Meta-Analytic Procedures for Social Research
... Fakat alanyazında genellikle istatiksel açıdan manidar etkilerin raporlandığı, manidar etki raporlamayan çalışmaların ise alanyazında daha az yer aldığı görülmektedir. Bu durum meta-analizde yayın yanlılığı (publication bias) ve çekmece sorunu (file-drawer problem) olarak bilinen problemlere neden olmaktadır (Cheung, 2019;Cheung Chan, 2014;Rosenthal, 1991). Yayın yanlılığı sorununu tespit etmek, çözümler sunmak için çok sayıda yöntem geliştirilmiş olmasına rağmen bu durum tamamen ortadan kaldırılamamıştır. ...
... Meta-analiz alanyazınında üzerinde durulan önemli konulardan biri de etki büyüklükleri arasında bağımlılık olmaması varsayımıdır (Assink Wibbelink, 2016;Rosenthal, 1991). Geleneksel meta-analiz yöntemleri, etki büyüklükleri arasında bağımlılık olmadığı varsayımına dayanmaktadır. ...
... Alanyazında meta-analizdeki etki büyüklüklerinin bağımlılığı ile başa çıkmak için farklı yöntemler önerilmiştir (Borenstein vd., 2009;Gooty vd., 2021;Hedges Olkin, 1988;Lipsey Wilson, 2001;Rosenthal, 1991). Bu yollardan ilki bağımlılık problemini göz ardı etmek ve etki büyüklüklerinin bağımsız olduğu varsayımına dayalı olarak analize devam etmektir. ...
Meta-analiz belirli alanda yapılmış çalışmalardan sistematik şekilde elde edilen nicel verileri kullanarak o alanla ilgili genel durumu ortaya koymaya çalışan istatistiksel bir yöntemdir. Geleneksel meta-analiz yöntemleri, etki büyüklükleri arasında bağımlılık olmadığı varsayımına dayanmasına rağmen özellikle sosyal bilimlerde etki büyüklüğü bağımlılığına neden olabilecek çok sayıda durum söz konusudur. Araştırmacının elde ettiği etki büyüklüklerindeki bağımlılık veri setinde kümeli bir yapı oluşturur. Geleneksel meta-analiz uygulamalarındaki etki büyüklüğü bağımlılığı sorunu ile başa çıkmak ve kümeli veri yapısını dikkate almak için önerilen yöntemlerden biri çok düzeyli meta-analitik modellerin kullanılmasıdır. Çok düzeyli modeller diğer istatistiksel çerçevelerle birleştirilebilir ve kümeli veri yapılarının daha savunulabilir şekilde çözümlenebilmesini sağlayabilir. Bu sebeple çok düzeyli modellerin sosyal bilimlerde kullanım sıklığı her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı örnek bir veri seti üzerinden çok düzeyli meta-analitik modellerin nasıl uygulanabileceğini göstermektir. R yazılımı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen analizlerde metafor paketinin fonksiyonu kullanılmıştır. Bu uygulama okuyuculara veri dosyasının düzenlenmesi, R yazılımının hazırlanması, genel etkinin hesaplanması, çalışma içi ve çalışmalar arası varyans heterojenliğinin incelenmesi ile kategorik ve sürekli değişkenlere ait moderatör analizlerinin nasıl yapılacağını adım adım anlatan bir kılavuz niteliği taşımaktadır. Çalışmada kullanılan veri dosyası ve R betiği okuyucuların kullanımı için ekler kısmında sunulmuştur.
... The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the pretest and posttest results of the experimental and control groups, and the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test was used to determine whether there was a change between the pretest and posttest scores of both groups. To calculate the effect size for the differences that may occur between the groups, the formula d=Z/√N was used for the Mann-Whitney U test and d=t/√N for the Wilcoxon Signs Ranked Test (Rosenthal, 1991). The effect size levels based on the arithmetic mean were interpreted as follows: ...
... Deney ve kontrol gruplarının ön test ve son test sonuçlarını karşılaştırmak için Mann Whitney U testi; her iki grubun kendi içinde ön test ve son test puanları arasında bir değişim olup olmadığını belirlemek için ise Wilcoxon İşaretli Sıralar testi yapılmıştır. Gruplar arasında oluşabilecek farklarda etki büyüklüğünü hesaplamak için ise Mann Whitney U testi için d=Z/ √N formüllü, Wilcoxon İşaretler Sıralı Testi için d= t/ √N formülü kullanılmıştır(Rosenthal, 1991). Etki büyüklükleri yorumlanırken aritmetik ortalamaya dayanan etki büyüklükleri; ...
Bu araştırma Eğitime Giriş dersi konularına ilişkin mesleki değerler ile ilişkilendirilerek gerçekleştirilen etkinliklerin öğretmen adaylarının mesleki değerlere ilişkin farkındalıkları ile mesleğe yönelik tutumları üzerindeki etkisini belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Karma araştırma yöntemi desenlerinden tekrarlı sıralı karma desene göre düzenlenen bu araştırmanın katılımcıları 2019-2020 öğretim dönemi Eğitim Fakültesi Okulöncesi (55) ve Sınıf Öğretmenliği (70) programlarında Eğitime Giriş dersini alan birinci sınıf öğretmen adaylarından oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak nicel veriler için ölçek ve anket kullanılırken, nitel veriler için açık uçlu soru formu, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme ve gözlem kullanılmıştır. Nicel verilere Mann Whitney U ve Wilcoxon İşaretli Sıralar testi, nitel verilere tümevarımsal ve betimsel analiz uygulanmıştır. Veri analizi sonucunda, deney grubunda öğretmenlik meslek değerlerine yönelik gerçekleştirilen uygulamaların öğretmen adaylarının mesleğe yönelik tutumları üzerinde olumlu yönde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu ancak kontrol grubundaki öğretmen adaylarının mesleğe yönelik tutumlarında bir değişim olmadığı gözlemlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda deney grubundaki öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleki değerlerine ilişkin farkındalık kazandığı hem nitel hem nicel bulguların sonuçlarıyla desteklenmiştir.
... To obtain this value, it must be divided by the square root of the sample size. Additionally, the F-value of a withinsubjects comparison can be converted to a t-value and then used to calculate d z (Rosenthal, 1991). The variance of d z was computed for each study according to the following formula: ...
Research on unconscious processing has been a valuable source of evidence in psycholinguistics for shedding light on the cognitive architecture of language. The automaticity of syntactic processing, in particular, has long been debated. One strategy to establish this automaticity involves detecting significant syntactic priming effects in tasks that limit conscious awareness of the stimuli. Criteria for assessing unconscious priming include the visibility (d’) of masked words not differing significantly from zero and no positive correlation between visibility and priming. However, such outcomes could also arise for strictly methodological reasons, such as low statistical power in visibility tests or low reliability of dependent measures. In this study, we aimed to address these potential limitations. Through meta-analysis and Bayesian re-analysis,we find evidence of low statistical power and of participants having above-chance awareness of ‘subliminal’ words. Moreover, we conducted reliability analyses on a dataset from Berkovitch and Dehaene (2019), finding that low reliability in both syntactic priming and visibility tasks may better explain the absence of a significant correlation. Overall, these findings cast doubt on the validity of previous conclusions regarding the automaticity of syntactic processing based on masked priming effects.The results underscore the importance of revisiting the methods employed when exploring unconscious processing in future psycholinguistic research.
