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Large-scale individual building extraction from open-source satellite imagery via super-resolution-based instance segmentation approach


Abstract and Figures

Building footprint is a primary dataset of an urban geographic information system (GIS) database. Therefore, it is essential to establish a robust and automated framework for large-scale building extraction. However, the characteristic of remote sensing images complicates the application of the instance segmentation method based on the Mask R-CNN model, which ought to be improved toward extracting and fusing multi-scale features. Moreover, open-source satellite image datasets with wider spatial coverage and temporal resolution than high-resolution images may exhibit different coloration and resolution. This study proposes a large-scale building extraction framework based on super-resolution (SR) and instance segmentation using a relatively lower-resolution (>0.6 m) open-sourced dataset. The framework comprises four steps: color normalization and image super-resolution, scene classification, building extraction, and scene mosaicking. We took Hyogo Prefecture, Japan (19,187 km2) as a test area and extracted 1,726,006 (29.12 km2) of the 3,301,488 buildings (32.46 km2), where the number of buildings and footprint area increased by 3.0 % and 5.0 % respectively. The result indicated that the color normalization and image super-resolution could improve the visual quality of open-source satellite images and contribute to building extraction accuracy. Moreover, the improved Mask R-CNN based on Multi-Path Vision Transformer (MPViT) backbone achieved F1 scores of 0.71, 0.70, 0.81, and 0.67 for non-built-up, rural, suburban, and urban areas, respectively, which is better than those of the baseline model and other mainstream instance segmentation approaches. This study demonstrates the potential of acquiring acceptable building footprint maps from open-source satellite images, which has significant practical implications.
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
Available online 30 November 2022
0924-2716/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). This is an
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Large-scale individual building extraction from open-source satellite
imagery via super-resolution-based instance segmentation approach
Shenglong Chen
, Yoshiki Ogawa
, Chenbo Zhao
, Yoshihide Sekimoto
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 153-8505 Tokyo, Japan
Center for Spatial Information Science (CSIS), The University of Tokyo, 153-8505 Tokyo, Japan
Building extraction
Instance segmentation
Remote sensing
Open data
Building footprint is a primary dataset of an urban geographic information system (GIS) database. Therefore, it is
essential to establish a robust and automated framework for large-scale building extraction. However, the
characteristic of remote sensing images complicates the application of the instance segmentation method based
on the Mask R-CNN model, which ought to be improved toward extracting and fusing multi-scale features.
Moreover, open-source satellite image datasets with wider spatial coverage and temporal resolution than high-
resolution images may exhibit different coloration and resolution. This study proposes a large-scale building
extraction framework based on super-resolution (SR) and instance segmentation using a relatively lower-
resolution (>0.6 m) open-sourced dataset. The framework comprises four steps: color normalization and
image super-resolution, scene classication, building extraction, and scene mosaicking. We took Hyogo Pre-
fecture, Japan (19,187 km
) as a test area and extracted 1,726,006 (29.12 km
) of the 3,301,488 buildings
(32.46 km
), where the number of buildings and footprint area increased by 3.0 % and 5.0 % respectively. The
result indicated that the color normalization and image super-resolution could improve the visual quality of
open-source satellite images and contribute to building extraction accuracy. Moreover, the improved Mask R-
CNN based on Multi-Path Vision Transformer (MPViT) backbone achieved F1 scores of 0.71, 0.70, 0.81, and 0.67
for non-built-up, rural, suburban, and urban areas, respectively, which is better than those of the baseline model
and other mainstream instance segmentation approaches. This study demonstrates the potential of acquiring
acceptable building footprint maps from open-source satellite images, which has signicant practical
1. Introduction
Building footprint is a primary dataset in an urban geographic in-
formation system (GIS) database, which varies frequently. The use of
remote sensing imagery with rich features to dynamically extract and
grasp information on buildings is essential for urban planning, map
production, population estimation, and disaster response (Gupta and
Shah, 2021; Hong et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2019a; Wei et al., 2021; Zhai
and Chen, 2020). However, there is a vast variation in the size, texture,
color, and shape of buildings in different regions. Moreover, owing to
the complexity of the background (e.g., shadows and other articial
objects such as buildings) and diversity in the remote sensing image
sources (e.g., different spatial resolution and capture time), establishing
a reliable building database for a wide area poses signicant challenges.
The building footprints used in GIS systems are primarily created
manually by surveyors or derived from voluntary geographic informa-
tion (VGI) (Haklay and Weber, 2008). Therefore, it is essential to
establish a robust and automated framework for generating large-scale
building footprints.
In recent years, with the rapid development of deep learning tech-
nology in the eld of computer vision, deep learning models represented
by convolutional neural networks (CNN) are gradually introduced into
the eld of remote sensing and show exciting potential for tasks such as
image classication and object detection (Cheng et al., 2020; OShea
and Nash, 2015; Paisitkriangkrai et al., 2015). Deep learning models can
automatically learn and interpret more abstract high-dimensional fea-
tures from low-dimensional features present in the original image,
which undoubtedly provides a massive advantage in acquiring the
complex spectral, textural, and geometric features in remote sensing
images (Yuan et al., 2020). Many researchers have used semantic
* Corresponding author at: Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan.
E-mail address: (S. Chen).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 11 April 2022; Received in revised form 11 October 2022; Accepted 12 November 2022
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
segmentation approaches to achieve efcient and automatic building
extraction from remote sensing images (Chen et al., 2021; Ji et al., 2018;
Shao et al., 2020). However, the study of building extraction method-
ologies is not limited to semantic segmentation. Most practical appli-
cations focus not only on whether a pixel is a building but also on
classifying different buildings individually to obtain the distribution and
number of buildings, which is a typical instance segmentation task
(Wagner et al., 2020).
Most state-of-the-art instance segmentation methods are based on
the two-stage object detection model, such as Mask R-CNN, MS R-CNN,
and ReneMask (He et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2019b; Zhang et al.,
2021a). Mask R-CNN is a classical model and standard framework
proven to be one of the most potent and adaptable deep learning models
for different domains (Khan et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2019). The primary
idea is to add a mask branch to the Faster R-CNN to predict the class of
each pixel and use the region of interest (RoI) align, instead of ROI
pooling to align the feature maps (Ren et al., 2015). However, remote
sensing images have characteristics that are uncommon in other types of
images. For example, satellite images of urban areas can easily contain
many buildings concentrated in a single area. This characteristic com-
plicates the application of ROI-based Mask R-CNN, primarily because:
(1) Feature extraction models are required to extract complex image
features owing to the large variability among buildings. (2) Buildings
with large dimensions are easy to be extracted, whereas buildings with
small sizes are prone to be omitted owing to the existence of multi-scale
features of buildings on satellite images.
Moreover, with respect to data sources, high-resolution (HR) remote
sensing imagery, such as Worldview, Quickbird, or UAV aerial images,
were considered essential sources for building extraction (Latha et al.,
2019; Sirko et al., 2021; Yang and Tang, 2020). HR images tend to
exhibit richer texture detail and usually facilitate better separation be-
tween building and background, which is critical for producing high-
quality building footprints (Haut et al., 2019). However, HR images
are limited by spatial coverage, posing challenges for large-scale data
use. Moreover, licensing agreements and temporal resolution limitations
make it impossible to meet the usage requirements of some applications
highly relevant to time continuity (e.g., long-term building change
detection studies) (Dong and Shan, 2013). Alternatively, some open-
sourced satellite images with the relatively lower spatial resolution are
free to use and have better spatial and temporal accessibility (Huang and
Jin, 2022; Touzani and Granderson, 2021). The availability of data is
essential for large-scale building extraction. If these open data can be
used to generate building footprint maps, the difculty of obtaining HR
images can be avoided. However, two challenges impede the full use of
open-source data. First, lower image resolution yields lower accuracy
and approximation of edges in segmentation results (Belgiu and Drǎgut¸,
2014). Second, open-source datasets may be multi-sourced, resulting in
differences in capture time, color, and resolution between different
images. Therefore, to extract individual building footprints from open-
source datasets over broad areas with high accuracy, the image resolu-
tion must be improved, and the multi-sourced images should be
This study proposes a framework for large-scale building extraction
using a super-resolution-based instance segmentation algorithm to solve
the application in open-source satellite images. The proposed frame-
work comprises the following steps: First, we lter the images without
buildings through an image classication model to improve the ef-
ciency of large-scale building extraction. Subsequently, considering the
relatively lower resolution (>0.6 m) and the tone diversity of the images
in the open-source dataset, we apply color normalization and a super-
resolution algorithm to mitigate the color differences between images
from different sources and to increase the texture details (Cui et al.,
2021; Wang et al., 2021b). Further, to improve the efciency of large-
scale building extraction, we classify the images with or without
buildings prior to segmentation and optimize the resulting post-
processing ow based on a modied scene mosaicking technique
(Carvalho et al., 2020). Referring to the ideas of multi-scale feature
enhancement and self-attention mechanism of the MPViT model, we
improve the Mask R-CNN model to enhance the ability of multi-scale
instance segmentation of buildings under different scenarios (He et al.,
2017; Lee et al., 2021). To demonstrate the validity of the proposed
framework, we considered the Hyogo prefecture, Japan, as the study
area (19,187 km
) and evaluated the extraction accuracy according to
the building type and region, as the distribution of buildings is different
for various areas.
The main contributions of this study:
(1) A proposed enhancement strategy for open-source satellite im-
ages based on color normalization and a super-resolution algo-
rithm to improve image quality and instance-segmentation
(2) Improvement of the Mask R-CNN model based on the MPViT
backbone. It was experimentally proven to have better object-
wise performance than the baseline model (ResNeXt-101 back-
bone), and other mainstream instance segmentation approaches.
The experiment results of the test area indicated that the pro-
posed framework could improve the performance of building
instance segmentation from open-source images for a wide area.
This can broaden the application of open-source data and benet
related downstream tasks.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces the related works. Sections 3 and 4 present the data we used in
this study and the details of the proposed framework. In Section 5, we
describe our experiments and the results obtained. Section 6 discusses
the interpretations and implications of the results. Finally, Section 7
presents the conclusions drawn from the study.
2. Related work
2.1. Building extraction via instance segmentation
Since Ji et al. (2018) realized the extraction of >180,000 buildings
for a wide area based on a Mask R-CNN model and achieved better pixel-
wise accuracy than the FPN, the instance-based segmentation approach
has proven its effectiveness for building extraction. There are three
primary approaches for extract building at the instance level: (1) se-
mantic segmentation, (2) contour based, and (3) end-to-end instance
segmentation. In (1), semantic segmentation rst classies each image
pixel as either a building or non-building; the subsequent post-
processing extracts the instances (Wagner et al., 2020). Xu et al.
