
Tourists' Attitudes Toward Cultural Heritage: Pre- and Post-Visit Evaluation

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... Cultural tourism plays a crucial role in enhancing destination quality by providing visitors with immersive experiences that extend beyond traditional sightseeing [1], [4], [8], [18], [19]. This form of tourism involves exploring tangible and intangible cultural heritage, city breaks, culinary experiences, community-based tourism, and religious/spiritual tourism. ...
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This research investigates the influence of local culture and cultural tourism activities on the quality and reputation of tourism destinations in Bandung. A quantitative approach was employed, utilizing survey data collected from 180 tourists visiting cultural attractions in Bandung. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between cultural variables and destination outcomes. The findings reveal significant positive associations between engagement with local culture, participation in cultural tourism activities, and tourists' perceptions of destination quality and reputation. Cultural tourism activities emerge as key drivers of destination quality, while engagement with local culture positively influences destination reputation. These results underscore the importance of cultural assets in enhancing destination attractiveness and visitor satisfaction and highlight opportunities for destination management and tourism development in Bandung and similar cultural destinations.
... One of the important types of tourism is Heritage, that encompasses both natural and cultural sites. It involves traveling to experience places, artifacts, or activities that are believed to be authentic representations of people and stories from the past [2]. Thus, the preservation and development of cultural heritage objects, including monuments, traditions, and crafts, are essential for the effective development of international tourism and sustainable regional development [3]. ...
All over the world, there is a lot of our history that is still inacces- sible to everyone. From historical facts, cultural patterns, and music, to paintings, sculptures, and buildings, many of these cultural and architectural heritages have restricted access or are hidden behind private patrimony. In this context, this applied research is focused on developing technology-based resources to engage users with cultural heritage, mainly those related to cemetery heritage. Thus, it investigates the prospective role of VR as a vehicle for unveiling one of the prominent heritage sites within the Prazeres Cemetery, namely the Mausoleum of the Dukes of Palmela. In this way, this paper aims to present part of larger project that has as main goal the development of an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) experiences for cemeterial tourism. The project was developed considering three main phases, the exploratory phase, the generative phase, and the evaluative phase, but for this paper purpose, only the last one will be detailed. The main objective is to present the pilot tests made with the prototype developed for the Dukes of Palmela Mausoleum VR experience. The tests were made mainly to evaluate Use experience (UX) while interacting with an IVR experience. The primary findings indicate that the three emotions most experienced by the participants after the interaction were: Interest, Astonishment, and Fear. Additionally, the performance test showed effective memory retention among participants, indicating the potential of VR experiences to evoke meaningful engagement and learning. Keywords: Virtual Reality · Interaction Design · Cemeterial Tourism · Patrimony · User Experience
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The basic purpose of this paper was to assess the tourist's willingness to pay (WTP) for cultural heritage, their attitude toward cultural heritage, halal products (HPs), and estimate the average spending of the tourists. Moreover, the tourist's satisfaction level towards halal products. It also analyzed buying behavior, the risk associated, and preferences regarding halal food products. The data were collected in the last quarter of 2019 with the help of a well-prepared questionnaire, and respondents were selected through simple random technique. The contingent valuation method was used to estimate the mean of WTP for cultural heritage visits, and the question was in the form of dichotomous choice (yes/no). The results are drawn based on primary data using a survey of 200 tourists. Binary logistic and ordinary least square (OLS) models were applied to estimate the WTP. These statistical analyses have done with the help of MS Excel (socio-economic) and statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) WTP. The majority of the tourists were WTP and on average USD 900 and USD, 85 were the spending of the international and national tourists respectively. Tourist's income positively, cost, and distance negatively related to his/her home to cultural heritage were the significant determinants of WTP of the tourists. Results show that tourists preferred halal products having 'Halal tags' (65%), environmentally friendly (10%), healthy (13.5%), and alcohol-free (15.5%). Income was the major factor having positive and significant at (1%) impact on WTP. Food authorities should make sure that all tourists get the quality products having information along with 'halal tag' and the service provider should have adequate education level so that they can communicate with tourists easily and can provide better services.
