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Drinking your Greens: Green Smoothies from a Nutritional and Toxicological Point of View

  • German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Peer Review | Green Smoothies
Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 8/2022
Drinking your Greens: Green Smoothies
from a Nutritional and Toxicological
Point of View
Julika Lietzow, Benjamin Sachse, Bernd Schäfer
A smoothie can be prepared quickly and is
recognized as “natural and healthy”. There-
fore, smoothies have become a real food trend.
More than 15 million people in Germany
consume smoothies once or several times a
month [1]. The beverage has a notable role in
the raw food diet, in which the consumption
of raw and largely unprocessed plant food is
of priority.
Freshly prepared green smoothies contain
numerous nutrients - including vitamins,
minerals and dietary bers, and, therefore,
can signicantly contribute to a healthy diet.
However, to avoid health risks, some points
should be considered with regard to selecting
ingredients and preparing the smoothie. For
example, in addition to plants or parts thereof
traditionally consumed as food, also ingredi-
ents that have not been eaten raw or at all
in the past are used in smoothie recipes, and
might pose a health risk.
This review should draw attention to the
fact that the consumption of green smooth-
ies may, in principle, also lead to health
risks. In addition to the description of nu-
tritional aspects and an overview of ingredi-
ents of potential health concern, recommen-
dations for a safe preparation of smoothies
are provided.
Nutritional aspects
The term “smoothie” is not legally protected
and no binding denition exists. Therefore,
there are no consistent rules which ingredi-
ents have to be added to the drink and at what
quantities. Usually, a green smoothie consists
of fruits as well as vegetables and/or greens
that are mashed with water to a smooth
purree. Hence the name “smoothie” - derived
from the English word “smooth” [2].
Green smoothies often contain benecial ingredients (e.g. vitamins, min-
erals and bers) and can enrich the daily diet. However, with regard to
the selection of ingredients, some points should be considered in order to
avoid health risks. First, it has to be kept in mind that a high fruit content
may result in a considerably high energy intake. In principle, only plants or
parts thereof should be used in smoothies which have also been used tradi-
tionally as foods and, therefore, are regarded as safe. Further, all ingredients
should be used with as much variety as possible in order to avoid an unbal-
anced nutrient supply and to avoid a high long-term intake of potentially
harmful substances. Special care should be taken when using self-collected
wild herbs, since, among other things, confusion with poisonous plants
may occur. It is also recommended to use ingredients as fresh as possible
and to follow the general rules of kitchen hygiene.
Keywords: Green smoothies, health risks, plant toxins, contaminants, raw
Lietzow J: Drinking your Greens: Green Smoothies from a Nu-
tritional and Toxicological Point of View. Ernahrungs Umschau
2022; 69(8): 126–35.
The English version of this article is available online:
DOI: 10.4455/eu.2022.024
Peer reviewed
Manuscript (original) subbmitted: 24. February 2022
Revision accepted: 02. May 2022
Corresponding author
Dr. Julika Lietzow
Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8–10, 10589 Berlin
Abteilung Lebensmittelsicherheit
Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 8/2022
Recipes often recommend the use of whole fruits, including the
peel and the seeds. Some recipes also include other ingredients
such as wild or culinary herbs, kernels, nuts, spices or so-called
“superfoods” (table 1) [2]. “Superfoods” are not legally dened
and are commonly understood as foods that have certain nutrient
proles, such as particularly high levels of vitamins, minerals or
dietary bers. However, the health-related claims associated with
“superfoods” are often not scientically proven [3].
Priority is often given to the health-promoting characteristics of
smoothies, especially due to the high levels of vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants and dietary bers. As promised, smoothies, among
other things, are intended to support, for example, the process
of “detoxication” – a statement that has not been supported by
scientic evidence [4].
In particular, green smoothies are also often used for weight-loss
purposes due to their high proportion of vegetables, even if this
is not always promising. The green juices can have a high energy
content because of their high levels of naturally occurring sug-
ars, especially through the added fruits. For example, a self-pre-
pared smoothie with 200 g of leaf spinach, a banana and half an
apple contains about 30 g sugar and more than 200 kilocalories
[5] (table 2). Furthermore, “Stiftung Warentest” recently noted
that the content of natural sugars in green
smoothies from retailers can vary between 5
and 11 g per 100 ml [6]. This is in the same
order of magnitude as soft drinks, which usu-
ally contain 10 g sugar per 100 ml. The Ger-
man Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends not
to exceed a maximum intake of 50 grams of
free sugars per day for adults (7). It makes lit-
tle difference whether this is natural or added
In addition, energy-dense drinks such as fruit
and vegetable juices result in a lower com-
pensatory response to food intake than solid
foods. For example, the satiating effect is less
pronounced [8]. Fruits and vegetables contrib-
ute signicantly to a healthy and diverse diet
in daily life. The consumption of one glass of
smoothie per day can supplement the diet.
However, due to their high calorie content it is
suggested not to consume fruit and vegetable
smoothies in addition to the recommended ve
portions of fruit and vegetables per day, but to
replace one portion occasionally [9].
Potential health risks resulting
from the consumption of green
Plants naturally contain various ingredients,
whose levels can also differ from plant part
to plant part. As a result of this diversity,
the plant ingredients are often not or insuf-
ciently characterized toxicologically. There-
fore, the safety of traditionally consumed
foods is generally substantiated by the “his-
tory of safe use” [10]. On the other hand, for
plants or parts thereof that have not been con-
sumed so far, such information is usually not
available. Thus, indications of harmful effects
often arise only in relation to the occurrence
of poisoning cases or intolerances. A particu-
lar problem: Potentially carcinogenic effects
often remain undetected as such effects usu-
ally occur decades after the harmful substance
was ingested.