(2021a) introduced the holistically nested network and attention
mechanism into U-Net (HA U-Net). They also applied the watershed
algorithm in post-processing to improve the problem of building adhe-
sion. Girard et al. (2021) innovatively added a frame eld output to the
deep-segmentation model to improve segmentation via multi-task
learning and promote the polygonization of footprints. However, se-
mantic segmentation is trained pixel-wise, which tends to misidentify
features similar to buildings. Unlike semantic segmentation, the
emerging (2) contour-based approach directly extracts the edges and
corners of buildings. In earlier works, some scholars tried to use recur-
rent neural networks (RNNs) to represent graph structures as closed
polygons to predict the locations of key points in target objects (Acuna
et al., 2018; Castrejon et al., 2017; Li et al., 2019). Wei and Ji (2021) rst
introduced the graph neural network (GCN) to directly predict and
adjust building boundaries. These methods are difcult to train
compared to CNN and can only output simple polygons without voids.
This limits the extraction of complex buildings. In (3), the problem is
decomposed into feature extraction, boundary box regression, and mask
prediction stages. The end-to-end instance segmentation approach is
direct and exible, allowing the algorithm to obtain boundary boxes and
segmentation masks and perform better (Wen et al., 2019). Therefore,
S. Chen et al.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
some researchers have designed novel algorithms to extract buildings
from remote sensing images based on state-of-the-art instance segmen-
tation methods. Wu et al. (2020) proposed an anchor-free instance
segregation method based on CenterMask and balanced building
extraction accuracy and efciency. Wang et al. (2022) fused RGB images
from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with visible light difference
vegetation index (VDVI) features and Sobel edge detection features to
improve the recognition accuracy of the Mask R-CNN model for rural
building roofs. Liu et al. (2022a) proposed an MS-CNN model combing
ResNeSt and Mask R-CNN, improving multiscale feature extraction
capability using a fusion enhancement strategy and feature segmenta-
tion mechanism. However, most of the studies have focused on
improving model performance. There are few frameworks for large-scale
building extraction at the instance level. Moreover, these studies used
HR remote sensing images (less than0.5 m) as the source data. Thus, the
extraction and fusing of multi-scale features, on relatively lower reso-
lution open-source datasets, requires further investigation to achieve
high-accuracy instance segmentation.
2.2. Super-resolution-based image segmentation
Super-resolution (SR) techniques have emerged as practical strate-
gies to address the problem of low-resolution images (LR) in open-source
datasets (Glasner et al., 2009). Increasing the image resolution facili-
tates the use of ner spatial details than the original image. However,
traditional interpolation-based SR methods, such as bicubic interpola-
tion, tend to lose high-frequency spatial information, generating blurred
HR images (Keys, 1981; Ledig et al., 2017). SR is also considered a one-
to-many mapping from LR to HR space with multiple possible solutions.
The recent advancements in the SR approach based on the generative
adversarial network (GAN) are highly signicant. GAN models that use
perceptual loss and discriminator loss to improve and recover image
authenticity, demonstrating the remarkable capability of deep learning
techniques in SR applications (Ledig et al., 2017; Liang et al., 2021;
Wang et al., 2018). However, the rich information from remote sensing
images characterizes the spatial relationships of features. The classical
degradation model is challenging to extend to the complex degradation
process of remote sensing images, which easily cause artifacts (Xu et al.,
2022). Zhang et al. (2021b) and Wang et al. (2021b) have introduced a
more complex higher-order degradation modelling process, based on the
ESRGAN network to improve the practicality of deep super-resolvers.
Additionally, some scholars have tried to integrate the SR algorithm
into the building extraction process, and explored the impact of SR on
downstream tasks. In general, there are two methods of super-
resolution-based building extraction: (1) the end-to-end approach
(Zhang et al., 2021d) and (2) the two-stage approach (Guo et al., 2019).
The end-to-end approach integrates super-resolution and building
extraction models in the same network, which enables better collabo-
ration between two tasks. Zhang et al. (2021d) proposed an end-to-end
SR semantic segmentation network (FSRSS-Net), which can generate a
2.5 m building distribution map from 10 m resolution images by up-
sampling the low- and high-level features through the deconvolution
layer. Xu et al. (2021b) compared the end-to-end model with different
two-stage models, which possess better accuracy when the image reso-
lution is higher than 1.2 m. In the two-stage approach, the stages
perform independently, usually obtaining the HR images or features
with the SR module. They are used as inputs to the building extraction
module to obtain the nal HR segmentation maps. Guo et al. (2019)
demonstrated that the rst stage of the super-resolution module could
mitigate the problems caused by the multi-source image, with different
resolutions between the training and test data. Zhang et al. (2021c)
proposed a two-stage framework, SRbuildingSeg, which can completely
utilize the information of a provided LR image without relying on any
external HR image. In contrast, the two-stage approach in this paper has
a higher degree of freedom, and is not affected by model complexity.
However, all the above studies are based on semantic segmentation. The
SR methods for object-wise building extraction still lack quantitative
evaluation and discussion. Thus, further research will be necessary.
3. Data
3.1. Study area
Several open-source datasets are widely used as the benchmark of
building extraction by researchers, such as the WHU building dataset (Ji
et al., 2018), the Massachusetts Buildings Dataset (Mnih, 2013) and the
Inria Aerial Dataset (Maggiori et al., 2017). However, despite the WHU
dataset covering 550 km
, the most expansive area, it cannot meet the
application needs of building extraction on a large scale. Moreover,
owing to these datasets using HR images, the eld of view of the down-
sampled images differs considerably from the open-sourced image in
actual use. Therefore, we selected Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, as the study
area and open-sourced images as test data to demonstrate the validity of
the proposed method in this study. Hyogo Prefecture is in the Kansai
region, with a geographical area of 8400 km
. The capital city, Kobe, is
the second-largest urban area in Japan. Hyogo Prefecture envelopes
various land use categories, including agricultural, residential, com-
mercial, and industrial areas, with great diversity and complexity, which
poses a signicant challenge to building extraction. Fig. 1 shows the
selected study areas and associated details. To facilitate downloading
remote sensing images from open-source datasets, we selected the
smallest rectangle surrounding Hyogo prefecture (as indicated in the
green box), covering 19,187 km
, as the test area. In addition, we
selected representative areas from other parts of Japan as the training
set (as indicated in red boxes), primarily located in Shinjuku, Setagaya,
Hachioji, and Susono City.
3.2. Data preparation
Spatial resolution measures the richness of features contained in
remote sensing images, which is vital for distinguishing buildings from
the background. Lower resolutions usually result in less segmentation
accuracy and rougher footprints. Furthermore, deep learning models
trained on LR images are challenging to apply to images with higher
resolutions (Hamaguchi and Hikosaka, 2018). Images from the same
source for model training and testing can enhance the models gener-
alization ability. However, considering the resolution of the images in
test data and the super-resolution step in the proposed framework, the
satellite images from Google Earth (GE) with a spatial resolution of 0.3
m were selected as training data. All GE images were acquired on July
20, 2020. A polygon-based approach was used to annotate in ArcGIS Pro
to best represent the building footprint, and any adjacent buildings with
undetermined boundaries were annotated as a single building. Due to
manual discrimination limitations, minor errors were inevitable,
particularly in high-density building areas in cities. Finally, we collected
1222 aerial ortho-color images of dimensions 1024 ×1024 pixels and
manually annotated over 186,000 high-quality building footprints. All
images were in TIF format with three channels (RGB), and the corre-
sponding labels were annotated according to the COCO annotation
format (Lin et al., 2014). The data were assigned to the training and
validation sets in the ratio of 70 %:30 %, respectively. The examples of
training data for different areas are shown in Fig. 2. The number of
image data for different regions is shown in Table 1.
For the test area, we selected the open-sourced seamless satellite
image dataset from the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan
, as the cloud coverage of the dataset is less than 10 % and includes
the entire region of Japan. The GSI seamless photo dataset contains PNG
images obtained from multiple sources with a resolution ranging from
0.6 to 1 m. The dimensions of a single image are standardized to 256 ×
URL: (Accessed on 03/25/ 2022).
S. Chen et al.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
256 pixels. The original GSI aerial imagery was captured by the digital
aerial camera VEXCEL Ultracam D mounted on the aerial survey aircraft
Kunikaze III (Sango, 2009). The Ultracam D camera can capture RGB
and NIR 4-channel images with the highest resolution of 3 cm at a ying
height of 300 m. As the dataset uses a tile coordinate system and does
not contain geographic coordinates, georeferencing is necessary. The
tile coordinates of the top-left point can be converted to latitudinal and
longitudinal coordinates according to Equation (1):
180 L,
where x and y are the tile coordinates of the images; z is the zoom
level; λ and φ are the longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates, respec-
tively; L is a constant, equal to 85.05112878.
To satisfy the input requirements of neural networks and the efcient
use of video memory, the size of remote sensing images in the dataset
required to be unied. In this study, all test images were mosaicked
together and cropped to the dimensions of 1024 ×1024 pixels with 20 %
overlapping to avoid splitting buildings at the image edges. The defec-
tive parts were lled using black pixels. After cropping, the entire test
area contained 81,438 patches. Moreover, buildings and other essential
features in different areas showed different grey values, texture, density,
and size characteristics. Therefore, to evaluate the accuracy and
robustness of the prediction results, we randomly selected three 1-km
areas for non-built-up, rural, suburban, and urban regions in Hyogo
Prefecture (the blue boxes in Fig. 1) and manually created ground truth
to create a multi-scene test dataset. The prepared test dataset of Hyogo
Prefecture is available at
4. Method
The framework of large-scale building extraction, based on SR and
instance segmentation, was proposed in this study. Fig. 3 shows the four
Fig. 1. Scope of the study area. The green box encloses the test area (Hyogo Prefecture, Japan). The red boxes enclose the training areas (Shinjuku, Setagaya,
Hachioji, and Susono City). The blue boxes enclose the areas with ground truth for accuracy evaluation (non-built-up, rural, urban, and suburban areas, each se-
lection of area 1 km
). (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 2. Example of training data in different regions, including a) high-rise areas, b) urban area, c) suburban area and d) rural area. The rst row is the GE satellite
images, and the second is the ground truth of building footprints.
Table 1
Number of image data in different regions.
Area Shinjuku Setagaya Hachioji Susono
Training set 32 240 269 319
Validation set 8 103 115 136
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
procedures constituting the proposed framework: (1) scene classica-
tion, (2) color normalization and image super-resolution, (3) building
extraction, and (4) scene mosaicking. The model training part in the rst
three procedures can be considered independent. After acquiring and
processing the satellite images from GE, the datasets for training scene
classication, SR, and instance segmentation models can be created.
