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Discussion paper
Information Model for Capabilities, Skills & Services
Definition of terminology and proposal for a technology-independent
information model for capabilities and skills in flexible manufacturing
Information Model for Capabilities, Skills & Services
This document is a draft written by the authors listed at the end of this document published by the Plattform
Industrie 4.0 in November 2022.
Plattform Industrie 4.0
Bülowstraße 78
10783 Berlin
Editing, layout and photos/graphics
Plattform Industrie 4.0
Bülowstraße 78
10783 Berlin
Status: October 6th, 2022
This document is published by Plattform Industrie 4.0. It is distributed free of charge and is not intended
for sale.
Information Model for Capabilities, Skills & Services
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Flexible Manufacturing in Industry 4.0 ...................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Motivation (Skills, Capabilities, Services) ............................................................................................. 6
2.2 Scenarios .............................................................................................................................................. 7
3 Model for Capabilities, Skills and Services ............................................................................................. 10
3.1 Motivation ........................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Model Overview .................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 Model Details ...................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.1 Product, Process and Resource ..................................................................................................... 14
3.3.2 Capability ........................................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.3 Skill ................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.4 Service ............................................................................................................................................ 16
3.4 Activities .............................................................................................................................................. 17
4 Usage of Skills/Capabilities/Services ...................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Generic Use Cases ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.2 Application examples .......................................................................................................................... 24
4.2.1 Manufacturing Example .................................................................................................................. 24
4.2.2 Process engineering example ........................................................................................................ 26
5 Related Approaches and Technologies .................................................................................................. 29
5.1 Asset Administration Shell .................................................................................................................. 29
5.2 Semantic Web Technologies .............................................................................................................. 30
5.3 Module Type Package ........................................................................................................................ 31
5.4 OPC Unified Architecture .................................................................................................................... 32
5.5 Automation Markup Language ............................................................................................................ 33
5.6 Service-Oriented Architecture ............................................................................................................. 33
5.7 Related Standards .............................................................................................................................. 34
6 Outlook .................................................................................................................................................... 35
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7 Literature ................................................................................................................................................. 36
8 Annex A – Terms .................................................................................................................................... 38
8.1 Capability ............................................................................................................................................ 38
8.2 Property .............................................................................................................................................. 38
8.3 CapabilityConstraint ............................................................................................................................ 38
8.4 Service ................................................................................................................................................ 39
8.5 ServiceRequester ............................................................................................................................... 39
8.6 ServiceProvider .................................................................................................................................. 39
8.7 ServiceOffer ........................................................................................................................................ 39
8.8 Skill ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
8.9 SkillInterface ....................................................................................................................................... 40
8.10 SkillParameter .................................................................................................................................... 40
8.11 Process ............................................................................................................................................... 41
8.12 Resource ............................................................................................................................................ 41
8.13 Product ............................................................................................................................................... 42
9 Annex B – Activities ................................................................................................................................ 42
9.1 ServiceSequencing ............................................................................................................................. 42
9.2 ServiceMatching ................................................................................................................................. 42
9.3 ComplianceCheck ............................................................................................................................... 43
9.4 CapabilitySequencing ......................................................................................................................... 43
9.5 RequiredCapabilityDerivation ............................................................................................................. 43
9.6 CapabilityMatching ............................................................................................................................. 43
9.7 CapabilityDecomposition .................................................................................................................... 44
9.8 FeasibilityCheck .................................................................................................................................. 44
Authors ............................................................................................................................................................... 46
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1 Introduction
Smart Manufacturing is a topical keyword, but what does it really mean? Most of all more
adaptability and flexibility! Flexibility in terms of more product variants in one production line,
smaller batch sizes of different variants produced at a reasonable price and reorganization
of the production order with reduced effort. It also means, support during the engineering
process to follow the fast changes of the market demands. To meet all those requirements,
a machine-readable description of manufacturing functions
is required. This description has
to be based on a well-defined model. The Capability, Skill and Service Model (CSS model)
provides essential contributions to these challenges. This model combines the industrial re-
quirements with initial practical experience, the current status of industrial research and the
possible technological implementations.
This paper describes the CSS model. For this purpose, the motivation is first presented in
Chapter 2 in connection with selected scenarios. This serves to characterize the CSS model
related to industrial production. Chapter 3 offers at first a refined motivation and a general
overview of the CSS model (Chapters 3.1 and 3.2) for a quick overview. The CSS model is
explained in detail in Chapter 3.3 using a class diagram, starting from the product, process
and resource model (PPR model) and then presenting the individual model components Ca-
pability, Skill and Service
. In addition to the structure of the CSS model, Chapter 3.4 de-
scribes activities for selected usage scenarios. Two examples, one from manufacturing and
one from process engineering, illustrate how the model is embedded in these application
domains. Chapter 4 describes a selection of concrete use cases that highlight potential us-
age scenarios. The CSS model can be implemented using various technologies. For this
reason, essential technology references are made in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 gives an outlook
for future work on the CSS model. Appendix A contains the definitions of the terms intro-
duced in the paper in a more compact format to be used as a reference. The same applies
to Appendix B, which contains the definitions of the activities.
The term „function“ is used in a general sense in the paper.
Here the term Service is a production service (see definition in annex); in German language it is the term
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2 Flexible Manufacturing in Industry 4.0
2.1 Motivation (Skills, Capabilities, Services)
An important trend in future manufacturing is the requirement for faster reaction to market
uncertainties resulting in the need for more flexibility in industrial production. This flexibility
concerns many different aspects e.g. the ability for fast introduction of new products or prod-
uct variants, which affects the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) process. Therefore, the
possibility to efficiently produce high-mix scenarios under low-volume down to lot-size-1 is
necessary, which requires new concepts for production control as well as the ability to react
to problems and disturbances within a production and supply chains. All these challenges
do not only require a new kind of cross-company collaboration, such as shared production
using marketplaces, but also fast changeability of plants to efficiently adapt a production
setup to changed conditions.
Today’s production systems are limited to meet these requirements as typically there is a
tight coupling of products and their required production process steps to the production re-
There are no widely accepted or used standards applicable over all production sectors for
the generalized description of products, production processes and functionalities of produc-
tion resources, which enable decoupling and differentiation between these concepts and, as
a result, a flexible relation between these elements.
This challenge has at least two dimensions. On the one hand, the distinction and relationship
between product features, needed processes and process steps, provided and required
functionalities, available interfaces etc. is often not clear or even not applied. On the other
hand, there is a lack of concepts for a machine-interpretable description of these concepts
which is restricting the ability to a dynamic and flexible matching between the required and
offered functions and the derived automated decisions in a production control system. This
allows the replacement of pre-programmed and pre-configured control sequences by model-
based control design. The same is true for interfaces between production control and re-
sources. In the case of changes in the use of a resource, no complex interventions in the
control programs should be necessary. It should be possible to adjust the functionalities
provided by the resource to changed requirements by configuration of the standardized in-
To address these challenges and meet the requirements, fundamentally new concepts have
to be introduced. Specifically, the decoupling of product design from production engineering
is an important aspect. Introducing an abstract view on production functions is in line with
the trend toward modularization of production resources, where the description of function-
alities and standardized interfaces to encapsulated automation functions are key elements.
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At the same time, a functional abstraction supports the trend from low level programming
methods to modelling on a functional or even requirement level. This reduces engineering
efforts in general, but specifically enables a fast reconfiguration of production systems with-
out the need for extensive reprogramming.
In recent years, a large number of research activities took place to develop the required
concepts in detail and elaborate their application in the industrial domain (Roman
Froschauer, 2022).
Unfortunately, so far there is no common understanding with respect to naming conventions
which allows a direct comparison of approaches and solutions and seamless cooperation
between involved parties.
To improve this situation capability, skill and services are introduced.
The utilization within an overall general model is described within Chapter 3 of this document.
But before scenarios give a context of the introduced CCS model. The definitions of these
and other related elements are given in Annex A – Terms as reference.
2.2 Scenarios
Application scenarios as introduced by Plattform Industrie 4.0
(Plattform 2016) describe a
vision for the digital transformation of industrial production as well as challenges connected
with realization of these scenarios. Out of the scenarios described in (Plattform 2016), we
will use the order-driven production and adaptable factory to explain which problems can be
addressed with capabilities, skills and services.
Each of these scenarios shows a principal production context for the application of new con-
ceptual approaches. The use case “Adaptable Factory” is related to the production process
within one factory and the use case “Shared Production” is applied between factories.
Shared Production is an important part of the I4.0 defined “Order Driven Production” and
focusses on flexible production configuration not only inside one factory but also including
cross-site optimisation and cross-company collaboration to enable a fast reaction on chang-
ing markets which results in hard to predict long-term volume of incoming orders. It is stated
that the core elements of this scenario are standardisation of both process steps of the prod-
uct and self-descriptions of capabilities of production systems. The process step description
references the product description (e.g. the electronic Bill of Material (eBoM)).
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These elements can obviously be mapped to the concepts of capabilities, skills and, in case
of cross company setups, services. They enable the dynamic and possibly automated adap-
tion of production processes. Figure 1 shows the general applicability within the scenario.
The scenario Adaptable Factory is closely related to flexible production as well but focusses
more on the production resources in an intra-company environment. The core element which
supports flexibility is realized by a fast and efficient physical change of the production setup
which usually is referred to as Plug-and-produce. This typically requires a modularization of
production resources where skills and capabilities are important to ensure a well-defined
self-description and interfaces on a functional abstraction level. Figure 1 shows the interplay
of both application scenarios and the utilization of skills and capabilities within this context.
