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Comparative metabolomics provides novel insights into correlation between dominant habitat factors and constituents of Stellaria Radix (Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge.)

Frontiers in Plant Science

Abstract and Figures

Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge. (SDL) is the original plant of the traditional Chinese medicine Yinchaihu (Stellaria Radix). It is mainly distributed in the arid desert areas of northwest China, which is the genuine medicinal material and characteristic cultivated crop in Ningxia. This study aims to analyze the effects of different origins on SDL metabolites and quality, as well as to screen the dominant habitat factors affecting SDL in different origins. In this study, metabolites of SDL from nine different production areas were analyzed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-Q-TOF MS) based metabolomics. And field investigations were conducted to record thirteen habitat-related indicators. Results showed that 1586 metabolites were identified in different origins, which were classified as thirteen categories including lipids, organic acids and organic heterocyclic compounds derivatives. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that the metabonomic spectra of SDL from different origins had various characteristics. What’s more, co-expression network correlation analysis revealed that three metabolites modules (MEturquoise, MEbrown and MEblue) were more closely with the habitat factors and 104 hub metabolites were further screened out as the habitat-induced metabolite indicators. Besides, soil texture, soil pH value and soil total salt content were found as the dominant habitat factors which affect SDL metabolites. In conclusion, the study showed different habitat factors had various effects on SDL’s quality and established relationship between them, which provide reference for revealing SDL’s genuineness formation mechanism and guiding industrial crops practical production by habitat factors selection.
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Comparative metabolomics
provides novel insights into
correlation between dominant
habitat factors and constituents
of Stellaria Radix (Stellaria
dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge.)
Zhenkai Li
, Hong Wang
, Lu Feng
, Le Song
, Yongping Lu
Hongying Li
, Yanqing Li
, Gege Tian
, Yan Yang
, Haishan Li
Xiangui Mei
*and Li Peng
School of Life Sciences, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, China,
State Key Laboratory of Crop
Biology, College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong, China,
Ningxia Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Yinchuan, China
Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge. (SDL) is the original plant of the
traditional Chinese medicine Yinchaihu (Stellaria Radix). It is mainly distributed
in the arid desert areas of northwest China, which is the genuine medicinal
material and characteristic cultivated crop in Ningxia. This study aims to analyze
the effects of different origins on SDL metabolites and quality, as well as to
screen the dominant habitat factors affecting SDL in different origins. In this
study, metabolites of SDL from nine different production areas were analyzed
by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-ight
mass spectrometry (UHPLC-Q-TOF MS) based metabolomics. And eld
investigations were conducted to record thirteen habitat-related indicators.
Results showed that 1586 metabolites were identied in different origins, which
were classied as thirteen categories including lipids, organic acids and organic
heterocyclic compounds derivatives. Multivariate statistical analysis showed
that the metabonomic spectra of SDL from different origins had various
characteristics. Whats more, co-expression network correlation analysis
revealed that three metabolites modules (MEturquoise, MEbrown and
MEblue) were more closely with the habitat factors and 104 hub metabolites
were further screened out as the habitat-induced metabolite indicators.
Besides, soil texture, soil pH value and soil total salt content were found as
the dominant habitat factors which affect SDL metabolites. In conclusion, the
Frontiers in Plant Science frontiersin.org01
Wenyan Han,
Tea Research Institute, Chinese
Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Shi Fei Li,
Shanxi University, China
Chengying Zhao,
Institute of Food Science and
Technology, Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, China
Yinshi Sun,
Institute of Special Animal and Plant
Sciences, Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, China
Li Peng
Xiangui Mei
This article was submitted to
Plant Metabolism and Chemodiversity,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Plant Science
RECEIVED 03 September 2022
ACCEPTED 07 November 2022
PUBLISHED 25 November 2022
Li Z, Wang H, Feng L, Song L, Lu Y,
Li H, Li Y, Tian G, Yang Y, Li H, Mei X
and Peng L (2022) Comparative
metabolomics provides novel insights
into correlation between dominant
habitat factors and constituents of
Stellaria Radix (Stellaria dichotoma L.
var. lanceolata Bge.).
Front. Plant Sci. 13:1035712.
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1035712
© 2022 Li, Wang, Feng, Song, Lu, Li, Li,
Tian, Yang, Li, Mei and Peng. This is an
open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY). The use,
distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the
original author(s) and the copyright
owner(s) are credited and that the
original publication in this journal is
cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is
permitted which does not comply with
these terms.
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 25 November 2022
DOI 10.3389/fpls.2022.1035712
study showed different habitat factors had various effects on SDLs quality and
established relationship between them, which provide reference for revealing
SDLs genuineness formation mechanism and guiding industrial crops practical
production by habitat factors selection.
Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge., Metabolomics, Origin, Habitat factors,
Genuineness, Co-expression network analysis
1 Introduction
Yinchaihu (Stellaria Radix) is a kind of Chinese herbal
medicine, which is used to clear decient heat and infantile
malnutrition with fever (Li et al., 2020;Chinese Pharmacopoeia
Commission, 2020). In modern medicine, it has been found to
have good medical prospects such as anti-inammatory, anti-
allergic and anti-cancer and to be rich in active ingredients such
as sterols and avonoids (Ba et al., 2018;Zhang et al., 2019a;
Zhang et al., 2019b;Li et al., 2020;Dong et al., 2021). Stellaria
dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge.(SDL) is the original plant of
Yinchaihu, and its dry roots are raw materials of Yinchaihu
(Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission, 2020). SDL is mainly
distributed in semi-arid and arid areas in China and is
concentrated in Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi. Over the
past few decades, with the scarcity of SDL wild resources,
people began to explore cultivation and production methods
of SDL. Ningxia took the lead in domesticating SDL successfully
in the 1980s. Since then, SDL has gradually been developed into
a medicinal crop and developed into a genuine medicinal
material of Ningxia. Besides, SDL is extended to areas with
harsh environments such as central arid areas due to its excellent
drought and barrenness tolerance. At present, the largest SDL
planting base in China has been built in Tongxin County,
Ningxia. The cultivation of SDL has eased the shortage of
resources of wild medicinal herbs, brought economic, social
and ecological benets to the cultivation sites and become an
important source of economic income for local farmers.
The genuine medicinal materials have been recognized as
high-quality Chinese herbs with excellent efcacy which were
produced in a specic region since ancient times (Yuan and
Huang, 2020).Thegenuinenessistheuniqueattributeof
genuine medicinal herbs, and the habitat is an important
manifestation of the genuineness of medicinal herbs and an
important factor for the formation of their quality. The
secondary metabolites of medicinal plants are the material
basis for the therapeutic effects of Chinese herbal medicines.
And, different habitat factors affect the quality and therapeutic
effects of medicinal herbs by regulating the formation and
accumulation of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants
(Mudge et al., 2016;Jiang et al., 2020), which exerts inuence
on medicinal herbsgenuineness. For SDL, changes in the
production methods have also led to the migration and change
of its origins. In addition to the central arid area, SDL has also
started to be cultivated and produced in the non-arid areas south
of the central arid area in Ningxia. However, it has not been
scientically veried whether the migration of origin and the
change of habitat have impacts on the the secondary metabolites
of SDL and the quality of the medicinal herbs.
Metabolomics is a technique for qualitative and quantitative
analysis of all metabolites in living organisms, and has been
widely used in research elds such as quality evaluation of
traditional Chinese medicine, formation mechanism of
genuineness, screening biomarkers and new drug development
due to its advantages with high-throughput and high sensitivity
(Nicholson and Wilson, 2003;Nicholson and Lindon, 2008).
Besides, non-targeted metabolomics analysis is an important
mode which is based on a high-resolution mass spectrometer
and is capable of an unbiased, large-scale and systematic
detection for various metabolites in samples, reecting the
changes of metabolic levels in organisms to the greatest extent
(Christ et al., 2018).
Co-expression network analysis (CNA) is a method of
systems biology for analyzing the correlation of gene, protein
or metabolite expression in multiple samples, which can classify
a large amount of biological information into different
information modules and conduct a correlation analysis with
phenotypes. The method takes full advantage of the overall
omics information, but also converts a large amount of
biological information into a module-phenotype association,
eliminating the need for multiple hypothesis testing correction
(Langfelder and Horvath, 2008;Qing et al., 2020). CNA analysis
was rst applied to genomics analysis. Later, with the effective
practice of Matthew and others in correlating tomato
metabolomics data with genetic background analysis (DiLeo
et al., 2011), this method has begun to be widely used in
metabolomics analysis and become a powerful means of
helping metabolomics data explain more scientic problems.
