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Abstract and Figures

Food production is responsible for almost one-quarter of the environmental impact and, therefore, its importance regarding sustainability should not be overlooked. The companion animal population is increasing, and an important part of pet food is composed of ingredients that have a high environmental impact. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of dry, wet, and homemade pet diets on greenhouse gas emission, land use, acidifying emission, eutrophying emissions, freshwater withdrawals, and stress-weighted water use. The wet diets were responsible for the highest impact, and dry diets were the type of diet that least impacted the environment, with a positive correlation between the metabolizable energy provided by animal ingredients and the environmental impact. It is necessary to consider the environmental impact of pet food since it is significant, and the population of pets tends to increase.
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Scientic Reports | (2022) 12:18510 |
Environmental impact of diets
for dogs and cats
Vivian Pedrinelli, Fabio A. Teixeira, Mariana R. Queiroz & Marcio A. Brunetto*
Food production is responsible for almost one-quarter of the environmental impact and, therefore,
its importance regarding sustainability should not be overlooked. The companion animal population
is increasing, and an important part of pet food is composed of ingredients that have a high
environmental impact. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of dry, wet, and homemade pet
diets on greenhouse gas emission, land use, acidifying emission, eutrophying emissions, freshwater
withdrawals, and stress-weighted water use. The wet diets were responsible for the highest impact,
and dry diets were the type of diet that least impacted the environment, with a positive correlation
between the metabolizable energy provided by animal ingredients and the environmental impact. It is
necessary to consider the environmental impact of pet food since it is signicant, and the population
of pets tends to increase.
Companion animals are considered part of the family, and their population is growing1. e three top countries
regarding canine population are the U.S. (76.8 mi dogs), Brazil (52.2 mi), and China (27.4 mi), and regarding
the feline population the top three countries are the U.S. (58.4 mi), China (53.1 mi), and Brazil (22.1 mi)24. In
Brazil, according to a nationwide census in 2013, the dog population has overcome the number of children2. is
expansion in the pet population increases the demand for products of this segment, including food5. Because pet
foods are rich in ingredients of animal origin, and this type of ingredient is known to be responsible for higher
gas emissions and land use6,7, it is important to consider their impact on the environment.
A meta-analysis on the impact of food, which included 38,700 farms and 119 countries, observed that food
production is responsible for 26% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission (GHG)7. According to the
authors, animal production, including sh, is responsible for 31% of GHG, and crops are responsible for 27%.
e land use corresponds to 24% of emissions, of which 16% are related to animal production and 8% to crops.
e Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 50% of the habitable land and 70% of freshwater
withdrawals are used for agriculture8.
GHGs are gas substances that constitute the atmosphere and can be natural or anthropogenic, which absorb
radiation emitted by the terrestrial surface. ey prevent the loss of heat to space, keeping the terrestrial surface
potentially warmer and, therefore, can cause alterations to the atmosphere balance. Some of the GHGs are carbon
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), and water vapor. e emission of carbon dioxide
equivalents (CO2eq) represents the mass of CO2 that causes the same radiative forcing of a determined GHG
mass over the same period and is a measure that comprehends all the GHGs9. For most of the foods, the highest
percentage of GHG emission results from the change in the soil, which is caused by deforestation and carbon
composition of the soil, along with fertilizers. Together, they can represent about 80% of the CO2eq of foods7,9,10.
Land use is another tool to estimate environmental impact. It is an important parameter to indicate if a
region can support the production of food. For example, livestock accounts globally for 77% of farming land
and produces only 37% of total protein7. Other indicators of environmental impact are acidifying emissions (as
sulfur dioxide equivalent emission), eutrophying emissions (as phosphate equivalent emissions), freshwater
withdrawals, and stress-weighted water use7.
Little is known regarding the impact of feeding canine and feline populations. A study11 observed that the
ecological footprint (or pawprint) of the Chinese population of dogs and cats is equivalent to 70 to 245 million
Chinese citizens, depending on the size of the animal and diet consumed. Another study conducted in Japan12
observed that the ecological pawprint of a dog can be similar to that of one Japanese citizen. In the U.S., a study13
observed that the canine population was responsible for between 25 and 30% of the animal production impact
regarding land use, water, and fossil fuels. A recent study14 estimated the global pawprint of pet food based on
dry diets from the U.S. and observed that pet food could be responsible for up to 2.9% of CO2eq emission and
up to 1.2% of agricultural land use. All of these studies, however, used dierent methods to evaluate the diet
composition, considering either hypothetical diets or only dry diets.
School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. *email: mabrunetto@
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Scientic Reports | (2022) 12:18510 |
erefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental impact of dierent types of diets for dogs
and cats in Brazil, since it is among the top countries regarding canine and feline population and is representative
in a global environmental impact scenario.
Prole of diets. A total of 938 diets, 618 for dogs (316 commercial dry, 81 commercial wet, 139 commercial
homemade, and 82 homemade from websites) and 320 for cats (180 commercial dry, 104 commercial wet, 11
commercial homemade, and 26 homemade from websites) were included in the present study (see the sup-
plementary materials). A total of 212 ingredients were found at diet label or websites, of which 46.2% of animal
sources (n = 98/212) and 53.8% of vegetable sources (n = 114/212). Ingredients of commercial wet and dry diets
were 49.5% of animal sources (n = 47/95 ingredients listed) and 50.5% of vegetable sources (n = 48/95), whereas
the ingredients of homemade diets (commercial and website) were 45.3% of animal sources (n = 68/150 ingredi-
ents listed) and 54.7% of vegetable sources (n = 82/150). e ve most common ingredients in commercial dry
and wet diets were poultry by-product meal (used in 488 diets), poultry fat (in 478 diets), whole cornmeal (in
355 diets), broken rice (in 342 diets), and beet pulp (in 316 diets). e ve most common ingredients in com-
mercial or internet homemade diets were cooked carrot (in 134 diets), cooked squash (in 79 diets), cooked sweet
potato (in 77 diets), cooked zucchini (in 74 diets), and cooked chayote (in 73 diets) (TableS3).
Macronutrient prole. Dry diets for both dogs and cats presented the highest metabolizable energy
(kcal/g) (p < 0.001) and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) content (g/1000kcal) (p < 0.001). As for protein content
(g/1000kcal), wet diets for dogs presented the highest amounts, followed by homemade diets (p < 0.001), and wet
and website homemade diets for cats had the highest amounts (p < 0.001). Regarding fat content (g/1000kcal),
wet diets for dogs contained the highest amounts (p < 0.001), whereas for cats the wet diets were higher in fat
than dry diets (p < 0.001).
e prole for metabolizable energy, crude protein, crude fat, and nitrogen-free extract of each category of
diet for dogs can be observed in Fig.S1, and for cats in Fig.S2.
