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Psikoislamedia Jurnal Psikologi
Volume 07 Nomor 02, 2022
Copyright @2022 Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang I 119
Muhamad Uyun
, Yuli Bahriah
, Fitriani
Raden Fatah State Islamic University Palembang,Indonesia
, Midwifery Academy Budi Mulia
Palembang, Indonesia
, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
e-mail :
Received:September 27,2022 Accepted: September 30,2022 Published:October 31, 2022
Many factors affect student participation in the learning process. According to the researcher,
two (2) most dominant factors are interest and learning motivation. For that, researchers are
interested in proving it empirically. This research aimed to determine the correlation between
interest and motivation to learn with student participation. The analysis technique to test the
hypothesis by using multiple regression. The data analysis results proved a significant
positive relationship between interest and motivation to learn with student participation
(r=0.521 :( p<0.01). There was a significant positive relationship between interest and student
participation (r=0.516;(<0.01) , and there is a significant positive relationship between
learning motivation and student participation (r=0.520; ( p<0.01). Furthermore, the variable
of learning motivation is a variable that has a more significant influence on student
participation which can be seen from the B value of 0.679 while the interest variable is 0.178.
Keywords: Student Participation, Interest and Learning Motivation
Nowadays, people are starting to realize the importance of education because with
education, everyone will gain knowledge. According to Zuhdi et al., (2021) In
modernization, education and human are an inseparable unity. Additionally, Al-shuaibi
(2014) explains that having a good education will help the students to develop human
personality, thoughts and buying with others and organize people for life experiences. This
research is motivated by previous preliminary studies, from the conclusions of the
researchers based on the variables, place, time of implementation, and research subjects, the
researchers believe that there has been no similar research that has directly examined the
three variables in the same place so that researchers believe this research is original and
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Volume 07 Nomor 02, 2022
Copyright @2022 Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang I 120
different with previous research. The success or failure in the educational process cannot be
separated from the preaching and learning process. In contrast, there is a reciprocal
interaction between pupils and eduators in the teaching and learning process itself. It can be
said to be successful in the pedagogy and learning process if pupils and teachers are active.
A teacher is not said to be successful in teaching just because the teacher can dominate the
class during class hours, nor is he said to be successful in teaching just because the target
material to be conveyed is achieved.
In addition, the teacher's success in teaching can be seen in the extent to which
pupils can realize the material's content. So that students can well receive the content of the
material presented, the best thing to do is to involve students in the teaching and learning
process. For this reason, student participation during class lessons needs to be developed.
Salim & Salim (1991) suggest that participation means participating in an activity or
participation. Meanwhile, Sastroputro (1993) desribes that participation is a person's mental
and emotional involvement in group situations that promote him to redound to the group to
realize goals and responsibility for the business interested. Sumargi (2001) states that there
are several characteristics of student participation in classes, including thinking critically on
the subject, asking questions to the teacher, answering questions voluntarily, providing input
and being active in the class discussion, consulting teachers or other students, and work in a
sitting position. In contrast, Sumargi (2001) results found that students' passive behaviour
was found in school and among students in higher education.
Researchers make observations that show the low participation of students.
Problems that occur in students can be seen and illustrated by the behaviour of students when
they are at school to take lessons. The teachers complained that the students seemed slow in
capturing the subject matter, rarely asked the teacher questions, could not answer when asked
questions, did not want to answer the teacher's questions if not ordered, never recorded the
material given by the teacher, never did the LKS unless ordered by the teacher, acted
passively during group discussions, only provided input for class discussions when the
teacher was paying attention, did not want to consult with the teacher if he encountered
difficulties in learning. (Observation 5-7 January 2022 ).
