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Muscular Adaptations in Drop Set vs. Traditional Training: A meta-analysis


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this paper was to systematically review and meta-analyze the effects of drop set training (DS) vs. traditional training (TRAD) on measures of muscle strength and hypertrophy. We carried out a comprehensive search on PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL databases for studies that satisfied the following criteria: (a) had a randomized experimental design (either within- or between-group); (b) directly compared DS versus TRAD; (c) assessed changes in muscular strength and/or hypertrophy; (d) had a training protocol that lasted a minimum of 6 weeks, and; (e) involved apparently healthy participants. We employed a robust variance meta-analysis model, with adjustments for small samples. Study quality was assessed by the Downs and Black checklist. A total of 5 studies met inclusion criteria. Qualitative assessment indicated the included studies were of moderate to good quality. For the strength outcomes results indicated a trivial point estimate of the effect size (ES) with a relatively narrow precision for the confidence interval (CI) estimate (0.07; 95% CI = -0.14, 0.29). Similarly, results for the hypertrophy outcomes indicated a trivial point estimate of the ES with a relatively narrow precision for the CI estimate (0.08; 95% CI = -0.08, 0.24). In conclusion, DS and TRAD appear to have similar effects on muscular strength and hypertrophy. This would seem to indicate that both DS and TRAD are viable options for promoting muscular adaptations; DS may provide a more time-efficient alternative for achieving results.
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Muscular Adaptations in
Drop Set vs. Traditional
Training: A Meta-Analysis
Max Coleman1, Khalil Harrison1, Roberto Arias1, Ericka Johnson1, Jozo Grgic2, John Orazem1 & Brad J.
1Health Sciences Department, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, NY, USA, 2Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria
University, Melbourne, VIC 8001, Australia.
Coleman, M., Harrison, K., Arias, R., Johnson, E., Grgic, J., Orazem, J., Schoenfeld, B. J. (2022).
Muscular Adaptations in Drop Set vs. Traditional Training: A Meta-Analysis.
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning
The purpose of this paper was to systematically
review and meta-analyze the effects of drop set
training (DS) vs. traditional training (TRAD) on
measures of muscle strength and hypertrophy. We
carried out a comprehensive search on PubMed/
MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL
databases for studies that satised the following
criteria: (a) had a randomized experimental design
(either within- or between-group); (b) directly
compared DS versus TRAD; (c) assessed changes
in muscular strength and/or hypertrophy; (d) had a
training protocol that lasted a minimum of 6 weeks,
and; (e) involved apparently healthy participants. We
employed a robust variance meta-analysis model,
with adjustments for small samples. Study quality
was assessed by the Downs and Black checklist.
A total of 5 studies met inclusion criteria. Qualitative
assessment indicated the included studies were of
moderate to good quality. Results for the strength
outcomes indicated a trivial point estimate of the
effect size (ES) with a relatively narrow precision for
the condence interval (CI) estimate (0.07; 95% CI
= -0.14, 0.29). Similarly, results for the hypertrophy
outcomes indicated a trivial point estimate of the ES
with a relatively narrow precision for the CI estimate
(0.08; 95% CI = -0.08, 0.24). In conclusion, DS and
TRAD appear to have similar effects on muscular
strength and hypertrophy. Given that the 95%
CIs were fairly narrow and in the range of trivial to
small effects, it can be concluded that both DS and
TRAD are viable options for promoting muscular
adaptations; DS may provide a more time-efcient
(~30-70% reduction in time compared to TRAD)
alternative for achieving results.
Resistance training (RT) is a well-established
interventional strategy for increasing human
strength and muscle mass (19) (26). Although there
is no universal agreement as to the underlying
mechanisms that govern hypertrophy, some
researchers have hypothesized that mechanical
tension, metabolic stress, and cell swelling may
contribute to the process (26). From an applied
standpoint, it has been speculated that manipulating
RT volume and relative effort (proximity to failure)
may positively impact these mechanisms and thus
augment exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy
Although the purported hypertrophic mechanisms
can be stimulated through traditional training
methods, various specialized techniques have been
developed to enhance results. Drop sets (DS) are
one of the most popular specialized techniques for
optimizing muscle hypertrophy (29). The method by
which DS are performed is not clearly dened in the
current literature nor is it universally agreed upon
within the lifting community. However, the strategy
is typically performed by taking an exercise to (or
close to) momentary failure followed by immediate
reductions in load (i.e., minimal to no rest between
the drops in weight) and then performing as many
additional repetitions as possible (29). Depending
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
on the protocol, a single, or multiple “drops” (i.e.,
reductions) in the load can be performed either on
some or all sets.
There are both mechanistic and pragmatic reasons
why DS may be superior to traditional training methods
from a hypertrophy standpoint. Mechanistically,
DS may increase time under tension, metabolite
accumulation, and cell swelling (29). Pragmatically,
DS allow for an increase in both volume as well as
a muscle’s exposure to high relative intensities.
Moreover, these effects are achieved via a greater
training density (work per unit of time) compared to
traditional training methods, thereby conceivably
making DS a time-efcient strategy for promoting
muscle development.
Conversely, it is conceivable that DS may be
suboptimal for increasing strength. Both training with
high loads as well as utilizing longer rest periods (>2
minutes) have been proposed as positive drivers
of strength (13) (28). However, DS involves the
use of very short rest periods in combination with
progressively lighter loads. Therefore, DS may not
be as benecial as traditional methods when trying
to optimize strength outcomes.
Despite the popularity of DS training as a muscle-
building strategy, its efcacy has not been well-
established in controlled research. Several studies
have been carried out on the topic, with somewhat
conicting results (9) (24) (32) (8) (2). Thus, there is
a need to synthesize the ndings of the literature to
draw evidence-based conclusions and identify gaps
in the literature for future investigation. The purpose
of this paper was to systematically review and meta-
analyze the effects of DS training vs. traditional
training (TRAD) on measures of muscle strength and
This systematic review was conducted in accordance
with the guidelines of the “Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses”
(PRISMA) (25). The review was preregistered on the
Open Science Framework (
Search strategy
We carried out a comprehensive search on
PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and
CINAHL databases using variations of the following
Boolean search syntax: (“drop set*” OR “drop-
set*” OR “descending set*” OR “breakdown set*”)
AND (hypertrophy OR “muscle mass” OR “cross-
sectional area” OR strength OR torque OR “muscle
thickness” OR “resistance exercise” OR “resistance
training”). We also screened the reference lists of
articles retrieved to discover additional studies that
might meet inclusion criteria (11).
Search/screening was carried out separately by four
researchers (MC, RA, KH and EJ) who read all titles
and abstracts. Initial screening was performed using
Rayyan software ( Full texts
were then perused for studies deemed potentially
relevant based on title and abstract. A nal decision
was then made as to whether a study merited
inclusion based on the stated criteria. Any disputes
on the inclusion of a given study were settled by a
fth researcher (BJS).
