ese consequences included negative
effects on family and recreation, loss of jobs, unemploy-
ment, and symptoms of mental illness. Most prominent
among symptoms of mental illness were anxiety, stress,
and exhaustion. Several participants described a working
life marked by constant anxiety, with spikes in intensity
related to work and life events:
A feeling of impending danger, unease, but you never
know what for. It afflicts everything you’re thinking
about in that moment. (Participant D)
It’s not like you have anxiety for a moment and then
you’re good. It just lays there, like a tone, disturbing.
(Participant E)
Regarding stress, many participants described a gen-
eral sensitivity to stress and feelings of being easily over-
whelmed. is was related to feelings of not doing good
enough, not keeping up with tasks, and not staying on
top of things. For many, this was mediated by symptoms
of inattention, such as distractibility and forgetfulness.
Fig. 1 Themes and Subcategories in Data
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
Some compensated by being exceedingly thorough or
working overtime, further depleting their energy reserve.
Several participants described being “weathered” by years
of stressful work and repeated relapses of exhaustion.
Just as work affected their mental health, many par-
ticipants also described how their mental health affected
their work, positively and negatively:
If I’m stressed out, and ashamed, and feel stupid, I
perform worse at work, too. e effect is crystal clear.
In the moments I’m a little happier or more positive,
I also perform better. (Participant B)
Other aggravating circumstances
Many participants described circumstances outside work
that aggravated the challenges of working with ADHD.
Most pronounced were trials related to family and par-
enthood. Several participants mentioned having chil-
dren with special needs of their own, and the challenges
of working while accommodating them. Not knowing if
your child will be able to get out of bed in the morning
when you have an important meeting, managing appoint-
ments with pediatricians, and always being on-call if
something happens at school, introduces another level
of strain. A number of participants described the work-
family balance as “unmanageable”, fighting to uphold a
low-arousal approach when returning home from work,
In contrast to specific challenges, negative consequences,
and aggravating circumstances, all participants shared
thoughts about their current needs, as well as their expe-
riences of successful and unsuccessful interventions,
accommodations, and collegial/managerial support.
Planning, prioritization, organization, andstructure
Many participants experienced great deficiencies in
organization and structure at their workplaces, encum-
bering not only themselves and fellow coworkers with
ADHD, but most, if not all, employees. Some described
lacking job descriptions and not knowing what to do,
leading to a loss of time and energy:
All the little things like deciding for yourself in what
order things should be done, how they should be
done, what exactly we are in need of… ose things
take a lot of time and energy for me, which it doesn’t
always do for my colleagues. (Participant F)
Participants with experiences of working with clear-
cut job descriptions, explicit routines, and consistent
implementation, on the other hand, recall thriving and
outperforming colleagues. For some, the benefits of
structure at work carried over to personal life:
e structure of having a job helps me out a lot in
my spare time. I never take more than ten days off
from work, because I don’t want to. I need the trot
of working, to maintain any kind of structure in my
life. (Participant D)
Support, interventions, accommodations, andaids
Experiences of managerial support varied greatly
between interviews. While many participants described
supervisors and managers as being supportive, the
responsibility for designing and implementing accommo-
dations was often appointed the individual:
e answer is always “what can you do to make it
better?”. I feel like I’m doing everything I can. (Par-
ticipant B)
While the experiences of managerial support varied,
many participants described supervisors and manag-
ers as important or crucial in their experience of work-
ing. Certain weight was given to the general attitude of
superiors regarding support, and several participants
described how a perceived lack of responsiveness could
be considerably discouraging. Some participants had
greater success working with colleagues to adjust rou-
tines and processes in the workplace. For example, some
participants had agreements with team members regard-
ing the distribution of tasks. Others found great support
in colleagues with similar or other special needs of their
Although a small number of participants used assistive
technology, such as visual timers and screen readers, very
few had been in contact with an occupational therapist.
Most participants, however, used mobile and computer
applications to organize, plan, and prioritize their work,
including intelligent to-do lists, reminders, calendars,
and timers. In all cases, the selection and implementa-
tion of such applications were done by participants them-
selves, without professional assistance:
I have a very detailed to-do list on my computer. I
move things around on the list, rather than checking
them off, so that I can see I’ve made progress. … e
way I’ve set that up, I’ve come up with myself. (Par-
ticipant E)
Regarding healthcare support, many participants
described significant improvements in functioning at
work following pharmacological treatment of ADHD
symptoms. Experiences of other interventions in rou-
tine psychiatric care, however, were scarce, and generally
disappointing. For example, some participants recalled
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
experiencing a lack of knowledge among healthcare
providers, beyond basic diagnostic criteria for ADHD.
Several participants desired interventions catered to rela-
tively functional adults, focused more on executive func-
tion rather than basic organization skills.