Hence, a general estimation whether plants
or parts thereof pose a health risk or not is
usually not possible. In some cases, a bitter
taste can be a simply perceptible indication
for consumers concerning potentially toxic
substances. However, this may not always be
true-bitter-tasting compounds are not toxic
per se, nor do all toxins have a bitter taste.
Therefore, some points, that are described
Fruits • Bananas
• Apples, pears
• Berries (including frozen foods)
• Pineapple
• Oranges
• Oiwi
• Grapefruit
• etc.
and leafy
• Salads (lettuces, rocket etc.)
• Kale
• Spinach, chard
• Avocado
• Chives, cress
Carrot green, radish leaves, kohlrabi leaves, beetroot
leaves, celery leaves
• Culinary herbs (parsley, basil, sage, etc.)
Wild herbs (dandelion, chickweed, nettle, sorrel,
Leaves of various trees and bushes (e.g. lime tree,
blackberry, hibiscus)
• „Superfoods” (goji berries, chia seeds, axseed)
• Sweeteners (honey, stevia, dates, birch sugar)
Herbs and spices (culinary herbs, wild herbs, chilli,
vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa, etc.)
Special water (coconut water, spring water, distilled
• Matcha
• Acerola
• Ginseng
• Activated charcoal
• Medicinal herbs
• Protein powder
• Plant powder, e.g. wheatgrass powder
Tab. 1: Typical ingredients for the preparation of green smoothies
[2], (Free web search)
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Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 8/2022
further below, should be taken into account when selecting the
ingredients for green smoothies.
Toxicologically relevant substances in edible plants or
parts thereof
Consumption of green smoothies can result in an intake of un-
usually large amounts of certain plant ingredients that are not
taken up through the traditional consumption of plant-based
food. In consequence, health risks may result from ingredients
which are actually not a problem for healthy individuals if con-
sumed in small quantities. Some of these examples are described
Oxalic acid
Plants belonging to the families Amaranthaceae (foxtail) and Po-
lygonaceae (knotweed) are known for their high levels of oxalic
acid. The best-known representatives are spinach, mangold, am-
aranth and quinoa, as well as sorrel and rhubarb. Some of these
plants contain oxalic acid levels of more than 100, some have
more than 500 mg per 100 g fresh weight [11].
Oxalic acid is an organic acid and its salts are called oxalates. While
potassium and sodium salts are highly water-soluble, oxalic acid
forms complexes of low solubility with some other minerals, such
as calcium. Plant-based foods contain both soluble potassium ox-
alate and insoluble calcium oxalate [12].
Ingredients 1 banana 1/2 apple Baby spinach Lemon juice Total*
Quantity 125 g 75 g 200 g 30 ml
Water g 94 64 185 28 370
Calories kcal 123 46 54 6,6 229
Protein (total) g 0,9 0,1 5,7 0 ,1 6,8
Fat (total) g 0,4 0,1 1, 2 0,1 1, 8
Carbohydrates (total) g 29 11 4,8 2,1 47
• Fiber g 2,5 1,6 3,2 0,1 7,4
• Sugar (total) g 20 8,9 0,8 30
of which sucrose g 5,3 1,5 0,1 6,9
of which fructose g 7, 6 5,9 0,3 14
of which glucose g 6,9 1,5 0,3 8,7
Minerals and vitamins
Calcium mg 6,3 5,3 136 1, 8 149
Sodium mg 4,0 0,5 222 0,3 227
Potassium mg 408 80 1164 31 1682
Magnesium mg 35 3,7 186 1,8 226
Phosphorus mg 28 6,0 78 2,4 114
Vitamin C mg 15 3,5 53 12 83
Iron mg 0,4 < 0,1 2,5 < 0,1 3,0
Tab. 2: Nutritional profile of a green smoothie (sample recipe)
[source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2019-2021]
* corresponds to about 2 servings (glasses), depending on the addition of liquids (e.g. 200 ml of water)
In general, foods composed of vegetables
rich in oxalic acid do not pose a health risk
to healthy people when regularly consumed.
However, when spinach, but also chard, is
used in relatively large quantities (e.g. reci-
pes with more than 200 g of leaf spinach per
smoothie) as well as in unprocessed raw form
in green smoothies, it can contribute to a very
high intake of oxalic acid.
A high chronic intake of oxalic acid or its sol-
uble salts can result, together with minerals,
such as free calcium, in the formation of com-
pounds with low solubility in the intestinal
lumen which can lead to a deciency of these
minerals by the respective persons [11].
According to the European Food Safety Au-
thority (EFSA), the dietary intake of more than
180 mg of oxalic acid per day signicantly en-
hances the urinary oxalic acid excretion (hy-
peroxaluria) [13]. After systemic absorption,
the oxalic acid can form calcium oxalate com-
plexes with low-solubility, that may crystal-
lize in the kidney at higher concentrations,
which may in turn lead to an increase of the
risk of kidney, urinary or bladder stones. A
low urine volume and a low urine pH as well
Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 8/2022
as decits in the supply of minerals can promote the formation of
stones. The simultaneous intake of calcium-rich foods (e.g. dairy
products or calcium-rich mineral water) counteracts the systemic
absorption of oxalic acid as a consequence of the formation of
low-soluble calcium oxalate complexes in the intestinal lumen,
which are then eliminated via feces. However, as described above,
this also reduces the absorption of calcium [12].
