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Fetal abduction: historical perspectives,
methodology, and motives
Iqra NAEEM 1, Rana M. MATEEN 1, 2 *, Mureed HUSSAIN 1, Muhammad S. AFZAL 1,
Asma TARIQ 3, Muhammad A. SAQIB 4, Rukhsana PARVEEN 2
1Department of Life Sciences, School of Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan;
2Center for Applied Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan; 3School of Biochemistry and
Biotechnology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan; 4Department of Medical Lab Technology, National Skill
University, Islamabad, Pakistan
*Corresponding author: Rana M. Mateen, Department of Life Sciences, School of Science, University of Management and Technol-
ogy, Lahore, Pakistan. E-mail:
Fetal abduction, which involves the kidnapping of an unborn baby from the womb of an expecting mother by means of
crude rough cesarean section, has severely affected the society. Since 1974, there have been 36 incidents of fetal abduc-
tion reported worldwide. This often results in the death of the victims. In all cases, abductors were the women. Almost all
the abductors were older than their victims. This paper is designed to nd what persuades them to do this extreme form
of crime and what methodology is used during this crime by reviewing the 36 cases. The rst case of fetal abduction
was recorded in the US in 1974. Now, this is not limited to the just US. There are 8 reported cases from South Africa,
Colombia, Hong Kong, Brazil and Mexico. There are few cases of survival; just four women survived after the cesarean.
6 women faced the foiled fetal abduction attempts. Only eleven unborn survived the attacks. Fear of exposure of fake
pregnancy, miscarriage and loss of custody of children, desire to have more children, desire for motherhood, desire to
strengthen the relationship with the partner, and fear of anger and loss of partner, are some factors that motivate these
women to do this crime. Before executing the crime, fetal abductors fake their pregnancy. They can attack friends, family
members, coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances and strangers. They often utilize condence style tricks to persuade their
victims. After the crime, they try to pass off the infants as their children by giving various explanations.
(Cite this article as: Naeem I, Mateen RM, Hussain M, Afzal MS, Tariq A, Saqib MA, Parveen R. Fetal abduction: historical
perspectives, methodology, and motives. Minerva Forensic Med 2022;142:1-12. DOI: 10.23736/S2784-8922.22.01814-3)
Key words: Fetus; Crime; Forensic pathology.
Minerva Forensic Medicine 2022 March;142(1):1-12
DOI: 10.23736/S2784-8922.22.01814-3
Online version at
To be aware of this sort of crime, should we
sit down peacefully and wait for it to occur?
Or is it safer to think that this kind of crime only
takes place in other countries? Although mater-
nity wards of hospitals or health centers were
the places where the cases of newborn abduc-
tion occurred. Before the abduction, abductors
asked comprehensive queries about the facili-
ties and unit design by visiting many nurseries
and obstetrics wards. They normally planned
well about the kidnapping and often pretended
to be a nurse or other medical services suppli-
ers. Nevertheless, due to expended alertness
and strong security measures, infant abduction
cases have been reduced considerably from the
hospitals. But due to the implementation of bet-
ter security standards, another sort of abduction
has been created that does not take place in the
hospitals or health centers.1 This new type of ab-
duction is called fetal abduction which involves
the kidnapping of a pregnant woman and extrac-
tion of her fetus by doing a rough cesarean sec-
tion.2 To be specic, fetal abductors abduct the
pregnant woman to get the infant directly. It is
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compile the information related to the cases of
fetal abduction that have happened so far world-
wide. What are the motives of fetal abductors?
What makes them abduct the pregnant women?
What kind of strategies do they use? In this pa-
per, all information regarding fetal abduction
was retrieved after an extensive study of court
documents, several articles written on the inter-
net websites of newspapers and magazines, and
some review papers because there is no single
proper authentic website or software available
for the data collection.7
Fetal abduction cases
After extensive study, we found out there are 36
fetal abduction cases that have been recorded in-
ternationally so far, from 1974 to 15 May 2022.
The details of the well-reported cases have been
presented in Supplementary Digital Material 1,
Supplementary Table I6, 9-62 for easy understand-
ing. Among the 36, 28 cases have happened in
the US in different cities. Outside the US, only
8 cases were reported: three in South Africa, one
in Colombia, one in Hong Kong, two in Brazil
and one in Mexico. This means the crime of fetal
abduction is unusual outside the US till now.