Openness, understanding, andacceptance
Many participants described how coming to terms with
their ADHD-related deficits, often through diagnosis and
subsequent (self-)education, enabled them to work con-
structively with their challenges at work. For some, it also
facilitated self-compassion. Experiences of disclosing the
diagnosis at work, however, varied. Some shared it con-
fidentially with select colleagues, some only with their
closest supervisor, and some spoke openly about it. Other
participants were vocal about specific deficits, symptoms,
and challenges, rather than disclosing their diagnosis:
I’ve gotten used to being open with my needs, both
with my colleagues and with my boss. I usually
don’t talk about my diagnosis, but I wouldn’t lie if
someone asked. However, I do feel that I have to be
open with the fact that I need help organizing things.
(Participant G)
Responses to disclosure also varied. Some participants
experienced significant relief and improved relationships
with coworkers. Others recall supervisors and manag-
ers not knowing how to deal with the information, and
a general lack of understanding of the challenges of adult
ADHD. Many participants described a dilemma sur-
rounding disclosure. On the one hand, disclosure may
facilitate accommodation, while raising awareness. On
the other hand, a diagnosis should not be a prerequisite
for accommodation, and the actual informational value
of a diagnosis is limited. Several participants also feared
discrimination or bias.
Special abilities
While there was a clear consensus among participants
that advantages of ADHD symptoms or an ADHD diag-
nosis were slim to none, nearly all participants described
acquired strategies, personal strengths, and unique quali-
ties that significantly improved function and sometimes
alleviated burden at work.
Many participants employed formal analysis and rigorous
problem solving to understand and deal with challenging
situations and circumstances at work. Some described
performing it on the spot when faced with a challenge,
while others made notes of situations during the day to
later analyze and try to remedy:
During a day, I often make lists of things I feel dis-
content with. at way, I have them recorded to
return to, instead of carrying them with me and feel-
ing it’s something personal. You have to maintain a
more pragmatic view of things. (Participant H)
Together, the participants described a wealth of solu-
tions to challenges at work. Beyond positive effects of the
beforementioned analyses, efficient approaches included
stimulus control, frequent breaks, and intentional gaps in
the agenda. Many participants also mentioned successful
preventive strategies, including engagement in exercise,
outdoor life, and other valuable pastimes.
Strengths andqualities
Many participants described a certain creativity and
quick-wittedness. is would be expressed insituations
such as brainstorming meetings and problem solving,
as well as in social settings. For some participants, these
traits would go hand in hand with a perceived above-
average ability to think outside the box and come up with
effective solutions when colleagues and partners were
I find it easy to come up with multiple ways to solve
a problem, and I’m able to choose between them.
Also, I never get stumped in a situation, whereas I
often see colleagues get completely paralyzed. (Par-
ticipant E)
However, many participants described their wealth of
ideas as both a blessing and a curse, as concurrent impul-
sivity could lead one to express ideas, including possibly
controversial ones, insituations where one would be bet-
ter off keeping quiet:
I have a huge number of ideas of things to do. I’ve
learned to keep quiet about that, sometimes, because
you always end up having to do them yourself. (Par-
ticipant E)
Some participants described a positive ability to hyper-
focus, being able to direct all their attention to the task,
activity, or client at hand, or being able to quickly assimi-
late crucial information on a topic. A few participants
also described certain positive effects of hypersensitiv-
ity, such as being able to instantly pick up on changes in
mood, attitude, or atmosphere in important meetings,
and being able to better empathize with clients.
is study explored self-reported ADHD-specific expe-
riences of working with ADHD, including work-related
stress and mental illness. Qualitative content analysis
of transcripts from 20 interviews revealed three themes
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
of common experiences. e results expand our knowl-
edge on how ADHD adults experience their working life,
including specific occupational challenges, experiences
of previous interventions, current needs, special abilities,
and strategies for coping.
Regarding living and working with ADHD, all partici-
pants described specific challenges concerning certain
symptoms and situations. In addition to the familiar
ADHD symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and
impulsivity, many participants described a prominent
burden of emotional dysregulation, as well as general
social hypersensitivity. While current diagnostic crite-
ria for ADHD does not include emotional dysregulation
as a core symptom, it has been extensively discussed in
the literature whether problems with emotional regula-
tion should be considered a primary symptom of (adult)
ADHD (e.g., [3739]). Barkley and Fischer [40] argue
that emotional impulsiveness is as much part of ADHD
as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, with a
unique contribution to impairment. Barkley and Fischer
also demonstrate associations between emotional impul-
siveness and several measures of occupational outcome,
beyond the associations of traditional ADHD symptoms.
Social sensitivity was also prominent in the results of
Sedgwick etal. [32], though discussed not only as a bur-
den but as a complex phenomenon characterized, at its
best, by enthusiasm and energy. e clear incidence in
current data of issues and impairment related to emo-
tional dysregulation and general social hypersensitivity
further emphasize the need for future consideration of
these factors in studies on the assessment and treatment
of adult ADHD.