Acute poisonings caused by the intake of foods rich in oxalic acid
are not widely known. However, the scientic literature describes
cases in which a high consumption of oxalate-rich foods (more
than 1 g oxalate intake per day), e.g. via green vegetables or juices,
over an extended period of time caused kidney damage – in most
cases in people with pre-existing renal damage [14-16].
Soaking or cooking vegetables markedly reduces the content of
oxalic acid (30-87%) because the water-soluble oxalic acid passes
into the cooking water [11]. However, smoothies are usually
made with raw ingredients, and therefore, the intake of oxalic
acid can be relatively high [17].
Nitrate and nitrite
Leafy greens such as spinach, chard or rocket belong to the ni-
trate-accumulating plants and may contain high levels of nitrate,
depending on season and cultivation area [18]. Nitrate can be con-
verted to nitrite either in the food itself or in the human body (by
nitrate-reducing bacteria in the mouth or gastro-intestinal tract,
or enzymatically). Nitrite reduces the ability to transport oxy-
gen through the red blood cells, because it oxidizes hemoglobin
to methemoglobin which is no longer capable to reversibly bind
oxygen. This may result in an inadequate oxygen delivery to the
tissues, which can be particularly dangerous for infants [19]. In
addition, nitrite may contribute to the formation of a group of
compounds known as nitrosamines, some of which are considered
carcinogenic [20].
EFSA derived an acceptable daily intake for nitrate of 3.7 mg per
kg of body weight and for nitrite of 0.07 mg per kg of body
weight [20, 21]. A daily nitrate intake of 260 mg over a lifetime is
therefore unlikely to cause adverse health effects in a person with
a body weight of 70 kg. In order to protect consumers, EU-wide
maximum levels are set for nitrate in various leafy vegetables
such as spinach and fresh lettuce [22]. Nevertheless, these foods
contribute to an overall high nitrate intake.
Nitrate levels in foods can vary depending on growing conditions
and season. For example, depending on the sunlight exposure,
eld vegetables (leafy greens/lettuces) and vegetables harvested
in summer have lower levels of nitrate compared to vegetables
harvested in the greenhouse or in winter [23]. Analysis of lettuces
and leafy greens grown in the greenhouse showed average nitrate
concentration of 2,950 mg/kg. By comparison, open-eld lettuces
and leafy greens had up to 37% lower nitrate values - the average
concentration was 1 865 mg/kg [24]. In addition, nitrogen ferti-
lization also plays a major role in terms of nitrate accumulation
in plants. In organic farming the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizer
is not allowed, therefore organic vegetables usually have lower
nitrate levels [25].
Non-digestible carbohydrates in raw cabbages
Cabbage varieties have always been used in
meals such as stews and soups or to make
sauerkraut. In addition to numerous vi-
tamins and minerals, they contain lots of
bers and secondary plant ingredients such
as the pungent mustard oil glycosides, also
known as glucosinolates. Cabbages, e.g.
kale, are also often used as an ingredient
in green smoothies due to their high nu-
trient content [26]. It is generally known,
that the consumption of cabbages may lead
to gastrointestinal complaints such as at-
ulence, diarrhea and feeling of fullness up
to abdominal pain, dependent on the intake
level. The reason for these symptoms may
be the non-digestible carbohydrates in cab-
bage (e.g. rafnose in kale) which are not
or not completely enzymatically hydro-
lyzed and reach the colon undigested or not
completely digested, and are then fermented
by bacteria. Odorless gases such as carbon
dioxide, hydrogen and methane can thereby
be formed which can lead to severe atu-
lence and are thus the cause of the symp-
toms described [27, 28].
Traditionally, various cabbage meals are
seasoned with ingredients such as savory,
dill, fennel or caraway seeds to alleviate
atulence symptoms. In addition, soaking
and cooking vegetables can reduce the level
of non-digestible bers [29, 30]. In general,
the severity of gas production after intake of
cabbages in healthy people is very different
and depends, among other things, on the in-
dividual metabolic activity and the compo-
sition of the intestinal ora [31]. Therefore,
the digestibility of (raw) cabbage differs in-
dividually and should be considered when
using cabbages in smoothies.
Various vegetables of the Brassica family, in-
cluding cabbages, may contain goitrogenic
substances. These compounds can impair the
iodide uptake by the thyroid gland and the syn-
thesis of thyroid hormones. This can especially
occur when large quantities are consumed
and in cases of simultaneous iodine deciency.
However, the presence of those substances var-
ies between the different Brassica plants and is
considerably dependent on the methods of pro-
cessing and preparation [32, 33]. People with
thyroid diseases (e.g. enlargement of the thy-
roid gland) and simultaneous iodine deciency
should therefore avoid frequent and excessive
consumption of (raw) cabbages.
Peer Review | Green Smoothies
Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 8/2022
Interactions between plant
ingredients and drugs
People taking drugs should consider that some plant ingredients
may lead to interactions with certain drugs – either by reducing
their effect or by enhancing the side effects. The consumption of
green smoothies can lead to relatively high intakes of such plant
An example of an interaction is vitamin K in leafy greens, which
can reduce the effect of some anticoagulant drugs (e.g. phen-
procoumon or warfarin). In addition, goji berries contain sub-
stances that may also interact with anticoagulant drugs such as
phenprocoumon. Another example is the St John’s Wort listed in
different recipes, which may, among other things, interfere with
the effect of oral contraceptives (“pill”). Further, furocoumarins
occurring in citrus fruits can affect the bioavailability of drugs
by inhibiting their enzymatic degradation and thus increase the
risk of adverse reactions [34]. The relevance of such interactions
in the context of the consumption of green smoothies has not
been studied systematically. However, a clinically relevant in-
teraction potential is realistic due to the potentially high intake
of secondary plant ingredients via the consumption of green
Use of parts of plants usually not consumed
General conclusions regarding possible health risks due to the
use of plant parts that are usually not consumed, such as leaves,
stems, rinds or pits, cannot be made. In many cases, the con-
sumption of such parts does probably not pose a health risk - but
this might not always be the case. Important to note: Parts of
plants can contain harmful substances even if other parts are safe.
