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Hypogene Karst: principal features and implications for geosciences



Principal features of hypogene karst and its implications for geosciences
Alexander Klimchouk
National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Hypogene Karst: principal features Hypogene Karst: principal features
and implications and implications for for geosciencesgeosciences
Highlights of Highlights of GeoscientificGeoscientific Cave ResearchCave Research
November 11-12, 2022, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Hypogene karst: principal features
and implications to geosciences
Hypogene karst:
the notion
distinctions with epigene k.
fluids, flow drives,
dissolution mechanisms
patterns and morphs
implications for geosciences
Traditional karst paradigm = epigene (hypergene) karst
- karstifiable rocks – those readily soluble under normal conditions (limestone, gypsum, salt, …);
- unconfined (open) conditions, recharge from the surface, direct genetic and functional
relationship with the surface, variable flow rates and high flow velocities;
- predominantly lateral (stratiform) groundwater circulation in the phreatic zone;
- highly competitive conduits development (strong dissolution / flow feedback).
Focused recharge
Concentrated discharge
direct genetic and functional relationship with the surface
Goldscheider & Drew (2007)
Traditional karst paradigm = epigene (hypergene) karst
The general notion of karst is commonly defined through specific features of landscapes and
of shallow groundwater circulation.
Exposure of soluble rocks was considered a necessary pre-requisite for karst.
In reverse, karstified intervals found in deep settings were deemed paleokarst and an indication
of surface exposure in the past.
GypsumGypsum,, TienTien Shan, Shan,
Limestones, Limestones, ChatyrdagChatyrdag Plateau, Plateau,
Crimea, UkraineCrimea, Ukraine LimestonesLimestones, South , South ChinaChina
LimestonesLimestones, UK, UK Salt, Zagros, Iran
Limestones, Limestones,
West West Caucasus. GeorgiaCaucasus. Georgia
The concept of hypogene speleogenesis refers to the origin of the cave-forming agency
(i.e. fluid flow and its aggressiveness) from depth.
Hypogene speleogenesis is defined as the formation of dissolution-enlarged permeability
structures (void-conduit systems) by upwelling fluids that recharge the cave-forming zone from
below, whereas fluids originate from distant, estranged (by low-permeability units), or internal
sources, independent of recharge from the overlying or immediately adjacent surface.
The notion of hypogene karst - no genetic and functional relationship with the surface
The notion of hypogene karst
rock solubility is a function of PT conditions and fluid composition; as these conditions vary with depth,
hypogene karst may develop in a wide range of rocks, including igneous and siliciclastic;
diverse origins of fluids (meteoric, metamorphic, magmatic) and flow drives/regimes (gravitational,
compaction, convection, tectonic squeeze, thermobaric, endogenic);
diverse dissolution mechanisms;
rising flow; recharge and discharge occur through vertically adjacent formations; low flow velocities;
specific mechanism of speleogenesis suppression of competition between alternative flow paths,
high role of natural convection; phantomisation (alteration) of rocks along flow paths;
karst development may occur at great depths (up to 8 km) and may not manifest at the surface.
- no genetic and functional relationship with the surface
Hypogene karst – Diverse origins of fluids
In hydrogeology, the origin of aqueous fluids
is distinguished either:
- according to ways by which they penetrate
into the lithosphere, or
- according to processes by which they are
released or generated within the lithosphere.
Common fluids in hypogene karstification:
- Meteoric fluids of deep circulation (thermal);
- Metamorphic fluids;
- Magmatic fluids.
Modified from Pinneker (1980), in Klimchouk (2017)
Geological cycle
Hydrological cycle
Types according to dissolution mechanisms involved:
hydrothermal speleogenesis by carbonic acid, - due to the retrograde
solubility of calcite in rising and cooling waters;
sulfuric acid speleogenesis (SAS) where H2S-waters are oxidized;
“mixing corrosion” speleogenesis (mixing of two waters saturated under
different conditions may generate additional aggressiveness);
simple dissociation speleogenesis (evaporites), etc.