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The problem of student participation is inseparable from the factors that influence
it. Sumargi (2001) suggests that two factors lead to student participation: outside, namely
the teacher, including teacher expectations and behaviour, while those originating from
within the individual or the students themselves include interest, motivation, and student
intelligence. Winkel (1996) stated that interest is a persistent subject's tendency to feel
interested in a particular field of study and happy to learn the material. According to
Suryabrata (1998), interest is also seen as a tendency in individuals to be interested in an
object or to like an object. Slameto (1991) states that there are several characteristics of
interest, namely: feeling happy in doing an activity, being active in doing an activity,
liking an activity, doing activities seriously, feeling interested and happy to be involved in
something, being interested in something or something. Activities without being told have
a motive to actively relate to something that interests them.
Djiwandono (2002) states that one logical way to motivate students in learning is
to connect the learning experience with student interests. Hurlock (1998) said that interest
is a source of motivation that encourages people to do what they want when they are free
to choose. Hurlock (1998) also states that the function of interest in learning is more
outstanding as a force that gives rise to encouragement or motivation for students to
continue learning (motivating force ). Also, interest emerged as a significant predictor of
intrinsic motivation to learn (Bye, 2007). In addition to having an interest, students must
also have learning motivation to reach success in the learning process. Learners who have
high motivation will be more motivated and focused in carrying out learning activities.
Purwanto (1990) suggests that motivation is a conscious effort to budge, direct, and defend
a person's behaviour so that he is compelled to commit to do something to attain specific
goals. (Daskalovska et al., 2012) described that motivation is one of the crucial elements
in the success of learning outcomes.
Research conducted by Warner (1990) on several high schools shows that
stimulating student interest and curiosity to provide opportunities for students to become
aware of things they previously did not know is important in increasing motivation.
Meanwhile, Snyder (1998), in his research on several high school students, stated that
teachers could encourage student learning motivation by starting lessons that can arouse
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student interest and curiosity. Then the experiences of these students' curiosity can be
matched with students' cognitive abilities. Based on the introduction and previous
background, the importance of student participation in learning, with participation
automatically and naturally arises interest and motivation in the students themselves. From
the side, the research objective can be proposed to prove empirically whether there is a
connection between interest and learning motivation with pupil participation.
Definition of Student Participation
Huneryager & Heckman (1992) defines participation as an individual's emotional
and mental involvement in certain situations that encourage him to contribute toward a
goal. Terry (Winardi, 2002) explains that participation is the participation of a person both
mentally and emotionally to assist to the decision-making process, particularly about
problems where the personal entanglement of the person concerned carries out his
responsibility to do so.
Requirements for Participation
Meanwhile, Knowles (Mulyasa, 2004) states that the indicators of student
participation in class are as follows:
a. There is emotional and mental involvement of students. If students feel
comfortable in the learning process, it will encourage students to be active in learning
activities and vice versa.
b. There is a willingness of students to contribute to achieving goals. Students will
try to do various ways to achieve these goals with a goal.
c. In learning activities, some things are very beneficial. With the advantages,
students will not perceive that learning is unprofitable.
Definition of Interest
According to Witherington (1992), interest is a person's awareness that an object,
person,issue or situation has something to do with him. Nugroho (1998) states that interest
is a sense of selection and a sense of connection to a thing or vigor without anybody
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Aspects of Interest
Pintrich & Schunk (1996) mentions that there are six aspects of interest, namely:
a. activity (general attitude toward the activity), namely the feeling of likes or dislikes
felt by each individual towards a particular activity.
b. Feeling happy with the activity ( enjoyment of the activity ), namely the individual's
feeling of pleasure for everything related to the activity.
c. These activities have an important meaning ( personnel importance of the activity to
the individual ). That is, individuals feel that what they do is very meaningful.
d. There is an intrinsic interest in the content of the hustle ( intrinsic interest in the
content of activity ). That is, in the activity, there is a pleasant feeling.
e. Participate in the activity ( reported choice of or participation in the activity ). That is,
the individual participates in the activity because he likes it.
Definition of Learning Motivation
Purwanto (1990) states that motivation is a mindful venture to stir, lineal, and
maintain a person's behaviour so that he is compelled to serve to do something so as to
obtain particular objectives. Then Hoy & Miskel (Purwanto, 1990) added that motivation
could be defined as a complex force, drives, needs, tension states, or other mechanisms
that initiate and maintain desired activities towards achieving personal goals.
