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Climate Change Rating of Countries

  • Nowarski Engineering

Abstract and Figures

This work proposes a system of Climate Change Rating of countries (CCR). The parameters included in the rating are CO2 emissions per capita and per GDP, cumulative CO2 emissions in the last 30 years, and change of emissions in the last 10 years. The parameters are compared to the world averages. The rating is related to the specific CO2 emissions, lower value results in a better rating. The CCR for 2020 includes 192 countries, 99.6% of the global CO2 emissions. The A-G labels are according to groups of countries, each group with a limited number of countries, 10 countries with the best rating (A) and 10 countries with the worst rating (G). The average 2020 rating of group A is 37% and of group G-309%. The world average CCR value is 100% equivalent to group F.
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Climate Change Rating of Countries
Joseph Nowarski, M.Sc., ME – Energy Conservation Expert
Version 3.1.1, 5 November 2022
all versions DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7294267
This work proposes a system of Climate Change Rating of countries (CCR). The
parameters included in the rating are CO2 emissions per capita and per GDP,
cumulative CO2 emissions in the last 30 years, and change of emissions in the last
10 years.
The parameters are compared to the world averages. The rating is related to the
specific CO2 emissions, lower value results in a better rating.
The CCR for 2020 includes 192 countries, 99.6% of the global CO2 emissions.
The A-G labels are according to groups of countries, each group with a limited
number of countries, 10 countries with the best rating (A) and 10 countries with the
worst rating (G). The average 2020 rating of group A is 37% and of group G - 309%.
The world average CCR value is 100% equivalent to group F.
Keywords: Climate Change, Global Warming, CO2 emissions, CO2 per capita, CO2 per GDP, CO2 emissions per
capita, CO2 emissions per GDP, Climate Change Rating, Global Warming of countries, climate justice,
carbon justice
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ΣGDP cumulative GDP in last 30 years, $GDP
Ave average
CCO2 global cumulative CO2 emissions according to publication [1] [2],
CO2 emissions produced from fossil fuels and cement production
only – land use change is not included, tCO2
CCp$$ country’s cumulative CO2 emissions in the last 30 years per
cumulative GDP in the same period
CCp$$W weight of parameter CCp$$
CCR Climate Change Rating of countries according to this work
CO2 emissions of Carbon Dioxide, CO2
Cp$ country’s CO2 emissions per GDP in the last year, tCO2/$GDP (ton
CO2 per year, per $GDP 2017 per year)
Cp$10 country’s change in Cp$ in last 10 years, tCO2/$GDP
Cp$10W weight of parameter Cp$
Cp$W weight of parameter Cp$
CpC country’s CO2 emissions per capita in the last year, tCO2/y,cap
CpC10 country’s change in CpC in last 10 years, tCO2/y,cap
CpC10W weight of parameter CpC10
CpCW weight of parameter CpC
GDP Gross Domestic Product, constant international $ 2017, $GDP/y
Global Warming global surface temperature change over land+ocean above
1850-1900 baseline, °C
ktCO2/y kilo-ton CO2 = 1,000 metric tons of CO2 per year
MtCO2/y Mega-ton CO2 = 1,000,000 metric tons of CO2
OWID Our World in Data – Internet site [1] [2]
Ref reference
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tCO2 metric ton of CO2
tCO2/y,cap metric ton of CO2 per year, per capita
WB World Bank
WCCp$$ world cumulative CO2 emissions in last 30 years per cumulative
WCp$ world CO2 emissions per GDP in the last year, tCO2/$GDP
WCp$10 world change in Cp$ in last 10 years, tCO2/$GDP
WCpC world CO2 emissions per capita in the last year, tCO2/y,cap
WCpC10 world change in CpC in last 10 years, tCO2/y,cap
Parameters Included in the Rating
Table 1 - Parameters included in the rating
Country World
Parameter Symbol Symbol Unit
CO2 emissions per capita CpC WCpC tCO2/y,cap