Hypogene karst – Genetic types
In deep settings where magmatic fluids are involved, other acids, such as
hydrochloric and hydrofluoric, may play the role in dissolution of rocks
Hypogene karst – Genetic types
1. Artesian speleogenesis, related to upwelling
cross-unit communication between aquifers
Types according to hydrogeological environments - driving forces / conditions for ascending flow:
2. Endogenous, fault-aligned speleogenesis,
related to rising cross-formational flow along
basement-rooted faults
- dispersed recharge from the underlying aquifer;
- stratiform, commonly maze-like, cave systems;
- distribution is controlled by the hydrodynamics
of topography-driven flow in multi-story aquifer
systems (i.e. upward flow below topographic
lows) .
- strong structural control by faults and deeply-rooted
fracture zones; geodynamic control over fluid flow;
- cross-formational, sub-vertical void-conduit
systems, linear-localized distribution;
- involvement of deep fluids.
3. Mixed, artesian/endogenous speleogenesis, where deep fluids ascend along faults or fracture
corridors and interact with stratiform aquifers;
- may have characteristics of both, type 1 and type 2.
Sulfuric acid speleogenesis (SAS)at the water table:
- carbonate rocks;
- water table control;
- condensation-corrosion above the water table.
Coastal speleogenesis at the fresh/saline water interface:
- carbonate rocks;
- controlled by the position of the mixing zone and
the sea level / water table fluctuations.
4. Speleogenesis at hydrogeological interfaces in open settings
water table –
H2S oxidation
Galdensi, 2017 Mylroie and Carew, 1995
fresh water lens
saline water
mixing zone
Hypogene karst – Genetic types
Types according to hydrogeological environments - driving forces / conditions for ascending flow:
Groups of patterns Patterns (structures)
Dominantly stratiform (concordant)
Intrastratal, - along networks of strata-bound joints
or touching vugs
single story (in a single mechanical unit)
multi-story (in multiple mechanical units)
Isolated linear (rift-like) conduits
Isolated rising tubes (chimneys)
Network maze
Spongework maze
Rudimentary clusters of linear conduits
Clusters and patches of karst breccia
Basal-contact, - at and above the lower contact
of soluble beds or sequences
Isolated chambers
Anastomotic, spongework, and ramiform
Clusters and patches of karst breccia
Dominantly cross-formational (discordant)
Karstic, patchy-linear, - along faults and large
throughgoing fractures
Isolated linear rift conduits
Clusters of isolated or connected rift conduits
Isolated rising conduits (shafts)
Isolated chambers, cavernous fringe of fractures and rifts
Karstic-gravitational Collapse shafts and breccia pipes
Compound Stair-case
Complex 3D
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Klimchouk, 2013
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Isolated linear conduits
and their clusters
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Klimchouk et al., 2010
Numerous isolated karst
conduits and conduit clusters
intercepted by historic mines
in Odessa, South Ukraine
(Pliocene limestones)
Enlarged are fractures connected to the lower
contact (i.e. receiving recharge from below),
especially those connected to both, the lower and
upper contacts (i.e. allow transverse through flow)
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Isolated linear conduits
and their clusters
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Stochastic fracture models showing different sizes and
shapes of finite fracture networks - bundles of
interconnected fractures embedded in a sea of isolated
fractures (Ozkaya & Al-Fakmi, 2022)
Klimchouk et al., 2010
Numerous isolated karst
conduits and conduit bundles
intercepted by historic mines
in Odessa, South Ukraine
(Pliocene limestones)
Clusters of conduits form where bungles of laterally
interconnected fractures are available and at least
some fractures receive recharge at the lower contact
and have output points at the upper contact.