Concerning the consequences of living and work-
ing with ADHD, several participants described careers
characterized by persistent anxiety, stress, and relapses
of exhaustion. As previously shown, the association
between ADHD, stress, and mental illness, is well docu-
mented in quantitative studies. e results of the cur-
rent study expand our understanding of this relationship,
identifying feelings of being overwhelmed, not doing
good enough, not keeping up with tasks, and not stay-
ing on top of things, as related to perceived stress and
Regarding interventions, accommodations, and col-
legial support, many participants described negative
effects of inadequate organization and structure at their
workplaces, while some described thriving under bet-
ter managerial circumstances. e importance of clar-
ity in communication between managers and employees
with ADHD has been emphasized by ADHD experts
(e.g., [41]) and management scholars (e.g., [42]) alike.
ese results are also reminiscent of the support through
demands and structure described by Ek and Isaksson
[29]. e results of the current study further support the
notion that managerial and organizational factors play a
vital role in the well-being and prosperity of professionals
with ADHD.
While many participants described a significant
improvement in working ability after pharmacological
treatment of ADHD symptoms, experiences of any fur-
ther support in healthcare were few and unsatisfactory.
While the effectiveness of medications for adult ADHD
is well documented (e.g., [43]), national and international
guidelines consistently advise multimodal and multidis-
ciplinary treatment (e.g., [4447]). e results from this
study indicate deficiencies in both the provision and
the acceptability of non-pharmacological treatment for
adult ADHD, among working adults. is includes occu-
pational therapy, as very few participants in the current
study had ever been in contact with an occupational ther-
apist, despite consensus among ADHD experts regard-
ing the importance of occupational therapists in ADHD
interventions [48].
For many participants, circumstances outside work,
including family and parental obligations, aggravated
the challenges of working with ADHD. However, nearly
all participants also described strategies, strengths, and
qualities that improved function and alleviated burden.
For many participants, formal analyses and problem
solving, combined with creativity and quick-wittedness,
was a recipe for progress at work. While planful problem
solving is a challenge for some with ADHD, these results
are in line with the adult-ADHD tendency to positively
reappraise current situations and “continually assess, re-
assess, compensate and adapt” ([49] p.814). e merit
of creativity and quick-wittedness is also in line with the
divergent thinking described by Sedgwick etal. [32].
Qualitative content analysis was used to explore the
content of the interviews. e interviews were conducted
and transcribed by the authors who later performed the
analysis, making for great familiarity with data and the
manifest content [50]. For trustworthiness, the analysis
process has been described in detail [51], facilitating the
readers’ evaluation of its transferability [52]. For cred-
ibility and dependability, all parts of the analysis were
continuously discussed between the authors, and rep-
resentative quotes from the transcripts are presented to
illustrate how categories and themes cover data [52, 53].
In addition, the process of recruitment and sampling has
been described, and the interview guide has been made
In all qualitative research, researchers must take into
consideration their pre-understanding, i.e., their knowl-
edge of the subject and their familiarity with the context
[36]. In this study, the authors responsible for conduct-
ing the interviews and analyzing data were clinical
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
psychologists experienced in the assessment and treat-
ment of adult ADHD, both having met many ADHD
patients struggling with stress and work-related mental
illness. Pre-understandings from this clinical work may
imply a risk for over-interpretation and confirmation
bias regarding the relationship between ADHD (symp-
toms) and work, and the relationship between work and
mental illness. However, it may also guide the evaluation
and linking of data, including the appraisal of the novelty
and relevance of the findings [54]. In the current analysis,
great care was also taken to use and stay true to the origi-
nal wording of the participants in condensation and cod-
ing, i.e., not reading or looking for something between
the lines.
e limitations of the current study include the recruit-
ment and sampling process. In the information about the
study, the aim of studying work-related stress and men-
tal illness was explicit. It is possible that this framing
attracted certain interest from adults with ADHD and a
more extensive history of stress and work-related mental
illness. While this was of interest in the study, perhaps
the sample would have been more heterogeneous had
the initial information been less specific. e sample did,
however, have an appropriate range regarding age, work
experience, education level, and profession.
Future studies may well consider ethnographic meth-
ods to further study the challenges of working with
ADHD. For example, researchers may consider observ-
ing adults with ADHD in the working environment, to
gain further knowledge of specific settings and situations
that prove challenging. Future research could also focus
on the managerial partners in organizations, e.g., expe-
riences of supervising employees with ADHD and man-
aging the challenges and consequences of ADHD in the
e results of the current study suggest further knowl-
edge about the challenges of working with ADHD is
needed in workplaces; where organizational support
is lacking, much in terms of accommodations and aids
is up to the employee, and the disclosure of diagnoses
may be associated with great dilemma. e results of
the current study may also inform other social part-
ners, e.g., labor organizations and work environment
authorities, and advise regulations, recommendations,
and legislation. More knowledge is also needed in
health care, where, other than medications, common
interventions in routine psychiatric care seem to gener-
ally disappoint working adults with ADHD. While psy-
choeducational interventions on ADHD in general may
be provided, participants in the current study asked
for interventions catered to relatively high-functioning
patients, and the specific challenges they may be facing.
ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi.
org/ 10. 1186/ s12888- 022- 04409-w.
Additional le1. Interview guide.
The authors would like to thank Riksförbundet Attention for help in recruit-
ment to the study.