Nutrient and energy sources. e protein, fat, and metabolizable energy sources, whether of animal
or vegetable origin, were evaluated and the results are presented in TablesS1 and S2 and Fig.1. e median
percentages of protein and fat from animal origin were signicantly higher for all of the types of diets, for both
dogs (p < 0.001) and cats (p ≤ 0.03), and the metabolizable energy provided by animal ingredients was higher for
all diet types for cats (p < 0.001). e metabolizable energy provided by animal sources for dogs was only higher
for dry (p < 0.001) and wet diets (p < 0.001), with no dierence in commercial (p = 0.1) or website (p = 0.09)
homemade recipes.
Environmental impact estimate. For all of the variables of environmental impact evaluated, wet diets
represented a signicantly greater impact on the environment, for both dogs (Fig.2) and cats (Fig.3). In most
cases, dry diets were responsible for less environmental impact than the other types of diets. Regarding home-
made diets, the environmental impact was intermediary between wet and dry diets, except for acidifying emis-
sions, freshwater withdrawals, and stress-weighted water use in diets for cats, in which they were similar between
dry diets and commercial homemade diets.
To summarize the data set information and better explore the contributions of dierent diet variables evalu-
ated on the environmental impact parameters studied. Figure4 shows the results of the principal component
analysis (PCA) of diets for dogs, considering the rst (PC1) and second (PC2) principal components, responsible
for 71.9% of data variance for dogs (Fig.S3). For variables regarding diets for dogs, the metabolizable energy
was one of the characteristics that were most responsible for the horizontal dispersion of the data, followed by
sulfur oxide equivalent (SO2eq) and phosphate equivalent (PO43−eq). According to the results of the PCA, the
higher the metabolizable energy of animal origin, the higher the environmental impact measured with PO43-eq
and SO2eq. e variables that inuenced the vertical dispersion the most were the fat from both animal and
vegetable origin, followed by land use and CO2eq, which have the same direction as the vegetable fat, which
suggests that the higher the fat from vegetable origin, the higher the impact measured with CO2eq and land use,
and an inverse correlation with fat from animal origin. From the PC1, it can also be observed that metabolizable
energy, fat, and protein from vegetable origin, as well as NFE, had an inverse relationship with the variables of
environmental impact.
Wet diets were dierentiated from the other categories of diets and correlated to an increased environmental
impact (Fig.5).
Figure6 shows the results of the PCA of diets for cats, considering PC1 and PC2, responsible for 71.0% of
data variance for cats (Fig.S4). e results are very similar to those of diets for dogs, with a correlation between
the metabolizable energy of animal origin and the environmental impact measured with PO43-eq and SO2eq.
Regarding the PC1, as it was observed in dogs, the metabolizable energy, fat, and protein from vegetable sources,
as well as NFE, presented an inverse relationship with the variables of environmental impact.
Similar to dogs, the wet diets for cats correlated to an increased environmental impact, as the diet observations
follow the same direction as the vectors of the variables for environmental impact (Fig.7).
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In the present study, extensive research regarding the composition of dierent types of pet food was performed
to estimate the environmental impact of diets for dogs and cats in Brazil. is approach allowed to estimate the
Figure1. Boxplots of the distribution of percentages of crude protein, crude fat, and amount of metabolizable
energy provided by either animal or vegetable origin for each type of diet. Diet category: Cc homemade diets,
Cs website homemade diets, S dry diets, and U wet diets. Plots of the same variable that have dierent letters
diered (p < 0.05) according to the multiple comparison test between groups.
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Scientic Reports | (2022) 12:18510 |
impact of dierent variables of environmental impact, which revealed that wet diets positively correlated to
higher environmental impact than dry or homemade diets.
Figure2. Boxplots of the estimated environmental impact per 1000kcal of diets for dogs according to the type
of diet for the variables carbon dioxide equivalent emission, land use, acidifying emission, eutrophying emission,
freshwater withdrawal, and stress-weighted water use. Plots of the same variable that have dierent letters
diered (p < 0.05) according to the multiple comparison test between groups. Diet category: Cc homemade diets,
Cs website homemade diets, S dry diets, and U wet diets. Plots of the same variable that have dierent letters
diered (p < 0.05) according to the multiple comparison test between groups.
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Figure3. Boxplots of the estimated environmental impact per 1000kcal of diets for dogs according to the type
of diet for the variables carbon dioxide equivalent emission, land use, acidifying emission, eutrophying emission,
freshwater withdrawal, and stress-weighted water use. Plots of the same variable that have dierent letters
diered (p < 0.05) according to the multiple comparison test between groups. Diet category: Cc homemade diets,
Cs website homemade diets, S dry diets, and U wet diets. Plots of the same variable that have dierent letters
diered (p < 0.05) according to the multiple comparison test between groups.
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If a 10kg dog with an average caloric intake of 534kcal per day15 is considered, we can estimate the yearly
consumption of calories and, therefore, can estimate the annual environmental impact. If we consider the results
of the present study, the median of CO2eq of a dry diet per 1000kcal is 4.25kg and a wet diet of 33.56kg. is
average dog would be responsible for 828.37kg of CO2eq per year if consuming dry diets or 6,541kg of CO2eq
per year if consuming wet diets. is is consistent with 12.4 to 97.8% of the emission of a Brazilian citizen, which
is 6.69 tCO2eq per year16. If we extrapolate this emission to the canine population in Brazil, of 52.2 million (2),
the total emission would be between 0.04 and 0.34 Gt CO2eq per year, which would represent from 2.9 to 24.6%
of the total estimated emission of 1.38 Gt for Brazil16. ese results bring to light the importance of the role of
pet food in the discussion of sustainability since its impact can be extensive.
In the present study, it was observed that dry pet foods caused lower environmental impact because the
environmental impact variables studied (all variables for dogs and CO2eq, land use, and PO43− eq for cats) were
lower per 1000kcal. However, the number of veterinarians, breeders and pet owners interested in homemade or
home-prepared diets seems to be increasing1720. Our data showed, however, that this type of diet is related to a
higher environmental impact than conventional dry diets. Wet diets, whilst indicated as a strategy to increase
palatability and water consumption by cat and dogs with a higher risk of developing urolithiasis21,22, were the
ones that had the highest environmental impact.
