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Potentiality Assessment of Fertilization Levels, Plant Population Densities and Cladodes Planting Direction on Opuntia ficus-indica as Non -Traditional Fodder Sources



This study was conducted at the Agricultural Research and Experiments Farm at the Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University during the seasons (2018/2019& 2019/2020). The experiment was designed with the objective of evaluating growth, yield and chemical content of Opuntia ficus-indica under three fertilization rates of (NPK), which were (30:20:10, 60:40:20 and 90:60:30 kg/fed.) in addition to the control (without fertilization), as well as three plant population densities 4200 plants/fed.(P1), 8400 plants/fed.(P2) and 16800 plants/fed.(P3). The third factor was cultivation trends of the cladodes (north to south & east to west) and their different interactions. The experimental design was split-split plot where fertilization rates were in the main plots and plant density in the sub plots, while the cultivation trends in the sub-sub. The obtained results showed that all data of the vegetative growth, yield and chemical content responded well all the three levels of fertilization and densities with the direction of cultivation of the cladodes from north to south in both seasons under study. The increase in the studied characters was significant with the high level of fertilization, which resulted in the highest productivity and high chemical content of plant cladodes and use them as non-traditional fodder to reduce the gap in the shortage of animal feed.
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
ISSN 1817-3047
© IDOSI Publications, 2021
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjas.2021.491.508
Corresponding Author: M.A. Osman, Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agric., Benha University, Egypt.
Potentiality Assessment of Fertilization Levels,
Plant Population Densities and Cladodes Planting Direction on
Opuntia ficus-indica as Non – Traditional Fodder Sources
M.A. Osman, A.M.S. Ibrahim, H.M.M. El-Naggar and S.A. Seif
Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, Egypt
Abstract: This study was conducted at the Agricultural Research and Experiments Farm at the Faculty of
Agriculture, Benha University during the seasons (2018/2019& 2019/2020). The experiment was designed with
the objective of evaluating growth, yield and chemical content of Opuntia ficus-indica under three
fertilization rates of (NPK), which were (30:20:10, 60:40:20 and 90:60:30 kg/fed.) in addition to the control
(without fertilization), as well as three plant population densities 4200 plants/fed.(P1), 8400 plants/fed.(P2) and
16800 plants/fed.(P3). The third factor was cultivation trends of the cladodes (north to south & east to west)
and their different interactions. The experimental design was split-split plot where fertilization rates were in the
main plots and plant density in the sub plots, while the cultivation trends in the sub-sub. The obtained results
showed that all data of the vegetative growth, yield and chemical content responded well all the three levels
of fertilization and densities with the direction of cultivation of the cladodes from north to south in both
seasons under study. The increase in the studied characters was significant with the high level of fertilization,
which resulted in the highest productivity and high chemical content of plant cladodes and use them as
non-traditional fodder to reduce the gap in the shortage of animal feed.
Key words: Opuntia ficus-indica Fertilization Densities Cladodes Reflection Cultivation Yield
Productivity and chemical content non-traditional
INTRODUCTION subtropical plant, it is characterized by the fact that the
In Egypt, the shortage of fodder resources is one of difficult to lose, the cladodes are also covered with a
the main obstacles to development of animal production, thick layer of cotin to reduce water loss by transpiration,
the importance of non-traditional plants in reducing the also we find that acid metabolism (crassulacean acid
fodder gap, which allows the use of non-traditional fodder metabolism), which is one of the methods of
to reduce the deficit in animal feeds, including Opuntia, photosynthesis in plants, this method is used in the
according to the study, cacti are some of the best opuntia plants, it also contains of cladodes, 12% protein,
plants for the re-vegetation of arid and semi-arid areas 25% fat, 50% carbohydrate and 13% fiber, also contains
because they are tolerant of scarce and erratic rainfall and nutrients to prevent water loss, can be cultivated in the
high temperatures, the reasons behind the inclusion of dry land and the use of modern panels as fresh food or
cacti include simple cultivation practices required to grow cooked for humans, according to the study [2]. To our
the crop, its quick establishment soon after the knowledge, there are few previous studies related to
introduction in a new area, ability to grow in harsh reducing the gap of animal forage by using non-traditional
conditions characterized by high temperature, lack of plant fodder.
water and poor soil, use of its stems as fodder for
Opuntia ficus-indica of non-traditional fodder source
is a herbaceous with a family of cactaceae and native to This field study was conducted at the Agricultural
the middle of the American continent, it is a tropical and Research and Experiments Farm, Faculty of Agriculture,
water stored in the cladodes is connected, which is
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Moshtohor, Benha University, Qalyubia Governorate, Prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) cladodes
Egypt, during successive cultivation seasons (2018/2019 (18 cm height and weight 170 gm) were obtained from the
and 2019/2020) to assess the possibility of evaluating farm of the Agricultural Research Center at the Faculty of
non-traditional fodder sources. Agriculture at Moshtohor, Benha University.
The objective of this investigation is to study the
potentiality response of the Opuntia ficus-indica Planting Procedures: The experimental design was laid
cladodes to four levels of compound fertilization rates out in a spilt-spilt plot type with three replicates in each of
(NPK), plant population densities and plant direction of two seasons, the compound fertilization rates (NPK)
cladodes (north to south & east to west), each experiment previously mentioned were distributed randomly in the
included 24 treatment which were the combination of main plots, whereas plant population densities were
4 levels of compound fertilization rates (NPK) x 3 plant assigned randomly in the sub plots and the plant direction
population densities x 2 plant direction of cladodes in of cladodes were arranged at the random in the sub-sub
3 replications in growing seasons (2018/2019&2019/2020). plots, the area of each experiment unit was (4m ) of about
The Treatments Were as Follows and 1 m width, the other recommended agronomic
Compound Fertilization Rates (NPK): practices of growing fodder Opuntia ficus-indica
Control (w/o). cladodes of the plant which mainly used as fodder need
Low compound fertilization rates (30:20:10 kg to be harvest by hand, the cladodes used to be cut with
NPK/fed.). knife detecting the cladodes from the plant in the joint.
Medium compound fertilization rates (60:40:20 kg
NPK/fed.). Recorded Data
High compound fertilization rates (90:60:30 kg The Recorded Data Were on Vegetative Measurements:
NPK/fed.). Two harvests were obtained for each study of the two
Whereas the sources of compound fertilization rates 6 months from planting (20/3/2018), then each of the
were nitrogen (ammonium sulfate 20.6%N), phosphorus subsequent second harvest was obtained later at
(monocalcium superphosphate 15.5%P O ) and potassium 6 months intervals.
(potassium sulfate 48% K O), complex fertilization rates
were applied into 6 doses before irrigation three before Vegetative Growth Characteristics: Four plants were
autumn harvest (20/9) and three before spring harvest randomly selected from each experimental unit in each of
(20/3) in growing seasons. the two seasons for studying the following parameters.
Three Population Densities of the Opuntia Cladodes as Plant Height (cm)
Light population density: (100 cm) between ridges
and (100 cm) between cladodes (4 plants/4m )
forming (4200 plant/fed.).
Medium population density: (100 cm) between ridges
and (50 cm) between cladodes (8 plants/4m ) forming
(8400 plant/fed.).