Authors’ contributions
M.O. and A.R. initiated the idea for the study. Funding was secured by M.O.,
A.R, Y.G., P.C., and F.J., with F.J. as the main applicant and principal investigator
for the project. The purpose, research aims, and design were further concep-
tualized by M.N., Y.G., P.C., and F.J. Participants were recruited by M.O. and Y.G.
Interviews and analysis were conducted by M.O. and M.N., under supervision
by A.R. The manuscript was written by M.O. in consultation with M.N. Impor-
tant revisions were suggested by A.R., Y.G. P.C., and F.J. The final manuscript
was approved by all authors.
Authors’ information
Not applicable.
This study was made possible through a generous grant from Region Stock-
holm (FoUI-941466). The funder had no role in the study design, data collec-
tion and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Open
access funding provided by Stockholm University.
Availability of data and materials
Data from the current study are not publicly available due to them containing
information that could compromise research participant privacy. Participants
neither consented to data being made available. However, data is archived
for at least ten years in compliance with Stockholm University regulations.
Requests for any data should be addressed to the corresponding author.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Before recruitment started, the study received ethics approval from the
Swedish Ethical Review Authority (Diary number: 2021–01029). Provision of
informed consent was required to submit a notice of interest of participation,
thus, written informed consent was obtained from all participants. All meth-
ods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
In the past five years, Y.G. has participated in pharmacoepidemiological
research on ADHD medication sponsored by Shire (a Takeda company) and
received royalties from Studentlitteratur for a book concerning ADHD. M.N.
receives royalties from Natur & Kultur for two books concerning ADHD. The
remaining authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.
2 Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 3 Centre
for Psychiatry Research, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institutet, & Stockholm Health Care Services, Stockholm, Sweden.
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Oscarssonetal. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:751
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... Deficits in selective attention may lead workers with ADHD to have difficulty attending to work-related tasks in the presence of competing external stimuli such as noise, conversation, lights, and movement Button, 2018;Harris, 2020;Högstedt et al., 2023;Liebel et al., 2023;Mather, 2013;Shifrin et al., 2010;Thomas, 2019). Deficits in divided attention may lead to difficulties in multitasking and feeling overwhelmed when confronted with multiple job demands Button, 2018;Grossberg, 2004;Mather, 2013;Oscarsson et al., 2022). Deficits in shifting attention may lead to difficulties in redirecting efforts between distinct tasks while deficits in sustained attention may lead to difficulties in staying motivated when working on monotonous and repetitive duties (Barkley & Fischer, 2011;Biederman et al., 2006;Grossberg, 2004;Liebel et al., 2023;Mather, 2013;Oscarsson et al., 2022;Shifrin et al., 2010). ...
... Deficits in divided attention may lead to difficulties in multitasking and feeling overwhelmed when confronted with multiple job demands Button, 2018;Grossberg, 2004;Mather, 2013;Oscarsson et al., 2022). Deficits in shifting attention may lead to difficulties in redirecting efforts between distinct tasks while deficits in sustained attention may lead to difficulties in staying motivated when working on monotonous and repetitive duties (Barkley & Fischer, 2011;Biederman et al., 2006;Grossberg, 2004;Liebel et al., 2023;Mather, 2013;Oscarsson et al., 2022;Shifrin et al., 2010). ...
... Echoing the findings of Barnett (2019), Grossberg (2004) observed a recurrent fear in individuals with ADHD of being outperformed by neurotypical colleagues who they appraised to be able to work faster, make fewer mistakes in detail-oriented work, and be less forgetful. This fear was often accompanied by a lack of confidence in their own professional abilities, destructive self-criticism and frustration (Grossberg, 2004;Oscarsson et al., 2022). ...
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has a significant impact on psychosocial and occupational functioning. Sixty-five percent of children with ADHD continue to meet full or partial diagnostic criteria for ADHD in adulthood, and an estimated 4% of the workforce has a diagnosis of ADHD. We performed a systematic literature review to understand the experience of ADHD in the workplace. Articles were included in the systematic literature review if they reported results on employment outcomes of adults with ADHD. Methodological quality assessment was evaluated using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Seventy-nine studies were included in this systematic literature review ( n ADHD = 68,275). Results were synthesized into four categories: challenges, strengths, adaptations, and sex differences. Eight themes were included: ADHD symptoms at work, workplace performance, job satisfaction, maladaptive work thoughts and behaviors, interpersonal relationships at work, personal strengths, embracing ADHD, person-environment fit, and accommodations and support. Workers with ADHD can adapt and thrive in employment with the right person-environment fit, and accommodations and support. Many challenges related to ADHD can be remodeled into assets in a workplace environment that promotes flexible working practices and openness to neurodiversity.
... Despite its importance in daily activities and the workplace, disorganization is a clinical feature that is often overlooked due to these reasons. In a study by Oscarsson et al. [48], which interviewed 20 participants with adult ADHD, a significant number of participants reported difficulties in maintaining structure and organization at work. In work-related settings, patients tend to feel persistently anxious and exhausted due to inadequacy in completing tasks. ...