Potatoes and tomatoes are given here as an example. Usually, the
potato tuber or tomato regularly consumed contains low levels
of toxic glycoalkaloids, like α-solanine, which protect the plant
against harmful organisms (pests). However, higher levels can be
found in the leaves. For example, the potato tuber usually has a
glycoalkaloid content below 150 mg/kg, whereas the leaves can
contain up to 1,000 mg/kg and owers and sprouts can even
reach several thousand mg/kg. Intake of 1 mg/kg body weight or
more can lead to acute poisoning effects, such as gastrointestinal
symptoms [35].
Risk to human health can also be related to the kernels of
certain fruits. For example, while the seed kernels of the wa-
termelon can be consumed without presenting an appreciable
risk, the kernels of almost all stone fruit species (e.g. almond,
apricot, plum, apple) contain so-called cyanogenic glycosides
such as amygdalin, that can release cyanide upon consump-
tion [36, 37]. As often, the dose makes the poison: The in-
take of few apple seeds, e.g. by eating a single apple, does
usually not represent a health problem. On the other hand,
it is not recommended to consciously consume larger quan-
tities or larger kernels of stone fruits (e.g. apricot kernels,
bitter almonds) because this might result in problematically
high intake levels. For adults, the consumption of two bitter
apricot kernels or one bitter almond is considered safe. In con-
trast, such quantities can already have serious consequences
for young children and, dependent on the dose, can lead to
clinical signs of toxicity including headache and dizziness,
up to dyspnea, convulsions, coma and
death [38]. Beside stone fruit kernels, ax
seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, too.
However, intake levels of 15 g per meal are
considered safe because the amount of cy-
anide released can easily be detoxied by
the body [39].
Avocado pits are also frequently claimed
to be used as an ingredient in smoothies. A
well-known ingredient in all over-ground
plant parts of the avocado, including the
fruit, is persin. It is known that persin can
lead to poisonings in various domesticated
species and livestock–for humans it is con-
sidered non-toxic [40]. However, the avail-
able data are not sufcient to conclusively
assess potential risks. The authors have cur-
rently no evidence regarding the occurrence
of adverse health effects in humans when
eating avocado pits–poisoning cases have
not yet been documented.
Moreover, it should be considered that leaves
and stems used for smoothies can contain
higher levels of pesticide residues or environ-
mental contaminants than the parts of the
plant usually consumed as food. According
to the Federal Ofce of Consumer Protection
and Food Safety (BVL), for example, multi-
residues of pesticides were detected more fre-
quently in the leaves of kohlrabi or radishes
in 2020 than in the corresponding edible tu-
bers [41].
In the European Union, maximum residue
levels have been set for pesticides to ensure
the safety of consumers. However, the levels
often have only been set for plant parts usu-
ally consumed, and accordingly are moni-
tored only for these parts [42]. Organic fruits
and vegetables usually have lower levels of
pesticide residues than conventional products
Use of wild plants
Other ingredients that are often used for
green smoothies are wild herbs, wildowers
or blossoms. In this case, it is very impor-
tant to inform yourself beforehand about
the used plants. In principle, there are two
potential risks by using wild herbs and
Some herbs, regarded as edible, contain
harmful substances. For example, bor-
age, coltsfoot and comfrey contain so-
called pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are
mutagenic and carcinogenic. A safe level
of intake cannot be identied for these
Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 8/2022
substances according to the current state of knowledge.
The intake of these substances should therefore be as low
as possible [44, 45]. Accordingly, these herbs should only
be exceptionally used in smoothies. Vulnerable popula-
tion groups such as pregnant and breastfeeding women or
young children should better avoid the use of these herbs.
A further risk might exist with respect to the possibility of con-
fusion between certain wild herbs and known poisonous plants
(table 3). One example: Confusion of leaves of wild garlic with
those of lily of the valley or meadow saffron. Both lily of the
valley and meadow saffron contain strong toxins, which can
also lead to fatal poisoning [46]. There is also a possibility of
confusion between cows parsley and poison hemlock as well as
yarrow and poison hemlock and many other wild herbs. The
consumption of poison hemlock causes death by suffocation
already after a short time [46]. Recently, a case of poisoning has
been reported in which a 43-year-old woman showed symp-
toms of poisoning after drinking a smoothie prepared from col-
lected wild plants, likely due to the confusion of common sorrel
with the poisonous plant foxglove [47].
“Exotic” ingredients
Aloe vera leaves
The leaves of plants of the genus Aloe have been considered as
remedy for centuries, e.g. for the treatment of sunburn and skin
eczema, and, more recently, are also used as an ingredient in
smoothies. With regard to consumption it should be noted that
the juice of the leaf rind of plants of the genus Aloe contain an-
thranoids (syn. anthraquinones) which have a laxative effect at
higher doses. In addition, there is some evidence that these sub-
stances could be carcinogenic. However, the gel obtained from the
inner gel layer does not contain anthranoids [48].
