
Forecasting Methods Classification and its Applicability

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... With the evolution of knowledge, different techniques for forecasting have emerged, and new classifications to understand them. Reference [81] classified the different techniques into two broad groups of Intuitive and Formalized methods and divided Formalized methods further into Mathematical, System-structural, Associated, and Advanced information methods. ...
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This article intends to systematically identify and comparatively analyze state-of-the-art supply chain (SC) forecasting strategies and technologies. A novel framework has been proposed incorporating Big Data Analytics in SC Management (problem identification, data sources, exploratory data analysis, machine-learning model training, hyperparameter tuning, performance evaluation, and optimization), forecasting effects on human-workforce, inventory, and overall SC. Initially, the need to collect data according to SC strategy and how to collect them has been discussed. The article discusses the need for different types of forecasting according to the period or SC objective. The SC KPIs and the error-measurement systems have been recommended to optimize the top-performing model. The adverse effects of phantom inventory on forecasting and the dependence of managerial decisions on the SC KPIs for determining model performance parameters and improving operations management, transparency, and planning efficiency have been illustrated. The cyclic connection within the framework introduces preprocessing optimization based on the post-process KPIs, optimizing the overall control process (inventory management, workforce determination, cost, production and capacity planning). The contribution of this research lies in the standard SC process framework proposal, recommended forecasting data analysis, forecasting effects on SC performance, machine learning algorithms optimization followed, and in shedding light on future research.
This article systematically identifies and comparatively analyzes state-of-the-art supply chain (SC) forecasting strategies and technologies within a specific timeframe, encompassing a comprehensive review of 152 papers spanning from 1969 to 2023. A novel framework has been proposed incorporating Big Data Analytics in SC Management (problem identification, data sources, exploratory data analysis, machine-learning model training, hyperparameter tuning, performance evaluation, and optimization), forecasting effects on human workforce, inventory, and overall SC. Initially, the need to collect data according to SC strategy and how to collect them has been discussed. The article discusses the need for different types of forecasting according to the period or SC objective. The SC KPIs and the error-measurement systems have been recommended to optimize the top-performing model. The adverse effects of phantom inventory on forecasting and the dependence of managerial decisions on the SC KPIs for determining model performance parameters and improving operations management, transparency, and planning efficiency have been illustrated. The cyclic connection within the framework introduces preprocessing optimization based on the post-process KPIs, optimizing the overall control process (inventory management, workforce determination, cost, production and capacity planning). The contribution of this research lies in the standard SC process framework proposal, recommended forecasting data analysis, forecasting effects on SC performance, machine learning algorithms optimization followed, and in shedding light on future research.
Assessment of the prospects for the development of the region is an important task for both economic science and public authorities. The purpose of this article is to develop an algorithm for assessing the prospects for the development of the region, which would allow identifying the most problematic areas and competitive advantages of territorial development in order to determine the most important areas of budget expenditures in the context of municipalities in the region. The research uses the concept of sustainable development and the theory of clusters as a methodological basis. Cluster analysis by the Ward method and k-means were used as research methods. As a forecasting method, the most effective among the methods was used: least squares, exponential smoothing, moving average for 3 and 5 years. Separately, the demographic forecast for each municipality separately was used to predict the population. As a result of the conducted research, groups of municipalities of the region differentiated by the level of development have been identified, for which the main problem areas have been formulated, the leveling of which should be addressed by the state policy of the region. The advantage of the proposed approach is that it identifies and predicts the problems of socio-economic development of the region, which may be hidden in the medium-term forecast of the socio-economic region. In this research, such problems were identified in many municipalities of the Leningrad region in the field of housing construction, demography and economics. The article may be useful to public authorities when forming a strategy for socio-economic development.
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