The abductors in all these cases were women.
In two cases, two female abductors were in-
volved. In three cases, fetal abduction was done
by women who worked in association with some
accomplices (male or female). This means the
crime of fetal abduction is only limited to the in-
dividual level except the one that was perpetrated
by the government between 1976 and 1983 dur-
ing the Argentina war. Many pregnant women
were imprisoned by the government. Fetuses of
these women were taken out via either vaginal
or persuasive C (cesarean) section. The infants
were handed over to attentively chosen residents
who upheld the government.7 The mothers who
gave birth died during childbirth or were mur-
dered afterwards.
This sort of crime was unusual and infrequent
at the individual level before the 90s because
only one case was reported in 1987, after almost
13 years of the rst case in 1974. Then cases
were increased a little in the 90s as 4 cases were
reported till 1998 with a yearly gap. Since 2000,
not connected to medically induced labor and
obstetrical extraction.
Womb Raider is also a term which is used for
this crime.2 There is another tag “newborn kid-
napping by Cesarean section” suggested by Anne
Burgess, a forensic psychologist, in her 2002 ar-
ticle to elaborate on this crime.3
The two terms, fetus and infant, are being used
in this paper and the clarication of these two
is important for a better understanding of this
crime. Before birth, the term fetus is used, and
the infant is used at the time of birth. Accord-
ing to the NCMEC (National Center for Missing
& Exploited Children), there are total 335 con-
rmed abduction cases of infants, reported in the
US from 1964 to September 2021, and 21 report-
ed cases of fetal abduction have been conrmed
in the US which make up the 6% of the total in-
fant abduction cases. As a result of this cesarean
abduction, 9 fetuses lost life and 19 women were
murdered or died out of 21 cases.4
In 1974, the rst case of fetal abduction was
recorded in Philadelphia, a city of Pennsylvania
in the US. The abductor Winifred Ransom met 8
months pregnant Margaret Sweeney, befriended
her and then invited her to her home for lunch.
After lunch, the abductor knocked her uncon-
scious and removed her fetus by doing a Cesar-
ian section. When the victim gained conscious-
ness, the abductor stuck her with the helmet 20
times and then shot her 3 times. Then under the
oorboard of her home kitchen, the abductor
buried the body of the victim. The abductor then
presented the infant to her husband as her baby.
The police arrested her after three days when her
husband called the police. On the ground of in-
sanity, she was acquitted of the punishment and
released after 20 months from the psychologi-
cal organization.5 Since this incident happened,
many cases of this crime have been reported. The
most recent case of fetal abduction occurred in
New Boston, Texas on October 9, 2020 – a year
in which another abduction had already occurred.
Taylor Parker, 27, was found guilty of attacking
21-year-old Reagan Simmons-Hancock and re-
moving her fetus. Both the victim, Reagan Sim-
mons Hancock, and the baby died in that case.6
Because research related to fetal abductors
is not much available, this study is designed to
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motherhood. Instincts are the patterns of xed
actions that direct and characterize each member
of a species. They are instinctive, uncontrollable
and inherited.66 So, instinct cannot be utilized
regarding human behavior as humans are born
with certain reexes. We have no such drives that
cannot be controlled. We can pick our actions,
unlike lower mammals.67
The third issue with the above theory is that
many of the women already had children in these
cases, happened so far. In only 11 cases out of
36, women were obsessed with having a baby of
their own. 16 of the 36 known abductors were the
mothers of living children at the time of the crime:
The Jacqueline Williams had the 3 children,68 the
Felecia Scott had the two children,69 the Erin Rae
Kuhn-Brown had one baby,22 the Luzmilla Fierra
had the six children,29 the Lisa Montgomery had
the four children,30 the Peggy Jo Conner was the
mother of three children,70 the Tiffany Hall was
the mother of two children,71 the Julie Corey had
the ve children,41 the Korena Elaine Roberts
had the 2 children,72 the Veronica D. Deramous
had one child,45 the Kathy Coy was the mother of
two children,47 the Annette Morales-Rodriguez
had three children,48 the Pamela Causey-Fregia
was the mother of three children,46 the Dynel
Lane had the two children,73 the Brooke Lynn
had seven children,54 the Carisa Figueroa had one
child,58 and even, at the time of the crime, Laz-
erne Mannoe was pregnant when she kidnapped
Tasmidah Ganief.19 So the longing for mother-
hood could not be the only motive.
