
The Oxford Handbook of Calvin and Calvinism

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This collection offers a fresh assessment of John Calvin and the tradition of Calvinism as it evolved from the sixteenth century to today. The essays are written by scholars who present the latest research on a pluriform religious movement that became a global faith. The volume focuses on key aspects of Calvin’s thought and its diverse reception in Europe, the transatlantic world, Africa, South America, and Asia. Calvin’s theology was from the beginning open to a wide range of interpretations and was never a static body of ideas and practices. Over the course of his life his thought evolved and deepened while retaining unresolved tensions and questions that created a legacy that was constantly evolving in different cultural contexts. Calvinism itself is an elusive term, bringing together Christian communities that claim a shared heritage but often possess radically distinct characters. The handbook reveals fascinating patterns of continuity and change to demonstrate how the movement claimed the name of the Genevan Reformer but was moulded by an extraordinary range of religious, intellectual, and historical influences, from the Enlightenment and Darwinism to indigenous African beliefs and postmodernism. In its global contexts, Calvinism has been continuously reimagined and reinterpreted. This collection throws new light on the highly dynamic and fluid nature of a deeply influential form of Christianity.

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... Calvinist ethics are deeply rooted in the doctrine of predestination, forming a robust moral framework for social, economic, and spiritual life (Pitkin, 2021). Calvin's doctrine of predestination emphasizes that salvation is a divine gift that does not depend on human effort. ...
... Calvin viewed hard work as an act of worship, and a simple lifestyle demonstrated respect for fellow humans. This principle fosters healthy social interactions, where religious differences do not hinder collaboration for common goals (Pitkin, 2021). For instance, Calvinist communities in Minahasa actively engage in interfaith dialogue and social initiatives involving various religious groups (Kimbal & Sumakul, 2021). ...
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Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tantangan dan manfaat toleransi beragama dalam konteks Calvinisme. Calvinisme, sistem teologi yang dikembangkan oleh John Calvin pada abad ke-16, dikenal dengan penekanannya pada doktrin predestinasi, keselamatan melalui iman kepada Kristus, serta kerangka etika yang khas. Meskipun Calvinisme mengajarkan jalan keselamatan eksklusif melalui Kristen, artikel ini menganalisis bagaimana prinsip-prinsip Calvinisme, seperti predestinasi, kebebasan berkeyakinan, etika kerja keras, dan kehidupan sederhana, dapat berkontribusi pada terciptanya toleransi beragama dalam masyarakat yang pluralistik dan multikultural. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi pustaka, penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana ajaran Calvinisme dapat dipahami dalam konteks kontemporer untuk mendorong dialog antaragama, keharmonisan sosial, dan inklusivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan tentang bagaimana Calvinisme, meskipun dengan doktrin eksklusifnya, dapat berkontribusi pada pembentukan masyarakat yang lebih toleran, harmonis, dan inklusif di dunia saat ini.
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For this thesis I 1. interviewed people of Indian or Sri Lankan background who had migrated as Christians to Australia, or who had grown up in Australia as children of Indian or Sri Lankan Christian migrants; 2. Analysed their autobiographies using the conceptual tools of the social-science research approach known as positioning theory; 3. Interpreted the interviewees' self-understandings of themselves as migrant-background bicultural Christians according to Reformed theology, with special reference to covenant theology.
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This article aims to retrieve Abraham Kuyper’s theology to develop Reformed theology in mainland China. It shall argue that Kuyper’s concern about the varying contexts where theology is practiced shows an underdeveloped proto-Reformed contextual theology. Nonetheless, his idea of common grace serves as a conceptual apparatus through which his proto-Reformed contextual theology can underpin the construction of Sino-Reformed theology, a Reformed theology that is organically united with the history of Christianity while taking root in Chinese culture and interacting closely with the Chinese context. Such a contextualised Reformed theology can make Reformed faith an indigenous plant in the garden of Chinese Christianity on the one hand and prove conducive to the development of an organic Reformed community and theology on the other.
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