Intra-company Cross-company
Smart factories become nodes of networked
I4.0-ecosystems and supply chains
Workflow Management
Capability Capability Capability Service
Shared production
Adaptable factory
Internal production processes
become more flexible and adaptable Smart
Production planning
Production execution
Capability Capability Capability
Skill Skill Skill
Production resource
engineering and
Production resource
engineering and
Figure 1: Capabilities, skills and services in the context of the Shared Production and
Adaptable Factory scenarios [source: Chris Urban, Alexander Belyaev und Christian Die-
drich. „Verwaltungsschale-basierter Ansatz für die Umsetzung von auftragsgesteuerter
Produktion“. VDI-Kongress Automation 2022, Baden-Baden, Juni 2022]
The application scenarios describe a value network including business aspects and related
challenges which contains several different process and lifecycle phases for products and
production systems. Therefore, the deduction of specific technical challenges can be ad-
dressed by means of capabilities, skills and services. These scenarios have several aspects
which at the same time connects both mentioned scenarios in case of production resource
engineering and reconfiguration.
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Scenario aspect A: Production planning
This scenario focuses on production planning starting from the products to be manufac-
tured, i.e. product descriptions are matched on capabilities to generate a production plan).
A process step description in terms of required capabilities may already exist. If planning
takes place within one production site or a company, services play a minor role.
Challenges for the production planner:
Due to various levels of planning, the level of capability abstraction and efficiency defini-
tion can vary due to conceptual, rough or detailed planning phase4.
• Which capabilities are needed to produce the product? How can required capa-
bilities be derived from the desired product features? What is the relation to pro-
cesses and process steps?
• How can the efficiency of the planning process be increased (based on capabil-
• How can production processes be orchestrated with (offered) capabilities?
Scenario aspect B: Production resource engineering and reconfiguration
This scenario focuses on the development, engineering and commissioning of a produc-
tion system. Using services, skills and capabilities describing elements of the system will
help to execute these steps more efficiently. The operator of the production system will
also benefit in case of reconfigurations of the system. This includes changes in an exist-
ing system to improve efficiency or react on (partial) failures as well as the expansion of
a plant.
Challenges for the production planner:
• Which processes are needed to ensure the desired product features?
• Which resources with which functionalities are necessary for this? Are my re-
sources able to meet these requirements?
• What is the optimal plant for a process to be executed / a product to be manu-
Challenges for the plant design engineer
• How can necessary descriptions / models be made in parallel to the physical
plant development?
Challenges for the plant operator (in case of reconfiguration):
• Which (existing) parts of the plant can replace failed parts?
• Which plant components have to be newly procured?
due to ISO 18828
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Scenario aspect C: Production execution
This scenario focuses on production execution. The main goal is the efficient processing
of the existing production orders (e.g. with regard to the overall make span) and an optimal
usage of the production resources to achieve the respective KPIs (e.g. OEE, carbon foot-
print, ...).
Challenges for the plant operator:
• How can production processes be orchestrated with skills and executed effi-
• How can the functionalities of machines be adapted or configured according to
the current job without complicated modifications to the control programs?
• How can the production process be optimized using existing degrees of free-
Scenario aspect D: Shared production
This scenario focuses on offering and requesting production orders via a marketplace.
The objective of the scenario is to ensure the resilience of the production by enabling
variable and in short-term changeable supply chains and making production resources
accessible to production planers of other factories or plants. The factories and machines
are seen as autonomous service units. A shared / standardized model of services and
capabilities is required.
Challenges for the marketplace owner and participants:
• What do descriptions of the offered / requested services / capabilities look like?
• How is a comparison made between requested processes (special case: prod-
ucts) and offered processes?
Within the following Chapter 3, a model for capabilities, skills and services will be introduced
as well as activities, where these artifacts will be used to address the challenges mentioned
in the tables above. Within Chapter 4 we present generic use cases which can arise in the
context of described scenarios and summarize the benefits resulting from an application of
capabilities, skills and services.
3 Model for Capabilities, Skills and Services
In this chapter we present a conceptual model for capabilities, skills and services that pro-
vides the basic formal elements for the realization of scenarios of flexible manufacturing, as
the ones described in the previous chapter. It is intended to serve the unification of terminol-
ogy for the building of Industrie 4.0 applications with the goal of giving guidance to the nam-
ing and structuring of information represented in and exchanged between system compo-
nents and stakeholders.
We motivate the necessity of formulating such a model in Section 3.1 and give an overview
on basic design decisions in Section 3.2, before we lay out its details in Section 3.3.
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3.1 Motivation
When looking at conceptual models that govern the representation of information in produc-
tion-related applications we can observe that most approaches follow a common pattern of
building on the notions of “product”, “process” and “resource”, which is often referred to as
the PPR paradigm. These three notions form the conventional pillars for describing all kinds
of scenarios related to production. The product pillar stands for all the materials and ingredi-
ents that go into the final product, ranging from a single screw or basic liquid as purchased
from a catalog via intermediate stages of production like assemblies or mixtures all the way
to the final product itself, such as an electronic component or a bottled beverage. The pro-
cess pillar stands for all the activities that lead to the final product and drive production,
breaking down the complete overall production process into sub-processes and finally into
single operations, such as assembling two parts or heating a liquid. The Resource pillar
stands for all the resources required to successfully conduct the production process, includ-
ing the factory breaking down into production lines, work cells, stations, robots, tanks and so
on, but also human workers who operate stations in semi-automated scenarios as well as
supplementary materials like fuels etc. The PPR paradigm is thoroughly established in the
literature and a description can e.g. be found in (Schleipen & Drath, 2009).
A typical pattern in conventional information modeling following the PPR paradigm is to
tightly connect the process and resource dimensions
: for any operation in a process re-
quired for production, classical manufacturing planning assigns the machine most suitable
for performing the operation as the resource to which the operation is to be allocated. There-
fore, product design and manufacturing planning and execution are often tightly coupled in
conventional planning. To realize a scenario of flexible manufacturing following the ideas of
Industry 4.0, however, this tight coupling in the planning phase needs to be broken-up, so
that the allocation of processes to resources can be decided on the fly and be automated to
not require a human planner or at least give them automated support.
For this to happen, a common idea is to introduce an additional element in the middle be-
tween the process and its associated resources that mediates between the two and breaks
their previously static linkage. Such an additional element on top of PPR has been called
skill or capability or function and other names in the literature, for example in (Järvenpää,
Siltala, & Lanz, 2016), (Pfrommer, Schleipen, & Beyerer, 2013), (ISO, 2004), (Solano,
Romero, & Rosado, 2016), (Sarkar & Sormaz, 2019).
For early phases of conceptual planning, tasks are sometimes allocated to categories of resources to be
filled in by specific resources at a later stage. In such cases there is already an abstraction from rigid alloca-
tions that pro-vides some flexibility in current panning approaches. However, the capability concept goes
farther than that.
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All these different approaches have in common that they base the decoupling of processes
from their associated production resources on a concept that captures the functionality to be
addressed in the process, be it drilling, mixing, loading, or whatever other function the re-
source needs to fulfil. The different names introduced, such as skill, capability, functionality,
etc. have caused some confusion and reflect the lack of terminological clarity in the literature.
A more thorough discussion carried out within the ontology building community can be found
in e.g. (Borgo, Terkaj, & Sanfilippo, 2021), where the notions of capability, capacity and
functionality are discussed from a formal ontology point of view.
To meet this confusion, our intention here is to streamline the terminology in these ap-
proaches and to define a vocabulary that unifies their usage. The resulting conceptual model
is an extension of the well-established PPR representation paradigm extended by the no-
tions of “capability”, “skill” and “service”, all of which capture the underlying production-rele-
vant function at a different perspective. Therefore, we call the resulting model the Capability-
Skill-Service-Model, or CSS Model for short.
3.2 Model Overview
The CSS Model covers four areas (each area is visualised with a separate color in Figure
2). First, the yellow boxes describe the PPR model. Capabilities, in the orange boxes, de-
scribe functions reflected in production process steps, which on the one hand are required
in order to create products and on the other hand are carried out on operating resources.
Required and provided capabilities must be matched in order to find candidates for a suitable
sequence of production steps for given requirements. This can initially be done on a descrip-
tive level – e.g. by comparing capability types and their properties – regardless of which
actual resources execute these process steps later.
In order to apply the function described by a capability in a specific production process step,
a so-called "Skill" is invoked, which is an implementation of this function provided by a spe-
cific resource (blue in Figure 2). A skill is activated and controlled through an interface pro-
vided by the skill implementation in order to allow external entities accessing a skill without
giving away internal implementation details. Skills are assigned to resource instances.
In addition to the functional aspects described by capabilities, other organizational and com-
mercial aspects, such as timing, quality or cost must also be considered. For this purpose,
required and offered services (green in Figure 2) are defined in the model. Services allow
for the offering of (sets of) capabilities in a broader scope of larger supply-chain networks
that go beyond a single capability's local production setup. Thus, services are usually not
part of a resource, but of higher-order software components such as Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) systems.
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Figure 2: Simplified overview on most important aspects of the CSS model.
3.3 Model Details
In this section, we present a conceptual model for skills, capabilities and services as the
main contribution of this paper, which details the previous simplified scheme in Figure 2 into
a more formalized specification. The model adds the notion of "function", understood in the
context of production, to the classical PPR paradigm and differentiates it into the three dif-
ferent levels of technical implementation / invocation (skill), abstract description (capability)
and bundled market offering (service). Although we present this conceptual model in form of
a UML class diagram, it is not meant to be the technical specification of a schema for imme-
diate implementation in a programming language or data management framework. Rather,
it is supposed to clarify terminology of the things relevant for production scenarios. Our de-
sign goal is to take a minimalistic view and include only those terms that are required for
such scenarios and present them in their most general way. In this sense, the model identi-
fies the necessary basic elements that require instantiation for realizing flexible production
and the relations that hold between them – it does not further detail these basic elements by
means of specialization. Such detailing is left for more specific models derived from this one
for the sake of capturing specific industries, industrial domains or even concrete use cases
and application scenarios.