Among them, only HR images are required for scene classication and
the instance segmentation model, whereas the ne-tuning of SR models
requires the generation of HR and LR image pairs. For testing, GSI im-
ages were rst input into the scene classication model to lter the
images containing only background. Subsequently, the image color was
normalized based on the reference image, and the texture details were
enhanced using the ne-tuned SR model. The SR test patches were
subsequently input into the instance segmentation model to predict the
building footprint. Finally, the patch predictions were stitched to obtain
the footprint segmentation maps.
4.1. Scene classication
The target areas for building extraction were built-up areas, settle-
ments, and other regions with human activity. However, such developed
areas constitute only a tiny portion of the land. For example, in Hyogo
Prefecture, 77 % of land cover is forest and agricultural areas, and only
7 % of land use is residential. Although some techniques, such as data
augmentation and loss re-weighting, handle the effect of class imbal-
ance, they are inefcient at performing inference on all remote sensing
images of the target area. Furthermore, it is difcult to quickly and
accurately determine the built-up area for areas where land-
classication data are lacking. Therefore, we rst ltered the images
not containing buildings through scene classication to improve the
inference efciency.
Scene classication is one of the fundamental and challenging tasks
in remote sensing. As large-scale remote sensing scene classication
benchmarks emerged in recent years, CNN-based models have become
the primary solutions because of their high accuracy (Cheng et al., 2020;
Ma et al., 2021; Tang et al., 2021). Although the features of remote
sensing images differ from natural images, existing studies have shown
that transfer learning from the pre-trained model on large datasets can
help improve the scene classication performance of CNN models (Das
and Chandran, 2021; Pires de Lima and Marfurt, 2019). Therefore, in
this study, we trained a two-class scene classication model based on
ConvNeXt pre-trained on ImageNet to identify the presence or absence
of buildings in images (Liu et al., 2022b).
ConvNeXt is one of the state-of-the-art backbone models that ach-
ieved a top-1 accuracy of 87.8 % on the ImageNet dataset. The model is
built entirely from convolutional networks, with competitive results of
Transformer in terms of accuracy and scalability while maintaining the
simplicity and effectiveness of standard CNN (Vaswani et al., 2017). In
terms of the network architecture, ConvNeXt develops from the original
ResNet network and improves the model step by step by borrowing the
design of Swin Transformer (Liu et al., 2021b). Fig. 4 shows the four
stages of the ConvNeXt-based network, each providing output features
at different scales. The ratio of the number of ConvNeXt blocks in each
stage is 1:1:9:1. Furthermore, the initial down-sampling module uses a
convolutional layer with a kernel size of 4 ×4 to form the Patchify layer.
The ConvNeXt block uses a larger 7 ×7 kernel size and a different
inverted bottleneck structure relative to the ResNet. In the microscopic
design, the commonly used batch norm (BN) and ReLU activation
function in CNN are replaced by the layer normalization (LN) layer and
Gaussian error linear units (GELU) function (Equation (2)), respectively,
used in Transformer, resulting in the reduced number of layers. Only one
activation layer is retained between the blocks two 1 ×1 convolution
layers and the one LN layer before the convolutions layer. Further, a
separate 2 ×2 convolutional downsampling layer with a stride of 2 is
used, and an LN layer is added later to stabilize the training.
GELU(x) = x*Φ(x)(2)
In Equation (2), Φ(x)is the cumulative distribution function for
Gaussian distribution.
In terms of the training data, although many researchers have
developed and published scene recognition datasets for remote sensing
images in recent years, such as the Million-AID (Long et al., 2021) and
GID dataset (Tong et al., 2020), these scenes often contain multiple
categories that are not suitable for our purpose. For example, the
farmland scene is judged based on the appearance of the eld and thus
cannot be directly categorized as containing buildings or not. Therefore,
we selected and created the scene classication dataset from existing
data to completely use the available resources. As most of the existing
images contain buildings (Fig. 5a), we supplemented the images from
Google Earth which contain only background information (Fig. 5b). In
Fig. 3. The proposed building extraction framework, where the Cl., SR, and Seg models represent the scene classication, super-resolution (SR), and instance
segmentation models, respectively. The HR, LR, GSI and GE represent the high-resolution, low-resolution, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan and Google
Earth, respectively.
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
addition, although our dataset contained only two classes, the classi-
cation model was easy to confuse for some exceptional cases (e.g., fea-
tures with similar semantic information to buildings such as liqueed
petroleum gas (LPG) storage tanks and single cabins in a natural envi-
ronment, as shown in Fig. 5c). As scene classication needed not to lead
to omissions in building extraction, the exceptional scenes were
Fig. 4. Architecture of the ConvNeXt network, a four-stage feature hierarchy, was built to extract features of different scales. The downsample layer and ConvNeXt
block are stacked at each stage in the ratio of 3:3:27:3. The LN and GELU represent the layer normalization and Gaussian error linear units.
Fig. 5. Examples of the scene classication dataset. (a) Scenes with buildings; (b) scenes without buildings; (c) exceptional cases classied as scenes with buildings,
including a construction site, LPG storage tank, and a cabin in the forest or meadow.
Fig. 6. Color normalization of the stitched image. The black and white pixels represent the missing data; (a) original GSI image; (b) reference GE image with 3 m
resolution; (c) color-normalized image with qualitatively improved color transition.
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
classied as with buildings, and the number of images for unique scenes
was maximized. The nal dataset contained 4055 and 3974 images for
the class with and without buildings, respectively, assigned to the
training set, validation set, and test set in the ratio of 70:20:10.
4.2. Color normalization and image super-resolution
4.2.1. Color normalization
As described in Section 3.2, the GSI seamless photo dataset used as
the test image data source comprised satellite images captured by
various sensors simultaneously. Consequently, there were signicant
color differences in the test data of Hyogo Prefecture after mosaicking
(Fig. 6a). The color difference disrupts the visual continuity of the im-
ages and impedes the generalization ability of the building extraction
model. Moreover, the color differences caused by the various image
sources of the test and training set can harm the building extraction.
Therefore, performing color normalization for images is necessary. It
helps shorten the difference in color distribution between the target and
source domains, without damaging the image texture information or
affecting the feature interpretation.
Color normalization approaches for remote sensing images include
the parametric approach, GAN-based style transfer algorithm and
reference-image-based approach. The parametric method recovers the
color relationships between images by building a parametric regression
model. However, it is not suitable for a large area because of potential
color deviation when the texture and color of the object differ signi-
cantly (Cresson and Saint-Geours, 2015; Xie et al., 2018). GAN-based
style transfer algorithm is an emerging approach for color normaliza-
tion (Gatys et al., 2015; Gupta et al., 2019). Compared with the
parametric algorithms, the CNN layer can be better for extracting deep
features of images, but the computation time is longer and the details are
easily distorted (Xiao et al., 2021; Xue et al., 2020). It is not conducive to
the generalization ability of the building extraction model. In contrast,
the reference-image-based approach enables simple and fast color-
mapping relationships between different remote sensing images (Cui
et al., 2021). Therefore, in the study, we selected the GE image as a
reference map to correct the tone of GSI images.
Analyzed from a spectral perspective, remote sensing images can be
divided into high- and low-frequency information. High-frequency in-
formation is caused by the sharp excess of grayscale, primarily including
the texture and edges of buildings. The low-frequency information is
related to the grayscale component of image variations, which reects
the trend of image color variations (Hao et al., 2017). As the
low-frequency component of the image is smooth, the replacement of
the low-frequency information will not interfere with the
high-frequency information of the image. Therefore, we considered the
low-frequency information of the reference image as a standard to cor-
rect the tones of the test image (Cui et al., 2021). Adequate color con-
sistency is necessary for selecting reference images, and the similarity of
the tone styles and training dataset is desirable. Additionally, the reso-
lution of the reference map should not be too high, to ensure a relatively
small amount of data and a high processing efciency. Thus, we selected
the 3 m resolution GE image as the reference (Fig. 6b).
Fig. 7 illustrates the framework of the color normalization algorithm
with the following main procedure: The GSI image Isrc was rst down
sampled to the same resolution as the reference image Iref , and the high-
and low-frequency information of the down-sampled GSI image Isrcdown
and reference images Iref were separated through Gaussian ltering.
Fig. 7. Flow of the color normalization algorithm based on reference images. The source and reference imageshigh- and low-frequency information are separated by
Gaussian ltering. Then the source images high-frequency information and the reference images low-frequency information are combined to generate the color-
corrected image.
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Subsequently, the low-frequency information of the down-sampled GSI
image Lsrcdown was replaced with the low-frequency information of the
reference image Lref to reconstitute the toned image Idstdown. Thus, Idstdown
exhibits both the tones of the reference image and the texture infor-
mation of the GSI test image. Finally, Isrcdown and Idstdown were restored to
their original resolution through bilinear interpolation. The up-sampled
Isrcdown and the smooth Idstdown tting the original images well, both could
be considered to represent the low-frequency information of the source
and toned images, and denoted as Lsrc and Ldst. The color-corrected
image Idst (Fig. 6c) can be obtained through Equation (3), where A is
the gain coefcient, calculated from the luna components of Iref and
Isrcdown. The overall color consistency of the color-corrected image was
signicantly improved, with no signicant tonal differences in adjacent
edges and with consistency with the reference image tones, which
proves the algorithms effectiveness.
Idst =A× (Isrc Lsrc) + Ldst (3)
4.2.2. Super-resolution
Although models trained on high-resolution images exhibit high
performance, the difference in resolution between the training and test
sets can generally affect instance segmentation. First, the resolution
denes the size of individual pixels. Consequently, the size of the same
building is different in the remote sensing images of different resolu-
tions. However, it is difcult for a model trained for a particular reso-
lution to accurately represent the features of a test dataset containing a
different resolution, which will result in the poor generalization ability
of instance segmentation. (Hamaguchi and Hikosaka, 2018). In addi-
tion, small-sized buildings in low-resolution images are easily omitted
because of the limited resolution (Kisantal et al., 2019). We adopted SR
techniques to overcome the limitation of resolution differences in multi-
source remote sensing images.
Supervised SR algorithms perform more satisfactorily than unsu-
pervised ones in high-frequency regions (Chen et al., 2020). HR-LR
image pairs should be input as training data to train a supervised SR
model. Acquiring HR and LR images for specic areas is difcult;
therefore, LR images are usually obtained by downsampling from HR
images. However, owing to the complex degradation process, the down-
sample-based data synthesis method cannot simulate the remote sensing
images. Thus, we adopted the Real-ESRGAN network as the SR model
(Wang et al., 2021b), which proposes a high-order degradation
approach by introducing two times the number of degradation param-
eters as traditional degradation (blur, noise, resize, and image
compression). Each degradation uses a different hyperparameter to
simulate a real-world low-resolution image blurring. Using the higher-
order degradation model described, we down-sampled the GE images
with 0.3 m resolution and constructed 6000 sets of HR-LR synthetic
image pairs (0.3 m-0.6 m). Each HR image had a size of 512*512 pixels
and was assigned to the training set, validation set and test set in a ratio
of 80 %:20 %:20 %.