The belief of having a baby would strength-
en or secure the relationship with a partner was
another motivational factor observed in many
cases. Due to medical conditions such as tubal
ligation, ovarian problems, and hysterectomies,
these women were not able to bear more chil-
dren. This inability forced them to abduct preg-
nant women for an infant. For instance, the Luz-
milla Fierra had six children from the previous
marriage but she abducted the Solangela Carta-
gena to have another child so that she can save
her relationship with her boyfriend who wanted
to leave her.74 Similarly Kathy Coy, mother of
two children, abducted Jamie Stice so that she
could have another infant and keep going on
her relationship with her entangled husband.75
30 cases have been reported just in two decades.
The US had at least one case every year; there
were 4 cases in 2000, 2 cases in 2004, 2005,
2008, 2013, 2015 and 2020, 4 cases in 2009 and
3 cases in 2013. Furthermore, this crime rst
started in the US, now it has also grown outside
the U.S. it is also noted that 28 victims were
younger than their fetal abductors. In 6 cases, the
abductors were younger than the victims. Two
abductors were equal in age to their victims.
Now the question is what motivates a woman to
tear the other woman’s belly to get her unborn
baby? After studying all cases it was found that
the desire for motherhood and raising the baby as
her own is the one factor that motivates the fetal
abductors to abduct the fetus of other women.23
As indicated by a forensic psychiatrist Dr Phillip
Resnick, famous for his infanticide explanation,
these kidnappings are because of “the maternal
instinct run amok”.63 Another forensic psychia-
trist Dr Michael Stone also reverberated this the-
ory. He stated that “motherhood is a prime func-
tion that mothers carry out – that women carry
out.”64 To be specic, for these women, solely
justication behind their existence is to become a
mother at any cost because they have the biologi-
cal based drive for that.
For multiple reasons, this theory is trouble-
some. The rst reason is that the rate of infertil-
ity is rather high in women. About 9% of child-
bearing age women are infertile worldwide.65
That means this high infertility rate should lead
to widespread abduction of babies by infertile
women if the desire for maternity is the only
motive behind this crime. However, while new-
born child seizing is an issue, it is certainly not
a pandemic. Millions of women with infertility
around the world adopt, are involved in repro-
ductive clinical help or nd some peace with or
accept infertility without killing other women or
abducting babies.
The idea of “maternal instinct” is the second
issue in this discussion. Instinct and prime task
terms were used by the psychiatrists for women
in the above discussion as if they were subject
to the estrus cycle and primate associated with
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heavy work and get a lot of attention and care.
Baby showers with gifts are also organized to
celebrate the mother-to-be. She is like the center
of attention at home and in the family. This as-
sistance attracts these women and they feel the
urge to play this special role. Julie Corey, who
had 5 children from a previous marriage, had a
stillbirth three months before abducting Darlene
Haynes. She continued to fake her pregnancy to
solidify her relationship and kept receiving pub-
lic assistance.81
The nancial motive can also be considered.
Abductors may kidnap pregnant women and ille-
gally give their babies to couples or families so that
prot can be earned. But this sort of motive has not
been observed in any reported case. Age can also
be a contributor factor as almost 12 abductors had
35 plus age (Supplementary Table I, Figure 1).6, 9-62
In order to explore the methodology the fetal ab-
ductors used, the data of 36 cases is divided into
ve parts. 1) Before the crime; 2) selection; 3)
interaction; 4) at the moment of the crime; and 5)
after the crime.
Before the crime
In the months before the crime, almost all the fetal
abductors faked their pregnancy. Most of the fetal
Victoria Marie Perez was abducted by Pamela
Causey-Fregia who was the mother of 3 children.
