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Personal comfort models based on a 6‐month experiment using environmental parameters and data from wearables

Indoor Air


Personal thermal comfort models are a paradigm shift in predicting how building occupants perceive their thermal environment. Previous work has critical limitations related to the length of the data collected and the diversity of spaces. This paper outlines a longitudinal field study comprising 20 participants who answered Right‐Here‐Right‐Now surveys using a smartwatch for 180 days. We collected more than 1080 field‐based surveys per participant. Surveys were matched with environmental and physiological measured variables collected indoors in their homes and offices. We then trained and tested seven machine learning models per participant to predict their thermal preferences. Participants indicated 58% of the time to want no change in their thermal environment despite completing 75% of these surveys at temperatures higher than 26.6°C. All but one personal comfort model had a median prediction accuracy of 0.78 (F1‐score). Skin, indoor, near body temperatures, and heart rate were the most valuable variables for accurate prediction. We found that ≈250–300 data points per participant were needed for accurate prediction. We, however, identified strategies to significantly reduce this number. Our study provides quantitative evidence on how to improve the accuracy of personal comfort models, prove the benefits of using wearable devices to predict thermal preference, and validate results from previous studies.
Indoor Air. 2022;32:e13160. 
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Received:5July202 2 
Revised:2 0Septem ber2022 
Accepted :15Octob er2022
Personal comfort models based on a 6- month experiment using
environmental parameters and data from wearables
Federico Tartarini1| Stefano Schiavon2| Matias Quintana3| Clayton Miller3
This is an op en access arti cle under the ter ms of the CreativeCommonsAttribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provide d the original wor k is properly cited.
©2022TheAuthor s.Indoor AirpublishedbyJohnWiley&So nsLtd.
1BerkeleyEducat ionAllianceforResearch
2Center for the Built Environment,
University of C alifor nia, Berkeley,
Califo rnia,US A
3Department of the Built Environment,
Nationa lUniver sityofSingapore,
Federico Tartarini, Berkeley Education
AllianceforRese archinSingapore,
Funding information
Personal thermal comfort models are a paradigm shift in predicting how building oc-
cupants perceive their thermal environment. Previous work has critical limitations
related to the length of the data collected and the diversity of spaces. This paper
outlines a longitudinal field study comprising 20 participants who answered Right-
Here-Right-Nowsurveysusing a smartwatchfor 180 days.Wecollected more than
and physiological measured variables collected indoors in their homes and offices.
We then trained and tested seven machine learning models per participant to predict
their thermal preferences. Participants indicated 58% of the time to want no change in
their thermal environment despite completing 75% of these surveys at temperatures
per participant were needed for accurate prediction. We, however, identified strate-
how to improve the accuracy of personal comfort models, prove the benefits of using
wearable devices to predict thermal preference, and validate results from previous
comfort model, skin temperature
Occupantthermalcomfor tsignificantlyaffectshowpeopleperceive
their indoor environment, and thermal dissatisfaction is an ongoing
challeng e. Evidence shows th at approximatel y 40% of the 90 0 00
surveye d occupant s in North A merica wer e dissatisf ied with the ir
thermal environment.1 Thermal comfort models are designed to
predic t comfort toward add ressing this challe nge. All major ther-
mal comfort standards have models that are considered aggregate
in nature.2,3 All mainstream aggregate models aim to predict how
a “typical” person or a group of people would perceive their ther-
mal environment in terms of given environmental (e.g., relative hu-
midity, indoor air temperature [ti]), and personal (i.e., clothing and
metabolic rate) parameters. For example, the Predicted Mean Vote
(PMV) predicts the average thermal sensation of a group of people
sharing the same environment, as an outcome of the heat transfer
balance model bet ween the human body and its surrounding envi-
ronment. The PMV was developed through laboratory experiments
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   TARTAR I NI et al .
by Fanger,4andisnowincludedinboththeISO7730:2005
2 and
ASHR AE55-2020Standards.3
1.1  | Limitations of aggregate models
Both the PMV and the adaptive models have several limitations
when used to control the temperature in buildings,5- 7 despite
their successful adoption into international standards. (1) Required
inputs—In real buildings, it is extremely challenging to accurately
measure some input variables needed to calculate PMV, such as
metabolic rate, clothing, airspeed, and mean radiant temperature.8
(2) Prediction accuracyEven when all input variables are accurately
measured, these models have poor accuracy both in predicting
group and individual thermal comfort.9 (3) Training—A ggregatemod-
els do not adapt or re- learn.6 They were developed using fixed and
limited dat asets and did not benefit from new feedback provided
by people. They do not learn and adapt to specific conditions.5 (4)
Limited inputs—Aggregatemodelsonlyuse asmallsetof inputvari-
ables. They do not use variables, such as skin temperature (tsk), heart
rate (HR), age, or health status, that may affect the thermal percep-
tions of people.5
1.2  | The emergence of personal comfort models
Personal comfort models challenge the one- size- fits- all approach of
aggregatemodels.Instead of an averageresponsefrom agroup of
people, a single model is trained and tested for each participant.
Personal comfort models are, however, not limited to predicting one
person's thermal preference. Their aggregated outputs can be used
to predict the thermal preference of a large group of people sharing
the same environment.5Since theirintroduction,personalcomfort
models have been expanded to leverage data collected using a wide
array of sensors, including portable sensors and devices,10,11 build-
ing management systems,12,13 personal comfort systems,14 as well
as onboard sensors in wearable devices and smartphones. This net-
work of sensors can remotely and non- intrusively measure, log and
store spatiotemporal environmental and physiological data.
Wearable devices have increased the viability of personal model
development due to the use of physiological sensors to improve
model accuracy. For example, skin temperature (
) reflects the va-
somotor tone15 while heart rate correlates with activity levels. This
is suppor ted by previous research that has shown that the use of
as an independent variable c an improve the prediction accuracy of
thermal comfort models.16- 21Incer tainapplications,
may be even
determined using non- contact sensors like infrared.22- 24 However, it
is essential to emphasize that non- contact sensors are less accurate
than those that are in direct contact with the skin; they can only
from body areas that are in the line of sight to the camera
and are expensive to install.6They,however,donotrequirehavinga
sensor to be worn by people. Experimental methodologies collect-
are common and iButtons sensors are of ten used. They can
accurately measure and log
25- 2 7 Currently, most smartwatches
on the market can measure HR with suf ficient accuracy for thermal
comfort research; however, none incorporate sufficiently accurate
skin temperature sensors.18
1.3  | Limitations of personal comfort models
Despite the momentum of personal comfort models, there are still
several unknowns and limitations as outlined in a recent review.28
This analysis pinpoints a lack of diversity in space types, climates,
and conditions used to train personal comfort models. The review
showed that only 3 out of 37 studies selected for analysis included
data collection outside office spaces or lab- based thermal chambers
used to emulate an office environment. 28Another limitationisthat
there was a wide range of the amount of longitudinal data collected
in the studies, with anywhere between 8 and 416 points collec ted
per person. Researchers placed little emphasis on whether the
length and data amount were exhaustive in capturing the predic t-
abilit y of an individu al. In addit ion, in pers onal comfor t model ex-
periments, it is not common or easy to log and measure information
about the participant's dynamic personal factors such as clothing or
activity levels.29Addressingthelackofdiversityandtheamountof
data is not easy due to experimental constraints.
