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The Executable Digital Twin: merging the digital and the physics worlds

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Abstract and Figures

While the digital twin has become an intrinsic part of the product creation process, its true power lies in the connectivity of the digital representation with its physical counterpart. Data acquired on the physical asset can validate, update and enrich the digital twin. The knowledge contained in the digital representation brings value to the physical asset itself. When a dedicated encapsulation is extracted from the digital twin to model a specific set of behaviors in a specific context, delivering a stand-alone executable representation, such instantiated and self-contained model is referred to as an Executable Digital Twin. In this contribution, key building blocks such as model order reduction, real-time models, state estimation and co-simulation are reviewed, and a number of characteristic use cases are presented. These include virtual sensing, hybrid testing and hardware-in-the loop, model-based control and model-based diagnostics.
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The executable digital twin: merging the digital and the
physics worlds
H. Van der Auweraer 1,3, D. Hartmann 2
1 Siemens Industry Software NV, Strategy & Innovation,
Interleuvenlaan 68, B-3001, Leuven, Belgium
2 Siemens Industry Software GmbH, Strategy & Innovation,
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, 81739 Munich, Germany
3 KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Celestijnenlaan 300, B-3001, Heverlee, Belgium
While the digital twin has become an intrinsic part of the product creation process, its true power lies in the
connectivity of the digital representation with its physical counterpart. Data acquired on the physical asset
can validate, update and enrich the digital twin. The knowledge contained in the digital representation brings
value to the physical asset itself. When a dedicated encapsulation is extracted from the digital twin to model
a specific set of behaviors in a specific context, delivering a stand-alone executable representation, such
instantiated and self-contained model is referred to as an Executable Digital Twin. In this contribution, key
building blocks such as model order reduction, real-time models, state estimation and co-simulation are
reviewed, and a number of characteristic use cases are presented. These include virtual sensing, hybrid
testing and hardware-in-the loop, model-based control and model-based diagnostics.
1 Introduction
Managing complexity in product design, manufacturing, and operation is a challenge in everyday decision
making to provide safe, sustainable, and efficient products and industrial processes. The digital twin, being
a virtual “mirror” representation of a real asset, tightly integrating the real and the digital worlds, has become
a key enabler to support such decision making for complex systems. It allows informing design, engineering,
operational as well as strategic decisions upfront through highly realistic virtual predictions and optimization
of their real-world counter parts. As discussed further on in this paper, the digital twin is inclusive, holistic
(in the sense of consistently representing all available data) and dynamic as it will continuously be updated
along the product lifecycle and enriched with new datasets and models as these become available.
The Executable Digital Twin is then introduced to implement one very specific use case of the digital twin.
It is defined as a self-contained, executable, digital representation of a specific behavior of the physical asset
that is instantiated from the digital twin for a specific purpose and possibly (but not necessarily) a specific
data format (FMI, ...) or runtime environment (cloud, edge, test-bench, embedded, …). It can be calibrated
for the individual asset and leveraged by anyone along the asset’s lifecycle. The Executable Digital Twin is
hence not any longer holistic and dynamic (unless a new version is created or a dedicated, traceable updating
process is foreseen) but it becomes a self-contained (and possible tradeable) asset by itself. It however
remains linked to the digital twin from which it was derived. The latter aspect distinguishes it from ad-hoc
embedded real-time models. Considering this relation, the digital twin paradigm will first be briefly
reviewed followed by the definition and discussion of the Executable Digital Twin.
2 Digital twin: historic perspective
The principles behind the digital twin are not new. Product and process engineering teams have used 3D
renderings of computer-aided design models, asset models and process simulations for decades. NASA was
the first to work with mor formal pairing technology from the early days of space exploration to address the
challenges to operate, maintain or repair systems away from physical proximity. It uses digital twins to
develop new recommendations, roadmaps, and next-generation vehicles and aircraft [1] [2] [3].
The conceptual view that for each physical system a virtual “mirror” can be conceived and realized was first
presented by Dr. Michael Grieves around 2002 in a University of Michigan Executive Course on Product
Lifecycle Management (PLM) [4]. The actual term digital twin was coined by Grieves [5] and Tuegel [6]
in 2011 and further developed in Grieves’ consecutive work [7]. The digital twin as a virtual representation
of what was manufactured is presented, comparing a digital twin to its engineering design to better
understand what was produced versus what was designed.
The concept of digital thread (the use of digital tools and representations for connecting and tracking design,
evaluation, and life cycle management) was introduced in [8] in 2013. The Air Force Research Laboratory
linked the digital twin to the operational phase of the aircraft lifetime. According to their 2011 vision [6], a
digital twin of the individual aircraft including deviations from the nominal design should be delivered
together with the physical aircraft to be flown virtually through the same flight profiles as recorded for the
actual aircraft. Related to this, Tuegel et al. [9] propose to utilize an ultrahigh fidelity model of the individual
aircraft to integrate computation of structural responses as a function of the flight conditions, with resulting
local damage and material state evolution.
Over the last decade, the concept of the digital twin has been extended, refined but also sometimes redefined
to match specific utilization contexts, not uncommonly to fit the objectives of related solution providers.
Lately, the research on the digital twin has been expanding from the mere technical use and value creation
to more conceptual and formal design methodology related studies. A number of related comprehensive
state-of-the-art reviews have been published [10] [11] [12] [13] [14].
The field where the Digital Twin has probably gained the most attention in the past years is in the
manufacturing domain where the added value of the combined digital-physical representation matches very
well the drive towards cyber-physical systems and smart manufacturing systems [10] [15] [16].
Furthermore, increasingly the consideration -and use- of the digital twin in the actual operation phase is
documented, where obviously the match of data measured from the physical asset combined with the digital
twin opens new opportunities for performance optimization, maintenance, prognostics, servicing, etc. [17]
[18] eventually leading to integration in asset management [19]. Keeping the digital twin tuned to the
evolving physical system during its lifetime (accounting for repair, degradation, behavioral dependency on
operational conditions…) is generally claimed as a critical objective but only few concrete examples are
documented. The actual use of the digital twin embedded in the operation is an even larger challenge but
also opportunity for value creation as will be discussed further on.