... Subsequent to this, potential disparities between the pretest and posttest outcomes were scrutinized employing ANOVA and ANCOVA methodologies (Rosenthal & Rubin, 1982). Additionally, BESD (Binomial Effect Size Display) was employed to present the outcomes across spelling categories (Rosenthal, 1991). ...
This study evaluates the impact of GAUBI, a gamified app designed for Spanish spelling practice in primary education, using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with 114 fourth-grade students. Participants were divided into three groups: traditional methods (control group), app use in classrooms (experimental group 1), and app use at home (experimental group 2). The app featured levels of arcade, research, and interactive fiction gameplay, scaling cognitive challenges to enhance learning. The intervention spanned three weeks, with participants engaging in structured app-based or traditional spelling exercises. Results showed that the group using the app at home achieved significantly higher spelling accuracy than those using traditional methods or app-only classroom approaches. Statistical analyses confirmed the superior effectiveness of home-based app use. The Binomial Effect Size Display highlighted notable improvements in specific spelling categories, such as complex letter combinations and accent rules. Discussion centered on the benefits of integrating gamification and ubiquitous learning tools in education, emphasizing the app’s adaptability and immediate feedback, which encouraged independent learning and sustained motivation. The study advocates for blending traditional and gamified approaches to foster comprehensive spelling competence, supporting educators with analytics-driven insights. The research underscores the app's potential to address broader curricular goals, including sustainable development objectives.
... The best option would be to ditch NHST altogether and revert to the theories of Fisher and of Neyman-Pearson as-and when-appropriate. For everything else, there are alternative tools, among them exploratory data analysis (Tukey, 1977), effect sizes (Cohen, 1988), confidence intervals (Neyman, 1935), meta-analysis (Rosenthal, 1984), Bayesian applications (Dienes, 2014) and, chiefly, honest critical thinking (Fisher, 1960). ...
Despite frequent calls for the overhaul of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), this controversial procedure remains ubiquitous in behavioral, social and biomedical teaching and research. Little change seems possible once the procedure becomes well ingrained in the minds and current practice of researchers; thus, the optimal opportunity for such change is at the time the procedure is taught, be this at undergraduate or at postgraduate levels. This paper presents a tutorial for the teaching of data testing procedures, often referred to as hypothesis testing theories. The first procedure introduced is the approach to data testing followed by Fisher (tests of significance); the second is the approach followed by Neyman and Pearson (tests of acceptance); the final procedure is the incongruent combination of the previous two theories into the current approach (NSHT). For those researchers sticking with the latter, two compromise solutions on how to improve NHST conclude the tutorial.
... This was done by following the methodologies proposed by Sánchez-Meca et al. (2003) and by Borenstein and Hedges (2019). Likewise, in those cases where the correlation between pre-test and posttest scores was not reported, we utilised a correlation value of r = 0.7, as recommended by Rosenthal (Botella & Sánchez-Meca, 2015;Rosenthal, 1991), to impute the variance of the pre-post standardised mean change. Hedges' g is interpreted in the same way as Cohen's d, using identical criteria for effect size thresholds. ...
... Analyses were done separately for the correlation between COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and trust, as well as the correlation between COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and endorsement of conspiracy theories, essentially resulting in two meta-analyses that are independent of one another (for an example of this approach in the context of parasocial relationships, see Tukachinsky et al., 2020). The potential role played by the categorical moderator (i.e., availability of vaccine) was probed with Q statistic, and the continuous moderator (i.e., pandemic progress) was tested with a meta-regression (Rosenthal, 1991). ...
... Bullying was categorized into two dimensions: bullying perpetration and victimization. Specifically, (a) Effect sizes were coded for each independent sample; (b) In some cases where two or more variables were categorized in the same category, we averaged the effect sizes of two or more variables to form one measure for each study to maintain independent samples in the meta-analysis (Rosenthal, 1991); (c) For longitudinal studies, we used the effect size at baseline; (d) We recorded the proportion of females in the total number in each study and calculated the proportion of females if only the number of females was reported; (e) For reporters of parenting styles, we categorized into child reports, parent reports, and other reporters (e.g., observer reports and mixed methods); (f) For reporters of bullying, we categorized self-report and other reporters (e.g., peer nominations, teacher reports, and parent reports); (g) For the country of origin, we categorized China, America, and others (e.g., Spain and Korea); (h) Sample ethnic group, we took the highest percentage of ethnicity in each study and categorized into three groups: Asian, Caucasian, and Others (e.g., Black and Mixed ethnicity); (i) Regarding the measure of bullying, because of the variety of instruments, we divided them into two types based on the frequency used: the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (Olweus, 1993) (including the revised version) and other instruments; (j) We took the mean age for each study, or calculated the mean age if only the age range was reported; (k) The caregiver was categorized as father, mother, and coparenting; (l) Bullying was categorized as traditional bullying and cyberbullying (see Table 1). ...
Parenting styles are closely related to bullying behavior in children and adolescents. However, differences in study design and inconsistent results create uncertainty regarding the relationship between parenting and bullying. This study aimed to evaluate the associations between four parenting styles and bullying perpetration/victimization through a meta-analysis, identifying sources of study heterogeneity by examining moderating effects. This meta-analysis included 107 studies with 624 effect sizes and 162203 participants (49.28% female, Mage = 13.51, SDage = 2.56). Results indicated that positive parenting was negatively correlated with bullying perpetration and victimization, while negative/harsh parenting and uninvolved parenting were positively correlated with bullying perpetration and victimization. A positive correlation was also found between psychologically controlling parenting and bullying victimization (not perpetration). Significant moderating variables included the identity of the caregiver, country of origin, ethnic group, reporter of parenting, reporter of bullying, and measure of bullying. Specifically, the mother’s psychological control was more related to bullying perpetration and victimization than the father’s. Compared to other countries and ethnic groups, the relationships between psychologically controlling parenting or negative/harsh parenting and bullying were more positive in studies of Chinese and Asians. The relationship between negative/harsh parenting and bullying demonstrated a greater effect size in self-reported measures of parenting and bullying. Finally, a stronger correlation was found between negative/harsh parenting and bullying victimization when using the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire to measure bullying. The current study deepens the understanding of the relationship between different parenting styles and bullying, emphasizing that adopting appropriate parenting, particularly positive parenting behaviors, helps mitigate bullying issues and achieve positive developmental outcomes for children and adolescents.
... Effect sizes were also calculated according to Rosenthal (1991). In order to assess homogeneity/heterogeneity, we examined the data using the Q test (Sanchez-Meca & Fulgencio, 1997;Shadish & Haddock, 1994) and I 2 (Higgins & Thompson, 2002). ...
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) often leads to cognitive impairments, particularly regarding working memory (WM). This meta-analysis aims to examine the impact of TBI on WM, taking into account moderating factors which has received little attention in previous research, such as severity of injury, the different domains of Baddeley’s multi-component model, and the interaction between these two factors, as well as the interaction with other domains of executive functions.
Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses guidelines, a systematic review and meta-analysis searched Google Scholar, PubMed, and PsycNET for studies with objective WM measures. Multiple meta-analyses were performed to compare the effects of TBI severity on different WM components. Twenty-four English, peer-reviewed articles, mostly cross-sectional were included.