Inclusion criteria
We included studies that satised the following
criteria: (a) had a randomized experimental design
(either within- or between-group); (b) directly
compared DS versus TRAD; (c) assessed changes
in muscular strength and/or hypertrophy; (d) had a
training protocol that lasted a minimum of 6 weeks,
and; (e) involved apparently healthy participants. For
muscle strength outcomes, we considered studies
that used either isometric or dynamic tests, or both.
For muscle hypertrophy outcomes, we considered
studies that assessed whole muscle hypertrophy
with a direct, site-specic measurement (ultrasound,
computed tomography [CT], magnetic resonance
imaging [MRI]).
Data extraction
From each included study, two researchers (MC
and KH) independently extracted the following data:
author names, title and year of publication, sample
size, participant characteristics (i.e. sex, height,
weight, training status, age), description of the training
intervention (duration, volume, frequency, modality),
nutrition controlled (yes/no/NA), method for strength
assessment (i.e., one-repetition maximum [1RM],
dynamometry), method for hypertrophy assessment
(i.e. MRI, CT, ultrasound), adherence to the given
training program, mean pre- and post-study
muscle mass value with corresponding standard
deviation. In cases where measures of strength or
hypertrophy were not reported, we either extracted
the data from graphs (if available) via online
software ( or
requested data from the corresponding authors. Any
Muscular Adaptations in Drop Set vs. Traditional Training: A Meta-
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
Coleman, M., Harrison, K., Arias, R., Johnson, E., Grgic, J.,
Orazem, J., Schoenfeld, B. J
discrepancies in the extracted data were resolved
through discussion and mutual consensus of the
researchers. If consensus could not be reached, a
third researcher (BJS) resolved the dispute.
Methodological quality
We assessed the methodological quality of included
studies via the Downs and Black assessment tool
(6), which is a 27-item checklist that addresses the
following aspects of a study’s design: reporting
(items 1–10), external validity (items 11–13), internal
validity (items 14–26), and statistical power (item
27). Consistent with previous systematic reviews of
exercise interventions, we modied the checklist by
adding two items relating to participant adherence
(item 28) and training supervision (item 29) (12) (13)
(14). Each item in the checklist is scored with a “1”
if the criterion is satised or with “0” if the criterion is
not satised. Based on the summary scores, studies
were classied as follows: “good quality” (21–29
points); “moderate quality” (11–20 points); or “poor
quality” (less than 11 points) (13) (14). Two reviewers
(RA and EJ) independently rated each study; any
disagreements in study rating were resolved by a
third researcher (BJS).
Statistical analyses
Meta-analysis was performed as previously
described (15) using the Robumeta package within
R version 3.6.1. In brief, the contrast across the
DS versus TRAD groups for each hypertrophy and
strength outcome was calculated as the difference
in effect sizes (ES), where the ES was determined
as the posttest-pretest mean change in each group,
divided by the pooled pretest SD, and multiplied by
an adjustment for small sample bias (22). ESs was
interpreted as: “trivial” (≤0.20); “moderate” (0.21–
0.50); “large” (0.51–0.80); and “very large” (>0.80)
(5). ESs were presented with their respective 95%
condence intervals (CI). The variance of the
difference in ES depends on the within-subject
posttest-pretest correlation, which often is not
available from the published data. We thus estimated
this correlation where applicable (back-solving from
paired t-test p-values or SDs of posttest-pretest
change scores, when presented) and, based on
results, employed a moderately conservative value
to calculate the variance for all studies.
When studies report multiple ESs, one approach
is to use the study average effect size, which may
result in a loss of information (10). Therefore, a robust
variance meta-analysis model, with adjustments for
small samples, was used to account for correlated
ESs within studies (31). This meta-analysis model is
specically designed and used when dealing with
dependent ESs (e.g., muscle hypertrophy assessed
at multiple sites within a single study) (10). First,
an overall meta-analysis was conducted for the
hypertrophy and strength outcomes that included
all available studies. We had intended to carry out
subanalyses to explore the effects of training status
(trained vs. untrained), training volume (volume
equated vs. not equated), and body region (upper
vs. lower region) to determine if these variables
had confounding effects on muscular adaptations.
However, the total number of included studies were
insufcient to carry out these analyses.
Publication bias was checked by examining
funnel plot asymmetry and calculating trim-and-
ll estimates. Heterogeneity was explored using
the I2 statistic, with values of ≤50%, 50–75%, and
>75% indicating low, moderate, and high levels of
heterogeneity, respectively. To assess the potential
undue inuence of any single study, we performed
leave-one-out analysis where each study was
removed one at a time, and we then re-estimated the
intervention effect and its CIs without the removed
study. This was repeated for each study in the
Traditional null hypothesis signicance testing has
been extensively critiqued (1) (21) and thus was
not employed to determine statistical signicance.
Instead, we considered the implications of all results
compatible with these data, from the lower limit to the
upper limit of the interval estimates, with the greatest
interpretive emphasis placed on the point estimate.
The initial search revealed 116 studies of potential
relevance to this review. After removal of duplicates,
we screened 52 records, of which 10 were considered
for eligibility. After scrutinizing the full texts of these
studies, we determined that 5 met inclusion criteria
for at least one outcome measure (32) (8) (24) (2)
(9). Figure 1 presents the PRISMA ow chart of the
search process.
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
Muscular Adaptations in Drop Set vs. Traditional Training: A Meta-
Figure 1. PRISMA ow chart of the search process
Study Characteristics
All eligible studies employed young, male partici-
pants (19 to 27 years of age). The number of repe-
titions performed in each set ranged from 3 to 104.
Participants trained in close proximity to muscular
failure across all studies. Three of the 5 studies em-
ployed untrained individuals (24) (32) (9); the other
2 studies employed trained individuals (≥2 years
RT experience) (2) (8). Two studies assessed the
upper body muscles (biceps and triceps) (24) (9)
while 3 studies assessed the lower body (quadri-
ceps) (2) (32) (8). Three studies equated volume
load (2) (9) (8) and 2 studies did not (32) (24). A
complete descriptive analysis of the study charac-
teristics can be found in Table 1.
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
Table 1. Study Characteristics
STUDY Subjects Design Duration Strength As-
32 young,
trained men
Subjects had their legs randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: TRAD
(3-5 sets of 6-12 repetitions at 75% 1RM), crescent pyramid (3-5 sets
of 6-15 repetitions at 65-85% 1RM) or DS (3-5 sets of 50-70% 1RM
to failure). All subjects performed unilateral 45-degree leg press and
unilateral leg extension. Each group rested 2 minutes between sets.
