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Sign Language to Text Conversion in Real Time
using Transfer Learning
Shubham Thakar, Samveg Shah, Bhavya Shah and Anant V. Nimkar
Department of Computer Engineering
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
Mumbai, India
{shubham.thakar, samveg.shah, bhavya.shah,anant nimkar}@spit.ac.in
Abstract—The people in the world who are hearing impaired
face many obstacles in communication and require an interpreter
to comprehend what a person is saying. There has been constant
scientific research and the existing models lack the ability to make
accurate predictions. So we propose a deep learning model trained
on the ASL i.e the American Sign Language which will take action
in the form of American Sign Language as input and translate it
into text. To achieve the former a Convolution Neural Network
based VGG16 architecture is used as well as a Tensorflow model
for image classification and we have improved the accuracy of the
latter by over 4%. There has been an improvement in accuracy
from 94% of CNN to 98.7% by Transfer Learning. An application
with the deep learning model integrated has also been built.
Index Terms—ASL, VGG16, Transfer Learning, Sign Language
As per the World Health Organization, there are over 1.5
billion people who live with hearing loss and require rehabil-
itation to address their ’disabling’ hearing loss. The American
Sign Language(ASL) is one of the most popular languages
used by people who are deaf to communicate with each other.
With its natural syntax, which shares the same etymological
roots as spoken languages but has a different grammar, ASL
may express the outcome of bodily acts. It becomes difficult
for people not familiar with ASL to communicate with people
who are hearing impaired.
ASL[17] is a full, natural language with English-like syntax
that shares many of the same linguistic characteristics as
spoken languages. Hand and face gestures are used to convey
meaning in ASL. The current technologies existing for sign-
to-speech conversion include wearable which requires physical
hardware devices to achieve the same. There are also technolo-
gies existing that depend on hand detection using a leap motion
sensor. These technologies have a high hardware requirement
and accuracy of about 70%. There are many models which
have been built using LSTM-RNN, lightweight CNN, etc.
We propose using a deep learning model as a translator that
can convert sign language to text. Three convolutional layers
in all were used in the CNN model to extract features. The
number of kernels was set to 32 for the first convolutional layer
and to 64 for the following two layers. The model comprises
two thick layers. The output space’s dimensionality in the first
layer using the ReLu activation function is set to 128. Since the
VGG16[18] model utilized represented the outcome from the
ImageNet dataset, it did not have the 1*1*1000 topmost layer.
After flattening the second-to-last layer of the VGG16 model,
two further layers were added. The photos were reduced in
size to 64 by 64 in order to expedite training while preserving
their great nuances. The data were scaled down between the
values 0 and 1 after they had been imported into the NumPy
array in order to prevent the exploding gradients problem that
is often present in CNN and transfer learning.
The entire model has been converted into an application that
involves the user’s action being captured by his/her camera
and the data will be sent to the rest API in base64 format.
Each YUV channel would include a user image that would be
taken once every second. These YUV channels were changed
from YUV to RGB and then into base64 strings. These base64
strings were transmitted via the rest API to a Django backend.
The base64 string will first be transformed to an RGB picture
on this backend. It will then be reduced in size to a 64*64
picture and transformed into a NumPy array. The numbers in
this NumPy array will be scaled down to the range of 0 to 1
by multiplying them by 255. The transfer learning model will
receive this data and produce the necessary prediction. The
program will then get this forecast and display it to the user.
Section II describes the literature survey undertaken about
various deep learning models used to achieve sign-to-text
conversion. In section III we have described our first approach
which is the CNN architecture. Further in section IV, we have
described our methodology in detail which includes transfer
learning. Section V talks about our application which we built
using the deep learning model followed by section VI where
we describe the results. In section VII and section VIII, we
talk about the conclusion and the future scope.
This section discusses the existing research work in the
domain of sign language recognition and translation.
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is the most common
technique used for ASL recognition. Hsien-I Lin et al. [1]
have used image segmentation to extract the hand from the
image. This was then followed by modeling the skin and then
to center the image around the primary axis, they calibrate the
threshold image around it. To train and forecast the results of
a convolutional neural network model, they used this image.
arXiv:2211.14446v1 [cs.CV] 13 Nov 2022
Their algorithm was trained on seven hand motions, and when
applied to those movements, it delivers an accuracy of about
95%. The authors [2] have used the American Sign language
dataset and built a real-time system to translate it into text.