Li et al. 10.3389/fpls.2022.1035712
Frontiers in Plant Science frontiersin.org02
In this study, SDL samples were collected from nine origins with
typical habitat characteristics. And their metabolites differences were
identied by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-
tandem time-of-ight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-Q-TOF MS)
based metabonomics. Moreover, multivariate statistical analysis
and CNA analysis were adopted to analyze the correlation between
the metabolites and environmental habitats factors, so as to explore
the impact of different origins on SDL metabolites and screen the
main habitat factors.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 SDL collection and processing
The materials were collected from nine different producing areas
(Figure 1) in August 2020 and were all identied as roots of Stellaria
dichotoma L. var. Lanceolata Bge in this study. The specicsampling
location information is shown in Figure 1 Random sampling shall be
conducted at each sampling point for six repetitions. The roots of
SDL must be naturally dried to constant weight, crushed and sieved
place for later use. The TX sample, growing for three years in a test
site, had no eld cultivation such as fertilization, water after it was
sowed, the PY, YZ and HSP samples were collected from farmland
that had been abandoned for many years and the other samples were
from natural habitats.
2.2 Investigation on habitat factors in
different origins
2.2.1 Investigation on soil physical and
chemical properties
The soil samples were collected around the SDL. Soil
samples were collected by establishing a 30 × 30 cm sample
square with SDL as the center, each sample square was sampled
with a shovel at a depth of 500 g from 0-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-
60 cm respectively, and the soil from the three depths was mixed
to form one soil sample. Three biological replicates of soil
samples were taken from each origin. These soil samples were
naturally dried and stored in a refrigerated area away from light
for the subsequent testing. Soil particle size was determined by
soil sieve and laser particle size analyzer, respectively. The type of
soil texture was classied by referring to the National Standard
of the Peoples Republic of China Engineering Classication
Standard for Soil(GB/T50145-2007). The total salt content of
soil suspensions was determined by means of the conductivity
method from Soil Testing Part 16: Determination of Total
Water Soluble Salts in Soil(NY/T1121.16-2006). The pH
value of soil suspensions was determined by using the pH
meter method from Soil Testing Part 2: Determination of Soil
pH(NY/T 1121.2-2006). And, the organic matter content of the
soil was determined by referring to Soil Testing Part 6:
Determination of Soil Organic Matter(NY/T1121.6-2006).
2.2.2 Meteorological factors collection
Meteorological factors were collected from meteorological
stations closest to the collection sites, corresponding to station
numbers 53811, Y3417, Y2810, Y3028, Y1710, Y1351, Y2534,
53730 and 53602, respectively. The data mainly includes the
annual average precipitation, the annual average temperature,
the highest temperature in July, the average temperature in July,
the lowest temperature in January and the average temperature
in January.
2.3 Determination of chemical
composition of SDL
2.3.1 Determination of the extract content
The cold leaching method with methanol was used to
determine the extract content of SDL as the general rule 2201
Determination of extractin Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples
Republic of China (2020 edition). The specic method is: the
methanol solvent is used to extract the SDL sample, the
methanol in the resulting extract is evaporated, the methanol
extract is obtained, and the extract content of the sample is
calculated by weighing method.
2.3.2 Determination of total avonoids content
The determination of total avonoids content was based on
the previous reported methods (GuoH.etal.,2020)and
improved accordingly. The specic process was as follows:
2.00 g of the medicinal powder sample was weighed into a
centrifuge tube, 25 ml of 95% ethanol was added and the
supernatant was extracted by ultrasonication for 30 min and
then, the supernatant was separated. The residue was then added
with 25 ml of 95% ethanol to continue ultrasonic extraction for
15 min, and the supernatants of the two extractions were mixed
as the test sample solution. The total avonoids content of the
herb was determined by measuring the absorbance value of the
sample at 496 nm by using rutin as the control.
2.3.3 Determination of total sterols content
The determination of total sterols content was based on the
previous reported methods (Zhang et al., 2012) and improved
accordingly. The specic process was as follows: 0.50 g medicinal
powder sample was weighted into a 25 ml volumetric ask and
then to add 20 ml of chloroform, which was extracted by
ultrasonication for 20 min. After 20 min of the ultrasonic
extraction, supernatant was acquired. The second step was to
dilute the supernatant with chloroform to the scale before
shaking it well and ltering it, thus obtaining the test sample
solution. The nal step was to determine the total sterols content
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of the herb by measuring the absorbance value at the wavelength
of 546 nm by using a- spinasterol as the control.
2.3.4 Metabolite detection
The metabolomic analysis of the herbs was carried out by
Shanghai Applied Protein Technology Co., Ltd. The method was
as follows: the rst step was to grind herbal powder in liquid
nitrogen, after which 200 mg of the powder was weighted into a
2 ml centrifuge tube. Following this, 70% methanol aqueous
extraction solution was added to the centrifuge tube and then
vortexed it thoroughly. The second step was to extract the
solution, before drying extraction solution under vacuum to
get extract. Then, the extract must be stored at -80°C. The next
step was to dissolve the extract with 40% acetonitrile water
solution to get supernatant and then to analyze the metabolic
compositions in the supernatant. The separation was performed
with an Agilent 1290 Innity LC HILIC column; column
temperature 25°C; ow rate 0.5 ml/min; injection volume 2 ml;
mobile phase composition A: water + 25 mM ammonium
acetate + 25 mM ammonia, B: acetonitrile; gradient elution
procedure as follows: 0~0.5 min, 95% B The gradient elution
procedure was as follows: 0 ~ 0.5 min, 95% B; 0.5~7 min, B
linearly varied from 95% to 65%; 7~8 min, B linearly varied from
65% to 40%; 8~9 min, B maintained at 40%; 9~9.1 min, B
linearly varied from 40% to 95%; 9.1~12 min, B maintained at
95%. During the whole process of analysis, the sample was
analysis was performed with triple TOF 6600 mass
spectrometer, and the positive (pos) and negative (neg) ion
modes of electrospray spray ionization (ESI) were used for
detection. The metabolites were identied by matching the
retention time, molecular weight (error <25 ppm), secondary
fragmentation spectrum, collision spectra and other information
Specic information of different SDL sampling sites. (ACare the information and pictures of the sampling sites. (D) is the soil of different
sampling sites, of which (1) is gravel soil, from DWK; (2) sandy soil, from LW, YC, EKTQQ and ALSZQ; (3) loam soil, from HSP; (4) clayey soil,
from TX, PY and YZ.).
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of metabolites by means of searching a local self-built standards
database established by Shanghai Applied Protein Technology.
2.4 Data analysis
Multivariate statistical analyses such as hierarchical cluster
analysis (HCA), principal component analysis (PCA), and K-
means cluster analysis were performed by R software (www.r- The signicant changed metabolites(SCM) were
screened by Fold Change Analysis(FC analysis), Ttest and
Orthogonal Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
(OPLS-DA) The specic screening criteria were VIP >1,FC >
1.5 or FC < 0.67 and p< 0.05. The KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of
Genes and Genomes, database was used
for annotation and functional enrichment analysis of SCMs.
Based on the CNA method, metabolite co-expression networks
and modules were constructed. Based on the criteria of the
correlation coefcient R value being closer to ± 1 and the
correlation test pbeing less than 0.05, correlation analysis was
performed for co-expression modules and thirteen major habitat
factors. The expression of metabolites in the screened key
modules in all samples was subjected to cluster heat map
analysis to compare the distribution of eigenvalues of each
module in all samples. The hub metabolites were further
screened by analyzing the correlation(r) between metabolites
in key modules and modules, and the correlation between
metabolites in key modules and traits.
3 Results and analysis
3.1 Habitat characteristics of SDL in
different origins
3.1.1 Spatial distribution analysis
As shown in Figure 1 and Table 1, the nine SDL origins were
distributed at 35.00
N, 105.00
E, altitude 1
050.00-1 650.00 m. The naturally distributed samples grew at
N above and below 1 300 m above sea level; samples from
farmland or abandoned farmland grew at 38.00
N below and
above 1 300 m above sea level.
3.1.2 Meteorological factor analysis
The average values of the six meteorological factors collected
from 2015 to 2020 are shown in Table 1. The annual
precipitation for the nine producing areas ranged from 183 cm
to 583 cm. The average annual temperature ranged from 8.5°C to
11.1°C, the maximum temperature in July ranged from 27.7°C to
36.5°C and the average temperature in July ranged from 21.4°C
to 25.8°C. The minimum temperature in January ranged from
-23.2°C to -10.4°C and the average temperature in January
ranged from -8.5°C to -4.8°C. Besides, the signicance analysis
showed that the six meteorological factors showed different
levels of variation due to different producing areas.