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Figure 3 depicts the conceptual model where nodes represent instantiable entities (UML
classes) and labelled arrows represent relations (named, directed UML associations) be-
tween these entities with the name clarifying the nature of the relationship when read in the
direction of the arrow. Any future model that is to be implemented in a data management
framework of a database, knowledge graph or API will resemble this UML specification, but
will need to add more technical detail depending on the use case at hand.
Figure 3: CSS-Model showing relevant terms and their relations as well as references
to the basic aspects of PPR.
In the following subsections, the four model aspects of PPR, Service, Capability and Skill
are described in more detail, while the complete textual definitions of all terms can be found
in the appendix.
3.3.1 Product, Process and Resource
Building on the prominent Product-Process-Resource (PPR) representation paradigm de-
scribed in [Schleipen & Drath, 2009], we include its name-giving concepts into our model to
capture Product, Process, and Resource in their most generic form (see 3.3.1). Properties
are common model elements which specify the capabilities and services and are realized by
the skill parameter. But once the CSS model is being further specialized for certain use
cases, then more specific subclasses can be introduced for sub-processes, different types
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of product parts, such as assemblies or raw materials, or specific types of resources like
transportation systems, manufacturing stations or tools. The notion of a “function”, which is
used throughout this document to define capabilities and skills, can also be illustrated by
PPR. A function can be seen as some kind of abstract process step that is not yet tied to a
specific resource, but has a description of its inputs and achievable effects. These effects
typically have an impact on the processing state of products.
3.3.2 Capability
Capabilities are production-relevant abstractions of functions applied in the context of a pro-
cess step. While capabilities will typically specify production functions with an effect in the
physical or virtual world, software functions that only apply to the virtual world may also be
modelled as capabilities. Capabilities that specify a production function reference terms of
an actual manufacturing method, such as “drilling”, together with properties and constraints
on them for detailing the restrictions of application. An example of a capability could read
“drilling a hole with a depth of max. 20cm, diameter of max. 10mm and with tolerance +/- 0.1
mm into certain types of metals”. Capabilities are provided by production resources that
claim the ability to apply the expressed function. On the other hand, they are required by a
process as part of a product design’s functional requirements. In these two roles, capabilities
are utilized for testing whether the functions provided by production resources match with
those required for a production request.
Furthermore, capabilities are implemented by means of skills, which contain details at the
level of implementation and invocation of automation functions. Additionally, capabilities are
offered in terms of services to stakeholders in a broader supply chain network outside an
production setup with one shopfloor.
3.3.3 Skill
A Skill is an implementation of a function specified through a capability that is deployed on
a specific resource
. Skills encapsulate the internal complexity of functions and provide an
interface to be invoked by other systems such as MES and superordinate controllers.
Skills typically have parameters, which are either input parameters or results, allowing to
command or monitor the execution of the skill. Parameters can influence different aspects
of the production for example the process directly and the control execution. Parameters
Notice that skills are described from a rather static point of view not considering the dynamics of their ena-
blement and availability in terms of setup operations like changing the tool of a machine. Although not de-
scribed in detail here, this aspect is to be positioned within the activities that deal with the static model ele-
ments and is very important for handling skills in practice.
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may correspond to resource properties, i.e. a skill parameter can be the representation of a
capability property in a particular implementation technology which allows to set or get values
of a capability property. The behavior of a skill corresponds to a standardized state machine,
so that the current state of a skill as well as possible interactions are transparent to systems
interacting with the skill.
Every skill shall be accessible through at least one interface, which are network or program-
ming access points between a skill and other systems. A skill interface needs to expose
ways of interacting with a skill’s state machine as well as its parameters. One possible im-
plementation of a skill interface is an OPC UA server which exposes OPC UA variables for
all skill parameters as well as methods to invoke transitions on the skill’s state machine.
Another one is the “Control Component” which is a result of the Basys 4.2 project []. This is
currently under Submodel-Template development at IDTA.
Distinguishing between capabilities and skills ensures that a function can be implemented
using different programming languages and technologies, depending on the target platform.
The additional separation between a skill implementation and a skill interface also allows a
skill to be exposed via different interaction mechanisms (e.g. PROFINET, OPC UA or as a
web service).
3.3.4 Service
A service specifies the means of provision of one or more capabilities offered by a service
provider to a service requester and extends its description with commercial aspects. It is
used in particular to offer capabilities across shopfloor boundaries, for example on a manu-
facturing marketplace. The term service in the CSS model is thus more closely aligned with
the service concept of economics and clearly differs from the service concept of information
technology (see distinction in Section 5).
There are application scenarios, which involve some kind of automated order processing in
supply chains spanning across various companies (see Section 2.2). For these scenarios,
additional characteristics and aspects besides capabilities and their constraints are im-
portant. These so-called service properties typically go beyond the description of purely tech-
nical capabilities and may include, for example, economic criteria such as delivery dates,
cost and agreements regarding documentation or maintenance.
Services are demanded by a service requester who provides a specification of a requested
service including service properties. If a service provider can provide the demanded service,
it can propose an offer as the basis of a binding contract to execute one or more services.
The service requester can then accept the proposal in a specified time period and under the
proposed conditions. If service requesters are searching for services through a marketplace,
multiple service offers may be created by different service providers. These offers could be
mutually exclusive, or they could also be combined together to fulfil a requested service.
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3.4 Activities
Based on the CSS model, this section describes how the concepts of services, capabilities
and skills are utilized for the realization of production scenarios. For this purpose, we present
activities to which elements from the CSS model serve as either input or output, making clear
what skills, capabilities and services are being used for in which phase of interaction. The
focus is on the planning phase and describes activities ranging from formulating the service
demand to the verification of feasibility of a specific manufacturing process with a defined
set of skills.
All activities are presented as a UML activity diagram (Figure 4). Depending on the specific
use-case, it might be sufficient to only use a subset of the defined activities. Each activity
can be used independently of the general flow shown in the activity diagram. To ensure
readability the overview of the activities in Figure 4 only shows the successful selection of
services, capabilities and skills. The Shared Production scenario serves as basis for the
description of activities, as it shows a broad coverage of functionalities and is a good repre-
sentative for the scenarios presented in Chapter 2.2. This scenario is intended as an exam-
ple for a better understanding of the CSS model.
Figure 4: Activity diagram representing the most important activities related to
elements of the CSS model.
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Companies searching for possible manufacturers to produce a product act as a Service-
Requester. Trusted partners (acting as ServiceProviders) share manufacturing services and
free capacities via a shared platform or through digital interfaces. A ServiceRequester may
not be able to precisely describe requested services. Instead, a ServiceRequester may typ-
ically request a set of required processes or a product. This product may be described with
certain product properties or also on a more generic level, e.g., referencing only certain ge-
ometric features. In addition to that information on product or process level, resepctively, a
ServiceRequester may also define other service properties such as the commercial condi-
tions (dates, pricing, quality).
The activity ServiceSequencing is needed in order to select one or more required services
for the rather abstract service description given by a ServiceRequester. Through ServiceSe-
quencing, a sequence which ensures manufacturing of the product as specified by the Ser-
viceRequester may be derived. Derived Services can be defined on different levels of ab-
straction. For example, the derived ServiceSequencing for producing a metal piece could
first require the service of CNC-milling or, on a finer granularity, a set of milling services for
single features such as pockets or holes and subsequently the service of a special coating
(as finishing).
The composed activity ServiceMatching is responsible for finding ServiceProviders that are
able to provide the services derived during ServiceSequencing. For each service, Service-
Matching compares required to offered services with the objective to create a binding offer.
While ServiceMatching depends on all its sub-activities such as CapabilitySequencing, those
sub-activities can be used without ServiceMatching (e.g., in cases of internal production
planning without service aspects). To ensure an efficient and correct Service Matching, Ser-
viceProperties should follow an agreed semantics.
ServiceProperties comprise non-product and non-process related aspects such as compli-
ance with supply chain law, country embargos or environmental criteria. Based on the Ser-
viceProperties, the ComplianceCheck verifies the adherence of the ServiceProvider to those
defined set of rules or laws. ComplianceChecks can evaluate aspects such as fulfillment of
the European Supply Chain Act, the Climate Change Score of the Carbon Disclosure Project,
quality characteristics or certification according to the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI).
Based on the product requirements defined in the required service, one or more capabilities
are needed. The activity CapabilitySequencing derives the required capabilities and their
sequence and selects suitable offered capabilities.
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For example, a service CNC-milling may be decomposed into several milling, drilling and
grinding capabilities which can be performed in different sequences. CapabilitySequencing
combines multiple sub-activities. For large companies, the solution space can grow ex-
tremely large, and hence CapabilitySequencing may include optional optimization steps.
There are also cases where service requirements can only be partially fulfilled, for example
because a complex surface treatment is required. In this case CapabilitySequencing may
also result in an incomplete fulfillment of the product requirements so that product require-
ments must be altered, or additional ServiceProviders must be found.
To ensure compatibility of different service and capability descriptions, the activity Required-
CapabilityDerivation derives the necessary capabilities to achieve a desired effect required
by one or more products in a particular state to transition to one or more products in a sub-
sequent state. For example, if the product requirements define the features of a product, it
may be necessary to derive the capabilities described as production processes. The feature
hole could be mapped for example to processes such as milling, drilling or laser cutting. This
activity may be omitted if the required product requirements and capabilities are already
described based on compatible concepts.