3 Digital twin characteristics
3.1 Digital twin paradigm
Defining the digital twin is a challenge. The concept has been evolving over time and multiple
interpretations have been given for -or imposed on- the digital twin depending on a specific context. Formal
conceptual modeling efforts are plentiful, including standardization [20] [21], however, the authors tend to
consider the digital twin rather as a paradigm and conceptual framework described by its characteristics and
getting concrete meaning within an application context [22] [23].
Commonly accepted is the notion that a digital twin is a specific virtual representation of a physical object,
being a product, a process plant, an infrastructure system or a production process. The digital twin integrates
all data, models, and other information of the physical object generated along its life cycle for a dedicated
purpose. The data can be generated during design, engineering, manufacturing, commissioning, operation,
or service. Integrating all information is key to leverage existing and create new business opportunities. In
all cases however, the objective is to have a digital representation suited to the purpose in terms of level of
detail, completeness, accuracy, and execution speed.
This typically enables reproducing the state and behavior of the corresponding system as well as predicting
and optimizing its performance. To this purpose, simulation methods and data-based methods are used. The
digital twin can be used in product design, simulation, monitoring, optimization and servicing and is an
important concept in the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
New application fields for the digital twin are continuously being identified, including in healthcare,
biosystems including the human body, logistics, agriculture, construction, transport, etc.
3.2 Simulation models and data
A key purpose of the digital twin is to analyze, predict and optimize the behavior of the physical object.
Simulation- as well as data-based approaches are used hereto [22] [24] [25]. Simulation models are
mathematical representations of the object’s behavior based on a first principles description of the governing
physical laws and adapted to an implementation on a computer system (e.g., through an appropriate
discretization). These -parametrized- simulation models can then be executed for the appropriate input
conditions and constraints to yield the behavior predictions of interest. Data-driven models use data
measured on the physical object itself to predict the future behavior through reduction into black-box models
or by synthesizing the object’s behavior by applying statistical and/or data analytics techniques. Ideally both
approaches complement each other.
Simulation models can already be applied when no physical system is available yet and allow parametric
design optimization, enabling the correspondingly realized physical system to optimally match the required
performance. Typical simulation model approaches in the mechanical design space include geometry-based
Finite Element models, Boundary Element models, Multibody Dynamics models, Computational Fluid
Dynamics models and lumped-parameter System Simulation models which can e.g. be formulated as
Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) or Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE) [22]. While extremely
powerful to get insight in the detailed product behavior and to run large numbers of “virtual” design variants
to explore the design space, simulation approaches will always suffer to a lesser or larger extent from
incompleteness in the modeling approaches, inaccurate parameters, and methodological approximations.
They also face the challenge that the manufacturing and operating conditions may affect the actual system
as used in its operational environment. From the early days of the digital twin, large emphasis was hence
put on developing high fidelity simulation models, enabling to characterize the individualized behavior of
the “as manufactured” and “as operated” product.
Data driven models use the data measured on the physical system and as such accurately represent the
behavior as observed. Data reduction, advanced analysis, black-box modeling, and data analytics
approaches allow to not only get insight in the momentary and historic performance but to a certain degree
to also make performance predictions within the envelope of the observed data. The extrapolation to
unmeasured phenomena, attributes, operating conditions is however not possible.
While not engaging into the discussion whether a digital twin formally requires the explicit use of measured
data (or not) as it may easily lead to conceptual discussions as for Theseus’ ship, it is obvious that the
combination of the rich information of the simulation models with the actual data as measured on the
physical system offers the best potential for analysis, prediction, and performance optimization [26]. This
can be in the form of feedback from test data to validate and update and/or complement the simulation
models, providing also accurate loading and operating information. For example, this can lead to updating
remaining useful life (RUL) models of a structure using actual loading data. But other feedforward
scenarios, bringing the simulation model to the level of the data collection, not only for comparison or
visualization, are possible and will be discussed further on.
3.3 Holistic and dynamic
What makes the digital twin different from a mere simulation model or a collection of test data is that the
digital twin concept inherently starts from an integrated view [26]. All simulation models that can be
developed, all test data that can be collected, these not all contribute to describing in a digital way as good
as possible the physical object’s behavior, but these data are inherently connected and refer to the same
modeling framework. This requires keeping track of system modifications through cross-referencing and
updating all related simulation models and to trace back changing operational conditions to updated
performance simulations, staying in tune with each other [27]. This holistic view distinguishes the digital
twin from a collection of unrelated simulation models for the various performances of a specific product.
This also implies that the digital twin is not only all encompassing but also dynamic, integrating novel
information and novel models as they become available. For example, a system design can start from a
functional and system description, to become concrete in a structural (geometric) design and be extended
with structural dynamics, thermal, flow, electromagnetic simulation models as these become available. Test
data can augment these models with the actual operating information including histories on nominal and
non-nominal behavior. Inversely, a digital twin formulation starting from a data-driven model can be
enriched with simulation models to increase the predictive power and allow the link to the product design
and future design improvement based on actual use information. There seems to be no reason to restrict the
digital twin concept to one or the other phase in this process as then the question could be asked from which
point onwards the evolving model(s) become(s) a true digital twin.
3.4 Empowering the digital twin
As mentioned, the digital twin is an increasingly adopted paradigm with an expanding reach across industrial
and societal fields. The confidence of product developers, manufacturers as well as asset operators in digital
twin technology is increasing continuously. This trend is strongly enabled by the rapid evolution in several
key contributing factors. We highlight four of these, the Industrial Internet of Things, the evolutions on
simulation power, the cloud and the use of artificial intelligence (AI).