One of the bi ggest challenge s that researche rs currently fa ce
is recording how people perceive their thermal environment over
a long period of time while minimizing the fatigue of completing a
Right- Here- Right- Now (RHRN) thermal comfor t survey. To partially
solve this issue, Kim et al.30 tried to infer occupants' thermal pref-
erences by analyzing specific behaviors, such as turning on and off
heating and cooling devices. They then coupled these data with
environmental readings to infer a user's preferences without them
having to complete a sur vey. However, thermal actions may be trig-
gered by other reasons besides thermal discomfor t; for example,
Practical implications
wearable technology to gather subjective feedback from
people, our study validates the findings from earlier re-
theprecisionof personal comfor tmodels.Ourmethodol-
ogy and results c an be used in buildings to develop and im-
plement occupants centric controls. This enables building
operators to enhance thermal comfort conditions indoors
while possibly reducing the overall energy consumption of
the building. We made the decision to openly publish our
data so that others might use it to test various assump-
tions or create personal comfort models utilizing various
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TAR TAR I NI et al.
Kim et al.30 found that users turn on the heating element in their
chair to mitigate back pain.
1.4  | Improving personal comfort models through
larger and more diverse longitudinal data
To address the limitations mentioned above, an emerging method-
ology focuses on the use of wearable devices to collect physiologi-
cal data and act as the subjective feedback collection interface. This
method builds upon research in the area of Ecological Momentary
Assessm en ts(EM A),af or mof colle ctingsubjectiveinfor mationi ndi-
verse field- based settings.31Ast y leoft hism et hodol og yemergingas
ap o p ul a r wa y to r ed u ce t h ei n ci d e nc e of s ur v e yf a t ig u e is m ic r o- EM A ,
in which smartwatches are used to prompt a research participant to
leave feedback in a fast and time- efficient manner.32Micro-EMAhas
been shown to deliver higher response rates with a lower burden
on research participants than a smartphone or computer- based sur-
vey. 33 To build upon this foundation and help solve the issue of col-
lecting perception data from people, our team has contributed to the
developmentofthemicro-EM ACozieprojectthattargetsindo oroc-
cupant data collection.34,35 Cozie is an open- source application that
onecaninstallon Fitbit(Versa2andIonic)orApplesmart watches.
The platform has been utilized in previous studies to test the im-
plementation and modelling of smartwatch- based subjective data
collection,36- 38 study thermal preference, imbalanced classes,39 and
create personal comfort models using building information model
components as inputs.40OnecanfindmoreinformationaboutCozie
and the official documentation at and https://cozie
- Cozie allows people to conveniently complete an RHRN
survey v ia their smar twatches. S ubjects' p erceptions, p references,
and behaviors collected via Cozie can then be coupled with environ-
mental data collected from wireless sensing devices and physiologi-
cal data collected by the smartwatch.
1.5  | Aim and objectives
Ourr esearchaimstoresolvegapsinper son alther malcomfor tmo d-
resulting novel insights:
How many data points per user must be collected to develop a
reliable and robust personal comfor t model? We collected data
for180 daysresultinginmorefeedbackresponsesperperson(up
to 1080) than in any previous study.28
• Areenvironmental and physiologicaldata sufficient to trainper-
sonal thermal comfort models while minimizing the impact on
users? The methodology of this paper utilizes a novel framework
of simple-to-use non-intru sivetechniques to collect physiologi-
cal, environmental, and geospatial data using smart watch- based
C an increasing the diversity of space t ypes and conditions im-
prove the accuracy of personal comfort models? How can differ-
ent variables contribute to the overall model accuracy? This study
is designed to collect data from diverse spaces, including the par-
ticipant s' homes, where there is a lack of data in previous studies.
Inaddition,thispaper is novel in accurately monitoring whether
the RHRN was completed during transitory conditions.
ple can use it to test different hypotheses or develop personal com-
fort models using a different methodology.
We collected subjective responses and physiological dat a from
human subjects using wearable devices, per sonal data using sur veys,
and environmental data using data loggers. We then applied super-
vised machine learning algorithms to train personal thermal comfort
models for each study participant. Thermal preference votes from
the RHRN survey (i.e., Q.1 Cozie Survey—Thermal preference—
please see Section 2.4) were utilized as the ground truth labels for
model training and evaluation. The methodology and sensors we
used to measure and log data are summarized in Figure 1, while a
flowchar t depicting the methodology we used to analyze the data
is shown in Figure A.2. The human subject experiment for this
study wa s approved by the Unive rsity of Califo rnia Berkeley IRB
(Institutional Review Board: 2020-01-12899). We compensated
participants who completed the study with gift vouchers for a total
2.1  | Subjects
Participants were recruited through online posting. The inclu-
sion criteria were that the participant must: have lived for at least
3 months in Si ngapore, be at lea st 21 years old, and b e fluent in
English. Personal information (e.g., sex, age, and education) about
participants was collected using a web- based survey at the begin-
ning of the study.
2.2  | Wearable sensors
Each par ticipant received a Fitbit Versa (v1 or v2) and was asked to
wear it daily for the whole duration of the study.
To measure and log wrist skin temperature (
) and wrist near
body temperature (
)we installedtwo iButtons, model DS1925,
of the wristband and measured
in the front part of the wrist. The
other was installed above the watch display and was used to mea-
. Figure A .1 shows the exact location of where the iButtons
were installed.
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   TARTAR I NI et al .
More information about the rationale on why we used Fitbit and
Participants were asked to complete the RHRN no sooner than
10 min after either wearing the Fitbit or changing clothes or activities.
This further limits the error in the measurement of
and ensured
that they did not complete an RHRN survey during a transitory.
2.3  | Environmental sensors
Environmental data were monitored and logged using three sensors.
majority of their time indoors. This room corresponds to the “Home”
locationinquestionthreeoftheCoziesur veyasshowninFigure 2.
and relative humidit y at the
participant's workplace. This room corresponds to the “Work” loca-
tion in the Cozie survey. The workstation could be in their office or
home if they were working from home. Finally, the third sensor on a
bag/backpack of their choice. Participants were instructed to select
1 of the Appendix and Table A.1.
2.4  | Sur veys
Participants were asked to complete, on average, a total of 42 RHRN
surveysperweekoveraperiodof180 daysusingtheCozieclockface.
Figure 2showstheflowofquestionsthatwereincludedintheRHRN
Q.1— “Would you prefer to be?” assesses the thermal preference
termines if a participant is in proximity to one of the three environmen-
tal sensors. Q.4— “What are you wearing?” participants reported their
clothing level using a 4- point ordinal scale. Q.5— “Can you perceive air
movement around you?” assesses if the air surrounding the participant
level over the last 10 min. Q.7— logged if the survey is answered during
a transitory situation or in a near “steady- state” environment.
FIGURE 1 Methodologyusedtocollectdatainourstudy.Par ticipantsansweredtheRHRNsur veysusingtheFitbitCozieclockface.
Physiological data and RHRN responses were first sent to the Fitbit companion applic ation and then synced with a cloud database.
The HR data were downloaded from the Fitbit accounts.
were measured using t wo iButtons which were installed on the
participant's phone was in their proximity. Environmental data were uploaded to the cloud database using Wi- Fi. Finally, participants were
reminded to complete the RHRN surveys using Telegram, a messaging application.
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TAR TAR I NI et al.
The questions flow was always displayed in the same order.A
custom- made algorithm analyzed real- time environmental data and
occupants' indoor location that was logged by an application we de-
veloped. Participants received a message when in the proximity of the
two environmental sensors, and they had completed less than 10% of
the total RHRN surveys in those environmental conditions.
2.5  | Weather data
site that provides 1- min interval data.41 Weather data was merged
questiontwooftheRHRNsur vey.
2.6  | Data analysis
The source code we used to analyze the data and the full dataset are
publicly available at this URL: icoTa rtari ni/
dorn- longi tudin al- tc- study.
2.6.1  |  Datapreparation
Participants completed surveys while performing a wide range of
activities, wearing different clothing, being in multiple locations, and
being exposed to a broad range of environmental conditions.
