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Unique targeted testing of the urogenital microbiome has potential as a predictive test during IVF for implantation outcome.


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this pilot study was to develop a method characterising the urogenital microbiome as a predictive test in the IVF workup. Using unique custom qPCRs we tested for the presence of specific microbial species from vaginal samples and First Catch Urines from the male. The test panel included a range of potential urogenital pathogens, STIs, ‘favourable’ (Lactobacilli spp.) and ‘unfavourable’ bacteria (anaerobes) reported to influence implantation rates. We tested couples attending Fertility Associates, Christchurch, New Zealand for their first round of IVF and found that some microorganisms affected implantation. The qPCR result was interpreted qualitatively using the Z proportionality test. Samples from women at the time of Embryo Transfer who did not achieve implantation had significantly higher percent of samples that were positive for Prevotella bivia and Staphylococcus aureus compared to women who did achieve implantation. The results provide evidence that most microorganisms chosen for testing had little functional effect on implantation rates. The addition of further microbial targets (yet to be determined) could be combined in this predictive test for vaginal preparedness on the day of Embryo Transfer. This methodology has a substantial advantage of being affordable and easily performed in any routine molecular laboratory. This methodology is most suitable as a foundation on which to develop a timely test of microbiome profiling. Using the indicators detected to have a significant influence, these results can be extrapolated to a rapid antigen test for a woman to self-sample prior to Embryo Transfer as an indicator of likely implantation.
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Unique targeted testing of the urogenital microbiome has
potential as a predictive test during IVF for implantation
Gloria Evelyn Evans ( )
University of Auckland Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Vishakha Mahajan
Sarah Wakeman
Tania Slatter
Anna Ponnampalam
Trevor Anderson
Makhdoom Sarwar
John Evans
Research Article
Keywords: IVF, urogenital microbiome, predictive test, implantation rates
Posted Date: October 25th, 2022
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  Read Full
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The aim of this pilot study was to develop a method characterising the urogenital microbiome as a predictive test in
the IVF workup. Using unique custom qPCRs we tested for the presence of specic microbial species from vaginal
samples and First Catch Urines from the male. The test panel included a range of potential urogenital pathogens,
STIs, ‘favourable’ (
spp.) and ‘unfavourable’ bacteria (anaerobes) reported to inuence implantation
We tested couples attending Fertility Associates, Christchurch, New Zealand for their rst round of IVF and found
that some microorganisms affected implantation.
The qPCR result was interpreted qualitatively using the Z proportionality test. Samples from women at the time of
Embryo Transfer who did not achieve implantation had signicantly higher percent of samples that were positive
Prevotella bivia
Staphylococcus aureus
compared to women who did achieve implantation.
The results provide evidence that most microorganisms chosen for testing had little functional effect on
implantation rates. The addition of further microbial targets (yet to be determined) could be combined in this
predictive test for vaginal preparedness on the day of Embryo Transfer. This methodology has a substantial
advantage of being affordable and easily performed in any routine molecular laboratory.
This methodology is most suitable as a foundation on which to develop a timely test of microbiome proling. Using
the indicators detected to have a signicant inuence, these results can be extrapolated to a rapid antigen test for a
woman to self-sample prior to Embryo Transfer as an indicator of likely implantation.
The urogenital microbiome of couples attending their rst IVF was compared to implantation rates. Unique custom
qPCR methodology detected signicantly different levels of microorganisms in women who did not achieve
1 Introduction
Lack of implantation of an embryo into the endometrium in women undergoing IVF is far too common an
occurrence. Implantation rates worldwide are still disappointingly low [1] and few reliable predictive tests are
Researching the urogenital microbiome using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene
has been reported [2]. The major ndings were that women whose vagina was dominated by a variety of
Lactobacilli species had the most favourable pregnancy outcome [2] and is still considered an indicator of vaginal
health [3] by maintaining an acidic pH to aid protection from the effect of anaerobes and
Escherichia coli
Further, women who harboured anaerobes notably
Gardnerella vaginalis
[5, 6] causing Bacterial/Anaerobic
vaginosis and potential pathogens
Enterococcus sp., Escherichia coli
Streptococcus sp.
also had a less
favourable outcome [2, 3]. Findings supported by others, in women [7–10] and in the male [11].