Undoubtedly, the Industrial Internet of Things with its capabilities for data sensing as well as edge
computing, offers enormous opportunities to build and/or enrich the digital twins [28]. For example, in the
context of Industry 4.0 the IIoT is a key driver for novel highly automated manufacturing concepts.
However, though the IIoT enables data collection on a scale we could not imagine before, data in industrial
contexts is still limited. Data is very specific to the context, e.g., the operational data of an electric drive in
a car differs significantly from the data in the context of a compressor, and the different contexts addressed
in industrial applications cover an enormous breadth. Also, collecting enough data beyond nominal
conditions, e.g., for specific failure predictions, is an enormous challenge. The risk of reverse engineering
of core industrial process know-how, use conditions etc. furthermore makes industrial companies hesitant
to contribute such data outside the company.
Fortunately, many industrial systems are well understood in terms of the first principals or effective
engineering models their construction relies on. Computer simulation is used already since several decades
as a decision support tool for research, development, and engineering. These digital twins are often trusted
to such an extent that even key validation and verification steps are based on them during development and
engineering. The exponential evolutions in terms of computer hardware [29], HPC cluster infrastructures,
novel hardware solutions like GPU, transputers and in the future possibly quantum computing, open up new
worlds of simulation applications. Furthermore, innovative simulation paradigms and algorithm capability
[30] [31], including alternate discretization methods, multigrid solvers, meshless methods, etc. have led
today to a point where digital twins even allow for interactive simulation and real-time prediction capability
thereby opening up novel application opportunities beyond R&D.
One of the hot topics in simulation today is the potential of using AI concepts [32]. This ranges from the
use of Machine Learning to (smartly) build up surrogate models which then can be evaluated much faster,
to the development of hybrid methodologies integrating different disciplines of mathematical models,
algorithms, and machine learning technologies. This opens a potential to challenge many paradigms in
computational science and engineering. First success can be seen in the newly emerging fields of scientific
machine learning, physics-informed neural networks, or neuro differential equations [33] [34] [35].
Corresponding approaches will, for example, allow the realization of very efficient surrogate models or to
complement first-principal models with models based on measurements
Finally, one cannot neglect the transformation in engineering processes and methods realized through the
cloud enablement of data collection, simulation, analysis, and engineering. Next to the intrinsic challenges
for interoperability, modularization, deployment and SaaS (Software as a Service), new concepts emerge in
relation to Digital Twin as a Service [36], model and data traceability (e.g. with blockchain) [37], and
(cyber)security [38], while inversely the digital twin can also be used to monitor and enforce security [39].
4 The Executable Digital Twin
4.1 Scope and Definition
Connecting the physical and the virtual worlds is a key capability of the digital twin. Using data from the
physical asset to build the digital twin and/or to integrate with simulation models or even provide use
information to the design are obvious tasks. The next logical step, making full use of all capabilities of the
digital twin, is however to bring the digital twin itself into the physical world, enabling the knowledge
contained in the digital representation to directly create value to the physical asset itself.
To realize this, a dedicated encapsulation is extracted from the digital twin to model a specific behavior
(e.g., an individual performance such as strain or vibration and this possibly for a specific part or component
such as a gear or bearing) in a specific operational context (e.g. diagnostics). The result is then a dedicated
encapsulated and executable representation that can be integrated within the operational execution
environment of the physical asset or other virtual environments. The model is not generic anymore and only
represents that aspect of the system under study which is relevant for the application. It can be tuned and
calibrated for the individual asset it is integrated with.
Such instantiated, self-contained, and packaged model is referred to as the Executable Digital Twin. The
abbreviation xDT is becoming broadly accepted.
4.2 Applications
Applications for the Executable Digital Twin are multifold. Integrating with sensors on the physical asset,
extra, “virtual”, sensor signals can be derived augmenting the physical sensor pool and delivering otherwise
unmeasurable quantities. The Executable Digital Twin models can also be applied to derive key performance
parameters needed for operational performance supervision and diagnostics, maintenance, and prognostics.
The executable models can furthermore be used to represent other hardware systems, components, or parts,
in a real-time test environment of the system under test, to allow to execute a virtual system integration
and/or control optimization in a Hardware-in-the-loop configuration. When introducing the models in the
controllers, model-based control solutions can be developed starting from the same highly accurate original
digital twin which is used in the rest of the design engineering process, ensuring full consistency.
The explicit connection that exists between the Executable Digital Twin model and the originating “parent”
digital twin allows to maintain consistency and traceability and distinguishes it from the traditional ad-hoc
real-time models developed for a specific execution objective as part of the design of the physical asset.
While the above use scenarios may give the impression that the Executable Digital Twin must be deployed
on an edge device or other local hardware system connected to a physical asset, this does not preclude the
use in a cloud environment. When linking a cloud version of the executable model to the physical asset
through IIoT, applications such as remote monitoring, diagnostics, use scenario exploration, and real-time
impact assessment become feasible.
Another scenario includes building up system integration models with components delivered from various
sources, adhering to a system architecture description. Such scenarios enable virtual product integration for
operating condition or performance limit evaluation, requirement validation, procurement and sales support.
In summary, Executable Digital Twins allow leveraging their prediction capability by anyone at any point
of a product's life cycle without the need of additional (simulation) software packages [40]. Thus, they allow
for the ultimate democratization of the digital twin beyond its creators and creation tools.
4.3 Process overview
Three phases can be distinguished in the overall process of the Executable Digital Twin: an authoring, a
creation or builder phase and a deployment phase. This is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Executable Digital Twin creation and deployment
In the authoring phase, a digital twin is developed containing a variety of interlinked models and data. This
digital twin is generic and addresses all aspects of relevance for the physical asset. For a specific purpose
and execution context, an application-specific Executable Digital Twin can then be extracted. This results
in a containered model for that specific behavior. In the deployment phase, this containered model is picked
up and integrated in the application environment (hardware/software). Figure 2 shows the overall flow.