We aimed to develop a personal thermal comfort model for each
participant, which could potentially be used to better control and op-
eratebuildings. Consequently, we decided to excludethe responses
that participants provided: (i) while exercising, (ii) when not in the
proximity of either of the environmental sensors provided (answered
“No” to Q.3), (iii) during a transitory situation (answered “Yes” to Q.7),
(iv) when outdoors, and (v) while not wearing the smartwatch cor-
rectly. The rationale behind our decisions was that personal comfort
models could mainly be used indoors to improve thermal comfort con-
ditions where environmental conditions can be controlled. We provide
a detailed description of how we implemented the above- mentioned
2.6.2  |  Supervisedmachinelearningalgorithms
We used seven supervised machine learning classifiers to predict
thermal preferences: Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RDF),
ExtremeGradientBoosting( XGB), Support Vector Machine(SVM),
LayerPerceptron(MLP).We used the Kruskal–WallisH- test to test
the null hypothesis that the population median of all the groups is
equal. The Kruskal–Wallis H-tes t was used since the ANOVA as-
sumptions were not satisfied, and it is a non- parametric version of
ofthegroups differs.Comparisonsbetweengroupsarerequiredto
determine which groups are different.
2.6.3  |  Trainingdatasize
data points would af fect the model accuracy. This has practical ap-
FIGURE 2 Right-Here-Right-Now(RHRN)surveyquestionsdisplayedusingtheCozieclockface
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of RHRN to be collected from each participant. The hypothesis is
that a higher number of data for each participant would lead to more
accurate results. To test this, we randomly selected 100 data points
for testing and then trained the models using the first 42 RHRN sur-
veys(approximately1 weekofdata)eachparticipantcompleted.We
then iteratively trained a new model for each increment which com-
prised additional 84 training data points.
2.6.4  |  Independentvariableselection
The independent variables we used to train our models are shown
in Table 1. Each column represents a sub- set of variables and each
row the respective model. The variables were grouped as follows:
environmental— outdoor air temperature, outdoor humidity ratio,
indoor air temperature (
), and humidity ratio indoors (Wi); clo–
wearable— location, heart rate (HR), wrist skin temperature (
), and
wrist near body temperature (
); time— hour of the day, weekday
or weekend, and day of the week.
We also computed some variables (hist) to take into account how
thermal history may have influenced how participants perceived their
environment at the time of completing the RHRN survey. For each of
the time- series data included in either the environmental or the wear-
able variable sets, we calculated the following additional variables:
exponentially weighted moving average and gradient over a 20 and
60 minperiodprecedingthesurvey.Theaverageandgradientforthe
weather data were calculated using timeframes of 1 and 8 h.
We used the SHapley Additive exPlainations (SHAP) method
to determine how much each variable influences the output of the
of machine learning models is to divide the credit for a model's out-
put among its input variables using fair allocation outcomes from co-
operative game theory.42,43Theuseof theSHAPapproachallowed
us to understand and interpret how and why our complex models
made specific predictions.
We included env, time, and wearable in all models since previous
research has demonstrated that the inclusion of these variables into
personal comfort models significantly increases their prediction ac-
cura cy.18 We, therefore, decided only to test whether the use of his-
torical and self- reported clothing and activity would have improved
the prediction accuracy in our case.
We have shared the data we collected publicly so other research-
ers may test different hypotheses or use a different approach from
the one described in this paper.
Including indoor air temperature (
), wrist skin temperature
) in all models may in-
troduce multicollinearity. The environment to which a person is
exposed, the clothing they wear, and the actions they perform,
together which several other factors that affect how indoor air
temperature (
), wrist skin temperature (
w), and wrist near body
temperature (
) are correlated. We, therefore, decided to keep
them all in the models since they allowed us to potentially capture
all the above- mentioned interactions that cannot be measured but
still play a significant role in how people perceive their thermal en-
vironment. For example, the near- body temperature may approxi-
mate the air temperature when a person is exposed to elevated air
speeds.On theotherhand, itwillbemoreinfluenced bytheskin
temperature when the person is resting and the air in the room is
still. Itis worthmentioningthat Applein their latestsmartwatch,
the AppleWatch 8 released in October 2022, also included t wo
temperature sensors, one that measures the skin temperature
and one below the screen to isolate the body temperature from
the out side environme nt. Apple claim s that this allows t hem to
get a more accurate estimate of the variables that they want to
2.7  | PMV estimation
We used the measured environmental variables and personal fac-
tors, qualitatively logged by the par ticipants to calculate the PMV
using the following assumptions. The activit y levels reported by the
participants were mapped using the following values resting = 0.8
met, sitting = 1.1 met, and standing = 1.4 met. While repor ted cloth-
ing values were mapped as follows very light = 0.3 clo, light = 0.5
clo, medium = 0.7 clo, and heavy = 1.0 clo. These numbers were de-
termined by asking each participant which clothes on average they
wore when selecting one of the above options. The mean radiant
temperature was assumedtobeequal to
45 The relative airspeed
value was calculated assuming theairspeedtobeequal to 0.1 m/s
and using the self- reported activit y levels. We are fully aware that
these assumptions have limitations and do affect PMV prediction
accuracy; however, similar assumptions have been previously used
TAB LE 1  Independentvariablesusedtotraintherespectivemodel
Variable sets
Model env time wear clo– met env- hist wear- hist
Thermal preference PCM xXx
ThermalpreferencePCMclo–met xXx x
ThermalpreferencePCMclo–methist xXx x x x
Note:Weusedthefollowingabbreviationsinthetable:self-reportedclothingandac tivity(clo–met),environmental(env),wearable(wear),and
historical (hist).
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TAR TAR I NI et al.
in thermal comfort research.30 Finally, we mapped the PMV val-
ues into thermal preference votes using the following assumptions:
“Warmer ” for PMV <1.5, “Cooler” for PMV >1.5, and “No Change”
for −1.5 ≤ PMV ≤ 1.5. Th is is the same as sumption ma de by Fanger
who considers dissatisfied those people who reported their abso-
lute value of thermal sensation to be either 2 or 3.4 This is based on
the assumption that , for example, people who have a thermal sensa-
tion of “Warm” or “Hot” is highly probable that they may want to be
of the PMV model, but we only used it as a benchmark value to as-
sess the accuracy of the thermal personal comfort models.
2.7.1  |  Evaluationcriteria
The model prediction accuracy was evaluated using the following
metrics: F1- micro, F1- macro, and Cohen's kappa. We calculated
all these metrics for a more precise interpretation of the results,
however, we only reported the F1- micro scores unless there was a
significant disagreement between the prediction accuracy scores
of different metrics. F1- micro ranges between 0 and 1 where 1
represents the optimal prediction value. F1- micro measures the
predic tion accura cy and gives eq ual impor tance to prec ision (true
positives divided by all positive result s) and recall (true positives di-
vided by the number of samples that should have been identified as
positives).Inmultilabelclassification,(i.e.,in our case since thermal
preference assumes three values) the F1- micro is calculated globally
across all classes.
2.7.2  |  Trainingandtesting
Hyper- parameters optimization is done using a random search and
5- fold cr oss- validation . We tested 10 ran dom combinations of hy per-
parameters in each of the 5- fold, and the best performing model,
intermsof objec tivemetricasspecifiedinSection 2 . 7.1, is chosen.
Table A.2 shows the parameters chosen for training the models and
performing the random search. We repeated this entire process 100
times for each model.
The longitudinal study commenced in April 2020 and ended in
December 2020 in Singapore. A total of 20 participants (10 males
and 10 females) took part in our study. Key information about each
participant is presented in Table 2.