TBI significantly impairs general WM and all Baddeley’s model components, most notably the Central Executive ( d ’ = 0.74). Severity categories, mild-moderate and moderate-severe, were identified. Impairment was found across severities, with “moderate-severe” demonstrating the largest effect size ( d’ = 0.81). Individuals with moderate-severe TBI showed greater impairments in the Central Executive and Episodic Buffer compared to those with mild-moderate injury, whereas no such differences were found for the Phonological Loop and Visuospatial Sketchpad.
These findings enhance our understanding of WM deficits in varying severities of TBI, highlighting the importance of assessing and treating WM in clinical practice and intervention planning.
... resulting in an r-value of r=6.2, indicating an extremely large effect size (Rosenthal, 1991). This suggests a very strong difference between the pre-and post-test scores. ...
Across fields, college and university graduates are increasingly expected to perform effectively in diverse, multi-cultural work environments. Given this reality, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are actively designing strategies to help students develop intercultural skills. Prior research has revealed that deliberately structured study abroad programs are an effective approach to nurturing intercultural competence among graduates. Consciously designed study abroad programs can provide students with opportunities to learn and reflect on their experiences. In this study, we aim to understand the impact of a study abroad program on pre-freshmen students enrolled in a College of Technology. Using a mixed-methods design, we examined the intercultural learning gains and experiences of the participating students. The results of the study showed that studying abroad contributed significantly to the intercultural development of the students. Additionally, the study characterized the challenges faced by the students and the valuable insights they gained while interacting with people from different cultures. In summary, our findings confirmed that study abroad programs can serve as a gateway for students by equipping them with the practical skills and strategies needed to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural interactions.
... resulting in an r-value of r=6.2, indicating an extremely large effect size (Rosenthal, 1991). This suggests a very strong difference between the pre-and post-test scores. ...
Across fields, college and university graduates are increasingly expected to perform effectively in diverse, multi-cultural work environments. Given this reality, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are actively designing strategies to help students develop intercultural skills. Prior research has revealed that deliberately structured study abroad programs are an effective approach to nurturing intercultural competence among graduates. Consciously designed study abroad programs can provide students with opportunities to learn and reflect on their experiences. In this study, we aim to understand the impact of a study abroad program on pre-freshmen students enrolled in a College of Technology. Using a mixed-methods design, we examined the intercultural learning gains and experiences of the participating students. The results of the study showed that studying abroad contributed significantly to the intercultural development of the students. Additionally, the study characterized the challenges faced by the students and the valuable insights they gained while interacting with people from different cultures. In summary, our findings confirmed that study abroad programs can serve as a gateway for students by equipping them with the practical skills and strategies needed to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural interactions.
... We used four meta-analyses to test the differences between the control versus standard condition for influenza knowledge (explorative analysis), sepsis knowledge (H1), risk perception (H3), and intention to vaccinate (H6). In these analyses, we used standardized mean differences (SMD; Rosenthal, 1986) with estimated means and standard deviations using age, gender, and education as the control variables. Meta-analyses using uncontrolled means are described in the OSF. ...
Background: Following the protection motivation theory (PMT), a lack of risk perception is one of the reasons for differences in vaccine uptake (Rogers, 1975). When the risk for diseases like seasonal influenza is underestimated, protective measures such as vaccination are used less. Aims: In this paper, we propose that the sequelae approach, which involves providing information about the severe complications of diseases, can influence people’s risk perceptions and their intention to vaccinate. This is in comparison to providing merely information about the disease itself. Method: Three preregistered online experiments (2017–2019) were conducted to examine whether risk perceptions and vaccination intentions increase when (1) information about sequelae is presented as statistical texts or narratives (vs. not presented at all), (2) known or unknown sequelae (myocardial infarction vs. sepsis), and (3) different target populations (e.g., health literacy) are considered. Results: An internal meta-analysis showed that the sequelae approach increases intentions (SMD = .39[.20;.59]) but not risk perception (SMD = .09[−.10;.27]). Unknown and known sequelae had an equal impact on vaccination intentions. None of the strategies (narratives vs. statistical texts, sequelae type) produced adverse reactions in people with low health literacy. In addition, no evidence was found for boomerang effects. Limitations: Even though our research was based on PMT, we cannot add evidence on self-efficacy or response efficacy as influential factors. Conclusion: Although increased risk perception is not the primary mechanism behind the sequelae approach, the results support the use of this strategy in educational interventions that target vaccine hesitancy.
... Prueba W de normalidad de Royston (1992): W = estadístico de contraste de Shapiro y Wilk extendido a muestra de 3 a 5000, p = probabilidad a dos colas. Prueba U de Mann y Whitney: RM = rango medio, U = estadístico de contraste, E(U) = esperanza matemática de U, DE(U) = error o desviación estándar de U con la corrección de empates, Z(U) = valor estandarizado de U con la corrección de continuidad de Yates, p = probabilidad asintótica a dos colas, r = medida del tamaño del efecto basada en la correlación de Rosenthal (1991). Fuente: elaboración propia. ...
Este artículo, sustentado en entrevistas conducidas entre 2008 y 2021 con 176 traficantes de migrantes, tiene como objetivo examinar si existen diferencias de edad entre varones y mujeres de México y Centroamérica reclutados por coyotes enganchistas mexicanos. Se concluye que las mujeres reclutadas para el comercio sexual por traficantes son significativamente más jóvenes que los varones transportados por coyotes que satisfacen las necesidades de mano de obra migrante de los empleadores estadounidenses.
... The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the participation of children attending elementary school with learning disabilities (n = 12) and children attending elementary school without learning disabilities (n = 108). The results were interpreted based on the magnitude of differences between groups, calculated by converting the Z values into r values, using the formula suggested by Rosenthal (1991) and recommended by Field (2015). A deductive content analysis (Elo and Kyngäs 2008), based on the categories proposed by PmP ) and ICF-CY (WHO 2007), was conducted to identify facilitators and barriers to children's participation, perceived by caregivers. ...