Many factors can inuence the sustainability of food, including ingredient choice, ingredient composition,
digestibility, and percentage of ingredient inclusion. Sometimes the ingredient choice is made taking into consid-
eration consumer demand instead of only nutritional composition, which can lead to ingredients that compete
directly with human diets. Furthermore, diets are sometimes formulated to contain an excess of nutrients. ese
factors represent a challenge to optimize the sustainability of pet food5.
In the subject of sustainability of the pet food system, animal protein is almost always in the spotlight. Animal
proteins usually have higher CO2eq emissions than proteins from vegetables. For example, the production of
100g of pea protein is responsible for the emission of 0.4kg CO2eq, while the production of the same amount
of protein from beef is responsible for 35.0kg CO2eq, almost 90 times more7. Even when comparing the pea
farm with the highest carbon footprint (0.8kg CO2eq/100g protein) with the lowest farm of beef or chicken
production (9.0 and 2.4kg CO2eq/100g protein, respectively), there is an important dierence between plant-
and animal-based proteins. Human plant-based diets or diets with more plant-based protein require less energy,
less freshwater, and less land use when compared to diets with more ingredients of animal sources23. Dogs and
cats, however, have dierent nutritional requirements and are considered carnivores15,24 and, therefore, vegan
diets could lead to risks for these species25. Specically, about proteins requirements, synthetic amino acids can
Figure4. Principal component analysis (PCA) of rst principal component (PC1) versus second principal
component (PC2) of diets for dogs. ENN nitrogen-free extract, PBv protein from vegetable sources,
Emv metabolizable energy from vegetable sources, Eev fat from vegetable sources, CO2eq carbon dioxide
equivalent, area land use, PO4eq phosphate equivalent, SW stress-weighted water usage, SO2eq sulphur oxide
equivalent, UA freshwater withdrawals, PB protein content, EE fat content, Ema metabolizable energy from
animal sources, Pba protein from animal sources, Eea fat from animal sources.
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Scientic Reports | (2022) 12:18510 |
be added to pet foods as a way to correct possible nutritional imbalances24, but environmental impact of this
addition was not evaluated.
e present study observed that most of the proteins of the diets were from animal origin. Despite the intake
of vegetable proteins having a lower impact on the environment, in the case that animal protein needs to be
included the choice for production with lower impact is important. According to the Food and Agricultural
Organization (FAO), 61% of pork production, 81% of chicken production, and 86% of egg production use
intensive farming methods, which can reduce considerably the impact on the environment, especially regard-
ing land use and CO2eq emission26. In this case, products of extensive farming, especially those from pastures
from deforestation as occurs in most developing countries, can represent a higher impact, and therefore should
be avoided27. However, other studies showed that pasture development minimizes the environmental impact
of extensive farming due to pasture consumes part of the GHGs produced by animal production, and dierent
pasture management strategies can be eective alternative for sustainable animal protein production28,29.
Several ingredients used in pet food are considered by-products, and this could be considered as a factor
that reduces the impact of these foods5,13. According to the Brazilian Association of Animal Rendering30, ingre-
dients produced by rendering are named non-edible products of animal origin, which include meals, fats, and
blood derivates. According to a report from this institution, approximately 38% of beef, 20% of pork, and 19%
of chicken is viscera or blood that is not used for human consumption31. Of all the by-products produced in
Brazil, 12.8% are used in the pet food segment, and the rest is used for animal production, biodiesel, hygiene, and
cleaning, among other uses32. ere is no information on how much of these by-products are turned into meals
and fats and how much is used fresh, or even if the fresh oal is not considered in this calculation of rendering
potential. e argument that consuming by-product is more sustainable and therefore should not be considered
when estimating the environmental impact of pet food, however, can be partially true. Fresh oal can sometimes
compete with human markets and there may not be sucient by-products from the industry of human food to
feed the increasing population of pets, which means that animal production could need an increase due to pet
food demand32. In the present study, all types of diets contained by-products such as oal or meat meals, although
dry and wet diets presented by-products more oen than homemade diets.
e pet food industry should have diets that are accepted by the owners and at the same time be nutrition-
ally balanced and palatable for the pets. ere is no single strategy for improving sustainability that applies to
all manufacturers since regional demand and socioeconomic development must be taken into consideration5.
Suggestions to promote more sustainable pet food include the use of alternative protein sources. As protein-rich
ingredients can be one of the main sources of environmental impact, the choice of protein type is very important,
not only between vegetable or animal sources but among dierent species, such as beef, pork, chicken, or sh. e
dierent sources of protein have dierent impacts regarding sustainability7 and, therefore, a change of inclusion
or ingredient should be considered depending on the nutrient requirement and diet composition as a whole.
Figure5. Biplot of standardized rst (PC1) and second principal components (PC2) with observations of diets
for dogs. Cc homemade diets, Cs website homemade diets, S dry diets, U wet diets, ENN nitrogen-free extract,
PBv protein from vegetable sources, Emv metabolizable energy from vegetable sources, Eev fat from vegetable
sources, CO2eq carbon dioxide equivalent, area land use, PO4eq phosphate equivalent, SW stress-weighted
water usage, SO2eq sulphur oxide equivalent, UA freshwater withdrawals, PB protein content, EE fat content,
Ema metabolizable energy from animal sources, Pba protein from animal sources, Eea fat from animal sources.
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Furthermore, the inclusion of alternative ingredients, such as insects, could improve the sustainability of a diet.
e estimated CO2eq emission per 100g of protein from mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) is 14kg, and the use is
approximately 18 m2, which can be up to 14 times less than chicken, pork, or beef production33.
Another possibility of providing a more sustainable diet for pets is to avoid providing nutrients in excess.
Our data showed that diet with higher NFE caused lower environmental impact. e daily recommended intake
of protein according to FEDIAF15 per 1000kcal is 52.1g for inactive dogs and 83.3g for inactive cats, and the
daily recommendation for fat intake is 13.75g for inactive dogs and 22.5g for inactive cats. All types of diets
included in the present study provided more protein and fat than recommended for dogs and cats. Amino acids
provided by the extra protein are not stored in the organism and can either be utilized as an energy source or
be excreted. Fatty acids provided by excessive fat, on the other hand, are utilized as an energy source or stored
as fat deposits, which can lead to obesity24. is excessive intake of nutrients can be seen as a potential waste of
resources from a sustainable point of view5. However, sometimes higher protein and fat contents in diets can be
used to enhance the acceptance of diets by pets, and a balance should be thought between excessive nutrients
and palatability of the diet.