3.1  | Dataset preparation and cleaning
collected, participants completed 2% of them while exercising, 6%
while outdoors, and 12% while in transitory conditions. These sur-
veys were not included in the data analysis as previously explained
data we measured while the par ticipants com-
pleted the RHRN are depicted in Figure 3A.Inapproximately97%of
the total completed surveys, the value of
was higher than
This result was expected since the maximum value of
that partici-
pants experienced throughout the study never exceeded 34°C . For
example, the delta between
in participant 10 was as
low as 0.7°C, while the average value across all participants was
−3.2°C .Weconsequently remove thedata usingthemethodology
detailedinSection2oftheAppendix. This removed more than 15%
of the total number of surveys collected by the following partici-
pants 05, 10 (73% excluded), 12, 14, and 18.
This sub-set of theoriginal dataset,which included 13 073sur-
vey responses, was used in the data analysis. The filtered number of
surveys for each participant is shown in Figure 3B.
3.2  | Dataset overview
The 13 073survey responsesare summarized in Figure 4. Votes in
Q.1— “Thermal preference” were mostly “No Change” (58%) followed
by“Cooler ”(35%).This study took part duringthe COVID-19pan-
demic, and most of the participant s had to work from home for the
whole study duration. Participants in their homes had full control of
the air- conditioning set- point and could use electric fans to increase
airspeed in their surroundings.
Most of the participants reported being involved in sedentary
activities in 77% of the cases. Par ticipants perceived air movement
only less t han 30% of the time , and 69% of them wore “Light ” clothes.
To better depict how participants perceive their thermal environ-
ment, in Figure 5 we plotted the distribution of the thermal prefer-
ence votes (Q.1) grouped by the participant. While the great majority
voted “No Change,” two wanted to be “Cooler” more than 90% of the
time. Even if participants had similar distributions of thermal pref-
erence votes, such as participants 05 and 13, they might have dif-
ferentthermalcomfortneeds, requirements,andpreferences.This
situation can be explained by the fact that the participants wore dif-
ferent clothes, engaged in different activities, and were exposed to
different environmental conditions. The values of
recorded when a
participant completed the survey are shown in Figure 6. The Figure
the entir e study peri od. Singapo re is charac terized by a tropi cally
hot and humid climate with limited seasonal temperature variation.
Temperature variation mainly occurs intra- day.
The thermal preference votes grouped by the self- reported
clothing and metabolic rates are shown in Figure 7. Participants ac-
tively adjusted clothing to improve their thermal comfort . They wore
“Very light” clothes to compensate for warm indoor air tempera-
tures. Participants also actively increased their clothing levels when
exposed to temperatures they deemed to be “Cold.” Thus, 67% of
participants wearing “Heavy” clothing felt comfortable. Wearing
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   TARTAR I NI et al .
more clothes alone did not always suffice to compensate for cold
indoor conditions.Overcooling indoors was theleading cause that
27% of them wanted to be “Warmer,” even though participants wore
“Heavy” clothing in a tropical climate. This is a common issue for
buildings located in the tropics.46Overcoolingdoesnotonlyneg-
atively impact building energy consumption, but in the tropic s has
also been shown to worsen occupants' cognitive per formance.47
Approximately74%oftheparticipantswhorepor tedtobe“Resting”
3.3  | Thermal preference personal comfort models
The prediction accuracy of the personal comfort model we devel-
oped is depicted in Figure 8. The figure shows the F1- micro scores
for the three sets of variables grouped by the supervised machine
learning model we used to train the personal comfort models. We
also report the PMV model results.
The prediction accuracy of all the personal comfort models de-
veloped with the supervised machine learning algorithms was sig-
nificantly (p< 0.01) andsubstantially(excludingXGB)higher(≈37%)
qualitatively loggedclothing levels and metabolic rates,andwe did
not measur e airspeed as d etailed in Sec tion 2. Hence, we do not
have sufficient evidence to prove that the PMV has low predic-
tion accuracy. We simply report the results of the PMV to provide
a benchmark to show the increase in accuracy that personal com-
fort models can achieve. This is, however, a common issue in real
buildings, hence these values must also be assumed to calculate the
Oneofthe main objectives ofthisstudy was todeterminehow
different sub- sets of variables would affec t the accuracy of the mod-
els .Addi ngani ncrease dnumberofv ar iablest othem od eldidnot al-
tained in previous studies.18 This can be partially explained because
participants completed surveys in near- steady- state conditions.
Hence, including historical data is not always beneficial. Moreover,
self- reported clothing and activity may not have accurately enough
represented participants' actual clothing ensembles or metabolic
rates since their selection was limited to four choices. This is a pos-
itive result since in a real- life scenario we would not have access to
this information.
The distribution of the F1- micro scores was significantly dif-
ferent when we compared the results of the following models:
XGB,SVM, RDF,LR ,MLPusingdifferentvariablesets. However,
the significant increase in model complexit y would not justify the
modest increase in prediction accuracy in most practical applica-
tions. On average,trainingonemodel once withthefull variable
set for eac h 20 users resul ted took 83, 6, 62 0, 11, and 67 s for
decided to present only theresults fromtheSVM modeltrained
with the environmentalwearabletime independent sets of vari-
ables in Figures 9 and 10. Firstly,becausetheSVMmodel isless
computationally intensive to train and secondly because it is a lin-
ear model, hence it is better suited to predict thermal preference
which is an ordinal variable. We are providing supporting evidence
onthisinSection4. Linearmodelsuseamultidimensionalhyper-
plane to classify the data, this may lead to lower prediction ac-
curacy if compared with non- linear models. Nevertheless, linear
models ensure that as
increases, all other variables being fixed,
the prediction does not switch back and forth between “Warmer,”
“No Change,” and “Cooler.” This issue is particularly relevant when
personal comfort models are used in real- life applications to op-
erate buildings. Non- linear model predictions may be the cause of
instabilities inthe HVACcontrollerand limit theuse of personal
comfort models to control buildings.
3.3.1  |  Influenceofdatasizeonpredictionpower
Figure 9A depicts how the F1- micro score varies as a function of
the number of training data points for each participant. The figure
also shows the F1 mean score (black line) and its standard deviation
(shaded area) across all participants.
The sample average accuracy mean score plateaued at around
≈300datapoints.Thissuggest sthatthismaybetheoptimalnumber
of points we may need to collect when training personalized comfort
models.It should be noted thatthere was high variabilit ywhen the
curve plateaued for each individual. This is due to the inherited dif fer-
ences across the personal preferences of subjec ts and the conditions
TAB LE 2  Informationaboutthesubjects
ID Sex Age Education BMI (kg/
1 M 38 Doctoral degree 23 .51
2 M 36 Doctoral degree 29. 4 0
3 M 30 Doctoral degree 25.54
4 F 40 Master's degree 18.29
5 M 31 Doctoral degree 25.39
6 M 44 Doctoral degree 21.22
7 F 30 Bachelor's degree 25.93
8 M 35 Doctoral degree 25.10
9 F 24 Master's degree 23.24
10 M24 High school graduate 23.05
11 F29 Master's degree 20.20
12 M34 Doctoral degree 28.20
13 M31 Bachelor's degree 25.34
14 M35 Bachelor's degree 23.03
15 F33 Doctoral degree 18.34
16 F26 Bachelor's degree 20.45
17 F36 Doctoral degree 18.37
18 F26 Bachelor's degree 22.04
19 F24 Bachelor's degree 16.44
20 F32 Doctoral degree 20.96
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TAR TAR I NI et al.
they were exposed to. Figure 9B shows the overall accuracy of each
personalcomfort modeloverthe100iterations.Itcanbeobserved
that each personal comfort model converged to a st able value across
all 100 iterations. The standard deviation of all 20 personal comfor t
models over all 100 iterations was similar across different partici-
pants, with a mean value of 0.035 and a standard deviation of 0.011.
The same cannot be said about the overall accuracy of each personal
comfort model, where the median F1 score for participant 14 was
0.99 while for participant 7 was 0.56. This, in other words, means
always correctly predicted the thermal preference vote reported by
the participants, while others had a significantly lower accuracy.
