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LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research Vol. 2, No. 2, 2021 | 54-63
LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary
Logical Semantics in the “Stories for Rainy Days” by
Naela Ali
Rada Mayasari1
, Masdiana Lubis2, Dian Marisha Putri3
1,2,3Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Abstract. This research aims to analyze the elaboration, extension, and improvement
contained in the data. The data source of this research is Naela Ali’s story of rainy days
written by Naela Ali as the best-selling short story in 2018. The research data is in the form
of clauses collected from short stories on rainy days. The theory used to analyze the
meaning of the data is a logical-semantic theory. From this study, There are 3 types of
logical semantic found in “Stories for Rainy Days” Short Story By Naela Ali: elaboration,
extension, and enhancement. this research concludes that there is 83 logical semantics
(expansion) found in the "stories for rainy days" consisting of 5 elaborations; 65 paratactic
extensions and 1 hypotactic extension; 1 increased paratactic and 9 increased hypotactic;
and 2 extensions and enhancements. The realization of logical semantic relation used in
“Stories for Rainy Days” Short Story By Naela Ali based on the kinds of each logical-
semantics those are: Elaboration consist of exemplification and clarification, there is no
exposition. Extension consists of addition, variation, alternation. Enhancement consists of
paratactic enhancement and hypotactic enhancement including manner, causal-purpose,
spatial and causal-reason.
Keyword: Metafunction, logico semantics, complex clauses.
Received [10 Feb 2021] | Revised [27 Apr 2021] | Accepted [20 May 2021]
1. Introduction
The logical semantic relationship is the relationship between the clauses in the clause complex
and the relationship between the primary and secondary clauses. Halliday (1985) argues that
logico-semantic relations are any different kinds of logical semantic relationships that may exist
between the primary and secondary members of the clause complex. The study of taxis and
logical semantic systems is concerned with the term metafunction. This metafunction is divided
into ideational meaning, interpersonal meaning, and textual meaning. However, taxis and
logical semantic systems are included in the ideational meaning.
Corresponding author at: English department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara
E-mail address: radamayasari@gmail.com
Copyright © 2021 Published by Talenta Publisher, e-ISSN: 2745-8296
Journal Homepage: http://talenta.usu.ac.id/lingpoet
This research paper confines itself to the analysis of logical functions. It is a cab and logical
semantic system between the clauses in the clause complex. The clauses are joined by one of
two logico-semantic relationships: expansion or projection. Process expansion links by
providing additional information. It involves three types of relationships: elaboration,
expansion, and temporary enhancement of projection link clauses by making one process
project another process either by quoting or reporting. Both meanings (ideas) and words (locus)
can be projected. This projection is closely related to the transitivity system or clause as a
The complexity of the clause is related to the relationship between the clause (logico-semantic
relationship), coordination (parataxis) and subordination (hypothetical) (Matthiessen &
Thompson, 1988: 275-329). Gerot & Wignell (1994: 89) describes that a clause complex is a
sequence of logically connected processes. Gerot & Wignell (1994: 92) also argue that
expansions and projections are combined with systems of interdependence, or taxis, to form a
system for combining clauses. These taxis are divided into two types of connection: parataxis
and hypothetical. Parataxis is a logical interdependence between clauses where the
interdependencies have the same status while hypothetical is a logical interdependence between
clauses where the independence has different status (Halliday, 1994: 216).
In the research, the author was focus on expansion. In this research, the author took data from
the expansion of the "Stories For Rainy Days" short story By Naela Ali, the author explains that
the short story "Stories For Rainy Days" by Naela Ali has many clauses contained in the
sentence. The author chose this short story because many use complex clauses that are difficult
to understand in short stories.
2. Review of Literature
2.1 Systemic Functional Grammar
Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) System functional grammar is a unit of the highest clause
where there is a set of words consisting of two or more clauses, called complex clauses, this
complex clause is not limited to these two clauses. Halliday (1985: 193).