Fig. 8 shows the architecture of the Real-ESRGAN network, which
contains a generation network and a u-net discriminator. The generative
network is the same as that of ESRGAN, with the addition of image
resolution enhancement for 2 ×and 1 ×in function (Wang et al., 2018).
Compared with the generator structure of the classical SRGAN network,
ESRGAN replaces the original basic block with a residual in residual
dense block (RRDB), which combines a multilayer residual network and
dense connect. Moreover, the Batch Normalization (BN) layers are
removed to improve the model generalization ability and reduce the
model complexity. As the generation network of ESRGAN only supports
4 ×SR, to adapt to 2 ×and 1 ×SR, the network rst performs pixel-
unshufe to expand the number of image channels with a reduced
image resolution, and the processed image is then input into the network
for SR reconstruction (Shi et al., 2016). In addition, the U-Net discrim-
inator can judge the authenticity of generated images from the pixel
perspective, focusing on the details of the generated image while
ensuring overall authenticity. Moreover, spectral normalization is added
to alleviate the training instability problem due to complex data and
4.3. Instance segmentation
Mask R-CNN is a widely used, powerful deep learning model (He
et al., 2017). The network is derived from Faster R-CNN and a fully
convolutional network (FCN), to which a new task branch is added to
complete the pixel instance segmentation of the target object. Fig. 9
shows the network architecture of Mask R-CNN. The input images are
rst sent to ResNet for feature extraction. The backbone feature map is
passed through the region proposal network (RPN) to extract the
possible ROI (Ren et al., 2015). This ROI is mapped into xed dimen-
sional feature vectors by the ROIAlign layer. Two branches are for
classication and regression of the target boundary box through the
fully connected layerthe fully convolutional layer upsamples the other
branch to obtain the segmented region image.
Although encouraging, the performance of deep residual networks
(Resnet), a vital feature extraction backbone of Mask R-CNN, still has
Fig. 8. Architecture of the Real-ESRGAN network. a) Generator; b) U-net discriminator with spectral normalization introduced to stabilize the training (Wang et al.,
2021b). The RRDB block represents the Residual-in-Residual dense block, a module of ESRGAN (Wang et al., 2018).
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limitations. Deep CNN (DCNN) with small and xed elds of view can
only focus on a small range of neighbourhood features (Yan et al., 2021).
This local feature representation limits the network from recognizing
buildings from complex backgrounds in remote sensing images. More-
over, for intensive prediction tasks such as building extraction, it is
crucial to represent features at multiple scales to distinguish between
objects of different sizes (Wang et al., 2022). In summary, the primary
idea to improve the performance of Mask R-CNN is to improve the multi-
scale feature representation and the ability to fuse features. Based on
this, the attention-based Transformer has certain advantages over DCNN
and has achieved state-of-the-art performance in several vision tasks
(Liu et al., 2021b; Wang et al., 2021a). Therefore, this study combines
Mask R-CNN and a multi-path vision transformer (MPViT) as the
instance segmentation model for building extraction (Lee et al., 2021).
The effectiveness of the improved Mask R-CNN model used in this paper
is based on multi-scale feature extraction and global and local feature
MPViT follows a unique approach to multi-scale patch embedding
and multi-path structures compared to other Transformers (Fig. 10). A
four-stage feature hierarchy to generate feature maps at various scales is
constructed. The blocks of the proposed multi-scale patch embedding
(MS-PatchEmbed) and multi-path Transformer (MP-Transformer) are
stacked at each stage. By applying convolution operations with over-
lapping patches, the MS-PatchEmbed layer uses ne and coarse-grained
visual tokens at the feature level. This enables the features of the exact
resolution with a different sequence length of tokens by changing
padding and stride. Then, the tokens embedding features of varied sizes
are fed into the MP-transformer encoder separately. In this transformer
block, global self-attention is performed by each transformer encoder
with various patch sizes. The generated features are aggregated to allow
for ne and coarse feature representations. In the feature aggregation
step, a global-to-local feature interaction (GLI) process is introduced to
connect the local convolutional features to the global features of the
Transformer, leveraging the local connectivity convolution and the
global connectivity context of the Transformer. Moreover, to alleviate
the computational burden associated with the multi-path structure, the
efcient factorized self-attention of CoaT is applied (Xu et al., 2021c):
FactorAtt(Q,K,V) = Q
where Q, K, and VRN×C denote linearly projected queries, keys,
and values, respectively; N, and C are the number of tokens and
embedding dimension, respectively.
Fig. 9. Architecture of Mask R-CNN consists of a convolutional backbone network used to extract features, the Region Proposal Network (RPN) used to detect
candidate regions proposals, and head networks to identify boundary boxes (classication +regression) and predict masks (He et al., 2017).
Fig. 10. Architecture of the MPViT. Multi-path transformer (MP-Transformer) block and multi-scale patch embedding (MS-PatchEmbed) block are stacked in each
stage (Lee et al., 2021). Besides, factorized self-attention is used in Transformer encoders.
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4.4. Scene mosaicking
A single remote sensing image encloses a large area. However, the
size usually exceeds the image input limit for deep learning models
owing to computational limitations. A widely used remote sensing
image segmentation strategy is subdividing an image into equal-sized
patches based on the sliding window method (Yi et al., 2019). The
sliding window method runs through the image at a specic size in
horizontal and vertical directions in certain steps. An overlap is created
between two consecutive patches when the step size is smaller than the
window size. The error of instance segmentation occurs at the edges of
the patch. For example, as shown in Fig. 11a, if there is no overlap be-
tween adjacent patches, the building at the edge may be split into two
parts, eventually producing two separate footprints. This edge effect can
be eliminated or minimized by the overlap of patches, as shown in
Fig. 11b. However, the size of the sliding window and the image overlap
rate ought to completely account for the scale of the target feature
without excessively increasing the computational load (de Bem et al.,
2020). Considering the actual situation of the study, we set the dimen-
sion of each patch to 1024 and the overlap rate to 20 %.
Furthermore, the predictions of each patch ought to be mosaicked to
attain a complete building footprint map of the target area. The multiple
masks generated for the same building in the overlapping regions should
also be merged. A modied Mask non-maximum suppression (Mask-
NMS) algorithm was applied according to the mask area to exclude
excessive incomplete masks. The method rst sorts the masks in the
overlap according to their areas, calculates the intersection-over-union
(IoU) between them, and eliminates the masks with smaller areas if
the IoU is more signicant than a threshold. The IoU is calculated from
the ratio of the intersection area Aoverlap and the concatenation area
AUnion of two masks (Equation (5)). This study considered an IoU of 0.2
to exclude excessive masks. Compared to the traditional NMS algorithm
that suppresses the mask based on the score, an area-based ranking is
more appropriate because there is no guarantee that the mask with the
highest score to encompass the entire building (Neubeck and Van Gool,
IoU =Aoverlap
Fig. 12 visually demonstrates the specic process to illustrate the
proposed scene mosaicking method. Fig. 12a illustrates the initial pre-
diction results of the two overlapping patches, and the yellow masks
were the same footprints generated in the overlapping area. The red
masks in Fig. 12b are the footprints in the center of the overlap area. As
these masks were completely extracted in both patches I and II, the patch
with the smaller area would be eliminated after mosaicking. Fig. 12c
demonstrates the footprint at the edge of the overlap region, where the
green and blue masks belong to patches I and II, respectively, which can
only be predicted partially. As these masks were extracted completely in
the adjacent patches, they would be suppressed directly through NMS,
based on footprint area. Fig. 12d shows the footprint map after scene
mosaicking, where all overlapping masks have been removed.
5. Experiment
5.1. Implement details
Three experiments were conducted to verify the validity of the pro-
posed framework. In the rst experiment, we compared the results of
different backbones for scene classication. In the second and third
experiments, we compared the effects of different super-resolution (SR)
and instance segmentation methods on the building extraction perfor-
mance. The experiments were implemented on a large-scale platform
called mdx in 4 Nvidia A100 GPUs (40 GB) (Suzumura et al., 2022). The
detailed setting of each experiment is described in Table 2. The hyper-
parameters of optimizers and data augmentation are kept the same as
the optimal parameter settings in the original paper of each model (He
et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2022b; Wang et al., 2021b); the
training strategy is set according to the hardware environment and
characteristics of the training set through the empirical method of
hyperparameter optimization (Feurer and Hutter, 2019).
In the training phase of the scene classication model (ConvNeXt-
base), the network was trained by an AdamW optimizer with a mo-
mentum β1,β2=0.9,0.999 and a weight decay of 0.05 (Loshchilov and
Hutter, 2017) based on MMclassication (Contributors, 2020). The
learning rate was initialized as 0.0005, and we utilized a cosine decay
schedule with 220 warmup iterations. Furthermore, to prevent over-
tting and to increase model performance, RandAugment (N =9, M =
0.5), mixup (prob =0.8) and cutmix (prob =1) were applied for data
augmentation (Cubuk et al., 2020; Yun et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2017).
The network converged at 1100 iterations, and the batch size was set to
For SR, the experiment (Real-ESRGAN) was based on the BasicSR
(Wang, Yu, Chan, et al. 2018) with a batch size of 16. The network was
trained for 5000 iterations with a learning rate of 0.0001 for both the
generator and discriminators. The Adam optimizer (betas =[0.9, 0.99],
decay =0) and exponential moving average (EMA) was used for better
performance and stable training. The horizontal ip and random rota-
tion were performed for data augmentation.
The training of the instance segmentation model (Mask R-CNN with
an MPViT backbone) was implemented through Detectron2 (Wu et al.
2020). As the dataset was not sufciently large to train a Mask R-CNN
end-to-end model from the start, a pre-trained model on the ImageNet
dataset was used for transfer learning. Transfer learning reduces the
training data and improves the models overall accuracy and general-
ization ability. The dataset with GE images described in Section 3.2 was
used for training. Following the standard settings and the training recipe
of Swin-Transformer, the maximum number of iterations was set to
30,000 using a multi-scale training strategy, which resizes the input such
that the shorter side is between 900 and 1100, whereas the longer side is
1333. Additionally, the AdamW optimizer was used for network
optimization with an initial learning rate of 0.0001 and weight decay of
0.05 (Loshchilov and Hutter 2017). We selected a batch size of 16 and an
initial learning rate of 0.0001, which decays 10 times at the iterations of
24,000 and 27,000. All the parameters were initialized according to the
orthogonal distribution. Furthermore, we employed random cropping,
ipping, and rotation to avoid overtting the augmentation model.