3.1.3 Analysis of the physical and chemical
properties of soils
As shown in Figure 1D, the soil from DWK (label refers to origin,
the same below) habitat showed a dark grey color and the rest were
yellowish brown. The soils from the DWK, ETKQQ, YC, LW,
ALSZQ and HSP habitats were relatively loose, while soils from
TX, PY and YZ were highly viscous and have soil agglomeration. The
physical and chemical properties of soils were further analyzed and
theresultsareshowninTable 1. In terms of soil texture, total salt
content, pH value and organic matter content, the habitat soils of SD L
from different origins were different in varying degrees. The results of
the soil texture analysis showed that DWK had the largest proportion
of large grained soils, which was classied as gravelly soils. Then, soils
from ETKQQ, YC, LW and ALSZQ were classied as sandy soils. TX,
PY and YZ had a higher proportion of ner grained soils, which was
classied as clayey soil. The soil texture of HSP is between sandy and
clayey soil, and is classied as loam soil. The total salt content of DWK
was 29.77 g/kg which was signicantly higher than other producing
areas, while the pH value of DWK was 7.29 which was signicantly
lower than that of others. And, for other producing areas, the total salt
content was less than 8.00 g/kg and pH values ranged from 8.31 to
9.17. In addition, the organic matter content of DWK, PY and TX was
signicantly higher than that of other origins, which were 8.29 g/kg,
8.03 g/kg and 7.00 g/kg respectively, followed by YZ with 3.16 g/kg,
and the rest of the samples were around 1.00 g/kg.
3.2 Analysis of the characteristics of
medicinal materials, methanol extract,
total sterols and total avonoids content
of SDL from different origins
3.2.1 Characteristics of medicinal materials
The shayan(hole-like or disk-like depression),
zhenzhupan(wart-like protruding buds, stems or rhizome
stumps) and yellow and white cross-section of the radial
texture are the most important characters of SDL. As shown
in Figures 2A,B, the SDL from the nine origins in this study all
had shayan,zhenzhupanand yellow and white cross-section
of the radial texture. The difference is that SDL collected from
wild natural habitats was darker in colour (DWK, LW, YC,
ETKQQ and ALSZQ) and was light brown or brown. SDL
collected from test or abandoned agricultural elds were
lighter in colour (TX, HSP, PY and YZ) and were pale yellow
or light brownish-yellow. In addition, SDL collected from clayey
soil (TX, PY and YZ) were mostly long-columnar in shape and
had no or few branches. SDL collected from loam, sandy or
gravelly soils (HSP, LW, YC, ETKQQ, ALSZQ and DWK) were
more variable in character and generally had multiple branches.
In summary, SDL from different origins has the basic
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TABLE 1 Habitat analysis of SDL from different origins.
Label Latitude,
in July, °C
in July, °C
in January, °C
in January, °C
Total salt
TX 36.76
1558 311.15 ± 65.95b 8.78 ± 1.08c 29.29 ± 1.35cd 22.31 ± 0.73de -15.33 ± 1.16b -8.52 ± 1.55c clayey
3.31 ± 0.14
8.71 ±
0.11 cd
7.00 ± 0.85 b
HSP 37.40
1335 148.72 ± 64.87c 10.81 ± 2.72ab 32.62 ± 1.09b 24.84 ± 1.41ab -11.29 ± 0.99a -7.09 ± 4.00abc loam soil 5.72 ± 0.37
8.49 ±
0.15 de
1.01 ± 0.08 d
PY 35.75
1395 583.17 ± 145.53a 8.90 ± 0.47bc 29.10 ± 2.22cd 21.43 ± 1.25e -10.63 ± 1.63a -4.82 ± 1.58a clayey
4.61 ± 0.32
8.51 ±
0.05 de
8.03 ± 0.94 ab
YZ 36.07
1624 475.47 ± 182.34a 9.11 ± 1.23bc 27.67 ± 2.00d 21.37 ± 0.67e -10.42 ± 1.65a -5.03± 1.76ab clayey
6.13 ± 0.51
8.62 ±
3.16 ± 0.37 c
DWK 39.18
1300 166.73 ± 56.52bc 11.07 ± 1.44a 32.48 ± 0.65b 25.80 ± 1.01a -11.96 ± 0.79a -6.34 ± 1.28abc gravelly
29.77 ± 4.22
7.29 ±
0.47 e
8.29 ± 1.34 a
LW 38.05
1273 304.40 ± 212.85bc 9.22 ± 1.12abc 30.80 ± 0.57bc 23.51 ± 0.56cd -11.76 ± 0.75a -6.12 ± 1.10abc sandy
2.43 ± 0.35
9.17 ±
0.03 a
0.72 ± 0.05 d
YC 37.88
1298 190.25 ± 73.14bc 8.46 ± 1.61c 31.50 ± 1.42b 24.01 ± 0.40bc -14.59 ± 1.27b -7.83 ± 1.72bc sandy
2.90 ± 0.21
8.92 ±
0.07 bc
0.65 ± 0.01 d
ETKQQ 38.46
1290 266.10 ± 43.13bc 8.97 ± 0.18bc 36.48 ± 1.62a 24.07 ± 0.58bc -23.18 ± 1.28d -8.05 ± 1.62c sandy
7.82 ± 0.17
8.67 ±
0.11 cd
1.08 ± 0.06 d
ALSZQ 39.39
1069 248.02 ± 47.00bc 9.50 ± 0.21abc 35.57 ± 1.56a 24.08 ± 0.50bc -17.73 ± 3.37c -7.00 ± 2.01abc sandy
2.51 ± 0.08
8.31 ±
0.06 d
1.07 ± 0.08 d
The lowercase letters after the data indicate signicant differences in habitat factors between different SDL origins at p<0.05 levels.
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characteristics of medicinal herbs, but different habitats may
affect the overall color and morphology of SDL.
3.2.2 Methanol extract, total sterols and total
avonoids content
The methanol extract is the content determination index for
evaluating SDL as stipulated in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and
total sterols and total avonoids content are the most commonly
used indexes for evaluating the quality of SDL at present (Li
et al., 2020). In this study, the three indexes of SDL from
different origins were tested, and the determination results are
shown in Figure 2C. The content of SDL methanol extract, from
different origins reached the 20% index stipulated in the Chinese
pharmacopoeia. And, the lowest content of DWK was 24.77%
and the highest content of ETKQQ was 39.27%, while others did
not show signicant differences (P < 0.05). The total sterol
content was the highest in ALSZQ and DWK with 5.85 g/kg
and 5.71 g/kg respectively, while the total sterols content of HSP,
ETKQQ, YZ and TX were signicantly lower than the other
samples. The total avonoids content of ETKQQ was 4.29 g/kg
which was signicantly higher than the samples from other
origins. The sample with the lowest total avonoid content was
PY, which was 1.93 g/kg and signicantly lower than samples
from other origins. In summary, in addition to the differences in
the methanol extracts of SDL from different habitats, there were
greater differences in the contents of total avonoids and total
sterols. It is speculated that there may be more different
substances in SDL from different origins.
3.3 SDL metabolites and quality control
The total ion chromatograms (TIC) of all QC samples were
compared by overlapping spectra, as shown in Figure 3A and
Supplementary Figure 1A, and the response intensities and
retention times of the peaks basically overlapped, indicating
good instrument precision throughout the experiment. The
proportion of QC samples with relative standard deviation
(RSD) less than 30% of the characteristic peaks exceeded 70%
(Figure 3B and Supplementary Figure 1B), indicating a good
stability of the instrument. PCA analysis was performed on all
samples and QC samples. As shown in Figure 3C and
Supplementary Figure 1C, the QC samples were closely
clustered together, indicating that the samples had good
repeatability. In addition, the results of PCA analysis also
showed that DWK had signicantly different principal
component characteristics. ETKQQ, LW and YC had similar
principal component characteristics. And TX, YZ, PY, ALSZQ
and HSP had closer principal component characteristics.
The metabolites were identied by searching the local self-
built standards database. A total of 1586 substances
(Supplementary Table 1) were identied from nine origins of
SDL and divided into thirteen categories. Among them, 880
substances were identied in pos mode and 706 substances in
neg mode. And the categories mainly include lipids and lipid-
like molecules (331 species), organic acids and derivatives (327
species), organicheterocyclic compounds (201 species),
phenylpropane and polyketone compounds (170 species),
The characteristics of medicinal materials, methanol extract, total sterols and total avonoids content of SDL in different origins. (Ashowed the
overall morphology of SDL from different origins. Bshowed the main medicinal characteristics of SDL, including shayan,zhenzhupanand
yellow and white cross-section of the radial texture from left to right. Cis the content of methanol extract, total sterols and total avonoids of
SDL from different origins,and the lowercase letters in the bar chart indicate signicant differences in the content of components of SDL
between different origins at the p< 0.05 level. The same letter indicates no signicant difference, while different letters indicate signicant
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organic oxygen compounds (169 species), benzenes (168
species), etc. (Figure 3D).