They capture the images from a webcam and perform a hand
gesture scan as preprocessing of data to make sure the gesture
has been amplified. Then it is followed by feeding the data to
the Keras CNN model. The model that has already been trained
produces the projected label. Every label for a gesture has a
probability attached to it. The label with the highest possibility
becomes the anticipated label. Then the classifiers are used to
predict the final label. The accuracy achieved overall for the
same is 95.8%. Garcia, B et al. [3] have attempted to create
a real-time sign language translator which can help facilitate
communication between the deaf community and the general
public. They used a pre-trained GoogLeNet architecture for the
classification task. Their model was able to classify letters a-e
correctly with first-time users. Another real-time sign language
translation technique was proposed by S. S Kumar [4]. This
approach utilized time series neural networks for sign language
Some authors have tried to develop lightweight models for
ASL classification. [5], [6] attempt to create a lightweight CNN
architecture. Their aim was to scale down the architecture
of the deep network to reduce the computational cost. For
this Efficient Network (EfficientNet) models and generated
lightweight deep learning models were utilized. Authors [7]
have tried to create an app for the deaf community. But
creating an app is not an easy chore because it calls for
numerous efforts, such as memory usage and a flawlessly
refined design. Their software takes a photograph of a sign
motion and afterward transforms it into a relevant word. To
begin with, they compared the gesture using a histogram that
was connected to the sample test and more samples that are
required to BRIEF in order to essentially lighten the load on
the CPU and its processing time. They have outlined the steps
necessary to add a gesture to their software and store it in
their database so that they can increase their detection set in
the future.
Various other techniques such as the use of Hidden Markov
Models and LSTM-RNN have also been tried. V. N. T. Truong
et al. [8] have integrated the principles of AdaBoost and Haar-
like classifiers. The dataset under consideration here is ASL
which is the American Sign Language. A feature they have
used is a big dataset to improve the accuracy of the model.
They used a dataset of 28000 positive images coupled with
11100 samples of Negative images were used to implement
and train the translator. A camera was used to capture data
and send it to the model for processing. Another concept
that has been used is HMM which is the Hidden Markov
model [9]. The dynamic features of gestures are addressed
in this approach. There has been tracking of skin color blobs
corresponding to the hands into a body–facial space centered
on the user’s face to extract gestures from a succession of
video images. Differentiating between deictic and symbolic
movements serves as the goal. The image is filtered using
an indexing table with quick lookups. After filtering, pixels
with similar skin tones are clustered into blobs. Based on the
position (x, y) and colorimetry (Y, U, V) of skin color pixels,
blobs are statistical objects that help identify homogeneous
areas. LSTM-RNN [10] [11] is another approach that has been
used for ASL classification. The former has proposed the kNN
method for recognizing 26 alphabets. Angles between fingers,
sphere radius, and distance between fingers positions are some
features that were extracted for the classification model.
Various sign languages such as Arabic, and Indian also exist.
Researchers have tried to build models to recognize them and
correctly classify them. Saleh, Yaser, et al. [12] have tried to
recognize Arabic sign language by fine-tuning deep neural net-
works. The authors have used a modification of the ResNet152
model structure for classifying hand gestures. A technique to
translate Malayalam into Indian sign language known as a
synthetic animation producing approach is discussed in [13].
HamNoSys is utilizing the intermediate representation in this
way for sign language. With this technique, the application
accepts some word sets, say one or more, and creates an
animated section from them. A system that is interactive
further turns the words into the HamNoSys-designed structure.