... ADHD is currently defined with symptoms in the two dimensions of inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsivity, resulting in the three possible clinical presentations of a) ADHD combined presentation with significant symptoms from both dimensions; b) ADHD predominantly inattentive presentation with few symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity; c) ADHD predominantly hyperactive/impulsive with inattentive symptoms below diagnostic threshold (APA, 2013;Willcutt et al., 2012). This common condition affects many adults worldwide and carries implications for mental health allocation, pharmacological and psychological treatment, vocational and educational support structures, and other interventions to ameliorate the impairments that are connected to ADHD (Anker et al., 2018;Fuermaier et al., 2021;Oscarsson et al., 2022;Sobanski et al., 2007). ...
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Personality traits and personality disorders are related to ADHD and indicate dysfunction in clinical populations. The goals of this study were to examine how the DSM‐5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorder (AMPD) a) indicates the presence of ADHD and b) communicates information about dysfunction over and above ADHD diagnosis. A sample of 330 adult psychiatric patients with and without ADHD (60% female; mean age 33 years) were assessed for ADHD symptoms, personality impairment, maladaptive personality traits, and functional life impairment domains. The maladaptive personality domain Disinhibition and particularly the lower order facet of Distractibility distinguished between individuals with psychiatric difficulties with and without ADHD. Distractibility is strongly related to the ADHD symptom dimension Inattentiveness, and Antagonism to Hyperactivity/impulsivity. General personality impairment augmented ADHD diagnosis in predicting life impairments. The AMPD has utility in ADHD assessments for diagnosis and prognosis.
... Consequently, the discrepancy between the modes of learning that were adaptive in our evolutionary past and the demands of modern educational settings may contribute to the challenges faced by individuals with high trait curiosity and related ADHD traits (Geary, 2008;Swanepoel et al., 2017). Beyond school, the modern work environment with its rigid structure, administrative tasks, and settings that discourage movement have also been found to pose a challenge for individuals with ADHD traits (Adamou et al., 2013;Fuermaier et al., 2021;Oscarsson et al., 2022). These constraints may lead to restlessness, difficulty staying still, and what is considered excessive movement-the hyperactive behaviors observed in ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). ...
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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by symptoms that include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Recent research suggests that individuals with ADHD might exhibit higher levels of curiosity, which may be linked to their tendencies toward distractibility and impulsivity. This paper proposes an evolutionary mismatch hypothesis for high trait curiosity in ADHD, positing that ‘hypercuriosity’, which may have been adaptive in ancestral environments characterized by scarce resources and unpredictable risks, has become mismatched in industrialized societies where environments are more stable and information rich. The theory predicts that individuals with ADHD will demonstrate heightened levels of novelty-seeking and exploratory behaviors, manifesting as symptoms labeled as distractibility and impulsivity in modern environments. The paper explores the potential evolutionary benefits of high trait curiosity, the consequences of an evolutionary mismatch, and the implications for research and practice. The limitations of the theory are addressed, such as the need for more targeted research on curiosity in ADHD and potential differences among ADHD subtypes. Future research directions are proposed to refine and test the hypothesis, ultimately contributing to a more nuanced understanding of ADHD and informing the development of strength-based interventions. This theoretical framework offers a novel perspective on the adaptive value of ADHD traits and their manifestation in modern societies.
... neuroendocrine hypotheses) and indirectly (e.g. financial impacts of sickness) [28,[32][33][34]. ...
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Background Current research suggests that people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at higher risk of physical and mental health disorders. This study aimed to explore these health risks in ADHD from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders. Methods This study forms part of the ‘Managing young people with ADHD in Primary care (MAP) study’. A survey developed by the study team was distributed to over 16 year olds with ADHD, their supporters, primary healthcare professionals and health commissioners across England, via social media and through patient/clinical networks (September—October 2022). This survey contained two questions on health risks. Question one asked about views on health risks in ADHD (free text). Question two asked about advice given (options list and free text). Descriptive statistics summarised responses to questions one and two, and qualitative analysis (reflexive thematic analysis) was used to explore free text responses from question one. Results 782 participants responded to the MAP survey. Of these, 206 healthcare professionals, 157 people with ADHD and 88 supporters answered question one. The most mentioned perceived risks were substance misuse, sleep disorders, weight management and smoking. More people with ADHD reported disordered eating as a health risk (n = 32) than healthcare professionals (n = 5). Generated themes included perceived health risks, impact of living with ADHD, lack of adequate healthcare, and need for ADHD awareness. In respect to advice given (question two), based on responses from 258 professionals, 162 people with ADHD and 100 supporters, the most common advice discussed in consultation was mental health (n = 149, n = 50 and n = 17 respectively). High numbers of respondents reported not giving/receiving advice on wider health (n = 38, n = 88 and n = 61 respectively). Conclusions Findings demonstrate that respondents perceived a range of physical and mental health risks posed by ADHD. These related to difficulties with activities of daily living, as well as healthcare interactions and the impact of core features of ADHD (e.g. impulsivity, emotional dysregulation). These risks are not currently explicitly addressed in United Kingdom national guidance on ADHD. More work is needed to examine and address the broader health outcomes of people with ADHD.