3.3.2  |  Importanceofindependentvariables
The absolute mean SHAP values across all six best-performing
supervised machine learning models are shown in Figure 10. Sub-
variablesgroupsdefinedinSection2.6.4 are color- coded. While in-
door air temperature (
), wrist near body temperature (
), heart
FIGURE 3 Wristskintemperature(
) and wrist near body temperature (
) measured when the participants completed the RHRN
analysis.TheinclusioncriteriaweusedtofiltertheoriginaldatasetaredetailedinSection3 .1. The number above each violin plot is the
number of RHRN surveys completed by each participant.
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FIGURE 4 Distributionoftheanswers
provided by all the par ticipants.
FIGURE 5 Distributionofthethermal
preference responses (Q.1) provided by
each par ticipant throughout the study
FIGURE 6 Indoorairtemperature(
) measured when participants completed
the RHRN survey. Data have been
grouped by the participant. The last violin
plot (purple) shows the average outdoor
stud y.
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TAR TAR I NI et al.
rate (HR), wrist skin temperature (
), and humidity ratio indoors
(Wi) contributed the most to the models' final predictions, we ob-
serve d a significant d ifference of SH AP values bet ween differ ent
parti cipants an d across dif ferent mod els. In Figu re A.3, we report
the mean S HAP values a cross all par ticipant s for each sup ervised
machine-learning model. A detailed discussion of these results is
The results of our study enabled us to draw several connections to
the existing literature, discuss the usefulness and limitations of the
methodology and result s, and motivate future work.
4.1  | Impact of training data size on
model prediction
Onenovelaspectof our studywastheduration ofthedatacollec-
tion, which enabled us to gather the longest longitudinal data set
so far among studies that aimed to develop personal thermal com-
fort models.28 We collected more than double the amount of points
per participant and we made the dataset publicly available. Personal
comfort models necessitate data for both testing and training.
Hence, a suf ficiently large number of data points from each par-
Figure 9 illustrates how increasing the size of trained data improves
all participants, the model prediction accuracy (F1- micro) stabilized
toa plateauataround 30 0data points.Individual personal models
show varying degrees of sensitivit y to dataset size. This insight high-
lightsthediminishingreturnofcollectingmore than250–300data
points for most test participant s. This result is specific to our study
and other authors may find a dif ferent range based on their study
methodology. Our results agree and provide additional suppor t-
ing evidence to validate those obt ained by Liu et al.18Arguably,the
amount of dat a needed to characterize thermal comfort could be re-
duced even further with the development of targeted sampling that
model prediction power.48Inou rst ud y,wea lre ad yimpl emented th is
strateg y. Participants received a text message when exposed to en-
vironmental conditions that they rarely experienced before, to maxi-
mize the chances of obtaining a balanced dataset. However, we still
asked them to complete, on average, a total of six surveys per day.
in future studies thanks to t argeted surveys. For some participants,
the prediction accuracy slightly decreased as the trained data size
increased from 42 to 126. This situation is expected since, as time
passes, they may be exposed to a broader range of environmental
FIGURE 7 Distributionofthethermal
preference responses (Q.1) provided by
all participant s throughout the study
period grouped by their reported clothing
insulation (Q.4) and metabolic rate (Q.6).
The number above each bar shows the
total number of responses collected for
that specific answer.
FIGURE 8 F1-microscoresforthe
thermal preference personal comfort
models determined using the full dataset
for each participant over 100 iterations.
The light blue shaded area depicts the
We used the following abbreviations:
MLP, Multi- Layer Perceptron; RDF,
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   TARTAR I NI et al .
factors and conditions that they did not experience before, and the
model needs to learn how to predict par ticipants' thermal prefer-
ences under these new sets of conditions. This result is a signifi-
cant advantage that personal comfor t models have over aggregate
models since they can be re- trained as new data are collected. This
situation may be partially alleviated by the use of transfer learning,
ensemble strategies, and domain adaptation which can be used to
predict individual thermal preference even when there is a lack of
data regarding a specific person.49, 50
We also obser ved that, for some participants, the F1- micro curves
did not var y much as a function of the data size (e.g., participants 9
stantly expose d to warm temperatures and t hat some did not mainta in
compliance with experimental guidelines. The latter point is discussed
in Sect ion 4.3. For example, participant 10 was always exposed to
temperatures above 27.5°C when completing the RHRN survey and
reported wanting to be “cooler” 98% of the time. This scenario is ex-
pectedinSingapore,wheretherecordedoutdoor temperatureover
the 6- month study period was higher than 26.5°C for 75% of the time.
4.2  | Independent variables' importance in thermal
preference prediction
WeusedSHAPvalue stoqua ntifyoft hei mpactthateachindep end-
ent variable had on the accuracy of the personal models. While the
average magnitude for each variable varied in different models in-
door air temperature (
), wrist near body temperature (
), heart
rate (HR), wrist skin temperature (
), and humidity ratio indoors
(Wi) contributed the most to the models' final predic tions. This in-
sight is in line with the existing body of knowledge since
is the
primar y driver of sensible heat loss or gain from the environment to
FIGURE 9 F1-microscoresforthethermalpreferencepersonalcomfortmodelsdeterminedusingtheSuppor tVectorMachine(SVM)
algorithm.(A)ShowsthemeanF1-microscoreforeachparticipant,aswellasthemeanscore(blackline)andst andarddeviationacross
(shaded area) the whole study sample. The markers show the participant's mean F1- micro scores calculated by averaging the mean scores
FIGURE 10 AbsolutemeanSHAP
value of the six best- performing
supervised machine learning models.
Variables are color- coded, environmental
using shades of gray, wearable— using
shades of purple, and time— using shades
of orange. Where
stands for outdoor
air temperature and
stands for
humidity ratio outdoors.
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TAR TAR I NI et al.
thehumanbody.Ourresultsreinforcepreviouswork.18 The HR is a
proxy for the level of ac tivit y of the person, and it is positively corre-
lated with the metabolic rate. The value of
w reflects the vasomo-
tor tone. The human body uses vasoconstriction and vasodilation for
thermoregulation.15 Fina lly, Wi influences the latent heat loss toward
theenvironment.On theotherhand,theoutdoorairtemperature,
occupant location, and outdoor humidity ratio only had a marginal
contribution to the final prediction, which can be explained by the
fact that these variables do not directly influence people's thermal
sensation or preference, in particular during steady- state conditions.
The value of the outdoor air temperature only indirectly affec ts oc-
cupants' thermal preferences since they may influence the t ype of
clothing that participants decide to wear before leaving their homes.
This result may, however, only be applicable to climates similar to the
4.2.1  |  Self-reportedclothingandactivity
We found that including self- reported clothing and activity in some
models did not significantly increment the model prediction accu-
racy. While this seems to be counterintuitive since both clothing and
metabolic rate play a significant role in human thermoregulation, we
believed that they did not increase the model prediction accuracy
fouroptionstochoosefrom.OthermeasuredvariableslikeHR may
better correlate with the participant's actual metabolic rate than
self- reported activity. This result has positive implications since, in a
real- world application, the building controller would not have access
to information about clothing and activity levels.
4.2.2  |  Near-bodytemperature
While our results showed that
significantly contributed to the
model prediction, it should be noted that
was strongly corre-
lated with both
.Consequently, it would besufficient to
only using
as a proxy for
would decrease the complexity of
the data collection, but at the same time, it would reduce the over-
all model accuracy. We decided to measure, log, and include in the
since many people in warm climates use fans to cool
themselves. Measuring airspeed in the proximity of the occupants
in longitudinal studies is impractical, very expensive, and inaccurate.