3.4 Analysis of SCMs in SDL of
different origins
A systematic clustering heat map analysis of the ionic
intensities of each metabolite was performed for SDL samples
of all origins, as shown in Figure 4. Result showed that DWK
clustered separately with samples from other origins, LW, YC
and ETKQQ clustered in a group, and TX and HSP clustered in a
group, which was generally consistent with the characteristics
showed by the PCA analysis (Figure 2C andSupplementary
Figure 1C). The total ion heat map of metabolites showed
signicant expression differences for SDL metabolites of
different origins. According to the results of principal
component analysis and clustering, and habitat characteristics,
TX was selected for pairwise comparison with LW, PY, HSP,
ALSZQ and DWK samples. The SCMs between TX and other
samples were screened by FC analysis, Ttest and OPLS-DA,
(Figure 5,Supplementary Figures 24). The results showed that
there were signicant differences in SCMs between different
comparison groups. The number of SCMs in different
comparison groups from high to low is: TX vs DWK (370
species), TX vs ALSZQ (336 species), TX vs PY (266species),
TX vs LW (234 species) and TX vs HSP(211 species)(Figure 6
and Supplementary Figure 5). These SCMs were reected in a
variety of classications such as lipid and lipid-like molecules,
organic acids and derivatives, phenylpropanoids and
polyketides, etc. Further Venn diagram analysis of all SCMs
showed that a total of 43 common SCMs were identied in the
ve comparison groups (Figure 7). In addition, TX vs DWK has
65 unique SCMs; followed by TX vs PY and TX vs ALSZQ, 54
and 43 species, respectively, TX vs LW was the least, only seven
species. The KEGG database was further used to annotate and
enrich the scm of the ve comparison groups. As shown in
Figure 8, SCMs in different comparison groups are enriched in
different signaling pathways, and the signicance of the same
signaling pathway in different comparison groups is also
different. This further indicates that SDLs from different
origins have more differences in metabolites and
metabolic pathways.
Quality control and identication analysis of metabolite detection. (Ais TIC diagram in pos ion mode; Bis characteristic peak variation
coefcient in pos ion mode; Cis the PCA of metabolites detected in pos ion mode; Dis the category and pie chart of identied metabolites.).
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3.5 Correlation of SDL metabolites with
dominant environmental factors
The co-expression network of 1586 metabolites were
constructed by WGCNA, and the correlation analysis was
carried out with a total of thirteen habitat factors, including soil
physicochemical properties, meteorological factors, and spatial
distribution. As shown in Figure 9A, 1586 metabolites were
divided into six co-expression modules (MEyellow, MEred,
MEgreen, MEturquoise, MEblue and MEbrown) and one
module without obvious co-expression relationship (MEgrey).
And the heat map of metabolite expression and the distribution
map of module eigenvalues (Figure 9B) showed that MEyellow
from LW and YC had higher up-regulated expression in all
samples, MEred from HSP had higher up-regulated expression,
MEgreen from ALSZQ had higher upregulated expression,
MEturquoise from DWK had higher up-regulated expression,
MEblue from YZ had higher up-regulated expression, PY and TX
MEbrown had higher up-regulated expression. These specically
expressed metabolite modules could be used as characteristic
groups of constituents of SDL in different origins. Further
correlation analysis of the seven metabolite modules with the
thirteen habitat factors showed (Figure 10)thatMEturquoisehad
asignicant positive correlation with total salt content of soil
(r=0.933, p<0.05) and average annual temperature(r=0.668,
p<0.05), while a negative correlation with soil pH value(r=-
0.886, p<0.05). MEbrown had a signicant positive correlation
with average annual precipitation(r=0.749, p<0.05), and a
signicant negative correlation with latitude (r=-0.690, p<0.05)
and soil texture(r=-0.668, p<0.05). MEblue had a signicant
positive correlation with elevation(r=0.672, p<0.05). As key
modules, these highly correlated modules (MEturquoise
MEbrown and MEblue) were metabolite groups that were
largely inuenced by habitat factors. Signicantly, the total salt
content, pH value and soil texture, average annual temperature
and precipitation, elevation and latitude were the main habitat
factors resulting in SDL metabolite differences.
To further screen out the key metabolites with high
correlation from the key modules, we analyzed the scatter
distribution of metabolite signicance (correlation between
metabolites and habitat factors) and module membership
(correlation between metabolites and modules) in each module
(Figure 11). And the key metabolite was ltered out based on the
metrics of metabolite signicance and module membership
(Top50 and p<0.05). As shown in Supplementary Table 2, 104
species hub metabolites were screened, including 22 species
lipids and lipid-like molecules, 13 species benzenoids, 17
species organic oxygen compounds, 15 species organic acids
and derivatives, 14 species organoheterocyclic compounds and 9
species phenylpropanoids and polyketides, etc. Morever, the
largest number of hub metabolites signicantly associated with
soil texture was 37 species, followed by soil total salt content (34
Heatmap of hierarchical clustering of SDL metabolites in habitats of different origin. (Ais the metabolite detected in pos mode and Bis the
metabolite detected in neg mode).
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species), soil pH value (34 species), average annual precipitation
(25 species), elevation(14 species), average annual temperature
(11 species) and latitude (11 species). The hub metabolites are
probably to be the main metabolites of SDL in response to
different habitat factors. On the contrary, the corresponding
habitat factors may be the dominant factors which affect
SDLs quality.
4 Discussion
In this study, habitat surveys of nine origins of SDL revealed
that there were signicant differences among them especially in
the soil physicochemical properties. In terms of medicinal
properties, further analysis revealed that the MeOH extract,
total sterols and total avonoids content in SDLs from
different origins were also obvious different. Meanwhile,
metabolomics analysis showed that SDL from different origins
contained different metabolite characteristics and showed rich
diversity. Among which the metabolic characteristics of LW, YC
and ETKQQ were more similar, and the difference of DWK was
the largest. In addition, the results of SCMs screening showed
that the metabolites of TX were similar to those of LW and HSP.
At the same time, KEGG enrichment analysis also enriched the
SCMs of different comparison groups into different signaling
pathway. These results further indicate that different origins
have signicant effects on the production, accumulation and
signaling pathways of SDL metabolites. This is consistent with
Volcano plot, OPLS-DA and permutation test analysis of differential metabolites of TXvsLW. (A, C, E are volcano plot, OPLS-DA and permutation
test analysis for detecting metabolites in pos mode, respectively; B, D, F are volcano plot, OPLS-DA and permutation test analysis for detecting
metabolites in neg mode, respectively.).
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the conclusion of metabolomics analysis of medicinal plants
such as Chrysanthemum (Zou et al., 2022) and American ginseng
(Si et al., 2021), from different origins. Furthermore, bioactive
substances are the material basis for medicinal plants (Li et al.,
2018) to exert their efcacy and are also important indicators for
evaluating the quality of medicinal materials. (Li et al., 2018).
However, SDL has not yet established systematic quality
evaluation system and its bioactive material basis research is
lagging behind. Herein, results showed that all of the methanol
extract content of SDL from different habitats reached the
requirements of Chinese Pharmacopoeia (20%), there were still
more signicant differences in total sterols, total avonoids and
other metabolites. These differential metabolites contain a
variety of bioactive ingredients, such as organic acids, phenol
propane, polyketide compounds, lipid and their derivatives,
which may lead to different efcacy effects and herb quality.
Therefore, the in-depth research on SDL quality biomarkers and
habitat selection should be paid more attention.
The bioactive substances are the products of long-term
adaptation to specic environments for medicinal plants, which
are mostly the secondary metabolites accumulated in response to
habitat abiotic and biotic stresses (Huang and Guo, 2007;Li et al.,
2019). Consequently, the same plant will also metabolize and
accumulate various secondary metabolites in different habitats.
The SDLs were collected from different ecological regions in this
study with complex and diverse habitat differences in the soil
environment, climate and spatial distribution. Therefore, the
characteristics of differential metabolites in SDL from different
habitats may be affected by the interaction of multiple habitat
factors. In this study, SDL metabolites were correlated with
thirteen habitat indicators by the WGCNA analysis. And, the
results showed that several metabolite modules (MEturquoise,
MEbrown and MEblue)were closely correlated with several
habitat indicators such as total soil salt content, pH value,
organic matter content, soil texture, annual precipitation,
average annual temperature and altitude.
FC analysis histogram of SCMs in TXvsLW. (Ais the metabolite detected in pos mode and Bis the metabolite detected in neg mode.).