Heavy population density: (100 cm) between ridges
and (25 cm) between cladodes (16 plants/4m )
forming (16800 plant/fed.).
Plant Direction of Cladodes:
Cladodes plants direction (north to south).
Cladodes plants direction (east to west).
1/1050 fed., area which contained 2 ridges of 2 m length
cladodes were applied regularly as practices in the region,
growing seasons, the first harvest was obtained at
Fresh and Dry Fodder Yield Production of Cladodes:
Fresh fodder yield productivity of the grown cladodes
under study were determined for each plant of the
subsequent harvests, in each experimental unit for each of
the two studied seasons and recorded in ton/fed. using
field scale of 0.5 gm sensitivity then fodder yield of
cladodes were estimated and recorded in ton /fed.
Dry fodder yield productivity of the grown cladodes
were estimated as follows:
Samples of about 200 gm of fresh fodder cladodes
were selected randomly from each experimental unit,
accurately weighted using an electric balance of 0.01 gm
sensitivity, such obtained fresh samples were dried in an
air forced drying oven at 70°C for 3 days till constant
weight to determine the dry matter content, then dry yield
of cladodes were estimated accordingly.
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
The Yield Measurements Were as Follows:
Cladodes fresh weight ton/fed.
Cladodes dry weight ton/fed.
Cladodes yield (fresh and dry weight ton/fed.) for
first and second harvests.
Chemical Constituents: The chemically analyzed samples
of the proposed treatments were analyzed for the first and
second harvest in dry samples of each treatment of the
three replicates in the two growing seasons in both
studies under investigation, this is to represent the
general effect of the imposed treatments as an average of
the whole seasonal environmental variation, in other
words such first and second harvests were taken for each
of the two seasons for each of the two studied subjects
under study, the dried samples were mixed thoroughly for
the obtained three replicates of the same treatment to from
a composite sample, out of each of three samples, three
analysis were done for each treatment, the average results
of each analysis in study was recorded, chemical analysis
was conducted and presented on dry matter basis, fresh
fodder of cladodes samples were randomly taken from
each experimental unit, an accurately weighted samples of
the fresh fodder of cladodes about 200 gm were dried
using an air forced drying oven at 70°C till a constant
weight, samples were dried in a labeled kraft paper bags
which laid in the drying oven all over the drying period,
dried samples were then cooled at room temperature, then
ground finely and screened through screen of 40 michs,
the fine grounded samples were stored in sealed labeled
plastic bags and stored in the refrigerator at 5°C till
needed for the chemical analysis, the conducted chemical
analysis of fodder cladodes quality components included
the following:
Crude Protein Content Ratio: Total nitrogen percentage
was determined according to the modified micro kjeldahl
method [3], crude protein content was estimated by
multiplying nitrogen percentage by 6.25 [3].
Crude Fiber Content Ratio: Crude fiber percentage was
determined according to the (A.O.A.C. 1990).
Ash Content Ratio: Accurate weight of 2 gm of the dried
composite samples for each treatment were put in
weighted labeled-crucibles and placed in a muffle furnace
at 550°C for about 6 hours, then cooled down to room
temperature and weighted till constant weight [3].
Table 1: Physical and chemical properties of the experimental soil units at
Moshtohor Agric. EXP. Station during each of the two growing
Properties 2018
Physical analysis:
Coarse sand (%) 2.09
Fine sand (%) 23.94
Silt (%) 21.74
Clay (%) 52.23
Textural class Clay
Chemical analysis:
CaCo (%) 1.05
Organic matter (%) 2.09
N available (mg/kg) 0.88
P available (mg/kg) 0.31
K available (mg/kg) 0.71
E.C (ds. m ) 0.93
pH 7.68
Ether Extract Content Ratio: Ether extract content was
extracted using petroleum ether (40-60°C boiling point) in
a Soccelt apparatus provided with cold water condenser
for 9 hours at a rate of 96 siphons/hour [3].
Total Carbohydrates Content Ratio: It was estimated by
subtracting the sum of the percentages of crude protein,
crude fiber, ash and ether extract out of 100 [3].
{TCC % = 100- (CP %+CF %+ EE % +Ash %)}.
Physical and chemical characters of the used soil are
shown in Table (a), physical analysis was estimated
according to [4] whereas, chemical analysis was
determined according to [5].
Statistical Analysis: The experiment was statistically
analyzed according to the design presented for each of
the two growing seasons (2018/2019 and 2019/2020) and
analysis of variance was performed according to the
procedure described by [6], LSD test at 5% level was used
to compare the means.
Due to the doubling of the need for fodder resources
in recent years, which has negatively affected livestock,
whether in terms of their numbers or fluctuations in their
prices, in addition to the need to import fodder in hard
currency and as a result of the increasing demand for
water resources in the world, especially in dry and
semi-arid regions, where Egypt suffers from a shortage of
feed used in livestock feeding, it is estimated at about
25% of the needs, which causes the price of fodder to rise
and is reflected in the price of red meat on the market, to
fill this gap.
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 2: Effect of fertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica plant height (cm) during (2018/2019 &
2019/2020) seasons
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
First harvest (summer - autumn)
C. (0.0) P.1 34.00 29.33 33.17 37.67 34.67 38.72
P.2 34.33 32.67 40.67 36.67
P.3 35.00 33.67 43.33 39.33
F.1 (L) P.1 34.33 32.33 34.45 41.00 36.33 41.00
P.2 35.67 33.67 43.67 38.67
P.3 36.00 34.67 45.67 40.67
F.2 (M) P.1 35.67 34.33 36.00 45.67 38.33 43.72
P.2 36.67 35.33 46.67 40.33
P.3 37.67 36.33 48.67 42.67
F.3 (H) P.1 37.33 35.66 37.39 49.67 41.33 46.94
P.2 37.67 36.33 51.33 42.33
P.3 39.67 37.67 52.67 44.33
Mean 36.17 34.33 ==== 45.56 39.64 ====
P.1 35.33 32.91 34.12 43.50 37.67 40.59
P.2 36.09 34.50 35.30 45.59 39.50 42.55
P.3 37.09 35.59 36.34 47.59 41.75 44.67
LS D. at 5% for F=0.87, P=0.76, D=0.62 F=0.56, P=0.49, D= 0.40
FxP =1.51, FxD =1.24, PxD =1.07 FxP =0.98, FxD =0.80, PxD =0.69
FxPxD =2.14 FxPxD =1.38
Second harvest (winter - spring)
C. (0.0) P.1 34.67 32.67 36.61 42.00 38.33 45.17
P.2 38.33 34.67 47.00 42.67
P.3 41.67 37.67 53.67 47.33
F.1 (L) P.1 38.33 35.33 39.22 47.33 40.33 48.78
P.2 40.67 36.67 51.33 45.33
P.3 45.33 39.00 56.67 51.67
F.2 (M) P.1 41.00 36.67 41.67 53.67 45.67 53.61
P.2 44.33 39.67 57.33 49.67
P.3 47.67 40.67 59.67 55.67
F.3 (H) P.1 43.33 38.00 44.89 58.67 52.00 60.39
P.2 49.33 42.67 65.33 57.33
P.3 52.00 44.00 68.67 60.33
Mean 43.06 38.14 === 55.11 48.86 ====
P.1 39.33 35.67 37.50 50.42 44.08 47.25
P.2 43.17 38.42 40.80 55.25 48.75 52.00
P.3 46.67 40.34 43.51 59.67 53.75 56.71
LS D. at 5% for F=0.70, P=0.61, D=0.50 F=0.58, P=0.50, D=0.41
FxP =1.22, FxD =1.00, PxD =0.86 FxP =1.00, FxD =0.82, PxD =0.71
FxPxD =1.73 FxPxD =1.42
F.0.0 = Control P.1=Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1=Fertilization low P.2=Medium population density D.2=Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3=Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
Vegetative Growth Characteristics ficus-indica as compared to un-fertilized plants in the two
Plant Height (cm): Data presented in Table (2) showed growing seasons of this study, in this concern fertilizing
that all studied levels of mineral NPK fertilization Opuntia ficus-indica with the high compound fertilization
succeeded in increasing plant height (cm) of Opuntia rates (90:60:30 kg NPK/fed.) was the most effective one for
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
producing the tallest plants as it scored (37.39 and 46.94 cladodes fresh weight ton/fed. as it scored (9.25 and 12.19
(cm)) in the first harvest, (44.89 and 60.39 (cm)) in the (ton)) in the first harvest, (8.36 and 10.96 (ton)) in the
second harvest, in the first and second seasons second harvest, in the first and second seasons
respectively, irrespective control plants, the lowest values respectively, irrespective control plants, the lowest values
of this parameter were recorded by those recorded the low of this parameter were recorded by those recorded the low
compound fertilization rates (30:20:10 kg NPK/fed.), compound fertilization rates (30:20:10 kg NPK/fed.),
followed in ascending order by those supplemented with followed in ascending order by those supplemented with
the medium compound fertilization rates (60:40:20 kg the medium compound fertilization rates (60:40:20 kg
NPK/fed.), this trend was true in both harvests in the two NPK/fed.), this trend was true in both harvests in the two
seasons. seasons.