Battery- powered anemometers would need to be recharged fre-
quently,areveryexpensive,andaresensitivetodirec tion.Airspeed
curate readings can only be obtained in laboratories using scientific-
grade sensors installed on stands mounted near the subject. The
value of wrist near body temperature c an then be used as a proxy
to partially compensate for the lack of airspeed data. When airspeed
is low,
is significantly af fected by the thermal plume of the par-
ticipant and in turn by
51 On the other hand, when participants
are cooling themselves using electric fans, the airflow disrupts the
thermal plume, and
is mainly influenced by
4.2.3  |  Skintemperature
Participants did not report any significant discomfort by wearing the
iButto n for an extende d period. At the e nd of the study, 16 par-
ticipant sansweredpositivelytothefollowingquestion:“Wouldyou
wear the Fitbit and complete a few surveys p er day for two weeks for
no financial reward, if you knew that the information would improve
your well- being indoors?” However, measuring
using an iBut-
ton adds complexit y and maybe still a source of mild discomfort for
some people. iButton cannot communicate wirelessly; hence data
cannot be accessed in real time. There have been several announce-
ments from the leading smar twatch manufacturers to include a skin
temperaturesensor intheirdevices.Still,atthetimeof writingthis
manuscript, no smartwatch available on the market could measure
it accurat ely.H owever, in September 2 022 at the time of r eview-
4.2.4  |  Historicalvariables
The increases in model accuracy when historical variables were added
to the model did not justify the increased complexity. This situation
can be par tially explained by the fact that we carefully chose to ana-
lyze data collected when participants were in near “steady- state” con-
ditions. This choice was driven by the fac t that people in thei r office, on
average, spend most of their time at their desks in near “steady- state”
conditions. Predicting how people perceive their thermal environment
during transitor y conditions goes beyond the scope of our research.
4.3  | The compliance rate of participants and data
quality considerations
of ensuring that participants maint ain compliance with experimental
guidelines. The Cozie smartwatch- based methodology turned out
to facilitate high compliance with none of the participant s dropping
out from the study, and all completed at least 1080 surveys. This
result reinforces previous work inmicro-EMA and its ease of de-
ployment in collecting longitudinal data with less sur vey fatigue.32
Compliance maintenance was enhanced with notifications sent
through a messaging app that would remind the par ticipants about
notable achievements or deficiencies in the experimental process.
Despite the compliance rate, some participants were not fully
cognizant of their perspective on each response given over the
6 monthsduetosurveyfatigue.Thisriskcouldbemitigatedinfuture
work through early detection, incentives, and by significantly re-
ducing the number of surveys that each participant has to complete
16000668, 2022, 11, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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   TARTAR I NI et al .
every week. This risk is significant for data- driven models, which are
problem is utilizing the model to control their environment actively.
4.4  | Limitations
One notable limitation ofthe deployment is that the Singapore cli-
matehaslittle diversityacrosstheyear.Seasonalityinotherclimates
spread data collection into phases that account for different seasons.
In addition, the experimental deployment for this study began
in April 2020, just as Singapore entereda lockdown period due to
was dynamic, but overall there was less diversity of data collection
locations than intended. Most of the occupants were forced to work
from home for the whole duration of the study, while those who were
allowed to resume going to the office were required to wear face
masks at all times. We started this study before the pandemic started,
Another notable limitation category relates to the nature of
black- box machine learning models in the application of thermal
comfort prediction. The lack of conversion of model output or ac-
curacy into the physical understanding of what makes people feel
comfort able or not is troublesome in the context of improving com-
fort, particularly for facility operators. Future work should focus
on the conversion of the accuracy of predic tion to the applicabil-
ity to system and occupant interaction. The previously mentioned
personal comfort review found similar insight in the literature
of such models.28 Among the different models tested, Random
Forest is one of the most widely adopted in the literature and it s
performance justifies its adoption (Figure 8). Nevertheless, when
comparedto a regression-based model like SVM with similar pre-
putational time for model training, i.e., 620 and 6 s, respectively.
Coincid entally, XGB and MLP also a chieve a similar per formance
but requi re roughly 12 ti mes the compu tational tim e of SVM, 83
and67 s,respectively.TheseresultsreinforcetheselectionofSVM
since it does not sacrifice prediction accuracy; as a regression- based
model ,itismorei nterpre tabl eandr eq uiresle sscompu tati onalc os t.
It should a lso be noted that s ince some machi ne learning m odels
are not linear, like RDF, this may cause the personal comfort model
may still predict thermal preference to vary back and forward from
“warmer” to “cooler” as the temperature increases, despite all other
inputs being fixed. This situation has several issues. Firstly, it does
not provide an accurate representation of how people perceive their
thermal environment nor take into account that thermal preference
isanordinal variable. Secondly,it may be the causeofinstabilities
if the model is used to actively control a space. We believe that this
issue has had very lit tle coverage in previous studies that aimed to
develop personal thermal comfort models, and it should be further
We conducted a longitudinal thermal comfort study that aimed to
develop personal thermal comfort models. Twenty participants took
part in it, and they completed on average at least six RHRN sur veys
per day for a period of 6 months. We developed an effective meth-
odology that simplified the life of the participants, and none of them
dropped from the study. We measured and logged environmental
parameters, physiological signals, outdoor weather data, and partici-
pants' location outdoors and indoors. We used these dat a to train
and test a personal thermal comfort model for each par ticipant. We
were able to determine that:
• Cozie,amicro-EMAopen-sourceFitbitandAppleapplication,isa
reliable and robust solution to non- intrusively collect participants’
feedback in field studies.
Personal comfort models were able to accurately predict (median
F1- micro score 0.78) occupants’ thermal preferences. With the
limitations in data collection posed by the study methodolog y,
they could outperform the PMV model.
• Indoor air temperature(
), wrist near body temperature (
heart rate (HR), wrist skin temperature (
), and humidity ratio
indoors (Wi), listed in decreasing order of importance, had the
highest average marginal contribution to the overall model
The thermal personal comfort model prediction accuracy (F1-
micro) plateaued at around 300 data points across all par ticipants.
Individualpersonal modelsare sensitiveto datasetsizetovary-
ing degre es. The amoun t of data require d to characte rize ther-
mal comfort could potentially be reduced with the development
when it is necessary.
• We made available publicly the data we collected and open-
sourced the Python code we used to analyze them to enable
other researchers to test different hypotheses utilizing our data.
HR heart rate, beat s per minute
PMV Predicted Mean Vote
RHRN Right- Here- Right- Now
SVM SupportVectorMachine
ti indoor air temperature, °C
tnb,w wrist near body temperature, °C
tsk skin temperature, °C
tsk,w wrist skin temperature, °C
Wi humidity ratio indoors, kgwater vapor/kgdry a ir
This rese arch has been sup ported by the Re public of Singap ore's
National Research Foundation through a grant to the Berkeley
Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS) for the
Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the
Tropics(SinBerBEST )Program.
16000668, 2022, 11, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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TAR TAR I NI et al.
This research has been supported by the Republic of Singapore's
National Research Foundation through a grant to the Berkeley
Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS) for the
Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work repor ted in this paper.
The source code we used to analyze the data and the full dataset are
publicly available at this URL: icoTa rtari ni/
dorn- longi tudin al- tc- study.
Federico Tartarini
Stefano Schiavon
Matias Quintana
Clayton Miller
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51. ZhangY,LiuJ,PeiJ,WangC. Statisticalanalysisof turbulentther-
mal convec tion in a cabin mockup. Build Environ. 2017;115:34- 41.
doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.01.012 https://linki nghub.elsev ier.
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How to cite this article: TartariniF,SchiavonS,QuintanaM,
Miller C. Personal comfort models based on a 6- month
experiment using environmental parameters and data from
wearables. Indoor Air. 2022;32:e13160. doi:10.1111/
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... In recent years, with the development of artificial intelligence, some machine learning thermal comfort models have been proposed [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. Different machine learning algorithms have been employed to predict personal thermal comfort based on different thermal metrics. ...