Humans' participation positively impacts society and individuals, suggesting that children's participation in activities carried out in supportive environments promotes positive health and the development of key capacities. Covid-19 abruptly changed the daily lives of children and their caregivers due to the general duty of home confinement with consequences for participation. This study focused on the participation of children attending preschool and elementary school during Covid-19 confinement in Portugal. Participants (175 caregivers) completed an online survey based on Picture My Participation! (PmP; Imms et al. 2014). Three case studies with children were conducted using PmP. Results showed good levels of participation in daily activities, with the school-aged children participating more (frequency and involvement) than the preschool-aged children; girls were more involved than boys. The caregivers and children had different perceptions of participation, with caregivers justifying these levels based mainly on the children's characteristics, while the children reinforced the importance of the environment in their participation. These results are used to enhance a discussion about different perspectives of participation, highlight the importance of listening to different participants, and emphasise the relevance of the biopsychosocial and transactional perspectives to explain behaviour and human development. ARTICLE HISTORY
Predict-observe-explain (POE) is a strategy that has been used in science education for several decades. It is important to determine how effective this strategy is, especially when used in the constructing scientific concepts. In this study, the effect of the POE strategy on students’ science achievement was examined in a meta-analysis. Databases were searched using specific keywords and 35 studies (6 theses and 29 articles) that met the inclusion criteria were found. Hedges’ g and the random effects model were used to calculate effect sizes. As a result, the average effect size (g=0.979, 95% CI: 0.771-1.188, p
Yükseköğretim kademesindeki öğretmen yetiştirme sürecinin iyileştirilebilmesi için mevcut öğretmenlerin uygulamalarının incelenmesi önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Uluslararası Öğretme ve Öğrenme Anketi (Teaching and Learning International Survey [TALIS]) 2018 Türkiye örnekleminde yer alan ortaokul ve lise matematik öğretmenlerinin sınıfta kullandıkları öğretim uygulamalarını incelemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, TALIS 2018 Türkiye örnekleminde yer alan toplam 1399 matematik öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Lise ve ortaokul matematik öğretmenlerinin öğretim uygulamaları puanları karşılaştırıldığında, ortaokul öğretmenleri lehine anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur. Ortaokul ve lise matematik öğretmenlerinin öğretimin anlaşılırlığı puanları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamakla birlikte, bilişsel etkinlikler ve sınıf yönetiminde ortaokul öğretmenleri lehine anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur. Zenginleştirilmiş etkinliklerde ise, ortaokul öğretmenlerinin oransal olarak bilgi iletişim teknolojilerini daha sık kullandıkları tespit edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda her iki kademedeki öğretmenler tarafından sınıflarda daha fazla kullanılması için yükseköğretim ders içeriklerinde bilişsel etkinliklerin ve zenginleştirilmiş etkinliklerin kullanımına daha fazla yer verilmesi önerilmektedir.
El análisis de potencia estadística y la magnitud del efecto son componentes esenciales para la validez y confiabilidad de los estudios científicos. Este trabajo se enfoca en una revisión sistemática de los estudios experimentales publicados en los últimos cinco años (2019-2024) en la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias (FCA) de la Universidad Técnica de Machala. El objetivo fue evaluar la implementación de estas herramientas estadísticas, cruciales para asegurar la calidad metodológica en investigaciones agropecuarias. Los resultados revelan que ninguno de los estudios revisados incluyó un análisis de potencia y cálculo de la magnitud del efecto, lo que señala una importante deficiencia metodológica. La falta de análisis de potencia puede comprometer la capacidad de los estudios para detectar efectos reales, afectando la validez de las conclusiones. Se recomienda la inclusión sistemática de estas herramientas en futuros estudios experimentales para garantizar resultados más robustos, replicables y aplicables en el ámbito agropecuario.
Cerrado is the largest and most biodiverse savannah worldwide. However, only a reduced amount of this ecosystem is conserved, and in the last decades, the vast agricultural expansion resulted in the substitution of native vegetation for exotic pasturelands.
Insects are key components for both native and exotic ecosystems in Cerrado, performing critical functions for ecosystem maintenance. Our goal was to evaluate how the transformation of natural Cerrado into cattle pastures (exotic pastures) affects the insect communities in this biome.
We conducted a meta‐analysis using data on species richness and abundance data of insect assemblages from conserved Cerrado and exotic pastures. The analysis was based on a set of 23 scientific articles. Fourteen studies focused on Coleoptera and nine on Hymenoptera.
Conserved Cerrado encompassed a higher species richness of insects than exotic pastures, but their abundance did not differ between these two habitats. However, dung beetle abundance increases significantly in disturbed Cerrado over time. Synanthropic species that thrive in altered environments could be masking the actual decline in abundance of species sensitive to environmental disturbances provoked by exotic pastures.
Our results highlight the consequences of the structural homogenisation of the Cerrado into cattle pastures. That is, despite having a similar open‐canopy vegetation structure, this land‐use change leads to a significant loss of insect species, resulting in a drastic simplification of insect communities. This study reinforces the importance of maintaining native Cerrado patches in order to maintain diverse and functional ecosystems in this region.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in education, and Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged as a new concept in AI technology. Educators continue to debate the advantages and disadvantages of GenAI in education. To guide these discussions, further analysis is needed to determine the impact of GenAI on educational outcomes. This study aims to investigate the effect of GenAI on learning performance using the meta-analysis method. This meta-analysis study synthesized the results of 31 articles involving 2646 participants. The results show that GenAI has a moderately positive effect on learning performance (g = .689). There is no publication bias in determining the validity of the effect. The analysis included the effect sizes of seven moderator variables: sample level, sample size, research design, learning domain, research setting, intervention duration, GenAI tool, and testing format. Only intervention duration, GenAI tool, and testing format significantly moderated the effectiveness of GenAI on learning performance.
Second language (L2) viewing with captions (i.e., L2 on‐screen text) is now a proliferating as well as promising area of L2 acquisition research. The goal of the present meta‐analysis was to examine (a) the relationship between captioned viewing and incidental vocabulary learning and (b) what variables related to learners, treatment, methodology, and vocabulary tests moderate the captioning effect. Synthesizing 89 effect sizes from 49 primary studies (i.e., independent experiments), we fitted a multilevel meta‐analysis model with restricted maximum likelihood estimation to calculate the overall effect size based on a standardized mean difference of gain scores between captioned viewing and uncaptioned viewing groups. The results showed a medium effect of captioning on L2 vocabulary learning, g = 0.56, p <.001. Moderator analysis indicated moderating effects of instructional level, target audience of video materials, and administration of vocabulary pretest. These results are discussed with the aim of guiding future research and language learning through viewing.
To investigate the efficacy of spectacle lenses designed to control myopia progression in individuals under 18 years old, focusing on changes in spherical equivalent refraction (SER), axial length (AL) and relative peripheral refraction (RPR).
A systematic review was conducted according to Prisma guidelines. Databases searched included PubMed, Embase, and Scopus, covering studies from the last six years without language restrictions. Studies were included based on specific criteria, and data were extracted and analysed using the metafor package in R. Separate meta-analyses were conducted for SER and AL at 12- and 24-month follow-ups, using random-effects models. RPR information was synthesized without meta-analysis.
Out of the 796 studies screened, 21 were included in the review, with 17 selected for the meta-analysis, comprising a total of 6,175 patients. At 12 months, the intervention group showed a significant reduction in SER (d+ = -0.281, p < .0001) and AL (d+ = -0.155, p < .0001) compared to the control group, where d + is the pooled mean effect size estimate. However, at 24 months, no significant differences were observed in SER (d+ = -0.385, p = .067) or AL (d+ = -0.272, p = .137) between groups. Sensitivity analyses confirmed these findings, and publication bias was minimal. Regarding RPR, the results are limited and differ among model lenses.
Spectacle lenses designed to control myopia progression show short-term benefits, significantly reducing SER and AL at 12 months. However, their long-term efficacy remains uncertain, with no significant differences observed at 24 months. Further research is needed to understand treatment response factors and evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of these lenses in myopia management.