Regarding the effect of population densities data in Regarding the effect of population densities data in
Table (2) reveal that there was a positive relationship Table (3) reveal that there was a positive relationship
between the plant height values and population densities, between the cladodes fresh weight ton/fed. values and
so the values of plant height increased as the population population densities, so the values of cladodes fresh
densities increased until reach to the maximum increasing weight ton/fed. increased as the population densities
at the high density, this trend was true in both harvests in increased until reach to the maximum increasing at the
the two seasons. highest density, this trend was true in both harvests in
Data in Table (2) clear that planting direction from the two seasons, concerning the effect of planting
north to south was superior for inducing the tallest plant direction on cladodes fresh weight ton/fed. of Opuntia
when compared with planting direction from east to west ficus indica,
in the two harvests of the two seasons, as for the Data in Table (3) clear that planting direction from
interaction effect between mineral NPK fertilization, north to south was superior for inducing cladodes fresh
planting population and planting direction, data in the weight ton/fed. when compared with planting direction
same table indicate that, the combination of planting from east to west in the two harvests of the two seasons,
direction from north to south (D1) resulted in the highest as for the interaction effect between mineral NPK
values of plant height, especially those planted at the fertilization, planting population densities and planting
highest density and recorded the high fertilization level as direction, data in the same table indicate that, the
it registered (39.67 and 52.67 (cm)) in the first harvest, combination of planting direction from north to south (D1)
(52.00 and 68.67 (cm)) in the second harvest in the first resulted in the highest values of cladodes fresh weight
and second seasons respectively, in the contrary, the ton/fed. especially those planted at the highest density
lowest values of plant height were gained by the and recorded the high fertilization level as it registered
combinations of planting direction from east to west (D2), (16.21 and 22.12 (ton)) in the first harvest, (14.75 and 19.01
Particularly those planted at the lowest population (ton)) in the second harvest in the first and second
(1 plant/m ) and received no chemical fertilization. seasons respectively, in the contrary, the lowest values of
This trend was true in the two harvests in the two cladodes fresh weight ton/fed. were gained by the
seasons, the other treatments occupied on intermediate combinations of planting direction from east to west (D2),
position between the abovementioned treatments in particularly those planted at the lowest population (1
the two seasons, These results were in agreement with plant/m²) and received no chemical fertilization, this trend
[7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] on Opuntia ficus–indica. was true in the two harvests in the two seasons, the other
The Yield Measurements abovementioned treatments in the two seasons, These
Cladodes Fresh Weight Ton/Fed.: Data presented in results were in agreement with [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] on
Table (3) showed that all studied levels of mineral NPK Opuntia ficus–indica.
fertilization succeeded in increasing cladodes fresh weight
ton/fed. of Opuntia ficus-indica as compared to un- Cladodes Dry Weight Ton/Fed.: Data presented in
fertilized plants in the two growing seasons of this study, Table (4) showed that all studied levels of mineral NPK
in this concern fertilizing Opuntia ficus-indica with the fertilization succeeded in increasing cladodes dry
high compound fertilization rates (90:60:30 kg NPK/fed.), weight ton/fed. of Opuntia ficus-indica as compared
showed to be the most effective one for producing to un-fertilized plants in the two growing seasons of this
treatments occupied on intermediate position between the
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 3: Effect of fertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica on cladodes fresh weight ton/Fed. during
the subsequent two seasons (2018/2019 & 2019/2020)
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
First harvest (summer - autumn)
C. (0.0) P.1 3.43 2.87 6.26 3.98 3.72 8.35
P.2 5.63 5.48 7.76 6.68
P.3 10.92 9.23 15.23 12.71
F.1 (L) P.1 3.64 3.33 7.31 5.18 4.22 9.94
P.2 7.12 5.99 9.46 7.67
P.3 12.49 11.28 18.20 14.89
F.2 (M) P.1 4.12 3.89 7.96 5.99 5.01 11.20
P.2 7.35 6.99 10.99 8.43
P.3 12.96 12.43 20.16 16.63
F.3 (H) P.1 4.61 4.06 9.25 6.51 5.45 12.19
P.2 8.29 7.95 11.35 10.80
P.3 16.21 14.36 22.12 16.89
Mean 8.06 7.32 ======= 11.41 9.43 =======
P.1 3.95 3.54 3.75 5.42 4.60 5.01
P.2 7.10 6.60 6.85 9.89 8.40 9.15
P.3 13.15 11.83 12.49 18.93 15.28 17.11
LS D. at 5% for F=1.03, P=0.89, D=0.74 F=0.75, P=0.65, D=0.53
FxP =1.79, FxD =1.46, PxD =1.27 FxP =1.30, FxD =1.06, PxD =0.92
FxPxD =2.53 FxPxD = 1.84
Second harvest (winter - spring)
C. (0.0) P.1 3.05 2.80 5.80 3.57 3.37 7.43
P.2 5.53 4.80 6.69 5.93
P.3 9.49 9.14 13.68 11.33
F.1 (L) P.1 3.51 2.93 6.86 4.40 3.81 8.72
P.2 6.44 5.76 8.07 6.95
P.3 12.36 10.13 15.58 13.49
F.2 (M) P.1 3.68 3.53 7.63 5.53 4.27 10.02
P.2 7.22 6.22 10.16 7.64
P.3 12.92 12.19 17.31 15.21
F.3 (H) P.1 4.47 3.71 8.36 5.65 4.71 10.96
P.2 5.93 7.16 11.24 8.61
P.3 14.75 14.12 19.01 16.53
Mean 7.45 6.87 ======= 10.07 8.50 =======
P.1 3.68 3.24 3.42 4.79 4.04 4.41
P.2 6.28 5.99 6.32 9.04 7.28 8.20
P.3 12.38 11.40 11.88 16.40 14.14 15.27
LS D. at 5% for F=0.83, P=0.72, D=0.59 F=0.86, P=0.75, D=61
FxP =1.44, FxD =1.18, PxD =1.02 FxP =1.49, FxD =1.22, PxD =1.05
FxPxD = 2.04 FxPxD = 2.11
F.0.0 = Control P.1= Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1= Fertilization low P.2= Medium population density D.2= Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3= Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 4: Effect of fertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica on cladodes dry weight ton/Fed. during
the subsequent two seasons (2018/2019 & 2019/2020)
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
First harvest (summer - autumn)
C. (0.0) P.1 0.51 0.43 0.94 0.60 0.56 1.25
P.2 0.84 0.82 1.16 1.00
P.3 1.64 1.38 2.29 1.91
F.1 (L) P.1 0.55 0.50 1.10 0.78 0.63 1.49
P.2 1.07 0.90 1.42 1.15
P.3 1.87 1.69 2.73 2.23
F.2 (M) P.1 0.62 0.58 1.19 0.90 0.75 1.68
P.2 1.10 1.05 1.65 1.26
P.3 1.94 1.86 3.02 2.50
F.3 (H) P.1 0.69 0.61 1.39 0.98 0.82 1.81
