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Awareness and knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among general population of Makkah, Saudi Arabi


Abstract and Figures

Background and aim: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD is considered as one of the common neuro developmental disorders. It is common among children and young adults, affecting their social, academic, and occupational functioning. ADHD can be diagnosed using the revised DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. As there is lack of studies that assess the awareness and knowledge of ADHD among the general population of Makkah, our study targets the general population of Makkah to assess their awareness and knowledge regarding ADHD. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study using an electronic survey formed by Google forms. Data were obtained from residents of Makkah city aging 15 years and above. Results: A Total of 603 participants have enrolled in this study, 69 of them were excluded for not meeting the criteria. (94.2%) had heard about ADHD and (39.9%) of responders knew about it from social media. 56.6% considered that it’s a mixed disorder (behavioral, neurological and psychiatric), whereas 24.2% believed it to be a behavioral disorder only. As for its cause, 80% of the participants believed it is a multi-cause disorder. In regard to the treatment, 75.1% determined that the best modality is combined medical and behavioral therapy, while 19.9% favored behavioral therapy, 2.6% preferred medications and 2.4% believed there is no treatment for ADHD. Conclusion: Our study reported the knowledge and awareness level of Makkah population regarding ADHD. Makkah residents would benefit from further education and orientation regarding ADHD.
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Medical Science, 26, ms412e2440 (2022) 1 of 7
Awareness and knowledge of
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder among general
population of Makkah, Saudi
Hazem Mohammad Aljabri1*, Bassam Musleh Bin
Laswad1, Hasan Zuhier Binjabi1, Mohammed Hasan
Alturki1, Abdulaziz Omar Babukur1, Azzam Musleh Bin
Laswad1, Mohammed Osama Krenshi1, Mokhtar
Mahfouz Shatla2,3
Background and aim: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD is
considered as one of the common neuro developmental disorders. It is
common among children and young adults, affecting their social, academic,
and occupational functioning. ADHD can be diagnosed using the revised
DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. As there is lack of studies that assess the awareness
and knowledge of ADHD among the general population of Makkah, our
study targets the general population of Makkah to assess their awareness and
knowledge regarding ADHD. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study
using an electronic survey formed by Google forms. Data were obtained from
residents of Makkah city aging 15 years and above. Results: A Total of 603
participants have enrolled in this study, 69 of them were excluded for not
meeting the criteria. (94.2%) had heard about ADHD and (39.9%) of
responders knew about it from social media. 56.6% considered that it’s a
mixed disorder (behavioral, neurological and psychiatric), whereas 24.2%
believed it to be a behavioral disorder only. As for its cause, 80% of the
participants believed it is a multi-cause disorder. In regard to the treatment,
75.1% determined that the best modality is combined medical and behavioral
therapy, while 19.9% favored behavioral therapy, 2.6% preferred medications
and 2.4% believed there is no treatment for ADHD. Conclusion: Our study
reported the knowledge and awareness level of Makkah population regarding
ADHD. Makkah residents would benefit from further education and
orientation regarding ADHD.
Keywords: ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, awareness
Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Medical Science
pISSN 23217359; eISSN 23217367
To Cite:
Aljabri HM, Laswad BM, Binjabi HZ, Alturki MH, Babukur AO, Laswad
AM, Krenshi MO, Shatla MM. Awareness and knowledge of Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among general population of Makkah,
Saudi Arabia. Medical Science 2022; 26:ms412e2440.
Authors’ Affiliation:
1Medical student, College of Medicine, Umm Al-Qura University,
Makkah, Saudi Arabia
2Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, Menoufia
University, Menoufia, Egypt
3Department of Community Medicine and Pilgrims Health Care, College
of Medicine, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Hazem Mohammad Aljabri:
Bassam Musleh Bin Laswad:
Hasan Zuhier Binjabi:
Azzam Musleh Bin Laswad:
Abdulaziz Omar Babukur:
Mohammed Hasan Alturki:
*Corresponding author
Medical student, Faculty of Medicine, Umm Al-Qura University,
Saudi Arabia
Peer-Review History
Received: 11 August 2022
Reviewed & Revised: 14/August/2022 to 06/October/2022
Accepted: 12 October 2022
Published: 15 October 2022
Peer-review Method
External peer-review was done through double-blind method.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Copyright © 2022 Discovery Scientific Society.