DS group performed up to 2 drop sets (reduction of 20%) after failure
was reached in each set.
12 weeks Unilateral leg
extension &
unilateral leg
Ultrasound Yes
AL. (2021)
28 young,
trained men
Subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: DS (3 sets of 10
reps plus one drop set of 6 reps), rest pause (3 sets of 10 reps plus
6 extra reps after 20 second rest), or TRAD (4 sets of 12 reps). Each
group trained 2 times per week. All groups performed back squat, leg
press, leg curl, leg extension, and stiff legged deadlift. TRAD used
70% 1 RM while DS used 75% 1RM to 55% 1RM. All groups rested
120 seconds between sets.
8 weeks Back squat Ultrasound Yes
16 young,
ally active
Subjects were randomly assigned to either DS or TRAD. DS per-
formed a single set of triceps extensions at 12 RM immediately de-
creasing load by 20% each time failure was reached three times
consecutively. TRAD performed 3 sets of 12 RM with 90 seconds rest
between sets. DS group did not rest between drops.
6 weeks N/A MRI Yes
AL. (2017)
9 young,
Subjects had each arm randomly assigned to one of three groups
performing the biceps curl: 3 sets of TRAD with a high load (80%
1RM), 3 sets of TRAD with a low load (30%), or 1 set of DS with a high
load (80% 1RM) with 4 descending sets to 30% 1RM. High load TRAD
rested 3 minutes between sets, low load TRAD rested 90 seconds
between each set, and DS did not rest between each drop set.
8 weeks Dumbbell
curl & peak
elbow exion
at 60° elbow
16 young,
ally active
Subjects had their legs randomly assigned to DS or TRAD performing
the unilateral leg extension. The DS leg preformed a 5RM to failure,
reduced load by 20% and performed reps to failure, and then again
reduced load by 10-15% and trained to failure again. The TRAD leg
used a 15 RM load to failure. The leg that trained rst was alternated
between each training session. The number of sets progressed grad-
ually for both groups throughout the study starting at 3 and ending
with 15.
8 weeks Leg exten-
sion & peak/
avg. isoki-
netic knee
extension at
Ultrasound No
Abbreviations: DS: drop set training; TRAD: traditional training; RM: repetition maximum; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
Coleman, M., Harrison, K., Arias, R., Johnson, E., Grgic, J.,
Orazem, J., Schoenfeld, B. J
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
Muscular Adaptations in Drop Set vs. Traditional Training: A Meta-
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
Methodological Quality
Qualitative assessment of the studies evaluated
using the Downs and Black checklist showed a mean
score of 18.4 (range: 16 to 21 points). Based on our
a priori established categorization criteria, 2 studies
were considered of good quality and 3 studies were
deemed to be moderate quality; no study was rated
as being of poor quality.
Meta-Analytic Results
In regard to strength outcomes, the main model
consisted of 11 comparisons nested within 4 studies.
Results indicated a trivial point estimate of the ES
with a relatively narrow precision for the CI estimate
(0.07; 95% CI = -0.14, 0.29). Figure 2 shows the
forest plot for studies that compared the effects of
DS vs. TRAD on measures of muscle strength.
With respect to hypertrophy outcomes, analysis
consisted of 13 comparisons nested within 5 studies.
Results indicated a trivial point estimate of the ES
with a relatively narrow precision for the CI estimate
(0.08; 95% CI = -0.08, 0.24). We did not detect
appreciable evidence of heterogeneity between
studies for hypertrophic outcomes (I2 = 0%). Figure
3 shows the forest plot for studies that compared the
effects of DS versus TRAD on measures of muscle
Figure 2. Forest plot of studies meeting inclusion criteria for strength
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
Figure 3. Forest plot of studies meeting inclusion criteria for hypertrophy
The funnel plots for strength were relatively sym-
metrical, indicating a lack of small study bias and
thus potentially publication bias; this conclusion is
supported by the results of Egger’s test (p = 0.74;
Figure 4A). Moreover, we did not detect apprecia-
ble evidence of heterogeneity between studies for
the strength outcomes (I2 = 0%). Analysis of outliers
showed that the dumbbell curl comparison in the
study by Ozaki et al. (24) was potentially inuential;
however, leave-one-out analysis showed its exclu-
sion did not result in an appreciable difference in
The funnel plots for hypertrophy were relatively sym-
metrical, indicating a lack of small study bias and
thus conceivably publication bias; this conclusion is
supported by the results of Egger’s test (p = 0.48;
Figure 4B). Moreover, we did not detect appreciable
evidence of heterogeneity between studies for the
hypertrophy outcomes (I2 = 0%). Analysis of outli-
ers identied the muscle thickness comparison of
the rectus femoris at 30% muscle length in the study
by Varovic et al. (32) as being potentially inuential;
however, leave-one-out analysis showed its exclu-
sion did not result in an appreciable difference in
Coleman, M., Harrison, K., Arias, R., Johnson, E., Grgic, J.,
Orazem, J., Schoenfeld, B. J
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
Muscular Adaptations in Drop Set vs. Traditional Training: A Meta-
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
This is the rst meta-analysis to compare the effects
of DS vs. TRAD on muscular adaptations. Overall,
our results suggest that DS are likely to produce sim-
ilar effects on muscular strength and hypertrophy as
TRAD. As discussed in the following sections, the
effect size differences were largely trivial, indicating
minimal differences between conditions.
Strength Results
While a mechanistic rationale can be made for the
use of DS to enhance hypertrophy, the same can-
not be said for increasing muscle strength. While
strength gains conceivably are optimized with the
Figure 4. Funnel plots and trim-and-ll plots for: (A) Strength; (B) Hypertrophy
use of relatively heavy loads and long rest intervals
(28) (13), DS involves a progressive reduction of
loads with minimal rest between drops across a set.
Hence, the strategy would seem to be detrimental
to strength-related adaptations. However, despite
the higher absolute intensities of load employed in
TRAD, our results showed similar changes between
conditions. As with the hypertrophy results, the trivial
point estimate of the ES (0.07) and relatively narrow
precision for the CI estimate (-0.14, 0.29) indicates
that there is likely a lack of difference between DS
and TRAD.
Although on the surface the results would seem to
indicate that DS can serve as a viable alternative to
TRAD for increasing maximal strength, it should be
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
noted that the TRAD protocol in all studies meeting
inclusion criteria involved moderate to lower loads
(≤80% 1RM). Research indicates a dose-response
relationship between strength gains and magni-
tude of load, with heavier loads consistently show-
ing greater improvements in dynamic strength (4).
Thus, further research is required to determine how
strength gains may be affected with the use of heavy
loads (≥90% 1RM) in both DS and TRAD.