Figure 2: Process flow to author, create and deploy the Executable Digital Twin (xDT)
4.4 Enabling Technologies
The Executable Digital Twin relies strongly on a number of key enabling technologies. As real-time (or
near-real-time) performance is an essential requirement in most applications, fast simulation methods are
required. In most cases this will require the use of powerful Model Order Reduction approaches. State
estimation methods can be used to ensure convergence of the virtual sensor signals. As the true value of the
Executable Digital Twin is realized in its deployment, hybrid co-simulation schemes accepting packaged
models with their execution engines and then linking these in an open runtime environment are key.
4.4.1 Model Order Reduction
The central value proposition of the Executable Digital Twin is to provide a self-contained executable
digital behavior of an asset to be leveraged by anyone at any point in the lifecycle. This requires the
corresponding model to be sufficiently fast (often real-time), to have an appropriate accuracy (guaranteed
or estimated), to be interacted with by a limited set of application programming interfaces (API), to be
deployable on various computer hardware.
While the concept of real-time models not new and use cases like virtual sensing or model predictive control
are around since long, the new aspect is to allow realizing corresponding use cases in a scalable way. To
allow for scalability the concerned Executable Digital Twins are preferably prepared from existing
simulation models and historical data that are intrinsically part of the asset’s digital twin, i.e., consistency
and traceability are maintained contrary to most traditional ad-hoc real-time models.
A key step in doing so, is to programmatically reduce the models to the right model complexity. Models of
a limited complexity or fidelity in terms of variables typically still provide predictions with the appropriate
accuracy but at less computational effort and at a higher speed of prediction. Today computational science
and engineering offers a broad range of technologies. This process is known as model order reduction
producing reduced order models with reduced complexity and affordable execution performance.
Generally, corresponding methods can be split into two major categories: Black-box approaches which do
not require any information of the underlying system, grey-box approaches which require some knowledge
about the associated models, and white-box approaches which require full information and access to the
associated models and solvers. A schematic overview of currently applied methods is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Major model complexity reduction / model order reduction technologies used in the context of
Executable Digital Twins.
The abbreviations used refer to the following methods: LTI: Linear Time Invariant; POD: Proper Orthogonal
Decomposition; RSM: Response Surface Model; SVD: Singular Value Decomposition; CMS: Component
Mode Synthesis; DEIM: Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method; ECSW: Energy Conserving Sampling
and Weighing; PGD: Proper Generalized Decomposition; PMOR: Parametric Model Order Reduction
Machine learning models fall in the class of black-box approaches. Typically, corresponding reduced
complexity models are trained based on generated simulation data. As the reduced order model is meant to
be accessed by a limited set of APIs, the parameter space for which simulations are to be generated is limited.
Carefully choosing the parameter sets to be trained on is crucial for success of the applied method [41].
If somethings more is known about the structure of the underlying model, e.g., non-linear relationships, this
information can be directly exploited using grey-box models [42] [43]. Instead of taking a neural network
representing arbitrary functional relationships the corresponding polynomial class could be used for
regression of a model with reduced complexity. Often corresponding approaches need less data than the full
neural network models and also show better extrapolation capabilities. Being agnostic to the specific solver
black- and grey-box models allow to address solvers where no access to internal information is available.
If access to all relevant solver aspects is possible white box approaches can be used, e.g., Krylov or reduced
basis methods [44]. These often allow to optimally tune the reduced order model as well as to provide
rigorous accuracy guarantees and thus offer the ultimate model order reduction technology. Whereas
multiple approaches exist, e.g., for linear Finite Element Models, adapting the models for time domain
predictions and dealing with nonlinear and possibly time variant systems such as in multibody simulation is
still a topic of major research [44] [45].
Independent of the specific technology used, all principally allow for a continuous calibration of parameters,
enabling ensuring that the Executable Digital Twin is always calibrated with respect to its real counterpart.
4.4.2 State Estimation
When the Executable Digital Twin is used to predict virtual measurement values based on a limited set of
sensors and an executable model, state estimation techniques are applied [46] [47] [48] [49].
State estimation is a time domain approach to predict the true values of states of a model, given a set of
measurements. Two main method families exist: the Kalman filter and the Moving Horizon estimator. The
basic idea is to use a weighted sum of both the measurements and model predictions to make an overall
optimal prediction of the true value of the states. These states can be internal states to the physical system,
or augmented states (states that are added to the system equation, and that can represent inputs/parameters
that are unknown or cannot be measured directly). Virtual sensors can be introduced via numerical
calculations on top of internal system states, or as augmented states. The choice of weights is often inspired
by the measurement noise level and model accuracy. This way, the model is continuously synchronized with
measurement data, and can be used for analysis and control.
To achieve optimum accuracy, one must characterize the model prediction errors and the measurement
errors by means of their respective covariance matrices. The latter determine the relative weighting of model
information against measurement data, i.e., the tuning of the Kalman filter. Because the quantification of
the model prediction error covariances is particularly difficult, many applications rely on tedious and sub-
optimal manual tuning. Automated procedures are therefore researched [50].
A strongly related issue affecting the quality of the estimated states is the selection of the physical sensors
to be used in the estimation process [51] [52] [53].
4.4.3 Model Encapsulation
Once the executable model is generated, it is encapsulated and provided to the “consumers” in the
deployment environment in an appropriate format.
One of the main approaches used hereto is to consider the Executable Digital Twin as a Functional Mock-
up (FMU) that is exchanged in accordance with the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard. The
Functional Mock-up Interface is a free standard [54] that defines a container and an interface to exchange
dynamic models. It uses a combination of XML files, binaries and C code zipped into a single file. The FMI
standard is supported by many software tools, including the major industrial simulation software providers.
Whether the Executable Digital Twin is delivered as a compiled model or as a set of executable equations
depends on the application as well as the agreed conventions between the authoring and the user partners.
When the Executable Digital Twin is provided by means of machine learning as a neural network, the Open
Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) format [55] is sometimes used as an alternative format.
