
Analisis Yuridis Kedudukan Notaris dalam Mengungkapkan Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficial Ownership) dalam Pembuatan Akta Notaris

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A notary as a public official, in drawing up authentic deeds particularly related to corporation, is also obliged to implement Know Your Beneficial Owner Principle which is not stipulated in the Notarial Act. On one hand, a notary plays an importnant role to reveal the beneficial ownership of a corporation, on the other hand transparency in revealing beneficial ownership has to be based on honest and clear information from delegation of the corporation since the existence of beneficial ownership cannot be fully detected by the notary. The research problems are how the notary’s liability for the drawing up of notarial deeds, why it is necessary to reveal the beneficial ownership of a corporation, and how about the status of a notary in revealing the beneficial ownership in drawing up notarial deeds. This research employs normative juridical method. The data are collected through library research, which materials or data obtained are systematically organized and analyzed by scientific logical procedures that is qualitative. The results are expected to be able to answer the research problems and to solve them.

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Tulisan ini dibuat untuk menganalisa ruang lingkup dan jangkauan pengaturan karakteristik Pemilik Manfaat (Beneficiary Owner) serta potensi penggunaan Pengaturan keterbukaan Pemilik Manfaat terhadap Korporasi di sektor pertambangan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian hukum yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Tulisan ini menunjukkan Keberadaan Beneficial Owner (BO) telah dikenal dalam konstruksi hukum Indonesia. Meskipun pada UU PT dan UU Penanaman Modal tidak secara tegas mengatur mengenai BO, namun pengaturan BO telah nampak pada regulasi yang lebih teknis yaitu dalam bidang perpajakan. Kejelasan BO akan dapat membantu dalam menentukan pertanggungjawaban hukum bila pelanggaran hukum oleh korporasi terjadi. Lahirnya Perpres 13/2018 semakin memperkuat kewajiban membuka dan mengenali BO di Indonesia. Sehingga Perpres 13/2018 dapat menjadi instrumen yang membantu mengenali dan mengidentifikasi pihak yang paling bertanggungjawab atas kerugian yang terjadi akibat operasi usaha korporasi. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya sanksi yang tegas bagi perusahaan yang tidak menjalankan prinsip pengenalan dan keterbukaan BO. Sehingga sebaiknya kewajiban keterbukaan BO diatur kedalam instrumen hukum Undang-undang sehingga memuat mekanisme sanksi administratif dan pidana.
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The problem that will be discussed in this research is whether the deed made before the notary is legally valid, in case of violation of Article 16 Paragraph (1) Letter (a) of Notary Position Law, how the Notary’s responsibility to the deed already issued by a notary if it does not implement Article 16 Paragraph (1) Subparagraph (a) of the Notary Position Law. The research method used is normative. Based on the result of research in the validity of the deed made before the notary in case of violation of Article 16 Paragraph (1) Subparagraph (a) of Law on Notary Position, as the case of transition or sale and purchase of building on Malang City Government land. Found a deed made by a notary, and has been issued by a notary, in case of violation of Article 16 Paragraph (1) Letter (a) Law on the position of Notary, legally valid. Sanctions only affect the legal subject of a Notary pursuant to Article 16 paragraph (11) that is subject to sanctions in the form of written warning, suspension, dismissal with respect; or dismissal with disrespect.
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