Characteristics of Learning Motivation
Sardiman (2001) states that the motivation that exists in each individual has the
following characteristics:
a. Persevering in the face of the task
Students who have high learning motivation usually always carry out learning
activities well and diligently, even though they face difficult tasks. The student will
continue to try until what is the goal can be achieved.
b. Tenacious when faced with difficulties
Students continue to carry out learning activities diligently and never give up. Even
though they get obstacles and difficulties, students will still try to achieve good
achievements in school.
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c. Do not need external encouragement to achieve
This means that a student will be moved to carry out learning activities because of the
awareness and encouragement within him to achieve his goals. Not because there is a
compelling urge from outsiders such as parents, teachers, etc.
d. Shows interest in various issues
The existence of learning motivation in students will foster interest in various things
that make them enthusiastic about working. Whatever makes him feel it is a
challenge, students will feel interested in doing it.
e. I prefer to work alone
A student who has high motivation when working on an assignment will prefer to do
it himself without asking for help from others because the student considers it a
challenge that must be completed.
f. Get bored quickly on routine (monotonous) tasks
High motivation makes students bored in routine activities, so it can trigger students
to keep trying to try and find new things because trying new things can increase
g. Can defend his opinion
h. Students will try to defend the arguments they express by clearly explaining all things
related to their arguments. Usually, students will defend their arguments if they have
facts supported by experts. According to him, what is expressed is systematic and can
be accepted by others.
i. Enjoy finding and solving problems
j. Students who have superior motivation will usually be interested in difficult,
challenging, and required thinking, such as solving problems or problems.
This research is used a quantitative approach. Uyun & Yoseanto (2022) states that
a quantitative approach tests address theories by texting the relationship between variables.
The sampling technique used is simple random sampling, choosing randomly among the
population (Uyun & Yoseanto 2022 ). The statistical technique used to prove whether
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there is a correlation between interest and motivation to learn with student participation
with multiple regression. To measure the three variables using a psychological scale.
Table 1 . Student Participation Scale
Student Participation Indicator
Item Type Quantity
Favourable Unfavourable
There is emotional and mental
involvement of students
1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31,
37, 43, 50, 56, 62,
68, 74
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,
42, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73,
77 26
There is a willingness of students to
contribute in achieving goals
2, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32,
38, 45, 51, 57, 63,
69, 75
5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35,
41, 44, 48, 54, 60, 66,
In learning activities tsome things
are very beneficial
3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33,
39, 46, 52, 58, 64,
70, 78
4, 10, 16, 22, 28, 34,
40, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71,
76 26
Amount 39 39 78
Table 2. Interest Scale
Aspects of Interest
Item Type Quantity
Favourable Unfavorable
A general attitude towards activities
1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61,
6, 16, 26, 36, 46,
56, 66, 76
Feeling happy with activities
2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52,
7, 17, 27, 37, 47,
57, 67, 77
The activity has an important meaning
3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 55, 63,
8, 18, 28, 38, 48,
58, 68, 78
There is an intrinsic interest in filling
4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64,
9, 19, 29, 39, 49,
59, 69, 79
Participate in activities
5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65,
10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80
Amount 40 40 80
Table 3. Learning Motivation Scale
Characteristics of Learning Motivation
Item Type
Favourable Unfavourable
Persevering in the face of the task
1, 17, 33, 49, 65 9, 25, 41, 57, 73
Tenacious when faced with difficulties
2, 18, 34, 50, 66 10, 26, 42, 58, 74
3 No need for external encouragement 3, 19, 35, 51, 67 11, 27, 43, 59, 75 10
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4 Shows interest in various issues 4, 20, 36, 52, 68 12, 28, 44, 60, 76
I p
to work alone
5, 21, 37, 53, 69 13, 29, 45, 61, 77
Get bored quickly on routine tasks
6, 22, 38, 54, 70 14, 30, 46. 62, 78
Can defend opinion
7, 23, 39, 55, 71 15, 31, 47, 63, 79
8 Enjoy finding and solving problems 8, 24, 40, 56, 72 16, 32, 48, 64, 80
Amount 40 40 80
Table 4. Multiple Regression Test Results
Variable r R
F p
) and (Y) 0.516 0.267 51,603 0.000 Significant
) and (Y) 0.520 0.271 52,717 0.000 Significant
) (X
) and (Y) 0.521 0.271 26,211 0.000 Significant
a. Minor Hypothesis (a)
Minor hypothesis test results (a) in this research show that there is a
significant positive relationship between interest and student participation
(r=0.516; ( p<0.01). This means that the higher the interest, the superior the
student participation. In addition, the magnitude of the contribution given by the
interest variable to student participation is indicated by the value of R
= 0.2 67
or 2 6.7%.