P.2 1.24 1.19 1.70 1.51
P.3 2.43 2.15 3.32 2.53
Mean 1.21 1.10 ==== 1.71 1.40 ===
P.1 0.59 0.53 0.56 0.82 0.69 0.76
P.2 1.06 0.99 1.03 1.48 1.23 1.36
P.3 1.97 1.65 1.81 2.84 2.29 2.57
LS D. at 5% for F=0.15 , P=0.13 , D=0.11 F=0.12 , P=0.10 , D=0.09
FxP =0.27 , FxD =0.22 , PxD =0.19 FxP =0.21 , FxD =0.17 , PxD =0.15
FxPxD=0.38 FxPxD =0.30
Second harvest (winter - spring)
C. (0.0) P.1 0.46 0.42 0.87 0.54 0.51 1.12
P.2 0.83 0.72 1.05 0.89
P.3 1.42 1.37 2.05 1.70
F.1 (L) P.1 0.54 0.44 1.02 0.66 0.57 1.31
P.2 0.97 0.86 1.21 1.04
P.3 1.85 1.52 2.34 2.02
F.2 (M) P.1 0.55 0.53 1.14 0.83 0.64 1.50
P.2 1.08 0.93 1.52 1.15
P.3 1.94 1.83 2.60 2.28
F.3 (H) P.1 0.67 0.56 1.30 0.85 0.71 1.65
P.2 1.12 1.07 1.69 1.29
P.3 2.20 2.12 2.85 2.48
Mean 1.14 1.03 ==== 1.52 1.27 ====
P.1 0.56 0.49 0.53 0.72 0.61 0.67
P.2 1.00 0.90 0.95 1.34 1.09 1.22
P.3 1.85 1.71 1.78 2.46 2.12 2.29
LS D. at 5% for F=0.13 , P=0.12 , D=0.09 F=0.13 , P=0.11 , D=0.09
FxP =0.22 , FxD =0.18 , PxD =0.15 FxP =0.22 , FxD =0.18 , PxD =0.16
FxPxD =0.31 FxPxD =0.32
F.0.0 = Control P.1= Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1= Fertilization low P.2= Medium population density D.2= Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3= Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
study, in this concern fertilizing Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes fresh and dry weight ton/fed. of opuntia as
with the high compound fertilization rates (90: 60: 30 kg compared to un-fertilized plants in the two growing
NPK/fed.), showed to be the most effective one for seasons of this study, in this concern fertilizing opuntia
producing cladodes dry weight ton/fed. as it scored with the high compound fertilization rates (90:60:30 kg
(1.39 and 1.81 (ton)) in the first harvest, (1.30 and 1.65 NPK/fed.), showed to be the most effective one for
(ton)) in the second harvest in the first and second producing yield cladodes fresh and dry weight ton/fed. as
seasons respectively, irrespective control plants, the it scored (17.85 and 23.03 (ton)) in yield cladodes fresh
lowest values of this parameter were recorded by those weight ton/fed., (2.68 and 3.45 (ton)) in yield cladodes dry
recorded the low compound fertilization rates (30: 20: 10 weight ton/fed., the first and second seasons, in the first
kg NPK/fed.), followed in ascending order by those and second seasons respectively, irrespective control
supplemented with the medium compound fertilization plants, the lowest values of this parameter were recorded
rates (60: 40: 20 kg NPK/fed.), this trend was true in both by those recorded the low compound fertilization rates
harvests in the two seasons. (30:20:10 kg NPK/fed.), followed in ascending order by
Regarding the effect of population densities data in those supplemented with the medium compound
Table (4) reveal that there was a positive relationship fertilization rates (60:40:20 kg NPK/fed.), this trend was
between the cladodes dry weight ton/fed. values and true in both yield cladodes fresh and dry weight ton/fed.,
population densities, so the values of cladodes dry in the two seasons, regarding the effect of population
weight ton/fed. increased as the population densities densities.
increased until reach to the maximum increasing at the Data in Table (5) reveal that there was a positive
highest density, this trend was true in both harvests in relationship between the yield cladodes fresh and dry
the two seasons, concerning the effect of planting weight ton/fed., values and population densities, so the
direction on cladodes dry weight ton/fed. of Opuntia ficus values of yield cladodes fresh and dry weight ton/fed.
indica, data in Table (4) clear that planting direction from increased as the population densities increased until
north to south was superior for inducing cladodes dry reach to the maximum increasing at the highest density,
weight ton/fed. when compared with planting direction this trend was true in both yield cladodes fresh and dry
from east to west in the two harvests of the two seasons. weight ton/fed., in the two seasons, concerning the effect
As for the interaction effect between mineral NPK of planting direction on yield cladodes fresh and dry
fertilization, planting population densities and planting weight ton/fed. of Opuntia.
direction. Data in Table (5) clear that planting direction from
Data in the same Table (4) indicate that, the north to south was superior for inducing yield cladodes
combination of planting direction from north to south (D1) fresh and dry weight ton/fed., when compared with
resulted in the highest values of cladodes dry weight planting direction from east to west in the two harvests of
ton/fed. especially those planted at the highest density the two seasons, as for the interaction effect between
and recorded the high fertilization level as it registered mineral NPK fertilization, planting population densities
(2.43 and 3.32 (ton)) in the first harvest, (2.20 and 2.85 and planting direction, data in the same table indicate that,
(ton)) in the second harvest in the first and second the combination of planting direction from north to south
seasons respectively, In the contrary the lowest values of resulted in the highest values of yield cladodes fresh and
cladodes dry weight ton/fed. were gained by the dry weight ton/fed. especially those planted at the highest
combinations of planting direction from east to west (D2), density and recorded the high fertilization level as it
particularly those planted at the lowest population registered (30.91 and 41.13 (ton)) in the yield cladodes
(1 plant/m ) and received no chemical fertilization, this fresh weight ton/fed., (4.64 and 6.17 (ton)) in the yield
trend was true in the two harvests in the two seasons, the cladodes dry weight ton/fed. in the first and second
other treatments occupied on intermediate position seasons respectively, in the contrary, the lowest values of
between the abovementioned treatments in the two yield cladodes fresh and dry weight ton/fed. were gained
seasons. These results were in agreement with [7, 8, 9, 10, by the combinations of planting direction from east to
11, 12, 13] on Opuntia ficus–indica. west (D2), particularly those planted at the lowest
population and received no chemical fertilization. This
Yield Cladodes Fresh and Dry Weight Ton/Fed.: Data trend was true in the two harvests in the two seasons,
presented in Table (5) showed that all studied levels of these results were in agreement with [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
mineral NPK fertilization succeeded in increasing yield on Opuntia ficus–indica.