Ozkaya & Al-Fakmi, 2022
Network mazes, often multi-storey
East Siberia
Ozerna Cave, Western Ukraine
Hudgill Cave, United Kingdom
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Network mazes, often multi-storey
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Fracture connectivity –
Finite fracture networks
Klimchouk & Andreychouk, 2017
Ozkaya & Al-Fakmi, 2022
But… fracture stratigraphy also matters
5х magnification
Mechanical Unit
Mechanical Interface
Mechanical Interface
Fracture stratigraphy
Network mazes, often multi-storey
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Klimchouk, 2003
Klimchouk & Andreychouk, 2017
5х magnification
Rising flow and speleogenesis in
superimposed networks of fractures
with limited vertical connectivity
Mechanical Unit
Mechanical Interface
Mechanical Interface
Fracture stratigraphy
Network mazes, often multi-storey
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Klimchouk, 2003
Klimchouk & Andreychouk, 2017
Gross & Eyal, 2007
Strata-bound (confined) fractures
Throughgoing fractures
5х magnification
Rising flow and speleogenesis in
superimposed networks of fractures
with limited vertical connectivity
Network mazes, often multi-storey
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Klimchouk & Andreychouk, 2017
5х magnification
Necessary conditions for extensive
multi-storey mazes to form:
Confining unit (constrained discharge);
Recharge from below in many points;
Fracture stratigraphy;
Lateral fracture connectivity in some units
Network mazes, often multi-storey
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Klimchouk & Andreychouk, 2017
5х magnification
The impression that such extensive mazes
supported lateral through-flow during
speleogenesis is a misconception.
Instead, largely independent flow
compartments operated, with limited
hydraulic interaction between them.
Mazes with combined, spongework/network pattern
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Combined, basal-contact and intrastratal patterns
The lower level (black) is the master level –
spongework pattern of passages developed just above
the contact with the underlying aquifer;
The passages at the upper level (yellow) form where
the growing master passage intercepts from below
a fracture in the upper unit.
Fracture-controlled passages at the upper level are
commonly isolated laterally but may form the network
mazes (green outlines 1-3) where interconnected and
are fed from different master passages.
There are only three documented outlets (discharge
points; red dots) in the mapped part of the system,
where passages reach the upper aquifer.
Klimchouk & Andreychouk, 2017
145 km
Network mazes, often multi-storey
-Stratiform structures
(conformable with the enclosing layered sequence)
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Rising flow through a fracture corridor
related to a deep fault
Toca da Boa Vista – Barriguda
Cave System in Neoproterozoic
limestones, the largest cave system
in the South America
Lower level
Master level
Upper level
Klimchouk et al., 2015
The master level is
defined by fracture
stratigraphy – the densely
fractured units (3-4)
below the “seal”, the
barely fractured unit 5
Karst rifts
-Cross-formational structures - karstic
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Texas, USATexas, USA BudapestBudapest
BudapestBudapest New Mexico, USANew Mexico, USA UKUK
Swabian Alb
in quarries
Saxony, Saxony,
N.CapeN.Cape,, S.AfricaS.Africa
Audra, 2015 photo I. Urban
Homuth et al., 2011
photo A.Palmer
Karst rifts
-Cross-formational structures - karstic
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Underwater rifts -
maximum explored
depth - 282 m
SE AustraliaSE Australia
Mallorca, Spain Mallorca, Spain
Budapest, Hungary
photo A.Kalinovic
photo: Internet
photo: Internet
photo A.Kalinovic
photo J.Gines
Karst rifts
-Cross-formational structures - karstic
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Armageddon Cave a large karst rift,
260 m deep and over 2 km long
«Earth fissures» are common in geodynamically active regions
with thick carbonates and sandstones
- Beginning of exhumation of a rift-dominated
hypogene cave system
Northern Cape,
South Africa –
Karst rifts opened
up to the surface
on Jan 6th 2017
2 km
Interception of karst rifts by the denudational surface
N.CapeN.Cape,, S.AfricaS.Africa
Photo by André Doussy
Modified from Tucker, 2015
Karst rifts