... The number of required personal thermal votes is typically not small in order to obtain a sufficiently accurate model [11]. According to a recent field study of Tartarini et al. [26], more than 300 votes per participant were necessary for achieving accurate predictions of personal thermal comfort. Moreover, when the collected dataset is constrained to specific conditions, it is difficult to build a model that can adapt to new environments that have not been previously encountered. ...
... With regards to thermal comfort vote collection, previous studies have utilized a range of interfaces such as wearables or thermostats [26]. Occupants offered their feedback based on thermal sensation (7-point or 5-point scale), thermal preference (warmer, no change, cooler), thermal acceptability (acceptable, unacceptable) etc. Due to the data-driven nature of machine learning models, a major limitation is the need for large amounts of subjective thermal vote to train the models effectively. ...
... In terms of devices used, recent studies may be classified into two categories. There are field studies that have been conducted by researchers who have either developed and built their own noncommercial sensors (or received noncommercial sensors built by other researchers with whom they collaborated) [20][21][22]; and there are studies wherein researchers have used commercial, commercially-available low-cost sensors [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32]. This paper focuses on the latter class of studies, summarized in Table 1. ...
... Effect of urban air pollution on indoor air quality 82 3 months (2019) [29] Awair Omni Global Cognition-IEQ relationships in offices 268 * 1 year (between 2018 and 2020) [30] Netatmo Weather Station Malaysia Development of personal comfort models 20 6 months (2020) [31] Airthings Wave Plus, Wisensys Wireless Sensing System Norway IAQ and natural ventilation in bedrooms 58 2 weeks (2020, 2021) [32] * Estimated from publication. ...
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While field research in indoor air quality (IAQ) increasingly uses large numbers of low-cost sensors, detailed validation of each sensor is becoming infeasible, ignored, or undeclared. Questions remain about whether these sensors meet manufacturer or third-party specifications and whether their utility improves with some validation, even under imperfect conditions. This study details the outcomes of a co-location experiment with 87 low-cost IAQ monitors, conducted with the objective of verifying their performance in measuring total volatile organic compounds (tVOCs), particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5), carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, and relative humidity. The monitors were installed next to professional-grade reference IAQ instruments in an office with controlled ventilation. A mixed validation methodology was used, involving outlier detection, uncertainty quantification, and performance metric calculations. Results showed that CO2, temperature, and humidity sensors reliably met manufacturer specifications, while tVOC sensors had significant accuracy issues, deviating by up to 79% from reference measurements—substantially more than the stated uncertainty of ±20%. PM2.5 sensors were more consistent but had an error margin of ±27%, compared to the stated ±15%. A total of 5 of the 87 sensors (5.7%) were outliers for at least one IAQ indicator. Despite the need for further long-term validation, this study highlights the importance of performing an experimental evaluation of low-cost IAQ monitors before field deployment.
... KANs can also be used for system diagnosis (for example, HVAC fault diagnosis [53] and thermal bridge detection [54]) because they give the benefit of interpretable methods that can capture temporal dependencies and dynamic behavior of faults. Moreover, KANs can be used to extract underlining knowledge, for example, areas like AI-assisted material design [55] and personalized thermal comfort modeling [56]. ...
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Symbolic neural networks, such as Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN), offer a promising approach for integrating prior knowledge with data-driven methods, making them valuable for addressing inverse problems in scientific and engineering domains. This study explores the application of KAN in building physics, focusing on predictive modeling, knowledge discovery, and continuous learning. Through four case studies, we demonstrate KAN's ability to rediscover fundamental equations, approximate complex formulas, and capture time-dependent dynamics in heat transfer. While there are challenges in extrapolation and interpretability, we highlight KAN's potential to combine advanced modeling methods for knowledge augmentation, which benefits energy efficiency, system optimization, and sustainability assessments beyond the personal knowledge constraints of the modelers. Additionally, we propose a model selection decision tree to guide practitioners in appropriate applications for building physics.
This study proposes a framework for controlling HVAC systems for university study rooms that includes a data-driven model capable of identifying the probability of user interaction with air conditioning and ventilation systems, depending on the thermal sensation vote (TSV), perceived air quality (PAQ) and microclimate parameters (air and operative temperature, air velocity, relative humidity and CO2 ). The experimental setup allowed the participants to carry out their usual study/work activities without the need to be supervised. This allowed the occupants not to be psychologically conditioned and made their experience and interaction with the environment/ systems as realistic as possible. The analysis of the experimental data showed that the operative temperature mainly influences the thermal sensation of the occupant inside the room, while the perceived air quality depends not only on the CO2 concentration but also on thermal perception and air velocity. Furthermore, three predictive models (heating, cooling and IAQ) were obtained from the experimental data, indicating the probability of user interaction with the system (R^2 between 0.85 and 0.94). The heating phase model was also verified by automatizing the heating system through the developed framework and comparing the user’s sensations before and after control (users unaware of the changes). The use of the models increased users’ thermal comfort from 39 % to 82 %, confirming the effectiveness of the system.
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems could significantly impact indoor environmental quality, particularly in terms of thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Achieving a high-quality indoor environment poses challenges to the energy consumption of HVAC systems. Thus, balancing thermal comfort, indoor air quality (IAQ) and energy consumption becomes a challenging task. Currently, indoor environment prediction methods are considered effective solutions to address this issue. However, the published literature usually concentrates on single aspects like thermal comfort, air quality or energy consumption, with multi-aspect prediction methods being rare. The present work reviews research spanning the last decade that employs machine learning methods for predicting indoor environments and HVAC energy consumption through separate and multi-output predictive models. Separate predictive models focus on HVAC systems’ impact on the indoor environment, while multi-output models consider the interplay of various outputs. This article gives a thorough insight into machine learning prediction models’ workflow, detailing data collection, feature selection and model optimization for each research goal. A systematic assessment of methods for data collection of diverse prediction targets, machine learning algorithms and validation approaches for different prediction models is presented. This review highlights the complexities of data management, model development and validation, enriching the knowledge base in indoor environmental quality optimization.
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Cohort Comfort Models (CCM) are introduced as a technique for creating a personalized thermal prediction for a new building occupant without the need to collect large amounts of individual comfort-related data. This approach leverages historical data collected from a sample population, who have some underlying preference similarity to the new occupant. The method uses background information such as physical and demographic characteristics and one-time onboarding surveys (satisfaction with life scale, highly sensitive person scale, personality traits) from the new occupant, as well as physiological and environmental sensor measurements paired with a few thermal preference responses. The framework was implemented using two personal comfort datasets containing longitudinal data from 55 people. The datasets comprise more than 6,000 unique right-here-right-now thermal comfort surveys. The results show that a CCM that uses only the one-time onboarding survey information of an individual occupant has generally as good or better performance as compared to conventional general-purpose models, but uses no historical longitudinal data as compared to personalized models. If up to ten historical personal preference data points are used, CCM increased the thermal preference prediction by 8% on average and up to 36% for half of the occupants in the first of the tested datasets. In the second dataset, one-third of the occupants increased their thermal preference prediction by 5% on average and up to 46%. CCM can be an important step toward the development of personalized thermal comfort models without the need to collect a large number of datapoints per person.