Medical Science, 26, ms412e2440 (2022) 2 of 7
According to the American Psychiatric Association, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is considered a chronic
disorder that affects mainly children and often extends into adult life, affecting their social, academic and occupational functioning,
characterized by elements of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity (Harpin, 2005; Ghiasi et al., 2022). There are three major
types of ADHD; patients with the combined type, which is the most common, often have problems paying attention and
concentrating on activities, and may exhibit hyperactive or impulsive behavior (Biederman et al., 2006). The second type is the
inattentive type, in which the patients may have problems paying attention but do not exhibit signs of hyperactivity or impulsivity.
Lastly, the hyperactive-impulsive type is the least common type, which has less problems with attention and it is the most prevalent
in pre-schoolers where the hyperactive component usually predominates (Franke et al., 2012; Chou et al., 2015; Hadzic et al., 2017;
Adeyemo et al., 2014; Donzelli et al., 2019).
The prevalence of ADHD has been previously assessed in several studies around the world. As in the United States of America
and Korea, ADHD prevalence was found to be 6% and 8% respectively (Al-Ahmari et al., 2018). Locally, Al-Zaben et al., (2018) has
assessed the prevalence of ADHD among primary school students in the western region of Saudi Arabia and found it to be 5%.
According to DSM-5 criteria, the presence of 6 or more inattentive symptoms and/or 6 or more impulsive and hyperactivity
symptoms in children is required for a modern diagnosis of ADHD. Adults with ADHD have somewhat different requirements:
those aged 17 and up only need to demonstrate 5 symptoms to meet the criterion. DSM-5 further stipulates those symptoms must
be 2 or more environments, begin prior to age 12, cause notable dysfunction, and not occur primarily in the context of a psychotic
illness or be better accounted for by another mental disorder or medical condition (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
Common Symptoms of ADHD present as attention deficit, including decrease in concentration and difficulty in following
instructions. Symptoms of hyperactivity include repetitive movements and inability to sit in one place (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). ADHD patients are more likely to exhibit more antisocial behaviors than children without ADHD and they tend
to drop out of school, have fewer friends and in some cases not completing college (Barkley, 2014). When ADHD patients advance
to adulthood, they have more difficulty finding work; have higher rates of psychiatric disorders such as personality disorders,
depression and substance misuse (Barbaresi et al., 2013; Mash & Johnston, 1983). Moreover, the treatment of ADHD consists of a
combination of pharmacological and behavioral intervention with consideration of related comorbid disorders (Austerman, 2015).
This is a cross-sectional study that included the general population of Makkah, Saudi Arabia as participants in this study. The study
population included both genders male and female, Saudi and non-Saudi individuals residing in Makkah city who were above 15
years of age, we excluded participants residing outside Makkah city and those under 15 years of age. An electronic Self-
administrated survey formed by google forms, that was distributed in May 2022 via social media platforms after obtaining the
ethical approval by the Biomedical ethics committee at Umm Al-Qura University (UQU), College of Medicine, Makkah, Saudi
Arabia, Approval No (HAPO-02-K-012-2022-05-1086). The study sample was calculated by OpenEpi website version 3.0 (AG, KM,
2013), in consideration of the following: the residents of Makkah city estimated to be 1.5 million according to the general authority
for statics Saudi Arabia, keeping the confidence interval (CI) level at 95% and considering 50% prevalence of the sample size. The
sample size was calculated to be 385 participants.
We used a valid assessment tool based on a previously published study (Al-Bluwe et al., 2020). Consent was obtained from all
participants; contact info was attached with the survey to answer any inquiries. The survey included three sections, the first section
contained demographic data such as: age, gender and educational level. The second section assesses the general knowledge of
Makkah population regarding ADHD. The third section consists of the diagnostic symptoms and signs of ADHD based on the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) criteria which include 15 items.