-Cross-formational structures - karstic
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Armageddon Cave a large karst rift,
260 m deep and over 2 km long
«Earth fissures» are common in geodynamically active regions
with thick carbonates and sandstones
- Beginning of exhumation of a rift-dominated
hypogene cave system
Northern Cape,
South Africa –
Karst rifts opened
up to the surface
on Jan 6th 2017
2 km
Interception of karst rifts by the denudational surface
N.CapeN.Cape,, S.AfricaS.Africa
Photo by André Doussy
Modified from Tucker, 2015
Rising shafts
-Cross-formational structures - karstic
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Relict shafts exposed in cliffs
SandstonesSandstones, ,
Campos Campos GeraisGerais, Brazil, Brazil
SandstonesSandstones, ,
Sydney Basin, AustraliaSydney Basin, Australia
Rising chimney
in the cave ceiling
3 м3 м
Active shafts with rising waters
Auler (2009) , Garamana (2002), Hranicka Propast
Relict rising shaft
LimestonesLimestones, ,
Rising shafts
-Cross-formational structures - karstic
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Numerous relict rising shafts in the Cretaceous limestones,
in the vicinity of the Antamina porphyry intrusion
emplaced 9-10 Ma,
high Peruvian Andes
Klimchouk et al., 2022
collapse shafts and breccia pipes
-Cross-formational structures
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Collapse shafts form over large
hypogene karst chambers
Typical of regions of young volcanism
and deep-seated evaporite karst:
Konya Basin in Turkey,
Zakaton area in Mexico,
Gabrier Mnt. area in S. Australia,
Kavminvod region, N.Caucasus, Russia,
Western Canadian Basin
Zacaton System, Mexica
Gabrier Mt region, Australia
-Cross-formational structures
Hypogene karst – Patterns
700 m
Северный Китай
Arizona, USA
300300--900 900 mm
350 350 mm
Vertically exposed
breccia pipe in
the Grand Canyon
North China
Huntoon, 1996
Xiang et al., 1993
collapse shafts and breccia pipes
photo K.Wenrich
-Cross-formational structures
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Distribution of over 1000
breccia pipes mapped
in the Delaware Basin, USA
Distribution of over 2500 breccia pipes mapped in
the Northern Arizona (Grand Canyon area), USA
Spencer et al., 2015
Stafford et al., 2008
collapse shafts and breccia pipes
photo K.Wenrich
Large isolated chambers
Hypogene karst – Patterns
Kempe, 1996
South Harz, Germany
Large chambers
at the base of
evaporite sequence
Large chambers form:
1) at the base of evaporite sequences
underlain by prolific aquifers
(dissolution by free convection);
2) where recharge and a source
of aggressive fluids (e.g. deep CO2)
are localized and intense.
Rodope Mnts, Bulgaria
Giant chamber in
Proterozoic marbles
Volume 237.6 mln m3
Sebev, 1970
1200 m
Complex 3-D structures
Hypogene karst – Patterns
1200 m
490 m
National Park Service, USA
930 м
Monte Cucco System, Apennines, Italy
Lechuguilla Cave,
Combination of cross-formational
and stratiform components
and various patterns in a complex
3-d array of conduits and voids
Diagnostic morphological features of caves
Hypogene karst – Meso-morphology
Hypogene caves formed in different lithologies and by
different dissolution processes demonstrate remarkable
similarity in their patterns, morphologies, hydrostratigraphic
occurrence, and hydrogeologic functioning.
Specific meso-forms are indicative of hypogene speleogenesis
and are diagnostic if occur in spatially related assemblages
(“morphological suits of rising flow”)
Audra et al., 2009
Klimchouk, 2007
Klimchouk, 2013
Large sedimentary (artesian) basins
Hypogene karst – Settings
Stratiform (artesian)
Hydrodynamic zones
flow systems
Cross-formational (endogenic
Distribution of hypogene karst
is governed by the regional
hydrodynamics in the upper
zone and by cross-formational
fluid-conducting structures in
the deep part of basins Types of hypogene karst:
Large sedimentary (artesian) basins
Hypogene karst – Settings
Audra, 2015
Regions of young volcanism
Hypogene karst – Settings
Kavminvody area, North Caucasus, Russia
over 30 collapse shafts up to 368 m deep
Konya Basin, Turkey over 140 collapse shafts up to 160 m deep
-anomalous geothermal regime;
- specific groundwater chemistry;
- intense CO2inflows;
- highly localized input from below.
Large chambers at the lower contact, which collapse
to form large breakdown shafts and breccia pipes
up to a few hundred meters in depth and diameter.