DS are commonly employed to enhance muscle
development via increasing the intensity of effort of
training and extending the time-under-tension of the
set. Conceivably, these factors heighten both me-
chanical tension and metabolic stress, which have
been proposed exercise-induced mechanisms of
hypertrophy (26). Despite this logical rationale, our
ndings demonstrated that similar increases in mus-
cle size can be obtained through TRAD or DS. The
trivial point estimate of the ES (0.08) and relative-
ly narrow precision for the CI estimate (-0.08, 0.24)
suggest that utilizing DS does not produce an addi-
tive stimulus for hypertrophy.
When attempting to reconcile discrepancies be-
tween mechanistic theory and practical ndings,
it should be noted that training to failure does not
appear to be obligatory for optimal muscular gains.
Meta-analytic data show relatively similar hyper-
trophic changes when sets are taken to failure vs.
when stopping one or two repetitions short of fail-
ure (15). This implies that as long as training is
performed with a high intensity of effort, training to
failure might not produce additional increases in
muscle growth. Moreover, evidence indicates that
time-under-tension during a given training session
may be more important to hypertrophy than the
time-under-tension of a given set performed during
the session (27). Taken as a whole, these ndings
lend support to our ndings of similar hypertrophic
effects between DS and TRAD.
Interestingly, Varovic et al. (32) observed greater
muscle thickness increases in the proximal- and
mid-portions of the rectus femoris favoring DS vs
TRAD. This was the only study to investigate hyper-
trophic changes at different sites along the length of
the rectus femoris. A compelling body of research
indicates that muscles can hypertrophy in a non-uni-
form fashion (3) (23) (18) (7) (34). The mechanisms
for such regional hypertrophic adaptations remain
undetermined but may involve selective muscle ac-
tivation during exercise performance (33). A ration-
ale for how this phenomenon may occur in DS is not
readily apparent. Of note, both Varovic et al. (32)
and Enes et al. (8) observed similar regional chang-
es across the length of the vastus lateralis between
conditions. Whether differential ndings may be
explained by differences in structural attachments
between the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis
(biarticular vs monoarticular, respectively) warrants
further investigation.
The largest limitation of this meta-analysis is that only
5 studies met inclusion criteria. Moreover, while the
quality of the included studies was generally good,
the individual studies had relatively small sample
sizes. This highlights the relative paucity of research
on DS, and thus underscoring the need for caution
when drawing evidence-based inferences from the
current literature. It is also important to note that all
studies to date were carried out with young, male
participants. Hence, future research should investi-
gate the effects of DS on females and older individu-
als to determine if sex/age inuences results. There
also were insufcient data to subanalyze the effects
of training status and volume load on results; addi-
tional investigation is warranted to develop a better
understanding of how these factors may inuence
DS results. In addition, studies assessed hypertro-
phy in only three muscle groups (biceps, triceps and
quadriceps), and only 2 studies assessed growth at
various sites along the length of the muscle. Thus,
future research should endeavor to evaluate hyper-
trophic changes across a broad range of muscle
groups as well as examine region specic hyper-
trophy to better understand potential differences
between TRAD and DS. Finally and importantly, DS
is a general concept that can be employed in myri-
ad ways. Future research therefore should analyze
if and how different iterations of DS (e.g., multiple
drops per set, drops only on the last set of an exer-
cise, etc.) might alter muscular adaptations.
Based on the current data, it seems that DS has a
similar effect on muscular strength and hypertrophy
as TRAD. This would seem to indicate that both DS
and TRAD are viable options for promoting muscu-
lar adaptations. It should be noted, however, that
DS can be structured in a manner that improves the
time-efciency of a workout. Two of the 5 includ-
ed studies showed DS to have signicantly short-
er training durations with either similar or superior
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee IUSCA, London, UK. This article is an
open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
Coleman, M., Harrison, K., Arias, R., Johnson, E., Grgic, J.,
Orazem, J., Schoenfeld, B. J
International Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 2022
hypertrophic results when compared to TRAD (~30-
70% reduction in time compared to TRAD) (24) (9).
This has important practical implications given that
a lack of time is a known barrier to participation in
structured exercise programs (17) (16). In addition,
advanced training methods such as DS may help to
overcome plateaus and to prevent training monot-
ony (20), which in turn may further help to improve
exercise motivation and adherence. Given that all
included studies involved young males as study
participants, future research is needed to determine
the effect of DS on muscular adaptations across dif-
ferent populations.
BJS serves on the scientic advisory board for
Tonal Corporation, a manufacturer of tness
equipment. The other authors report no conicts
of interest.
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Coleman, M., Harrison, K., Arias, R., Johnson, E., Grgic, J.,
Orazem, J., Schoenfeld, B. J
... DS training may benefit adaptations through enhanced time under tension, metabolic stress and metabolite accumulation, and cell swelling compared to TRT. Conversely, DS training may impair gains in strength since high load training with longer rest intervals appears to be ideal for optimizing strength gains (Coleman et al., 2022;. A recent meta-analysis comparing DS to TRT indicated trivial point estimates of the effect sizes for gains in muscle size and strength, however, only 5 studies met the inclusion criteria Furthermore, there were numerous methodological differences between studies, including large variations in DS protocols (Coleman et al., 2022). ...
... Conversely, DS training may impair gains in strength since high load training with longer rest intervals appears to be ideal for optimizing strength gains (Coleman et al., 2022;. A recent meta-analysis comparing DS to TRT indicated trivial point estimates of the effect sizes for gains in muscle size and strength, however, only 5 studies met the inclusion criteria Furthermore, there were numerous methodological differences between studies, including large variations in DS protocols (Coleman et al., 2022). For example, Angleri et al. and Fink et al., utilized two-step reduction drop-set protocols (20% reduction per step) (Angleri, et al., 2017;Fink et al., 2018), the previous study showed participants had performed 3 sets of 10 repetitions plus one drop set of 6 repetitions (Enes et al., 2021), another study implemented a single drop-set beginning with a high load (80% 1-RM) with 4 descending sets to 30% 1-RM (Ozaki et al., 2018), and also in the other research had participants perform a 5-RM to failure, immediately reducing load by 20%, and then another drop by 10-15% (Varovic et al., 2019). ...
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The purpose was to examine two drop-set (DS) protocols (single step vs. multi-step) compared to traditional resistance training (TRT) over 8 weeks on changes in muscular strength, endurance and body composition. Twenty-seven trained males were randomized to one of three groups: traditional resistance training (TRT: n = 9), the single step drop set group (DS-S: n = 10) and the multi-step drop set group (DS-M: n = 8). Before and after training, body composition (percent body fat and skeletal muscle mass), and muscular strength and endurance (bench and leg press) were determined. Results: There was a significant interaction for leg press 1-RM (p < .001) and absolute change for leg-press 1-RM was significantly greater for both drop set protocols compared to TRT (p < .001). There were significant interactions for both leg press and bench press endurance (p < .001), with post hoc analyses revealing that only DS-M was superior to TRT (p < .001). There was a significant main effect of time for % body fat (p = .020), SMM (p < .001), however there were no differences between groups. Conclusions: Overall, single-step and multi-step drop-set training to failure appear to be effective strategies to enhance lower body strength, while only the multi-step drop set training enhanced muscular endurance compared to TRT.