Because of the diculty with recruitment we report this work as a pilot study. This study investigated this concept
that a range of specic microbial species present in the urogenital tract of couples undergoing their rst round of
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IVF could affect the implantation rates of the transferred embryo.
This project determined to understand the biodiversity of the microbiome reported to inuence IVF outcome. Our
aim was to initiate the development of a rapid, affordable, predictive test of microbiome proling in the routine IVF
workup. Individual microbiome proling could have the potential to assist the couple in deciding whether to
continue IVF in that cycle.
Our testing panel included
species, anaerobes, potential urogenital pathogens and STIs. Additional
testing also included the most common STI, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). So far, 18 high-risk and 12 low-risk
subtypes of genital HPV have been identied [12]. HPV has been implicated in inuencing IVF outcome in women
[13, 14] and in the male [15] although others have reported this association to be less clear [16]. Of the STIs
included for testing
Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum
Mycoplasma hominis
have been reported to
contribute to the condition of anaerobic vaginosis [4, 17] and been implicated in affecting reproduction outcomes
[18, 19]. Further,
Mycoplasma genitalium
has also been reported in couples experiencing failed IVF [20].
2 Methods
This study received the approval of the Southern Health and Disability Ethics Committee, New Zealand application
number 15/STH/65.
2.1 Sample population:
Samples were collected prospectively from a heterogenous group of 32 couples who attended Fertility Associates
clinic in Christchurch, New Zealand and satised the following criteria.
Inclusion criteria included: Couples aged 20–40 without any confounding health issues, who had not taken
antibiotics in the previous month, were non-smokers and undergoing their rst, fresh IVF cycle
Exclusion criteria included: Women on frozen embryo transfer cycles. Male partners with frozen semen.
2.2 Samples collected:
Women had two vaginal samples collected, the rst obtained by self-collection and the second collected by the
clinician [21]:
1. Baseline Sample A, Collected The Cycle Before The Ivf Cycle, In The Mid
Luteal Phase.
2. Sample B At Fresh Embryo Transfer (Et).
3. Baseline Sample C from the male partner, fresh semen or a First Catch Urine (FCU). A further semen sample was
collected at ET in MycoDuo media for Mycoplasmataceae culture.
Vaginal samples were collected repurposing swabs for molecular testing uing the BD ProbeTec Qx collection kit
441357, Cat. 22-370-171 (Fisher Scientic).
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Of the 32 couples who consented to participate in this project, 2 were excluded as they did not proceed on to IVF the
following cycle. Therefore n = 30 couples.
2.3 Techniques employed for the detection of microbial
1. Nugent Gram stain scores were assessed for visible bacterial populations present in vaginal swabs A and B
2. qPCR for molecular presence or absence of microbial species in samples A, B and C [23].
3. Molecular detection for the presence or absence of
Human Papilloma Virus
(HPV) - with subtyping, using the
Euroimmun HPV typing array (Perkin Elmer) [12] in samples A, B C or semen in MycoDuo media (ET).
4. Culture of male partner’s semen sample (at ET) collected in MycoDuo medium (BioRad) [24] for the detection
Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum
(Ureaplasma parvum).
2.3.1 Nugent Gram stain scores obtained from vaginal swabs:
Gram staining was performed on all vaginal swabs. WBC, Lactobacilli, Gardnerella and anaerobes were noted [22].
Squamous epithelial cells were noted to conrm the sample had been well collected. Scores were allocated from 0
to 4 where 0 indicated no anaerobes present but a predominance of Lactobacilli, whereas a value of 4 indicated a
predominance of
Gardnerella vaginalis
 ± other anaerobes.