Materials and methods
Diet selection. To estimate the environmental impact, data was collected from dierent types of pet food
for healthy adults. All pet foods were categorized as dry (extruded pet food with 12% or less moisture), wet
(canned or pouch), and homemade diets (produced using the same ingredients as man food). Homemade pet
foods were subcategorized as "commercial homemade" (produced and sold by pet food companies) or "website
homemade" (recipes recommended by websites to be cooked at home by owners). To estimate the environmental
impact of commercial pet foods, all commercial dry and wet diets found on the websites of the three major retail-
ers of the pet food sector in Brazil were selected. Commercial homemade diets were selected aer a search using
the Google search tool using the Portuguese terms for “buy” and "homemade diet", followed by the terms “dog”,
“canine”, “cat” or “feline”. Website recipes published in Portuguese were selected using the Google search tool,
and search terms were “homemade diet recipe” and “homemade food recipe” followed by the terms “dog” and
“cat”. For both commercial and website homemade diets, the results obtained up to the 10th page of the search
tool for each term were considered.
All diets included were advertised as complete and balanced for healthy adults, and exclusion criteria were
diets for puppies or kittens, senior diets, therapeutic diets, and treats. Website homemade diet recipes were
Figure6. Principal component analysis (PCA) of rst principal component (PC1) versus second
principal component (PC2) of diets for cats. ENN nitrogen-free extract, PBv protein from vegetable origin,
Emv metabolizable energy from vegetable origin, Eev fat from vegetable origin, CO2eq carbon dioxide equivalent,
area land use, PO4eq phosphate equivalent, SW stress-weighted water usage, SO2eq sulphur oxide equivalent,
UA freshwater withdrawals, PB protein content, EE fat content, Ema metabolizable energy from animal sources,
Pba protein from animal sources, Eea fat from animal sources.
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Scientic Reports | (2022) 12:18510 |
excluded if the quantity of one or more ingredients was not specied and the same recipes on dierent websites
were also not included.
Ingredient inclusion percentage. Information regarding the ingredients (except premixes, additives,
and preservatives) and guaranteed analysis from labels of all commercial diets were collected. For the recipes of
homemade diets acquired from websites, the ingredients and their amounts were considered as described by the
website’s authors.
e ingredient inclusion percentages for each commercial diet were estimated using a diet formulation
soware34, aiming at the dry matter macronutrient concentration. e guaranteed analysis information of macro-
nutrients (crude protein, crude fat, crude ber, and ash) was converted to a dry matter basis according to the
moisture declared on the label. is information was then inserted into the nutrient composition part of each
diet in the soware.
For nutrients with minimum guaranteed levels (crude fat and crude protein), values for maximum inclusion
in the soware were considered as up to 10% of the minimum value. For nutrients with maximum guaranteed
levels (crude ber and ash), only maximum levels were inserted in the soware.
e ingredient database for commercial wet and dry diets was obtained preferably from the Brazilian Asso-
ciation of the Pet Food Industry (ABINPET)35, but when not described in this publication, other sources were
used36,37. For the homemade diets (commercial and website), the ingredient database was obtained from the
USDAs FoodData Central37 or, when not presented at FoodData Central, the Brazilian Table of Food Composi-
tion (TACO)38 was used.
Aer the percentages of inclusion of ingredients were estimated in a dry matter basis, they were converted to
percentage of inclusion in original matter basis (as fed), considering the ingredients’ moisture3537.
For the website homemade diet recipes, the amount in original matter basis was already stated, and inclusion
percentage was calculated according with total amount of the recipe and the amount of each ingredient.
Macronutrient prole. e quantities of protein, fat and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) of the diets were cal-
culated according to label information provided by the manufacturers. e information regarding the metabo-
lizable energy and the minimum amounts of crude protein and crude fat according to the guaranteed analysis
information were obtained, and with this information the amount of nutrient per 1000kcal of the diet was esti-
mated for the dry, wet, and commercial homemade diets. For these three types of diets, the NFE was calculated
according to the NRC24 equation:
Figure7. Biplot of standardized rst (PC1) and second principal components (PC2) with observations of diets
for cats. Cc homemade diets, Cs website homemade diets, S dry diets, U wet diets, ENN nitrogen-free extract,
PBv protein from vegetable sources, Emv metabolizable energy from vegetable sources, Eev fat from vegetable
sources, CO2eq carbon dioxide equivalent, area land use, PO4eq phosphate equivalent, SW stress-weighted
water usage, SO2eq sulphur oxide equivalent, UA freshwater withdrawals, PB protein content, EE fat content,
Ema metabolizable energy from animal sources, Pba protein from animal sources, Eea fat from animal sources.
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Scientic Reports | (2022) 12:18510 |
For the website homemade diets, the information was obtained by the composition of the recipe, as they did
not contain labels. According with the recipe, the metabolizable energy, protein, fat, and NFE were estimated
based on the composition of nutrients37.
e metabolizable energy of each diet as informed by the manufacturers on the labels was considered for
commercial dry, wet and homemade diets. e Atwater method was used to calculate the energy of website
homemade diets24, considering 4kcal per gram of protein and NFE and 9kcal per gram of fat39.
Nutrient and energy source estimate. To better understand the source of nutrients of diets for dogs and
cats, the percentage of protein, fat and metabolizable energy provided by vegetable or animal ingredients was
calculated for each diet. e percentage was calculated according to the contribution of the nutrient provided
by each ingredient in the diet, and if this ingredient was of animal or vegetable origin. For the calculation of the
energy source percentage, the energy provided by each ingredient type was considered.
Environmental impact estimate. e environmental impact variables evaluated were greenhouse gas
(GHG) emission (as carbon dioxide equivalent emission—CO2eq), land use, acidifying emission (as sulphur
dioxide equivalent emission—SO2eq), eutrophying emissions (as phosphate equivalent emissions—PO43−eq),
freshwater withdrawals, and stress-weighted water use per 1000kcal of diet, according with the metabolizable
energy of the diet and the percentage of inclusion of each ingredient in the diet, as the equation below:
To obtain these results, the diet composition was rst converted from a dry matter basis to a 1000kcal basis
using the following equation, applied to all ingrediets present in the diet:
e comparison per 1000kcal was used to put all diets on a basis of dietary intake, as a dog or cat requires
the same energy intake regardless of the diet chosen and is a reliable unit to compare dietary composition and
nutrient intake.
e data used to estimate the variables of environmental impact was based on the data from Poore and
Nemecek7 for nutrition functional units as 1000kcal. When data was provided per 100g protein or per kg of
product, it was converted to 1000kcal based on data from ABINPET35, Butolo36, TACO38, and USDA37 (TableS4).
e ingredients were classied in one of the 43 groups listed by Poore and Nemecek7, for example, all types of
beef meat were calculated as bovine meat.