The Kerala government uses its program to parse everything
that has been developed to teach sign language and subtle
awareness. [14] is entirely based on the Spanish speaking
language, which converts the basic words into Spanish. This is
advantageous for Spanish-speaking deaf people because it will
give them a position to understand the sign language at a faster
rate because it will be converted into the Spanish language
rather than into English, which is frequently used as ASL. The
tool or program they created for this consists of a variety of
terms, including convertor to speech, which essentially turns
those whole bits into a meaningful sentence in Spanish, and of
course, a visible interface, which is used by the deaf person to
specify the sequence of sign data, and translator, which merely
converts those series in Spanish based language in a formed
D. Kelly et al. [15] have created a system that operates
continuously and uses a sequence of sign language gestures
to create an automated training set and deliver the spots signs
from that set. They have put forth a system that supervises
the sentence and determines the associated compound sign
gesture using the supervision of noisy texts, using instance
learning as a density matrix technique. The group that was
first intended to demonstrate the continuous data stream of
words is now used as a training group for identifying gesture
posture. They have experimented with this small sample of
automated data that is used for their training, identification, and
storage of subtle sign data. There are about 30 sign language
files preserved. A number of experiments [16] to develop a
statistical model for deaf persons to convert speech data into
sign language were conducted. With the aid of an animated
presentation and a statistical translation module for several sets
of signs, they have further developed a system that automates
speech recognition via ASR. As they continued, they employed
the phrase-specified system and the state transducer for the
translation process. According to the evaluation, specific figure
types have been used: WER, BLEU, and then NIST. This paper
illustrates the method for voice translation using an automation
recognizer with all three of the aforementioned setups. The
output of the finite type state transducer used in this study has
a word error rate that ranged between 28.21 percent and 29.27
This section discusses the CNN approach that was used
to solve the problem of ASL classification. Section 5 further
compares the results obtained using the CNN approach and
transfer learning approach.
A Convolutional Neural Network, also known as CNN
or ConvNet, is a class of neural networks that is adept in
processing data that has a grid-like topology, such as an image.
The three layers of a CNN are typically convolutional, pooling,
and fully connected layers.
The model had a total of 3 convolutional layers for feature
extraction. For the 1st convolutional layer, the number of
kernels was set to 32, for the other 2 layers the number of
kernels was set to 64. Kernel size for all convolutional layers
was 3*3 and the stride was set to 1. We used the ReLU
activation function in all convolution layers.
Our model has 3 max-pooling layers one after each convo-
lutional layer. The pool size for each layer was set to 2*2.
The model has 2 dense layers. In the first layer with the ReLu
activation function, the dimensionality of the output space is
set to 128. The second layer which has a softmax activation
function has dimensionality equal to the number of classes for
The huge advantage of deep learning models for sign
language to text conversion is that different levels of visual
information are processed on each layer. Lower layers process
(detect) very local features, such as small sections of curves.
The higher you go, the more complex the features become. And
you can still interpret the network’s functionality reasonably
well. To adapt a model to a new purpose, the lower layers are
usually kept and only the higher ones are trained to infer the
features for the specific case. This significantly accelerates the
A. Processing Of The Images
To speed up training while maintaining the fine details of
the photos, the images were downsized to 64 by 64. To avoid
the exploding gradients problem typically found in CNN and
transfer learning, the data were scaled down between the values
0 and 1 once they had been loaded into the NumPy array. The
steps for processing the image are depicted in Fig. 2.
B. Dataset
The ASL (American Sign Language) dataset which consisted
of 87000 images was used to train and test the deep learning
sign language to text conversion model. This dataset has 29
labels ( A . . . . Z, space, delete, nothing) and for the training
purpose letter A corresponds to 0, B corresponds to 1 . . . ,
nothing corresponds to 28.
To speed up training while maintaining the fine details of
the photos, the images were downsized to 64 by 64. To avoid
the exploding gradients problem typically found in CNN and
transfer learning, the data were scaled down between the values
0 and 1 once they had been loaded into the NumPy array. The
steps for processing the image are depicted in Fig. 2.
C. Model Architecture
The model used for sign language to text conversion is based
on transfer learning. A pre-trained model serves as the basis
for a new model in transfer learning. Simply said, a model
developed for one work is applied to another, related task as
an optimization to facilitate quick modeling progress on the
first task. Performance-wise, transfer learning models beat tra-
ditional deep learning models. This is because the models that
include data (features, weights, etc.) from previously trained
models already possess a comprehensive grasp of the features.