Kizoran depth 160 m
Bayari et al., 2009
Modified from Vakhrushev, 2009, in Klimchouk, 2013
Regions of young volcanism
Hypogene karst – Settings
Yellowstone volcanic caldera with a mantle plum at the base;
Numerous geysers fed by large rising conduits;
Thermal alkaline waters (pH >8), aggressive with respect to
silicates – a mix of meteoric waters with brines rising from the
depth of about 5 km, where they have temperature of 340-370 oC.
Blackwood et al., 2018
Hypogene karst in rhyolites in the volcanic caldera – Yellowstone, Wyoming, USA
Hurwitz et al., 2014
Regions of young volcanism
Hypogene karst – Settings
Hypogene karst in rhyolites in the volcanic caldera – Yellowstone, Wyoming, USA
Old Faithful geyser and its
feeding void-conduit system
Using download cameras and seismic tomography revealed
large cavities with characteristic hypogene morphology;
A functional model is developed that accounts for the dynamic
of a gas-vapor fluid in the given configuration of the void-
conduit system.
Blackwood et al., 2018
Hurwitz et al., 2014
Hypogene karst – Settings Hypogene karst in the seafloor
Hypogene karst can develop beneath the seafloor
beyond the continental shelf.
Hypogene karst at the ocean bottom, Carnegie
Range, Pacific Ocean, at depth of 1500-2600 m
- Closed depressions 1-4 km in widths and 100-400 m
in depth.
- Carbonate rocks of the Upper Miocene-Pleistocene,
400-500 m thick, resting on a volcanogenic
- «Hot spot» near the Galapagos Rift.
- The area with closed depressions has never been
exposed to subaerial conditions.
Michaud et al., 2005
Hypogene karst – Settings Hypogene karst in the seafloor
Betzler et al., (2005)
The sea bottom at 400 м
Large depressions
up to 200 m deep.
Related to vertical
conduits penetrating
across a carbonate
platform. Sun et al., 2013
220 breccia pipes rooted
in a thick carbonate
sequence, formed by
collapses of large
hydrothermal cavities.
Heights – up to 1000 m,
diameters from 100 to
700 m.
South China Sea, Dongsha Massif
Maldives, Indian Ocean
Paradigm shift
Hypogene karst – Implications for karst science
Hypogene karst studies have dramatically changed the paradigm of karst – the traditional,
essentially geomorphological paradigm evolves to the essentially geological one.
Karst (karstification) is a geological process that encompasses the whole upper (brittle)
crust and strongly influences petrophysical rock properties and the functioning of fluid flow
Karst occurs in both continental and oceanic crust. Hypogene karst can develop beneath
the seafloor beyond the continental shelf.
The notion of “karstifiable”, or “soluble” rocks is blurred; the solubility is the function of
temperature and pressure that widely vary across the upper crust, so many types of rocks
may support karstification under certain conditions.
Karst may develop without any surface expression. When exhumed, it may have
manifestation quite different from traditional karst geomorphology.
Not all deep-seated karst features are paleokarst, i.e. buried and fossilized inactive epigene
karst. A big part of such features represents hypogene karst, either active or relict.
Hypogene karst – Implications for geosciences
Sedimentology, lithology, economic geology HK as an agency of diagenesis (e.g.
hydrothermal dolomitization) and the formation of ore deposits (e.g. MWT lead-zinc).
Petrophysics, fluid geology HK enhances porosity (reservoir capacity) and creates cross-
formational plumbing structures, including seal bypass systems. As such, it has important
implications for hydrogeology, petroleum geology, the use of geothermal resources, geological
sequestration of CO2and hazardous wastes etc.
Petroleum geology, carbonate reservoirs - Over 60% of global reserves of oil and about 40%
of global reserves of gas are contained in carbonate reservoirs, many of which are
of hypogene karst origin, not paleo(epigenic) karst.
Geomorphology When exhumed, hypogene karst may have manifestation in the landscape
quite different from traditional karst geomorphology.
Geological engineering, mining geology hypogene karst may develop without any surface
expression, hence associated hazards may be unexpected as such areas are commonly not
mapped as karstic.