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The main goal of this study is to determine whether attitudes (prejudices and stereotypes) of domestic tourists towards South Easterners change after their travel experiences. Additionally, whether the levels of contact with the local people have any effects on changes of attitude was determined to be sub-goals of this study. Within the context of these goals, the attitudes of domestic tourists who have visited the provinces of Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa, which are located in the Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey, were studied using the post-vacation survey (n;386) technique. Additionally, data was gathered during the course of study from people who have never visited the Southeast to create a comparison group (n; 252). For the purposes of this study, factors analysis, frequency, ANOVA and t-test analyses were applied to the gathered data. As a result of these analyses, significant changes were determined in the attitudes (prejudices, positive attitudes) of people who have undergone experiences of travel. However, it was also revealed that there are no statistically significant differences that are dependent on factors of contact variables, namely the type of travel, the number of overnights stays, and the number of arrivals at the destination.
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As China actively pursues modernization, the tensions among a rigid application of socialism, the conservatism of tradition, and the demands of economic development threaten to destabilize the nation. All three elemental forces have contradictory objectives and the Chinese Communist Party expends significant effort in attempts to reconcile those differences. Tourism has emerged as an effective vehicle for synthesizing some of the differences through its contribution to the modernization process, its utilization of heritage for product development, and its role in meeting some socialist objectives. Tourism in China has thus exerted a centripetal influence, lessening to some extent tensions among the three opposing forces.RésuméLe développement du tourisme et la politique culturelle en Chine. Au fur à mesure que la Chine poursuit activement la modernisation, les tensions entre une application rigide du socialisme, le conservation des traditions et les exigences du développement économique menacent de déstabiliser la nation. Ces trois forces élémentaires ont toutes des objectifs contradictoires, et le Parti Communiste Chinois consacre un effort considérable à réconcilier ces différences. Le tourisme a émergé comme un véhicule efficace pour synthétiser quelquesunes des différences par sa contribution au processus de modernisation, son utilisation du patrimoine pour développer des produits et son rôle dans la réalisation des objectifs socialistes. Le tourisme en Chine a donc exercé une influence centripète et atténué les tensions entre les trois forces opposantes.
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This paper introduces model specifications that can be used to explain response incentive effects that might occur with discrete response contingent valuation data when follow-up responses are collected. The models allow for possible random response shocks, structural shifts in willingness to pay between payment questions and heteroskedasticity between and within responses. Three well-known contingent valuation survey datasets that include follow-up payment questions are used to empirically test the models. * University of Colorado, Boulder ** University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
This paper investigates the in "principle" willingness to pay a premium price (WTP_PP) for ecotourism. WTP_PP may be influenced by individuals' preferences as well as individuals' attitudes towards ecotourism, their environmental belief, subjective norms and their motivations to go on holidays. An empirical analysis, based on a sample of 2,356 individuals, indicates a positive propensity to allocate more money on ecotourism. Although overall subjective norms and environmental beliefs play a positive role in the WTP_PP for ecotourism, the attitude to admire wealthy people reduces the propensity to pay a premium price. Furthermore, a regression tree is carried out to highlight the main items that contribute to the WTP_PP. The results show that those who have a high awareness for ecotourism would financially support ecotourism projects in the visited destination and are willing to pay more today for a better experience in the future.
The purpose of this research is to assess the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on destination image and loyalty, thereby offering a segmentation perspective of visitors to the island of Mauritius. A self-administered survey of hotel guests was undertaken and resulted in a sample of 705 respondents. Using a k-means clustering algorithm and discriminant analysis, three clusters of visitors were identified. Different image attributes predict visitors' revisit and recommendation intentions. These findings allow destination marketers to adapt the marketing mix elements to different segments while enabling a destination to emphasize the relevant attributes in promotion and positioning efforts. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A number of research studies have investigated tourist satisfaction with mass tourism destinations, particularly during the peak (summer) season. However, there has been limited investigation of tourist satisfaction with off-season holiday destinations. This article reports the findings of a study to determine destination attributes critical to the over-all satisfaction levels of tourists visiting Mallorca, Spain, during the winter season. Their future holiday intentions also are investigated. Findings are analyzed, and implications and limitations are discussed.