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Further screening of the hub metabolites from the
metabolite module revealed that the hub metabolites were
most associated with soil texture, soil pH and soil salinity. Soil
is the material basis for the growth and development of
medicinal plants. The physical and chemical properties of soil
are important components of soil environment. SDL is a
psammophyte. Most of the wild SDLs collected in this study
grow in sandy soil, but non-wild SDLs collected from TX, PY,
YZ and HSP grow in clayey soil or loam soil. The change of soil
texture will not only change porosity and soil water retention
capacity, but also affect the soil available nutrients and soil
microorganism, and further affect the plant transpiration,
photosynthesis, respiration and other physiological and
biochemical effects and the accumulation of secondary
metabolites (Du et al., 2019;Haruna and Yahaya, 2021).
Therefore, different medicinal plants have preferences for soil
texture according to their physiological needs. For example,
Scrophularia ningpoensis is suitable for growing in limestone
heavy loam, and loess with deep soil layer is suitable for the
growth of Astragalus membranaceus, and Codonopsis pilosula
and Rehmannia glutinosa are suitable for growing on fertile
sandy soil (Chen and Tan, 2006;Tian et al., 2013). Therefore,
whether SDL is suitable to grow in non-sandy soil needs further
study. Salt stress is an important abiotic stress affecting
secondary metabolism of medicinal plants (Hemanta, 2017).
Zhang found that the yield of SDL herbs and the accumulation
of total avonoids and total saponins reached the maximum
when the soil salt content was 0.3% (Zhang et al., 2017). Soil pH
is also an important environmental factor affecting the
metabolites of medicinal plants (Du et al., 2013), and different
medicinal plants and metabolites have different responses to soil
pH. For example, in the range of soil pH 4.5 ~ 9.5, the content of
active ingredients in P.multiorum tubers decreased with the
increase of pH, and the contents of stilbene glycoside and bound
anthraquinone in P.multiorum tubers reached the highest at
pH 4.5 (Leng et al., 2020). Zou found that the content of total
avonoids, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in G. longituba was
highest at pH 6.5, while the content of rosmarinic acid was
highest at pH 7.5 (Zou et al., 2019). In this study, a variety of
avonoids, glycosides, alkaloids and organic acids were
signicantly correlated with soil total salt content and pH such
as silybin (M453T51_1), catalposide (M465T412), poncirin
(M617T328_2), plantamajoside (M639T418), isorhamnetin 3-
galactoside (M501T353), harmane (M181T170), phenylalanine
betaine (M208T197), chicoric acid (M497T336) etc. These
secondary metabolites may be important substances for SDL
to respond to changes in soil pH and salt content. In conclusion,
soil physicochemical properties may be the most important
habitat factor affecting SDL metabolites.
Annual precipitation and temperature are also important
habitat factors that are highly correlated with various pivot
metabolites in this study. Precipitation can reect the water
environment of plant growth. Water is an important medium
linking the atmosphere, the soil to the plant and the metabolic
activities of the plant, which affects plant physiological and
biochemical processes such as photosynthesis, respiration,
oxidation and secondary metabolic activities in plants
(Bohnert et al., 1995;Jat and Gajbhiye, 2017). Lang found that
Venn diagram analysis of SCMs in Different Comparison Groups.
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the root growth of SDL was inhibited to a certain extent during
moderate to severe drought stress (40% eld water holding
capacity), which affected the yield; however, drought stress
signicantly increased the content of total avonoids, total
saponins and other secondary metabolites in SDL herbs (Lang
et al., 2014). This study found that avonoids deoxyrhapontin
(M449T356) and saponins astragaloside ii (M871T33_3) showed
a signicant correlation with annual precipitation, which further
verifying the previous results. Temperature can directly affect the
growth and development, physiological activity, harvest time
and the accumulation of compositions of medicinal plants. In
particular, during critical growth periods, it can alter the activity
of relevant enzymes in the medicinal plant, which directly affects
the level of secondary metabolism of plants (Eguchi et al., 2019).
Furthermore, elevation and latitude can indirectly affect the
growth and development of medicinal plants by inuencing
habitat factors such as temperature and precipitation (Joshi et
al., 2021). In summary, the signicant differences of SDL
metabolites from different origins may be due to the combined
and complex effects of habitat factors such as soil physical and
chemical properties, annual precipitation, annual mean
temperature, altitude and latitude.However,whatkindof
habitat is conducive to the growth of SDL and the formation
of medicinal quality, and how to promote the high-quality
production of SDL through scientic cultivation measures,
need deeper thinking and research.
Simulative Habitat Cultivationis the core model of
ecological cultivation of Chinese herbs proposed by
academician Luqi Huang and researcher Lanping Guo. Based
on the long-term adaptation of medicinal plants to specic
environmental stresses, it simulated various environmental
factors of wild medicinal plants, especially the original habitat
of genuine herbs, and then balance the growth and development
of Chinese herbs and secondary metabolism by utilizing
scientic design and clever human intervention, thus achieving
the optimal layout and high-quality development of genuine
Chinese herbs. Especially in the absence of more research bases
and special production purposes, Simulative Habitat
KEGG enrichment analysis of SCMs from different SDL comparison groups. (AEare the ones of TX vs LW, TX vs PY, TX vs HSP, TX vs DWK, and
TX vs ALSZQ, respectively.).
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Cultivationof genuine medicinal materials can be used as a
basic model for high-yield and high-quality production of
Chinese herbs (Guo L. et al., 2020). SDL has a long history
and widely application. However, in modern research, basic
research on SDL is lagging behind or in the blank, such as the
research on efcacy mechanisms, material basis, quality markers
and habitat stress response mechanisms, etc. But, in recent
modern research, the basic research on its mechanism of
efcacy, therapeutic material basis, quality markers and the
response mechanism under environmental stress of SDL is at a
preliminary stage. This has led to a lack of effective evaluation
indicators in the production and quality evaluation of SDL,
which in turn has hindered the industrial development and
resource utilisation of SDL. Therefore, in the absence of a
research base, the simulated biotopemodel combined with
metabolomics technology offers a new idea for the more
scientic production of SDL.
During the period from 2017 to 2022, the authors research
group conducted several surveys on SDL resources in and
around Ningxia (Li et al., 2022). The survey found that wild
Heat map of metabolite co-expression module division and their correlation with phenotypic traits. (Ais metabolite co-expression module; Bis
heat map of metabolite expression and the distribution map of module eigenvalues.).
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SDL was concentrated in Lingwu City and Yanchi County in
Ningxia and Etuokeqianqi County in Inner Mongolia, which all
belong to the wind-sand arid area and have similar habitat
characteristics such as soil physicochemical properties, climate
and spatial distribution. Metabolites of SDL collected in these
regions also have relatively similar characteristics. And the
content of various active substances in SDL collected from
Lingwu City (LW) was signicantly higher than that in
SDLcollected from cultivated origin (TX), such as beta.-
sitosterol (M397T42), trigonelline (M138T291_2), betaine
(M118T277_2), fustin (M269T36), rotenone (M241T189),
arctiin (M557T165) and loganic acid (M399T284_2).
Therefore, the wind-sand arid area can be used as the
preferred ecological area for SDL Simulative Habitat
Cultivationproduction. In addition, the SDL of LW, YC and
ETKQQ are all distributed in the desert grassland in the region.
So the environmental characteristics of the desert grassland in
the arid area may be the main habitat characteristics in the
formation of SDL genuineness, such as less rain, alkaline sand
soil, etc.
The collection site of DWK is mainly located near the
Shitanjing coal mine, which is another area of concentrated
distribution of wild SDL. The results revealed that the habitat
characteristics of this collection site, especially the
physicochemical properties of the soil, were signicantly
different from those of the other wild distribution areas, and
the characteristics of metabolites were also signicantly different
from those of the others. At the meanwhile, the survey also
showed that SDL is the dominant species in these regions, which
is adapted to grow in the specic environment. A large number
of studies have conrmed that plants growing in a specic
environment for a long time are subject to the combined
inuence of various ecological factors in the environment,
which may cause changes in genetic material such as
mutations in plant DNA and aberrations in chromosome
structure and number, and then change metabolic regulatory
enzymes, resulting in variation in the products of secondary
metabolism (Cao et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2021). In the present
study, it is worthwhile to pay attention to and study in more
depth whether the distinct habitats of DWK have affected the
Correlation analysis between module and habitat factors. (The numbers in the colour block in the gure, the top one is the r-value and the
bottom one (in brackets) is the P-value).
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genetic material of SDL, thus causing metabolites of SDL to be
signicantly different from other samples, or whether new
varieties have been produced.
As the largest concentrated cultivation area of SDL, Tongxin
County has a long history of cultivation and a good production
and processing base, and was awarded the Tongxin Yinchai hu
geographical indication certication for agricultural products in
2018, which is recognized as the genuine origin of cultivated
SDL. This research found some differences in characteristics of
metabolites between SDL in Tongxin County and samples
Scatter distribution of module membership vs metabolites signicance. (AGare MEbrown-Latitude, MEbrown-Average annual precipitation,
MEbrown-Soil texture, MEturquoise-Average annual temperature, MEturquoise-Soil tital salt content, MEturquiose-Soil PH value and MEblue-
Elevation, respectively.).