Integrated multisensory feedback plays a crucial role in balance control. Minimal fingertip contact with a surface (light-touch), reduces center of pressure (CoP) by adding sensory information about postural orientation and balance state. Electrical vestibular stimulation (EVS) can increase sway by adding erroneous vestibular cues. This juxtaposition of conflicting sensory cues can be exploited to explore the dynamics of sensorimotor adaptations. We used continuous stochastic EVS (0-25Hz; ±4mA; 200-300s) to evoke balance responses in CoP (Exp-1, Exp-2). Systems analyses (coherence, gain) quantified coupling and size of balance responses to EVS. We had participants either touch (TOUCH; <2N) or not touch (NO-TOUCH) a load cell during EVS (Exp-1, Exp-2), or we intermittently removed the touch surface (Exp-2) to measure the effects of light touch on vestibular-evoked balance responses. We hypothesized that coherence and gain between EVS and CoP would decrease, consistent with the CNS down-weighting vestibular cues that conflict with light touch. Light touch reduced CoP displacement, but increased variation in the CoP signal explained by EVS input. Significant coherence between EVS and CoP was observed up to ~30Hz in both conditions but was significantly greater in the TOUCH condition from 12-28.5-Hz. Conversely, EVS-CoP gain was 63% lower in TOUCH, compared to NO-TOUCH. Our findings show that light touch can reduce the size of vestibular-evoked responses but also increase high frequency vestibular contributions for sway. This suggests that the CNS can use discrete changes in sensory inputs to alter balance behavior but cannot fully suppress responses to a potent cue.
This inductive examination of the topics in the public administration literature using computational social science and corpus linguistics (17 journals, N=12,760 articles, 1991–2019) reveals a new landscape of public administration topics, changes in topics over time and their distribution: • Topic modelling of the stock of the whole corpus identifies 50 topics: the top ten topics included health care, federal government, performance management, environmental regulation, HRM and networks and accounted for just over a third of scholarship between 1991–2019. • Focal topics identified in individual journals identified similarities with popular topics in the whole corpus – networks, health care, HRM – and less frequently examined topics including gender and diversity and partnerships. • Analysis of topics over time shows a substantial flow in topics moving from a country and practice focus in the early stages of our study period to concepts such as governance, networks and citizens in the late stages (2015–2019).
The neuromuscular activity has a critical role in the permeability of the upper airways.
The present study aimed to conduct a detailed and comparative investigation of the orofacial musculature and motor skills of children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Materials and methods
Children aged 7 to 12 years with OSA (OSA group, n = 12) and without OSA (Control group, n = 12) were compared. Orofacial appearance/posture and motor skills were assessed using the orofacial myofunctional evaluation protocol with scores. Bite force, tongue pressure measurements, and surface electromyography of swallowing were also performed.
Compared to the control group, the OSA group obtained lower scores in appearance/posture, mobility, and orofacial functions (P < 0.0001), and lower values of bite force (P = 0.019) and tongue strength in protrusion (P = 0.008) and deglutition (P = 0.004). The OSA group also displayed lower values of maximum speed (P = 0.003) and peak activity (P = 0.0005) during spontaneous swallowing and higher relative energy expenditure (integral) of the muscles in the water swallowing task (50 mL) (P ≤ 0.01). Notably, the effect size ranged from moderate to large for all groups differences.
The children with OSA showed impairments in orofacial musculature and motor skills, as evidenced by reduced muscle recruitment capacity and coordination in applying pressure/force and performing orofacial movements and functions.
Clinical relevance
This study contributes to the understanding of non-anatomical factors associated with OSA in children and to the development of therapeutic strategies.
Effectiveness of mobilization with movement on conditioned pain modulation, mechanical hyperalgesia, and pain intensity in adults with chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial., Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, https://
Trustworthy digital communication requires the secure exchange of contact information, but current approaches lack usability and scalability for larger groups of users. We evaluate the usability of two secure contact exchange systems: the current state of the art, SafeSlinger, and our newly designed protocol, PairSonic, which extends trust from physical encounters to spontaneous online communication. Our lab study (N=45) demonstrates PairSonic's superior usability, automating the tedious verification tasks from previous approaches via an acoustic out-of-band channel. Although participants significantly preferred our system, minimizing user effort surprisingly decreased the perceived security for some users, who associated security with complexity. We discuss user perceptions of the different protocol components and identify remaining usability barriers for CSCW application scenarios.
Science education bears the broader objective of nurturing students today to be scientifically-literate citizens of tomorrow who are able to foresee challenges, invent solutions and make responsible decisions for global issues. As a prelude to the new focus of agency in the Anthropocene, this paper presents an intervention on climate change with upper secondary students in a museum of natural history in England. Instructional strategies such as infusing scenarios and arts into scientific discussions were adopted to induce imagination, future-oriented thinking and emotional responses. Statistical results showed that the intervention significantly enhanced participants’ futures literacy, environmental agency and positive emotions. However, it did not increase their interests in learning science in out-of-school context. Implications of this study will shed light on futurising science and climate education in research and practice.
Trustworthy digital communication requires the secure exchange of contact information, but current approaches lack usability and scalability for larger groups of users. We evaluate the usability of two secure contact exchange systems: the current state of the art, SafeSlinger, and our newly designed protocol, PairSonic, which extends trust from physical encounters to spontaneous online communication. Our lab study (N=45) demonstrates PairSonic's superior usability, automating the tedious verification tasks from previous approaches via an acoustic out-of-band channel. Although participants significantly preferred our system, minimizing user effort surprisingly decreased the perceived security for some users, who associated security with complexity. We discuss user perceptions of the different protocol components and identify remaining usability barriers for CSCW application scenarios.
In the dynamic realm of online commerce, the phenomenon of Online Impulse Buying (OIB) has become a focal point of extensive research. Despite the multitude of studies exploring antecedents, mediators, and moderating factors, inconsistencies in findings have hindered generalization. To bridge this gap, we conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis, synthesizing data from 84 empirical results across 75 research articles up to December 2023. Encompassing a cumulative sample size of 139,545 participants and 341 effects, our analysis aimed to evaluate the strength and significance of associations with OIB. Results revealed substantial influences on OIB, with Situational stimuli (ESr = 0.477), Marketing stimuli (ESr = 0.433), Customer related factors (ESr = 0.388), and Platform related factors (ESr = 0.362) emerging as key contributors. The heightened impact of situational and marketing stimuli reflects the evolving landscape of OIB. Additionally, we explored six potential moderators—culture, sample type, sampling method, online commerce type, and data collection technique—uncovering statistically significant effects on some aggregated correlations. By shedding light on the changing dynamics of OIB, our findings provide valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners navigating the intricate landscape of online impulse buying. Finally, we outline future research directions to guide ongoing exploration in this rapidly evolving field.
In der vorliegenden Metaanalyse werden Studien zur Wirksamkeit von professionellem systemischem Coaching im Einzelsetting gesichtet, systematisiert und statistisch zusammengefasst. Dabei werden die dokumentierten Wirkungen nach emotionalen, kognitiven und behavioralen Effekten kategorisiert. Insgesamt flossen k = 24 Studien mit 52 Effekten und n = 1405 Personen in die vorliegende Analyse ein. Eine Systematisierung nach Wirkfaktoren war aufgrund der Heterogenität der Studien nicht möglich. Im Ergebnis zeigen sich mittlere bis starke Effekte der Wirksamkeit von professionellem systemischem Coaching. Abschließend werden methodische Fragestellungen und weitere Forschungsansätze diskutiert.
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) student athletes may have more stigmatic views toward mental health (MH) and be less open to talking about or seeking support for MH struggles than their peers. This may contribute to and/or exacerbate existing MH challenges. This cross-sectional study explored the impact of MH stigma, support, and openness on student athletes’ levels of depression, anxiety, and stress among 478 NCAA student athletes representing 20 different sports from 56 universities. Results indicated that male, Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and Division I athletes reported higher levels of MH stigma. Compared with their White peers, BIPOC athletes exhibited less openness to talk about MH challenges. Division I and BIPOC athletes felt less supported to seek help for MH concerns. Structural equation modeling showed that MH stigma was positively associated with depression, anxiety, and stress, whereas MH openness was negatively associated with depression, anxiety, and stress. Research/practical implications, limitations, and future research and athletic department programming needs are discussed.