A total of 603 participants completed the questionnaire, 69 have been excluded for not meeting the criteria. As (Table 1) shows the
participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, in which 311 of the sample were female (58.2%) and 223 were male (41.8%). The
majority of them (n=143, 26.8%) were between 15-25 years, while (n=105, 19.7%) were between 26-35 years, and (n=133, 24.9%)
between 36-45 years and other age groups are shown in table 1. Regarding the educational differences among the participants, most
of them (n=355, 66.5%) had a university degree, (n=86, 16.1%) were secondary school graduates, (n=61, 11.4%) were Postgraduates.
Meanwhile, minority of the participants (n=19, 3.6%) and (n=13, 2.4%) had middle school education and elementary education,
Medical Science, 26, ms412e2440 (2022) 3 of 7
Table 1 participants’ socio-demographic characteristics
Educational level
In addition, Table 2 shows participants’ knowledge of ADHD. Impressively near all of them (n= 503, 94.2%) have heard about
ADHD and could specify from where have they heard about it; (n=213, 39.9%) chose social media, (n=106, 19.9%) by reading a
medical website, (n=103, 19.3%) through previous experience with an ADHD patient, (n=54, 10.1%) from books, journals, and
newspapers and (n=27, 5.1%) did not know. Moreover, more than half of the participants (n=302, 56.6%) presume the nature of
ADHD to be mixed disorder (behavioral, neurological and psychiatric), while (n=129, 24.2%) believed it to be a behavioral disorder,
(n=38, 7.1%) considered it as a neurological disorder, (n=32, 6.0%) thought it’s a psychiatric disorder and (n=33, 6.2%) did not know.
In regard to the cause of ADHD, more than three quarters (n=427, 80%) believed it’s a multi-cause disorder, (n=76, 12.5%)
considered it to be genetic cause, (n= 17, 3.2%) thought it’s due to nutritional habits, (n=21, 3.9%) accused food preservatives and
dyes and (n=2, 0.4%) charged smoking as the cause. When the responders were asked about the treatment method, (n=401, 75.1%)
preferred medical and behavioral therapy, (n=106, 19.9%) favored behavioral therapy, while the rest of them (n=14, 2.6%) chose
medications and (n=13, 2.4%) considered it as an untreatable disorder.
Table 2 Participants’ knowledge of ADHD
Have you heard about ADHD?
If yes, Source of information:
Previous experience with an ADHD patient known to me
Reading a medical website
Books, journals, and newspapers
Social media
Don’t know
Nature of ADHD:
Behavioral disorder
Neurological disorder
Psychiatric disorder
Mixed disorder (behavioral, neurological and psychiatric)
Don’t know
Underlying causes of ADHD:
Genetic disorder
Nutritional habits
Medical Science, 26, ms412e2440 (2022) 4 of 7
Food preservatives and dyes
Multi-cause disorder
Behavioral therapy
Medical and behavioral therapy
There is no treatment for ADHD
On the last part of the questionnaire as shown in (Table 3), which assess the participants’ ability to recognize the diagnostic
signs and symptoms of ADHD according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V)
criteria, (n= 399, 74.7%) of the participants agreed that ADHD patients have poor attention and concentration, similar to (n=414,
77.5%) who were convinced that patients suffer from hyperactivity and inhibition issues. (n=314, 58.8%) believed that the aff ected
persons do not listen to the instructions given to them and (n=163, 30.5%) noted that patients fail to complete the tasks they started.
A quarter of the participants (n=134, 25.1%) thought that patients avoid difficult tasks which require mental effort and attention and
(n=230, 43.1%) considered that ADHD patients face difficulty in organizing their tasks and activities. (n=151, 28.3%) of responders
agreed that ADHD patients misplace their belongings such as “pens, games, and books”, (n=129, 24.2%), (n=260, 48.7%) believed
that patients encounter academic failure or difficulty in learning and difficulty waiting for their turn, respectively. Interestingly,
(27.9%) thought that patients do not enjoy playing and do not sit quietly with others, as (34.6%) thought they show excessive
Of the total participants (n=182, 34.1%) only, were agreeing that the child quarrels with other children often, while (n=336,
62.9%) thought that patients show excessive running, jumping and climbing. Lastly, (n=297, 55.6%) believed that the patient cannot
control his actions and (n=162, 30.3%) agreed that these different signs and symptoms should be demonstrated in two settings for
instance at home and school (Figure 1).