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collected in the wild. However, key habitat indicators such as soil
total salt content, pH value, annual precipitation and average
annual temperature of the local natural habitat were very close to
those of the wild SDL habitat, with only some differences in soil
texture, which may be the main reason for the differences
between TX and wild SDL. The soil of the TX habitat is clayey
soil, rather than the sandy soil of the wild habitat. Therefore, it is
recommended that during the production and planting of SDL
in Tongxin County, measures such as deep ploughing and
applying soil cavitation amendments to increase soil porosity,
so as to achieve the purpose of Simulative Habitat Cultivation
and guarantee better quality of SDL.
5 Conclusion
In this study, a total of 1586 metabolites were identied in
SDLs from nine habitat by the UHPLC-Q-TOF MS based
metabolomics. Differential metabolites among nine origins
were analyzed through multivariate statistics and the
correlations between metabolites and the habitat factors were
also investigated and discussed. The results showed that SDLs
from different habitats had various metabolites, and the samples
with similar habitat factors also showed similar metabolite
characteristics. These differential metabolites are mainly some
lipids and lipid molecules, organic acids and their derivatives,
phenylpropane and polyketone compounds, etc. Further more,
1586 metabolites were clustered into seven co-expression
modules by the CNA. And the correlation analysis of seven
modules with thirteen habitat factors showed that three
metabolite modules(MEturquoise, MEbrown and MEblue)
showed signicant correlations with different habitat factors
and 104 species hub metabolites were further screened out.
Soil texture, soil pH value and soil total salt content were
selected as the most dominant habitat factors affecting SDL
metabolites, and then followed by annual precipitation and
temperature, elevation and latitude. The research provides
theoretical and practical signicance for guiding the
construction of genuine producing areas, the scientic
production and Simulative Habitat Cultivationfor SDL.
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are
included in the article/Supplementary Material. Further
inquiries can be directed to the corresponding authors.
Author contributions
The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors.
ZKL, resource survey, Sample collection, Methodology, Sample
detection, Writing-review and editing, Data analysis, Visualization;
HW and LS, Resource survey, sample collection, sample detection; LF
and HSL, writing-review and editing; HYL, Meteorological data
collection; YPL, Metabonomic analysis; YQL, sample testing, data
supervised the manuscript; LP, conceived and designed the study,
methodology, supervision, funding acquisition. All authors
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
This study was supported by the Key Research and
Development Program of Ningxia (No.2021BEG02042) and
Ningxia Natural Science Foundation (No.2021AAC03103).
The authors acknowledge Shanghai Applied Protein
Technology Co., Ltd. for their support for metabolite testing,
and Ma Li (School of Foreign Chinese, Ningxia University) for
her help in language translation.
Conict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conict of interest.
Publishers note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their afliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
or endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:
Additional data relevant to this paper can be found in
the Annexes.
Quality control analysis of metabolite detection. (Ais TIC diagram in neg
ion mode; Bis characteristic peak variation coefcient in neg ion mode; C
is the PCA of metabolites detected in neg ion mode.).
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Volcano plot analysis of different comparison groups (A, C, E, G were TX vs
PY, TX vs HSP, TX vs DWK, and TX vs ALSZQ in pos mode, respectively. B,
D, F, H were TX vs PY, TX vs HSP, TX vs DWK, and TX vs ALSZQ in pos
mode, respectively.).
OPLS-DA and permutation test (pos). (A, C, E, G are OPLS-DA of TX vs PY,
TX vs HSP, TX vs DWK, and TX vs ALSZQ, respectively; B, D, F, H are
ALSZQ, respectively.).
OPLS-DA and permutation test (neg). (A, C, E, G are OPLS-DA of TX vs PY,
TX vs HSP, TX vs DWK, and TX vs ALSZQ, respectively; B, D, F, H are
ALSZQ, respectively.).
FC analysis histogram of SCMs in different comparison groups (A, C, E, G
are FC analysis of TX vs PY, TX vs HSP, TX vs DWK, and TX vs ALSZQ in pos
mode, respectively; B, D, F, H are FC analysis of TX vs PY, TX vs HSP, TX vs
DWK, and TX vs ALSZQ in neg mode, respectively.).
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... lanceolata Bge. (S. lanceolata) is a psammophytic plant species that thrives in the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China [1]. Due to its characteristics of being drought-tolerant, resilient to poor soil conditions, and possessing strong vitality, it plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of the desert steppe [2]. ...
... Additionally, studies have demonstrated its rich content of active components, such as cyclopeptides, flavonoids, alkaloids, and sterols [4]. Furthermore, since S. lanceolata is primarily distributed in regions adjacent to Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, and Shaanxi Province, it is considered to be a genuine (Daodi) medicinal materials of these zones [1,3]. ...
... Ma et al. [12] previously utilized TCMGIS system to predict the suitable growth range of wild S. lanceolata and inferred that more than 90% of the northern regions of China were suitable zones. However, based on available research [1], wild S. lanceolata is mainly distributed in the narrow zones of adjacent to desert grasslands of Ningxia-Inner Mongolia-Shaanxi province, and its distribution area is not expended. Furthermore, we found that although some introduction zones are capable of growing S. lanceolata, continuous occurrences of root rot and death after planting for more than 3 years, particularly severe when planted in non-sandy soils, which does not occur in the natural growth zones of wild S. lanceolata. ...
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Background Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge. (S. lanceolata) is a psammophytic plant endemic to the northwest region of China and has now developed into a cultivated economic crop. It is the original plant species used in traditional Chinese medicine as Yinchaihu. Recently, the lack of scientifically guided production zoning has exacerbated the arbitrary introduction and expansion of S. lanceolata cultivation, resulting in significant changes to its habitat and quality. Methods This study utilizes distribution data of wild S. lanceolata along with data from 33 environmental factors to analyze the primary habitat factors influencing the species' distribution using the Maxent model, simulating both current and future suitable production zones. Additionally, amplicon sequencing was employed to investigate changes in rhizospheric soil microorganisms across different cultivation sites and years. Furthermore, metabolomics, near-infrared spectroscopy, and the quantification of active ingredient content were used to assess the effects of various suitable zones on S. lanceolata. Results The migration trends of S. lanceolata toward the central and eastern regions of Inner Mongolia revealed that elev, bio_4, bio_13, bio_11, and S_clay are the primary ecological and soil factors influencing suitability zoning, contributing a cumulative rate of 80.5%. The rhizosphere microbial environment shifted significantly from high to medium suitability habitats. As cultivation duration increased, the diversity of fungi and bacteria and the functional genera within the rhizosphere exhibited significant changes. Notably, there were substantial alterations in metabolic processes and substance accumulation during the transition from high to medium and low suitability zones, resulting in the identification of 281 and 370 differential metabolites, respectively. Additionally, the near-infrared spectral characteristics and active ingredient content of S. lanceolata in high suitability zones displayed distinct specificity. In particular, the contents of total flavonoids (2.772 mg·g⁻¹), dichotomines B (0.057 mg·g⁻¹), and quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside (0.312 mg·g⁻¹) were notably higher, with the overall quality score surpassing that of other suitable zones. Conclusion This study revealed the key climatic, soil, and rhizosphere microbial environmental factors influencing the quality formation of S. lanceolata and the selection of suitable production zones, offering guidance for sustainable development and production zone planning. Graphical Abstract
... Detection of drying rate: the root fresh weight and weight after complete drying were measured by the weighing method, and then the drying rate was calculated according to the following formula: drying rate = dry weight/fresh weight × 100%. The content determination of methanol extract, and total flavonoids and total sterols contents was based on the previously reported methods [47]. ...
... Metabolomics analysis adopted the previous method we reported [47]. The medicinal powder was ground in liquid nitrogen, and 200 mg was weighed in a 2 mL centrifuge tube, added to 70% methanol solution for extraction, then vacuum dried and stored at −80 • C for later use. ...
... Mass spectrometry analysis was performed using a triple TOF 6600 mass spectrometer with an electrospray ionization source (ESI) with positive and negative ion (pos and neg)-mode detection. The metabolites were identified by searching the local self-built standards database established by Shanghai Applied Protein Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China, and the information of retention time, molecular weight (error < 25 ppm), secondary fragmentation spectrum, and collision spectrum of metabolites were matched [47]. ...
