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OM-pd: API between PureData and OM-Sharp
SUBÁREA: Composição e Sonologia
Charles K. Neimog
Universidade de São Paulo
Rodolfo Coelho de Souza
Universidade de São Paulo
OM-pd: API between PureData and OM-Sharp
Abstract. This communication will present a library capable of integrating OM-Sharp
and PureData. There are two goals: The first is to allow the processing of large amounts
of data using the visual language (BRESSON et al., 2017) of OM-Sharp (OM) and the
offline mode of PureData. The second is to bring PureData's audio possibilities to OM.
Keywords: OM-Sharp, PureData, BigData, Visual Programming.
OM-pd: API entre PureData e OM-Sharp
Resumo. Esta comunicação apresentará uma biblioteca capaz de integrar OM-Sharp e
PureData. Existem dois objetivos: O primeiro é permitir o processamento de grandes
quantidades de dados utilizando a linguagem visual (BRESSON et al., 2017) do OM-
Sharp (OM) e o modo offline do PureData. A segunda é trazer para o OM as
possibilidades de áudio do PureData.
Palavras-chave. OM-Sharp, PureData, BigData, Linguagem Visual.
One of the great features of the OM’s family (OpenMusic and OM-Sharp) is that
they implement most of the Lisp language. Due to this feature, we believe that the OM family
is a helpful tool to work with scripts and automatize repetitive works, and because of that, it
can be used to build large musical structures using math, draws, scores, graphs, and other
representations to control audio parameters.
However, there are some problems with OM. The most perceptible is that Lisp – the
programming language in which OM is built – is not a fast language for audio processing, and
the community is decreasing, so neural synthesis, for example, is not widely implemented.
Thus, the possibility of making scripts/patches for big musical data processing and some
audio approaches is not fully available in the OM environment.
Such as OM-Sox (with SoX), OM-Chroma (Csound), and others, OM-pd (with
PureData) tries to solve this by building one bridge (API) between Pd and OM. The approach
was initially based on Padovani's repository (,
which is an example of how it is possible to use PureData in the command line with Python.
We understand that one of the primary purposes of using PD in command-line mode is to
allow the processing a large amount of data. The problem is that it is usually used with textual
languages (as in the Python code shown in figure 1). OM-pd tries to bring this kind of
possibility into the visual programming environment of OM and PD.
Next, we will present how the library works and some of its possible applications.
The OM-pd has few objects, they are: pd~, wsl-pd~ (just for Windows), pd-open-
patches, pd-kill (useful when we do something wrong in multithreading tasks), pd-list-patches
(special box), pd-mk-line, and pd-multithreading.
The pd~, wsl-pd~, and pd-mk-line objects work similarly. They build command lines
that will run Pd. Pd~ is the main object, wsl-pd~ will run Pd for Linux on the Windows
Figure 1: Padovani's example of using PureData and Python. It generates 50 aleatoric sinusoids.
Source: Figure of authors, code from prof. José H. Padovani.
machine (sometimes it is challenging to compile some objects for Windows), and pd-mk-line
will build pure-data classes that need to be used with pd-multithreading object, for
multithreading processing (It allows to allocate more computer resources, the processing is
faster). These three objects have one required inlet and seven optional inlets. The required
inlet is the patch defined using the pd-define-patch or pd-list-patches object. The seven
optional inlets are sound-in (pathname of some audio input), sound-out (pathname of output
audio), var (a list of variables and values for audio manipulation), GUI (open or not the
Graphical User Interface of PureData), offline (run or not in offline mode), verbose (show or
not information), and thread (run or not in a threaded mode, OM ‘tell’ PD to execute without
the wait for it finish).
Next, we will present some simple examples: First, we want to build one sinusoid
controlling the frequency using OM#. It will happen with this patch in figure 2.