Therefore, only the inside layer of the leaf, i.e. the plant gel,
should be used for Aloe vera preparations. Nevertheless, anthra-
noids can pass from the leaf bark into the gel even when care-
fully prepared, thus, it is advisable not to use self-made Aloe vera
gels [49]. From a toxicological point of view,
whole leaves of Aloe vera are generally not
suitable for consumption. Aloe vera products
from retailers have to comply with food law
and should be preferred here.
Water lentils
An exotic ingredient for green smoothies are
water lentils, commonly called duckweed.
Originally and primarily consumed in Asian
countries, the green owering plants have
also been included in various smoothie reci-
pes for some time now. The small water len-
tils have a favorable amino acid and fatty
acid composition, and otherwise consist of
more than 90% water. In addition, they can
efciently absorb essential minerals from
the water or culture medium. However,
they also accumulate toxic substances, such
as heavy metals, and therefore, are used for
wastewater treatment or phytoremediation
[50, 51].
Ideas for recipes with “self-harvested” or
“self-cultured” water lentils are commonly
found in online forums. However, usually
it is not described what exact type of the
ve known genera should be used as an in-
gredient. Due to the characteristics described
above, it is not advisable to culture water
lentils on its own or to collect them from
ponds because several environmental con-
taminants can be absorbed depending on the
water quality.
In the EU, water lentils are considered as
novel foods and, as such, require pre-mar-
ket authorization. Recently, the water len-
wild herbs
Poisonous or
inedible plants
Toxic ingredients Adverse eects
Wild garlic
(Allium ursinum)
Lily of the valley
(Convallaria majalis)
Meadow saffron
(Colchicum autumnale)
Cardiac glycosides
(e.g. convallatoxin)
(e.g. colchicine)
Gastrointestinal symptoms,
cardiac arrhythmia
Painful swallowing, gastrointestinal
symptoms, seizure, paralysis
Wild chervil
(Anthriscus sylvestris),
Yarrow (Achillea
(Conium maculatum)
(e.g. coniine)
Burning sensation in the mouth,
gastrointestinal symptoms, seizure,
(Digitalis spp.)
Cardiac glycosides
(e.g. digoxin)
Gastrointestinal symptoms, cardiac
arrhythmia, hallucinations
Corn mint
(Mentha arvensis)
Pennyroyal mint
(Mentha pulegium)
Essential Oil
(e.g. pulegone)
Liver injury
Dandelion (Taraxa-
cum ofcinale)
(Senecio spp.)
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids Liver injury,
possibly carcinogenic
Tab. 3: Possibilities of confusion between edible wild plants and toxic or inedible plants [46]
Peer Review | Green Smoothies
Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 8/2022
til species Wolfa globosa and Wolfa arrhiza have been au-
thorized in the EU and thus can be marketed in the future
Black Smoothies
Another trend are “black smoothies”. They are intended to detox-
ify the body and have been reported to help, for example, against
symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption [53]. In many reci-
pes, the addition of 1/2 teaspoon of activated charcoal is suggested
to prepare a “black smoothie”. This amount already corresponds
to the dose used for pharmaceutical purposes, as activated char-
coal is mainly used to treat diarrhea and certain kinds of intoxi-
cations [54]. Due to its large surface area, the charcoal can bind
various (harmful) substances within the gastrointestinal tract
which are then excreted with the feces [55].
Due to its very non-specic mode of action (adsorption of or-
ganic compounds by van der Waals forces) [56] it is assumed
that large amounts of activated charcoal in smoothies can lead
to nutrient deciency (e.g. vitamins), albeit scientic studies
regarding undesirable effects in relation to the intake of acti-
vated charcoal via foods are limited. Principally, charcoal can
also affect the efcacy of drugs (including contraceptives or
painkillers) and can lead to constipation [57].
Activated charcoal (vegetable carbon) is also used in the food
industry as food colour E153 (carbo medicinalis vegetabilis) in
some food categories [58]. However, the amounts of vegetable
carbon used here are usually much lower compared to “black
smoothie” recipes. In general, regular consumption of activated
charcoal in larger quantities is not recommended due to the ef-
fects described.
Plant-based powder mixtures
Plant-based powder (mixtures) can also be part of green smoothie
recipes and are promoted to some extent as “superfood” powder.
Examples include moringa powder, barley and wheatgrass pow-
der, spirulina powder or guarana or matcha powder.
It should be noticed that these herbal powders possibly can con-
tain high levels of certain substances, such as caffeine from guar-
ana seeds or matcha tea leaves. One teaspoon (about 1.5 g) guara na
powder can contain as much caffeine as about a cup of coffee [59,
It has been shown that matcha powder may contain high levels of
aluminium and thus, can cause a relevant contribution to the al-
ready high dietary intake of aluminium. The European Rapid Alert
System for Food and Feed RASFF also reported on contamina-
tion of moringa powder or spirulina powder with heavy metals,
carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and other
toxins [41, 61].
Microbial risks
The preparation of green smoothies using fresh fruits and vegeta-
bles and other plants or parts thereof should in any case comply
with the general rules of kitchen hygiene.
During cultivation as well as during further treatment and pro-
cessing, plant-based ingredients can be contaminated with germs.
For this reason, the plant-based foods should be washed thor-
oughly in fresh water before cutting. Freshly produced green
smoothies should also be stored at a maxi-
mum temperature of 7 °C until consump-
tion and should be used on the day of man-
ufacture. The addition of sour juices or citrus
fruits (without peel) can reduce the prolifera-
tion of microorganisms [62].