CO2 emissions per GDP Cp$ WCp$ tCO2/$GDP
Cumulative CO2 in the last 30 years per
cumulative GDP in the same period CCp$$ WCCp$$ tCO2/$GDP
Change in CpC in the last 10 years CPC10 WCPC10 tCO2/y,cap
Change in Cp$ in the last 10 years CP$10 WCP$10 tCO2/$GDP
Weights of the CCR Parameters
Table 2 - CCR parameters weight
Parameter Weight
Parameter Symbol Weight Symbol
Cumulative CO2 in the last 30 years
per cumulative GDP in the same period CCp$$ 20% CCp$$W
CO2 emissions per capita CpC 25% CpCW
CO2 emissions per GDP Cp$ 25% Cp$W
Change in CpC in the last 10 years CpC10 15% CpC10W
Change in Cp$ in the last 10 years Cp$10 15% Cp$10W
Σ 100%
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Climate Change Rating of Countries
Formula 1 - Climate Change Rating of a country
= [CCp$$W * CCp$$ / WCCp$$] +
+ [CpCW * CpC / WCpC] +
+ [Cp$W * Cp$ / WCp$] +
+ [CpC10W * CpC10 / WCpC10] +
+ [Cp$10W * Cp$10 / WCp$10]
CCR Climate Change Rating of a country
CCp$$W weight of parameter CCp$$
CCp$$ country’s cumulative CO2 emissions in the last 30 years per cumulative GDP,
WCCp$$ world cumulative CO2 emissions in the last 30 years per cumulative GDP,
CpCW weight of parameter CpC
CpC country’s CO2 emissions per capita in the last year, tCO2/y,cap
WCpC world CO2 emissions per capita in the last year, tCO2/y,cap
Cp$W weight of parameter Cp$
Cp$ country’s CO2 emissions per GDP in the last year, tCO2/$GDP
WCp$ world CO2 emissions per GDP in the last year, tCO2/$GDP
CpC10W weight of parameter CpC10
CpC10 country’s change in CpC in the last 10 years, tCO2/y,cap
WCpC10 world change in CpC in the last 10 years, tCO2/y,cap
Cp$10W weight of parameter Cp$
Cp$10 country’s change in Cp$ in the last 10 years, tCO2/$GDP
WCp$10 world change in Cp$ in the last 10 years, tCO2/$GDP
A higher value of the calculations’ result means worse CCR (more CO2 emissions,
lower rating).
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Sources of Data
The datasets are from the following sources:
OWID [1] [2] CO2 emissions produced from fossil fuels and cement
production only – land use change is not included
World Bank (WB) [3] GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)
CO2 emissions are without international transport.
More details regarding the datasets may be found in the publication [4].
Table 3 - Dataset [1] [2] [3] [4]
emissions GDP
Source of data OWID World Bank
Reference [1] [2] [4] [3] [4]
Countries 192 192
From year 1990 1990
To year 2020 2020
CO2 from fossil fuels Yes
CO2 from cement production Yes
CO2 from other sources No
Other GHG No
Land use change No
International transport No
Units MtCO2/y Constant International $ 2017
Resolution 1 ktCO2/y 1 Constant International $ 2017
Table 4 - World data [4]
Parameter Symbol Unit World
GDP $GDP/y 126,318,951,010,345
Population 7,794,798,725
Cumulative CO2 emissions in the last 30 years tCCO2 861,261,540,806
Cumulative GDP in the last 30 years $GDP 2,629,956,174,159,650
Cumulative CO2 in the last 30 years per
cumulative GDP in the same period WCCp$$ tCCO2/$GDP 0.000327
CO2 emissions in 2020 tCO2/y 33,803,026,586
CO2 emissions per capita WCpC tCO2/y,cap 4.34
CO2 emissions per GDP WCp$ tCO2/$GDP 0.000268
CpC before 10 years tCO2/y,cap 4.64
Cp$ before 10 years tCO2/$GDP 0.000334
Last CpC to CpC before 10 years CpC10 tCO2/y,cap 94%
Last Cp$ to Cp$ before 10 years Cp$10 tCO2/$GDP 80%
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Example for Israel
Table 5 - Basic parameters for CCR for Israel in 2020 [4]
Parameter Symbol Unit Israel World to World
GDP GDP $GDP/y 359,908,802,382 126,318,951,010,345
Population 8,655,541 7,794,798,725
Cumulative CO2 emissions in the last
30 years CCO2 tCCO2 1,751,133,000 861,261,540,806
Cumulative GDP in the last 30 years ΣGDP $GDP 6,938,109,888,713 2,629,956,174,159,650
Cumulative CO2 in the last 30 years
per cumulative GDP in the same period CCp$$ tCCO2/$GDP 0.000252 0.000327 77%
CO2 emissions in 2020 CO2 tCO2/y 56,351,000 33,803,026,586
CO2 emissions per capita CpC tCO2/y,cap 6.51 4.34 150%