Compared to creating neural networks from scratch, it speeds
up the process. We decided to apply transfer learning to identify
sign language using the VGG16 model that was previously
trained on the ImageNet dataset. VGG16 was selected because
it has an object identification and classification algorithm that
can accurately categorize 1000 pictures into 1000 different
groups with a 92.7 percent accuracy rate. It is a popular
method for categorizing photographs and is easy to use with
transfer learning. The VGG16 model used did not have the
1*1*1000 topmost layer, since it represented the result from the
ImageNet dataset. The second last layer of the VGG16 Model
was flattened and then 2 layers were added to the VGG16
model :
•Dense layer with 512 Units. It has the sigmoid activation
•Dense layer with 29 Units. It has the softmax activation
The outcome has the best probability of being the unit with
the highest value in the final layer. The alphabet corresponding
to this unit is the expected output. The model architecture is
depicted in Fig. 3
D. Model Training
The model is trained on a dataset of 29 different labels.
The entire dataset was divided into two categories test data
and train data. The train data had 80000 images and the test
data had 7000 images. The total trainable parameters were
15,778,653. The training was done with a batch size of 128
and a learning rate of 0.0001 - 0.0002. Because it offers an
optimization approach that can manage sparse gradients on
noisy problems, the adam optimizer was used. The training
lasted for 20 epochs.
Flutter was utilized to build the application. The screen
orientation of the app was horizontal to facilitate the user to
make the gestures and get the predictions on the same screen.
Fig. 4 represents a screenshot of the application converting
sign language to text. User pictures would be captured every
Fig. 1. Sign language to text conversion application design
Fig. 2. Steps for pre-processing of the images
Fig. 3. Transfer learning model architecture
1 second in the form of YUV channels. These YUV channels
were converted into RGB channels and transformed into base64
strings. These base64 strings were sent to a Django backend
via rest API. On this backend, first, the base64 string will be
converted to an RGB image. Then it will be resized to a 64*64
image and converted into a NumPy array. This NumPy array
will be scaled down from 0 to 1 by dividing the numbers
in the array by 255. This data will be fed to the transfer
learning model which will generate the required prediction.
This prediction will then be returned back to the application
which will show it to the user. Fig. 1 represents the design of
the application.
Fig. 4. Application screenshot
Cross-validation was used to test whether our model was
overfitting, which is when the model fits the training data well
but is unable to generalize and produce accurate predictions for
new data. The data was split into two sets: the training set and
the validation set. The model was trained using the training set,
and its performance was assessed using the validation set. On
the validation set, the model has a 98.7 percent accuracy rate,
while on the training set, it has a 98.8 percent accuracy rate.
According to this, the model should operate with an accuracy
of 98.7% on new data. The model has a loss of 0.35%. It
can be observed that in Fig 5, the train and validation loss
reduced with an increase in the number of epochs. Also, from
Fig 6, it can be observed that the train and validation accuracy
increased with the number of epochs. One thing to notice is
that the validation loss is greater than the training loss between
the range of 1 to 2.5 epochs, which indicates that the model
was overfitting the training dataset initially, but then as it got
trained more, it started to diversify and perform well on the
validation set as well.
Fig. 5. Train and validation loss reduces with increase in epochs
In this paper, we have presented a deep learning model which
gave a high accuracy based on the concept of Transfer Learning
and compared it with the existing CNN model and showed
significant improvement. We pointed out existing loopholes in
the deep learning models existing and built a new model. The
model shown in this paper was able to achieve an accuracy
of 98.7% an improvement of over 4%. This was possible
because of the use of transfer learning with VGG16 along with
Imagenet weights. In addition, obtaining the optimal hyper-
parameters after rigorous experimentation also added to the
accuracy of the model. The image needs to be resized to
Fig. 6. Train and validation accuracy increases with increase in epochs
64*64 pixels. We have further proposed an architecture of an
application that is built for easy use of the model.
This deep learning model is trained over the American sign
language dataset, we can try to diversify this model by training
over the Indian sign language dataset, British sign language
dataset, etc. In addition to this, we assumed that the image
on which the prediction will be made will have a smooth
background, this can be improved by adding some noise to
the image using augmentation techniques.
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