Moreover, prepackaged frozen berries from
retailers can also pose a risk for foodborne
infections. Microorganisms associated with
foods from frozen berry mixtures frequently
cause serious diseases. For example, norovi-
rus can cause severe diarrhea. Therefore, it is
recommended not to use raw frozen berries
in smoothies, and to heat them beforehand in
order to inactivate potential microorganisms
Furthermore, bacteria can convert nitrate
contained in smoothies to nitrite in case of
improper storage and/or neglect of common
hygiene practice. A high nitrate or nitrite in-
take can be dangerous especially for young
children, because of inadequate oxygen deliv-
ery (methemoglobinemia) [19, 64]. For this
reason, the leftovers of smoothies contain-
ing vegetables rich in nitrate should be cooled
down as quickly as possible in order to reduce
nitrite formation by microorganisms.
Especially sensitive consumer groups, such as
immunocompromised individuals, pregnant
and breastfeeding women and (young) chil-
dren should follow the general rules of kitchen
hygiene [65].
Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 8/2022
Green smoothies represent a signicant contribution to the overall
intake of fruits and vegetables, and can enrich the daily diet. They
often contain numerous benecial ingredients - especially when
prepared freshly. From a nutritional point of view, however, it
should be noted that especially smoothies rich in fruits contain
high levels of naturally occurring sugar resulting in a signicant
energy intake. Care should be taken regarding freshness and com-
pliance with good kitchen hygiene when using the ingredients.
It is recommended to restrict the choice on plants or parts thereof
in smoothies, which are also traditionally consumed as food and
can therefore be considered as safe. In this context, plant-based
ingredients usually eaten raw are particularly suitable. Special
caution is important when laypeople collect wild herbs, as there
is a possibility of confusion between some wild herbs and poi-
sonous plants. It is generally recommended to use varying kinds
of fruits, vegetables and other plants or parts thereof in order to
avoid an unbalanced nutrient supply on the one hand and to avoid
a long-term high intake of potentially harmful substances on the
other hand.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conict of interest.
Dr. Julika Lietzow1
Dr. Benjamin Sachse2
Prof. Dr. Bernd Schäfer3
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8–10, 10589 Berlin
Department of Food Safety
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... Los batidos verdes son un tipo de bebida muy popular, que aportan fibra, carbohidratos, grasas saludables, proteína, enzimas, vitaminas, minerales y otros nutrientes como la clorofila (Lietzow et al., 2022). Algunas marcas de bebidas verdes que incorporan espirulina son: B-Blue ® , Innocent ® , Press ® , Suja Organic ® , Naked ® , Flax & Kale ® , Foods by Ann ® , Nu Smoothie ® , Amazing Grass ® , Naturelo ® , y Solti ® . ...
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Introducción. Existe una tendencia al consumo de espirulina (Arthrospira sp.) por su valor nutricional y como fuente de proteína sostenible. La espirulina cuenta con sabor y olor intenso que puede generar desagrado a los consumidores, por lo que es conveniente el uso del diseño experimental de mezclas para la optimización de la formulación. Objetivo. Desarrollar un prototipo de bebida verde con alto valor nutricional con espirulina como ingrediente, mediante la aplicación de un diseño experimental de mezclas. Materiales y métodos. La investigación se llevó a cabo en la Universidad de Costa Rica sede Liberia, Guanacaste, entre julio y diciembre del 2022. Se elaboraron once prototipos de bebida con espirulina y se aplicó el diseño de mezclas (llenado del espacio) con tres factores (espirulina, azúcar, frutas/vegetales) y el agrado general como variable de respuesta. El agrado fue evaluado en un panel con 95 consumidores y los promedios se ajustaron al modelo de polinomial de Scheffe. Se obtuvo la ecuación del modelo del software JMP16 y se verificó en un panel con veintisiete consumidores y cinco muestras. Se realizaron análisis fisicoquímicos para obtener el valor nutricional de un prototipo seleccionado de la bebida. Resultados. Se encontró un efecto de los factores sobre el agrado del producto (p<0,05). Los valores de R2=0,97 y R2-adj=0,96 demostraron que el modelo se ajusta a los datos experimentales. La validación confirmó que el modelo logra predecir el agrado general. Se caracterizó la formulación con un 2 % de espirulina y una porción de 300 mL, se declaró como bajo en sodio, fuente de proteína y magnesio, rica en hierro y vitamina C. Conclusiones. Se logró obtener un modelo matemático significativo y ajustado que logra predecir el agrado de una bebida con espirulina. El prototipo desarrollado contiene más espirulina y proteína que bebidas similares del mercado.
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Background Oxalate nephropathy is a rare disorder that can result in acute kidney injury (AKI) and progresses to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). The causes can be either primary or secondary. Primary hyperoxaluria includes a group of hereditary disorders with enzymatic defects in the glyoxylate pathway, resulting in decreased oxalate metabolism. Secondary hyperoxaluria, often overlooked can result from increased intestinal absorption, nutritional deficiencies, decreased fluid intake, impaired excretion, and increased dietary consumption of oxalate. Case presentation We present a Caucasian case of acute oxalate induced nephropathy associated with consumption of large quantities of green vegetables in a patient with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Imaging study showed no evidence of kidney stone, but a kidney biopsy revealed acute tubular injury, tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, and dense tubular deposition of calcium oxalate crystals. Upon further questioning the patient, we learned that in the months prior to presentation, he had very significantly increased his consumption of green vegetables. Because of no clinical improvement, the patient was initiated and maintained on hemodialysis. Conclusion This report illustrates a case of acute oxalate nephropathy in the setting of very high dietary consumption of oxalate-rich foods in a patient with advanced CKD. Special attention should be given to the secondary causes of hyperoxaluria in patients with predisposing conditions such as CKD.