2.3.2 Molecular testing platform for microbial species:
Unique Qiagen, Custom Microbial DNA qPCR Arrays Cat No. 330161 CBAID00051 (Qiagen) [23] are a user dened
assay developed specically for this project. PCR detected the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Probes were designed for
speciic targets that were user-dened microbial species. (Table1).
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Table 1
Microbial targets chosen for qPCR testing
Gene Symbol Target name for microbial species NCBI taxonomy ID
A.Prev Anaerococcus prevotii 33034
C.Trac Chlamydia trachomatis 813
E.Faecalis Enterococcus faecalis 1351
F.Magn Finegoldia magna 1260
G.Vagi Gardnerella vaginalis 2702
L.Cris Lactobacillus crispatus 47770
L.Gass Lactobacillus gasseri 1596
L.Iner Lactobacillus iners 147802
L.Jens Lactobacillus jensenii 109790
M.Geni Mycoplasma genitalium 2097
M.Homi Mycoplasma hominis 2098
N.Gono Neisseria gonorrhoeae 485
P.Bivi Prevotella bivia 28125
S.Aure Staphylococcus aureus 1280
S.Agal Streptococcus agalactiae 1311
T.Vagi Trichomonas vaginalis 5722
U.Parv Ureaplasma parvum 2130
U.Urea Ureaplasma urealyticum 1352
E.Faecium Enterococcus faecium 1352
E.Coli Escherichia coli 623
S.Pyog Streptococcus pyogenes 1314
Pan1 Pan Bacteria 1
PPC Positive PCR Control
The molecular testing platform wase categorised into 5 groups:
1. anaerobes -
Anaerococcus prevotii, Finegoldia magna, Gardnerella vaginalis
(facultative anaerobe),
spp. -
Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus iners, Lactobacillus jensenii.
3. Potential urogenital pathogens -
Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pyogenes
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4. STIs -
Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae,
Ureaplasma parvum
Ureaplasma urealyticum
and the parasite
Trichomonas vaginalis. Human papilloma
with subtyping was tested for on a separate platform.
5. Three PCR controls were included for each sample, PCR Positive Control, and probes for both pan bacteria and
Microbial DNA extraction (mDNA).
Vaginal swabs, semen or FCU deposits containing mixed DNA, had microbial DNA (mDNA) extracted using the
QIAmp UCP Pathogen Minikit #50214 [25].
Briey, the deposit of each sample was pre-treated in pathogen lysis tubes with Buffer ATL (containing Reagent Dx)
and vortexed to assist lysis of microbial species. The supernatant was then added to Proteinase K and incubated at
56°C. Buffer APL2, and was then added and further incubated. The lysate was precipitated with ethanol and applied
to the QIAmp UCP mini spin column. The column was washed with two buffers (APW1 and APW2) and the
resultant puried microbial DNA eluted off the column with Buffer AVE.
Testing platform for molecular testing of microbial species.
The 96-well microtitre plates were produced in 24 x 4 samples format. Microbial qPCR mastermix Format A with
Rox a passive reference dye was used containing PCR primers that detected the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. The
amplied product was detected using target-specic uorescent hydrolysis probes present in designated wells.
qPCR set up.
A standardised amount of 125ng of mDNA was recommended and used per reaction. This constant input of DNA
allowed for comparison of results.
A total volume of 25µL reaction mix was added per well.
qPCR was performed on the Quant Studio 6 Flex, Applied Biosystems platform (Life Technologies).
Thermocycling conditions: activation 10min 95°C 1 cycle, 2-step cycling of 45 cycles – denaturation 15 sec 95°C,
annealing and extension 2 min 60°C.
The threshold cycle (Ct) was calculated for each well for data analysis.
2.3.3 Molecular testing for HPV:
The EUROarray HPV testing platform detected 30 genital HPV types Table2, (EUROIMMUN, Perkin Elmer) [12].