2.2 The Ideational Function
The ideational function is related to the world of external and inner reality; it is
"language about something". According to Halliday (1978: 112), whenever someone
contemplates the world of external phenomena or the internal world of one's
consciousness, the reflection representation took the form of 'content'.
2.3 Logical Function
In the complex interpretation of clauses, Halliday (1985b, 1994) has introduced the fourth
component of meaning which is not needed in the analysis of a single clause: the logical
component of meaning is the meaning in the function of semantic relations between clauses that
makes logical from natural language. The logical meaning of language (clause) which embodies
the function of semantic relations between clauses that form the logic of natural language, is
realized by the complex system of the language clause, which is related to logical-semantic
relations and interdependence.
2.4. Logical Semantic Relations
The logical semantic relationship is the relationship between the clauses in the clause complex
and the relationship between the primary and secondary clauses. Halliday (1985: 196) argues
that logico-semantic relations are any different kinds of logical semantic relationships that may
exist between the primary and secondary members of the clause complex.
2.5 Expansion
Expansion links Processes by providing additional information. it invo;ves three types of
relationship: Elaboration, Extension, and Enhancement.
2.5.1 Elaboration
Elaboration is one of the subtypes of expansion that is concerned with the relationships of two
clauses in a clause complex in which the second clause elaborates the meaning of the first
clause. The elaboration can be paratactic or hypotactic.
1. Practice elaboration refers to the relationship between two independent clauses in a
clause complex in which the secondary clause elaborates the meaning of the primary
clause by exposition (restatement), exemplification, or clarification (comment).
2. Hypotactic elaboration refers to the relationship between the independent clause and the
dependent clause in a clause complex in which the latter elaborates the meaning of the
former by the structural property know as a non-restrictive clause. The dependent clause
may elaborate on the independent clause as a whole or partially. The dependent clause
as the elaborator may be in the form of either a finite clause or a non-finite clause.
2.5.2 Extension
The extension is one of the subtypes of expansion that is concerned with the relationships of
two clauses in the meaning of the first clause.
1. Paratactic extension refers to the relationship between two independent clauses in a
clause complex in which the secondary clause extends the meaning of the primary
clause by addition, variation or alternation. The combination of two independent
clauses by way of makes use of coordinating conjunction such as and, so, or but, nor,
etc. And other conjunctive.
2. Hypotactic extension refers to the relationship between the independent clause and the
dependent clause in a clause complex in which the second clause extends the meaning
of the first by contrastive dependent clause in the extension may be in the form of a
finite clause or a non-finite clause.
2 .5.3 Enhancement
Enhancement is one of the subtypes of expansion that is concerned with the relationships of two
clauses in a clause complex in which the second clause enhances the meaning of the first clause.
1. Paratactic enhancement refers to the relationship between two independent clause
complexes in which the secondary clause enhances the meaning of the primary clause
by reference to some circumstantial feature: time, place, manner, condition, purpose,
cause, concession, etc.
2. Hypotactic enhancement refers to the relationship between the independent clause and
dependent clause in clause complex in which the dependent clause enhances the
meaning of the dominant clause by reference to some circumstantial features: temporal,
location, manner, condition, purpose, cause, concession, etc. Suhandi (2015: 117-125).
2.6 Taxis
Taxis refers to the dependency status of the clauses in a clause complex. In traditional grammar,
this called subordination. The term paratactic is used when one clause follows on from another.
in traditional grammar this is called coordination. (Gerot & Wignell (1994: 92)).
3. Research Method
This research was being carried out using a qualitative descriptive design with case studies to
illustrate an analysis of Expansion found In the “Stories For Rainy Days” Short Story by Naela
Ali. According to Bogdan and Biklen (1992), qualitative research is a direct source of data and
researchers are the main instrument, qualitative means to find out how theories work in different
phenomena whose data is collected in words rather than words numbers. Qualitative releases
have a natural setting, try, make sense, or interpret phenomena in the turmoil of meaning that
people bring to them. This research also uses a descriptive design.