CO2 emissions per GDP Cp$ tCO2/$GDP 0.000157 0.000268 59%
CpC before 10 years tCO2/y,cap 9.30 4.64
Cp$ before 10 years tCO2/$GDP 0.000265 0.000334
Last CpC to CpC before 10 years CpC10 tCO2/y,cap 70% 94% 75%
Last Cp$ to Cp$ before 10 years Cp$10 tCO2/$GDP 59% 80% 74%
Table 6 - CCR Indexes for Israel in 2020
Parameter Symbol Value Weight Index
Cumulative CO2 in the last 30 years
per cumulative GDP in the same period CCp$$ 77% 20% 15%
CO2 emissions per capita CpC 150% 25% 38%
CO2 emissions per GDP Cp$ 59% 25% 15%
Change in CpC in the last 10 years CpC10 75% 15% 11%
Change in Cp$ in the last 10 years Cp$10 74% 15% 11%
Σ 100% 90%
The Climate Change Rating (CCR) of Israel for 2020 is 90%, which means 10%
better than the world average (100%-90%). Israel has 4 CCR indexes better than
the world average. CO2 emissions per capita are 50% above the world average.
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Israel country page on the website [5]
Rating A-G
Rating A-G includes 7 groups.
Currently, the dataset includes 192 countries. On average there may be 27
countries in each group.
Following is a proposal for the A-G groups
Table 7 - A-G groups in 2020
Group Σ
A 10 best countries 10
B 20 next countries 30
C 35 next countries 65
D 35 next countries 100
E 35 next countries 135
F all the rest = 47 182
G 10 worst countries 192
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CCR Labels
Proposed details on the CCR country label
o The year of the rating
o Country Flag
o Country ISO Code
o Country Name
o The country rating A-G, A is the best
o The number on the countries list, starting with the best and number of all
countries in the list
o Value of the rating, indicating that a lower value means less CO2 emissions
o Table of CCR parameters of the country and the world
o Table of CCR indexes
Proposed colors of CCR Labels (A-G groups)
o A – Green
o B – Blue
o C - Orange
o D - Violet
o E – Brown
o F – Grey
o G - Black
Table 8 - CCR values for labels (A-G groups) in 2020
Group Min CCR Ave CCR Max CCR
A 27% 37% 43%
B 44% 50% 55%
C 55% 62% 69%
D 69% 75% 82%
E 82% 90% 98%
F 98% 135% 220%
G 226% 309% 583%
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Climate Change Rating of Countries on the Website
The Climate Change Rating of countries for 2020 (CCR2020) according to this work
is available on the website [5].
Climate Change Rating of Countries on the website [5]
Changes in version 2.1.1
o The parameter “GDP per capita” removed
o Weights of parameters CpC and Cp$ changed from 20% to 30%
Changes in this version
o Weights of parameters CpC and Cp$ changed from 30% to 25%
o Weights of parameters CpC10 and Cp$10 changed from 10% to 15%
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1. Hannah Ritchie, Max Roser, Edouard Mathieu, Bobbie Macdonald and
Pablo Rosado - Data on CO and Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Our World
in Data
2. Our World in Data, Cumulative CO emissions, 2020
3. GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $) - World Bank, International
Comparison Program, World Bank | World Development Indicators
database, World Bank | Eurostat-OECD PPP Programme
4. CO2 Emissions per GDP – Joseph Nowarski, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7264411
5. Nowagreen Climate Change Rating of Countries
* * *
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Bobbie Macdonald and Pablo Rosado -Data on CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Our World in Data
  • Hannah Ritchie
  • Max Roser
  • Edouard Mathieu
Hannah Ritchie, Max Roser, Edouard Mathieu, Bobbie Macdonald and Pablo Rosado -Data on CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Our World in Data
2017 international $) -World Bank, International Comparison Program, World Bank | World Development Indicators database
  • Ppp Gdp
GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $) -World Bank, International Comparison Program, World Bank | World Development Indicators database, World Bank | Eurostat-OECD PPP Programme