5.2. Scene classication
Table 3 shows the performance evaluation results of three SOTA
backbones on the test set, which are ResNeSt-101 (Zhang et al., 2022),
Swin-Transformer-base (Liu et al., 2021b) and ConvNeXt-base (Liu
et al., 2022b). We used precision, recall, F1, and accuracy as the eval-
uation metrics. The denition of each accuracy metric is shown in
Equation (6), where TP, FP, TN, and FN refer to true positive, false
positive, true negative, and false negative, respectively. The perfor-
mance of the ConvNeXt-base model outperforms other models,
achieving exceptionally high accuracy and an F1 value of 0.993.
Although the Transformer architecture has recently surpassed the CNN
on image-classication tasks in recent years, the two CNN-based models
perform better in our study. This is because the Transformer architecture
model lacks convolutions inductive bias and needs to learn features
from a large dataset (Liu et al., 2021a). Therefore, in this study, the
Swin-Transformer did not perform well for a small dataset in our study.
Besides, we attempted to provide as much accuracy as possible through
the model to identify scenes with buildings. As shown in the confusion
matrix of the ConvNeXt-base model in Fig. 13a, the accuracy for the
class with building reached 100 %, as expected. Additionally, there were
apparent articial traces in the scene for those misclassied images
without building (Fig. 13b), such as roads and cultivated land. Careful
examination revealed small-sized buildings in some of these images.
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Therefore, the model could effectively avoid misclassication because of
the mislabeling of the training dataset.
Precision =TP
TP +FP (6)
Recall =TP
F1 =2×Precison Recall
Precision +Recall
Fig. 11. Effect of different patch cropping strategies on buildings in the edges. (a) No overlap between patches leading to partial segmentation; b) overlap between
patches. Complete footprint results can be obtained through area-based non-maximum suppression (NMS), whereas partial footprint result is retained through score-
based NMS.
Fig. 12. Results of scene mosaicking. (a) The original prediction result, where yellow masks are the duplicates generated in the overlapping area; (b) complete masks
(red) in the center of the overlapping area; (c) partial masks (blue and green) eliminated by NMS, based on the area; (d) the nal footprint map after scene
mosaicking. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
Accuracy =TP +TN
5.3. Super-resolution
To validate the feasibility of the super-resolution, in this section, we
compare the effect of different SR approaches for building extraction. To
this end, we trained a Mask R-CNN model with the MPViT backbone for
instance segmentation, and selected three state-of-the-art SR ap-
proaches. They included the Real-ESRGAN (Wang et al., 2021b),
BSRGAN (Zhang et al., 2021b) and SwinIR (Liang et al., 2021). All of
them were ne-tuned on the dataset described in section 4.2.2, where
the BSRGAN and SwinIR used the image degradation method of
BSRGAN to generate HR-LR image pairs (0.6 m to 0.3 m). In addition,
bicubic interpolation was used as the baseline for the experiment.
We rst selected two images for the qualitative evaluation. Fig. 14
shows the reconstructed HR images with two up-sampling scale factors
and the corresponding extracted building footprints from the different
SR methods. The rst columns are the original LR images and the
ground-truth labels. In addition, specic areas within each image were
magnied in the red window to reect the reconstruction details of the
different SR methods. The results of bicubic interpolation either failed to
remove degradation or added unnatural textures. The deep learning SR
model could reconstruct some texture details; however, the images
generated by BSRGAN showed contour blurring. In comparison, the
Real-ERSGAN and SwinIR models improved visual clarity. This could
recover more realistic and natural textures. Moreover, as shown in
Fig. 14a, the deep learning SR models perform better at extracting
building boundaries than the bicubic interpolation because bicubic
interpolation did not yield additional details and possessed certain ar-
tefacts. The prediction results in Fig. 14b are almost identical, but the
result of the Real-ESRGAN model has a slight advantage in terms of
contour detail.
In addition to the subjective qualitative judgments, we applied peak
signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and mean structural similarity index
(MSSIM) to evaluate the performance of the SR model. PSNR is the ratio
of the maximum possible pixel value (MaxI)and the pixel-level mean
square error (MSE) between HR imagery (fij) and SR image (f
ij), which
are objective indicators to evaluate image quality (Equation (7)). The
larger the PSNR value, the better the image quality. However, PSNR
does not consider the human eyes visual recognition and perception
characteristics. Furthermore, the evaluation results are often different
from the subjective human perception. Therefore, MSSIM was used as a
supplement. It divides the image into N blocks through the sliding
window method and the weighted mean values (
u), variance values
y), and covariance (
xy) for each window, which measure the
similarity of images in terms of brightness, contrast, and structure
(Equation (8)). Besides, precision, recall, and F1 values were used to
evaluate the object-wise accuracy of the prediction result, which was
dened similarly to Equation (6), with a different TF judgment criterion.
In building instance segmentation, TP and FP indicate the correct and
incorrect building detections, respectively. As illustrated in Fig. 15, we
used an IoU threshold of 0.5 to classify the predictions as correct (TP).
The test data described in sections 4.2.2 and 3.2 were used for SR and
instance segmentation models, respectively.
Table 4 shows a quantitative assessment of how the super-resolution-
based building extraction was performed using different SR methods.
The best result is shown in bold. We can nd that all deep learning SR
methods achieved better performance than the baseline model,
Table 2
Setting details for experiments of scene classication, super-resolution, and
instance segmentation.
Experiment Scene classication Super-
Platform MMclassication BasicSR Detectron2
Optimizer AdamW Adam AdamW
β1,β2=0.9,0.999 β1,β2=0.9,
Weight decay 0.05 0 0.05
Base learning
5e-3 1e-4 1e-4
Batch size 128 16 16
1100 5000 30,000
Learning rate
Cosine decay Step decay
Step decay
[24,000, 27,000]
220 1000
Linear Linear
RandAugment (N =9,
M =0.5)
Mixup (prob =0.8)
Cutmix (prob =1)
Random cropping
Random ipping
Random rotation
Resize [400, 600]
Table 3
Result of the scene classication performance of different SOTA backbones.
Model Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
ResNeSt-101 0.987 0.988 0.988 0.988
Swin-T-b 0.949 0.948 0.948 0.948
ConvNeXt-b 0.992 0.993 0.993 0.993
Fig. 13. Scene classication result of ConvNeXt-base model. (a) The normalized confusion matrix of scene classication on the test data; (b) examples of images
without buildings that were misclassied as images with buildings.
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especially for the recall of building extraction results. It suggests that
compared to simple interpolation, SR helps to enhance the distinction
between background and buildings in reconstructed images. It can fully
use internal information in LR images. This result follows the same trend
as the qualitative evaluation. Moreover, the SwinIR outperforms other
methods in metrics of SR, achieving a PSNR of 29.55 and SSIM of 0.917.
However, for building extraction performance, the Real-ESRGAN model
performed the best, outperforming the precision, recall and F1 of SwinIR
by 0.01, 0.02 and 0.02, respectively. This phenomenon suggests that the
performance of the SR model does not dominate the performance of SR-
based instance segmentation. In other words, simply appending high
performing SR model may not always provide excellent performance.
Fig. 14. Qualitative comparison of different super-resolution on GSI images with an upsampling scale factor of two. The reconstructed HR images and the extracted
building footprint are the rst and second rows of (a) and (b). The rst column is the original LR image and ground truth label.
Fig. 15. Schematic representation of the object-wise metric. When the intersection over union (IoU) of the manually labelled ground truth (blue) and the predicted
building (yellow) is 0.5, the prediction is considered TP (a), whereas when it is less than 0.5, the classication is considered FP (b). (For interpretation of the
references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 4
Quantitative performance of different SR models with the upsampling scale
factor of two.
Model Precision Recall F1 PSNR MSSIM
Bicubic 0.84 0.60 0.70 26.79 0.860
BSRGAN 0.84 0.63 0.72 29.05 0.907
SwinIR 0.83 0.62 0.71 29.55 0.917
Real-ESRGAN 0.84 0.64 0.73 29.06 0.908
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For example, unlike other models, the images generated by SwinIR,
although closer to the original images visual style, have relatively low
contrast. This may not be benecial for building extraction. The inter-
pretation of this result exceeds our expectations, and we plan to inves-
tigate the reasons in future work. However, while it is impossible to
assert that the CNN-based SR models perform better based on this result,
Transformer-based SR models are still in the exploratory stage. There-
fore, we recommend using the latest and most potent CNN-based models
for SR-based building extraction.
PSNR =10log10MaxI
SE =1
j=1fij f
MSSIM(X,Y) = 1
xy +C3
5.4. Instance segmentation
In this section, the Mask R-CNN model with an MPViT-base backbone
(Mask R-CNN M) was used for building extraction in Hyogo Prefecture to
test the frameworks effectiveness proposed in this paper. All test images
were upsampled 2 ×by using the ne-tuned Real-ESRGAN model to
enhance the image texture details. Before segmentation, the test images
were fed into the scene classication network. The number of test im-
ages in Hyogo Prefecture was reduced from 81,438 to 30,000 after
ltering, decreasing the workload by>60 %. Finally, the entire inference
required a total of 30 h of operating time. Fig. 16a shows the large-scale
distribution map of building footprints in Hyogo Prefecture, with city-
level and more zoomed-in results in Fig. 16b and c, respectively. The
prediction results are the raw output of the model without post-
processing. On a large scale, the distribution of the building footprint
matches well with the built-up areas on the satellite image. The roads
and rivers between buildings are distinguished. Additionally, Fig. 16d
demonstrates the prediction results of some typical buildings and
Fig. 16. Predicted distribution map of the building footprint. (a) Hyogo Prefecture. (b) One of the cities in Hyogo Prefecture is the yellow box in (a). (c) Red masks
show the extracted building footprint over the suburban area, the blue box in (b). (d) Examples of prediction results of some typical buildings and ground objects.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
objects, including intricately shaped buildings and detached chalets in
open areas. It can be seen that the model can properly extract the
building footprints with different shapes, sizes and densities, but ships
and LPG tanks are also mix-extracted due to a lack of training data. It
should be noted that no training data from the test area was used in the
model training. Despite that, the trained model still provides satisfactory
extraction results.
To quantitatively evaluate the performance of the applied model, we
compared the results of different instance segmentation methods on the
multi-scene test dataset introduced in section 3.2.2. We choose the
Frame Filed Learning approach with a Res101-Unet backbone (FFL
mask) (Girard et al., 2021) and Deep snake (Peng et al., 2020) to
represent the semantic-segmentation and contour-based approaches. A
Mask R-CNN model with a ResNeXt-101 backbone (Mask R-CNN R), the
best-performing benchmark model in the Detectron2 model zoo, was
also applied as the baseline (Xie et al., 2017). For a fair comparison, all
the models were transfer-learned on the same training set with the same
learning rate. Figs. 17-20 show the predicted results of four models in
non-built-up, rural, suburban, and urban areas. Specic regions from
each area were selected separately for magnication to clearly and
visually interpret the experimental results. In each gure are the original
image, the ground truth, and the predictions of each model (left to
right). Additionally, the quantitative evaluation results of the four
models in three areas are shown in Table 5; the best result is shown in
Fig. 17 shows a non-built-up area located in the mountains. The area
is sparsely built and has some man-made and natural objects that can be
confused with buildings, such as piles of building materials and trees. As
shown in Fig. 17b, the FFL mask and Deepsnake model mistakenly
extract more non-building objects than the Mask R-CNN model, and the
MPViT backbone showed a better performance than the ResNeXt back-
bone. Besides, Fig. 17c illustrates two small cabins in an open eld,
which occupies only a dozen pixels but is still successfully extracted by
all models. In summary, the Mask R-CNN M model can correctly identify
the locations of buildings in a natural environment.