... As previously described [15], we assessed the methodological quality of included studies via the Downs and Black assessment tool [16], which is a 27-item checklist that addresses the following aspects of a study's design: reporting (items 1-10), external validity (items 11-13), internal validity (items [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], and statistical power (item 27). Consistent with previous systematic reviews of exercise interventions, we modified the checklist by adding two items relating to participant adherence (item 28) and training supervision (item 29) [17][18][19]. ...
... As previously described [15], we assessed the methodological quality of included studies via the Downs and Black assessment tool [16], which is a 27-item checklist that addresses the following aspects of a study's design: reporting (items 1-10), external validity (items 11-13), internal validity (items [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], and statistical power (item 27). Consistent with previous systematic reviews of exercise interventions, we modified the checklist by adding two items relating to participant adherence (item 28) and training supervision (item 29) [17][18][19]. ...
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Emerging evidence indicates that the use of low-load resistance training in combination with blood flow restriction (LL-BFR) can be an effective method to elicit increases in muscle size, with most research showing similar whole muscle development of the extremities compared to high-load (HL) training. It is conceivable that properties unique to LL-BFR such as greater ischemia, reperfusion, and metabolite accumulation may enhance the stress on type I fibers during training compared to the use of LLs without occlusion. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper was to systematically review the relevant literature on the fiber-type-specific response to LL-BFR and provide insights into future directions for research. A total of 11 studies met inclusion criteria. Results of the review suggest that the magnitude of type I fiber hypertrophy is at least as great, and sometimes greater, than type II hypertrophy when performing LL-BFR. This finding is in contrast to HL training, where the magnitude of type II fiber hypertrophy tends to be substantially greater than that of type I myofibers. However, limited data directly compare training with LL-BFR to nonoccluded LL or HL conditions, thus precluding the ability to draw strong inferences as to whether the absolute magnitude of type I hypertrophy is indeed greater in LL-BFR vs. traditional HL training. Moreover, it remains unclear as to whether combining LL-BFR with traditional HL training may enhance whole muscle hypertrophy via greater increases in type I myofiber cross-sectional area.
... As previously described [22], we assessed the methodological quality of the included studies via the Downs and Black assessment tool [23], which is a 27-item checklist that addresses the following aspects of a study's design: reporting (items 1-10), external validity (items 11-13), internal validity (items [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], and statistical power (item 27). Consistent with previous systematic reviews of exercise interventions, we modified the checklist by adding two items relating to participant adherence (item 28) and training supervision (item 29) [24][25][26]. ...
... As previously described [22], we assessed the methodological quality of the included studies via the Downs and Black assessment tool [23], which is a 27-item checklist that addresses the following aspects of a study's design: reporting (items 1-10), external validity (items 11-13), internal validity (items [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], and statistical power (item 27). Consistent with previous systematic reviews of exercise interventions, we modified the checklist by adding two items relating to participant adherence (item 28) and training supervision (item 29) [24][25][26]. ...
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The purpose of this paper was to carry out a systematic review with a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that examined the combined effects of resistance training (RT) and creatine supplementation on regional changes in muscle mass, with direct imaging measures of hypertrophy. Moreover, we performed regression analyses to determine the potential influence of covariates. We included trials that had a duration of at least 6 weeks and examined the combined effects of creatine supplementation and RT on site-specific direct measures of hypertrophy (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), or ultrasound) in healthy adults. A total of 44 outcomes were analyzed across 10 studies that met the inclusion criteria. A univariate analysis of all the standardized outcomes showed a pooled mean estimate of 0.11 (95% Credible Interval (CrI): −0.02 to 0.25), providing evidence for a very small effect favoring creatine supplementation when combined with RT compared to RT and a placebo. Multivariate analyses found similar small benefits for the combination of creatine supplementation and RT on changes in the upper and lower body muscle thickness (0.10–0.16 cm). Analyses of the moderating effects indicated a small superior benefit for creatine supplementation in younger compared to older adults (0.17 (95%CrI: −0.09 to 0.45)). In conclusion, the results suggest that creatine supplementation combined with RT promotes a small increase in the direct measures of skeletal muscle hypertrophy in both the upper and lower body.
... While the mechanisms underlying the potential benefit of when compared with a full range of motion. Another potential explanation for superior growth was that the lengthened superset was terminated after momentary failure, providing similar explanations as to why drop sets may be an time-efficient strategy when training for muscle growth (Coleman et al., 2022;Sødal et al., 2023). ...
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The purpose of this study was to assess whether performing additional partial repetitions beyond momentary failure increased muscle hypertrophy. A total of 23 untrained men completed a 10-week within-participant intervention study comprising two weekly resistance training sessions of 3-4 sets of standing smith machine calf raises. One limb was randomly allocated to the control condition performing sets to momentary failure and the other limb allocated to the test intervention that included additional partial repetitions in the lengthened position. Muscle thickness of the medial gastrocnemius muscle was measured pre- and post-intervention via ultrasound and an a priori hypothesis of greater hypertrophy with additional partial repetitions made. Data were analysed within a Bayesian framework using a mixed effect model with random effects to account for the within participant design. The average treatment effect (ATE) was measured to assess any difference in condition and inferences made based on the ATE posterior distribution and associated Bayes Factor (BF). The results identified an ATE favouring the inclusion of additional partial repetitions (0.62 [95%CrI: 0.21 to 1.0 mm; p(>0)=0.998]) with ‘strong’ evidence (BF = 13.3) supporting the a priori hypothesis. Thus, when the goal is to train for maximum gastrocnemius hypertrophy over a relatively short time period, we suggest performing sets beyond momentary failure as a likely superior option.
... Since DS may increase time under tension, metabolite accumulation, cell swelling, and training volume, it may be a superior option for hypertrophy. Conversely, it has been hypothesized that DS may not be optimal for strength gains (Coleman et al., 2022), but there is no compelling evidence to accept this assumption. Although the use of DS as a training approach has gained widespread popularity, its effectiveness still must be established through rigorously controlled research studies. ...