Furthermore, the relationship between the dietary nutrient composition and the variables that were used to
evaluate the environmental impact was assessed.
Statistical analysis. e statistical analysis was performed using R Core Team40. Adherence to normality
was tested with the Shapiro–Wilk test, and as only the variables crude protein concentration and NFE of website
homemade diets, and SO2eq of dry diets were considered to adhere to normality, non-parametric tests were per-
formed. For the analysis of macronutrient prole and the estimated environmental impact, the Kruskal–Wallis
test was used to compare variables. When at least one median was considered dierent, multiple comparisons
between groups were performed. e comparison between energy provided by ingredients of vegetable and ani-
mal origin was performed with the Wilcoxon test, considering the variables as two dependent samples. Values
of p < 0.05 were considered signicant.
e principal component analysis (PCA) was used to evaluate the relation between the diet characteristics and
the variables of environmental impact. As the units of the variables were dierent, they were scaled considering
mean = 0 and variance = 1. e rst (PC1) and second principal components (PC2) were responsible for 68.2% of
the data variance for dogs (Fig.S3). For cats, PC1 and PC2 are responsible for 71.1% of the data variance (Fig.S4).
Data availability
e datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding
author on reasonable request.
Received: 13 June 2022; Accepted: 18 October 2022
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We would like to thank Grandfood Industry and Commerce (PremieR pet) for funding our Veterinary Nutrology
Service at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: V.P. Methodology: V.P. and F.A.T. Investigation: V.P. and F.A.T. Formal analysis, Data curation
and Visualization: V.P., F.A.T. and M.R.Q. Supervision: V.P. and M.A.B. Writing—original dra: V.P. and F.A.T.
Writing—review & editing: V.P., F.A.T. and M.A.B
V.P. was supported by a Coordination of Superior Level Sta Improvement (CAPES-Brazil) doctorate scholarship.
Competing interests
Dr. Brunetto’s Pet Nutrology Research Center has been funded by Grandfood industry and Commerce (PremieR
pet), and Dr. Teixeira and MSc Pedrinelli are both part of the research group. Dr Queiroz declares no potential
conict of interest.
Additional information
Supplementary Information e online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/
10. 1038/ s41598- 022- 22631-0.
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... According to the European Pet Food Industry Federation (FEDIAF), the number of dogs in Europe surpassed 106 million in 2022, compared to approximately 93 million in 2021 [2,3]. This increase in the number of dogs and other pets increases the demand for foods, but also raises questions about the sustainability and environmental impact of the pet food industry [4,5]. Additionally, pet owners are increasingly seeking diets that provide not only the essential nutrients for their animals but that also present functional properties to enhance their dog's health [6]. ...
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Trends in the pet food industry are driven by the humanization of pets, favoring the inclusion of functional ingredients or supplements that promote animal health. Several commercial diets claim to include supplements with benefits for dogs’ immune function, but in vivo evidence that supports their efficacy remains limited. This literature review aimed to better understand the current knowledge on the effects of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients on dogs’ immune function. A total of 27 peer-reviewed articles were identified in PubMed and Web of Science databases. Although vitamin supplementation is often claimed to support immune function, only two studies promoting slight benefits of vitamins C and E were found. The limited research on minerals suggests that organic sources promote a better immune response. Studies evaluating the inclusion of different phytonutrients show that these compounds might exert immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Despite the increased popularity of commercial diets claimed to support the immune response of dogs, further research is needed in order to substantiate their effects. This knowledge will contribute to the development of effective diets to enhance immune health in dogs.
... In addition to the economic, nutritional and bioactivity benefits associated with the valorization of fish by-products in the petfood sector, this also makes it possible to increase the environmental sustainability of the sector. In fact, the growing number of companion animals has raised concerns about their sustainability, and the pet food industry is starting to tackle this issue particularly through finding alternative protein and energy food resources (11)(12)(13). ...
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Locally produced fish hydrolysate and oil from the agrifood sector comprises a sustainable solution both to the problem of fish waste disposal and to the petfood sector with potential benefits for the animal’s health. This study evaluated the effects of the dietary replacement of mainly imported shrimp hydrolysate (5%) and salmon oil (3%; control diet) with locally produced fish hydrolysate (5%) and oil (3.2%) obtained from fish waste (experimental diet) on systemic inflammation markers, adipokines levels, cardiac function and fecal microbiota of adult dogs. Samples and measurements were taken from a feeding trial conducted according to a crossover design with two diets (control and experimental diets), six adult Beagle dogs per diet and two periods of 6 weeks each. The experimental diet, with higher docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids contents, decreased plasmatic triglycerides and the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme, also tending to decrease total cholesterol. No effects of diet were observed on serum levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-8, and IL-12/IL-23 p40, and of the serum levels of the anti-inflammatory adipokine adiponectin. Blood pressure, heart rate and echocardiographic measurements were similar between diets with the only exception of left atrial to aorta diameter ratio that was higher in dogs fed the experimental diet, but without clinical relevance. Diet did not significantly affect fecal immunoglobulin A concentration. Regarding fecal microbiome, Megasphaera was the most abundant genus, followed by Bifidobacterium, Fusobacterium, and Prevotella, being the relative abundances of Fusobacterium and Ileibacterium genera positively affected by the experimental diet. Overall, results from the performed short term trial suggest that shrimp hydrolysate and salmon oil can be replaced by protein hydrolysate and oil from fish by-products without affecting systemic inflammatory markers, cardiac structure and function, but potentially benefiting bacterial genera associated with healthy microbiome. Considering the high DHA and EPA contents and the antioxidant properties of fish oil and hydrolysate, it would be worthwhile in the future to assess their long-term effects on inflammatory markers and their role in spontaneous canine cardiac diseases and to perform metabolomic and metagenomics analysis to elucidate the relevance of microbiota changes in the gut.
... Such studies Table 11.8 Proportion of the 2020 US population who could be fed with food energy savings associated with vegan diets (Knight 2023, , Japan , the Netherlands (Martens et al. 2019), the entire world (Alexander et al. 2020) and Brazil (Pedrinelli et al. 2022). The latter study by Pedrinelli et al. also demonstrated markedly greater impacts of wet diets compared to dry diets. ...