In this case (figure 2), we use the inlet patch (always required) – it is highly
recommended not to use spaces character in patch pathname folders and names – the sound-
out inlet, the var inlet, and the offline inlet – in OM#, you can use the ‘+’ in the object to add
inlets, when you click on the inlet created you can choose (in pd~ object) between sound-out,
sound-in, var, GUI, offline, thread, and verbose. The patch pathname will be specified using
the object file-chooser, and the object pd-define-patch will define some configurations to use
in the pd~ object (the use of pd-define-patch is not required). In the second inlet, we have the
path where the sinusoid will be saved, and the third inlet is where we choose the sinusoid’s
frequency, in this case, 483. Note that we need a list of lists (a list of numbers: (1 2 3 4 5); a
list of lists of numbers ((1 2) (1 2) (1 2)) ) and not just a list in this inlet. In the fourth inlet, we
specify that we want PureData to synthesize the sinusoid the fastest possible (offline mode).
Figure 2 - Example of patch in OM-Sharp.
Source: Figure of authors.
On the PureData side, we have the patch in figure 3. To build a sinusoid, the part
inside the red square is complex. Nevertheless, it will be the same for all similar processes
(when we want to synth some audio using OM parameters without manipulating a pre-
existing sample). It happens because it must deal with the exact order of the audio in
PureData. To work correctly:
1. It has to turn on the DSP.
2. Specify the audio file path (this is sent by OM through the sound-out inlet, in
PureData, we receive it using the ‘r outfile’ object).
3. Start the recording.
4. Play the sinusoid (2 seconds in this patch, note that the .wav file will have 2s. The
process is much faster).
5. Stop the recording.
6. Exit from PureData (this is an essential part when we are using the OM-pd).
Figure 3 - Patch in PureData to build sinusoid.
Source: Figure of authors.
Another example is to change the patch to build a note using SoundFont. First, we
must load the SoundFont (using loadbang) and add some note-in/off to else/sfont~. All the
similar processes will happen with the same structure.
Figure 4 - The patch builds a SoundFont note.
Source: Figure of authors.
The patches presented can work in multithreading. For that, we need to change the
OM patch, as represented in figure 5. In this case, for example, we build 40 samples of 2
seconds in about 10 seconds.
Figure 5 - The patch builds 40 samples using sfont~ in multhreading.
Source: Figure of authors.
One second way to work with OM-pd is to manipulate samples. Here one sample
will be spatialized. It is possible to use the patch of figure 6 in OM and figure 7 in PureData.
In pd~ object, we have (left to right):
1. The patch is in the first inlet.
2. The pathname of the audio that will be manipulated (sound-in).
3. Where the audio manipulated by PureData will be saved (sound-out).
4. The list of parameters and values (var).
5. The offline mode is true (offline).
6. The verbose mode is true (verbose).
In OM, it is essential to note that the parameters azimuth and elevation are part of
one list with the variable's name followed by the value (a list of lists). These values will be
received in PureData using the r object and the variable's name. The variable azimuth, for
example, is received using the object r + azimuth (r azimuth).
Figure 6 - OM patch to generate audio spacialization.
Source: Figure of authors.
Figure 7 - OM patch to generate audio spacialization.
Source: Figure of authors.
Note that we add the r infile in the PD patch. This object will receive the pathname of
the audio that will be spatialized (second inlet in OM patch). It will open the audio and then
play it (this order is done using t b a). OM-pd will always send the input file for last.
Therefore, we must load all settings before the infile (we suppose that with the infile, you will
load the audio, play it, and use the bang outlet of readsf~ to stop the recording and exit of
PureData). To load settings is possible to use the loadbang object or the receive (r) with the
om-loadbang argument (r om-loadbang).
The third possibility is to use real-time. In this mode will be possible to record (to use
in OM) or hear. One example is making a PD patch to play the data-track (a bi-dimensional
representation of data), like in figure 8. Here, the data-track organizes sounds of one score
and sends data using the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol to PureData. An excerpt from
the example below is available at:
Figure 8 - Render Score using the Orchidea samples and PureData.