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The original plant of Chinese medicine Stellariae Radix (Yin Chai Hu) is Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge (abbreviated as SDL). SDL is a perennial herbaceous plant and a characteristic crop in Ningxia. Growth years are vital factors that affect the quality of perennial medicinal materials. This study aims to investigate the impact of growth years on SDL and screen for the optimal harvest age by comparing the medicinal material characteristics of SDL with different growth years. Additionally, metabolomics analysis using UHPLC-Q-TOF MS was employed to investigate the impact of growth years on the accumulation of metabolites in SDL. The results show that the characteristics of medicinal materials and the drying rate of SDL gradually increase with the increase in growth years. The fastest development period of SDL occurred during the first 3 years, after which the development slowed down. Medicinal materials characteristics of 3-year-old SDL exhibited mature qualities with a high drying rate, methanol extract content, and the highest content of total sterols and total flavonoids. A total of 1586 metabolites were identified, which were classified into 13 major classes with more than 50 sub-classes. Multivariate statistical analysis indicated significant differences in the diversity of metabolites of SDL in different growth years, with greater differences observed in metabolites as the growth years increased. Moreover, different highly expressed metabolites in SDL at different growth years were observed: 1–2 years old was beneficial to the accumulation of more lipids, while 3–5 years old was conducive to accumulating more alkaloids, benzenoids, etc. Furthermore, 12 metabolites accumulating with growth years and 20 metabolites decreasing with growth years were screened, and 17 significantly different metabolites were noted in 3-year-old SDL. In conclusion, growth years not only influenced medicinal material characteristics, drying rate, content of methanol extract, and total sterol and flavonoid contents, but also had a considerable effect on SDL metabolites and metabolic pathways. SDL planted for 3 years presented the optimum harvest time. The screened significantly different metabolites with biological activity, such as rutin, cucurbitacin e, isorhamnetin-3-o-glucoside, etc., can be utilized as potential quality markers of SDL. This research provides references for studying the growth and development of SDL medicinal materials, the accumulation of metabolites, and the selection of optimal harvest time.
... Total flavonoid content: According to the methods in the literature [44], 2.00 g of medicinal powder sample was accurately weighed into a centrifuge tube, and 25 mL of 95% ethanol was added for ultrasonic extraction for 30 min. The supernatant was separated, and the residue was added with 25 mL of 95% ethanol for ultrasonic extraction for 15 min. ...
... Total sterol content: According to the literature [44], 0.50 g medicinal powder was accurately weighed and placed in a 25 mL volumetric flask, added with 20 mL chloroform, and then ultrasonically extracted for 20 min. Then, it was cooled and diluted with chloroform to the scale, and shaken and filtered to obtain the tested solution. ...
... Metabolomics analysis was adopted from a previous method as we reported elsewhere [44]. The separation was performed with Agilent 1290 Infinity LC HILIC column; column temperature of 25 • C; flow rate of 0.5 mL/min; injection volume of 2 µL; mobile phase composition A: water + 25 mMol ammonium acetate + 25 mMol ammonia, and B: acetonitrile; gradient elution procedure as follows: 0~0.5 min, 95% B; 0.5~7 min, B linearly varied from 95% to 65%; 7~8 min, B linearly varied from 65% to 40%; 8~9 min, B maintained at 40%; 9~9.1 min, B linearly varied from 40% to 95%; 9.1~12 min, B maintained at 95% [44]. ...
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Stellaria Radix, called Yinchaihu in Chinese, is a traditional Chinese medicine, which is obtained from the dried roots of Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge. Cultivated yinchaihu (YCH) has become a main source of production to alleviate the shortage of wild plant resources, but it is not clear whether the metabolites of YCH change with the mode of production. In this study, the contents of methanol extracts, total sterols and total flavonoids in wild and cultivated YCH are compared. The metabolites were analyzed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The content of methanol extracts of the wild and cultivated YCH all exceeded the standard content of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. However, the contents of total sterols and total flavonoids in the wild YCH were significantly higher than those in the cultivated YCH. In total, 1586 metabolites were identified by mass spectrometry, and 97 were significantly different between the wild and cultivated sources, including β-sitosterol, quercetin derivatives as well as many newly discovered potential active components, such as trigonelline, arctiin and loganic acid. The results confirm that there is a rich diversity of metabolites in the wild and cultivated YCH, and provide a useful theoretical guidance for the evaluation of quality in the production of YCH.
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Polygonatum rhizome is a traditional Chinese medicine of the same origin as food and medicine, and it has high economic value and social benefits. To screen the excellent germplasm resources of Polygonatum kingianum (P. kingianum) and clarify the nutritional and medicinal value of the rhizome of P. kingianum, we used widely targeted metabolomics to analyze the traits and metabolomics of rhizomes of different germplasms of P. kingianum from different growth years. The results showed that different germplasms and growth years of P. kingianum were rich in different nutritional and medicinal components. Among them, Polygonatum kingianum ‘Linyun 1′ rhizome (PWR) was richer in amino acids and derivatives, alkaloids, and phenolic acids, while Polygonatum kingianum rhizome (PRR) was richer in flavonoids, organic acids, and phenolic acids. Most of the differential compounds were mainly enriched in PRR when the growth year was one, and PWR had a greater variety and higher content of differential compounds in the third year, which also reflected the advantages of Polygonatum kingianum ‘Linyun 1′ (P. kingianum ‘Linyun 1′) as an excellent new variety of P. kingianum. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) metabolic pathway analysis showed that in P. kingianum with the same age and different germplasms, the significantly enriched metabolic pathway was more active in biosynthesis in PWR. In the same germplasm of P. kingianum from different years, the metabolites involved in PRR were mainly the highest in one-year-old P. kingianum (PR-1) or three-year-old P. kingianum (PR-3), and the metabolites involved in PWR were mainly the highest in three-year-old P. kingianum ‘Linyun 1′ (PW-3). The above results showed that the three-year-old PWR had more advantages based on chemical substances. Therefore, this study provided a new theoretical reference for the development of P. kingianum products and the breeding of new varieties.
The importance of metabolomics in furthering the study of medicinal plants is discussed in this chapter. It clarifies the differences between primary and secondary metabolites; examines important metabolomics techniques such as LC-MS, GC-MS, and NMR; and highlights their uses in the identification of bioactive compounds, quality assurance, authentication, and metabolic pathway research. The essay discusses current issues as well as prospective developments in the future, highlighting how metabolomics has the ability to revolutionize the field of medicinal plant research and customized herbal medicine and ultimately provide new drugs and comprehensive healthcare solutions.
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Background Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge. (S. lanceolata) is a psammophytic plant endemic to the northwest region of China and serves as a distinctive economic crop. It is the original plant species used in traditional Chinese medicine as Yinchaihu and also finds application in cosmetics production, predominantly growing in arid and semi-arid desert grasslands. In response to the significant changes in habitat and quality of S. lanceolata resulting from shifts in cultivation areas and indiscriminate introductions, this study aims to propose a more scientifically sound delineation of suitable production zones. Results The results indicated migration trends of S. lanceolata towards the central and eastern parts of Inner Mongolia and identified elev, bio_4, bio_13, bio_11, and S_clay as the primary influencing climate and soil environmental factors. Additionally, the rhizosphere microbial environment of S. lanceolata shifted significantly from high to medium suitability habitats. Meanwhile, increasing years of cultivation in introduction area broken the balance in fungal and bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere soil of S. lanceolata, leading to the enrichment of more pathogenic microbial communities, inducing diseases. It further demonstrated the suitability for high suitable zones of S. lanceolata from the perspective of rhizosphere microbiota. Metabolomic analysis revealed substantial changes in metabolic processes and substance accumulation during the migration from high to low suitable zones. Quality evaluations using near-infrared spectroscopy and determination of major component contents confirmed the superior quality of S. lanceolata in high suitable zones. Conclusion Overall, this study revealed the key climatic, soil, and rhizosphere microbial environmental factors influencing the quality formation of S. lanceolata and the selection of suitable production zones, offering guidance for sustainable development and production zone planning.
Yin chai hu (Radix Stellariae) is a root medicine that is frequently used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat fever and malnutrition. In modern medicine, it has been discovered to have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anticancer properties. In a previous study, we were able to extract lipids from Stellariae Radix using supercritical CO2 extraction (SRE), and these sterol lipids accounted for up to 88.29% of the extract. However, the impact of SRE on the development of atopic dermatitis (AD) has not yet been investigated. This study investigates the inhibitory effects of SRE on AD development using a 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB)-induced AD mouse model. Treatment with SRE significantly reduced the dermatitis score and histopathological changes compared with the DNCB group. The study found that treatment with SRE resulted in a decrease of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, CXC-10, IL-12, and IL-1β in skin lesions. Additionally, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that SRE effectively suppressed M1 macrophage infiltration into the AD lesion. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory effect of SRE was evaluated in LPS + INF-γ induced bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) M1 polarization, SRE inhibited the production of TNF-α, CXC-10, IL-12, and IL-1β and decreased the expression of NLRP3. Additionally, SRE was found to increase p-AMPKT172 , but had no effect on total AMPK expression, after administration of the AMPK inhibitor Compound C, the inhibitory effect of SRE on M1 macrophages was partially reversed. The results indicate that SRE has an inhibitory effect on AD, making it a potential therapeutic agent for this atopic disorder.