Fig. 18a shows the prediction result of the rural area, which consists
mainly of small residential buildings with low density. The non-building
areas include a large amount of agricultural land and some industrial
facilities. Generally, the accuracy of building extraction increased for
decreasing building density in an area with similar architectural styles.
This is contrary to our experimental results, in which the accuracy in
rural areas was lower than that in suburban areas. This can be attributed
to the complex roof structure in rural areas because of additional con-
struction. Also, other features that are easily confused with buildings
additionally increase the difculty of detection. However, the Mask R-
CNN M model effectively avoids this misidentication, as shown in
Fig. 18b, where ponds are misclassied as buildings by other models
(yellow circles).
The suburban area shown in Fig. 19a has predominantly residential
buildings of small and moderate sizes. Their alignment is consistent on a
local scale. Due to the considerably pronounced outline of each building,
facilitating easy extraction, the overall results are better. However, in
Fig. 19b, the Mask R-CNN R model misses some small buildings; the
Deep snake model identies adjacent buildings as continuous built-up
areas, and the FFL mask model results in some small speckled frag-
mentsmisidentifying the open space on the left as buildings. In addi-
tion to the single houses in the suburban area, there are also mid-rise
ats located further apart. As shown in Fig. 19c, the FFL mask and Mask
R-CNN R model tend to over-extract the surrounding structures of the
building. In comparison, the Mask R-CNN M model has the best per-
formance across different kinds of residential buildings.
As shown in Fig. 20a, urban areas are characterized by complex
building types and high densities. The building size and spacing are
small for densely built-up residential areas, making distinguishing a
bigger challenge. This effect can be seen in the enlarged results, espe-
cially for buildings with similar color and shape, resulting in multiple
buildings being identied as one (Fig. 20b). In addition, complex ground
conditions and rapidly changing building dimensions in localized areas
further affect urban recall. Fig. 20c displays some representative high-
rise buildings and associated details. The shadows and side parts of a
high-rise building can seriously affect the accuracy of building extrac-
tion based on the angle and timing of the shot. Although all models
avoid mis-extracting shadows and nd the location of buildings, the
precise outline of a high-rise cannot be accurately provided due to the
side or surrounding structures, as shown in the red circles of Fig. 20c.
In addition to qualitative analysis, the Mask R-CNN M model can
achieve a better performance than the others in precision, recall, and F1,
in approximately all areas. Especially in non-built-up areas, the accuracy
Fig. 17. Prediction results of different models and corresponding source image and ground truth in the non-built-up area. (b) and (c) show the magnied results of
the yellow boxes in (a), representing the construction site and cabins in the wild. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
S. Chen et al.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
of the FFM mask and Deepsnake model is lower due to the scarcity of
buildings and a large number of misidentied. In contrast, the Mask R-
CNN M model maintains the same level of performance as in other areas.
In urban areas, the FFL mask model has the highest recall. The frame,
led as additional supplementary information, facilitates the division of
adjacent buildings, especially for areas with a high density. However,
the semantic-segmentation-based method is trained at the pixel level.
That leads to a tendency to over-extract objects similar to the building in
color, resulting in a lower precision. Instead, end-to-end instance seg-
mentation rst detects the region of interest and then segments the
building from the background, helping avoid speckle-like errors in
semantic segmentation. On the other hand, the Deep snake model
showed the worst performance. Apart from a high false positive rate,
difculties existed in segmenting adjacent buildings. This is because
Deep snake utilizes only limited information from the boundary vertices.
The inability to fully use features within the building dramatically in-
creases the difculty of extraction, resulting in the output being limited
to simple polygons. Finally, the Mask R-CNN M model showed improved
precision, recall and F1 values of 0.05, 0.04 and 0.05 over the baseline.
It showed that the multi-scale feature fusion and self-attention mecha-
nisms of the applied MPViT backbone could facilitate better model
tting and improve performance. However, assessing the feasibility of
Fig. 18. Prediction results of different models and corresponding source image and ground truth in the rural area. (b) and (c) show the magnied results of the
yellow boxes in (a), representing the complicated industrial facilities and compact buildings. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 19. Prediction results of different models and corresponding source image and ground truth in the suburban area. (b) and (c) show the magnied results of the
yellow boxes in (a), representing the small- and moderate-sized residential buildings. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
SR-based instance segmentation methods for open-source satellite image
datasets is challenging, owing to the disparate resolutions and color in
the test images. In summary, the Mask R-CNN M model achieves a
maximum average precision and F1 value of 0.84 and 0.73, and a recall
of 0.64, very close to the FFL mask (0.65), which is a specialized
approach for building extraction. It shows exciting potential in building
extraction from open-sourced images.
6. Discussion
6.1. Mask R-CNN backbone
The experimental results in Section 5.4 conclude that using the pre-
trained MPViT model to replace the ResNeXt backbone of Mask R-CNN
can provide better performance in building extraction. This shows the
potential of the Transformer applied to remote sensing images. More-
over, it is more accurate and robust than other models in extracting
buildings with variable density, texture, and type across different areas.
Therefore, it can be concluded that using MPViT in the structure of
extraction models can provide the same or more satisfactory results as
SOTA methods.
However, the Mask R-CNN network is limited by its inability to
classify each scale roof feature because of its CNN-based feature
extraction network. First, the path between the high bottom features in
its feature extraction network is excessively long, which can easily cause
the loss of feature information transfer and the ineffective utilization of
the bottom features. Second, the extracted feature map only carries its
higher-level information features, which do not completely utilize the
feature information at each scale, resulting in lower detection accuracy.
This results in the ineffective utilization of the extracted full-scale fea-
tures of the building, even with a deep extraction structure (ResNeXt-
101), which reduces the models accuracy (Wang et al., 2022).
The enhanced Mask R-CNN model employed in this study was
effective because it extracts features at multi-scales and combines global
and local features. First, a multi-scale feature extraction structure ben-
ets the perceptual eld by gathering complete target information and
ensuring the integrity of the medium and big building footprint. Second,
the increased feature fusion may enhance and decrease noise in the
obtained feature information. The proposed network structure can bet-
ter use multi-scale features and capture spatial interactions between
targets, enabling the symbiotic detection of multi-scale structures. The
quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experimental results in-
dicates that these considerations contribute to the enhanced potential of
the model for feature extraction. Thirdly, apart from determining the
pixel class from the global features, the extracted multi-scale features
evaluate the feature information in the neighbourhood on each scale.
This enhances the prediction accuracy of nearby pixels. The result is
Fig. 20. Prediction results of different models and corresponding source image and ground truth in the urban area. (b) and (c) show the magnied results of the
yellow boxes in (a), representing dense-built residential buildings and high-rise ofce buildings. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 5
Object-wise metric of different models of different areas in Hyogo Prefecture.
Area Model Precision Recall F1
Non-built-up Mask R-CNN
0.51 0.61 0.56
FFL mask 0.21 0.46 0.29
Deep snake 0.18 0.34 0.24
Mask R-CNN
0.77 0.66 0.71
Rural Mask R-CNN
0.77 0.62 0.69
FFL mask 0.68 0.61 0.64
Deep snake 0.58 0.56 0.57
Mask R-CNN
0.79 0.63 0.70
Suburban Mask R-CNN
0.82 0.69 0.75
FFL mask 0.81 0.70 0.75
Deep snake 0.66 0.62 0.64
Mask R-CNN
0.90 0.74 0.81
Urban Mask R-CNN
0.80 0.51 0.63
FFL mask 0.77 0.60 0.67
Deep snake 0.65 0.48 0.55
Mask R-CNN
0.84 0.57 0.68
Average Mask R-CNN
0.79 0.60 0.68
FFL mask 0.75 0.65 0.70
Deep snake 0.62 0.54 0.58
Mask R-CNN
0.84 0.64 0.73
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extracted footprints with straighter edge lines and more pronounced
angles, where the boundary errors are no longer negligible at lower
resolutions. In addition, the open-source dataset used in this study was
multi-sourced and exhibited a relatively lower resolution (>0.6 m) than
the HR remote sensing images used in related studies (Wagner et al.,
2020). The LR increases the difculty for the model to learn building
features with irregular shapes and sizes. These characteristics of the
open-source dataset necessitate learning global features, in which the
MPViT backbone performs better than CNN.
Moreover, according to the inference time shown in Table 6, the
MPViT model was extended by 30 %, 20 %, 14 %, and 8 %, higher than
ResNeXt-101 for non-built-up, rural, suburban, and urban areas,
respectively. As the MPViT-b model (16.4G FLOPs) requires higher
computational performance than ResNeXt-101 (~7.8 GFLOPs), feature
extraction and fusion through the MPViT-b model consumed more
computational time. However, although the performance is improved,
we can assume that the model does not excessively increase the model
complexity and reduce operational efciency. The performance
improvement is acceptable and meaningful in practical applications.
Although our study shows the advantages of using MPViT to extract
buildings from satellite images, the results are signicantly inadequate
for practical applications, particularly for the generalization ability
exhibited by different test areas and the ability to segment individual
buildings in dense building areas. While considering global features
facilitates the identication of the complete building and the reduction
of false extractions, it also increases the risk of acquiring additional
noise from open-source images. Such noise will accumulate layer by
layer to increase feature depth, resulting in reduced recall because of the
omission of some buildings. This issue limits the application scenarios of
the open-source dataset. However, this limitation is partially related to
the quality of the test dataset. Overall, there is still substantial scope for
improving the accuracy of building extraction from LR open-source
satellite images.