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A comparative analysis of the effects of drop set and traditional resistance training on anaerobic power in young men. Turk J Kinesiol, 9(3), 225-232. Abstract Drop set is a popular time-efficient resistance training method. This study aimed to compare the impact of drop-set (DS) training versus traditional resistance training (TRT) while ensuring equalized total training volume on the Wingate Anaerobic Test. Twenty-four sports science students were assigned to either DS (n=12) or TRT (n=12) protocols according to their 1 RM values, and they trained twice a week for 6 weeks.1 RM test was only conducted at the beginning of the study, while the Wingate anaerobic power test was administered at baseline and after the intervention period. The study demonstrated a significant main effect of time for peak power (p< 0.001), and a between-group interaction effect was observed for peak power (p< 0.05). The DS group exhibited slightly higher peak power values compared to TRT (p< 0.05, 15% increase for DS, 13% for TRT, ES: 0,50 and 0,36 respectively), while both groups displayed significantly increased values from pre to post-testing (p < 0.001). Based on our findings, it can be inferred that DS training leads to slightly greater enhancements in anaerobic power when compared to TRT. Additionally, the study confirmed that a 6-week (12 sessions in total) resistance training program utilizing a load of 70% of 1 RM was sufficient to enhance anaerobic performance in young active men.
... As previously described [11], data were extracted from the respective studies and coded in an Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington) by two authors (A.P. and P.A.K.) using the following classifications: (1) study characteristics (author and year of publication); (2) participant demographics (age, sex, and RT experience); (3) study methods (type of test and outcome assessed); and (4) numerical values for each outcome at each time point. In cases where studies lacked sufficient information regarding pre-post changes, we contacted the authors to request the missing data. ...
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The present paper aimed to systematically review case studies on physique athletes to evaluate longitudinal changes in measures of body composition, neuromuscular performance, chronic hormonal levels, physiological adaptations, and psychometric outcomes during pre-contest preparation. We included studies that (1) were classified as case studies involving physique athletes during the pre-contest phase of their competitive cycle; (2) involved adults (18+ years of age) as participants; (3) were published in an English-language peer-reviewed journal; (4) had a pre-contest duration of at least 3 months; (5) reported changes across contest preparation relating to measures of body composition (fat mass, lean mass, and bone mineral density), neuromuscular performance (strength and power), chronic hormonal levels (testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, leptin, and ghrelin), physiological adaptations (maximal aerobic capacity, resting energy expenditure, heart rate, blood pressure, menstrual function, and sleep quality), and/or psychometric outcomes (mood states and food desire). Our review ultimately included 11 case studies comprising 15 ostensibly drug-free athletes (male = 8, female = 7) who competed in various physique-oriented divisions including bodybuilding, figure, and bikini. The results indicated marked alterations across the array of analyzed outcomes, sometimes with high inter-individual variability and divergent sex-specific responses. The complexities and implications of these findings are discussed herein.
... The average loads are lower than those in Fig. 1 because the data in Fig. 1 reflect maximal effort exercise by one individual, whereas data in the current figure were averaged across several hundred repetitions, and would have been completed at various intensities and levels of fatigue. These data were acquired as part of an ongoing study that has been approved by a university ethics board (#2021-02417-NUZZO) eccentric overload and drop setting, which are training strategies known to increase muscle size and strength [2,4,15,64,65,91,92]. Importantly, we do not propose that CARE machines necessary replace other types of resistance exercise equipment. ...
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Eccentric resistance exercise emphasizes active muscle lengthening against resistance. In the past 15 years, researchers and practitioners have expressed considerable interest in accentuated eccentric (i.e., eccentric overload) and eccentric-only resistance exercise as strategies for enhancing performance and preventing and rehabilitating injuries. However, delivery of eccentric resistance exercise has been challenging because of equipment limitations. Previously, we briefly introduced the concept of connected adaptive resistance exercise (CARE)—the integration of software and hardware to provide a resistance that adjusts in real time and in response to the individual’s volitional force within and between repetitions. The aim of the current paper is to expand this discussion and explain the potential for CARE technology to improve the delivery of eccentric resistance exercise in various settings. First, we overview existing resistance exercise equipment and highlight its limitations for delivering eccentric resistance exercise. Second, we describe CARE and explain how it can accomplish accentuated eccentric and eccentric-only resistance exercise in a new way. We supplement this discussion with preliminary data collected with CARE technology in laboratory and non-laboratory environments. Finally, we discuss the potential for CARE technology to deliver eccentric resistance exercise for various purposes, e.g., research studies, rehabilitation programs, and home-based or telehealth interventions. Overall, CARE technology appears to permit completion of eccentric resistance exercise feasibly in both laboratory and non-laboratory environments and thus has implications for researchers and practitioners in the fields of sports medicine, physiotherapy, exercise physiology, and strength and conditioning. Nevertheless, formal investigations into the impact of CARE technology on participation in eccentric resistance exercise and clinical outcomes are still required. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40279-023-01842-z.
... Nevertheless, our results illustrate that a CARE machine can automate ECC overload and drop setting, which are training strategies known to increase muscle size and strength when other equipment is used. 1,2,8,24,[52][53][54] Thus, CARE machines might be used in conjunction with, or independent of, other resistance exercise equipment, depending on one's goals, resources, and exercise preferences. Future research is necessary to examine the impact of regular use of CARE machines on muscle size and strength and other clinical outcomes. ...
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Connected adaptive resistance exercise (CARE) machines are new technology purported to adjust resistance exercise loads in response to muscle fatigue. The present study examined muscle fatigue (strength loss, fatigue perceptions) during maximal eccentric-only (ECCmax -only), concentric-only (CONmax -only), and coupled ECC-CON (ECCmax -CONmax ) bicep curl exercise on a CARE machine. Eleven men and nine women completed the three protocols in separate sessions in random order. All protocols included 4 sets of 20 maximal effort muscle contractions. Strength loss was calculated as Set 4 set end load minus Set 1 highest load. The CARE machine's algorithm adjusted resistances automatically, permitting continued maximal effort repetitions without stopping. Consequently, all protocols caused substantial fatigue. Women were most susceptible to strength loss from exercise that included maximal efforts in the ECC phase, whereas men were most susceptible to strength loss from exercise that included maximal efforts in the CON phase. With ECCmax -only exercise, ECC strength loss (mean±SD) was similar between men (55.9±14.1%) and women (56.4±10.8%). However, with CONmax -only exercise, men and women experienced 55.6±6.2% and 35.3±8.7% CON strength loss, respectively. With ECCmax -CONmax exercise, men experienced greater ECC (62.9±7.7%) and CON (77.0±5.3%) strength loss than women (ECC: 48.5±15.7%, CON: 66.2±12.1%). Heightened perceptions of fatigue and pain of the exercised limb were reported after all protocols. Women generally reported more biceps pain than men. The results illustrate CARE technology delivers ECC-only and accentuated ECC exercise feasibly. Acute responses to repeated maximal effort bicep curl exercise with such technology might differ between men and women depending on muscle contraction type.