... Despite its prevalence, adults with ADHD face various adverse work-related outcomes, including failure to meet self-standards and perceived potential [7], increased absenteeism [8], lower occupational status [9], reduced job stability [10], unemployment, and challenges in work performance [11][12][13]. Therefore, it is not surprising that adults with ADHD suffer from work-related health issues such as stress and sickness [14]. However, the exploration of specific mechanisms underlying these challenges has been limited. ...
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Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often face significant deficits in executive function and adverse work-related outcomes. This study aimed to explore the role of executive function deficits in job burnout of employees with ADHD. We hypothesized that employees with ADHD, relative to employees without ADHD, will experience higher levels of job burnout and deficits in executive function. We also hypothesized that the ADHD-job burnout relationship would be mediated through executive function deficits, specifically by self-management to time and self-organization/problem-solving. A field study with 171 employees provided support for the research hypotheses and mediation model in which the employees' ADHD-job burnout relationship was mediated through executive function deficits. Additional mediation analyses indicated that the specific executive function of self-management to time and self-organization/problem solving mediated the effect of ADHD on job burnout and its facets. Specifically, for physical fatigue, the mediation was realized through self-management to time, and for emotional exhaustion and cognitive weariness, the mediation was significant through self-organization/problem-solving. The present findings shed light on the relevance of referring ADHD among employees, their vulnerability to job burnout, and the role of executive function deficits in job burnout of employees with ADHD.
... When compared to their intellectual capacity, many adults with ADHD underperform in both their academic and professional lives. Compared to adults without ADHD, they experience higher levels of stress and take more time off work due to illness (Oscarsson et al., 2022). ADHD has direct effects on employees' goal-oriented performance and nonproductive behaviors in the workplace (Rosario-Hernández et al., 2020). ...
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The present study states that work engagement acts as a moderator between the relationship of employees’ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and employees’ outcomes in a way that this negative relationship will be weak when work engagement is high. The study has been supported by, validates, and stresses the attentional control theory. Primary data has been collected to conduct the study. The population of the study is comprised of employees from different public and private institutes of Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Wah-Cantt (cities of Pakistan), while different banking, manufacturing, education, and service sectors (office work) have been covered. 259 questionnaires out of 300 have been collected back due to non-response issues. The study variables i.e., employees’ ADHD, work engagement, in-role performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and job satisfaction have been measured through a self-report questionnaire. ADHD has been measured by an 18-items adult ADHD self-report scale (ASRS-v1.1) symptom checklist by Adler, Kessler, and Spencer (2003). The data has been analyzed through regression and moderation analyses. Each one of the nine hypotheses of the study has been supported. The study concluded in the realization that when work engagement of employees with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder increases by providing them with certain additional resources, it weakens the negative relationship between employees’ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and employees’ outcomes.
... It is essential to acknowledge that ADHD can continue into adulthood and hinder success in the workplace (Sarkis, 2014). Nevertheless, specific individuals with ADHD may excel in creative occupations or high-level athletics, underscoring the significance of creating inclusive work environments that can cater to diverse requirements while also recognizing the need for inventive and all-encompassing approaches Oscarsson et al., 2022). ...
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a highly prevalent and extensively researched psychological disorder in the field of child psychology. Nevertheless, numerous misconceptions have arisen despite the extensive research on this disorder. Specifically, certain studies have indicated that children with ADHD exhibit exceptionally elevated creative capacities. However, until recently, the empirical evidence to substantiate this assertion was incomplete. Most of the literature on this subject is primarily theoretical. It primarily centers around describing individuals who possess creative abilities, discussing the potential overlap between ADHD and creativity, and advising against the misdiagnosis of these conditions. This paper presents a comprehensive examination of the subclinical symptoms of ADHD and their correlation with creativity based on recent research.
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What draws the ADHD brain to a job like librarianship? I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 42, five years into my career as a teaching librarian at a large public university. As I talked to colleagues and interacted with fellow librarians online, I noticed a trend of librarians being open and honest about their neurodivergence. As a result, this autoethnography explores my personal experience as a teaching librarian with ADHD. I will outline how ADHD affects my role in the following areas: being part of a team, leading a classroom, collaborating with faculty, and managing planning, grading, and communications. I explore these themes through six common ADHD traits: idealism, being an empath, rejection sensitivity dysphoria, being scatter brained, imposter syndrome, and hyperfocus. I will explore how these traits affect me daily, as well as how they have affected my career trajectory.
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Pre-understanding – our presuppositions of reality – underlies all research. Many researchers probably also draw productively on their pre-understanding in their studies. However, very few rationales and methodological resources exist for how researchers can enrich their research by mobilising their pre-understanding more actively and systematically. We elaborate and propose a framework for how researchers more actively, systematically and visibly can bring forward their pre-understanding and use it as a positive input in research, alongside formal data and theory. In particular, we show how researchers, in dialogue with data and theory, can mobilize their pre-understanding as an interpretation-enhancer and horizon-expander throughout the research process, including stimulating imagination and idea generation, broadening the empirical base, and evaluating what empirical material and theoretical ideas are interesting and relevant to pursue.