A chapter from the analysis of expansion found in the “Stories For Rainy Days” Short Story by
Naela Ali consisted of 40 chapters in the form of a clause. The expansion considered as the data
in the form of clauses. The source of data in this research is Neala Ali’s Stories For Rainy Days
which is written by Naela Ali as the bestseller short story in 2018.
The data collection method used is the documentation method with the following steps.
1. Reading the short story “Stories for Rainy Days” by Naela Ali
2. Finding complex clause (Expansion)
3. Identifying complex clauses based on semantic logic.
4. Classifying the expansion is based on elaboration, extension, and enhancement.
5. Tabulating the expansion and make its recapitulation. Miles, Huberman and Saldana
Data were analyzed based on an interactive model proposed by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana
(2014). In this research, data selection was carried out in accordance with the issues raised.
Where the data are grouped and also the final results of this research can be reviewed. The data
analysis consisted of three stages. This consists of data condensation, data display, and
conclusion or verification.
4. Result and Discussion
This research were taken from in the “Stories for Rainy Days” short story by Naela Ali which
consisted of 40 chapters in the form of clause. The data were limited on three types of
expansion of logical semantic; those are elaboration, extension and enhancement. Furthermore
the researcher classified the three types of expansion based on interpendency relation parataxis
and hypotaxis. Finally, the result showed there where it can be seen that there are 83 logical
semantic (expansion) found in the “Stories for Rainy Days” consist of 5 elaborations; 65
paratactic extensions and 1 hypotactic extension; 1 paratactic enhancement and 9 hypotactic
enhancement; and 2 combinations of extension and enhancement.
4.1 Data Analysis
Table 4.1: The Recapitulation of Logical Semantic-Expansion found in the “Stories for
Rainy Days” by Naela Ali
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Table 4.1: Advanced
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
From table 4.1
4.1.1 Elaboration
One of them can be analyzed below:
Chapter 1:
It wasn’t there
like I wasn’t there.
= 2
The clause complex above consists of two clauses and composed in paratactic relation. It can be
seen by the two clauses are symbolized by the numerical information 1, = 2. It means that the
clause complex above is made by relating two equal clauses or two independent clauses. The
first clause “It wasn’t there” related to the clause “like I wasn’t there” by using the conjunctive
signal “like”.
In paratactic relation symbolized by 1^2. The relation of logico-semantic is the only elaboration
symbolized by “=”. The elaboration type is exemplification. The secondary clause“I wasn’t
there” develops the meaning of the primary clause “It wasn’t there” by further specifying or
giving an example.
4.2 Findings
4.2.1 Types of Logical semantic found in the “Stories for Rainy Days” by Neala Ali
After reading the object of this research that is “Stories for Rainy Days” by Naela Ali, the
researcher identified the types of logical semantic found that is the expansion and divided them
based on their type namely elaboration, extension, and enhancement.
4.2.2 The Realization of Logical Semantic Relation used in the “Stories for Rainy Days” by
Naela Ali
Based on the kinds of each logical-semantics they are:
a. Elaboration consists of exemplification and clarification, there is no exposition.
b. Extension consist of addition, variation, alternation.
c. Enhancement consists of paratactic enhancement and hypotactic enhancement including
manner, causal-purpose, spatial, and causal-reason.
5. Conclusion
Based on the findings of this study, the conclusions are as the following:
a. There are 3 types of logical semantic found in the “Stories for Rainy Days” Short Story
By Naela Ali: elaboration, extension and enhancement. There is 83 logical semantics
(expansion) found in the "stories for rainy days" consisting of 5 elaborations; 65
paratactic extensions and 1 hypotactic extension; 1 increased paratactic and 9 increased
hypotactic; and 2 extensions and enhancements.
b. The realization of logical semantic relation used in the “Stories for Rainy Days” Short
Story By Naela Ali based on the kinds of each logical-semantics they are:
1. Elaboration consist of exemplification and clarification, there is no exposition.
2. Extension consist of addition, variation, alternation.
3. Enhancement consists of paratactic enhancement and hypotactic enhancement
including manner, causal-purpose, spatial, and causal-reason.
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