Based on required and offered capabilities, the activity CapabilityMatching identifies re-
sources that fulfill required capabilities. This involves ensuring that a given set of Capabil-
ityConstraints is fulfilled. The activity may be done iteratively with adjustment of the required
CapabilityConstraints depending on the result of the CapabilityMatching until a set of
matched capabilities is derived. Because the granularity of capabilities is not defined, the
resources to be identified may be individual assets or groups of such assets, forming for
example a supply chain.
As required and offered capabilities may be described at different levels of granularity, it may
not be possible to match the two concepts directly. The activity CapabilityDecomposition
breaks a capability down into subordinate or part capabilities and thus enables deriving a set
of new capabilities which are composed of one or more other capabilities. An example from
assembly is a pick & place capability which is composed of linear movement of an axis and
linear movement of a gripper. CapabilityDecomposition also defines the order of the subor-
dinate or part capabilities either explicitly or implicitly using CapabilityConstraints. The re-
sulting required set of capabilities is input for CapabilityMatching.
Sequencing includes general ordering and defining predecessors and successors.
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If a matching capability sequence is derived by the upstream activities, a FeasibilityCheck
assesses the possibility to achieve the desired effect with a skill execution in a concrete
production context. Based on a matching capability sequence, service properties and re-
source capacities, this activity assures or validates the concrete execution of a skill. That
could include, for example, trajectory planning or selecting valid process parameters. Con-
cerning for example milling of a pocket, the FeasibilityCheck might derive the specific cutting
parameters and strategy. It might also check the effect of the skill execution such as assuring
that there are no thin walls which can lead to product defects after performing the milling
process. The derived process parameters can be used to calculate process times and costs
of the skill execution. By comparing the resource capacities and required process times, the
skill execution can be assured and an offer can be calculated. There might be one Feasibil-
ityCheck for all the skills of the previously found capability sequence or multiple Feasibil-
ityChecks for each corresponding skill in that sequence. The result of the activity Feasibil-
ityCheck is a sequence of validated skills with parameters and an offer to perform the specific
sequence of skills.
Based on the presented activities, other activities of production planning and control may
need to be performed. A skill sequence and the corresponding parameters would also allow
for automated scheduling and execution of the skills via the SkillInterface. However, due to
the focus on planning processes, those activities are not described further.
4 Usage of Skills/Capabilities/Services
In this chapter we present some typical generic use cases, which can benefit from the usage
of capabilities and skills as well as the corresponding services in shared production scenar-
ios. We first list these use cases in a systematic form in Section 4.1 and then describe elab-
orate usage examples from the two different industries of discrete manufacturing and pro-
cess industries in Section 4.2.
4.1 Generic Use Cases
The following table contains a set of generic use cases that can arise in the context of sce-
narios as the ones described in Chapter 2. Each use case concerns a situation in which the
notions of skill, capability and service are being applied by certain users in specific roles in
order to gain a benefit in flexible production.
Every use case features an expressive title as well as a description. Additionally, the involved
artifacts of skill, capability and service are shown and relations to the activities described in
Section 3.4 are highlighted. Use cases are described in the style of a typical user story to
capture user role, the user’s intention and expected system behavior. Moreover, the use
cases are grouped into categories that have a different focus on automated production plan-
ning, resource management and production optimization and execution.
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Use Case
Artefact usage including activities
Group 1 (Semi-) Automated Production Planning
Assess principle
As a production planner I want to check whether a
certain product (BOM/BOP/recipe – bill of process
(BoP) can be produced on a specific target pro-
duction facility in general, and if not, I want to
know what the reason for a non- producibility. This
result can either support the further offering/plan-
ning process ("offline" case) or used as an input of
the detailed in-house production planning/control
("online" case).
Required capabilities are matched against of-
fered capabilities to verify their compatibility
(CapabilityMatching). If the required capabili-
ties are described on a different abstraction
level as the offered capabilities a Capabil-
ityDecomposition is required.
Find production
services via
market place
As a product owner/product manager I want to
support an outsourcing decision of manufacturing
steps or a whole product and identify suitable
other manufacturers or supply chains (that have
the right machine tools, capacities, etc.) e.g., via a
marketplace based on the manufacturing require-
ments of my product design in order to comple-
ment my portfolio or to be more efficient. As a pro-
duction planner I want to support this process in
defining requirements for the production described
as capabilities. As a production owner I want to of-
fer manufacturing steps to other manufactures
(production or machine as a service).
The requested Product Properties and their
commercial conditions are matched with the
offered services and a sequence is derived
(ServiceSequencing). Based on the sequence
the required and offered Services are matched
(ServiceMatching). The ServiceMatching is
composed of several sub-activities and con-
sists of some of the other use-cases such as
UC1.1 and 1.3.
Generate eBOP
As a production planner, I want to generate poten-
tial electronic BoP (eBOPs - recipes) (independ-
ent of the available resources) for a certain prod-
uct based on an available product design (BOM)
in order to automate the early production planning
Sequences of required capabilities are derived
from product design information such as ge-
ometry in CAD, etc. (RequiredCapabilityDeri-
Generate man-
agement BoP
As a production planner, I want to generate poten-
tial production processes (routes through the
plant) for a given product/order taking into account
an available product design (BOM) and the availa-
ble resources (with skills) and possibly the current
capacities (online case), in order to automate the
concrete production planning process (including
the allocation of process steps to resources).
The use-case represents an extension of
UC1.3. Based on the required Capabilities and
the offered capabilities a set of matching capa-
bilities is derived. If the required capabilities
are described on a different abstraction level
as the offered capabilities a CapabilityDecom-
position might be needed. To take specific re-
sources into consideration, the Feasibil-
ityCheck might be necessary to confirm the
specific technical and organizational feasibility
to use the resource as part of the potential
route through the plant.
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Group 2 Resource Management and Production Configuration and Commissioning
Check (Re-)
Configuration of
Production De-
As a production planner, I want to check a given
production setup (or alternatives of it) based on a
mBoP with respect to producibility of a given prod-
uct (variant) mix and resulting KPIs determining
the efficiency of the production. Information from
component catalogues can provide additional pro-
duction options with higher efficiencies.
The use-case represents an extension of
UC1.3. The CapabilityMatching which is used
to determine the producibility in the context of
a production setup results in a set of matching
capabilities. Via the FeasibilityCheck specific
KPIs are calculated which can be used to de-
termine the efficiency of production.
Plug and Pro-
As a production operator, I want to change my
production facility setup by easily combining, add-
ing and removing production resources in order to
build up flexible production workflows or exchange
production units with minimal (ideally zero) effort.
Capabilities and skills provided with the ma-
chine to be added to a plant are recognized
and made available for production execution.
Using the results of the FeasibilityCheck fac-
tory/production line layouts can be evaluated.
As a production engineer, I want to setup and test
a production system consisting of resources/ma-
chines which provide skills to be orchestrated by
the production control system in order to test
whether my planned setup runs on my real pro-
duction facility or (in the case of virtual commis-
sioning) on a simulated environment.
Derive skill parameters using the Feasibil-
ityCheck and test the invocation of skill inter-
faces required for a given production scenario.
The invocation can be performed in a simu-
lated environment for testing and debugging
Ressource solu-
tion finding
As a machine building engineer in development
phase of a new machine or as production planner
in planning phase of a new product or as machine
operator, I want to check the availability of equip-
ment (automation products / resources) for a spe-
cific process/process step in my application on ca-
pability/skill basis with the help of digital and web-
based services (catalog services, sizing services,
solution finding services) of machine equipment
suppliers. This check can be requested manually
or automatically by engineering tools or even by a
machine administration software.
Required capabilities are matched against of-
fered capabilities to verify their compatibility
Additionally, required attributes are matched
against offered attributes.
Group 3 Production Monitoring and Execution Optimization
React to Dis-
As a production operator, I want the production
system to identify disturbances autonomously
(possibly involving user interaction for critical deci-
sions) and overcome them by generation and exe-
cution of alternative production processes (paths)
in order to keep the production running.
In case of disturbance a replanning is neces-
sary. Based on the existing capability se-
quence of the disrupted production path, a
FeasibilityCheck is performed with the goal to
identify alternative skill sequences and the cor-
responding skill parameters. If an alternative is
found, the production workflows and calls to
skill interfaces are being rerouted for their au-
tomated execution.
Monitor Produc-
As a plant operator, I want to monitor the produc-
tion process (based on the execution of skills of a
set of resources) and to visualize the results on
The SkillParameters derived by Feasibil-
ityCheck (OutputParameters) and skill states
involved in a running production scenario are
being traced to form a basis for monitoring
more abstract than low-level device signals.
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any system (e.g., mobile device, MOM – Manufac-
turing Operation Management/MES) to track us-
age, detect failures or to predict maintenance.
Optimize Pro-
duction Work-
As a production planner/operator I want to opti-
mize my production workflow (for a product) in
terms of QoS criteria, like throughput, energy con-
sumption, either as part of planning (offline case)
or dynamically during operations (online case). It
has to be noted that the production planner can
provide input and follow given KPIs, but as these
optimizations may affect many departments of a
company this has to be done in coordination with
other persons responsible for storage, logistics,
energy etc.
Capabilities are being matched and associated
and skill invocations are being checked for
testing validity of alternative production work-
flows. Based on the FeasibilityCheck, a set of
skill sequences and their corresponding KPIs
are derived. The different skill sequences are
then compared based on different objective
Schedule pro-
duction execu-
As a production planner, I want to generate a prin-
ciple/possible production schedule for a given
product/order stack in my production facilities in
order to optimize automated production.