6.2. Effect of color normalization and image super-resolution on building
Most solutions to the challenges created by the resolution discrep-
ancies and color difference in the open-source satellite images dataset
are associated with data augmentation, transfer-learning-based
methods, and image-preprocessing-based methods. The data augmen-
tation method typically includes certain transformations, such as color
modications and afne transformations, to increase the diversity of the
training dataset. However, it cannot compensate for the high-frequency
information contained in LR images (Yu et al., 2017). Transfer learning
approaches can quickly retrain models using knowledge learned from
upstream tasks. However, once the target region or the data source of the
test image changes, sufcient new training data ought to be prepared
again, limiting migration learning efciency in practical applications
(Pires de Lima and Marfurt, 2019). In step two of the proposed frame-
work in this paper, color normalization based on reference images can
mitigate the color differences between training and test images. More-
over, the SR method based on deep learning can enhance images res-
olution and texture details. As the experimental results showed the
potential of the color normalization and image super-resolution method
in achieving building extraction using open-sourced images, the impact
of color normalization and SR can be further analyzed. Therefore, we
performed ablation experiments. We used the Mask R-CNN with MPViT
backbone model trained in Section 5.4 to assess different images: orig-
inal LR image, color-normalized LR image and color-normalized
upsampled image. Considering the difference in resolution between
the test (0.6 ~ 1 m) and training (0.3 m) images and exploring the
impact caused by these differences, we used two different scaling fac-
tors: (1) enlarging the test image by 2×, with a resolution of 0.3 m, and
(2) down-sampling the original image to 1.2 m followed by 4x SR, with a
resolution of 0.3 m. The image of the suburban area (0.6 m resolution)
was selected for the test, and the Real-ERSGAN was used for SR. The
training setting and degradation approach for the 4x SR model is the
same as that for the 2x model. Also, a GE image with a resolution of 0.3
m was used for comparison. Due to the different shooting angles and
capture times between GSI and GE images, the ground truth of the GE
image was adjusted accordingly. Table 7 supplies a quantitative evalu-
ation of the building extraction by different image strategies. According
to the results, the color-normalized image with 2x SR applied in Section
5.3 showed better performance than other strategies and was very close
to the GE image. It demonstrated the advantage of the color normali-
zation and image super-resolution method adopted in this study. Firstly,
the recall of the toned image improved by 0.02, suggesting that color
normalization not only improves the visual appearance but benets the
building extraction too. Besides, the precision and recall of images after
2x SR improved by 0.05 and 0.04, respectively. This shows that SR could
facilitate the complete utilization of the internal information of LR
remote sensing images. Furthermore, the precision and recall of the
processed GSI image were only 0.01 lower than the GE image, the image
source of which is the same as the training data. It showed that the
proposed color-normalization and image super-resolution could miti-
gate the image differences between the test and training sets. However,
the accuracy with 4x SR is severely degraded. This is because the Real-
ESRGAN model is trained with synthetic LR images as input for the edges
and details of SR images. However, the image lacks enough detail with a
1.2 m resolution to support subsequent reconstructing. Besides, the
noise and blur of LR images are equally amplied after SR, increasing
the difculty of extracting useful information by the instance segmen-
tation model.
Furthermore, to demonstrate the effect of the method on the building
extraction of a wide area, the number of buildings and the total footprint
area of Hyogo Prefecture are aggregated in a 250 m grid. A total of
1,726,006 (29.12 km
) out of the 3,301,488 buildings (32.46 km
) are
extracted, whereas 1,677,000 buildings in 27.68 km
are extracted
without color normalization and image super-resolution. The number of
buildings and footprint area increased by 3.0 % and 5.0 %, respectively.
Subsequently, we calculated the symmetric mean absolute percentage
error (SMAPE) of the predicted and actual values for comparison. The
SMAPE is an accuracy measure based on relative errors, dened by
Equation (9), where Atis the actual value and Ptis the predicted value.
The actual values were created based on the urban planning survey data
of Hyogo Prefecture obtained from the Japan Fundamental Geospatial
Data Download Service
. As shown in Fig. 21, irrespective of the SMAPE
Table 6
Inference time of two backbones in different areas.
Backbone Non-built-
Rural Suburban Urban
Inference time (s) ResNeXt-
18.7 37.5 45.8 68.0
MPViT-base 26.5 47.3 53.3 74.0
Table 7
Object-wise metric of prediction results in a selected suburban area under
different image color normalization and image super-resolution strategies.
Image Resolution (m) Precision Recall F1
Original LR 0.6 0.85 0.68 0.76
Color-normalized LR 0.6 0.85 0.70 0.77
Color-normalized SR 2x 0.3 0.90 0.74 0.81
Color-normalized SR 4x 0.3 0.83 0.61 0.70
GE HR 0.3 0.91 0.75 0.82
URL: (Access on 03/25/2022).
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 195 (2023) 129–152
values calculated based on either metric, the image processed through
SR and color normalization (right column) was signicantly better than
the result of the original images (left column). In particular, the
phenomenon of over-detection is well mitigated (blue areas), demon-
strating that the proposed method can be applied to large-scale building
Fig. 21. Spatial distribution of SMAPE values calculated based on (a) footprint area and (b) the number of buildings in 250 m grid unit; the lighter the color, the
smaller the error. The left gure is the result of original GSI image; that on the right is processed through SR and color normalization.
Fig. 22. Effect on building extraction when the reference image used for color normalization fails to match the original image. The reference image from GE with a
resolution of 3 m was acquired in September 2020, while the source image was acquired in 2012.
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|Pt| + |At|(9)
In addition, we would like to discuss the issue regarding the color-
normalization method, where the reference image did not match the
details of the original one. Problems such as feature coordinate de-
viations and land cover changes are inevitable due to different camera
views and shooting times. That can lead to signicant variances in the
color of a building roof, affecting building extraction. To test the prob-
lems effect, we applied a reference image with a long interval from the
test image for color-normalization and attempted building extraction. As
shown in Fig. 22, the reference image was taken eight years apart from
the original one, and part of the woods have been cut down. Due to vast
differences in the ground objectscolor, the forest and the surrounding
building in the toned images are tinted with earthy ochre. However,
there is no signicant change in the prediction result before and after
color normalization, with only minor differences in outline detail. This is
due to the use of data augmentation in model training, which allows the
model to recognize buildings with a larger range of variation in hue and
brightness, improving the robustness of the model. Additionally, using
reference images with lower resolution can mitigate the problem of
image misalignment due to the angle of the shot (usually within a few
pixels). However, satellite images taken at a similar time are still rec-
ommended to be used as reference maps to avoid signicant changes in
ground objects.
Studying building extraction based on open-source datasets is dif-
cult because of the differences in color space, resolution, and image
acquisition methods among multiple source datasets. However, the re-
sults of this study showed that the proposed color normalization and
image super-resolution approach could improve the performance of
building extraction using open-source satellite images, and satisfactory
accuracy can be achieved with HR training data. Moreover, while pre-
vious investigations focused on the impact of the SR technique on se-
mantic segmentation (Guo et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2021b; Zhang et al.,
2021c), we extended the SR method to instance segmentation, which
has essential academic and practical signicance. This study can provide
a reference for creating a high-quality building footprint map using an
open-source remote sensing dataset.
6.3. Discussion on aggregated results for a wide area
In the previous section, we showed the aggregation results for large-
scale building extraction. As shown in the right column in Fig. 21a, in
terms of footprint areas (equivalent to pixel-wise level), SMAPE is
controlled to a low range for most of the test area. In contrast, the
number of buildings, which is a stricter indicator than the footprint area,
underperforming in coastal areas at the bottom part of Fig. 21b, in-
dicates that the accuracy of object-wise level still requires improvement,
particularly for densely built-up areas in cities.
To further analyze the accuracy of large-scale building extraction, we
performed regression analysis on the aggregated data of the number of
buildings with the actual value according to land use patterns. Land-use
patterns inuence buildings type, density, and distribution even in
areas with similar architectural styles. We classied land use in Hyogo
Prefecture into ve typical cases: rural areas, low-rise building areas,
dense low-rise building areas, high-rise building areas, and industrial
and public facility areas. The denitions of each land use type are
explained in Table 8. The example satellite images of the different land-
use types are shown in Fig. 24, based on the land-use subdivision mesh
of Hyogo Prefecture (Version 1.3), obtained from the Japan National
Land Information Download Service
As shown in Fig. 23, the regression results exhibited a coefcient of
determination of 0.82 and a coefcient of regression of 0.45, which
indicates that the predicted value was approximately 0.5 times that of
the actual value. Although the point distribution was dispersed, the four
cases can be grouped as enclosed within the red circles. Case 1 is located
on both sides of the theoretical regression curve (y=x), where the
absolute value of SMAPE is less than 0.1. Case 2 is close to the vertical
axis, where the actual value =0 and the predicted value is high. Case 3 is
in the region close to the horizontal axis, where the actual value = 0 and
the predicted value =0. The fourth case is in the lower right region,
where approximately the predicted value is <one-third of the actual
Fig. 25 shows the proportion of the different cases. Case 1, where the
prediction result is good, has the most signicant number of cases. Its
distribution is roughly consistent with rural areas and partially scattered
in the low-rise building area. It is due to the low number and density of
buildings in these two areas, where the buildings are less difcult to
extract. In contrast, the distribution of Cases 24 is less numerous and
scattered, and it is hard to nd the pattern from the distribution map
alone. To determine the possible causes of these three exceptional cases,
we counted the number of grids for different land-use categories in Cases
24. As the total number of grids varied for different land-use categories,
the statistics were normalized for easy comparison, as shown in Fig. 25.
First, for Case 2, pixels with no buildings were classied as with build-
ings, primarily in rural areas and industrial and public facility areas,
with minor occurrences in other regions. Although some scenes without
buildings were ltered through scene classication, images without
buildings were retained because of the relatively conservative classi-
cation principle. These areas contain objects similar to buildings, such as
vegetable sheds and warehouses. For Case 3, approximately no buildings
were extracted in the area with buildings, where the distribution trend is
roughly the same as in Case 2. We examined the test image of Case 3 and
the corresponding ground truth and identied three primary causes for
this discrepancy. First, the model could not distinguish the buildings
because of the image resolution (>1 m), despite the SR enhancement of
the image details. This primarily occurred in rural areas with a low
number of buildings. Second, the blurring of the toned image because of
the cloud cover in the GE images that were used as a reference inu-
enced the color normalization process. The third is the time difference
between the capture time of satellite images and the ground truth data
survey time. Although some buildings were annotated in the ground
truth, the image showed that they have either been demolished or have
not yet been constructed. Finally, Case 4s frequency increased with
increasing building complexity and density, particularly for dense low-
rise and high-rise building areas. This was primarily because of the
difculty of nely dividing adjacent buildings with decreasing building
spacing. It makes the predicted adjacent buildings grouped as one ob-
ject. It implies that the prediction result has a high degree of adhesion.
Secondly, it is caused by the object-wise judgment criteria based on IoU.
Most of the models misclassications occur mainly near building
boundaries. The larger the building size, the smaller the proportion of
misclassied pixels and the higher the IoU. The relatively lower reso-
lution of the open-sourced images makes the buildings take up fewer
Table 8
Denition of the specic land-use categories.
Land-use categories Denition
Rural area The land that is used for agricultural purposes.
Low-rise buildings area The land where residential buildings of three stories or
less are distributed in clusters.
Dense low-rise building
The land with a high density of three stories or fewer
residential buildings.
High-rise building area Residential and urban areas, where buildings are densely
built, comprise commercial and business buildings and 4
stories or more condominiums.