b. Minor Hypothesis (b)
Minor hypothesis test results (b) in this research show that there is a
significant positive relationship between learning motivation and student
participation (r=0.520; ( p<0.01). This means that the higher the learning
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motivation, the higher the student participation. The variable of learning
motivation on student participation is indicated by the value of R
= 0.271 or 2
c. Major Hypothesis
The results of the significant hypothesis testing in the study. This shows a
significant positive relationship between interest and motivation to learn with
student participation (r=0.521; ( p<0.01). This means that the higher interest and
motivation to learn, the higher the participation of students. Interest and learning
motivation will be lower, as well as student participation. Furthermore, the
magnitude of the practical contribution given by the variable interest and
motivation to learn on student participation is 27.1 % (R
= 0.271). This means
that 72.9% of other factors also affect student participation in class but are not
examined further.
Starting from the three hypotheses above, other research results are closely
related to the hypothesis test results above regarding which independent variables
most dominantly affect student participation in class. The complete analysis
results are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5. Determination of Each Independent Variable
to Dependent Variable
Independent Variable B t Significance
Interest 0.178 0.238 0.000
Learning Motivation 0.697 0.932 0.000
The results show that the variable of learning motivation is a variable that
has a more significant influence on student participation, which can be seen from
the B value of 0.679 while the interest variable is 0.178. Based on the multiple
regression analysis results above, it is clear that the learning motivation variable is
more dominant than the interest variable.
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First, the results of the minor hypothesis test (a) in the research show a significant
positive relationship between interest and student participation. This means that the more
interest, the higher the student participation. In addition, the magnitude of the
contribution given by the interest variable to student participation is indicated by the
value of R
= 0.2 67 or 2 6.7 %.
In line with this, (Li & Yang, 2016) described that low interest would negatively
impact reducing student concentration in class. Students' perspective of participation,
self-esteem, and self-confidence predispose student participation. The teacher's role is
also essential in why students determine to reside silent in the classroom (Sánchez-
Hernández et al., 2021). According to Awaliyatul (2020), interest can significantly
influence student participation in cooperative learning. So, the interaction between
teachers and students, students and students must support and understand each other
during the learning process.
Second, the results of the minor hypothesis test (b) in the study show a significant
positive relationship between learning motivation and student participation. This means
that the higher the learning motivation, the higher the student participation. In addition,
the magnitude of the contribution given by the learning motivation variable to student
participation in class is indicated by the value of R
= 0.2 71 or 2 7.1%. According to
Valerio (2012), motivation considerably influences student participation in class and
increases self-expression. In line with research (Akpan & Umobong, 2013) revealed that
high student motivation can form academic involvement in the learning process.
Motivation contributes to student learning participation in class (Laksono., 2009; Turner.,
2004 Nurhayu., 2021). Also supported by (Mustamiah & Widanti, 2020) revealed that
motivation is a predictor of student learning engagement.
Third, the research's primary hypothesis testing results show a significant positive
relationship between student participation, interest, and learning motivation. This means
that the higher the student's interest and motivation, the higher the student's participation.