Based on CapabilityMatching and Feasibil-
ityCheck, a set of skill sequences and their
corresponding KPIs are derived for all prod-
ucts which should be produced in a certain
time period. This information is used to per-
form the scheduling.
Utilize after
sales services
As a manufacturer, I want to use After-sales ser-
vices e.g. maintenance-repair-overhaul activities
or value stream management which are not di-
rectly related to production in order to identify opti-
mization potential in my production (e.g. to im-
prove the production/material/information flow).
After-sales services or value stream need a
combination of skills which are realized within
the real production or in corresponding digital
twins to gather the required information. Based
on the FeasibilityCheck a set of skill se-
quences is derived. This information is used to
support e.g. a value stream analysis.
Relation to: UC 2.1, UC 2.3, UC 3.2, UC 3.3
Table 1: Generic use cases for capabilities, skills and services
The use cases in Group 1 “Automated Production Planning” are all concerned with the early
planning phase, where users are being supported in taking production planning decisions or
generating planning artefacts. The user role typically addressed here is that of a production
planner whose task is to plan and coordinate mainly in-house production. For this planning
phase, the primary interesting elements from the CSS model are the Capability for matching
and sequencing and the Service for outsourcing decisions. The production planer can benefit
from the application of capabilities by having a formalized and (possibly) standardized way
to relate requirements for production and possibilities of production systems thus shorten
the time for introduction of new products of product variants. In case of outsourcing of pro-
duction steps services (including capability descriptions) are a prerequisite to enable efficient
communication between request and offering side (e.g. via market places).
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The use cases in Group 2 “Resource Management and Production Configuration and Com-
missioning” are focused on the set-up of in-house production plants and their proper func-
tioning. Here, typically a production operator is supported in finding the right setup of a plant
or its suitable configuration for incoming production requests – instead of planning artefacts
the target here is the setup of production resources itself and their changeability aspects.
Besides capabilities, also skills play a role at this level, as the proper functioning of resources
needs to be guaranteed. Having a common approach to semantically describe the function
of resources with offered capabilities as well as their invocation with skill interfaces will ease
engineering and supports modularization approaches.
The use cases in Group 3 “Production Monitoring and Execution Optimization” are primarily
focused on the running processes in the operations phase of production plants, but can also
extend to complete supply chain networks. Here, a mix of skills capabilities and services can
be utilized to support a broad range of user roles and ensure that production runs properly
and meets certain requirements and KPIs.
4.2 Application examples
Within this section we will provide two application examples, one from manufacturing and
one from process engineering. It is intended that understanding the application of model
elements within these examples should help to better understand the concept of the capa-
bility model. Furthermore, the application examples serve as a concrete instantiation of se-
lected generic use cases presented in Chapter 4.2 (mainly focusing on production planning).
4.2.1 Manufacturing Example
The capability-based description of products can reduce the required expert effort in the
planning phase of manufacturing processes significantly. In a shared production scenario, a
customer designs a part and searches automatically for a possible manufacturing strategy
(UC1.2). The designed part is automatically analyzed and required technologies for manu-
facturing are identified. Companies (service providers) offer certain manufacturing technol-
ogies as a service through a network (e.g. Gaia-X/CATENA X). In this example, a shared
production network is described where an individual small truck
is produced.
A service provider is identified in the production network for each component to be produced.
One possible configuration of the truck contains a trailer that needs to be manufactured by
machining. The trailer can be individualized by a customer and simulates a part that is pro-
duced in lot size 1.
Die Shared Production Kaiserslautern - SmartFactory-KL
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When the production order is placed, the network is searched for a service provider that
offers the machining of the trailer. The service provider receives the product description of
the truck. The product description contains information about the required material, the outer
contour, and the geometric features (drilling holes, pockets, slots, etc.) of the product (Figure
5). The geometric features are mapped to the capabilities of the production environment.
(UC1.1/1.3) The naming of these geometric features, capabilities, and skills was kept iden-
tical to simplify the matching at the beginning. The capabilities of the production environment
are described in an Asset Administration Shell (AAS) and refer to a skill. The skill is imple-
mented on a milling machine and is accessible through an OPC UA skill interface. In the
future, ontologies will be integrated into the system to link different names and standards of
geometric features and capabilities. The capability “hole drilling” can be limited by properties
such as a range of possible diameters, a maximum depth or process tolerances. Capability
Properties also describe the needed input Parameters of a skill. Several parameters are
necessary to start a skill. For example, for the skill parameters of a drilling hole, the position,
orientation, diameter, depth, and quality requirements are needed. Before the borehole skill
can be executed, a feasibility check is performed (UC1.4) (Volkmann, 2021). Here, the pa-
rameters of the skill are transferred to the machine. The machine checks whether production
with the desired parameters is possible. If the check is successful, the required duration,
costs, and energy consumption of the machine are determined. The feasibility check is in
this case needed because every product is individual. After successful execution of the fea-
sibility check, a skill can be started by OPC UA method calls. The machine, a representative
software entity or a human plans the toolpaths and required tools independently. This allows
the identification of individual processes for individual products. The implementation is de-
scribed in an online video
SmartFactory-KL-Live Skill-based Production: Skill-based Production in der industriellen Anwendung. Ein
autonomer Roboter bei der Arbeit. – YouTube (
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Milling machine
Capabilities describe
possible manufacturing
of features and their
Capabilities reference skills
Skills can realize a capability
Skills have an OPC UA
Interface to enable
Features such as drilling
holes or pockets describe
the product.
Figure 5: Overview of the manufacturing example
4.2.2 Process engineering example
This example description is intended to provide a reference from the CSS model to process
engineering. Thereby a modular principle is used due to desired modularization of plants.
The construction of modules intends to reduce the planning effort required for combining
suitable modules. The modules are pillars of a hexagonal base area. Each module fulfills at
least one process-based operation and is able to operate autonomously as well as hold its
own automation software and structural information. The continuous use of a service-ori-
ented architecture ensures a high level of flexibility with respect to different software struc-
tures. This allows the implementation and validation of diverse automation concepts for mod-
ular plants
One of the modules is the Honeycomb 20, see Figure 6 right. The Honeycomb 20 consists
of the components or resources: stirrer, pump, five valves, level sensor and flow sensor, see
Figure 6 left. The combination and aggregation of components enables modular process
units, known as Process Equipment Assembly (PEA).
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A PEA is developed once and contains the physical design of the process step to be imple-
mented as well as the information technology interface to higher-level systems. The descrip-
tion of a modular process units is provided with the module type package (MTP). MTP de-
fines and describes data of the structure, an information interfaces, process sequences and
functions (MTP services in terms of the MTP specification, not in terms of the CSS model
described in Chapter 3, see explanation in the next paragraph) of modules from automation
technology. [VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1] In the context of the CSS model, the implemented
MTP service with its procedure is to be defined as a skill.
Figure 6: Module of a process control plant named Honeycomb 20 (left: P&ID, right: Photo)
A description of the module is contained in the MTP due to the use of module integration into
a modular process plant. Modules provide MTP services with a predefined behavior (proce-
dure) as well as a standardized interface, that are offered externally with their description as
MTP. These Modules can be accessed or executed via a higher-level system.
([VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1])
The MTP service of a module can be related to the beforementioned offered capability that
was described in Chapter 3. A description of an MTP service can be considered as a capa-
bility. A Skill is the executable implementation of an encapsulated (automation) function
specified by a capability of a PEA, which is the implemented MTP service with its procedure.
A PEA is the resource of the CSS model which can provide skills in form of MTP services
with its procedures and their capabilities.
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Further, higher level capabilities can be generated with the aggregation of additional mod-
ules into the process plant. If the capsulated module provides implemented process engi-
neering functionalities as MTP services (skills) to a superordinate unit, then it assumes the
role of a skill provider. The MTP service offered by the module can be accessed by the unit
and is thus a skill user. [VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1] In contrast to the service of the CSS
model, the MTP service is at skill level and does not consider business, compliance or any
commercial aspects.
The development of a process can be conducted based on the standard ANSI/ISA–88. This
standard provides information about production requirements for a specific product or inter-
mediate product, which are known as a recipe. The information of the recipes describes the
sequence of the process to produce the process product on different levels. The general
recipe is applicable at company level and is used as a basis for subordinate recipes. The
general recipe is created without specific knowledge or information about the PEA used to
produce a product. (UC1.3) It identifies raw materials, their relative quantities, and the pro-
cessing required, but without specific reference to a particular site or the available resources.
The required processing in the general recipe can be related to the required capabilities of
the CSS model. The use of standards with its functional terms enables the assignment to
the corresponding capabilities. Thus, the required capabilities from a process description
(e.g. a general recipe) can be matched with the assured capabilities of the respective re-
source. (UC1.1)
Due to the consideration of other organizational and commercial boundary conditions a site
recipe is necessary. The site recipe is specific to a particular site, but not specific to a par-
ticular set of process cell equipment. Thus, the site recipe is the combination of site-specific
and general recipe information. It can therefore be derived from a general recipe to meet the
conditions at a specific production site. [ANSI/ISA-88] With this recipe, aspects of service
requirements from the CSS model can be met, which can be matched to the offered services.
A master recipe is specific to the equipment (resource at the CSS model and PEA at the
MTP description), raw materials and capabilities of a process cell or a subset of the equip-
ment of a process cell. For example, at the master recipe level, it is important that the recipe
match the capabilities of the equipment to the required capabilities from the general recipe.