Table 3 Signs and symptoms based on the DSM-V criteria for ADHD
Poor attention and concentration
Not listening to instructions
Failure to complete the tasks they start
Avoid difficult tasks that require mental effort and attention
Difficulty in organizing tasks and activities
Misplacing their belongings such as pens, games, and books
Experience academic failure or difficulty in learning
Show hyperactivity and inhibition issues
Show excessive running, jumping, and climbing
Not enjoying playing and not quietly sitting with others
Speaking excessively
Find it difficult to wait for their turn
Quarrel with other children often
Cannot control their actions
The problem should be present in two settings (e.g., home
and school)
Medical Science, 26, ms412e2440 (2022) 5 of 7
Figure 1 Signs and symptoms based on the DSM-V criteria for ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the commonest childhood mental disorders, as it is associated with
serious comorbidities including sleep disorders, learning deficit, and psychiatric disorders (See et al., 2021). This is why we need the
general population to have awareness about such a common, serious condition that requires early recognition (See et al., 2021). Our
study aims to assess the awareness and knowledge of ADHD among the general population of Makkah, Saudi Arabia in where
there is a lack of studies about ADHD. The results showed that the overall knowledge of the general population of Makkah about
ADHD was fair. Most of the study participants were aging between 15-25 years of age. (58.2%) of the participants were female and
(41.8%) male, whereas in a similar study conducted in Hail region (Al-Bluwe et al., 2020), (83.9%) of the participants were female
and (16.1%) were male. The vast majority of our participants (94.2%) have heard about ADHD in contrast to a study conducted by
University of Chicago among United States of America residents (McLeod et al., 2007) showed lower percentage (64%).
We have found that social media is the main source of information regarding ADHD for Makkah population which is similar to
the study conducted in Hail region (Al-Bluwe et al., 2020), followed by reading medical websites and through previous experience
with ADHD patient; reflecting the prevalence of ADHD. Although social media is not the optimal source of information, yet it
provides elemental knowledge, hence there should be supervised and reviewed content on relevant social media platforms to
enhance the knowledge and correct false information regarding ADHD. Despite that many participants believed ADHD to be a
mixed behavioral, neurological and psychiatric disorder; there were a considered number of participants that presumed ADHD to
be only a behavioral disorder. Moreover, (80%) of participants believe that ADHD is a multi-cause disorder dissimilarly when
compared to a study conducted in Madina region (Alghamdi et al., 2017) only (19.4%) of participants believe that ADHD is a multi-
cause disorder.
050 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Poor at tention a nd concentra ti on
Not li stening to in st ructions
Failu re to complete the ta sk s t hey st ar t
Avoid d if ficult task s th at requi re m ental
effort an d attent io n
Diffi cu lty in o rg anizing tasks and a ct ivit ie s
Mi sp lacing their belongin gs s uch a s pens,
games, a nd books
Exp er ien ce aca de mic failure or di ff iculty in
learnin g
Show hy peractivity and i nhibition issues
Show ex ce ssive r un ning, jumpin g, a nd
climb i n g
Not en joyi ng p la yi ng and n ot qui et ly sitt in g
with o thers
Spea ki ng exc essively
Find i t difficu lt t o wait for t he ir turn
Qua rr el with oth er children often
Ca nn ot c ontrol th ei r action s
The p ro blem sh ou ld be present i n two
sett in gs (e. g., ho me and school)
Medical Science, 26, ms412e2440 (2022) 6 of 7
However, we have noticed that many participants were not completely oriented about the symptoms and the disease
presentations in the affected person with ADHD in contrast to the study conducted in Hail region (Al-Bluwe et al., 2020) which
showed higher orientation level regarding ADHD signs and symptoms. The most common recognizable sign by the participants is
that the patient “shows hyperactivity and inhibition issues” followed by “poor attention and concentration”. The least recognizable
sign is that they “experience academic failure or difficulty in learning”; thus, we think that it’s very important to clarify these
diagnostic signs and symptoms. Furthermore, most of the study participants believed that combination of medical and behavioral
therapy is the most efficient modality of treatment.