Depending on the application objective and/or environment, container approaches such as Kubernetes [56]
and Docker [57] are adopted. In particular, when providing the Executable Digital Twin not as a hardware
embedded solution but as a software microservice. Concepts such as Model-as-a-Service (MaaS) [58] may
be applied to he Executable Digital Twin and appropriate exchange mechanisms need then to be considered.
Finally, compliance specific standards can be required such as prescribed by Autosar [59] when providing
the model as an automotive software embedded module.
Future challenges involve the integrity and traceability of the Executable Digital Twin models, connecting
directly to the cybersecurity domain [38], including the potential adoption of blockchain concepts [37].
4.4.4 Co-simulation
Once the executable model is made available to the deployment environment, it must be integrated in a host
application, connecting to the applicable hardware environment in terms of sensors and actuators and be
integrated in the host software platform. This may involve executing the model with the solvers as available
in the host platform or dedicated solvers are provided together with the model as components in the FMU.
In many cases, the host application will also involve executing simulations of complementary functions,
system parts and/or performances. Co-simulation between the Executable Digital Twin model and the host
models will then be mandatory. While beyond the scope of this paper and addressed in various surveys [60],
it is important to draw the attention to the complexity of co-simulation of potentially heterogeneous model
types and systems with different time dependencies, complexity, and behavior (model stiffness) [61].
5 Use Cases and Examples
Most of the present industrial use cases documented for the Executable Digital Twin relate to virtual sensing
and hybrid testing (combining virtual and physical system components) as executed in the context of the
Model Based System Testing company strategy [62] [63]. These applications are still essentially in the realm
of the product design and engineering stage with first extensions to the manufacturing and operations field
emerging. In this section, several characteristic cases executed in the research teams of the authors are briefly
revied and reference is made to the more detailed publications where available. Obviously, a wide range of
other applications of the Executable Digital Twin concept are currently explored and realized in other
laboratories, often under different headings such as hybrid digital twin and real-time digital twin. The
present discussion focuses on own experiences. First an overview of recent virtual sensing cases will be
presented, followed by a brief overview of other Executable Digital Twin applications.
5.1 Virtual Sensing
Virtual sensing proves to be highly relevant when on-site measurement of the variables of interest is not
feasible due to non-accessible locations, sensor cost or the fact that introducing sensors would distort the
system under test. In particular, for load measurements, including multi-axial forces and torques, internal
temperatures and full field responses, a virtual sensing approach proves to bring large added value.
5.1.1 Electric motor startup heating
Large-scale electric drives are exposed to high levels of stress due to induction heating on start-up. Frequent
starts without a sufficient interval for cooling can result in motors overheating. However, measuring the
temperature of the actual rotors turning at high speed within the motor is close to impossible. Thus, controls
are often based on conservative heuristics. The corresponding temperatures can however be calculated by
3D thermal simulations in a sufficiently accurate manner. In the case of the electric motors considered, linear
convection-diffusion models are used. Such 3D models are typically available from the detailed engineering
phase in product design. Using Krylov model order reduction, corresponding executable models were
realized. Continuous calibration is realized through state estimation using available sensors on the stator
side. This way, temperatures not accessible to sensors can be virtually measured, see Figure 4.
Figure 4: Estimation and uncertainty quantification of unmeasurable rotor temperature (green) and
predicting future scenarios of the same temperature (blue). Figure courtesy of Hartman et al. [44]
This allows the cooling times required for electric motors to be significantly reduced, ultimately enhancing
the plant availability. Enriched with methods for uncertainty quantification, confidence intervals can be
provided for the rotor temperature allowing to go close to operational limits and thus increasing availability.
Such an optimized process that can prevent motor overheating and reduces the downtimes required during
the cool-off phase, which leads to significant savings per hour. A more detailed discussion is found in [44].
5.1.2 Truck anchorage early failure detection
In this second case, smart virtual sensing is used to analyze the cause of failure of a truck anchorage during
assembly. Figure 5 shows the setup. The problem was that the failure did not occur during operation but
caused a dangerous situation during assembly. Regular virtual testing (FE simulation) alone was not
sufficient since the actual loads at the critical process steps are unknown. Some strains are measured but the
instrumented strain gauges were not representative for the critical strains at failure.
Figure 5: Truck anchorage overview (right) and detail (left). Figure courtesy of Scurria et al. [64]
As the critical locations were inaccessible to measure and only 4 other strain measurements are available
and the full strain field under the critical loading conditions is required to analyze the problem, the virtual
sensing approach was selected. A linear FE model of the anchorage and the two U-bolts near the critical
location was created in Simcenter 3D Nastran. The Simcenter Smart Virtual Sensing tool was then used to
create the reduced order model and the corresponding Executable Digital Twin which was then imported in
Simcenter Testlab to be fed with the measured strain signals. The Executable Digital Twin then returns the
strains at the critical locations and the loads and the full strain field can be estimated. The estimates were
validated using a set of independent sensors not included in the virtual sensor. Figure 6 shows the estimated
field as well as a comparison of (normalized) measured and estimated strains at the validation locations.
Figure 6: Anchorage full strain field (left) and strain at validation location (right). Figure courtesy of Scurria
et al. [64]
The critical locations were accurately predicted, and the estimated strain values turned out to be well in
accordance with the measured ones, permitting to rely on the virtual sensing approach for monitoring the
assembly process. Correspondingly, a significant improvement in the process of the manufacturer was
obtained. A detailed discussion is available in [64].
5.1.3 Space payload acoustic test design
To assure that a spacecraft payload can withstand the high dynamic loading during launch, qualification
tests need to be performed replicating the high acoustic loading in dedicated test facilities. A novel approach,
Direct Field Acoustic eXcitation (DFAX) was developed that allows such tests to be executed by creating
the appropriate diffuse acoustic fields using commercially available loudspeakers. Figure 7 shows a
representative test setup.
