
Der Versener Heidesee -vom Baggersee zum fischfreien Hotspot für gefährdete Pflanzenarten in Nordwestdeutschland

  • Nature Conservation Agency, Oldenburg, Germany
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The Versener Heidesee-from quarry pond to fish-free hotspot for endangered plant species in northwest Germany.-This paper reports the results of a survey on flora and vegetation of the nature reserve "Versener Heidesee", an artificial nutrient-poor freshwater lake of Community Interest near Meppen (Lower Saxony, Northwestern Germany). Information about the fish-free study area and applied methods is presented. The investigation was carried out between 2000 and 2020. The study focused on Littorelletea-species and on charo-phytes (Characeae). In total, the occurrence of 30 threatened species of vascular plants and stoneworts was verified. The degrees of endangering of selected very rare taxa, their current abundance and their development in Lake Versen are presented. Moreover, data on vegetation and the hydrochemical situation is given. Threats and pressures are discussed and appropriate actions for management and conservation are proposed.

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This chapter gives an overview of the recent state of knowledge regarding Nitella hyalina. It contains a full morphological description including identification hints and remarks on the potential risks of confusion. It also provides information on the distribution and ecology of the species in Europe and tackles potential threats.
This chapter gives an overview of the recent state of knowledge regarding Nitella translucens. It contains a full morphological description including identification hints and remarks on the potential risks of confusion. It also provides information on the distribution and ecology of the species in Europe and tackles potential threats.
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This paper presents a new checklist as well as a new Red Data Book of the wild growing vascular plants recorded in Lower Saxony and Bremen. In terms of nomenclature, taxonomy and methodology (e. g. criteria of Red Data Book categories), the lists have been adapted to national standards. The results presented in these lists have been derived from data gathered from a special plant-mapping-Project in Lower Saxony, named »Pflanzenarten-Erfassungsprogramm«. For the time being, the Flora of Lower Saxony and Bremen comprises 2.022 established taxa, including 222 neophytes and 58 hybrids. 161 brambles (Rubus-fruticosus-group) which previously featured in a separate Red Data Book have also been included. Further 344 non-established taxa were not included in the Red Data Book. Of all taxa included in the Red Data Book, 997 (= 49,3 %) feature as »threatened«. For 806 (= 39,9 %) taxa this category applies in the whole of Lower Saxony and Bremen, while to another 191 (= 9,4 %) taxa, it applies only regionally for one or two of the following regions: coast (K, incl. sea-marshes), lowland (T) between coast and the channel »Mittellandkanal«, and mountains/highlands (H, incl. Harz mountains) in the southern parts of Lower Saxony. 110 taxa feature as »extinct«, while other IUCN-categories have to be applied as follows: »critical«: 122 taxa; »endangered«: 213; »vulnerable«: 261; »susceptible«: 77; »near threatened«: 85 (showing a decline in population size, but are still frequent). For 23 taxa the threatened situation is indeterminate. The changes since the previous checklist (1991) and Red Data Book (1993) are discussed. Lower Saxony features six own endemic species or subspecies: Biscutella laevigata ssp. guestphalica, Rubus hirsutior, Rubus myricae, Rubus nessensis ssp. cubirianus, Rubus pyramidatus and Rubus rhytidophyllus. Of these, only the first one features in the Red Data Book, while the other five are not threatened. Biscutella laevigata ssp. guestphalica is one of the rarest and most important vascular plant taxa of Lower Saxony. Being endemic in Germany, as are Oenanthe conioides, Rubus rhamnifolius, Rubus rhombifolius and Thlaspi calaminare, these taxa are categorised »endangered« or »critical« in Lower Saxony and world-wide.
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