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 5: Effect of fertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica on yield cladodes fresh and dry weight
ton/fed. during the subsequent two seasons (2018/2019&2019/2020)
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
Yield cladodes fresh weight ton/fed.
C. (0.0) P.1 6.48 5.67 12.01 7.55 7.09 15.83
P.2 11.16 10.27 14.76 12.61
P.3 20.13 18.37 28.91 24.04
F.1 (L) P.1 7.14 6.26 14.16 9.58 8.00 18.65
P.2 13.55 11.75 17.53 14.63
P.3 24.85 21.41 33.78 28.38
F.2 (M) P.1 7.79 7.42 15.58 11.52 9.27 21.21
P.2 14.57 13.20 21.15 16.03
P.3 25.88 24.62 37.47 31.84
F.3 (H) P.1 9.08 7.77 17.85 12.13 10.16 23.03
P.2 15.74 15.10 22.60 18.69
P.3 30.91 28.48 41.13 33.45
Mean 15.61 14.19 ==== 21.51 17.85 ====
P.1 7.62 6.78 7.20 10.20 8.63 9.42
P.2 13.76 12.58 13.17 19.09 15.49 17.29
P.3 25.44 23.22 24.33 35.32 29.43 32.38
LS D. at 5% for F =1.25, P =1.08, D =0.88 F =3.62, P =3.14, D =2.56
FxP =2.17, FxD =1.77, PxD =1.53 FxP =6.28, FxD =5.12, PxD =4.44
FxPxD =3.07 FxPxD =8.88
Yield cladodes dry weight ton/fed.
C. (0.0) P.1 0.97 0.85 1.81 1.13 1.06 2.37
P.2 1.67 1.54 2.21 1.89
P.3 3.06 2.75 4.33 3.61
F.1 (L) P.1 1.07 0.94 2.12 1.44 1.21 2.80
P.2 2.03 1.76 2.63 2.19
P.3 3.73 3.21 5.07 4.26
F.2 (M) P.1 1.17 1.11 2.34 1.73 1.39 3.22
P.2 2.19 1.98 3.17 2.62
P.3 3.88 3.69 5.62 4.78
F.3 (H) P.1 1.36 1.16 2.68 1.82 1.52 3.45
P.2 2.36 2.27 3.39 2.80
P.3 4.64 4.27 6.17 5.01
Mean 2.34 2.13 ==== 3.23 2.69 ====
P.1 1.14 1.02 1.08 1.53 1.30 1.42
P.2 2.06 1.89 1.98 2.85 2.38 2.62
P.3 3.83 3.48 3.66 5.30 4.42 4.86
LS D. at 5% for F=0.14, P=0.12, D=0.10 F =0.19, P =0.17, D =0.13
FxP =0.25, FxD=20, PxD=0.18 FxP =0.32, FxD =0.26, PxD =0.23
FxPxD = 0.35 FxPxD = 0.46
F.0.0 = Control P.1= Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1= Fertilization low P.2= Medium population density D.2= Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3= Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 6: Effect of fertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica on crude protein content ratio during the
subsequent two seasons (2018/2019 & 2019/2020)
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
First harvest (summer - autumn)
C. (0.0) P.1 4.07 4.04 4.04 4.13 4.09 4.07
P.2 4.07 4.03 4.09 4.04
P.3 4.03 4.00 4.04 4.01
F.1 (L) P.1 4.07 4.07 4.05 4.28 4.17 4.13
P.2 4.07 4.03 4.10 4.09
P.3 4.07 4.00 4.08 4.08
F.2 (M) P.1 4.11 4.07 4.07 4.49 4.27 4.21
P.2 4.10 4.07 4.15 4.11
P.3 4.07 4.03 4.11 4.10
F.3 (H) P.1 4.12 4.07 4.07 4.65 4.40 4.30
P.2 4.08 4.07 4.22 4.19
P.3 4.07 4.03 4.18 4.16
Mean 4.08 4.04 ==== 4.21 4.15 ====
P.1 4.09 4.06 4.08 4.39 4.23 4.31
P.2 4.08 4.05 4.07 4.14 4.11 4.13
P.3 4.06 4.02 4.04 4.10 4.09 4.10
LS D. at 5% for F=0.04, P=0.03, D=0.03 F=0.07, P=0.06, D=0.05
FxP =0.06, FxD =0.05, PxD =0.05 FxP =0.12, FxD =0.10, PxD =0.08
FxPxD =0.09 FxPxD =0.16
Second harvest (winter - spring)
C. (0.0) P.1 4.03 4.00 3.99 4.12 4.11 4.08
P.2 4.00 3.97 4.10 4.08
P.3 3.98 3.94 4.07 4.03
F.1 (L) P.1 4.07 4.03 4.03 4.22 4.17 4.17
P.2 4.03 4.03 4.21 4.12
P.3 4.03 3.96 4.18 4.09
F.2 (M) P.1 4.07 4.03 4.03 4.33 4.21 4.23
P.2 4.03 4.03 4.28 4.18
P.3 4.03 3.99 4.23 4.13
F.3 (H) P.1 4.10 4.07 4.06 4.37 4.31 4.29
P.2 4.03 4.07 4.30 4.27
P.3 4.03 4.03 4.27 4.21
Mean 4.04 4.01 ==== 4.22 4.16 ====
P.1 4.07 4.03 4.05 4.26 4.20 4.23
P.2 4.02 4.03 4.03 4.22 4.16 4.19
P.3 4.02 3.98 4.00 4.19 4.12 4.16
LS D. at 5% for F=0.03, P=0.03, D=0.02 F=0.03, P=0.03, D=0.02
FxP =0.05, FxD =0.04, PxD =0.04 FxP =0.05, FxD =0.04, PxD =0.04
FxPxD =0.07 FxPxD =0.07
F.0.0 = Control P.1= Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1= Fertilization low P.2= Medium population density D.2= Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3= Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Chemical Constituents Crude Fiber Content Ratio: Data presented in Table (7)
Crude Protein Content Ratio: Data presented in Table (6) showed that all studied levels of mineral NPK fertilization
showed that all studied levels of mineral NPK fertilization succeeded in decreasing crude fiber of Opuntia ficus-
succeeded in increasing crude protein of Opuntia ficus- indica as compared to un-fertilized plants in the two
indica as compared to un-fertilized plants in the two growing seasons of this study, in this concern fertilizing
growing seasons of this study, in this concern fertilizing Opuntia ficus-indica with the high compound fertilization
Opuntia ficus-indica with the high compound fertilization rates (90:60:30 kg NPK/fed.), showed to be the least
rates (90:60:30 kg NPK/fed.), showed to be the most effective one for producing crude fiber as it scored
effective one for producing crude protein as it scored (29.22 and 26.89) in the first harvest, (30.17 and 28.56)
(4.07 and 4.30) in the first harvest, (4.06 and 4.29) in the in the second harvest, in the first and second seasons
second harvest in the first and second seasons respectively, irrespective control plants, the highest
respectively, irrespective control plants, the lowest values values of this parameter were recorded by those recorded
of this parameter were recorded by those recorded the low the low compound fertilization rates (30:20:10 kg
compound fertilization rates (30:20:10 kg NPK/fed.), NPK/fed.), followed in ascending order by those
followed in ascending order by those supplemented with supplemented with the medium compound fertilization
the medium compound fertilization rates (60:40:20 kg rates (60:40:20 kg NPK/fed.), this trend was true in both
NPK/fed.), this trend was true in both harvests in the two harvests in the two seasons, regarding the effect of
seasons, regarding the effect of population densities. population densities.