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Background ADHD is neurodevelopmental disorder which persists into adulthood. Presently, therapeutic approaches are mainly pharmacological and psychological whilst the role, scope and approaches of occupational therapists have not been adequately described. Results In this consensus statement we propose that by assessing specific aspects of a person’s occupation, occupational therapists can deploy their unique skills in providing specialist interventions for adults with ADHD. We also propose a framework with areas where occupational therapists can focus their assessments and give practice examples of specific interventions. Conclusions Occupational therapists have much to offer in providing interventions for adults with ADHD. A unified and flexible approach when working with adults with ADHD is most appropriate and further research on occupational therapy interventions is needed.
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Adults diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) commonly experience impairments in multiple domains of daily living. Work has a central role in daily life and is susceptible to ADHD due to its cognitive demands. The present study seeks to examine the nature of work-related problems and impairments of adults with ADHD, and explores the association to ADHD symptoms and neuropsychological test performance. A community sample of 1231 individuals took part in this study and completed a set of questionnaires assessing ADHD symptoms and work-related problems. Furthermore, a clinical sample of 134 adults diagnosed with ADHD were recruited from an ADHD outpatient clinic, who completed the same set of questionnaires. A subsample of 51 patients with ADHD additionally performed a neuropsychological assessment using tests of attention and executive functions. Work-related problems were found both in individuals of the community sample with symptoms of ADHD and individuals diagnosed with ADHD. Individuals with ADHD reported work related problems particularly in not meeting their own standards and perceived potential, yet it less commonly manifests in negative performance evaluations at work or job loss. ADHD symptoms, in particular symptoms of inattention, were found to be strongly associated with work-related problems, whereas neuropsychological test performance was no meaningful predictor of functioning at work. This study emphasizes the susceptibility of individuals’ functioning at work to ADHD symptoms and impairments associated with ADHD. ADHD related difficulties at work should be considered in the clinical evaluation and targeted screening at the work place to provide support when indicated.
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Background College students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) face difficulties with occupational performance in many functional domains. Despite the broad literature on academic and psychosocial functions, there is a gap in knowledge regarding how these students experience participation in their various daily functions. Objective Gaining a deeper understanding of the occupational experiences of college students with ADHD and exploring factors that facilitate or impede their occupational performance. Method Twenty college students with ADHD were interviewed using the Occupational Performance History Interview (OPHI-II). Qualitative content analysis was employed. Results Six themes were found in relation to varied occupational domains: (1) Eating and meal preparation: Too little or too much; (2) Sleep: Not enough to ‘recharge batteries’; (3) Medication management: Intense ambivalence; (4) Studying: Too hard, too effortful (5) Work: Need it and love it; and (6) Leisure: Desired yet absent. Each theme contained categories related to factors that influenced performance. Impeding factors included occupational demands, ADHD biological attributes, and personal beliefs. Facilitating factors included self-awareness, executive strategies, adaptive routines, and enabling social context. Conclusions College students with ADHD experience profound difficulties in occupational performance, yet variation occurs across domains, attributable to occupational, biological, psychological, and social factors. Results can inform tailored interventions supporting occupational performance in this population.
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This chapter aims to present criteria for trustworthiness. Qualitative researchers commonly have different opinions about which criteria are the best for evaluating trustworthiness. However, the current consensus is that credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, and authenticity are the five most relevant terms for determining the trustworthiness of research. This chapter will explain what each of these criteria mean, and will demonstrate how they can be applied to research that includes content analysis. Briefly, credibility can be defined as confidence in the ‘truth’ of the findings. Transferability means that the findings are also applicable in other contexts, while dependability indicates that the findings are consistent and could be replicated. Confirmability describes the degree of neutrality or, in other words, the extent to which the findings of a study reflect the respondents’ opinions and experiences rather than the researchers’ biases, motivations, or interests. Authenticity is concerned with the ability of researchers to accurately depict the diverse realities that exist in the data collected from participants.
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Background Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood that often persists into adulthood and old age. Yet ADHD is currently underdiagnosed and undertreated in many European countries, leading to chronicity of symptoms and impairment, due to lack of, or ineffective treatment, and higher costs of illness. Methods The European Network Adult ADHD and the Section for Neurodevelopmental Disorders Across the Lifespan (NDAL) of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), aim to increase awareness and knowledge of adult ADHD in and outside Europe. This Updated European Consensus Statement aims to support clinicians with research evidence and clinical experience from 63 experts of European and other countries in which ADHD in adults is recognized and treated. Results Besides reviewing the latest research on prevalence, persistence, genetics and neurobiology of ADHD, three major questions are addressed: (1) What is the clinical picture of ADHD in adults? (2) How should ADHD be properly diagnosed in adults? (3) How should adult ADHDbe effectively treated? Conclusions ADHD often presents as a lifelong impairing condition. The stigma surrounding ADHD, mainly due to lack of knowledge, increases the suffering of patients. Education on the lifespan perspective, diagnostic assessment, and treatment of ADHD must increase for students of general and mental health, and for psychiatry professionals. Instruments for screening and diagnosis of ADHD in adults are available, as are effective evidence-based treatments for ADHD and its negative outcomes. More research is needed on gender differences, and in older adults with ADHD.