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Thermal comfort affects the well-being, productivity, and overall satisfaction of building occupants. However, due to economical and practical limitations, the number of longitudinal studies that have been conducted is limited, and only a few of these studies have shared their data publicly. Longitudinal datasets collected indoors are a valuable resource to better understand how people perceive their environment. Moreover, they provide a more realistic scenario to those conducted in thermal chambers. Our objective was to share publicly a longitudinal dataset comprising data collected over a 4-week long experiment. A total of 17 participants completed thermal preferences surveys which accounted for a total of approximately 1400 unique responses across indoor and outdoor 17 spaces. For the whole duration of the study, we monitored environmental variables (e.g., temperature and relative humidity) throughout 3 buildings. Participants completed comfort surveys from the screen of their smartwatches using an open-source application named Cozie. Their indoor location was continuously monitored using a custom-designed smartphone application. Location data were used to time and spatially align environmental measurements to thermal preference responses provided by the participants. Background information of participants, such as physical characteristics and personality traits (satisfaction with life scale, highly sensitive person scale, the Big Five personality traits), was collected using an on-boarding survey administered at the beginning of the experiment. The dataset is available at:\#.YT7xyaARUTs}.
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Conventional thermal preference prediction in buildings has limitations due to the difficulty in capturing all environmental and personal factors. New model features can improve the ability of a machine learning model to classify a person’s thermal preference. The spatial context of a building can provide information to models about the windows, walls, heating and cooling sources, air diffusers, and other factors that create micro-environments that influence thermal comfort. Due to spatial heterogeneity, it is impractical to position sensors at a high enough resolution to capture all conditions. This research aims to build upon an existing vector-based spatial model, called Build2Vec, for predicting spatial–temporal occupants’ indoor environmental preferences. Build2Vec utilizes the spatial data from the Building Information Model (BIM) and indoor localization in a real-world setting. This framework uses longitudinal intensive thermal comfort subjective feedback from smart watch-based ecological momentary assessments (EMA). The aggregation of these data is combined into a graph network structure (i.e., objects and relations) and used as input for a classification model to predict occupant thermal preference. The results of a test implementation show 14%–28% accuracy improvement over a set of baselines that use conventional thermal preference prediction input variables.
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Thermal comfort assessment for the built environment has become more available to analysts and researchers due to the proliferation of sensors and subjective feedback methods. These data can be used for modeling comfort behavior to support design and operations towards energy efficiency and well-being. By nature, occupant subjective feedback is imbalanced as indoor conditions are designed for comfort, and responses indicating otherwise are less common. This situation creates a scenario for the machine learning workflow where class balancing as a pre-processing step might be valuable for developing predictive thermal comfort classification models with high-performance. This paper investigates the various thermal comfort dataset class balancing techniques from the literature and proposes a modified conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), comfortGAN, to address this imbalance scenario. These approaches are applied to three publicly available datasets, ranging from 30 and 67 participants to a global collection of thermal comfort datasets, with 1,474; 2,067; and 66,397 data points, respectively. This work finds that a classification model trained on a balanced dataset, comprised of real and generated samples from comfortGAN, has higher performance (increase between 4% and 17% in classification accuracy) than other augmentation methods tested. However, when classes representing discomfort are merged and reduced to three, better imbalanced performance is expected, and the additional increase in performance by comfortGAN shrinks to 1-2%. These results illustrate that class balancing for thermal comfort modeling is beneficial using advanced techniques such as GANs, but its value is diminished in certain scenarios. A discussion is provided to assist potential users in determining which scenarios this process is useful and which method works best.
Personal comfort models have shown to predict specific thermal comfort requirements more accurately than aggregate models, increasing occupant acceptability and associated energy benefits in both shared and single-occupant built environment. Although advances in the field of personal thermal comfort models are undeniable, there is still a lack of thorough and critical reviews of the current state of research in this field, especially considering the details of the predictive modeling process involved. This study has systematically reviewed 37 papers from over 100 academic publications on personal comfort models from the last two decades, and examined: (1) the data collection approach and dataset size, (2) number and type of participants involved, (3) climate, seasons and type of building involved, (4) model input and output variables, (5) modeling algorithm used, (6) performance indicator used, and (7) model final application. The review has identified a lack of diversity in building types, climates zones, seasons and participants involved in developing personal comfort models. It has also highlighted a lack of a unified and systematic framework for modeling development and evaluation, which currently hinders comparisons between studies. With most of the studies using machine learning techniques, the review has pointed to the challenges of “black box” models in the field. Finally, the review has indicated that personal input features using physiological sensing technologies can be further explored, especially considering the rapid advances seen today in wearable sensor technologies.
Thermal comfort is a critical issue in achieving an acceptable indoor environment and managing building energy use. However, it is difficult to precisely recognize thermal comfort because its determination varies depending on the characteristics of humans and indoor spaces. Moreover, accumulating datasets of indoor environmental and individual features is challenging in terms of both collection time and cost, and is sometimes unrealistic. This study established a prediction model for individual thermal comfort to mitigate this challenge. This model is based on ensemble transfer learning (TL) to transfer knowledge from datasets of someone in different indoor spaces and thermal environments, even if the physiological and environmental data of the target subject are insufficient. First, the physiological data of each subject and the indoor environmental data were collected from wearable wristbands and sensors. Then, a pre-trained model was developed with the datasets by combining deep learning and machine learning algorithms. Based on the pre-trained model, the ensemble TL method was applied to overcome the weak generalization performance that occurred when the dataset of each target subject was insufficient. The results revealed that the ensemble TL more accurately predicted the thermal comfort of two target subjects using the pre-trained model from a source. The accuracy and F1-score were both 95% for the first subject. For the second subject, they were calculated as 85% and 83%, respectively. It was also found that the ensemble TL was suitable for application when using fewer and imbalanced datasets in the target domains.
Buildings influence diverse factors (e.g. health, wellbeing, productivity, and social connection). Occupants’ direct experiences with their indoor environments allow them to determine whether those spaces support or hinder the activities performed. However, most post-occupancy evaluations (POEs) focus solely on measuring people’s levels of comfort and environmental satisfaction. With increasing attention and interest in occupant health and wellness, there is a need to reassess whether occupant surveys are evaluating all they need to. An analysis is presented of data collected from a widely used online POE tool: The Center for the Built Environment’s (CBE) Occupant Survey (more than 90,000 respondents from approximately 900 buildings) in order to summarise its database and evaluate the survey’s structure and benchmarking metrics. A total of 68% of the respondents are satisfied with their workspace. Satisfaction is highest with spaces’ ease of interaction (75% satisfied), amount of light (74%), and cleanliness (71%). Dissatisfaction is highest with sound privacy (54% dissatisfied), temperature (39%), and noise level (34%). Correlation, principal component, and hierarchical clustering analyses identified seven distinct categories of measurement within the 16 satisfaction items. Results also revealed that a reduction in the scale may be possible. Based on these results, potential improvements and new directions are discussed for the future of POE tools.
Centralized HVAC systems are usually unable to cater to individual requirements when multiple occupants are present in the same zone. Personalized Comfort Systems (PCS) such as local fans and heaters, heated/cooled chairs, local ventilation systems, have shown to be useful for maintaining comfortable thermal conditions by creating a microclimate around each occupant. Previous studies have mostly focused on personalized thermal comfort modeling under regular HVAC operations, and there is a lack of work that focuses on personalized thermal comfort modeling when PCS devices are in use. In this study, we compare different sensing and machine learning methods to build personal comfort models when a local fan or heater is in use. The experiment was conducted in a controlled environment with three segments: regular (no fan/heater), fan on, and heater on. Our results indicate that the data from environmental sensors results in 2%-5% higher prediction accuracy compared to using a wearable device to monitor wrist skin temperature or thermal imaging to monitor skin temperature from different regions of the face. Furthermore, environmental sensors are more affordable and have relatively fewer privacy concerns compared to the physiological sensors. Overall, the results of this study support the use of environmental sensors for building personalized thermal comfort models with or without PCS. Furthermore, the results also highlight the need for building separate personalized thermal comfort models when PCS devices are in use, and when PCS devices are not in use.