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The purpose of this paper was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that compared muscle hypertrophy and strength gains between resistance training protocols employing very low (VLL < 30% of 1-repetition maximum (RM) or >35RM), low (LL30%–59% of 1RM, or 16–35RM), moderate (ML60%–79% of 1RM, or 8–15RM), and high (HL ≥ 80% of 1RM, or ≤7RM) loads with matched volume loads (sets × repetitions × weight). A pooled analysis of the standardized mean difference for 1RM strength outcomes across the studies showed a benefit favoring HL vs. LL and vs. ML and favoring ML vs. LL. The LL and VLL results showed little difference. A pooled analysis of the standardized mean difference for hypertrophy outcomes across all studies showed no differences between training loads. Our findings indicate that when the volume load is equal between conditions, the highest loads induce superior dynamic strength gains. Alternatively, hypertrophic adaptations were similar irrespective of the load magnitude. Novelty: Training with higher loads elicits greater gains in 1RM muscle strength when compared to lower loads, even when the volume load is equal between conditions. Muscle hypertrophy is similar irrespective of the magnitude of the load, even when the volume load is equal between conditions.
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The study aimed to compare the effects of drop set resistance training (RT) versus traditional RT on markers of maximal muscle strength and regional hypertrophy of the quadriceps femoris. Sixteen recreationally active young men had one leg randomly assigned to the drop-set method (DS) and the other to training in a traditional manner (TRAD). Participants performed unilateral seated leg extensions using a periodized approach for eight weeks. Rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscle thickness (MT), estimated one repetition maximum (RM) in the unilateral knee extension, and peak and average isokinetic knee extension torque at 60◦/s angular velocity were measured pre- and post-study. Both conditions increased muscle thickness of the RF and VL from preto post-intervention. DS showed statistically greater increases in the RF at 30% and 50% of muscle length, whereas no MT differences were detected at 70% muscle length nor at any aspect of the VL. Both DS and TRAD increased estimated one RM from pre- to post-study (+34.6% versus +32.0%, respectively) with no between-condition differences noted. Both conditions showed similar increases in peak torque (DS: +21.7%; TRAD: +22.5%) and average torque (DS: +23.6%; TRAD: +22.5%) from pre- to post-study. Our findings indicate a potential benefit of the drop-set method for inducing non-uniform hypertrophic gains in the RF muscle pursuant to leg extension training. The strategy did not promote an advantage in improving hypertrophy of the VL, nor in strength-related measures, compared to traditional training
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This paper aimed to compare the effect of drop-set (DS) and rest-pause (RP) systems versus traditional resistance training (TRT) with equalized total training volume on maximum dynamic strength (1RM) and thigh muscle thickness (MT). Twenty-eight resistance-trained males were randomly assigned to either RP (n = 10), DS (n = 9) or TRT (n = 9) protocols performed twice a week for 8 weeks. 1RM and MT of the proximal, middle and distal portions of the lateral thigh were assessed at baseline and post-intervention. A significant time × group interaction was observed for 1RM (P = 0.001) in the barbell back squat after 8-weeks. Post hoc comparisons revealed that RP promoted higher 1RM than TRT (P = 0.001); no statistical differences in strength were observed between the other conditions. A significant main effect of time was revealed for MT at the proximal (P = 0.0001) and middle (P = 0.0001) aspects of the lateral thigh for all training groups; however, the distal portion did not show a time effect (P = 0.190). There were no between-group interactions for MT. Our findings suggest that RP promotes slightly superior strength-related improvements compared with TRT, but hypertrophic adaptations are similar between conditions. Novelty:Rest-pause elicited a slightly superior benefit for strength adaptations compared with traditional resistance training. Resistance training systems do not promote superior hypertrophic adaptations when total training volume is equalized. Muscle thickness in distal portion of thigh is similar to baseline. Although modest, effect sizes tended to favor rest-pause.
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The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, published in 2009, was designed to help systematic reviewers transparently report why the review was done, what the authors did, and what they found. Over the past decade, advances in systematic review methodology and terminology have necessitated an update to the guideline. The PRISMA 2020 statement replaces the 2009 statement and includes new reporting guidance that reflects advances in methods to identify, select, appraise, and synthesise studies. The structure and presentation of the items have been modified to facilitate implementation. In this article, we present the PRISMA 2020 27-item checklist, an expanded checklist that details reporting recommendations for each item, the PRISMA 2020 abstract checklist, and the revised flow diagrams for original and updated reviews.
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Objective We aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of training to muscle failure or non-failure on muscular strength and hypertrophy. Methods Meta-analyses of effect sizes (ESs) explored the effects of training to failure vs. non-failure on strength and hypertrophy. Subgroup meta-analyses explored potential moderating effects of variables such as training status (trained vs. untrained), training volume (volume equated vs. non-equated), body region (upper vs. lower), exercise selection (multi- vs. single-joint exercises (only for strength)), and study design (independent vs. dependent groups). Results Fifteen studies were included in the review. All studies included young adults as participants. Meta-analysis indicated no significant difference between the training conditions for muscular strength (ES = –0.09; 95% confidence interval (CI): –0.22 to 0.05) and for hypertrophy (ES = 0.22; 95%CI: –0.11 to 0.55). Subgroup analyses that stratified the studies according to body region, exercise selection, or study design showed no significant differences between training conditions. In studies that did not equate training volume between the groups, the analysis showed significant favouring of non-failure training on strength gains (ES = –0.32; 95%CI: –0.57 to –0.07). In the subgroup analysis for resistance-trained individuals, the analysis showed a significant effect of training to failure for muscle hypertrophy (ES = 0.15; 95%CI: 0.03 to 0.26). Conclusion Training to muscle failure does not seem to be required for gains in strength and muscle size. However, training in this manner does not seem to have detrimental effects on these adaptations, either. More studies should be conducted among older adults and highly trained individuals to improve the generalizability of these findings.
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Background: Effects of resistance training on muscle strength and hypertrophy are well-established in adults and younger elderly. However, less is currently known about these effects in the very elderly (i.e., 75 years of age and older). Objective: To examine the effects of resistance training on muscle size and strength in very elderly individuals. Methods: Randomized controlled studies that explored the effects of resistance training in very elderly on muscle strength, handgrip strength, whole-muscle hypertrophy, and/or muscle fiber hypertrophy were included in the review. Meta-analyses of effect sizes (ESs) were used to analyze the data. Results: Twenty-two studies were included in the review. The meta-analysis found a significant effect of resistance training on muscle strength in the very elderly (difference in ES = 0.97; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.50, 1.44; p = 0.001). In a subgroup analysis that included only the oldest-old participants (80+ years of age), there was a significant effect of resistance training on muscle strength (difference in ES = 1.28; 95% CI: 0.28, 2.29; p = 0.020). For handgrip strength, we found no significant difference between resistance training and control groups (difference in ES = 0.26; 95% CI: –0.02, 0.54; p = 0.064). For whole-muscle hypertrophy, there was a significant effect of resistance training in the very elderly (difference in ES = 0 30; 95% CI: 0.10, 0.50; p = 0.013). We found no significant difference in muscle fiber hypertrophy between resistance training and control groups (difference in ES = 0.33; 95% CI: –0.67, 1.33; p = 0.266). There were minimal reports of adverse events associated with the training programs in the included studies. Conclusions: We found that very elderly can increase muscle strength and muscle size by participating in resistance training programs. Resistance training was found to be an effective way to improve muscle strength even among the oldest-old.