This study showed the awareness and knowledge level of Makkah general population regarding ADHD, based on our findings we
recommend raising the awareness of ADHD through educational campaigns, online videos, as we encourage the specialists to
utilize their social media accounts in order to explain the disorder nature, causes, signs and symptoms as well as the treatment
methods and its importance. Therefore, we advocate for further similar studies in different regions of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
which would benefit from a larger study sample to get more accurate and generalized results and correlate these results with the
participants’ gender, age, and educational level.
Ethical approval
The study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Umm Al-Qura University (ethical approval number: HAPO-02-K-012-
Informed consent
Informed consent was obtained from participants at the beginning of the electronic questionnaire.
The authors would like to thank all the participants who contributed in this study.
This study has not received any external funding.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interests.
Data and materials availability
All data associated with this study are present in the paper.
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... However, most previous research in Saudi Arabia [ Table 3] has shown that there is still insufficient understanding, perceptions, and attitudes surrounding ADHD. [30][31][32][33][34][35] Parents of children with ADHD report having several challenges taking care of their children and less understanding of their children's lives and behaviors. Low parental knowledge can negatively affect early ADHD diagnosis, perception of ADHD-related problems, and long-term treatment adherence. ...
... 224 Medical students at Qassim University Medical students had a good awareness of ADHD; however, they had insufficient knowledge Aljabri et al. [35] Cross-sectional study 2022 603 ...
... Furthermore, many projects are arranged by the Saudi ADHD Society to train educators, organize summer camps, and develop support groups for the families of the affected children [10]. Despite that, studies in Saudi Arabia have demonstrated that there is still a lack of knowledge, perception, and attitudes regarding ADHD among the population generally and teachers in particular [11][12][13][14]. Therefore, this study aims to assess the knowledge of ADHD among primary school teachers in the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia and evaluate the impact of the socio-demographic variables on the knowledge before and after interventional educational lectures. ...
... Furthermore, many projects are arranged by the Saudi ADHD Society to train educators, organize summer camps, and develop support groups for the families of the affected children [10]. Despite that, studies in Saudi Arabia have demonstrated that there is still a lack of knowledge, perception, and attitudes regarding ADHD among the population generally and teachers in particular [11][12][13][14]. Therefore, this study aims to assess the knowledge of ADHD among primary school teachers in the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia and evaluate the impact of the socio-demographic variables on the knowledge before and after interventional educational lectures. ...
Full-text available
Background: Well-trained primary school teachers should be competent in recognizing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in students and be able to assist in providing care and support. Objectives: This study intends to assess primary school teachers' knowledge of ADHD and evaluate the effectiveness of a short-term educational intervention. Methods: A quasi-experimental quantitative study was conducted among primary school teachers in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. A two-hour educational intervention was designed and run in six schools using a specific knowledge rating scale before and after the application of the intervention. Results: A total of 150 primary school teachers were included in this study, of which 64% were males, 51.3% were in the age group of 40-49 years, and 28% had teaching experience of more than 20 years. Regarding ADHD knowledge, the pre-intervention knowledge of the general criteria, symptoms and diagnosis, and treatment was considered adequate in 3.3%, 16.7%, and 2.7% of the participants, respectively, which improved post-intervention to 22%, 54.7%, and 19.3%, respectively. There was a significant association between the pre-intervention knowledge of the general criteria and the gender and between the knowledge of symptoms and diagnosis and the attendance of ADHD workshop by the participants. Also, there was a significant association between the participants' age, residence experience, attendance of ADHD workshops, and the general criteria and treatment domains. Conclusions: Most primary school teachers in Jazan have insufficient knowledge of ADHD. Using a knowledge improvement intervention can substantially improve the teachers’ knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate thoughtful knowledge improvement programs into the educational curricula for teachers.