Data in Table (6) reveal that there was a positive Data in Table (7) reveal that there was a negative
relationship between the crude protein values and relationship between the crude fiber values and
population densities, so the values of crude protein population densities, so the values of crude fiber
increased as the population densities increased until decreased as the population densities increased until
reach to the maximum increasing at the low density, this reach to the minimum decreasing at the high density, this
trend was true in both harvests in the two seasons, trend was true in both harvests in the two seasons,
concerning the effect of planting direction on crude concerning the effect of planting direction on crude fiber
protein of Opuntia ficus indica. of Opuntia ficus indica.
Data in Table (6) clear that planting direction from Data in Table (7) clear that planting direction from
north to south was superior for inducing crude protein north to south was not superior for inducing crude fiber
when compared with planting direction from east to west when compared with planting direction from east to west
in the two harvests of the two seasons, as for the in the two harvests of the two seasons, as for the
interaction effect between mineral NPK fertilization, interaction effect between mineral NPK fertilization,
planting population densities and planting direction, data planting population densities and planting direction, data
in the same table indicate that, the combination of in the same table indicate that, the combination of
planting direction from north to south (D1) resulted in the planting direction from north to south (D1) resulted in the
highest values of crude protein, especially those planted lowest values of crude fiber, especially those planted at
at the lowest density and recorded the high fertilization the highest density and recorded the high fertilization
level as it registered (4.12 and 4.65) in the first harvest, level as it registered (27.33 and 25.00) in the first harvest,
(4.10 and 4.37) in the second harvest in the first and (29.00 and 27.33) in the second harvest in the first and
second seasons respectively, in the contrary, the lowest second seasons respectively, in the contrary the highest
values of crude protein were gained by the combinations values of crude fiber were gained by the combinations of
of planting direction from east to west (D2), Particularly planting direction from east to west (D2), Particularly
those planted at the highest population (4plant/m ) and those planted at the lowest population (1 plant/m ) and
received no chemical fertilization, this trend was true in received no chemical fertilization, this trend was true in
the two harvests in the two seasons, the other treatments the two harvests in the two seasons, the other treatments
occupied on intermediate position between the occupied on intermediate position between the
abovementioned treatments in the two seasons. These abovementioned treatments in the two seasons, These
results were in agreement with [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] results were in agreement with [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
on Opuntia ficus–indica. on Opuntia ficus–indica.
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 7: Effect of fertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica on crude fiber content ratio during the
subsequent two seasons (2018/2019 & 2019/2020)
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
First harvest (summer - autumn)
C. (0.0) P.1 32.67 33.67 32.00 30.33 31.67 29.67
P.2 31.33 32.67 29.00 30.00
P.3 30.33 31.33 28.33 28.67
F.1 (L) P.1 31.67 32.33 31.06 29.33 30.67 28.56
P.2 31.00 31.33 28.00 28.33
P.3 29.33 30.67 27.33 27.67
F.2 (M) P.1 30.67 31.67 30.34 28.33 29.33 27.78
P.2 29.67 31.00 27.67 28.00
P.3 28.67 30.33 26.33 27.00
F.3 (H) P.1 29.67 30.67 29.22 27.67 28.33 26.89
P.2 28.33 29.67 26.67 27.33
P.3 27.33 29.67 25.00 26.33
Mean 30.06 31.25 ==== 27.83 28.61 ====
P.1 31.17 32.09 31.63 28.92 30.00 29.46
P.2 30.08 31.17 30.63 27.84 28.42 28.13
P.3 28.92 30.50 29.71 26.75 27.42 27.09
LS D. at 5% for F=0.45, P=0.39, D=0.32 F=0.58, P=0.50, D=0.41
FxP =0.78, FxD =0.63, PxD =0.55 FxP =1.00, FxD =0.82, PxD =0.71
FxPxD =1.10 FxPxD =1.42
Second harvest (winter - spring)
C. (0.0) P.1 33.67 34.67 32.72 31.33 32.00 31.06
P.2 32.67 33.33 30.67 31.33
P.3 30.67 31.33 30.33 30.67
F.1 (L) P.1 32.67 33.67 32.11 30.33 31.33 29.94
P.2 31.67 33.33 29.33 30.33
P.3 30.33 31.00 28.67 29.67
F.2 (M) P.1 31.33 32.67 31.11 29.67 30.33 29.44
P.2 30.67 31.67 29.33 29.67
P.3 29.67 30.67 28.33 29.33
F.3 (H) P.1 30.33 31.67 30.17 28.33 29.67 28.56
P.2 29.33 30.67 28.00 29.33
P.3 29.00 30.00 27.33 28.67
Mean 31.00 32.06 ==== 29.30 30.19 ====
P.1 32.00 33.17 32.59 29.92 30.83 30.38
P.2 31.09 32.25 31.67 29.33 30.17 29.75
P.3 29.92 30.75 30.34 28.67 29.59 29.13
LS D. at 5% for F=0.47, P=0.41, D=0.33 F=0.44, P=0.38, D=0.31
FxP =0.81, FxD =0.66, PxD =0.57 FxP =0.76, FxD =0.62, PxD =0.54
FxPxD =1.14 FxPxD =1.08
F.0.0 = Control P.1= Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1= Fertilization low P.2= Medium population density D.2= Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3= Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 8: Effect of fertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica on ash content ratio during the subsequent
two seasons (2018/2019 & 2019/2020)
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
First harvest (summer - autumn)
C. (0.0) P.1 27.57 26.20 27.33 27.67 25.67 27.22
P.2 28.03 26.77 27.67 26.33
P.3 28.33 27.17 28.67 27.33
F.1 (L) P.1 27.70 26.37 27.95 28.33 26.33 27.56
P.2 28.77 27.00 28.67 26.67
P.3 29.63 28.00 28.67 26.67
F.2 (M) P.1 28.33 26.83 28.29 28.67 26.67 28.17
P.2 29.03 27.17 29.33 27.00
P.3 30.07 28.33 29.67 27.67
F.3 (H) P.1 28.83 27.73 29.03 29.67 27.67 29.22
P.2 29.43 28.00 30.33 28.33
P.3 30.53 29.63 30.67 28.67
Mean 28.86 27.43 ==== 29.00 27.08 ====
P.1 28.11 26.78 27.45 28.59 26.59 27.59
P.2 28.82 27.24 28.03 29.00 27.08 28.04
P.3 29.64 28.28 28.96 29.42 27.59 28.51
LS D. at 5% for F=0.29, P=0.25, D=0.20 F=0.42, P=0.36, D=0.30
FxP =0.49, FxD =0.40, PxD =0.35 FxP =0.72, FxD =0.59, PxD =0.51