... As with other food industries, there is increasing interest in the environmental sustainability of pet food production (Okin, 2017;Pedrinelli et al., 2022;Swanson et al., 2013). Historically, commercial petfood production has relied heavily on 'edible' co-products from meat (red meat, poultry and fish) industries, most notably organs, such as liver, kidney and heart, primarily due to their last few years. ...
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There is increasing interest in understanding the fermentative benefits of animal-derived fermentable substrates (ADFS) in pet foods. While previous research has assessed various ADFS using faecal inoculum derived from the cat, there is no published literature available for the dog. Additionally, very little is understood of the fermentation profiles of ADFS, such as skin and bone. Therefore, faeces were collected from a cohort of cats and dogs fed a complete and balanced high-protein diet and a selection of substrates were analysed in this study. Individual ADFS (tendon, bone cake, mechanically deboned meat (MDM), corium and hydrolysed collagen (a positive control)) were digested in vitro , followed by fermentation using either canine or feline faecal inoculum. Concentrations of butyrate, indole and ammonia were determined after 24 h of fermentation. Regardless of whether cat or dog faecal inoculum was used, fermentation of hydrolysed collagen produced the highest ( P < 0.01) concentrations of butyrate and ammonia and the lowest concentrations of indole. For the other substrates, there were differences in the fermentation profiles between the canine and feline inocula. During the feline faecal fermentations, in comparison to the other substrates bone cake produced high ( P < 0.05) butyrate concentrations, whereas in the dog faecal fermentations, MDM resulted in high ( P < 0.05) butyrate concentrations. In conclusion, ADFS from different alternative co-products lead to different fermentation products, providing valuable information which may be considered in canine and feline dietary formulations.
... Along with a growing human population, the number of families that take in pets is increasing annually. Among the nations that have the highest canine ownership, the United States has an estimated 76.8 million canines, China has an estimated 27.4 million canines, and Brazil has an estimated 52.2 million canines which currently surpasses the estimated number of children in the country 1 . With an increased number of canines in each household, the demand for nutritionally dense diets is causing increasing market stress and strategic sustainability planning to meet pets' dietary needs. ...
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Several common canine medical conditions are commonly treated with omega fatty acid supplementation. This includes forms of inflammation, skin allergies, arthritis, some types of cancers, and obesity. One optimal source of omega fatty acids is the Totally Hook'd krill product line by North Atlantic Pacific Seafood. Samples of the freeze-dried krill were tested to ensure their safety and nutritional potency. This was executed by conducting a pathogen test and a fatty acid profile test in collaboration with Banfield Pet Hospital and Alliance Analytical Laboratories respectively. The combined efforts found results that demonstrate a consistently high level of omega fatty acids that were free of any hazardous living organic matter. The nutritional components were compared to a previous nutritional test conducted via a paired t-test in Microsoft Excel to ensure a strong consistency of the product’s nutritional benefits. This is useful not only as a treat for canines, but also for implementation into veterinary medicine as a cost-effective alternative to products on the market today. This could result in more canines being treated for conditions that otherwise remain unresolved.
... Along with a growing human population, the number of families that take in pets is increasing annually. Among the nations that have the highest canine ownership, the United States has an estimated 76.8 million canines, China has an estimated 27.4 million canines, and Brazil has an estimated 52.2 million canines which currently surpasses the estimated number of children in the country 1 . With an increased number of canines in each household, the demand for nutritionally dense diets is causing increasing market stress and strategic sustainability planning to meet pets' dietary needs. ...
Cultivated meat is an alternative protein source developed to address the sustainability, public health and animal welfare concerns of conventional meat production. Hundreds of startups and academic institutions worldwide are working to make cultivated meat a cost-effective protein source for humans. However, cultivated meat could also be used to feed dogs and cats, contributing to solving the meat supply issues that the growing pet food market has been facing in recent years. The advantages of using cultivated meat as a protein source for pets would include a reduction of the environmental impact of pets' diets, decreased farm animal suffering and several benefits in the One Health framework, as cultivated meat-based pet food would significantly decrease the risk of spreading food safety pathogens, zoonotic diseases and resistant bacteria. The antibiotic-free manufacturing process and the aseptic conditions the cells require to grow in the bioreactors lead to these public health advantages. However, cultivated meat has never been produced at scale for human or pet consumption. Several technical challenges need to be overcome to make cultivated meat-based pet food prices accessible to consumers. As a novel ingredient, there is also no evidence of the effect of feeding cultivated meat to dogs and cats. In principle, cultivated meat can be both safe to be consumed long-term and nutritionally adequate – and with several possibilities for nutritional enhancement, potentially even superior to its conventional counterpart. However, the safety and nutritional soundness of cultivated meat-based products must be demonstrated by manufacturers to gain regulatory approval and favour consumer adoption. Veterinarians, veterinary nurses and technicians will play a critical role in the development of this new ingredient in many aspects, including product development, assessing safety and nutrition, conducting research and informing consumers. This review summarises the benefits and challenges of using cultivated meat as a pet food ingredient.
Sustainability is the current focus of the scientific community, governments, and companies in various market segments, such as pet food. Pet food production has increased rapidly in recent years, with a trend toward the development of environmentally friendly products and processes. The first step in creating strategies for mitigating environmental impacts is to assess key points in manufacturing processes. Given this, this study aimed to perform a life cycle assessment (LCA) to estimate the environmental impacts associated with the formulation, production, and distribution phases of an extruded dog food produced in Brazil. System boundaries were from cradle-to-gate, encompassing extraction of raw materials, transportation, processing, production, packaging, and distribution. Estimates were based on the amount of food required to meet the energy requirements for maintenance of a 10 kg dog (functional unit = 2.59 MJ day􀀀 1, reference flow = 177.3 g day􀀀 1). Environmental impacts were calculated by the environmental footprint method (EF 3.0 v. 1.00) using SimaPro software (v. Product ingredients and packaging materials were modeled under Brazilian conditions using ecoinvent 3.7.1 and Agri-footprint 5.0 databases. Data regarding transportation, processing, distribution, electric and thermal power generation, water usage, and waste generation were obtained from the company’s records (2019–2020). In this study, as expected, formulation was the most relevant factor, accounting for 70%–90% of the total environmental impacts. The main impact categories were terrestrial and marine eutrophication, acidification, particulate matter, and climate change (80% of total impacts). Production of the evaluated dog food was associated with the emission of 88.73 kg CO2 eq year􀀀 1 or 1.37 kg CO2 eq kg􀀀 1 distributed food. The use of animal meals (poultry by-product meal and meat and bone meal) and vegetable by-products (wheat bran and rice bran) contributed to reducing environmental impacts. Therefore, in this study, ingredient selection was considered the most important factor in mitigating the environmental impacts of pet foods. As the overall impact of the formulation depends on data on the use stage, such as nutrient excretion after consumption, future studies should adopt a cradle-to-grave approach for a better comprehension of the feasibility of applying animal and vegetable by-products in the eco-design of pet food products.