Source: Figure of authors.
Another example is to render spatializations using the 3DC (three-dimensional space
graph in OM) and the IEM Plugin Suite and vstplugin~ from the University of Graz (Austria).
This process could be helpful when we want to hear or render trajectories generated by some
math process in OM. The difference between running Pd by itself is that we can load audio
files and specify configurations inside OM without changing the interface (OM to PureData).
The patch of figure 9 works similarly to OM-Spat (EINBOND et al., 2021) from Ircam, and it
is free and OpenSource tools (IEM plugins are free and OpenSource too). An audio example
is available at Example - Figure 9 (in
Figure 9 - 3DC class in OM-Sharp. It will control the spacialization parameters in PureData.
Source: Figure of authors.
We presented the three possible ways to work with OM-pd, the synthesis using OM
parameters, the offline and faster manipulation of one pre-existent sample, and the real-time
render of audio data.
Use Pd for Linux in Windows
There are objects and tools developed in Unix Systems (Linux and macOS). In some
cases, it is hard to compile them for Windows. Examples are nn~ (CAILLON; ESLING,
2021), wavae encoder~ and decoder~, ddsp~, and others. With Windows 10/11, it is possible
to use these tools without changing the workflow through the Windows Subsystem for Linux
(WSL). It requires running four lines of PowerShell commands available in and changing the pd~ object to wsl-pd~ object. In
the backend, what happens is that wsl-pd~ will run the version of PureData inside a Linux
virtual machine, enabling the use of these objects for offline processing without spending time
discovering how to compile it for Windows. The link shows audio examples of OM-pd
working with WSL using the nn~ (in PureData) object and a Berimbau model
Potential applications
OM-pd helps the organization of large structures in acousmatic music using OM
tools and libraries (for example, OM-Chaos, OM-Combine, and OM-Alea). At the same time,
it provides methods for audio manipulation in OM, like VST plugins, easy multithreading,
and all tools developed for PureData.
It may be effective for educational applications. With Orchidea-Sol and OM-CKN,
for example, it will be possible to render samples using extended techniques (see the piece
Ideias Roubadas II in It should
help, with some more implementations, young composers to hear how music will sound using
extended techniques, bringing students closer to these sounds.
In underdeveloped countries where it is challenging to acquire tools like Spat (or
OM-Spat), it will be possible to use, for example, IEM Suite Plugins (free and OpenSource
tool) that can provide similar services (used in figure 9) with OM.
Finally, the library is mainly developed for composers dealing with large amounts of
data by reducing the need for textual programming. In unmethodical tests, for example, it has
no time difference between using pedalboard (
(Spotify) in Python or OM-pd and PureData for VST audio manipulation. So, we understand
that OM-pd allows us to use the fast processing power and the excellent visual programming
tools simultaneously, adding to PureData the easy way to make scripts in the OM. Moreover,
it can automate tasks using traditional tools like scores (voices, polys, and chords) and bi and
three-dimensional representations (3dc and bpf), which seems ideal for compositions that use
large amounts of data.
The library is available at
BRESSON, Jean; BOUCHE, Dimitri; CARPENTIER, Thibaut; SCHWARZ, Diemo;
GARCIA, Jérémie. Next-generation Computer-aided Composition Environment: A New
COMPUTER MUSIC CONFERENCE 2017, Shanghai, China. Anais... Shanghai: [s.n.], 253-
8 (p.), 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 de
jun. 2022.
CAILLON, Antoine; ESLING, Philippe. RAVE: A variational autoencoder for fast and high-
quality neural audio synthesis. [S. l.], 2021. DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2111.05011. Disponível
em: Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022.
GARCIA, Jérémie; BOUCHE, Dimitri; BRESSON, Jean. Timed Sequences: A Framework for
Computer-Aided Composition with Temporal Structures. In: TENOR 2017, 3RD
Internacional Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation. A.
Coruña: [s.n.], 131-6 (p.), 2017. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022.