Several previous systematic literature reviews on psychological growth following trauma are available but fail to target emerging adult complex trauma survivors. The aim of the study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analyses concerning growth-related psychological constructs among emerging adult survivors of complex trauma. Eight major databases were searched. We obtained 18 selectable articles (89% conducted in the US). The results concluded that growth is possible. Generally, it is stimulated by more complex trauma and can be distinguished according to trauma types. The growth is also generally stimulated by the challenges of new roles and mainly involves intrapersonal dynamics. Furthermore, interpersonal processes have not always supported the growth; there are even times when they hindered. Not a few survivors have grown with psychological distress or disorder, problems or conflicts. They have been flexible in using coping strategies. We generated a weighted mean of complex trauma of 2.83, posttraumatic growth above the hypothetical mean score, and a low positive weighted correlation between the two (14.1%). Implications and cautions for future studies and practices are discussed.
Psychological support programs can help nurses who involved in patient safety incidents. However, most of these programs are operated internally by healthcare providers and utilize peer supporters, which may take a long time to implement. Therefore, there is a need to develop programs that can be used by healthcare providers in healthcare institutions that have difficulty implementing their own programs. This feasibility study aimed to develop an external support program for nurses as second victims and to examine the feasibility, acceptability, and impact of the program.
This study was conducted using a single-group pretest-posttest design. Nurses who experienced patient safety incidents were recruited through posters at three advanced general hospitals, as well as open online recruitment and via a research agency panel from September 2020 to April 2021. The 11 participants attended a total of three one-on-one counseling sessions. Feasibility was evaluated based on participant recruitment and retention, resource availability, program procedures, and the practicability of data collection. Acceptability was assessed through program satisfaction and participant feedback. Psychological impact was measured using the Impact of Event Scale-Revised Korean version.
Out of 26 applicants, 11 (42.3%) completed the program, with 10 (38.5%) participants completing both pre and post-program surveys. Most participants responded that they were satisfied with the program and expressed their intention to recommend the program to others and participate in it again if similar situations arise. The participants’ median total IES-R-K score decreased significantly from 30.0 to 16.0 (p = 0.028, r = 0.67).
This study demonstrates the feasibility of an external second victim support program and provides preliminary data suggesting its potential to alleviate the psychological impact of participants. To overcome the limitations of this study, it is necessary to conduct additional controlled trials with a longer follow-up period and a larger sample size.
The success of parathyroidectomy depends on accurate intraoperative localization and identification of all diseased glands in parathyroid exploration based on surgeon expertise to prevent persistent hyperparathyroidism. Near-infrared autofluorescence (NIRAF) imaging has recently emerged as a promising adjunctive intraoperative tool for localizing parathyroid glands; however, its potential utility in the assessment of parathyroid glands has yet to be established.
To analyze the differences in NIRAF signatures of parathyroid glands in single vs multiple glands in primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT).
Design, Setting, and Participants
This prospective diagnostic study analyzed in vivo NIRAF images of parathyroid glands obtained during parathyroidectomies between November 18, 2019, and December 31, 2023, at a single tertiary referral center. Pixel intensities of the images were measured using third-party software. Patients who underwent parathyroidectomy for sporadic pHPT using a second-generation NIRAF imaging device were included. Patients with multiple endocrine neoplasm disorders were excluded. In vivo NIRAF images obtained during the procedures were analyzed.
Near-infrared autofluorescence imaging during parathyroidectomy.
Main Outcomes and Measures
The primary outcomes were the autofluorescence intensity and heterogeneity of single adenomas and multigland disease (ie, double adenomas and 3- or 4-gland hyperplasia) in sporadic pHPT. Normalized autofluorescence intensity was calculated by dividing the mean pixel intensity of the parathyroid gland by the background tissue. A heterogeneity index was calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the mean pixel intensity of the gland. The secondary outcome was the visibility of each parathyroid gland on NIRAF imaging before it became apparent to the naked eye during exploration.
A total of 1287 in vivo NIRAF images obtained from 377 patients (median [IQR] age, 66 [56-73] years; 299 female [79.3%]) were analyzed. Of all patients, 230 (61.0%) had a single adenoma, 91 (24.1%) had double adenomas, and 56 (14.9%) had 3- or 4-gland hyperplasia. A mean (SD) of 3.4 (1.1) parathyroid glands were identified in the procedures. A comparison of 581 diseased glands (45.1%) and 706 normal glands (54.9%) showed a lower median normalized autofluorescence intensity of 2.09 (95% CI, 1.07-4.01) vs 2.66 (95% CI, 1.43-4.20; effect size = 0.36) and higher heterogeneity index of 0.18 (95% CI, 0.07-0.41) vs 0.11 (95% CI, 0.01-0.27; effect size = 0.45), respectively. Of diseased glands, single adenomas (233 [40.1%]) vs double adenomas (187 [32.2%]) and 3- or 4-gland hyperplasia (161 [27.7%]) had a lower median autofluorescence intensity of 1.92 (95% CI, 1.02-4.44) vs 2.22 (95% CI, 1.10-3.97; effect size = 0.21), respectively. On receiver operating characteristic analysis, the optimal autofluorescence intensity threshold to differentiate between single adenomas vs multigland disease was 2.14, with a sensitivity of 64.4%, specificity of 58.1%, and area under the curve of 0.626.
Conclusions and Relevance
These findings suggest that parathyroid glands in single- vs multigland disease may exhibit different autofluorescence characteristics. Although the effect size was modest, the differences identified should be kept in mind when assessing the parathyroid glands during surgical exploration.
Theoretical Background: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is often used for screening of psychological problems in children with chronic physical health conditions (CPHC). Objective: The present meta-analysis tested (a) whether the SDQ scores of young people with CPHC show elevated psychological symptoms and lower prosocial behavior compared with healthy peers or test norms, (b) which conditions are associated with the strongest increase in symptoms, and (c) whether results vary by sample and study characteristics. Method: Studies that compared SDQ scores between young people with CPHC and healthy peers or test norms or that provided sufficient information for a comparison with established normative data or sociodemographically equivalent healthy groups from that country, and if studies were published or made available online before July, 2023, were included in the meta-analysis. Study quality was evaluated with the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. A systematic search in the electronic databases Medline, PsycINFO, PSYNDEX, Web of Science, and the SDQ database resulted in 605 studies of 217,440 children and adolescents with CPHC that were included in random-effects meta-analyses. Results: There were, on average, small-to-moderate elevations in total difficulties (parent/self-report: g = .52/.31) and the four problem scales as well as slight reductions in parent reports on prosocial behavior ( g = -.17). Elevations in parent- and self-reports on emotional symptoms ( g = .48/.31) and peer problems ( g = .43/.26) were significantly stronger than elevations in conduct problems ( g = .30/.10) and hyperactivity–inattention ( g = .33/.13). In addition, children with cerebral palsy (parent/self-report of total problems: g = .82/.66), chronic fatigue syndrome ( g = .82/.66), and epilepsy ( g = .95/.40) showed above-average elevations in psychological symptoms. Stronger effect sizes were found, among others, in older children and in the case of a later age at onset. Direct comparisons of the results of published and unpublished studies on self-rated SDQ found some evidence for a possible publication bias, while results of published and unpublished studies did not vary when parent ratings were used. With regard to limitations, only few studies were available on teacher ratings and from non-Western countries. Illness-specific analyses were impossible for rarely assessed conditions, such as cystic fibrosis and spina bifida. Discussion and Conclusion: It is concluded that children with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other conditions affecting the brain should be, in particular, screened for psychological problems. Symptom overlap of some CPHC with the Emotional Symptoms scale has to be considered when interpreting the data.