A master recipe can be derived from general or site-specific recipe information [ANSI/ISA-
88]. This recipe provides assured capabilities of their resources which are realized by skills.
The process engineering functions provided in the module of this example are encapsulated
as MTP-services, e.g., reactor module with a mixer offers the MTP-service "Mixing", filling
reactants into the reactor offers the MTP-service “Filling”. Furthermore, an MTP-service be-
haves with the state machine from VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-4.
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5 Related Approaches and Technologies
In this chapter, we position the previously described CSS Model in the light of prominent
technologies and conceptual approaches that are currently being discussed for the realiza-
tion of Industry 4.0 systems. For each of these we indicate their relevance and possible role
they can play with respect to implementing capabilities, skills and services in industrial sys-
5.1 Asset Administration Shell
The Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is a core concept of Industrie 4.0 to manage the inter-
actions with Digital Twins (DTs), as proposed by the Plattform Industrie 4.0 consortium
. It
provides a single-entry point to the information connected to the DT of an asset. This infor-
mation is captured in so-called submodels, which represent different aspects of the infor-
mation of an asset. Every submodel is composed of submodel elements where each element
exposes its meaning by referencing a concept repository. A submodel typically should be
based on a submodel template.
In this sense, the capability part of the CSS Model as described in Section 3.3 can serve as
a basic schema for information models maintained in the concept repositories that are used
in AAS submodel templates. Specific submodels can then describe DT content in terms of
capabilities and their relation to surrounding elements such as those from PPR.
The CSS Model can build the basis for capability related AAS submodel templates. The
elements in these submodels can reference to elements of repositories. Development of an
explicit submodel template for “capabilities” is currently ongoing in a sub-group within the
IDTA organization
, with participation of some of the authors of this paper.
BaSys 4.0 Control Components expose, in a unified manner, offered capabilities of single or
group control units in the device layer of BaSys-4.0 compliant production systems. BaSys
4.0 Control Components meet specific requirements where each component instance pre-
sents itself as a BaSys-4.0 service system participant that complies with the standards as-
sociated with this role.
The BaSys 4.0 Control Component is a means to basically represent, implement and offer
possi-ble actuations of a plant in form of capabilities. The components connect to the con-
trolled process via IO interfaces and, as an element in a control hierarchy, to subordinate or
superordinate con-trol units, respectively, via respective “service interfaces” to provide or
Submodels - IDTA English (
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call offered capabilities. The various capabilities of an individual component are implemented
by operations (skills) that are callable via the components “service interface”. The invocation
of an operation is referred to as an ORDER in BaSys 4.0.
The components can, e.g., be programmed using the standardized PLC programming par-
adigms of IEC61131-3 for cyclic execution and IEC61499 for event-based execution. Exam-
ples can, e.g., be basic skills like "go-to-position" or "grip" of a mobile gripper unit, however,
can also be significantly more (e.g., the capability "assemble" of an advanced Pick&Place
station) or less complex. These capabilities are advertised via the “service interface”, e.g.,
using OPC UA, to superordinate Control Components and to the Middleware. Superordinate
Control Components combine different subordinate components into composed capabilities.
5.2 Semantic Web Technologies
Semantic Web Technologies provide mechanisms for knowledge representation in infor-
mation systems based on a stack of downward-compatible languages for information models
and knowledge representation standardized by the W3C
. Ontologies constitute reusable
information models that capture the knowledge of a domain of interest independent of spe-
cific applications in a general form and are used as semantically rich schemas for knowledge
graphs. The W3C technology stack for ontologies consists of the Resource Description
Framework (RDF)
and its Schema extension (RDFS)
that form the representational basis
for the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
, by which domain knowledge can be expressed in
terms of logical statements that support automated reasoning for inferring implicit
knowledge. Additional technologies are SPARQL
for querying and SHACL
for validating
RDF-based data models.
In relation to the CSS Model proposed in this paper, Semantic Web Ontologies are a good
choice of technologies for implementing the conceptual model specification from Chapter 3.3
in a computational form independent of specific programming languages and separated from
the applications using it. By means of an RDF-based knowledge graph infrastructure, as e.g.
provided by established triple stores, an OWL-based implementation of the CSS Model can
be directly instantiated in applications in order to query, validate and reason over CSS-rele-
vant application data. Applications that make use of skills, capabilities and services could
harvest some immediate benefits such as RDF’s unique global identification mechanism
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through Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRI), RDFS taxonomies for e.g. capability hi-
erarchies and their recursive traversal when querying, plus OWL-based reasoning for the
realization of matching techniques. Moreover, the rich tooling and community support for
Semantic Web Technologies also enables immediate use.
There is already a plethora of literature in which especially the concepts of capability and
skill have been taken up for realization with ontologies and Semantic Web standards, often
with mixed or interchangeable wording for the two. An incomplete list is (Björkelund,
Bruyninckx, Malec, Nilsson, & Nugues, 2012), (Järvenpää, Siltala, & Lanz, 2016), (Köcher,
Hildebrandt, Vieira da Silva, & Fay, 2020), (Perzylo, et al., 2019), . (Weser, Bock, Schmitt,
Perzylo, & Evers, 2020).
When applied in the context of digital twins and the related AAS, such an ontology-based
implementation of the CSS Model can also serve as a semantic basis for a CSS-related AAS
submodel template to which respective submodels can refer to by using semantic IDs.
5.3 Module Type Package
The Module Type Package (MTP) is a description of the interfaces and functions of modular
units in process manufacturing modelled using AutomationML
. Executable functions are
defined as services, which can be further subdivided into different procedures. Modules
make their services available to a higher-level Process Orchestration Layer so that an ag-
gregate process may be composed using services of multiple modules.
Standardization of the MTP has been carried out for several years by the organizations
VDI/VDE, NAMUR and ZVEI in the VDI guideline series 2658
(Automation engineering of
modular systems in the process industry: General concept and interfaces, 2019). While the
CSS Model is mostly a conceptual model with a variety of individual proof-of concept imple-
mentations, the MTP standard series and the tools presented so far have already reached a
higher level of maturity. The MTP can be seen as either an alternative approach to the
CSS Model or as a specialized manifestation of the CSS Model, originating from process
industries and targeting aspects typical for this type of production. Service interfaces and
other aspects such as HMIs and alarms are defined and standardized very precisely.
Thanks to this standardization, MTP service interfaces can serve as skill interfaces according
to the CSS Model. However, a semantically rich description of the capabilities and services
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– which is required for robust production planning methods or the shared production scenario
– is missing in the MTP due to a lack of formal semantics in the MTPs description language.
There is current research work on an alignment of the MTP with discrete manufacturing in
general and capabilities / skills in particular. The applicability of the MTP to manufacturing
logistics is analyzed in (Blumenstein, Fay, Beers, Stutz, & Maurmaier, 2022). Furthermore,
there are also initial works on a mapping between the MTP and a capability and skill model
(Köcher, Beers, & Fay, A Mapping Approach to Convert MTPs into a Capability and Skill
Ontology, 2022).
5.4 OPC Unified Architecture
Unified Architecture)
is a communication framework developed by the
OPC Foundation with the aim of enabling manufacturer-independent data exchange. OPC
UA has the potential to become a de facto Industrie 4.0 standard to connect the resources
(production modules) in the field level. OPC UA is structured as a multi-layer communication
framework. On the one hand, it supports communication via client-server as well as via pub-
lish-subscribe (PubSub) and supports various communication technologies. Aspects such
as security and authentication are already taken into account in the framework. A big ad-
vantage of OPC UA is the possibility to describe information models. Standardized infor-
mation models (Companion Specifications) are defined both by the OPC Foundation and by
partners, e.g., in the VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.) in cross-
company working groups.
Over the course of the last years, implementation possibilities of skills have been investi-
gated within the scope of various research projects (Hammerstingl, Reinhart, &
Zimmermann, 2016), (Dorofeev & Zoitl, 2018), (Zimmermann, et al., 2019), (Volkmann,
2021). While the actual implementation of the skill still has to be realized in a resource-
specific way by proprietary control code, the communication standard OPC UA has proven
to be a promising approach for the implementation of the skill interface. The description of
the skill with all its properties and parameters can be done directly within an information
model in the OPC UA server. OPC UA also offers various interaction mechanisms to not
only monitor skills, but also to enable controlling access to them. The possibility of using
OPC UA for offering a skill interface is discussed in (VDMA, 2022).
Today the acronym OPC stands for Open Platform Communications. Source: What is OPC? - OPC Foun-
dation accessed: 26.07.2022
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5.5 Automation Markup Language
AutomationML is an object description language including an XML-based file format for mod-
eling extensive engineering information, it is used for data exchange between different en-
gineering tools. AutomationML is specialized in object models, geometry and behavior de-
scription, supports libraries, versioning and was developed for the iterative exchange of en-
gineering data.
Capabilities, skills, and services of production systems are modelled in AutomationML in
relation to the product-process-resource context which is included in the standard (Schleipen
& Drath, 2009), (Pfrommer, Schleipen, & Beyerer, 2013). This serves as basis for use cases
driven by engineering such as Plug and Produce. Specific Role Classes which describe se-
mantics within AutomationML may be created to indicate that an element within the model
is a skill, a capability, or a service. These Role Classes may be enriched with specific attrib-
utes and constraints. The Role Classes may be collected in a common Role Class Library,
Attributes may be collected in a common Attribute Type Library. Currently, there are no
standardized libraries for the CSS Model, but project-specific realizations of this concept.