The reason behind this was to get her husband
back by showing him an infant as her own.76
Preventing fake pregnancy revelation to a part-
ner is also another motive that was observed in
these cases. The boyfriend of Annette Morales-
Rodriguez, who had three children from a previ-
ous marriage, wanted a baby but she was not able
to get pregnant again. Initially, she faked her preg-
nancy without considering the abduction of a fetus
in the future. When the time reached where she
should have given birth to a child, she got pan-
icked. Feared that upon determining the decep-
tion of fake pregnancy, her partner would leave
her. This fear compelled her to abduct the Maritza
Ramirez Cruz to prevent the loss of her boyfriend
and his affection.77 Similarly, Phiengchai Sisou-
vanh Synhavong faked her pregnancy to make
her boyfriend marry her. When she reached her
due date, she had to abduct the Araceli Camacho
Gomez so that her faked pregnancy could not be
exposed.74 Lisa Montgomery had 4 children from
their previous marriage and faked pregnancy due
to tubal ligation to cement her relationship with
her new husband, involved in the custody debate
of her children with her ex-husband. She feared
that he would utilize her pregnancy to lie in his fa-
vor to get custody.30 So, preventing the loss of cus-
tody of her children was another motivating factor.
The desire to have another baby is also a moti-
vation factor that was observed. Erin Rae Kuhn-
Brown who was the mother of a son but wanted
to have another baby because she was obsessed
with her inability to have more children after a
hysterectomy.78 She abducted her niece, who ini-
tially agreed to let her aunt adopt her baby but
later she changed her mind.79
Public labelling, loss of reputation and con-
demnation have also been the contributing fac-
tors to abducting the infant of another woman.
Leung Sing-ting was under the pressure from her
in-laws after a series of miscarriages. She was
motivated to abduct Ms Lee to get the infant for
herself so that negative public labelling, loss of
reputation and condemnation can be prevented.43
In a study of 1983, it was found that women
feel they are treated well when they are preg-
nant.80 Pregnant women are not allowed to do
Figure 1.Motives for fetal abduction.
Fear of losing
the custody
of children
Fear of
of fake
to have more
child due
to medical
Desire for
To cement
with partner
Public labelling,
To prevent
the miscarriage
To fulll
the desire
of partner of
having his own
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childhood friends of the victims;53, 92 one of them
was also a babysitter of the victim’s children.92
One was the Facebook friend of the victim who
photographed the victim’s engagement and wed-
ding and had also met ofine many times.93 One
was the coworker of the victim in the casino. For
about a month, both victim and fetal abductor,
introduced through family members, have been
acquainted.94 One victim was the niece of the
fetal abductor.22 In one case, the victim was the
ex-girlfriend of the abductor’s cousin.83 Victims
faced their abductors while inside or leaving the
health clinics in some cases.12, 26, 95 In many cases,
fetal abductors and victims had met online. Social
networking sites,96, 97 online classied services,98
and childcare websites43 were included in online
contacts. Other meeting places included baby
stores,99 jail,100 where the victim was visiting her
boyfriend, homeless shelter,101 social gathering,3
dog show,102 and a bus stop.103 Telephone and
email were the other means via which victims
and abductors had met before the crime.102, 104, 105
Fetal abductors frequently relied on con-
dence style strategies to persuade their victims to
meet with them or to go with them.
