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Сочетание ионного облучения и наноиндентирования является обширной областью исследований, которая включает в себя не только эксперименты, но и моделирование, способное выявить особенности деформационного поведения материалов на микро- и наномасштабе. Проведенное в работе моделирование позволило оценить соответствие между параметрами прочности, измеряемыми в ходе испытаний на растяжение макрообразцов, облученных нейтронами, и результатами динамического инструментального индентирования образцов, участвовавших в эксперименте по облучению ионами. Рассчитанный в ходе моделирования прирост твердости оказался сопоставим с полученным экспериментально, что говорит о работоспособности методики. Пластическое поведение, свойственное образцам в эксперименте, проявляющееся в снижении высоты валов при увеличении дозы облучения, подтвердилось и в моделировании.

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In this paper, deformation behavior of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) during thermal indentation was demonstrated by the finite element method using ABAQUS S/W. Forming conditions to reduce the elastic recovery and pile-up were proposed. Thermal nanoindentation experiments were carried out at the temperature range of 110 ~ 150 °C. The indenter was modeled as a rigid surface. The finite element analysis (FEA) approach is capable of reproducing the loading-unloading behavior for a thermal nanoindentation test and thus comparison between the experimental data and numerical results were demonstrated. The result of the investigation will be applied to the fabrication of the hyper-fine pattern.
In this work, dynamic instrumental indentation was used for the analysis of mechanical properties of ferritic-martensitic steels Eurofer97 and ODS Eurofer (oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy). We investigated the samples both in the initial state and after irradiation with Fe2+ ions at a temperature of 300 °C to a fluence of 1‧1016 cm-2. A nanohardness tester NanoScan-4D allowed to show the hardness increasing effect of the surface layers on the irradiated with ions samples for both types of steel. The experimentally obtained hardness values showed that an indentation depth corresponded to the irradiated layers is up to 500 nm. It is significantly lower than the ions penetration depth, which was about 2 µm for the samples under review. This depth limitation arises due to the influence on the hardness of the plastic zone reaches to inner layers of the sample. The nanoindentation on the metal samples leads to a development of the pile-up of the material, which distort the data on the mechanical characteristics. In order to correct the calculated values of hardness, the surfaces of the samples were scanned on a Sensofar S Neox confocal microscope. The height of pile-ups, arising from the penetration of the diamond pyramid into the material, showed that the initial values of hardness were overestimated by 20%. Taking into account appeared during the indentation pile-ups, calculated hardening of the irradiated Eurofer97 sample was (0.58 ± 0.06) GPa. It was turned out to be lower than the difference in hardness of the irradiated and inner layer of the ODS Eurofer sample, which was (0.79 ± 0.08) GPa.
The hardness values of samples of ferritic–martensitic steel Eurofer 97 in the initial state and after irradiation with 5.6 MeV Fe²⁺ ions up to a fluence of 1 × 10¹⁶ cm–2 at a temperature of 300°C are compared. The mechanical properties are tested by the method of instrumental indentation using the dynamic mechanical analysis technique. To correct the obtained hardness values, the geometry of the plastic imprints is measured by the method of atomic force microscopy. Irradiation with heavy ions gives rise to an increase in the hardness value in comparison with the initial sample. This indicates a radiation-induced decrease in the plasticity of steel Eurofer 97, which should be taken into account in the case of using it as a construction material for new-generation fusion reactors.
Energetic ions can be used to understand the effects of neutron irradiation on reactor components while avoiding high residual radioactivity and the problem of finding suitable test reactors. The chapter begins with a summary of the motivation for using ion irradiation for radiation damage studies, followed by a brief review of radiation damage relevant to charged particles. The contribution of ion irradiation to our understanding of radiation damage is presented next, followed by an account of the advantages and disadvantages of the various ion types for conducting radiation damage studies, and wrapping up with a consideration of practical issues in ion irradiation experiments.
Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) Eurofer97 steel (EU batch, 0.3wt.% of Y2O3 particles), produced by mechanical alloying followed by hot rolling, is irradiated in the High Flux Reactor in Petten, The Netherlands at three different irradiation temperatures (300, 450 and 550°C) up to nominal doses of 1dpa and 3dpa. The effect of neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of ODS Eurofer97 material is investigated. It is shown that the irradiation hardening of ODS Eurofer97 steel occurs at 300°C, whereas during irradiation at 450 and 550°C no changes in mechanical properties are observed compared to the unirradiated material. This effect is possibly a result of the annealing of the irradiation damage at temperatures higher than 300°C. The observed shifts in the Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperatures due to irradiation at different temperatures are discussed and compared with non-ODS Eurofer97 steel.
The indentation load-displacement behavior of six materials tested with a Berkovich indenter has been carefully documented to establish an improved method for determining hardness and elastic modulus from indentation load-displacement data. The materials included fused silica, soda–lime glass, and single crystals of aluminum, tungsten, quartz, and sapphire. It is shown that the load–displacement curves during unloading in these materials are not linear, even in the initial stages, thereby suggesting that the flat punch approximation used so often in the analysis of unloading data is not entirely adequate. An analysis technique is presented that accounts for the curvature in the unloading data and provides a physically justifiable procedure for determining the depth which should be used in conjunction with the indenter shape function to establish the contact area at peak load. The hardnesses and elastic moduli of the six materials are computed using the analysis procedure and compared with values determined by independent means to assess the accuracy of the method. The results show that with good technique, moduli can be measured to within 5%.
Nanoindentation is now commonly used for the study of mechanical properties of materials on the nanoscale. One of the significant improvements in nanoindentation testing is the continuous stiffness measurement (CSM) technique. It offers a direct measure of dynamic contact stiffness during the loading portion of an indentation test and, being somewhat insensitive to thermal drift, allows an accurate observation of small volume deformation. Nanoscale damage caused by fatigue is of critical importance to the reliability of ultrathin protective overcoats and micro/nanostructures. The cyclic loading used in the CSM makes the technique useful for the evaluation of nanofatigue. Methodologies of the CSM technique used for the characterization of layered materials and nonhomogeneous composites are reviewed and discussed. Applications of the CSM technique to the measurement of contact stiffness, elastic modulus, hardness, creep resistance, and fatigue properties of the materials used in magnetic storage devices are presented. The nanoindentation CSM technique, in conjunction with nanoscratch and friction and wear tests, can be satisfactorily used for the materials characterization of magnetic storage and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices and should find more application.
Микроструктура и механические свойства малоактивируемой ферритно-мартенситной стали ЭК-181 (Rusfer-EK-181) // Перспективные материалы
  • М В Леонтьева-Смирнова
Леонтьева-Смирнова М.В. et al. Микроструктура и механические свойства малоактивируемой ферритно-мартенситной стали ЭК-181 (Rusfer-EK-181) // Перспективные материалы. 2006. Т. 6. С. 40-52.
Получение томограммы механических свойств методами наноиндентирования // НАНОИН-ДУСТРИЯ
  • А С Усеинов
  • К С Кравчук
  • И И Маслеников
Усеинов А.С., Кравчук К.С., Маслеников И.И. Получение томограммы механических свойств методами наноиндентирования // НАНОИН-ДУСТРИЯ. 2014. № 1. C. 34-39.
Comparison of Hardening Effects of Eurofer97 and Ods Eurofer Steels Under Ion Irradiation // Izv
  • E V Gladkikh