The empirical literature on discrete response contingent valuation has found that seemingly innocuous changes in the statistical models estimated result in significantly different point estimates of willingness to pay. This paper hypothesizes and tests several potential explanations for these results. First it investigates and compares the biases inherent in single-bounded and double-bounded maximum likelihood estimation procedures and examines how they react to various bid designs and sample sizes. Then it examines the presence and identification of "outliers" in binary choice data and how these outliers influence estimation. Finally, it presents an alternative approach to addressing the issue of outliers which explicitly acknowledges the possibility of upwardly biased response probabilities.
Dichotomous choice contingent valuation (CV) surveys with follow-ups attempt to obtain more precise information about the respondents′ willingness to pay for environmental quality while preserving the desirable properties of the referendum CV method. This paper compares the associated interval-data and the recently proposed bivariate models of willingness to pay (WTP). Monte Carlo simulations show that the interval-data estimates of mean or median WTP can be surprisingly robust to departures from the true, bivariate model, and that the interval-data model is often superior to the bivariate model in terms of the mean square error of the estimates. Two empirical examples that confirm and disprove this finding, respectively, are reported.
Cultural tourism represents an area of significant economic benefit to museums and heritage sites. Challenging economic times in particular require cultural and heritage facilities to explore ways and means to increase attendance and self-generated revenues and to control operating expenses. Doing so requires them to look carefully at their operating policies and practices to focus on issues such as customer service, partnerships and packaging opportunities and to be open to entrepreneurial approaches while continuing to meet their heritage preservation and education mandates.
Central to destination marketing is the image which potential tourists hold of a destination and its competitors. This paper considers the imagery of Denmark held by visitors to fine arts exhibitions in Scotland. It is argued that images of Denmark held by these visitors may deter visitation for cultural tourism and that, when visiting for other reasons, tourists may not seek out cultural tourism experiences, as these do not form part of the opportunity set traditionally promoted by Denmark to its visitors. The paper argues that destination promotion should consider market segmentation on the basis of experiences to be derived and not to assume implicitly that existing images are those solely appropriate for tourism promotion.
This paper identifies four noteworthy conceptual developments in the study of the tourist experience: a turn from differentiation to de-differentiation of everyday life and touristic experiences; a shift from generalizing to pluralizing conceptualizations; a transformed focus from the toured objects to the tourist subjective negotiation of meanings; and a movement from contradictory and decisive statements to relative and complementary interpretations. Thus, it is suggested that contemporary conceptualizations of this subject correspond to the so-called “postmodernist” theorizing in the social sciences. This turn in the literature is evaluated while addressing past and future research.RésuméL’expérience touristique: développements conceptuels. Cet article identifie quatre développements conceptuels notables dans les recherches au sujet de l’expérience touristique: une réorientation de la différentiation à la dédifférentiation entre la vie quotidienne et les expériences touristiques, un changement des conceptualisations pluralisantes à celles qui sont généralisantes, une priorité transformée des objets visités à la négotiation subjective des significations de la part du touriste et un mouvement qui s’éloigne des énonciations décisives et contradictoires et se tourne vers des interprétations relatives et complémentaires. On suggére ainsi que les conceptualisations contemporaines de ce sujet correspondent à l’élaboration des soi-disant théories “postmodernistes” des sciences sociales. On évalue cette tournure dans la littérature tout en considérant les recherches du passé et de l’avenir.
An empirical case study of the benefits of abatement of aesthetic environmental damage associated with the Four Corners power plant and Navajo mine using the bidding game technique is presented. Bidding games were carefully designed to avoid the potential problems inherent in that technique. The results indicate the existence of substantial benefits from abatement of this aesthetic environmental damage. Aggregate bid curves, marginal bid curves, and estimates of the income elasticity of bid are presented. The effectiveness of the bidding game technique is discussed.
Sea-Ice Conditions and the Distribution of Walleye Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the Bering and Chukchi Sea Shelf
  • T W Echeverria
Echeverria, T. W. Sea-Ice Conditions and the Distribution of Walleye Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the Bering and Chukchi Sea Shelf. Can. Spl. Pub. Fisheries Aqua. Sci. 1995, 131-136.
The Challenge of Cultural Tourism
  • W Jamieson
Jamieson, W. The Challenge of Cultural Tourism. ICOMOS Can. Bull. 1994, 3 (3), 2-6.