In one case fetal abductors posed as sur-
veyor and said she was conducting the survey on
pregnant women to get the victim into her car.106
Fetal abductors pretended to be charity
workers or social workers and lured the victims
to go with them with the promise of giving them
baby things.107
In one case abductor persuaded her victim
that child gifts, ordered online, had been con-
veyed to her home by mistake, rather than the
victim’s home. She welcomed the victim to her
home to get the things.105
In one case, the victim was lured to a fake
baby shower. The victim went with the abductor
to the abandoned pottery. Meanwhile, the abduc-
tor told the guest the event has been called off.89
In two cases, fetal abductors lured the vic-
tims out of their houses for baby supply shop-
ping.97, 108
In one case, the fetal abductor lured the vic-
tim to her home with the promise of lunch.5
In two cases, fetal abductors persuaded the
victims and drove to their home by pretending to
purchase the things the victims were selling.83, 102
abductors were involved in several performances
aimed to persuade the people around them that
they are pregnant. They tricked the people around
them by wearing maternity wear.12, 82, 83 One took
the secure measure by wearing a padded preg-
nancy suit.84 Most of the fetal abductors support-
ed their claim of pregnancy by showing the so-
nogram pictures, obtained from the internet, got
from the doctor by persuading and stole from an-
other woman.2, 8, 46, 52, 59, 83, 85 Some showed posi-
tive pregnancy tests.46, 85 A baby heartbeat, found
online, was also played by one fetal abductor to
her husband.85 One fetal abductor also welcomed
people in her home so that they could feel the
kick of her baby by placing their hands on her ab-
domen.14 Some also attended the baby showers,
other held for them or which they threw them-
selves.83, 86 One perpetrator also hosted the party
for gender reveal.87 Many abductors bought the
baby items in preparation for their baby.83 The
nursery was also set up in some cases.59, 83 Many
abductors exceeded their date of delivery when
their due date approached.53, 83, 88 Some invested
their time on the internet to study how to carry
out a cesarean section.16, 52, 89 One also learnt
how to prompt the signs of childbirth.83 Some
also had prepared the obstetrics kit for the at-
tack.31, 90 Birthing classes were also attended by
a fetal abductor.83 One abductor often watched
the birth videos, on YouTube.91 The fake birth
certicate was also found in a case.36
Selection of victims
Three of the 36 fetal abductors were friends of
the victims. In order to understand this, the term
friend was used to describe the fetal abductor
whom the victim knew before the pregnancy. The
acquaintance term was used to dene the person
whom the victim had met during the pregnancy
either in person or via email, or by phone. In 17
cases, fetal abductors and victims were acquain-
tances. 9 fetal abductors were strangers to the
victims. One abductor was the family member of
the victim. 6 of the victims were the neighbors of
the fetal abductors.
Interaction with victims
Initially, fetal abductors and the victims met via
different channels. Two fetal abductors were the
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per spray was also used in one case to abduct
the victim.
To create the incisions in the victims, x-acto
knife, craft knife, razors, blades, scissors, small
scalpel, carpenters knife, utility knife, butcher
knife, carving knife, bread knife, box cutter and a
car key were the instruments utilized by fetal ab-
ductors. In 15 out of 36 cases, the C section was
done in the fetal abductor’s home, in ve cases it
was performed in the victim’s home, in one case
it was done in the car, one surgery was performed
in the motel room, in ve cases it was done in the
secluded areas (forest, mountain, abandoned pot-
tery, roadside and rural dust area), in one case,
abductor took the victim to the wooden area to
perform the surgery after beating in the victim
home, and in 1 case, it was performed in the
Mexico clinic.
Twenty-six of the victims died during the at-
tacks. Eleven attacks also killed the babies. Ex-
cept for one case, there was no case in which the
victim was alive and the child was not. All in-
fants who were in the gestation period of 6-7 ½
months did not survive. Most victims were in the
range of eight to nine months of pregnancy (Sup-
plementary Table I).6, 9-62 There were ten women
who survived the attacks. Four women survived
the attacks after cesarean section: one managed
to get help by crawling to a nearby house,113 one
called the police somehow,114 one was saved by a
group of teenagers,115 and one survived because
she was drugged, and her surgery was done by
a doctor.82 6 women survived because they es-
caped the attack. One was saved due to abduc-
tor’s husband who called the police after seeing
the bloody scene,44 one was stabbed but she ran
from the abductor’s car,26 one escaped from the
abductor’s house after being tortured for more
than one day,116 one was rescued by her eyewit-
ness,88 one was released by police whom a tipster
called from the hotel36 and one killed her abduc-
tor in self-defence and run from the house.105