Full-text available
Globally, the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is increasing. The treatment for ADHD is multifaceted and requires long-term care and support. Pharmacists are capable of assisting patients and their caretakers in achieving desired outcomes. This work discusses and summarizes pharmacists’ roles in ADHD care and their associated outcomes. Overall, pharmacists are positioned to educate on ADHD, optimize medications in a collaborative practice model, manage and monitor side effects, and provide remote and virtual pharmaceutical care. Pharmacists could directly contribute to ensuring medication safety and increasing awareness regarding the optimal use of ADHD medications. Patients with ADHD can benefit from pharmacist involvement in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, initial screening and referral, the provision of clinical consultation and feedback, and the improvement of self-management and self-awareness of the illness. Pharmacists also play a significant role in therapeutic decision making regarding the initiation, intensification, and monitoring of ADHD treatment to ensure its effectiveness and quality of life improvement. Lastly, pharmacists could help identify more cost-effective treatment approaches for ADHD patients based on the clinical scenario that is encountered.
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We compared the knowledge of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among the general public, parents of children with ADHD, and primary school teachers and identified factors associated with ADHD knowledge in each group, separately. Secondary data analysis was made on the pre-lecture data from those (122 from the general public, 64 parents of children with ADHD, and 515 primary school teachers) attending education lectures by the Department of Public Health, New Taipei City Government, Taiwan, 2014. ADHD onset age was least known in these 3 groups. Knowledge of ADHD was significantly better among teachers (test score, 75.3%) than among parents (65.5%) and the general public (59.2%). Among the general public, the test score significantly decreased with age and was worst in those who did not know their friends or relatives with ADHD. Among parents, service workers, and retired/unemployed knew significantly less about ADHD than housewife did. Among teachers, men knew significantly less than women; those who taught children with ADHD knew significantly more than those who did not. Primary school teachers knew more about ADHD than parents and the general public. Factors associated with ADHD knowledge varied among the 3 groups.
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BACKGROUND Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of primary health-care (PHC) physicians on diagnosis and management of ADHD. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was a cross-sectional study included 340 PHC physicians in Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data on personal characteristics, knowledge, attitude, and practice of the diagnosis and management of ADHD. RESULTS Nearly 47.6% of the PHC physicians were aged <30 years, 60.3% were male, 79.1% were Saudi nationals, and 84.1% had completed MBBS. Only 13.2% had attended continuing medical education courses on ADHD, 63.2% had read about ADHD; Internet was the main source of information (30.7%). Participants' attitude toward ADHD was mainly positive, while 32.1% had poor knowledge and 17.6% had diagnosed ADHD cases in the last year, but 73.3% had referred the diagnosed cases to specialists. Participants' knowledge differed significantly according to their age, gender, and nationality. CONCLUSIONS PHC physicians' knowledge about ADHD was suboptimal, but they had a positive attitude toward their role with regard to ADHD. PHC physicians should focus on the clinical and diagnostic aspects of ADHD. Awareness and interest of undergraduate medical students and newly graduated physicians in ADHD should be raised. The Ministry of Health should encourage attendance at extracurricular courses and workshops.
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Objectives: To determine the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), subtypes of ADHD, and psychiatric, academic, and behavioral comorbidity in public primary school students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. A simple random sample of 6 primary government schools in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was identified (3 male, 3 female), and a random sample of classes in each of grades 1-6 were selected. Between July and November 2016, teachers in these classes were asked to complete the Vanderbilt ADHD scale on all students in their classes. Results: A total of 929 students were screened. The overall prevalence of ADHD was 5% (5.3% in girls, 4.7% in boys). The most prevalent subtype of ADHD was combined type (2.7%), followed by hyperactive type (1.2%), and inattentive type (1.1%). The highest prevalence of ADHD overall was in grade 3 (7.1%) and the lowest prevalence in grade 6 (3.4%). Among students with ADHD, prevalence of comorbid psychiatric, academic, and behavioral problems was widespread (56.5% oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder, 54.4% impaired academic performance, 44.4% classroom behavioral problems, 41.3% depression/anxiety). Comorbid problems were especially prevalent in combined ADHD subtype and in boys. Conclusions: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is common in primary school children in Jeddah, and is associated with widespread psychiatric, academic, and behavioral problems, especially in boys. These findings have implications for the diagnosis and treatment of this serious neurobehavioral disorder.