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The production of beef cattle in the Atlantic Forest biome mostly takes place in pastoral production systems. There are millions of hectares covered with pastures in this biome, including degraded pasture ( DP ), and only small area of the original Atlantic Forest has been preserved in tropics, implying that actions must be taken by the livestock sector to improve sustainability. Intensification makes it possible to produce the same amount, or more beef, in a smaller area; however, the environmental impacts must be assessed. Regarding climate change, the C dynamics is essential to define which beef cattle systems are sustainable. The objectives of this study were to investigate the C balance (t CO 2e. /ha per year), the intensity of C emission (kg CO 2e. /kg BW or carcass) and the C footprint (t CO 2e. /ha per year) of pasture-based beef cattle production systems, inside the farm gate and considering the inputs. The results were used to calculate the number of trees to be planted in beef cattle production systems to mitigate greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions. The GHG emission and C balance, for 2 years, were calculated based on the global warming potential ( GWP ) of AR4 and GWP of AR5. Forty-eight steers were allotted to four grazing systems: DP, irrigated high stocking rate pasture (IHS), rainfed high stocking rate pasture (RHS) and rainfed medium stocking rate pasture (RMS). The rainfed systems (RHS and RMS) presented the lowest C footprints (−1.22 and 0.45 t CO 2e. /ha per year, respectively), with C credits to RMS when using the GWP of AR4. The IHS system showed less favorable results for C footprint (−15.71 t CO 2e. /ha per year), but results were better when emissions were expressed in relation to the annual BW gain (−10.21 kg CO 2e. /kg BW) because of its higher yield. Although the DP system had an intermediate result for C footprint (−6.23 t CO 2e. /ha per year), the result was the worst (−30.21 CO 2e. /kg BW) when the index was expressed in relation to the annual BW gain, because in addition to GHG emissions from the animals in the system there were also losses in the annual rate of C sequestration. Notably, the intensification in pasture management had a land-saving effect (3.63 ha for IHS, 1.90 for RHS and 1.19 for RMS), contributing to the preservation of the tropical forest.
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Background Pet owners have many feeding options, some may be considered unconventional by veterinary practitioners. Provision of appropriate nutrition is a basic requirement, with adverse health outcomes possible when a pet diet is inadequate. Objective To capture dog and cat feeding practices, with a special focus on countries with large English-speaking populations, and to compare with data published over the previous 10 years. Methods An electronic questionnaire was provided for dog and cat owners online. Responses were analysed using descriptive statistics, and comparisons made with data from nine peer-reviewed articles published over the previous 10 years. Results Responses from 3673 English-speaking dog and cat owners in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA were included. In previous publications, conventional (commercial, heat-processed) products were the predominant method of feeding. In recent publications, feeding unconventional (raw, homemade, vegetarian) diets appeared more prevalent. In the present study, most (79 per cent dogs, 90 per cent cats) pets were offered conventional food. However a few (13 per cent dogs, 32 per cent cats) pets were fed conventional foods exclusively. Many pets were offered homemade (64 per cent dogs, 46 per cent cats) and/or raw (66 per cent dogs, 53 per cent cats) foods. Different feeding practices were associated with geographical location. Conclusion As an increased risk of nutrient insufficiency and associated conditions have been attributed to unconventional feeding practices, veterinarians must be aware of pet feeding trends and educate clients about the nutritional needs of companion animals.
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the macronutrients composition, fatty acid and amino acid profiles, and essential minerals content of all vegan foods for dogs and cats available in the Brazilian market, and to compare results with FEDIAF (2019) and AAFCO (2019) recommendations. Four vegan pet foods were assessed (three for dogs and one for cats). The comparisons were made in a descriptive manner. All foods met the minimum recommendations for macronutrients. Arachidonic acid was not reported in any food label. Regarding the FEDIAF recommendations, one food for dogs had low calcium, another had low potassium and a third had low sodium. The cat food presented potassium content lower than recommended. The Ca:P ratio did not meet the minimum recommendation of FEDIAF (2019) and AAFCO (2019) in any of the dog’s foods analyzed, and the cat food also did not present the minimum recommendation based on FEDIAF (2019). Copper concentrations exceeded the legal limit in all foods. Zinc concentrations exceeded this limit in two foods (one for dogs and one for cats) and iron levels exceeded the legal limit in one dog food. One of the dog foods did not meet the minimum recommendation for methionine and the cat food did not meet the minimum recommendation for arginine. In addition, when the amount of nutrients consumed by animals with low energy requirements was simulated, in addition to the same non-conformities described above, it was observed that the cat food does not meet the minimum recommended of protein and taurine in unit/Kg0.67. It was concluded that all foods analyzed had one or more nutrients below the recommended levels and some presented zinc and copper excess, therefore, these foods should not be recommended for dogs and cats, because dietary deficiencies found may lead to health risks for dogs and cats. Furthermore, manufacturers should review their formulations to ensure the nutritional adequacy of these foods.
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Dogs and cats have traditionally been kept on farms and other households and were fed offal from human consumption. Dogs were used as guards or for hunting; cats had an important role to play in the control of rodents. In industrialized countries, dogs and cats are nowadays kept mainly as companion animals and fed on high quality commercially produced feed. As carnivorous animals by nature their diet contains high amounts of materials of animal origin which could be suitable for human consumption. This raises the question of the impact of dog and cat feed from animal origin on the use of scarce resources and the environment. It was the aim of the present study to estimate feed consumption, land use and carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂e) for dogs and cats as the most frequent carnivorous companion animals in the USA, EU and selected European countries from available statistics. The total number of dogs and cats is similar in the USA and in the EU. However, the number of dogs and cats per capita is higher in the USA than in the EU and any selected European country. Annual feed intake was estimated 98 kg (23kg dry matter) per cat and 211 kg (76.5 kg dry matter) per dog. The fraction of materials of animal origin is 50 % for cats and 45 % for dogs. Land use for feed production was about 1000 m² per cat and 2000 m² per dog. Annual CO₂e for cats and dogs was 411 and 840 kg respectively. Arable land required for the production of feed for cats and dogs varied between 10 and 20 % of the national land resources. The CO₂e for dog and cat feed is about 1 – 2 % of the countries’ total CO₂e production, but equals about 10 % (for a cat) to 20% (for a dog) of the CO₂e for feeding their owner. The contribution of feed for dogs and cats on the overall production of greenhouse gases may be overestimated in the public discussion, but cannot be neglected if food consumption is considered.