Figure 7: DFAX Test setup, physical twin (left), digital twin (right). Figure courtesy of Thales Alenia Space
A critical step in the process is the generation of the appropriate acoustic field through multiple-input
multiple-output control of the loudspeakers. As the system under test should be minimally loaded during
the test calibration, predictive virtual testing processes are developed but which need to be tuned on the spot.
Hence a virtual sensing approach was adopted that, starting from a vibro-acoustic model of the test
configuration (finite and/or infinite element based) can generate an on-line model that is used in the
loudspeaker tuning and diffuse field validation (and where needed payload response verification). In this
case, Krylov methods for model reduction were compared with a system identification approach,
transforming the numerical model into a frequency response function and subsequently a state-space
formulation. Figure 8 shows results of the calibration procedure demonstrating that a valid diffuse field can
be generated this way. More details are presented in [65] [66] [67] .
Figure 8: Diffuse field acoustic response validation of the DFAX Executable Digital Twin. Figure courtesy
of Alvarez Blanco [65] et al., and van Ophem [66]
5.1.4 Wind turbine blade testing
As was already demonstrated in the first case, virtual sensing offers the potential to derive full-field virtual
responses using only a limited number of measured sensor signals. This was demonstrated for the case of a
wind turbine blade at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). A composite blade was tested for
structural integrity through deflection and dynamic tests, identifying critical design issues but also offering
the potential for future in-field Structural Health Monitoring. The blade was instrumented by a limited
number of strain sensors only which leads to a long validation process.
A detailed finite element model of the blade was developed and compressed into a reduced order model.
Using a state estimator, a virtual sensor for the real-time visualization of the full strain field was realized.
Figure 9 shows the test setup and the strain visualization result. A detailed discussion is provided in [68].
Figure 9: DTU Wind turbine blade test setup and virtual strain field. Figure courtesy DTU and Simcenter
Test RTD
5.1.5 Vehicle dynamics and durability testing loads and performances
The virtual sensing methodology can also be applied to the estimation of loads and responses for vehicle
dynamics benchmarking and validation purposes. In particular, the correct estimation of wheel forces,
steering angles and lateral accelerations is of high interest. When enabling the use of only standard available
sensors such as the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). one can avoid the provision and installation of
expensive on-vehicle sensors, including expensive and hard-to-instrument wheel load sensors. In [69] an
approach based on a simplified bicycle vehicle model complemented with an adaptive linear tire model is
presented, using an Extended Kalman Filtering state estimator. It is shown that not only axle-level loads and
medium level vehicle dynamics responses can be accurately predicted but also low-level (on-center
performance) lateral accelerations. A detailed discussion is provided in [69].
An alternative data-driven approach was evaluated for the case of repetitive vehicle durability testing. One
(or a limited set) of vehicles were instrumented with advanced (expensive and time-consuming to
instrument) wheel load (force and torque) sensors as well as a set of standard sensors (accelerometer,
IMU…). A data-driven Executable Digital Twin was developed through training of a Neural Network with
road test data. The Neural Network was then exported (e.g., in ONXX format) and used in subsequent tests
on the same as well as similar vehicles only using the basic sensor set. Figure 10 illustrates this process.
Figure 10: Vehicle axle load estimation using a data driven approach.
5.2 Other Executable Digital Twin use cases
Virtual sensing constitutes at this point probably the best documented use scenario for the Executable Digital
Twin in our application fields. Many other cases are realized or are under development, covering a wide
range of domains, from design to manufacturing and process control (e.g. see [70]).
Besides virtual sensing other Executable Digital Twin cases are increasingly documented in relation to
Hardware-in-the-loop, controls development and manufacturing and process control.
5.2.1 Hardware-in-the-loop drivetrain analysis
Executable Digital Twin models are well suited for hybrid testing applications where part of the system
under test is physical and part is virtual. Application cases are numerous, for example to test and evaluate
the integration of new (physically available) components in a virtual system and/or optimize their
performance without executing the physical integration. Alternatively, control systems, controller strategies
or even embedded control software can be developed and tuned without that the full system to be controlled
must be physically present.
The present case addresses the requirement to develop and optimize novel electric powertrains suited for a
broad range of user needs and driving scenarios. The demands for high levels of energy efficiency,
performance and comfort leads to ever more integrated powertrains and sophisticated controllers that must
be evaluated for various vehicle application platforms and driving scenarios. This requires frontloading the
validation and optimization testing to the subsystem level, replicating full vehicle integration testing. A
powerful new XiL setup (X-in the Loop, with X standing for Hardware, Software, Driver…) for electric
drivelines was developed hereto. Real-time Executable digital Twin models can represent the virtual system
components, the vehicle to be integrated into as well as the driving loading conditions (such as e.g.,
regenerative braking) The investigated performances can include energy consumption, thermal behavior,
transient responses s relevant for performance, driveability and comfort. The impact of design changes on
the vehicle level on the powertrain performance can be assessed, such as modified battery packs, gearbox
ratios etc. A detailed discussion is provided in [71]. Figure 11 presents an overview of the XiL test setup.
Figure 11: HiL setup with e-motor and invertor. Figure courtesy Forrier et al. [71]
5.2.2 Fail-safe testing of in-wheel drivetrain
Also, the potential to evaluate fault scenario’s or checking fail-safe operation without having the full system
available is of large interest to optimizing the validation and verification process.