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Introduction: Bacterial meningitis is a severe disease with high morbidity. Many medical conditions are known to be associated with meningitis including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Aim: The goal of the present study was to examine the frequency of ADHD in children who had bacterial meningitis. An additional goal was to assess the odds ratio for ADHD in children who had meningitis and children who did not have it. Methods: The sample comprised 60 children who had meningitis in the first year of their lives and 60 control children who did not have the disease. ADHD was assessed through the structural clinical interviews with parents according to the criteria set in DSM-IV. Results: The total frequency of ADHD in children who had meningitis was 62%, as compared to 5% in children who did not have the disease. The odds ratio for developing ADHD was 30.5 (95% CI = 8.5 to 109) in favor of children in the meningitis group. Conclusion: Meningitis is a significant risk factor for developing ADHD later in childhood. Children who had meningitis need to be monitored for timely detecting and treating ADHD symptoms.
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Enterovirus (EV) infection is a major public health issue throughout the world with potential neurological complications. This study evaluated the relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and EV encephalitis in children. Data of reimbursement claims from the National Health Insurance Research Database of Taiwan were used in a population-based case–control design. The study comprised 2646 children with ADHD who were matched according to sex, age, urbanization level of residence, parental occupation, and baseline year, to people without ADHD at a ratio of 1:10. The index date of the ADHD group was the ADHD date of diagnosis. Histories of EV infections before the index dates were collected and recategorized according to the severity of infection. Compared with children without EV infection, the children with mild EV infection had a 1.16-fold increased risk of ADHD (odds ratio [OR] = 1.16, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.07–1.26), and the children with severe EV infection had a greater risk of ADHD (OR = 2.82, 95% CI = 1.05–7.57). The results also revealed a significant correlation between ADHD and the severity of EV infection (P for trend = 0.0001). Patients with EV encephalitis have an increased risk of developing ADHD. Although most EV encephalitis in children has a favorable prognosis, it may be associated with significant long-term neurological sequelae, even in children considered fully recovered at discharge. Neuropsychological testing should be recommended for survivors of childhood EV encephalitis. The causative factors between EV encephalitis and the increased risk of ADHD require further investigation.
Behavioral disorders in pediatric patients--primarily attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)--pose a clinical challenge for health care providers to accurately assess, diagnose, and treat. In 2013, updated diagnostic criteria for behavioral disorders were published, including ADHD and a new diagnostic entity: disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Revised criteria for ADHD includes oldest age for occurrence of symptoms, need for symptoms to be present in more than one setting, and requirement for number of symptoms in those aged 17 and older. Assessment of ADHD relies primarily on the clinical interview, including the medical and social history, along with the aid of objective measures. The clinical course of ADHD is chronic with symptom onset occurring well before adolescence. Most patients have symptoms that continue into adolescence, and some into adulthood. Many patients with ADHD have comorbid disorders such as depression, disruptive behavior disorders, or substance abuse, which need to be addressed first in the treatment plan. Treatment of ADHD relies on a combination of psychopharmacologic, academic, and behavioral interventions, which produce response rates up to 80%.
Objective: This study investigated the association between mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and ADHD, which increases risk of injuries and accidents. Method: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that examined the relationship between mTBI and ADHD. Results: Five studies, comprising 3,023 mTBI patients and 9,716 controls, fit our a priori inclusion and exclusion criteria. A meta-analysis found a significant association between ADHD and mTBI, which was significant when limited to studies that reported on ADHD subsequent to mTBI and when the direction of the association was not specified, but not for studies that reported mTBI subsequent to ADHD. Heterogeneity of effect size and publication biases were not evident. Conclusion: The literature documents a significant association between mTBI and ADHD. Further clarification of the relationship and direction of effect between mTBI and ADHD and treatment implications could have large clinical, scientific, and public health implications.