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Metarhizium anisopliae, an entomopathogenic fungus, has been widely used for the control of agricultural and forestry pests. However, sporulation degeneration occurs frequently during the process of successive culture, and we currently lack a clear understanding of the underlying mechanisms. In this study, the metabolic profiles of M. anisopliae were comparatively analyzed based on the metabolomics approach of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). A total of 74 metabolites were detected in both normal and degenerate strains, with 40 differential metabolites contributing significantly to the model. Principal component analysis (PCA) and potential structure discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) showed a clear distinction between the sporulation of normal strains and degenerate strains. Specifically, 23 metabolites were down-regulated and 17 metabolites were up-regulated in degenerate strains compared to normal strains. The KEGG enrichment analysis identified 47 significant pathways. Among them, the alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolic pathways and the glycine, serine and threonine metabolism had the most significant effects on sporulation, which revealed that significant changes occur in the metabolic phenotypes of strains during sporulation and degeneration processes. Furthermore, our subsequent experiments have substantiated that the addition of amino acids could improve M. anisopliae’s spore production. Our study shows that metabolites, especially amino acids, which are significantly up-regulated or down-regulated during the sporulation and degeneration of M. anisopliae, may be involved in the sporulation process of M. anisopliae, and amino acid metabolism (especially glutamate, aspartate, serine, glycine, arginine and leucine) may be an important part of the sporulation mechanism of M. anisopliae. This study provides a foundation and technical support for rejuvenation and production improvement strategies for M. anisopliae.
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Objectives: The main aim of this investigation is to explore the folklore medicinal flora located at Terai and the lesser Himalayan region of Nepal and has a comparative study on phenol, flavonoid, and antioxidant activity that would bring forth a factual basis for its use in the traditional therapy of various health ailments. Methods: Folin-Ciocalteu and Colorimetric aluminum chloride methods were used for the estimation of total polyphenolic and flavonoid content, respectively. Moreover, antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH radical scavenging activity. Results: Among 21 plants collected, Artemesia vulgaris depicted higher (53±0.03 mg GAE/g) and Mimosa pudica (3.7±0.04 mg GAE/g) depicted lower phenolic content whereas the highest flavonoid content is observed in Syzygium cumini and the lowest value in Mentha piperita. Almost all the collected specimen demonstrated antioxidant activity, among which Eupatorium adenophorum and Rhododendron anthopogon demonstrated lower and higher antioxidant activity, respectively. Moreover, phenol and flavonoid content showed a weak correlation with the antioxidant activity indicating the major antioxidant to be different compounds other than phenols or flavonoids. Conclusion: The present study confirms the antioxidant activity of the collected plant specimen and defends its ethnobiological use as a possible natural antioxidant. Furthermore, the result of antioxidant properties encourages their application in medicinal health, functional food, and biopharmaceutics.
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Bioactive compounds derived from plants and microbial sources are required for the survival of the human race and groundbreaking research must continue in this line. Plants and microbes are the major sources of naturally occurring bioactive compounds for numerous biotechnological applications. Recent progress in the fields of bioactive compounds and soil chemistry in agriculture has since given man a lead to the discovery of potent drugs that combat both human and plant diseases. The soil provides the medium for the growth of medicinal plants, but its contamination greatly affects the quality of drugs, food crops, and other essential elements present in the plants which give strength to the body. This area has attracted the attention of scientists and the drug industry toward developing more potent drugs from medicinal plants grown in different soil. The studies of the effect of various parameters and the properties of soil such as; effect of heavy metals, pH, soil organic matter, and phytoremediation process have given a measure of some quality dependence of the soil producing secondary metabolites and soil containing microbes. The information provided will be useful in determine the action of microbes and their interaction with the soil and all true plants producing drugs. Some active compounds in plants and microbes, their properties, and applications have been described in this review. The soil microbes, activities and their interactions, effects of soil particle size, dispersibility and stability of microbes in the soil, and the future outlook for the development of novel active compounds have been reported.
Chrysanthemum indicum is a polymorphic species with many ecological, geographical or eco-geographic populations, but there are few studies on the metabolic characteristics of different populations. This study conducted widely targeted metabolomics studies on Ch. indicum from seven typical producing areas. As a result, a total of 802 metabolites were detected and identified, among which the top three categories of metabolites were flavonoids, organic acids and amino acids and derivatives. Through multivariate statistical analysis, the seven samples from different habitats could be divided into four categories, and the significantly changed metabolites between different categories were mainly concentrated in the flavonoid synthesis pathway. Through a variety of cluster analysis, it was observed that the Ch. nankingense (Nakai) Tzvel (Chinese name Juhuanao) had the largest separation degree from other samples and were clustered into a single category. Furthermore, the corresponding candidate chemical markers were screened in this study to distinguish the Juhuanao. Correlation analysis showed that climatic factors were not the main reason for the differences in the metabolic characteristics of Ch. indicum in different populations, which indicated that Ch. indicum is indeed a species with rich variation. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12298-022-01137-z.
Jilin Province and Shandong Province, are two main American ginseng (AG) producing areas in China. The geographical difference existed in these two provinces. Aiming at evaluating the similarities and differences of the secondary metabolites, the comprehensive metabolite profiling of AG from Jilin Province (AGJ) and Shandong Province (AGS) was performed based on UPLC‐QTOF‐MS for the first time. In screening analysis, a total of 111 shared compounds, with ginsenosides being major components, were identified or tentatively characterized, which indicated that AGJ and AGS were all rich in phytochemicals and contained similar structural types. Untargeted metabolomics analysis indicated that there were significant differences in the contents of certain constituents in AGJ and AGS. 19 (12 for AGJ, 7 for AGS) potential producing area‐dependent chemical markers were discovered. Based on the contents and MS responses, ginsenoside Rg1, Re and pseudoginsenoside F11 could be considered as the characteristical markers of AGJ, while ginsenoside Rg3 and Rh2 of AGS. This comprehensive phytochemical profile study could provide valuable chemical evidence for evaluating the characteristics qualities of AG from various producing areas.
With the increase in the need for flood prevention and lake resource used by humans, the construction of floodgates and sluices has changed the hydrological connection between rivers and lakes, and between adjacent lakes. In river-disconnected lakes, exploitation and use of lake resources have resulted in water quality decline and mechanical disturbance intensification to a different degree. Of the large number of river-disconnected lakes in the middle-lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, the Futou Lake, and the Xiliang Lake lie close together and are, historically, directly connected, and so do Liangzi Lake and Baoan Lake. The extent of human disturbance is severe in the Futou Lake and the Baoan Lake, but relatively mild in the Xiliang Lake and Liangzi Lake. The freshwater rosette-forming submerged plant Vallisneria natans is one of the dominant species in the four lakes. Using microsatellite markers, we studied the genetic variation of V. natans subpopulations in lakes with different intensities of human disturbance and historical direct hydrological connections. Our results showed that human disturbance decreased plant density and clonal growth in V. natans, but might increase genetic and clonal diversity at a subpopulation level and enhance gene flow among subpopulations by sexual propagule movement. Under similar climatic conditions, different intensities of disturbance seem to have such a high selective potential to differentiate genetically adjacent lake populations that they outperform the forces of gene flow through historical direct hydrological interconnection, which tends to produce genetic homogeneity. Our findings imply that human disturbance has a profound effect on the evolutionary process of natural populations of submerged plants. Moreover, increased subpopulation genetic diversity can enhance resistance and resilience to environmental disturbances. To a certain degree, we could expect that disturbed populations have the possibility of restoring spontaneously if humans cease to perturb natural ecosystems in the future.
Medicinal plant (MP) cultivation is taken into consideration for the sustainable use of MPs. The effort in developing effective management of MPs has focused on biomass allocation of to the medicinal parts. Two experiments were designed and carried out to explore genetic and environmental effects on the biomass partitioning patterns of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo in southwest China. We found that there were significant differences in the average of stem biomass (SB), leaf biomass (LB), total biomass (TB), and stem length (SL), respectively, among nine provenances of D. officinale (p<0.01). The allometric relationships differed among provenances, indicating different growth strategies in different provenances of D. officinale. Significant differences in the average of SB, LB, TB, and SL, respectively, were also found among the same provenance of D. officinale cultivated at five different sites (p<0.01). It suggested that environmental factors influenced the biomass accumulation in the plants. These findings show that the biomass allocation of D. officinale was able to respond to both genetic and environmental effects. Therefore, the provenances with high-yield should be selected for commercial cultivation, and a suitable environment for D. officinale growth should be considered.