The presented case addresses testing of failure modes of an in-wheel motor (IWM). The full-vehicle
response is critical as one failing motor must be compensated by the other IWM for vehicle safety. The
device-under-test is the Propulsion Control Unit (PCU) which controls the four in-wheel motors of the
vehicle. Various fault scenarios are investigated (short circuit, loss of communication, torque inversion…)
for one of the motors. However, injecting critical faults in the system-under-test is dangerous and expensive
to test in a full electric vehicle. A Hardware-in-the-Loop testbench allows to evaluate the full vehicle
behavior in a safe way using the hardware of the motor under test (M1), controlled over CAN bus from the
real-time platform, and Executable Digital Twin models for the vehicle (vehicle dynamics, driveline) and
the three other IWM driving the actuation motor (M2). This xDT model runs on the real-time platform of
the testbench. Figure 12 shows the test setup. A detailed discussion is available in [72]
Figure 12: In-wheel real-time test bench configuration. Figure courtesy Sputh et al. [72]
5.2.3 Manufacturing control
Models that are used in manufacturing control or robotics are often developed ad-hoc, not derived from the
digital twin established in the design engineering phase. The Executable digital Twin hence offers
significant potential to leverage the digital twin to the manufacturing execution level. Examples are in virtual
commissioning, in virtual sensing (e.g., when linked to the sensors available on the Industrial Edge or PLC)
but also to support model-based process control.
An example is robot milling. The accuracy of milling machines is typically limited by the mechanical
stiffness of the corresponding machine. Process forces of several hundred Newton led to deformations of
the machine affecting the accuracy of the produced part, e.g., in the context of standard industrial robots,
milling process forces could lead to deformations in the range millimeters, which is well above most
industrial requirements. Combining first principal predictions of process forces with a mechanical robot
model and online calibration technologies allows the prediction of expected deflections of the robot and to
compensate them correspondingly in the control cycle, with update rates on the order of 5 ms [73]. This
results in the reduction of machining errors of robots by 90%, sufficient for milling tasks. Classical machine
learning approaches will not work since on the one hand metrology in milling machines is very limited (due
to dirt, splinter, etc.) and on the other hand combinatorial options in terms of geometries, materials, milling
paths, and robot poses would not allow to sample sufficient data. Figure 13 shows a typical result.
Figure 13: Digital Twin-based control solution increasing accuracy of milling robots as a key enabler for
industrial metal milling.
5.2.4 Model Predictive Control
While using models for controller design is common practice, the use of the models in the control, in model-
based control is less widespread. The used models are primarily made ad-hoc. A large potential exists for
deriving such models from the digital twin that is in most cases anyway developed during the design and
engineering stages. An application case was realized, using the available calibrated vehicle dynamics (digital
twin) model to design a nonlinear model predictive controller for autonomous driving [74].
6 Conclusions and Outlook
The Executable Digital Twin is a logical consequence of further integrating the digital and physical world
using the digital twin paradigm. By generating from the digital twin, a dedicated and executable model for
a specific execution environment and connecting this to the physical asset, a series of powerful applications
are brought to a next level of effectiveness. Deployments of the Executable Digital Twin for virtual sensing,
X-in-the-loop, model predictive control, and model-based diagnostics bring these applications from an ad-
hoc trial-and-error level to an integrated part of the lifecycle engineering process.
First use cases show the intrinsic potential of the approach in full product life cycle, from design and design
validation, to manufacturing, commissioning, and system operation. The key element is that by closing the
loop between the physical and the digital world, the digital twin approach can show its full potential.
The enablement of the Executable Digital Twin however relies strongly on several powerful technology
building blocks such as Model Order Reduction, State Estimation, and Co-Simulation to which it poses
novel challenges and hence for which dedicated further research efforts will be needed. Research for the
next generations of the Executable Digital Twin will include bringing the models to the level of hardware
implementation (FPGA, custom IC) [75], hybrid co-simulation across heterogenous (and physically non-
collocated) platforms, enabled by 5G and 6G communication networks, as well novel modeling and
simulation paradigms. As the Executable Digital Twin allows for large scale deployment and even trading
of models, the concept is expected to enable new business models and might be a potential building block
for the Metaverse [76].
The presented work reflects a joined research endeavor from teams at Siemens Digital Industries Software
(Simcenter product line), Siemens Technology (Simulation and Digital Twin Technology Field), and KU
Leuven and Flanders Make as strategic research partners. The research is supported by multiple projects
funded by the European Commission, Vlaio (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship Agency) and the KU
Leuven Industrial Research Fund and constitutes a key part of the Siemens Company Core Technology
Simulation and Digital Twin, the support of all of which is gratefully acknowledged.
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Conference Paper
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The executable Digital Twin presented is an outcome of the project ReliaBlade and is built around a 12.6 m glass fiber reinforced polymer wind turbine rotor blade. A detailed finite element model of the blade is compressed into a reduced order model to make it useful for real-time simulations and monitoring. The Digital Twin is then established by combining the reduced order model with live sensor signal from a few strain gauges mounted along the blade. The executable Digital Twin concept allows estimating blade deformation as well as full-field strain responses by using smart virtual sensors. The combination of physical and virtual sensors running real-time during the operation of the turbine is key to perform Structural Health Monitoring of the blade behavior and to identify critical issues.
Conference Paper
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div class="section abstract"> Executable Digital Twins (xDT) are starting a revolution in the industry, where high fidelity simulation models extend their usage from the design and validation phases to in-operation and service phase. Two critical technology blocks in this revolution are Model Order Reduction and Smart Virtual Sensing. The former allows the high-fidelity models to be represented in compact forms and the latter allows to extend the limits of physical sensors and provide full field data combining simulation models and test data in a real-time estimator framework. The smart virtual sensing technology leverages a state-of-the-art Kalman filtering approach to combine the simulation and physical testing. This allows to virtually measure locations that are not accessible with physical sensors due to e.g. physical constrains or high temperatures. In case of large sensors setups, the instrumentation time, and hence the cost, can be greatly reduced by using a combination of physical and smart virtual sensors. Moreover, the estimation is performed in a non-deterministic framework in order to compensate for the modelling inaccuracies and measurement uncertainties. Throughout this paper, the smart virtual sensing technology is initially described and successively applied to virtually measure the stress hotspot locations of the anchorage of a truck axle to prevent its early failure. In this application, the morphology of the components does not allow the placement of any physical sensor at the stress hotspots due to the lack of physical space. In order to provide reliable virtual measurements, an xDT is first authored in Simcenter™ 3D using the Smart Virtual Sensing technology and it is successively imported in Simcenter Testlab™ to directly link the physical sensors to the xDT. This allows to quickly estimate the virtual measurements and process the results. </div
Full-text available
Digital Twins (DTs) are a conventional and well known concept, proposed in 70s, that are popular in a broad spectrum of sciences, industry innovations, and consortium alliances. However, in the last few years, the growth of digital assets and online communications has attracted attention to DTs as highly accurate twins of physical objects. Metaverse, as a digital world, is a concept proposed in 1992 and has also become a popular paradigm and hot topic in public where DTs can play critical roles. This study first presents definitions, applications, and general challenges of DT and Metaverse. It then offers a three-layer architecture linking the physical world to the Metaverse through a user interface. Further, it investigates the security and privacy challenges of using DTs in Metaverse. Finally, a conclusion, including possible solutions for mentioned challenges and future works, will be provided.