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Table 2
HPV types tested using
the EUROarray testing
18 high
risk HPV
12 low
risk HPV
16 6
18 11
26 40
31 42
33 43
35 44
39 54
45 61
51 70
52 72
53 81
56 89
Viral DNA extraction.
Viral DNA was extracted using the QIAmp DNA Mini Protocol #51304 (Qiagen).
Briey, vaginal swabs were treated with Proteinase K and Buffer ATL and incubated at 56°C for 16 hours to assist
lysis. The lysate was precipitated with ethanol and applied to the QIAmp mini spin column. The column was
washed with two buffers (AW1 and AW2) and the resultant puried viral DNA eluted off the column with Buffer AE.
Semen and FCU deposits were treated with a different extraction using the High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit
# 11796828001 (Roche) [26].
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Briey, the sample deposit was treated with Binding Buffer and Proteinase K and incubated at 70°C. The lysate was
precipitated with isopropanol and applied to a High Pure Filter tube. The column was washed with Inhibition
Removal Buffer then Wash Buffer. The resultant puried viral DNA was eluted off the column using Elution Buffer.
qPCR set up.
As per instructions of product number MN 2540 − 2005 (EUROIMMUN, Perkin Elmer).The Microarray platform
detected oncogenes E6/E7 [12] using subtype specic primers and probes.
2.3.4 Culture for the detection of
Mycoplasma hominis
Ureaplasma urealyticum (
Ureaplasma parvum)
Samples were cultured according to the manufacturer’s instructions [24].
Briey, 0.2mL of semen or FCU was placed in Mycoplasma Duo culture medium. This culture uid was inoculated
directly into one well of a microplate to detect the presence of Mycoplasmas with titres of  103 CCU/mL, which
were considered as being present in a commensal role. The second well contained further diluted sample to detect
growth of Mycoplasmas at  104 CCU/mL, considered indicative of a pathogenic level of Mycoplasmas [24]. The
microplate was then incubated at 37°C for up to 48 hours. The presence of
Mycoplasma hominis
was noted when
the test wells containing arginine were hydrolysed and the phenol red indicator was changed to red, similarly,
Ureaplasma urealyticum/Ureaplasma parvum
hydrolysed urea within the well also changed the indicator red.
It should be noted that according to the manufacturers instructions the Mycoplasma Duo kit can also detect
Ureaplasma parvum
in the
U. urealyticum
U. parvum
was originally a Biovar of
U. urealyticum
before it was
proposed to be renamed as a distinct species based on phylogenetic analysis [24, 27].
2.4 Data analysis:
2.4.1 Quantitative level of microbial species detected.
The presence of a particular microbial species was determined using the crossing point (Ct) where a positive signal
had crossed the baseline. Samples that crossed the baseline at 20–22 cycles were awarded a value of 10,
compared to a sample which required 38–40 cycles for detection were awarded a value of 1.
2.4.2 Qualitative analysis of the percent of samples that were
The data was converted to being positive (+) or negative (-) for each microorganism. The percent of samples with a
positive signal was estimated.
From this data, a one tailed Z proportionality test was used to detect the differences between the study groups
where a
values of < 0.05 was considered signicant. Samples collected at the same time were compared –
Samples A+ (implantation) were compared to Sample A- (no implantation) etc..
2.4.3 Data analysis of testing for HPV
Analysis and interpretation was fully automated using EUROArrayScan software [12].
3 Results
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Thirty couples were retrospectively categorised into two groups, those who achieved implantation (implantation
only, implantation and pregnancy only or a live birth) n = 15, and those who did not achieve implantation n = 15.
3.1 Nugent Gram stain scores obtained from vaginal swabs.
Gram staining indicatied there was minimal difference in Nugent scores from vaginal swabs taken at baseline (A)
and ET (B), from women who achieved implantation and those who did not (Table 3). In fact, most Nugent scores
tended to be predominantly anaerobic from both groups of women.