Most of the bodies of the victims were found
at the place where they were attacked. Howev-
er, the bodies of the six victims were delivered
and thrown away in remote areas after the sur-
gery. One victim was dismantled and body parts
were scattered on two sides of the US-Mexico
The abductors (Rosa Botello and Paulyna
Botello, sisters) lured the victim (Laura Lugo) to
drive to Mexico for a prenatal checkup from their
In one case, fetal abductors lured the victim
with a ride to home and then lured to her home
on the way by saying she want to change her
In one case, the fetal abductor lured the vic-
tim out of her home for pizza.15
Abductors lured their victims to their homes
through online social sites with the promise of
baby items if they would consent to meet them
or to go with them.59, 90
In other cases, fetal abductors did not utilize
any strategy. They simply attacked the victim
and snatched the unborn. For instance, Taylor
Parker went to the Reagan Simmons Hancock
home, killed her by strangulation, and then per-
formed a cesarean section to extract the fetus.111
In two cases, in order to remove the potential
eyewitnesses, the fetal abductors also killed the
other children of the victims.83, 112
At the moment of the crime
At the time of the crime, many abductors used
several types of equipment in order to restrain
or murder their victims. Gun was utilized to
shoot the victims in ve cases. In one case, a
stun gun was used to subdue the victim and then
the wrist was slit. Victims were also drugged
in three cases so that they blacked out before
the cesarean delivery. In one case fetal abduc-
tor used the blunt force to kill the victim. The
fetal abductor also slashed the throat of the vic-
tim in one case so that she could not be able to
scream. In 12 cases, fetal abductors suffocated,
strangled and smothered their victims. Duct
tape, pillow, and rubber gloves were the weap-
ons utilized for suffocation and smothering, and
rope, electric cord, coaxial cable, cord and neon
pink rope were used for the strangulation. 5 vic-
tims were stabbed. 7 of the victims were beaten
by their attackers. These included baseball bat,
lamp, table leg, lava lamp, brick and helmet. In
one case, the fetal abductor got the victim drunk
and tied her to a tree for a caesarean section. In
four cases, victims were also bound before per-
forming the caesarean section. Moreover, pep-
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to persuade their victims to meet with them. They
often lure the victim with the promise of free
baby things. This crime started in the US. Now
it has speeded outside the US and progressively
growing in the US due to fast growing network.
In the past, when the internet was not too com-
mon, abductors had to steal sonogram pictures.
Now they can effortlessly access the pictures and
information, and stalk the mothers to be online.
There is a need to create awareness among the
people so that precautionary measures can be ad-
opted for pregnant women to prevent this crime.
1. Porter T. Caesarean Kidnapping: Maternal Instinct, Malin-
gering and Murder. In: Ruthven A, Madlo G, editors. Illumi-
nating the Dark Side: Evil, Women and the Feminine. Oxford:
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3. Burgess AW, Baker T, Nahirny C, Rabun JB Jr. New-
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After the crime
After the abduction, the fetal abductors tried to
pass off the baby as their own and explained the
unespected arrival of the babies with several ex-
cuses, such as that they had gone into labor and
gave birth on their own in the shower,48 shop-
ping mall car parking lot,117 bathtub at home,118
park,119 veld,50 on a rural road,27 while on a shop-
ping trip,120 on the side of the road,121 or deliv-
ered the baby in the hospital and were released
from the hospital due to a tuberculosis scar83 or
that they had left the hospital because they were
not treated well there.81
In some cases, partners called the authori-
ties.44, 53, 122 Fetal abductors were captured in the
hospitals in many cases, when they were seeking
medical assistance for themselves or the baby.
The evidence of medical examination were indi-
cating that they had not given birth. The medical
staff informed the police after seeing the slash
on the head of the baby in one case.123 In one
case, medical staff became suspicious when the
abductor refused the medical checkup.56 Victims,
who survived the attack or escaped from their as-
sault, and witnesses were engaged in recogniz-
ing the abductors. Others were identied through
various means such as telephone records,83
emails,102 ngerprints81 and complaints of neigh-
bors about the foul odor coming from the abduc-
tor’s home124 etc.
After capturing, the abductors gave excuses
such as the victim requested her to do a cesarean
section and took the baby because she did not de-
sire her baby,125 or she got this infant by paying
the money to the pregnant woman because she
had suffered a miscarriage and did not want her
mother to be upset126 or the victim sold her baby
for money to pay her bills.13
Fetal abduction is an upsetting subject and the
persons who kidnap the unborn children from the
womb of expecting mothers are always women.