Survival and reproduction tests were conducted using two native springtail (subclass: Collembola) species to determine the toxicity of a fine-grained (< 0.005 – 0.425 mm) soil from an industrial site located in the Canadian boreal ecozone. Accidental petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) release continuously occurred at this site until 1998, resulting in a total hydrocarbon concentration of 12,800 mg/kg (soil dry weight). Subfractions of the PHC-contaminated soil were characterized using Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Fractions, which are based on effective carbon numbers (nC). Fraction 2 (> nC10 to nC16) was measured at 8400 mg/kg and Fraction 3 (> nC16 to nC34) at 4250 mg/kg in the contaminated soil. Age-synchronized colonies of Folsomia candida and Proisotoma minuta were subject to 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% relative contamination mixtures of the PHC-contaminated and background site soil (< 100 mg/kg total PHCs) for 28 and 21 days, respectively. Survival and reproduction decreased significantly (Kruskal–Wallis Tests: p < 0.05, df = 4.0) in treatments of the contaminated site soil compared to the background soil. In both species, the most significant decline in survival and reproduction occurred between the 0% and 25% contaminated soil. Toxicity responses in the two springtails were ascribed to the standardized test design, short lifespans, and high fecundity in both species. This study showed that 25 + years of soil weathering has not eliminated the toxicity of fine-grained PHC-contaminated soil on two native terrestrial springtail species. Adverse effects to springtail health were attributed to exposure to soils dominated by genotoxic PHC Fraction 2 compounds and slow weathering processes due to the cold climate at the site.
This study’s goals were to determine the health status of a group of heart transplant recipients (HTRs) and their level of physical activity and to compare the health status among them and with a group of healthy sedentary individuals. Fifty-four HTRs and eighteen sedentary individuals (S) were assigned to four groups, according to their level of physical activity (determined with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire); patients with a low, moderate, and high level of physical activity (HTRL, HTRM, and HTRH, respectively) and S participants underwent a basic blood analysis and several tests to assess their cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and functional mobility condition and their quality of life. The S and HTRH were very similar in terms of BP, HR, and blood analysis while HTRM and HTRL differed from both S and HTRH in these parameters. Regarding the cardiovascular, neuromuscular, functional mobility, and quality of life variables assessed in this study, HTRH showed the best results across all of them, followed by S, HTRM, and HTRL. It is suggested that the weekly level of physical activity of HTRs should be high, which might help them to enhance their health and quality of life.
Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can lead to functional and cognitive decline, increasing dementia risk. There is a pressing need for interventions that prevent this deterioration. The ASPIRE (Adult Strategies Put Into Real-world Environments) intervention was developed to improve performance of daily activities.
The primary objective was to determine whether ASPIRE was more effective than a Brain Education control intervention in improving performance and satisfaction with daily life activities that were not specifically trained in the intervention. Secondary objectives were to explore: 1) whether ASPIRE was more effective in improving self-reported health and quality of life, and performance on cognitive tests; and 2) maintenance of change over six-months.
Double-blind, two-armed, parallel randomized controlled trial, with a six-month follow-up period.
Community based, Greater Toronto Area.
Two-hundred sixty-four older adults (aged 70.8 ± 6.6 years) with SCD or MCI, randomized to ASPIRE (n=131) or a Brain Education active control arm (n= 133).
ASPIRE is a 10-week meta-cognitive group intervention focusing on strategy acquisition and application to improve performance of individualized daily activity identified by each participant as important. It involves setting goals, creating tailored plans, and iteratively modifying these plans with support from the group members and facilitator.
Performance of and satisfaction with daily activities was rated on a 10-point Likert scale using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). Secondary outcome were subjective cognition, depression, anxiety, self-efficacy, quality of life, and cognitive tests of memory and executive functions.
Post-intervention, clinically significant improvement of untrained activities (two points or more on the COPM) was found in 32.5% in ASPIRE; and 30.6% in the control arm, with no significant between group differences (Performance: (exp(β̂) =0.96, z=−0.15, p=.879); Satisfaction: (exp(β̂) =0.94, z=−0.29, p=.775). The improvements remained stable over six months in both arms. No significant group effects were found on the secondary outcomes, but improvements were found on subjective cognition and self-efficacy in both arms post intervention.
Both a meta-cognitive strategy approach and an adult learning activity resulted in positive changes in subjective cognition, self efficacy, and, to a certain extent, engagement in daily activities.
The aims of this study were to compare signalment and laboratory parameters between diabetic (D) and non-diabetic (ND) cats and poorly-controlled diabetic (PD) and well-controlled diabetic (WD) cats in Germany.
Laboratory data from Antech Lab Germany between 2015 and 2018 were retrospectively analysed. Age, sex, red blood cell count (RBC), creatinine (CREA), alkaline phosphatase (AP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), bilirubin (BILI), cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TRI), glucose (GLU) and total thyroxine (TT4) were compared between D (fructosamine ⩾340 µmol/l) and ND cats, and PD (fructosamine >500 µmol/l) and WD (fructosamine 340–500 µmol/l) cats. The proportion of cats with anaemia (RBC ⩽4.21 ×10 ¹² /l), CREA >250 µmol/l, ALT >455 U/l, AP >315 U/l, BILI ⩾35 µmol/l and TT4 > reference interval (RI) was compared between PD and WD cats. Data are presented as median and interquartile range (IQR) and analysed using non-parametric tests. Significance was P<0.05, and effect size was assessed by Cramér V or r.
In total, 129,505 cats were included (D: n = 9334 [prevalence 7.2%], WD: n = 5670/9334 [60.7%]). The median age of D and ND cats was 12 years (IQR D 9–14; ND 9–15); there was no difference in sex. A significant difference was found between groups (D vs ND; PD vs WD) for all parameters studied. Considering the effect sizes and medians outside the RI, the only relevant difference was higher CHOL, TRI, AP and GLU in PD compared with WD (CHOL: PD 7.46 [5.85–9.32] vs WD 5.44 [4.32–6.97] mmol/l, P<0.001, r = 0.39; TRI: PD 1.44 [0.84–3.66] vs WD 0.78 [0.5–1.35] mmol/l, P <0.001, r = 0.35; AP: PD 66 [47–92] vs WD 35 [23–59] U/l, P <0.001, r = 0.39; GLU: PD 23.7 [20.15–27.3] vs WD 6.89 [5–11.31] mmol/l, P <0.001, r = 0.69).
Conclusions and relevance
Laboratory changes in diabetic cats were mild and mainly associated with lipid derangements.