Full-text available
The simulation of complex engineering applications often requires the consideration of component-level dynamics whose nature and timescale differ across the elements of which the system is composed. Co-simulation offers an effective approach to deal with the modelling and numerical integration of such assemblies by assigning adequate description and solution methods to each component. Explicit co-simulation, in particular, is frequently used when efficient code execution is a requirement, for instance in real-time setups. Using explicit schemes, however, can lead to the introduction of energy artifacts at the discrete-time interface between subsystems. The resulting energy errors deteriorate the accuracy of the co-simulation results and may in some cases develop into the instability of the numerical integration process. This paper discusses the factors that influence the severity of the energy errors generated at the interface in explicit co-simulation applications, and presents a monitoring and correction methodology to detect and remove them. The method uses only the information carried by the variables exchanged between the subsystems and the co-simulation manager. The performance of this energy-correction technique was evaluated in multi-rate co-simulation of mechanical and multiphysics benchmark examples.
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To comply with the increasing complexity of new mechatronic systems and stricter safety regulations, advanced estimation algorithms are currently undergoing a transformation towards higher model complexity. However, more complex models often face issues regarding the observability and computational effort needed. Moreover, sensor selection is often still conducted pragmatically based on experience and convenience, whereas a more cost-effective approach would be to evaluate the sensor performance based on its effective estimation performance. In this work, a novel estimation and sensor selection approach is presented that is able to stabilise the estimator Riccati equation for unobservable and non-linear system models. This is possible when estimators only target some specific quantities of interest that do not necessarily depend on all system states. An Extended Kalman Filter-based estimation framework is proposed where the Riccati equation is projected onto an observable subspace based on a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the Kalman observability matrix. Furthermore, a sensor selection methodology is proposed, which ranks the possible sensors according to their estimation performance, as evaluated by the error covariance of the quantities of interest. This allows evaluating the performance of a sensor set without the need for costly test campaigns. Finally, the proposed methods are evaluated on a numerical example, as well as an automotive experimental validation case.
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The food industry has improved product quality while reducing production time and cost by automating production using programmable logic controllers (PLC) over the last several decades. However, many production plants still require some level of manual expert interaction, mainly because the production processes are not 100% under control. Operators are often still present to take quality samples, re-tune unit operation controls or resolve failures. The use of a physics-based "Digital Twin" is getting more and more traction to develop the equipment virtually due to the improvements in prediction accuracy and speed of computation. Digital twins allow engineers to find the optimal design before the unit goes into production. However, these digital twins can't be deployed at the operational level because they can be complex or too slow to react at the speed of operation. In this contribution a new set of solutions that lowers the barrier in executing the digital twins on the production floor is explain based on a few examples. This will deliver substantial return on investment (ROI) for the food production industry. They include technologies such as: • A machine learning based methodology to perform Model Order Reduction (MOR) on the digital twin in order to get real time response based on production information. • A machine learning based methodology to convert the reduced model into a virtual sensor for online quality predictions or predictive maintenance scheduling as well as to use it for creating an optimal controller of the unit based on the product requirements. • Fast edge computing hardware that can collect data from sensors and run the Executable Digital Twin (xDT) to suggest corrective action to the operator, in real time, or ultimately run in closed loop control.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a physics-based virtual sensing approach to estimate the full-field pressure responses during direct field acoustic excitation testing (DFAX) through MIMO random control. It makes use of a system level physics based model that consists of an electro-mechanical lumped parameter model of the speaker and a finite element model to describe the acoustic wave propagation. The known model inputs are the voltage signals sent out by the controller. Besides these, measured data from a limited set of microphones is also fed into a Kalman filter for state estimation. Both a native time domain model and a model that is derived from FRF data are converted into a generic state space form and are validated experimentally using a small-scale 45-speaker DFAX setup, instrumented with over 40 microphones. Using data from a MIMO random control experiment on the setup placed in a realistic environment, the estimated acoustic pressures were found to be significantly more accurate than pure simulation results for both virtual sensing methods.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a new method for automated tuning of Kalman based virtual sensors. Such virtual sensors use a Kalman filter to estimate non-measured quantities, based on measured data and a model. In order to achieve optimum accuracy, one must characterize the model prediction errors and the measurement errors by means of their respective covariance matrices. The latter determine the relative weighting of model information against measurement data, i.e. the tuning of the Kalman filter. Because the quantification of the model prediction error covariances is particularly difficult, many applications rely on tedious and sub-optimal manual tuning. This work proposes an alternative. It applies to linear oscillatory systems, as found in many structural or acoustic applications. The method provides optimized model error covariance values in a fast and automated manner, based on sensor datasheet info and steady state data from sensors that would already be required by the virtual sensor. It is validated experimentally on a mock-up of a direct field acoustic test setup. There, a Kalman based virtual sensor for the full pressure field is tuned. The validation shows that the proposed method achieves close-to-optimal accuracy, in a variety of studied cases with different model accuracies.