Women who
score mean
Women who
with a
of Lactobacilli
detected by
Women who
with a
of anaerobes
detected by
Women who
did not
score mean
Women who
did not
with a
of Lactobacilli
detected by
Women who
did not
with a
of anaerobes
detected by
Table 3
Nugent scores from vaginal swabs from women sampled at the baseline cycle (Sample A) and at embryo transfer
(Sample B) for those who achieved implantation and those who did not. The percent of samples that were positive
sp. and anaerobes detected by qPCR is added for comparison.
2.6 33% 40% 2.7 33% 27%
2.9 7% 47% 3.1 13% 40%
In women who had a Nugent score indicating anaerobes, none of the four urogenital anaerobes tested for were
found in 4 of 15 women who achieved implantation and 2 of 15 women who did not. Suggesting, that the
anaerobes seen microscopically were not selected to be included in the qPCR testing panel.
Three further distinctive anaerobes
Mobiluncus sp.
Peptosptreptococcus sp.
Atopobium vaginae
implicated in
anaerobic vaginosis were not included in the qPCR panel as they can be easily identied by their specic
morphology, were not seen.
3.2 Molecular testing for microbial species.
qPCR for microbial species detected organisms with increased sensitivity compared to traditional microscopy.
Table 3 demonstrates a comparison of molecular detection to a Nugent score.
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Table 3 also indicates that for Sample A only a third of women in both groups (implantation or no implantation)
had a predominant population of
sp. in baseline samples, dropping to just one or two samples for
Sample B from both groups of women.
It was noted that the STIs
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
and potential urogenital pathogens
Enterococcus faecium
Streptococcus pyogenes
were not detected in any samples by qPCR. Therefore, these
bacteria were excluded from the data analysis.
The most commonly detected bacterium in both groups was
Lactobacilli crispatus
. It was more common for a
woman to have the same mircoorganism detected or not detected. Thus,
of microbial species detected
altered, but not their
3.2.1 Quantitative level of microbial species detected.
Samples from the two groups of couples were quantitatively compared using the students
Individual samples.
1. In Samples A and B, there was no signicant difference between the two groups in the means for each microbial
2. Sample C, only
Lactobacilli crispatus
was signicantly different in the male partners of women who had not
achieved implantation
 = 0.04.
Dynamic characteristics of the microbiome.
3. In women who achieved implantation levels of microbial species - Sample A vs B were compared to determine
the variation in microbial ora. Anaerobe
Finegoldia magna p
 = 0.02 had signicantly different levels higher in
Sample A.
4. In women who did not achieve implantation - Samples A v B were compared. Anaerobes
Anaerococcus prevotii
= 0.05 and
Finegoldia magna
 = 2x10− 4 had signicantly different levels higher in Sample A.
5. In couples who achieved implantation - Sample A vs C were compared. Anaerobes
Anaerococcus prevotii p
Finegoldia magna p
 = 7x10− 4 and
Prevotella bivia
p = 6 x10− 4, and
Lactobacilli jensenii p
 = 8x10− 5 and
Lactobacilli gasserei p
 = 0.03 had signicantly different levels which were higher in Sample A.
6. In couples who did not achieve implantation, - Samples A v C were compared. Anaerobes
Anaerococcus prevotii
 = 9x10− 5 and
Finegoldia magna p
 = 1x10− 4, and
Lactobacilli gasserei p
 = 0.001 and
Lactobacilli iners p
 = 0.03 had
signicantly different levels which were higher in Sample A.
The results in paragraphs iii) and vi) led us to believe that a woman self-sampling (Sample A) possibly had a more
effective sampling style for obtaining vaginal epithelial cells to which microbial species often adhere. Despite
of microbial species detected being increased, this did not often correlate with the success or failure of
implantation. Using quantitative levels revealed little useful information.