Industrial and public
facility area
The land is used for industrial and public utilities such as
factories, docks, hospitals, and schools.
URL: (Access on 03/25/
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Fig. 23. Regression results for 250 m grid aggregated data of
the number of buildings of Hyogo Prefecture. Dots with
different colors represent different land-use categories. Red
boxes mark Cases 14. The horizontal axis plots the actual
values, and the vertical axis plots the predicted values. The
blue line is the theoretical curve (y=x), and the black line is
the actual regression curve (y=0.47x+0.67). (For interpre-
tation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 24. Spatial distribution of (a) land-use categories and (b) Cases 14, and (c) examples of specic land-use categories in Hyogo Prefecture.
Fig. 25. Proportion of different land-use categories in Cases 24, corresponding to the case that pixels with no buildings were classied as buildings, approximately
no buildings were extracted in the area with buildings, and the predicted value <one-third of the actual value in built-up areas.
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pixels, making prediction more difcult.
6.4. Limitation
Although these results showed the methods potential in achieving
building extraction using LR images, further investigation of the
mechanism and limitations of the proposed method is necessary. Based
on the relationship between the resolutions of the training data (0.3 m)
and the GSI image used (mostly 0.6 m), we trained a 2 ×SR model and
assessed its effect on the performance of building extraction. Beyond
that, the potential of using a 4x SR model is only briey discussed. In
practical applications, the resolution of open-source remote sensing data
is variable (including the GSI dataset used in this paper). Therefore, the
SR model should be investigated with different magnication scales, and
the effect on images with different resolutions must be evaluated. Be-
sides, we intend to apply the synthesized open-sourced HR images as
training data via super-resolution to test the generalization abilities of
the model. Second, to solve the issue of low recall, the instance-
segmentation model needs further enhancement in terms of the ability
to segment adjacent buildings, particularly for the high-density built-up
urban areas and complex additions in rural areas. The inuence of the
side part of the high-rise in the non-orthographic image also needs to be
eliminated. Finally, we selected a prefecture-sized area with a relatively
uniform architectural style as the study area. To test whether the
framework developed in this study applies to different styles of buildings
in other countries or regions, updating and supplementing the training
set is a challenge. It is difcult to obtain massive high-precision remote
sensing images and create annotations. Therefore, in the future, it is of
great practical importance to study unsupervised learning-based build-
ing extraction, which helps enhance the models generalization ability
and reduces the cost of practical applications.
7. Conclusion
We proposed a framework for large-scale building extraction using
an SR-based instance segmentation algorithm suitable for open-sourced
remote sensing datasets. The framework comprised four primary steps:
scene classication, color normalization and image super-resolution,
building instance segmentation, and scene mosaicking. For open-
source datasets with relatively lower resolution (>0.6 m) and color
variation, color normalization based on a reference map and the ne-
tuned Real-ESRGAN SR model could improve the image quality visu-
ally, enhancing color consistency and textural details and contributes to
the performance of building extraction. Furthermore, the scene classi-
cation model based on the ConvNeXt-base network could effectively
distinguish between images with and without buildings to reduce the
computational load of building extraction. To demonstrate the validity
of the proposed framework, the proposed method was used to extract a
wide range of buildings footprints in Hyogo Prefecture (19,187 km
We extracted 1,726,006 (29.12 km
) of the 3,301,488 buildings (32.46
), where the number of buildings and footprint area increased by 3.0
% and 5.0 %, respectively, before color normalization and image super-
resolution. Besides, the experimental results showed that the improved
Mask R-CNN model based on the MPViT backbone achieved F1 scores of
0.71, 0.70, 0.81, and 0.67 for non-built-up, rural, suburban, and urban
areas, respectively, which indicate better performance than the ResNext-
101 backbone and other mainstream instance segmentation approach.
Furthermore, by using a reference image with a lower resolution (3 m)
and data enhancement during model training, the effects of the ground
object difference between the reference and original images can be
avoided. Thus, we demonstrated the potential of the proposed approach
in demonstrating the use of widely available low-resolution open-source
data to obtain acceptable building extraction results. This method is
practical and particularly useful when additional datasets of HR remote
sensing images are unavailable, which may broaden the application of
open-source data and benet related downstream tasks. In the future, we
aim to develop SR models with different magnication scales and
improve the model performance for dividing adjacent buildings.
Furthermore, building extraction based on unsupervised learning will be
studied to increase the scope of applicability of the proposed method.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
We are grateful to Dr Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Center for Spatial Infor-
mation Science (CSIS), University of Tokyo, for providing parts of the
training dataset and code used. Besides, we would like to thank Editage
( for English language editing.
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S. Chen et al.
... Fang et al. developed a semi-supervised model that enhances performance by refining building contours [64]. Furthermore, Chen et al. proposed a large-scale building extraction framework that improves low-resolution RS images, enabling accurate buildings extraction from low-resolution datasets [65]. Although these methods offer valuable insights for future researchers aiming to address the challenges posed by insufficient labeling in architectural extraction tasks, achieving the required accuracy and efficiency remains difficult in practical applications. ...
... However, domain adaptation holds great potential to reduce reliance on manual labeling, making it a promising direction for future research. Super-resolution methods: Super-resolution methods are critical for large-scale building extraction, limiting detailed feature capture and reducing model accuracy [65]. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) play a pivotal role in many super-resolution methods, utilizing perceptual and discriminator networks to enhance image resolution [129][130][131]. ...
Full-text available
Automatic building extraction from high resolution remains challenging for widely applications. Previous studies have reviewed building extraction methods, but rapid advances in deep learning (DL) highlight the need for an updated review focused on HRSI applications. Therefore, we reviewed 243 papers to identify future research trends and highlight five key challenges in HRSI-based building extraction: complex boundary optimization, shape and spectrum variability, insufficient samples, tree and shadow interference, and lightweight model applications. Subsequently, we explore five corresponding opportunities leveraging advanced DL techniques. Existing methods are then categorized into two main groups: non-deep learning (NDL)-based and DL-based approaches. These are further subdivided into four broad categories: traditional methods, machine learning-based methods, semantic segmentation-based methods, and vector-based methods, which are discussed in detail based on their underlying principles. Additionally, we present several practical applications and introduce 10 publicly available benchmarks. We conducted a comprehensive evaluation of nine representative methods alongside our proposed Multiple-parallel vision Mamba network (MVMNet) using three public datasets: WHU, Massachusetts, and WHU Satellite I building datasets. Among these methods, HD-Net and MSSDMAP-Net demonstrated superior performance in addressing challenges associated with complex boundaries, while BuildFormerSegDP and CBRNet showed enhanced effectiveness in mitigating the impact of tree occlusion. Notably, MVMNet outperforms the other methods in addressing the challenges associated with spectral heterogeneity within buildings, achieving optimal Intersection over Union (IoU) values of 0.9076, 0.7376, and 0.6612, respectively. Finally, we explore a range of promising research directions and offer references and insights for future researchers. (Github:
... These models are typically designed for RGB images taken by end-user cameras depicting everyday objects, trained on very large natural image datasets with artificial degradations to create synthetic LR-HR pairs. The adoption of these models proves especially challenging for RS applications due to the very different nature of the signals involved [6], [7]. RS data is based upon the physical reflectance, captured in a variety of spectral ranges, depicting information with very different spectral and spatial properties. ...
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Remote sensing super-resolution aims to enhance the spatial details of satellite images by introducing meaningful high-frequency features while avoiding hallucinations and spectral distortions. High-resolution imagery is usually not publicly available, whereas low-resolution imagery is freely available with a much higher revisit rate, such as the Sentinel-2 multispectral imaging mission. Cross-sensor super-resolution has the potential to bridge this gap, providing high spatial and temporal resolution imagery which are otherwise unavailable for many remote sensing users and applications. With the recent advancements in diffusion models, many methodologies have emerged which take advantage of their generative power to perform super-resolution. We propose an adapted latent diffusion approach, since image diffusion is computationally prohibitive to be applied to large Earth observation datasets. Contrary to standard latent diffusion, we encode the low-resolution image to condition the diffusion process, forcing better spectral consistency with the input imagery. The model includes visible and near-infrared bands. To ensure trustworthy results, we utilize the probabilistic nature of diffusion models to generate pixel-level uncertainty maps. This confidence metric is crucial for real-world applications such as environmental monitoring, land cover classification, and change detection, where accurate surface feature reconstruction and spectral consistency are essential. The uncertainty map allows users to evaluate the reliability of the product for these tasks. The proposed model super-resolves Sentinel-2 imagery at 10m to 2.5m and is the first multispectral remote sensing super-resolution diffusion model efficient enough to process large-scale remote sensing datasets, as well as the only model providing a pixel-wise uncertainty metric
... ML models are employed for large-scale building footprint extraction using semantic segmentation, contour-based techniques, and instance segmentation. Super-resolution building extraction utilizes end-to-end and two-stage approaches, with the latter involving region proposal generation and object classification [86]. Raster data from aerial photographs undergoes processes like aerial triangulation, dense image matching, and point cloud generation to create DSMs and orthophotos, which aims at the extraction of building features [87]. ...
... The process of segmenting an image into various areas or segments, each of which refers to a different unit or portion of the image, is known as image segmentation [5][6][7][8][9][10]. Image segmentation aims to reduce complexity and/or transform an image's representation into something more relevant and understandable. ...
Preparing and processing image datasets is a crucial step in deep learning and computer vision applications. However, many challenges arise in creating high-quality image datasets that can make deep learning models more accurate and generic. We provide a thorough review of best practices in this document for preparing and processing image datasets, from raw data collection to final dataset creation. We discuss various techniques and tools that can be used to enhance image quality, reduce noise, and address issues such as class imbalance and bias. Additionally, we provide practical tips for data cleaning, normalization, and augmentation, which are essential for improving the accuracy and robustness of machine learning procedures. Consequently, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by applying it to real-time images and converting them to datasets suitable for several computer vision applications, such as object detection and classification.
... [6] Information Figure .1. scheme of object-based classification building detection approach [7] ...
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Detecting houses through high-resolution satellite images has received increasing attention in recent years and is considered a basic but difficult task in the field of remote sensing. Although, there are many methods that have been developed in this field, there is still a need for an in-depth review of recent articles about Extracting buildings and houses from high-resolution satellite images. This study aims to provide a comprehensive review of articles published in the scientific literature including developments that have occurred in recent years in this field. The topic of house detection is a popular, widespread and rapidly emerging research topic in domain of remote sensing. Because its importance in many fields, including drawing and updating urban maps, monitoring change, detecting damage resulting from environmental disasters, land use analysis, population estimation, and other applications. In addition to Availability of high-resolution images produced by the new generation to satellites. Topics of automatic detection of houses, object-based approaches, machine learning, and deep learning through high-resolution RGB images.