They are motivated by the desire of having a
child of their own, fear of exposure, and fear of
loss of the things they value or love. They can
be friends, neighbors, acquaintances, coworkers
and strangers. Some abductors depend on tricks
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Authors’ contributions.—Iqra Naeem wrote the manuscript and collected data; Rana M. Mateen conceptualized and supervised the
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History.—Manuscript accepted: June 21, 2022. - Manuscript received: May 31, 2022.
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Woman seems to differ from man in her great tenderness and less selfishness. Woman, owing to her maternal instincts, display those qualities towards her infant in eminent degree; therefore it is likely that she would often extend them towards her fellow creatures. Abstract Since 1987, there have been at least 21 incidents worldwide of pregnant women being kidnapped and their fetuses forcibly removed via cesarean section. This usually results in the mother's death. In all cases, the perpetrator was a woman. This paper will review the 21 known cases to find the patterns and meaning behind the acts. It will discuss the condition known as Munchausen's disorder by proxy, and how these women represent an extreme form. These women don't simply want a baby; they Need one in order to secure all the rewards and privileges of motherhood. These women so desired the attention, care and love that society gives pregnant women and new mothers that they were willing to kill to obtain it.
The current article compares two cases involving the murders of two pregnant mothers for the kidnapping of their fetuses. The structure of the crimes includes seven steps. Both mothers were befriended by their killers (one before and one on the day of the murder and abduction), rendered unconscious by blunt force trauma, and then killed (one by strangulation and one by gunshot). Both bodies were moved after the murders and hidden, and later discovered by the circumstances of the babies’ births: crude cesarean section operations. One killer, Winifred Ransom, was diagnosed in 1975 with schizophrenia, acquitted as insane, sentenced to Byberry State Hospital and, on appeal, was released as “cured” 20 months later. The other killer, Julie Corey, was found guilty in 2014 and sentenced to life in prison. The cases illustrate two different eras in psychiatric nursing.
A two-part study examined attitudes toward pregnancy. The first part — a department store survey — looked at the location of maternity clothes in different status stores. Clothes were located differently, depending on the social class of the store. High status stores located them in or near lingerie and/or loungewear. Lower status stores located them in or near uniforms and/or half sizes. It is suggested that these differences reflect differential attitudes toward pregnancy in the different social classes. The second part of the study examined pregnant women's attitudes toward themselves. In line with the department store findings, there were differences between upper-class women and working-class women in self-report data. These data suggest that pregnancy is viewed differently, depending on social class.
A study of 30 cases of violence from a total sample of 199 cases of infant abductions between the years 1983 and 2000 included a subsample of six (or 20%) where the kidnapping was by cesarean section. The six cases are classified by type of crime. Four cases were classified as personal cause homicide, subtype cesarean section homicide; one case classified as personal cause, subtype domestic homicide, and one case classified as a criminal enterprise homicide. The behavioral profiles of the abductors included a confidence style approach to the victim mother, deception, and planning of the cesarean section. The forensic psychodynamics suggest a dual motive to cement a failing partner relationship and to fulfill a childbearing and delivery fantasy. Cesarean section murder suggests a new category of personal cause homicide.
INTRODUCTION The purpose of the present study was to review existing population surveys on the prevalence of infertility and proportion of couples seeking medical help for fertility problems. METHODS Population surveys, reporting the prevalence of infertility and proportion of couples seeking help in more and less developed countries, were reviewed. RESULTS Estimates on the prevalence of infertility came from 25 population surveys sampling 172 413 women. The 12-month prevalence rate ranged from 3.5% to 16.7% in more developed nations and from 6.9% to 9.3% in less-developed nations, with an estimated overall median prevalence of 9%. In 17 studies sampling 6410 women, the proportion of couples seeking medial care was, on average, 56.1% (range 42–76.3%) in more developed countries and 51.2% (range 27–74.1%) in less developed countries. The proportion of people actually receiving care was substantially less, 22.4%. Based on these estimates and on the current world population, 72.4 million women are currently infertile; of these, 40.5 million are currently seeking infertility medical care. CONCLUSIONS The current evidence indicates a 9% prevalence of infertility (of 12 months) with 56% of couples seeking medical care. These estimates are lower than those typically cited and are remarkably similar between more and less developed countries.
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