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The behavioural characteristics of ADHD do not exist in binary form (i.e. normal vs. abnormal); instead, they exist on a spectrum or continuum. This implies that some aspects of ADHD can be adaptive rather than impairing, or some adults may possess certain strengths or attributes that mediate and/or compensate for their ADHD-related deficits or impairments. More research is needed to clarify these observations. To explore and describe positive aspects of ADHD from the perspective of successful adults with ADHD. A phenomenological approach with open-ended interviews was used to collect data. The interviews were audio taped, transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic content analysis. Six core themes (cognitive dynamism, courage, energy, humanity, resilience and transcendence) defined by 19 sub-themes were found. These themes were compared against attributes catalogued in the character strengths and virtues (CSV) handbook and classification for positive psychology. Two core themes (cognitive dynamism and energy) were not listed as virtues in the CSV, and neither were six sub-themes (divergent thinking, hyper-focus, nonconformist, adventurousness, self-acceptance and sublimation) listed as behavioural traits. We propose these constructs as positive aspects specific to ADHD, and the other constructs, as positive aspects relevant to people in general, with or without ADHD. This study offers insights into positive human qualities, attributes or aspects of ADHD that can support and sustain high functioning and flourishing in ADHD life. This study also addresses the question in the disability research about “how we might reconsider the behaviours associated with ADHD so that they are seen as valuable and worthy of conservation?”.
Aim: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a lifespan disorder associated with considerable economic cost. While the economic burden of ADHD has been widely estimated, there is considerable variation in reported costs between studies, which typically focus on health outcomes only, lack adequate control and fail to correct for the influence of genetic and shared environmental factors. The aim of this study is to overcome these limitations to reach a fuller understanding of the economic burden of ADHD. Method: Using the Danish National Registers 5269 adults with a diagnosis of ADHD in adulthood who had not received a diagnosis in childhood were identified. Excluding cases with missing data, comorbid diagnoses, and cases without a same sex sibling free of any diagnosed psychiatric diagnoses, a final cohort was formed consisting of 460 sibling dyads. Using a cross-sectional method focusing on the year 2010, cost differences between each adult with ADHD and their sibling were calculated from data retrieved from health, education, crime, employment and social care registers. Results: Adults with ADHD had considerably lower disposable income and paid less tax than their siblings. They also received more state benefits, had higher costs for health, social care, and crime than their siblings. The total average costs difference for the year 2010 was 20,134 euros more than their sibling for each adult with ADHD. Conclusion: ADHD is associated with considerable costs which are borne by both the individual and the state and underlines the need to consider the wider economic impact of ADHD beyond income and healthcare utilisation costs.
Aims: To examine gender equality in the family and sick leave among first-time parents. Methods: Heterosexuals who became first-time parents between 2002 and 2009 (N = 223,332) were identified in national registers. Gender equality in the family was evaluated by parental insurance and income from gainful employment representing the domestic and work spheres respectively and was defined as each parent contributing 40–60% of the family total. The risk of a new medically certified sick-leave spell (>14 days) was evaluated by hazard ratio (HR) using the Cox proportional hazard regression, adjusted for demographic and socioeconomic factors. Results: Gender equality was associated with an increased risk of sick leave compared with traditional roles where women had the main responsibility in the domestic sphere and men in the work sphere (HR 1.30 in women and 1.19 in men). In addition, situations with one partner exposed to double burden or untraditional settings were associated with an increased risk. Conclusions: Equal sharing or taking the lion’s share of paid work and domestic responsibilities were associated with an increased risk of sick leave among first-time parents in Sweden. Family-friendly policies are important for facilitating the life of dual earner families, but do not fully counteract the work–life demands of first-time parents.
Objective: Determine sickness absence recommendation (SAR) prevalence for treatment-seeking patients with ADHD depending on comorbidity. Method: Population-based patient chart review of ADHD outpatients aged 19 to 29 years. The outcome, SAR, included both available financial benefit forms; activity compensation and sickness benefit. Latent class analyses (LCA) of demography and psychiatric comorbidities were performed both with and without SAR as an outcome variable. Results: Overall, 38% received SAR. Latent classes ranged from a from a small class of only females with personality disorders where all had SAR to larger groups characterized by lower comorbidity where 15% to 29% had SAR. In between these extremes were other classes of (a) neurodevelopmental disorders, for example, autism diagnosis or intellectual disabilities, and (b) high rate of anxiety disorder, where SAR rates ranged 46% to 65%. Conclusion: Treatment-seeking ADHD patients can be categorized into clinically relevant subgroups providing opportunities to structure rehabilitation efforts to the individuals' needs.