5.6 Service-Oriented Architecture
A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural paradigm that encourages using
multiple services to structure software functionality which may be distributed and maintained
by different owners (OASIS, 2006). Services are typically considered to be self-contained
functions that may be composed of other services and logically represent a recurring activity
with a clearly defined input and outcome so that consumers of the service may interact with
it in the sense of a “black box” - i.e. without knowing a service’s internal details (The Open
Group, 2009).
What should be noted is that the understanding of the term “service” as used in information
technology is significantly different from the understanding expressed in this document.
While services in IT are encapsulated functionalities and may thus be compared to skills,
services in the context of the CSS model act as containers bundling capabilities with com-
mercial aspects in order to be offered and requested on a marketplace (see Section 3.3.4).
In fact, transferring the SOA service concept from information technology to automation was
one of the earliest approaches to obtaining encapsulated functions with clearly defined in-
terfaces in automation (Jammes & Smit, 2005). Thus, services can be seen as an early
precursor of skills according to the CSS Model.
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5.7 Related Standards
Next to the previously listed approaches and technologies that primarily originate from the
area of Information Systems and Computer Science, there is a plethora of standards applied
in various industries, where recognized standardization organizations have established con-
sensus on guidelines across consortia of industrial partners. Many of these established
standards can play an important role when concretizing the application of capabilities, skills
and services in an industrial domain.
Specific standards that may be considered in relation to the capability part of the CSS Model
are DIN 8580 (DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., 2020), VDI 2860 (VDI Verein
Deutscher Ingenieure e.V., 1990) and TGL 25000 (Verfahrenstechnik Grundoperationen,
TGL 25000, 1974). These standards define terminology for different domains, which can be
helpful to classify the terms of capabilities. DIN 8580 defines a taxonomy of manufacturing
methods, which is helpful for the description and classification of capabilities. The guideline
VDI 2860 provides a classification, delimitation and definition in the solution of handling tasks
as well as in its sub-functions. The TGL 25000 describes basic process engineering opera-
tions for the production of formless materials, which are gases, liquids, pastes, powders,
granulates and similar materials. Basic operations of process engineering are target-oriented
actions which change the qualitative or quantitative composition, the degree of distribution
or the energy content by means of physical processes in the material to be treated.
The IEC Common Data Dictionary (CDD
) serves as a common repository of concepts for
all industrial/technical domains (electrotechnical and non-electrotechnical; e.g. industry,
building, energy, healthcare, …) based on the methodology and the information model of
IEC 61360 series. The textual definitions in the CSS Model have already been aligned to
CDD terminology in large parts, and CDD can also serve the further concretization of ex-
tended terminology in model specializations for specific target industries.
is a global reference data standard for the classification and unambiguous descrip-
tion of products and services. It can specifically serve the purpose to provide supplementary
vocabulary for classes (types) and their properties to extend the product dimension of the
CSS Model.
IEC 61360-4 - IEC/SC 3D - Common Data Dictionary (CDD - V2.0015.0002)
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6 Outlook
This document introduces an information model for capabilities, skills and services in order
to improve the common understanding of these elements and their relation in the area of
new production concepts as well as to provide a basis for upcoming standardization activi-
Furthermore, application scenarios and challenges which can be addressed with capabili-
ties, skills and services are presented. Generic use cases and two application examples
describe the context of application of the CSS model in more detail.
We see these use cases and examples as a starting point of activities where the information
model can serve as base for specializations in specific application areas or industries and
give impetus for development and research activities. For that purpose, the document gives
a basic overview of possible implementation technologies (e.g. AAS, OPC UA information
models, Semantic Web Technologies, BaSys Control Components), which today are already
used for realization of capability and skill-based systems. Having a common basis will help
to focus development efforts and improve the interoperability of future solutions and prod-
As standardization will be a crucial aspect for some applications, particularly in shared pro-
duction scenarios, and a common approach for modeling is a prerequisite for successful
development of standards, we hope that the CSS model can deliver a significant contribution.
One example for a corresponding activity is the alignment with the ongoing work within the
new IDTA Capability submodel working group.
OPC UA is an important technology in the manufacturing an automation domain. Therefore,
the VDMA has launched a conceptual paper how to execute skills using OPC UA interface
implementations. This conceptual paper is compatible with the CSS model which is intro-
duced in this white paper [VDMA (2022)].
We want to encourage readers of this document to give feedback and use the CSS Model
for further developments to leverage the full potential of the underlying concepts and tech-
nologies within future industrial production systems.
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7 Literature
[VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1]. (kein Datum).
Automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry: General concept and
interfaces. (10 2019). VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1.
Björkelund, A., Bruyninckx, H., Malec, J., Nilsson, K., & Nugues, P. (2012). Knowledge for
Intelligent Industrial Robots. In: George Konidaris. AAAI Technical Report SS-12-
02, Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI, S. SS-12-02.
Blumenstein, M., Fay, A., Beers, L., Stutz, A., & Maurmaier, M. (J 2022). Vergleichende
Untersuchung der Orchestrierung modularer Anlagen in der Prozessindustrie, der
Fertigungsindustrie und der produktionsnahen Logistik. Automation 2022: 23.
Leitkongress der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik: automation creates
Borgo, S., Terkaj, W., & Sanfilippo, E. (2021). Capabilities, Capacities, and Functionalities
of Resources in Industrial Engineering. CEUR Workshop Proceedings of the 11th
International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry.
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. (2020). Fertigungsverfahren - Begriffe, Einteilung,
DIN 8580.
Dorofeev, K., & Zoitl, A. (2018). Skill-based Engineering Approach using OPC UA Programs.
IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), S. 1098-1103.
Hammerstingl, V., Reinhart, G., & Zimmermann, P. (2016). Automatisierte Konfiguration und
Selbstauskunft von Industrierobotern. Industrie 4.0 Managment.
ISO. (2004). ISo15531-31: Industrial automation systems and integration - Industrial
manufacturing management data - Part 31: Resource information model.
Jammes, F., & Smit, H. (2005). Service-Oriented Paradigms in Industrial Automation. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 1 (1), S. 62–70.
Järvenpää, E., Siltala, N., & Lanz, M. (2016). Formal Resource and Capability Descriptions
Supporting Rapid Reconfiguration of Assembly Systems. IEEE International
Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), S. 120–125.
Köcher, A., Beers, L., & Fay, A. (2022). A Mapping Approach to Convert MTPs into a
Capability and Skill Ontology. accepted for publication at ETFA 2022.
Köcher, A., Hildebrandt, C., Vieira da Silva, L., & Fay, A. (2020). A Formal Capability and
Skill Model for Use in Plug and Produce Scenarios. 25th IEEE International
Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), S. 1663–
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OASIS. (2006). Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture. http://docs.oasis-
Perzylo, A., Grothoff, J., Lucio, L., Weser, M., Malakuti, S., Venet, P., Deppe, T. (2019).
Capability-based semantic interoperability of manufacturing resources: A BaSys 4.0
perspective. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 52 (13), S. 1590–1596.
Pfrommer, J., Schleipen, M., & Beyerer, J. (2013). PPRS: Production skills and their relation
to product, process, and resource. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 18th Conference
on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA).
Plattform, A. (2016). Fortschreibung der Anwendungsszenarien der Plattform Industrie 4.0.
Berlin: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.
Roman Froschauer, A. K. (2022). Capabilities and Skills in Manufacturing: A Survey Over
the Last Decade of ETFA. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory
Automation (ETFA) .
Sarkar, A., & Sormaz, D. (2019). Ontology model for process level capabilities of
manufacturing resources. Procedia Manufacturing 39, S. 1889-1898.
Schleipen, M., & Drath, R. (2009). Three-View-Concept for modeling process or
manufacturing plants with AutomationML. IEEE Conference on Emerging
Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), S. 1-4.
Solano, L., Romero, F., & Rosado, P. (2016). An ontology for integrated machining and
inspection process planning focusing on resource capabilities. International Journal
of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 29, S. 1-15.
The Open Group. (2009). The SOA Source Book. Available at:
VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (1990). Montage- und Handhabungstechnik;
Handhabungsfunktionen, Handhabungseinrichtungen; Begriffe, Definitionen,
Symbole, VDI 2860.
VDMA. (2022). VDMA Leitfaden. „Fähigkeiten in der Produktionsautomatisierung -
Konsolidierung des Konzepts aus Sicht des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus mit dem
Schwerpunkt OPC UA. VDMA 2022.
Verfahrenstechnik Grundoperationen, TGL 25000. (1974). VVB Chemieanlage.
Volkmann, M. (2021). Integration of a feasibility and context check into an OPC UA skill.
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54.1, S. 276-281.
Weser, M., Bock, J., Schmitt, A., Perzylo, A., & Evers, K. (2020). An Ontology-based
Metamodel for Capability Descriptions. 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), S. 1679–1686.
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Zimmermann, P., Axmann, E., Brandenbourger, B., Dorofeev, K., Mankowski, A., & Zanini,
P. (2019). Skill-based Engineering and Control on Field-Device-Level with OPC UA.
24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory
Automation (ETFA), S. 1101-1108.
8 Annex A – Terms
8.1 Capability
implementation-independent specification of a function in industrial production to achieve an
effect in the physical or virtual world.
A capability can be restricted by constraints.
A capability can be specified by capability properties.
A capability can be realized by skills.
8.2 Property
quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to any CSS model element
Properties may be used to describe and differentiate all kinds of PPR entities (i.e.,
products, process steps, resources)
Capabilities, services and offers are specified by properties in order to detail their
description with regard to certain entities (e.g. products, process steps, resources)
Adopted from IEC 61360-1:2017 (Properties)
8.3 CapabilityConstraint
condition imposed on a capability that further details its applicability.