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Nowadays, consumers are demanding nutrient‐rich products for health optimal benefits. In this regard, Brassicaceae family plants, previously named cruciferous, group a large number of widely consumed species around the world. The popularity of Brassica is increasing due to their nutritional value and pharmacological effects. The group includes a large number of vegetable foods such as cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, mustards as well as, oilseed rapeseed, canola, among others. In recent years, the phytochemical composition of Brassicaceae has been studied deeply because they contain many valuable metabolites, which are directly linked to different recognized biological activities. The scientific evidence confirms diverse medical properties for the treatment of chronic diseases such as obesity, type‐2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, stroke), cancer, and osteoporosis. The unique features of Brassicaceae family plants conferred by their phytochemicals, have extended future prospects about their use for beneficial effects on human nutrition and health worldwide. Practical applications For years, the Brassicaceae plants have been a fascinating research topic, due to their chemical composition characterized by rich in bioactive compounds. The implementation of extracts of these vegetables, causes various beneficial effects of high biological value in the treatment of diseases, owing to their bioactive properties (anti‐obesity, anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, gastroprotective, anti‐inflammatory, antianemic, and immunomodulator). Therefore, this review summarizes the chemical composition, describes the bioactive compounds isolated in the plant extracts, and highlights diverse biological activities, mainly the antimicrobial and antioxidant capacity. Brassica plants, as source of natural bioactive agents, have a great potential application to improve the human nutrition and health.
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The quality of waters is disturbing day by day by various inorganic and organic pollutants. Among various strategies developed so far the technique of phytoremediation using aquatic plants is most preferable. Aquatic ecosystems are facing high level of stress and depletion due to the inputs of polluting materials. Nonetheless, there are certain species of aquatic macrophytes that have ability to cope with these stressful conditions even high concentration of various organic and inorganic pollutants present in water. These species are useful in polluted water treatment through phytoremediation or bioremediation technologies. Among the various aquatic plant species, Azolla, Eichhornia, Lemna, Potamogeton, Spirodela, Wolfia, and Wolfialla have been reported as phytoremediators and also they are highly efficient in reducing aquatic contamination through bioaccumulation of contaminants in their body tissues. Among the various aquatic species, water hyacinth (Eichhornia) is highly resistant and can tolerate the toxicity of heavy metals, phenols, formaldehydes, formic acids, acetic acids and oxalic acids even in their high concentrations. Likewise some other species of the family Lemnaceae are very efficient to reduce the percentage of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), as well as impact of HMs (heavy metals), and various ionic forms of nitrogen and phosphorus. Here in this review we are providing up-to-date information regarding the utilization of these aquatic plants for the bioremediation of contaminated waters. The review is primarily focused on the specific capabilities of aquatic plants and as an important tool in phytotechnologies in the management of contaminants in aquatic environment.
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Species of the genus Wolffia are traditionally used as human food in some of the Asian countries. Therefore, all 11 species of this genus, identified by molecular barcoding, were investigated for ingredients relevant to human nutrition. The total protein content varied between 20 and 30% of the freeze-dry weight, the starch content between 10 and 20%, the fat content between 1 and 5%, and the fiber content was ~25%. The essential amino acid content was higher or close to the requirements of preschool-aged children according to standards of the World Health Organization. The fat content was low, but the fraction of polyunsaturated fatty acids was above 60% of total fat and the content of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids was higher than that of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in most species. The content of macro- and microelements (minerals) not only depended on the cultivation conditions but also on the genetic background of the species. This holds true also for the content of tocopherols, several carotenoids and phytosterols in different species and even intraspecific, clonal differences were detected in Wolffia globosa and Wolffia arrhiza. Thus, the selection of suitable clones for further applications is important. Due to the very fast growth and the highest yield in most of the nutrients, Wolffia microscopica has a high potential for practical applications in human nutrition.
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Occurrence and mode of action of potentially relevant goitrogens in human nutrition and their mode of action (MOA) are reviewed, with special focus on the anionic iodine uptake inhibitors perchlorate (PER), thiocyanate (SCN) and nitrate (NO3). Epidemiological studies suggest persistent halogenated organic contaminants and phthalates as well as certain antimicrobials to deserve increased attention. This also applies to natural goitrogens, including polyphenols and glucosinolates, food constituents with limited data density concerning human exposure. Glucosinolates present in animal feed are presumed to contribute to SCN transfer into milk and milk products. PER, SCN and NO3 are well-investigated environmental goitrogens in terms of MOA and relative potency. There is compelling evidence from biomarker monitoring that the exposure to the goitrogens SCN and NO3 via human nutrition exceeds that of PER by orders of magnitude. The day-to-day variation in dietary intake of these substances (and of iodide) is concluded to entail corresponding variations in thyroidal iodide uptake, not considered as adverse to health or toxicologically relevant. Such normal variability of nutritional goitrogen uptake provides an obvious explanation for the variability in radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) measurements observed in healthy individuals. Based on available data, a 20 % change in the thyroidal uptake of iodide is derived as threshold value for a biologically meaningful change induced by perchlorate and other goitrogens with the same MOA. We propose this value to be used as the critical effect size or benchmark response in benchmark dose analysis of human RAIU data. The resulting BMDL20 is 0.0165 mg/kg bw/day or 16.5 μg/kg bw/day. Applying a factor of 4, to allow for inter-human differences in toxicokinetics, leads to a TDI for perchlorate of 4 μg/kg bw/day.