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The global impacts of food production Food is produced and processed by millions of farmers and intermediaries globally, with substantial associated environmental costs. Given the heterogeneity of producers, what is the best way to reduce food's environmental impacts? Poore and Nemecek consolidated data on the multiple environmental impacts of ∼38,000 farms producing 40 different agricultural goods around the world in a meta-analysis comparing various types of food production systems. The environmental cost of producing the same goods can be highly variable. However, this heterogeneity creates opportunities to target the small numbers of producers that have the most impact. Science , this issue p. 987
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In the US, there are more than 163 million dogs and cats that consume, as a significant portion of their diet, animal products and therefore potentially constitute a considerable dietary footprint. Here, the energy and animal-derived product consumption of these pets in the US is evaluated for the first time, as are the environmental impacts from the animal products fed to them, including feces production. In the US, dogs and cats consume about 19% ± 2% of the amount of dietary energy that humans do (203 ± 15 PJ yr⁻¹ vs. 1051 ± 9 PJ yr⁻¹) and 33% ± 9% of the animal-derived energy (67 ± 17 PJ yr⁻¹ vs. 206 ± 2 PJ yr⁻¹). They produce about 30% ± 13%, by mass, as much feces as Americans (5.1 ± Tg yr⁻¹ vs. 17.2 Tg yr⁻¹), and through their diet, constitute about 25–30% of the environmental impacts from animal production in terms of the use of land, water, fossil fuel, phosphate, and biocides. Dog and cat animal product consumption is responsible for release of up to 64 ± 16 million tons CO2-equivalent methane and nitrous oxide, two powerful greenhouse gasses (GHGs). Americans are the largest pet owners in the world, but the tradition of pet ownership in the US has considerable costs. As pet ownership increases in some developing countries, especially China, and trends continue in pet food toward higher content and quality of meat, globally, pet ownership will compound the environmental impacts of human dietary choices. Reducing the rate of dog and cat ownership, perhaps in favor of other pets that offer similar health and emotional benefits would considerably reduce these impacts. Simultaneous industry-wide efforts to reduce overfeeding, reduce waste, and find alternative sources of protein will also reduce these impacts.
Global pet ownership, especially of cats and dogs, is rising with income growth, and so too are the environmental impacts associated with their food. The global extent of these impacts has not been quantified, and existing national assessments are potentially biased due to the way in which they account for the relative impacts of constituent animal by-products (ABPs). ABPs typically have lower value than other animal products (i.e. meat, milk and eggs), but are nevertheless associated with non-negligible environmental impacts. Here we present the first global environmental impact assessment of pet food. The approach is novel in applying an economic value allocation approach to the impact of ABPs and other animal products to represent better the environmental burden. We find annual global dry pet food production is associated with 56–151 Mt CO2 equivalent emissions (1.1%−2.9% of global agricultural emissions), 41–58 Mha agricultural land-use (0.8–1.2% of global agricultural land use) and 5–11 km³ freshwater use (0.2–0.4% of water extraction of agriculture). These impacts are equivalent to an environmental footprint of around twicethe UK land area, and would make greenhouse gas emission from pet food around the 60th highest emitting country, or equivalent to total emissions from countries such as Mozambique or the Philippines. These results indicate that rising pet food demand should be included in the broader global debate about food system sustainability.
In Japan, there are more than 20 million companion dogs and cats that consume resources. Yet, little is known about their environmental impacts and the related energy policies aiming to reduce such impacts. In this study, we quantified Japanese companion dogs and cats’ environmental impacts regarding their food consumptions. More specifically, we analyzed their dietary “ecological paw print” (EPP), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption. Our results showed that the dietary EPP of an average-sized dog was 0.33–2.19 ha per year, which was equivalent to one Japanese people’s dietary “ecological footprint” (EF) in a year. The dietary EPP of an average-sized cat was lower with 0.32–0.56 ha per year. All companion dogs and cats in Japan could consume about 3.6–15.6% of the amount of food that Japanese people do and release 2.5–10.7 million tons of GHG through their diet in a year. Many companion animals (particularly medium-sized and large dogs) consumed more energy than they actually needed to sustain their normal activity. By providing direct data on food consumption, this study gained an insight into the future of possible energy policies to reduce Japanese companion animals’ environmental impacts.
Food consumption has considerable impacts on the environment. Recently, increasing numbers of companion animal owners feed their animals with high nutritional food, which requires much land space and has great impacts on carbon emissions. Therefore, the environmental impacts of food consumption by companion animals can be significant, especially in a country with a large companion animal population, like China. In the present study, the ecological indicators of the ecological paw print (EPP), carbon emission and energy consumption have been introduced for the first time to quantify the environmental impacts of food consumption by companion dogs and cats in China. Our results showed that the dietary EPP and carbon emissions of an average-sized dog relying on commercial dry food (0.82–4.20 ha year⁻¹ and 0.037–0.190 ton. year⁻¹) were ca. eight and three times higher than those of the dog relying on human leftover food (0.11–0.53 ha year⁻¹ and 0.014–0.064 ton. year⁻¹). There were more than 27.4 million companion dogs and 58.1 million companion cats in China in 2015. Assuming all these dogs and cats eat commercial dry food, the dietary EPP of the total dogs and cats was 43.6–151.9 million ha. year⁻¹, which was equivalent to the dietary ecological footprint (EF) of 5.1%–17.8% (70.3–245.0 million) of Chinese people in 2015. The annual food consumption of all these dogs and cats was responsible for up to 2.4–7.5 million tons carbon emissions, which was equivalent to the entire carbon emissions of 2.5%–7.8% (34.3–107.1 million) of Chinese people in terms of food consumption in 2015. Our results also demonstrated that some companion animals (especially large dogs) consumed more food energy than their actual needs to keep normal activity, which resulted in food waste and exacerbated the environmental burden. This research develops an accurate method for companion animals’ dietary EPP calculation and quantifies the significant environmental impacts by investigating their dietary carbon emissions and energy consumptions. Findings from this study will motivate companion animal owners to reconsider the feeding regimens and husbandry activities, improve owners and even the whole Chinese people's awareness of sustainability, and ultimately promote the whole country's sustainable development.