FxPxD =0.70 FxPxD =1.02
Second harvest (winter - spring)
C. (0.0) P.1 27.00 26.00 26.88 26.67 24.67 26.17
P.2 27.13 26.03 27.00 25.33
P.3 28.07 27.00 27.67 25.67
F.1 (L) P.1 27.63 26.27 27.34 27.33 25.67 27.27
P.2 27.27 26.33 27.67 27.00
P.3 28.60 27.97 28.67 27.33
F.2 (M) P.1 28.20 26.63 27.94 28.33 26.67 28.06
P.2 28.37 27.03 28.67 27.33
P.3 29.10 28.33 29.67 27.67
F.3 (H) P.1 28.80 27.57 28.75 29.33 27.67 29.22
P.2 29.17 27.90 30.67 28.33
P.3 29.80 29.30 30.67 28.67
Mean 28.26 27.20 ==== 28.53 26.83 ====
P.1 27.91 26.62 27.27 27.92 26.17 27.05
P.2 27.99 26.82 27.41 28.50 26.99 27.75
P.3 28.89 28.15 28.52 29.17 27.34 28.26
LS D. at 5% for F=0.17, P=0.15, D=0.12 F=0.49, P=0.43, D=0.35
FxP =0.30, FxD =0.24, PxD =0.21 FxP =0.85, FxD =0.69, PxD =0.60
FxPxD =0.42 FxPxD =1.20
F.0.0 = Control P.1= Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1= Fertilization low P.2= Medium population density D.2= Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3= Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Ash Content Ratio: Data presented in Table (8) showed Ether Extract Content Ratio: Data presented in Table (9)
that all studied levels of mineral NPK fertilization showed that all studied levels of mineral NPK fertilization
succeeded in increasing ash content ratio of Opuntia succeeded in increasing ether extract of Opuntia ficus-
ficus-indica as compared to un-fertilized plants in the two indica as compared to un-fertilized plants in the two
growing seasons of this study, in this concern fertilizing growing seasons of this study, in this concern fertilizing
Opuntia ficus-indica with the high compound fertilization Opuntia ficus-indica with the high compound fertilization
rates (90:60:30 kg NPK/fed.), showed to be the most rates (90:60:30 kg NPK/fed.), showed to be the most
effective one for producing ash content ratio as it scored effective one for producing ether extract as it scored
(29.03 and 29.22) in the first harvest, (28.75 and 29.22) (2.51 and 2.73) in the first harvest, (2.41 and 2.69) in the
in the second harvest, in the first and second seasons second harvest in the first and second seasons
respectively, irrespective control plants, the lowest values respectively, irrespective control plants, the lowest values
of this parameter were recorded by those recorded the low of this parameter were recorded by those recorded the low
compound fertilization rates (30:20:10 kg NPK/fed.), compound fertilization rates (30:20:10 kg NPK/fed.),
followed in ascending order by those supplemented with followed in ascending order by those supplemented with
the medium compound fertilization rates (60:40:20 kg the medium compound fertilization rates (60:40:20 kg
NPK/fed.), this trend was true in both harvests in the two NPK/fed.), this trend was true in both harvests in the two
seasons. seasons.
Regarding the effect of population densities data in Regarding the effect of population densities data in
Table (8) reveal that there was a positive relationship Table (9) reveal that there was a negative relationship
between the ash content ratio values and population between the ether extract values and population
densities, so the values of ash content ratio increased as densities, so the values of ether extract decreased as the
the population densities increased until reach to the population densities increased until reach to the
maximum increasing at the high density, this trend was maximum increasing at the low density, this trend was
true in both harvests in the two seasons, concerning the true in both harvests in the two seasons, concerning
effect of planting direction on ash content ratio of the effect of planting direction on ether extract of
Opuntia ficus indica.Opuntia ficus indica.
Data in Table (8) clear that planting direction from Data in Table (9) clear that planting direction from
north to south was superior for inducing ash content ratio north to south was superior for inducing ether extract
when compared with planting direction from east to west when compared with planting direction from east to west
in the two harvests of the two seasons, as for the in the two harvests of the two seasons, as for the
interaction effect between mineral NPK fertilization, interaction effect between mineral NPK fertilization,
planting population densities and planting direction, data planting population densities and planting direction, data
in the same table indicate that, the combination of in the same table indicate that, the combination of
planting direction from north to south (D1) resulted in the planting direction from north to south (D1) resulted in the
highest values of ash content ratio, especially those highest values of ether extract, especially those planted at
planted at the highest density and recorded the high the highest density and recorded the high fertilization
fertilization level as it registered (30.53 and 30.67) in the level as it registered (2.80 and 2.87) in the first harvest,
first harvest, (29.80 and 30.67) in the second harvest in the (2.63 and 2.84) in the second harvest in the first and
first and second seasons respectively, in the contrary the second seasons respectively, in the contrary the lowest
lowest values of ash content ratio were gained by the values of ether extract were gained by the combinations
combinations of planting direction from east to west (D2), of planting direction from east to west (D2), particularly
Particularly those planted at the highest population those planted at the highest population (4plant/m ) and
(4 plant/m ) and received no chemical fertilization, this received no chemical fertilization, this trend was true in
trend was true in the two harvests in the two seasons, the the two harvests in the two seasons, the other treatments
other treatments occupied on intermediate position occupied on intermediate position between the
between the abovementioned treatments in the two abovementioned treatments in the two seasons. These
seasons. These results were in agreement with [7, 8, 9, 10, results were in agreement with [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
11, 12, 13] on Opuntia ficus–indica. on Opuntia ficus–indica.