Hypogene karst – the take-home message
There are fundamental distinctions between hypogene and epigene karst,
particularly in:
- conditions of development,
- evolutionary trajectories,
- distribution,
- speleogenetic mechanisms,
- patterns and morphology of cave systems,
- hydrogeological functioning,
- and ecosystems
Hypogene karst is a fundamental category of karst, of at least equal importance
to more familiar epigene karst.
Consequently, the genetic (speleogenetic) and evolutionary approach in studying
karst is crucial for all practical geoscience applications including prospecting,
developing, and managing various resources and assessing karst-related hazards
and risks.
Thanks for your attention!
... The characteristics of widespread stacked porous and permeable zones in the Potosi is interpreted as being the result of cavern forming multiple paleokarst events that caused massive dolomitization and overdolomitization of the host carbonates, formation of dissolution enlarged porosity/permeability, and mineralization. Paleokarst may be the result of deep hypogenic processes by which, unlike epigenic karst, upward moving dissolving fluid is recharged from below giving rise to dissolution-enlarged permeability structures (e.g., Klimchouk, 2017Klimchouk, , 2022. In the Potosi, Karstification was likely controlled by basinal and/or hydrothermal fluid flow through earlier formed pore systems (e.g., Gregg & Shelton, 1989;Klimchouk, 2017). ...
... Expansion and contraction because of fault-related seismicity likely devel-oped fracture porosity in brittle host dolomite and possibly ruptured any underling impermeable units to enable large-scale upward and outward fluid movement. Sulfuric acid from oxidized H 2 S-waters and basement sourced hydrochloric/hydrofluoric acids possibly played a role in dissolution of rocks in this process (e.g., Klimchouk, 2017Klimchouk, , 2022. North-northwestward topography-driven brine migration due to Late Paleozoic uplift along the southern Multiple Paleokarst Events in the Cambrian Potosi Dolomite, Illinois Basin ...
Full-text available
The Cambrian (Furongian) Potosi Dolomite (100-183 m) in Illinois is part of the Cambro-Ordovician Knox Group. It is a uniformly dolomitized unit with very low intercrystalline porosity but contains very permeable vug, fracture/cavern porosity intervals. Here, we interpret the characteristics of the widespread porous zones in the Potosi as paleokarst features formed by rising hypogenic basinal/hydrothermal fluids. The conformity bounded Potosi Dolomite is characterized by massive dolomitization, overdolomitization and occlusion of previously generated intercrystalline porosity, void filling mineralization, and extensive dissolution and formation of cavity-conduit systems. The pore spaces are typically lined with drusy quartz or are characterized by partial to complete infilling with chalcedonic silica and/or dolomite cements. Clay minerals may partially fill pore spaces; physical properties and thorium-potassium crossplot suggest chlorite as the main clay mineral present. Dolomite crystals typically are planar-s or nonplanar with open-space filling, inclusion rich saddle dolomite displaying curved and zigzag crystal faces. Void filling cement does not exhibit sign of pressure solution and in places vug porosity is developed along bedding parallel stylolite indicating post burial origin of these features. Cavern reservoirs in the Potosi are laterally extensive and often stacked with intervening very low porosity dolomite; very low bulk density, excursion of caliper log signature from the baseline, and loss of fluid circulation during drilling in these intervals signify anomalously high porosity and permeability interpreted as being the result of cavern forming multiple paleokarst events. Post burial origin of cavities and void filling cements, association of saddle dolomite and chlorite, and occurrence of Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) ore deposits in Missouri suggest karstification by hypogenic warm basinal/hydrothermal fluids. Dissolution and mineralization likely occurred by flow of deep basinal formation waters and hydrothermal fluids (sourced from the crystalline basement underlying the Reelfoot Rift and the Illinois Basin) along numerous basement-rooted normal, reverse, and strike-slip faults, and the associated fold and fractures. Expansion and contraction because of fault-related seismicity likely developed fracture porosity in brittle host dolomite and possibly ruptured any underling impermeable units to enable large-scale upward and outward fluid movement. The Potosi fracture/cavern porosity intervals are confined by thick very low porosity dolomite intervals that could serve as effective seal. There is no report of any show of oil in the Potosi Dolomite, but the unit has an excellent potential to serve as a combined reservoir and seal for storing anthropogenic CO 2 and waste material.
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