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Brassica vegetables are common components of the diet and have beneficial as well as potentially adverse health effects. Following enzymatic breakdown, some glucosinolates in brassica vegetables produce sulforaphane, phenethyl, and indolylic isothiocyanates that possess anticarcinogenic activity. In contrast, progoitrin and indolylic glucosinolates degrade to goitrin and thiocyanate, respectively, and may decrease thyroid hormone production. Radioiodine uptake to the thyroid is inhibited by 194 μmol of goitrin, but not by 77 μmol of goitrin. Collards, Brussels sprouts, and some Russian kale (Brassica napus) contain sufficient goitrin to potentially decrease iodine uptake by the thyroid. However, turnip tops, commercial broccoli, broccoli rabe, and kale belonging to Brassica oleracae contain less than 10 μmol of goitrin per 100-g serving and can be considered of minimal risk. Using sulforaphane plasma levels following glucoraphanin ingestion as a surrogate for thiocyanate plasma concentrations after indole glucosinolate ingestion, the maximum thiocyanate contribution from indole glucosinolate degradation is estimated to be 10 μM, which is significantly lower than background plasma thiocyanate concentrations (40-69 μM). Thiocyanate generated from consumption of indole glucosinolate can be assumed to have minimal adverse risks for thyroid health.
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The acute toxicity of cyanide is determined by its peak levels reached in the body. Compared to the ingestion of free cyanide, lower peak levels may be expected after consumption of foods containing cyanogenic glycosides with the same equivalent dose of cyanide. This is due to possible delayed and/or incomplete release of cyanide from the cyanogenic glycosides depending on many factors. Data on bioavailability of cyanide after consumption of foods containing high levels of cyanogenic glycosides as presented herein were necessary to allow a meaningful risk assessment for these foods. A crossover study was carried out in 12 healthy adults who consumed persipan paste (equivalent total cyanide: 68 mg/kg), linseed (220 mg/kg), bitter apricot kernels (about 3250 mg/kg), and fresh cassava roots (76–150 mg/kg), with each “meal” containing equivalents of 6.8 mg cyanide. Cyanide levels were determined in whole blood using a GC–MS method with K¹³C¹⁵N as internal standard. Mean levels of cyanide at the different time points were highest after consumption of cassava (15.4 µM, after 37.5 min) and bitter apricot kernels (14.3 µM, after 20 min), followed by linseed (5.7 µM, after 40 min) and 100 g persipan (1.3 µM, after 105 min). The double dose of 13.6 mg cyanide eaten with 200 g persipan paste resulted in a mean peak level of 2.9 µM (after 150 min). An acute reference dose of 0.075 mg/kg body weight was derived being valid for a single application/meal of cyanides or hydrocyanic acid as well as of unprocessed foods with cyanogenic glycosides also containing the accompanying intact β-glucosidase. For some of these foods, this approach may be overly conservative due to delayed release of cyanide, as demonstrated for linseed. In case of missing or inactivated β-glucosidase, the hazard potential is much lower. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00204-015-1479-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Background: In 2016, according to the German Federal Statistical Office, 178 425 cases of intoxication (poisoning) were treated in German hospitals. The poison control centers in the German-speaking countries gave advice in a total of 268 787 instances of poisoning in that year, and use of activated charcoal was recommended in 4.37% of cases. The application of activated charcoal plays a major role in both primary and secondary detoxification. This article serves as an overview of the mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, modes of application, and dosing of activated charcoal. Methods: This review is based on pertinent publications retrieved by a selective search in PubMed. The opinions of experts from the poison control centers in the German-speaking countries were considered in the interpretation of the data. Results: The administration of activated charcoal is indicated to treat moderately severe to life-threatening intoxication. It should be carried out as soon as possible, within the first hour of the ingestion; timed-release preparations can be given up to 6 hours after the ingestion. An important contraindication is impaired consciousness with the danger of aspiration in a patient whose air- way has not yet been secured. Activated charcoal is ineffective or inadequately effective in cases of poisoning with acids or bases, alcohols, organic solvents, inorganic salts, or metals. The proper dosage consists of an amount that is 10 to 40 times as much as that of the intoxicating substance, or else 0.5-1 g/kg body weight in children or 50 g in adults. Repeated application is indicated for intoxications with agents that persist for a longer time in the stomach and for intoxications with timed-release drugs or drugs with a marked enterohepatic or entero-enteric circulation. The routine combination of activated charcoal with a laxative is not recommended. Conclusion: Even though intoxications are common, there is still no internationally valid guideline concerning the administration of activated charcoal. A precise analysis of the risks and benefits is needed for each administration, and a poison control center should be consulted for this purpose.
A patient presented with oxalate-induced acute renal failure that was attributable to consumption of oxalate-rich fruit and vegetable juices obtained from juicing. We describe the case and also review the clinical presentation of 65 patients seen at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) from 1985 through 2010 with renal failure and biopsy-proven renal calcium oxalate crystals. The cause of renal oxalosis was identified for all patients: a single cause for 36 patients and at least 2 causes for 29 patients. Three patients, including our index patient, had presumed diet-induced oxalate nephropathy in the context of chronic kidney disease. Identification of calcium oxalate crystals in a kidney biopsy should prompt an evaluation for causes of renal oxalosis, including a detailed dietary history. Clinicians should be aware that an oxalate-rich diet may potentially precipitate acute renal failure in patients with chronic kidney disease. Juicing followed by heavy consumption of oxalate-rich juices appears to be a potential cause of oxalate nephropathy and acute renal failure.