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Background: Effective hypertrophy-oriented resistance training (RT) should comprise a combination of mechanical tension and metabolic stress. Regarding training variables, the most effective values are widely described in the literature. However, there is still a lack of consensus regarding the efficiency of advanced RT techniques and methods in comparison to traditional approaches. Methods: MEDLINE and SPORTDiscus databases were searched from 1996 to September 2019 for all studies investigating the effects of advanced RT techniques and methods on muscle hypertrophy and training variables. Thirty articles met the inclusion criteria and were consequently included for the quality assessment and data extraction. Results: Concerning the time-efficiency of training, the use of agonist-antagonist, upper-lower body supersets, drop and cluster sets, sarcoplasma stimulating training, employment of fast, but controlled duration of eccentric contractions (~2s), and high-load RT supplemented with low-load RT under blood flow restriction may provide an additional stimulus and an advantage to traditional training protocols. With regard to the higher degree of mechanical tension, the use of accentuated eccentric loading in RT should be considered. Implementation of drop sets, sarcoplasma stimulating training, low-load RT in conjunction with low-load RT under blood flow restriction could provide time-efficient solutions to increased metabolic stress. Conclusions: Due to insufficient evidence, it is difficult to provide specific guidelines for volume, intensity of effort, and frequency of previously mentioned RT techniques and methods. However, well-trained athletes may integrate advanced RT techniques and methods into their routines as an additional stimulus to break through plateaus and to prevent training monotony.
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Valentin Amrhein, Sander Greenland, Blake McShane and more than 800 signatories call for an end to hyped claims and the dismissal of possibly crucial effects.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate muscular adaptations between low-, moderate-, and high-volume resistance training (RT) protocols in resistance-trained men. Methods: Thirty-four healthy resistance-trained men were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 experimental groups: a low-volume group (1SET) performing 1 set per exercise per training session (n = 11); a moderate-volume group (3SET) performing 3 sets per exercise per training session (n = 12); or a high-volume group (5SET) performing 5 sets per exercise per training session (n = 11). Training for all routines consisted of three weekly sessions performed on non-consecutive days for 8 weeks. Muscular strength was evaluated with 1 repetition maximum (RM) testing for the squat and bench press. Upper-body muscle endurance was evaluated using 50% of subjects bench press 1RM performed to momentary failure. Muscle hypertrophy was evaluated using B-mode ultrasonography for the elbow flexors, elbow extensors, mid-thigh and lateral thigh. Results: Results showed significant pre-to-post intervention increases in strength and endurance in all groups, with no significant between-group differences. Alternatively, while all groups increased muscle size in most of the measured sites from pre-to-post intervention, significant increases favoring the higher volume conditions were seen for the elbow flexors, mid-thigh, and lateral thigh. Conclusion: Marked increases in strength and endurance can be attained by resistance-trained individuals with just three, 13-minute weekly sessions over an 8-week period, and these gains are similar to that achieved with a substantially greater time commitment. Alternatively, muscle hypertrophy follows a dose-response relationship, with increasingly greater gains achieved with higher training volumes.
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Background Current recommendations on resistance training (RT) frequency for gains in muscular strength are based on extrapolations from limited evidence on the topic, and thus their practical applicability remains questionable. Objective To elucidate this issue, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the studies that compared muscular strength outcomes with different RT frequencies. Methods To carry out this review, English-language literature searches of the PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus databases were conducted. The meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects model. The meta-analysis models were generated with RT frequencies classified as a categorical variable as either 1, 2, 3, or 4+ times/week, or, if there were insufficient data in subgroup analyses, the training frequencies were categorized as 1, 2, or 3 times/week. Subgroup analyses were performed for potential moderators, including (1) training volume; (2) exercise selection for the 1 repetition maximum (RM) test (for both multi-joint and single-joint exercises); (3) upper and lower body strength gains; (4) training to muscular failure (for studies involving and not involving training to muscular failure); (5) age (for both middle-aged/older adults and young adults); and (6) sex (for men and for women). The methodological quality of studies was appraised using the modified Downs and Black checklist. Results A total of 22 studies were found to meet the inclusion criteria. The average score on the Downs and Black checklist was 18 (range 13–22 points). Four studies were classified as being of good methodological quality, while the rest were classified as being of moderate methodological quality. Results of the meta-analysis showed a significant effect (p = 0.003) of RT frequency on muscular strength gains. Effect sizes increased in magnitude from 0.74, 0.82, 0.93, and 1.08 for training 1, 2, 3, and 4+ times per week, respectively. A subgroup analysis of volume-equated studies showed no significant effect (p = 0.421) of RT frequency on muscular strength gains. The subgroup analysis for exercise selection for the 1RM test suggested a significant effect of RT frequency on multi-joint (p < 0.001), but not single-joint, 1RM test results (p = 0.324). The subgroup analysis for upper and lower body showed a significant effect of frequency (p = 0.004) for upper body, but not lower body, strength gains (p = 0.070). In the subgroup analysis for studies in which the training was and was not carried out to muscular failure, no significant effect of RT frequency was found. The subgroup analysis for the age groups suggested a significant effect of training frequency among young adults (p = 0.024), but not among middle-aged and older adults (p = 0.093). Finally, the subgroup analysis for sex indicated a significant effect of RT frequency on strength gains in women (p = 0.030), but not men (p = 0.190). Conclusions The results of the present systematic review and meta-analysis suggest a significant effect of RT frequency as higher training frequencies are translated into greater muscular strength gains. However, these effects seem to be primarily driven by training volume because when the volume is equated, there was no significant effect of RT frequency on muscular strength gains. Thus, from a practical standpoint, greater training frequencies can be used for additional RT volume, which is then likely to result in greater muscular strength gains. However, it remains unclear whether RT frequency on its own has significant effects on strength gain. It seems that higher RT frequencies result in greater gains in muscular strength on multi-joint exercises in the upper body and in women, and, finally, in contrast to older adults, young individuals seem to respond more positively to greater RT frequencies. More evidence among resistance-trained individuals is needed as most of the current studies were performed in untrained participants.