The empirical research on executive pay has garnered growing interest in recent years; however, these studies produce inconclusive evidence. Thereby, this study endeavors to quantitatively synthesize the results of the 137 research studies on the performance-pay relationship while factoring both institutional contexts (cross-sectional heterogeneity) and institutional dynamics (longitudinal heterogeneity). The meta-regression results corroborate the agency’s viewpoint that a positive and statistically significant relation exists between executive pay and firm performance. However, the variations in corporate governance systems substantially impact the relationship between performance and remuneration, highlighting the importance of the managerial power approach. As determined by the temporal analysis, this association has weakened over time, which is substantially attributable to the development of sound regulatory policies, the growing significance of alternative governance practices, analytical approaches, and firm nature. Furthermore, it is noted that with the convergence in governance practices, the moderating impact of different institutional contexts has become statistically less significant over time. Our results unequivocally demonstrate the critical role that institutional dynamics play in moderating the performance-pay relationship. This way, the study answers unresolved queries about the performance-pay association.
Laboratory-based courses and research studies play a crucial role in many fields in higher education. With the idea that the creation and use of interactive materials of experimental periods can be a potentially transformative teaching and learning experience, graduate students and instructors have been trained to design and integrate interactive videos as part of their experimental studies. This study aimed to explore self-efficacy, motivation and future intentions of graduate student and instructors to develop and use interactive videos as a learning material. Using a mixed-method approach via a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, data were collected from graduate students and instructors before and after face-to-face/online trainings on the design and use of interactive videos. Data were analyzed descriptively for the survey items on motivation and perceptions on the use of interactive videos for graduate experiments. For the interview data, the data were analyzed based on specific themes. The results showed that the self-efficacy of the participants have been increased and they had high motivation and strong intention to use interactive videos for a number of reasons. As the participants' self-efficacy has improved, they reported positive perceptions regarding the contributions of interactive videos to their understanding of experimental processes. The findings showed that graduate students shooting an experimental process with their presence can yield better learning outcomes for other graduate students. The results can be valuable for demonstrating potential use of interactive videos during laboratory-based educational and research contexts.
Nighttime fears are highly prevalent in children, ranging from normative fears to triggering fear‐related anxiety disorders. The lack of available assessment instruments recently prompted the development of the Nighttime Fears Scale (NFS) for children aged 8–12 years. The present study aimed to adapt and psychometrically evaluate the parent‐reported version for children aged 3–8 years (NFS‐P) as a complement for younger children.
Two hundred eighty‐four Spanish‐speaking parents (47% girls) completed the NFS‐P and anxiety measures.
Confirmatory factor analyses supported a four‐factor structure of the NFS‐P. Strong internal consistency and validity evidence were obtained. No significant differences were found in NFS‐P scores between sexes and age groups.
The findings offer support for the use of the NFS‐P as a valuable instrument in clinical and research settings, supplementing the NFS for older children. Both scales provide an efficient means to comprehensively assess the presence and intensity of typical nighttime fears across preschool and school years.
Emotional intelligence refers to an individual's awareness of their emotions and their ability to effectively regulate them. Emotional intelligence also encompasses the ability to empathize with and establish meaningful relationships with others.
In this study, a comprehensive meta-analysis approach was employed to investigate the relationships between emotional intelligence and various factors including social support, organizational aspects, satisfaction, and stressors.
Moreover, the extent to which emotional intelligence influenced these factors was investigated and analyzed through meta-analysis.
A data analysis revealed that emotional intelligence correlated positively with social support, organizational aspects, and satisfaction and negatively with stressors.
These results suggest that organizations should adopt management strategies for enhancing the emotional intelligence of their employees, thereby strengthening their social support systems and their organizational cohesion and efficiency. To achieve this, organizations are advised to implement reasonable management systems and emotional management education and training to enable employees to effectively manage their emotions and understand the emotions of others. Subsequently, the job and life satisfaction of the employees can be enhanced and the negative effects of stressors can be mitigated.
Voting Advice Applications (VAAs), such as the German Wahl-O-Mat (WOM), have been examined extensively by researchers in various ways. Here, a subset of research uses data from the Wahl-O-Mat to investigate party relations. While these investigations focus on a limited number of WOM editions, I explicitly investigate the persistence of party relations in the WOM in a broad statistical analysis over 63 editions of the WOM in this exploratory research paper. At first glance, I find that intuitive differences in the overall proximities are observable. However, while many arguments exist that corroborate the suitability of the WOM data for the investigation of party relations, I identify statistically significant lower proximities for the six largest German parties in WOM editions from 2009 onward. Based on a review of changes in the design framework of the WOM and comparative data analyses based on the Chapel Hill Expert Survey and the Manifesto data set, these lower proximities are apparently linked to changes in the design of the WOM. As a result, I discuss the general ability of data from the WOM to give reliable insights into party relations. I argue that the WOM might roughly represent overall party relations but, due to a non-proportionality in the shift of the distances, potential design changes have distorting impacts on the relations between parties that make comparisons between different editions of the WOM problematic. This should be a starting point to investigate other VAAs for similar patterns to reevaluate the validity of data from VAAs for the examination of party relations in general.
This study offers a comprehensive view of the network centrality–firm performance relationship through a meta-analysis. Drawing on a data set of 1,699 effect sizes retrieved from 147 studies published during 2000–2022, the authors establish a positive association between degree, closeness, betweenness, and eigenvector measures of centrality with firm performance on average. Nevertheless, these measures show significant differences in their effectiveness across various contexts. While the associations of degree, closeness, and betweenness centralities with firm performance have diminished over time, the relationship between eigenvector centrality and performance has strengthened. Moreover, the linkage between degree centrality and overall performance is more pronounced in customer-oriented and larger markets, whereas closeness centrality demonstrates a stronger relationship with overall performance in larger markets. Also, social trust amplifies the relationships of degree, closeness, and betweenness centralities with overall performance. Furthermore, the centrality–performance linkage and the moderating effects of the contingency factors depend at least partially on the type of network (i.e., board interlock vs. alliance vs. supplier–customer) and the measure of firm performance used (i.e., innovation vs. financial outcomes). Incorporating these factors into social network analyses helps managers refine their networking strategies and enables scholars to improve the generalizability of their findings.
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of contrast media application on CT attenuation of the bone using a novel calcium-only imaging technique (VCa) from dual-layer spectral detector CT (DLCT), which enables CT-based bone mineral density measurement unimpeded by soft tissue components. For this, true non-contrast (TNC) and venous phase images (VP) of n = 97 patients were acquired. CT attenuation of the first lumbar vertebra (L1) was measured in TNC-VCa, VP-VCa, and in virtual non-contrast images (VNC). CT attenuation was significantly higher in VP-VCa than in TNC-VCa (p < 0.001), although regression analyses revealed a strong linear association between these measures (R² = 0.84). A statistical model for the prediction of TNC-VCa CT attenuation was established (TNC-VCa[HU] = − 6.81 + 0.87 × VP-VCa[HU]-0.55 × body weight[kg]) and yielded good agreement between observed and predicted values. Furthermore, a L1 CT attenuation threshold of 293 HU in VP-VCa showed a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 96% for detecting osteoporosis. The application of contrast media leads to an overestimation of L1 CT attenuation in VCa. However, CT attenuation values from VP-VCa can be used within CT-based opportunistic osteoporosis screening eighter by applying a separate threshold of 293 HU or by converting measured data to TNC-VCa CT attenuation with the given regression equation.
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