A capability constraint can be formulated as one of the following three constraint
▪ A precondition, i.e., a condition that must hold before a function can be
▪ A postcondition, i.e., a condition that must hold after a function has been
▪ An invariant, i.e., a condition that must hold during the execution of a
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A capability constraint restricts the values of the properties associated with the re-
spective capability.
A capability constraint can involve one or more properties.
8.4 Service
description of the commercial aspects and means of provision of offered capabilities.
The term “service” should be understood in the sense of economics and shall not
be confused with e.g., web services.
The capabilities and means of provisions are specified by properties
A service is demanded by service requesters and provided by a service provider
A service is an input for an offer proposed by a service provider, which can be re-
ceived and accepted by a service requester
8.5 ServiceRequester
demands services under particular commercial aspects by providing either a specification of
services or a specification of product requirements.
8.6 ServiceProvider
provides services and can propose offers to ServiceRequesters.
8.7 ServiceOffer
proposal for a binding contract from the Service Provider to execute one or more particular
services that a ServiceRequester can receive and accept.
A ServiceOffer should determine the commercial aspects of the service provision
and may remain valid for a certain period of time.
An Offer may consist of partial offers proposed by different service providers.
8.8 Skill
executable implementation of an encapsulated (automation) function specified by a capability.
A skill must have a skill interface
One capability can be realized by more than one skill.
A skill may have any number of SkillParameters.
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A skill’s behavior conforms to a state machine.
A skill controls a process step
8.9 SkillInterface
access point to configure, control and monitor a skill.
A skill interface exposes interaction points to be used by other external systems
(e.g. MES, other skills).
A skill interface exposes the state machine of a skill so that skill states can be
monitored and transitions triggered.
A skill interface exposes the parameters of a skill so that they can be written and
8.10 SkillParameter
data unit to configure, control and monitor the execution of a skill.
Skill parameters might be used as in- /output parameters
Skill parameters might be used as results
Skill parameters might have a relation or be equivalent to capability properties
IEC 171-05-41
Skill parameter that is equivalent to a capability property: color of product
▪ Property value is required by service requester
▪ Property specifies a provided capability and may be used in capability
▪ Property value is passed to a skill parameter
Skill parameter that is indirectly determined from a capability property:
▪ Property: product material
▪ Skill parameter: feed rate
▪ Property value is required by service requester
▪ Property specifies a provided capability and may be used in capability
▪ Skill parameter value needs to be calculated from property value before
passing it to a skill
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8.11 Process
production-relevant activity at any level of granularity that might affect materials and is per-
formed by resources
In general, a process can be decomposed into sub-processes or single activities.
A process can require capabilities to express that any suitable resource used for
performing this process needs to provide compatible capabilities.
A process step relates to materials that constitute either input or output for the pro-
cessing in this step.
Specialized from Process according to IEV 351-42-33 (https://www.electro- so that a single activity may also
be considered as a process.
Process step range from a subprocess for e.g. putting a complex assembly together, down
to a single activity, such as fixating a screw. Moreover, also logistics-related actions are
examples of process steps, including the feeding of materials into a working unit, the storage
of intermediate products in a buffer, or the transportation of materials in between different
factory facilities. Furthermore, also setup actions are considered process steps, such as the
preparation of a machining station with the right tool, the mounting of the right gripper to a
robot, or the cleaning of the working area in a station.
8.12 Resource
entity capable of performing functions specified as capabilities and potentially implemented
as skills. [compare definition of “Functional Unit”]
A production resource may consist of hardware, software or both
A production resource may only provide capabilities (i.e. when engineering a re-
source, for planning purposes) and may additionally provide skills for automatic
execution of the specified function.
A human becomes a Production Resource, if that person is able to perform a func-
tion specified as a capability.
IEV 171-01-22
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8.13 Product
physical object being used as an input or created as an output of a production process.
The term Product may be used for objects in various states of manufacturing and
may be seen as a generic term for raw materials, work in process and finished
goods. Consumable supplies such as fuel, lubricants or cleaning agents may also
be regarded as products. Furthermore, both purchased parts as well as parts
manufactured in-house may be regarded as products.
Besides the actual product, there can be additional artifacts related to that product
that are created and used in different life cycle phases to specify the product.
▪ 3D/CAD models
▪ specifications
A Service Requester may use these additional artifacts to formulate requirements
against products.
This notion of a product is derived from IEV 902-02-03 and specialized to capture physical
objects only.
9 Annex B – Activities
Note: Activities are presented in the same order in which they are used in the use-case.
9.1 ServiceSequencing
activity of eliciting the required services and deriving the sequence of services needed to
achieve a desired effect required by one or more products in a particular state to transition
to one or more products in a subsequent state.
9.2 ServiceMatching
activity of comparing and assigning requested services and tender criteria to assured ser-
vices and creating a binding offer to a service requester.
That includes non-process related commercial properties (e.g. supply chain Law)
ServiceMatching uses the activity of CapabilitySequencing. While the CapabilitySe-
quencing can be performed without the ServiceMatching, the ServiceMatching de-
pends on the CapabilitySequencing.
A prerequisite is agreed semantics for the definition of the services and properties.
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9.3 ComplianceCheck
activity of verifying adherence of the ServiceProvider to a set of rules or laws, such as relat-
ing to policies or product and business standards and codes of conduct.
ComplianceCheck may be carried out by a third party.
Examples: Compliance with the Supply Chain Law, country embargos, minimum wage, en-
vironmental safety, CE mark, non-use of child labor, fair trade, non-use of certain substances
such as toxins and carcinogens.
9.4 CapabilitySequencing
activity that may be used to find a sequence of capabilities which lead from a given initial
state to a target state of a product. CapabilitySequencing may contain RequiredCapabil-
ityDerivation, CapabilityMatching and CapabilityDecomposition.
CapabilitySequencing may include optional optimization steps to achieve a spe-
cific goal (e.g. minimum cost or maximum throughput)
CapabilitySequencing may result in an incomplete fulfillment of the product re-
quirements so that product requirements must be altered or additional service pro-
viders must be found
9.5 RequiredCapabilityDerivation
activity of eliciting the necessary capabilities to achieve a desired effect required by one or
more products in a particular state to transition to one or more products in a subsequent
If specific capabilities are requested instead of requested product properties, this
activity may be omitted.
9.6 CapabilityMatching
activity of identifying the resources and their provided capabilities that fulfill required capa-
bilities. This involves ensuring that a given set of CapabilityConstraints is fulfilled.
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A prerequisite is agreed semantics for the definition of the Capabilities, Properties
and Constraints. Unknown CapabilityConstraints or Properties should lead to a
warning about the result.
CapabilityMatching may be done iteratively with adjustment of the required Capa-
bilityConstraints depending on the result of the Capability Matching. Moreover, ad-
justment of the CapabilityConstraints could be part of a negotiation activity at ser-
vice level.
The resources to be identified may be individual assets such as factories or ma-
chines or groups of such assets, forming for example a supply chain.
9.7 CapabilityDecomposition
activity of breaking down (decomposing) a capability into subordinate or part capabilities that
together fulfill the function of the original capability.
CapabilityDecomposition may be applied hierarchically over multiple levels with in-
creasing refinement, e.g. corresponding to an hierarchy of manufacturing processes
and subprocesses.
CapabilityDecomposition defines the order of the subordinate or part capabilities
either explicitly or implicitly using the Capability Constraints (Pre- and Postcondi-
CapabilityDecomposition can be used to allow the matching of provided and re-
quested capabilities if both are not specified at the same level of granularity
CapabilityDecomposition implies that instead of breaking down a capability, a set of
subordinate or part capabilities may also be composed into a higher level capability.
9.8 FeasibilityCheck
activity to assess the possibility to achieve the desired effect of a skill execution in a
concrete production context.
The FeasibilityCheck result can be used as assurance or validation to execute
a process
The FeasibilityCheck may use skill specific information such as StateMachine,
SkillParameter, SkillInterface
In addition to skill information the following information of a production context
may be used:
▪ Topology
▪ Environmental (contextual) model of the factory plant
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▪ Simulation model
▪ Mathematical-physical formulas etc.
There can be multiple options to realize FeasibilityChecks, e.g.:
▪ Parameter matching at the product resource level.
▪ Mathematical-physical calculations
▪ Simulation
▪ Domain specific (e.g. welding)
The Feasibility Check typically receives the following as inputs:
▪ Process flow with one or more production resources and their re-
quired capabilities.
▪ Feasibility model of the product resource(s)
The result can be a specific configured production resource and/or a process
with parameterized skill as well as costs and other process-related commer-
cial information
The FeasibilityCheck might include activities to assure the required resource
capacity and generate an offer
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This publication was created by the working group "Semantic and Interaction of I4.0 Components" of Plattform
Industrie 4.0.
Christian Diedrich, ifak e.V. Magdeburg
Alexander Belyaev, Otto von Guericke University
Rafi Blumenfeld, Siemens AG
Jürgen Bock, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Stephan Grimm, Siemens AG
Jesko Hermann, Technologie-Initiative SmartFactory KL e.V.
Tobias Klausmann, Lenze SE
Aljosha Köcher, Helmut Schmidt University
Matthias Maurmaier, Siemens AG
Kristof Meixner, TU Wien
Jörn Peschke, Siemens AG
Miriam Schleipen, EKS InTec GmbH
Siwara Schmitt, Fraunhofer IESE
Boris Schnebel, Fraunhofer IOSB
Guido Stephan, Siemens AG
Magnus Volkmann, TU Kaiserslautern
Andreas Wannagat, Siemens AG
Kym Watson, Fraunhofer IOSB
Michael Winter, RWTH Aachen University
Patrick Zimmermann, Fraunhofer IGCV