On the other hand, the lower the student's interest and motivation, the lower the student's
participation will be. Furthermore, the effective contribution given by the variables of
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student interest and motivation to student participation is 27.1 % (R
= 0.271). This
means that 72.9% of other factors also affect student participation in class but are not
examined further.
It is also stated (Ricardo & Meilani, 2017) that interest and motivation to learn
positively influence either simultaneously or partially. Supported (Edidiong Ukoh and
Dibie Victory, 2020), student participation in class is important in predicting student
achievement. A literature study from (St Quinton & Brunton, 2020) says that student
participation is crucial when in a classroom, such as interactive between students and
teachers so that the desired learning outcomes are created according to the existing
Starting from the three hypothesis, other research results are closely related to
hypothesis testing regarding which independent variables most dominantly affect student
participation. The variable of learning motivation is the variable that has a more
significant influence on student participation, which can be seen from the B value of
0.679 while the interest variable is 0.178. Based on the multiple regression analysis
results above, it is clear that the learning motivation variable is more dominant than the
interest variable.
Children have an active, constructive nature and can plan things (Gage &
Berliner, 1991). Students who actively participate in learning must have a great curiosity
about lessons. In terms of prosocial intentions, motivation and interpersonal
communication can positively impact and contribute significantly; it also means that it is
applied to the learning process at school, whether it be interactions with friends, friends
with teachers, friends with the staff, or others (Uyun, M & Erlita 2020). In learning,
students do not just observe how to make reports but also have to live and be directly
involved in creating and being responsible for the results of the work they do. If this If
done, the subject matter will be firmly attached to the mind student.
The problem of student participation is inseparable from the factors that
influence it. Sumargi (2001) suggests that two factors lead to student participation:
outside, namely the teacher, including teacher expectations and behaviour, while those
originating from within the individual or the students themselves include interest,
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Copyright @2022 Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang I 130
motivation, and student intelligence. Uyun ( 2022) support that to increase motivation in
learning, the role of peers is also essential in the interest of class participation.
Learning with interest will be better than learning without interest. A claim arises
when the individual is interested in something to be learned expected to be meaningful
for him so that learning based on interest will produce a good performance. In addition to
interest, achieving success in an activity requires encouragement or support motivation.
Likewise, individuals must be motivated to participate in learning or educational
activities in progress in the learning or education process. Motivation is the main thing in
the learning process. The teacher's first and foremost task is the most important thing is to
build motivation, not just to move behaviour but also direct and reinforce behaviour.
Students motivated by learning will show interest, enthusiasm, and perseverance high in
education without depending on the teacher's orders. To understand and develop
motivations effectively, the teacher must build and develop good habits and students'
Therefore, the role of the teacher must pay attention that all students are involved
in the learning process in the classroom. In the article entitled "promoting effective
classroom participation," there are three essential things a teacher must encourage student
participation: 1) Foster an ethos of participation. According to Hollander (2002),
participation is a collective responsibility in the classroom compared to individually. To
facilitate the flow of created conversations, students see their participation as contributing
to the shared experience. (2) Ensure that everyone's contributions are audible. This is very
important to encourage students to be more intense and clear in conveying their
statements. Make sure all students and teachers are involved in the interaction of the
discussion. (3) Ask students to evaluate their participation. This maneuver begins by
asking students to determine their goals for participating at the beginning of the semester.
Concerning to the findings and discussion above, the researchers summarized that
: (1) There ws a significant positive relationship between interest and learning motivation
with student participation, (2) There is a significant positive relationship between interest
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and student participation (3) There is a significant positive relationship between learning
motivation and student participation. From the conclusion above, it is clear that interest
and motivation are two essential things in students that can increase student participation
in learning. Thus the role of school, especially teachers, must be able to strengthen these
three things.
For the future studies, it’s better to do research in deeply, and hopefully the
researcher would be find other factors related to the students’ partcipations in the
leearning process.
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