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 9: Effect of f ertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica on ether extract content ratio during the
subsequent two seasons (2018/2019 & 2019/2020)
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
First harvest (summer - autumn)
C. (0.0) P.1 2.43 2.30 2.24 2.73 2.42 2.51
P.2 2.30 2.23 2.62 2.38
P.3 2.17 2.00 2.53 2.35
F.1 (L) P.1 2.57 2.43 2.36 2.78 2.48 2.59
P.2 2.40 2.33 2.73 2.44
P.3 2.27 2.13 2.72 2.38
F.2 (M) P.1 2.67 2.57 2.45 2.84 2.58 2.67
P.2 2.53 2.43 2.81 2.52
P.3 2.33 2.17 2.77 2.48
F.3 (H) P.1 2.80 2.57 2.51 2.87 2.63 2.73
P.2 2.57 2.53 2.85 2.62
P.3 2.33 2.27 2.82 2.61
Mean 2.45 2.33 ==== 2.76 2.49 ====
P.1 2.62 2.47 2.55 2.81 2.53 2.67
P.2 2.45 2.38 2.42 2.75 2.49 2.62
P.3 2.28 2.14 2.21 2.71 2.46 2.59
LS D. at 5% for F=0.06 , P=0.05 , D=0.04 F=0.08 , P=0.07 , D=0.06
FxP =0.10 , FxD =0.08 , PxD =0.07 FxP =0.01 , FxD =0.01 , PxD =0.01
FxPxD =0.18 FxPxD =0.02
Second harvest (winter - spring)
C. (0.0) P.1 2.27 2.07 2.09 2.70 2.40 2.47
P.2 2.23 2.03 2.58 2.34
P.3 1.97 1.94 2.51 2.31
F.1 (L) P.1 2.43 2.23 2.24 2.76 2.43 2.56
P.2 2.37 2.17 2.72 2.41
P.3 2.16 2.07 2.71 2.35
F.2 (M) P.1 2.47 2.37 2.32 2.80 2.51 2.63
P.2 2.43 2.23 2.78 2.49
P.3 2.27 2.13 2.73 2.44
F.3 (H) P.1 2.63 2.43 2.41 2.84 2.58 2.69
P.2 2.57 2.33 2.81 2.58
P.3 2.30 2.20 2.78 2.54
Mean 2.34 2.18 ==== 2.73 2.45 ====
P.1 2.45 2.28 2.37 2.78 2.48 2.63
P.2 2.40 2.19 2.30 2.72 2.46 2.59
P.3 2.18 2.09 2.14 2.68 2.41 2.55
LS D. at 5% for F=0.04, P=0.04, D=0.03 F=0.01, P=0.01, D=0.01
FxP =0.07, FxD =0.06, PxD =0.05 FxP =0.01, FxD =0.01, PxD =0.01
FxPxD =0.10 FxPxD =0.01
F.0.0 = Control P.1= Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1= Fertilization low P.2= Medium population density D.2= Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3= Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
Table 10: Effect of fertilization levels, population densities and cladodes planting directions of Opuntia ficus-indica on carbohydrate content ratio during the
subsequent two seasons (2018/2019 & 2019/2020)
First season (2018/2019) Second season (2019/2020)
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Treatments D.1 D.2 Mean D.1 D.2 Mean
First harvest (summer - autumn)
C. (0.0) P.1 33.26 33.80 34.38 35.14 36.16 36.43
P.2 34.27 34.33 35.96 37.24
P.3 35.13 35.50 36.43 37.63
F.1 (L) P.1 33.99 34.80 34.63 35.27 36.36 37.00
P.2 33.77 35.30 36.50 38.47
P.3 34.70 35.20 36.20 39.21
F.2 (M) P.1 34.22 34.87 34.92 35.66 37.15 36.85
P.2 34.70 35.33 34.04 38.37
P.3 34.90 35.47 37.12 38.75
F.3 (H) P.1 34.58 34.96 35.19 35.15 36.97 36.86
P.2 35.73 34.40 35.93 37.52
P.3 35.76 35.73 37.43 38.23
Mean 34.58 34.97 ==== 35.90 37.67 ====
P.1 34.01 34.61 34.31 35.31 36.66 35.99
P.2 34.63 35.17 34.90 35.61 37.90 36.76
P.3 35.12 35.14 35.13 36.80 38.46 37.63
LS D. at 5% for F=0.50, P=0.44, D=0.36 F=0.88, P=0.76, D=0.62
FxP =0.87 FxD =0.71, PxD =0.62 FxP =1.52, FxD =1.24, PxD =1.07
FxPxD =1.23 FxPxD =2.15
Second harvest (winter - spring)
C. (0.0) P.1 33.00 33.27 34.33 35.18 36.82 36.22
P.2 33.97 34.63 35.65 36.91
P.3 35.32 35.78 35.42 37.33
F.1 (L) P.1 33.20 33.83 34.29 35.35 36.40 36.22
P.2 34.67 34.13 36.07 37.14
P.3 34.87 35.01 35.78 36.55
F.2 (M) P.1 33.93 34.27 34.48 34.86 36.28 35.64
P.2 34.50 35.03 34.94 36.32
P.3 34.93 34.87 35.04 36.42
F.3 (H) P.1 34.10 35.27 34.77 34.80 35.77 35.19
P.2 34.87 34.47 34.22 35.49
P.3 34.90 35.03 34.95 35.91
Mean 34.35 34.58 ==== 35.19 36.45 ====
P.1 33.56 34.16 33.86 35.05 36.32 35.68
P.2 34.51 34.71 34.61 35.22 36.47 35.84
P.3 34.99 35.03 35.01 35.30 36.55 35.93
LS D. at 5% for F=0.54, P=0.47, D=0.38 F=0.64, P=0.56, D=0.45
FxP =0.94, FxD =0.77, PxD =0.67 FxP =1.11, FxD =0.91, PxD =0.79
FxPxD =1.33 FxPxD =1.57
F.0.0 = Control P.1= Light population density D.1=Direction (north to south)
F.1= Fertilization low P.2= Medium population density D.2= Direction (east to west)
F.2=Fertilization medium P.3= Heavy population density
F.3=Fertilization high
Total Carbohydrates Content Ratio: Data presented in un-fertilized plants in the two growing seasons of this
Table (10) showed that all studied levels of mineral NPK study, in this concern fertilizing Opuntia ficus-indica
fertilization succeeded in increasing total carbohydrate with the high compound fertilization rates (90:60:30 kg
content of Opuntia ficus-indica as compared to NPK/fed.), showed to be the most effective one for
World J. Agric. Sci., 17 (6): 491-508, 2021
producing total carbohydrate content as it scored (35.19 and 16800 plants/fed.), in addition to the cultivation
and 36.86) in the first harvest, (34.77 and 35.19) in the trends of cladodes (north to south & east to west) and
second harvest, in the first and second seasons their different interactions on growth, yield and chemical
respectively, irrespective control plants, the lowest values content, the split plot design was used twice, fertilization
of this parameter were recorded by those recorded the rates in the main plots and plant density in the sub-main
low compound fertilization rates (30:20:10 kg NPK/fed.), plot, while the cultivation trends in the sub-sub main plot,
followed in ascending order by those supplemented with the crop was taken in the autumn (20/9) and spring (20/3)
the medium compound fertilization rates (60:40:20 kg during the two seasons of the study, the results obtained
NPK/fed.), this trend was true in both harvests in the two showed that all data of vegetative growth, yield and
seasons, regarding the effect of population densities. chemical content gave positive results with all the three
Data in Table (10) reveal that there was a positive levels of fertilization and densities with the direction of
relationship between the total carbohydrate content cultivation of the cladodes from east to west in both
values and population densities, so the values of seasons under study and the increase was significant
carbohydrate content ratio increased as the population with the high level of fertilization, to obtain the highest
densities increased until reach to the maximum increasing productivity and high chemical content of plant cladodes
at the high density, this trend was true in both harvests in and use them as non-traditional fodder to reduce the gap
the two seasons, concerning the effect of planting in the shortage of animal feed, these results were in
direction on total carbohydrate content of Opuntia ficus agreement These results were in agreement with (7, 8, 9,
indica. 10, 11, 12 and 13) on Opuntia ficus–indica.
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