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3.2.2 Qualitative analysis of the percent of samples that were
Thus, alternative analysis was required. Samples from the two groups of couples were qualitatively compared
using the Z test.
i. The percent of positive signals were determined in women from both groups with Samples A v B (Fig. 1). A
reduction in anaerobic numbers in Sample B in both groups of women was noted whereas for
Lactobacilli sp
potential pathogens and STIs the levels detected remained stable demonstrating stability of some urogenital ora
during two luteal phases of the cycle [28]. Of the anaerobes tested, the percent of samples that were positive for
Anaerococcus prevotii, Finegoldia magna
Prevotella bivia
were more unstable between samples. Substantially
more bacteria were detected in the baseline sample A than in Sample B at ET. Interestingly,
Gardnerella vaginalis
levels tended to remain stable, possibly indicating that this bacterium did not inuence the success or failure of
implantation (Fig. 1). Further,
Gardnerella vaginalis
was the least commonly detected anaerobe. Variable signals for
anaerobes only, indicated that their presence was not an artefact.
ii. The percent of samples that were positive for all 3 sample sets were then compared and presented within
separate groups of microbial species – anaerobes, Lactobacillaceae, potential urogenital pathogens and
Mycoplasmataceae (including
Trichomonas vaginalis
) (Fig. 2A-D). Figure 2 indicates the high number of samples
that were positive for
Lactobacilli crispatus
and the moderate number of samples positive for
Lactobacilli iners
both groups indicating that these bacteria do not inuence success or failure of implantation.
iii. The percent of samples that were positive were then observed within each sample set where Sample A(+)
implantation was compared to Sample A(-) no implantation and so on (i.e. B + vs B- ; C + vs C-). Table 4
demonstrates where the Z test detected signicant differences between the study groups.
Table 4
The Z score
of microbial
present in
samples (A,
B and C) of
couples who
did achieve
(+) and
couples who
did not (-)
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Comparison of Sample B + and B- produced a
value that was signicant for
Prevotella bivia
The percent of samples that were positive were signicantly higher in women who did not achieve
implantation. Sample C produced a signicant
value for
Lactobacillus crispatus
where levels were higher for male
partners of women who did not achieve implantation.
3.3. Molecular testing for viral species on a separate platform
Human papilloma virus with subtyping.
HPV was detected in 5 women and 1 male of the total 30 couples, although there was an absence of HPV in their
partners. In the group who achieved implantation - one woman had a reported low-risk subtype, another woman had
3 subtypes detected of which one was high risk, a male partner also had a high risk subtype of HPV detected. Of the
two women with HPV detected who did not achieve implantation, one had a high risk subtype and the other a low
risk subtype detected. We were unable to detect any HPV DNA in one woman who achieved a live birth.
3.4. Culture for the detection of
Mycoplasma hominis,
Ureaplasma urealyticum (and Ureaplasma parvum).
The potential inuence of the male partner was further examined whereby a semen sample from the male partner
at ET was cultured for Mycoplasmas.
For women who achieved implantation, their partners’ samples were positive by culture for
Ureaplasma urealyticum
in 4 cases, none were conrmed by qPCR. For women who did not achieve implantation their partners displaying a
positive result in 4 cases, 3 were conrmed by qPCR. qPCR detected Mycoplasma species with increased sensitivity
in 13 couples who achieved implantation and in 15 couples who did not. Dual infections were commonly detected
by qPCR.
4 Discussion
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Although this pilot study where the numbers recruited are limited, this is in the common range of other IVF studies
[28–32]. We are investigating ‘if a panel of individual microorganisms is able to predict implantation success
during IVF.’
The aim of this study was to determine a foundation for an accessible, predictive test of the urogenital microbiome
proling to t into the routine IVF workup. We used a collection method easily accomplished by both patient and
We found that using the traditional methodology of Nugent scores was of little assistance as a diagnostic tool to
indicate implantation outcome. Most vaginal samples from either group (i.e. implantation or no implantation)
exhibited a predominance of anaerobes, only a few samples were dominated by
Lactobacilli sp.
This technique is
still used and currently reported [4]. The lack of value of the Nugent scoring in this context motivated us to use the
qPCR technique.
The procedure for Microbial DNA qPCR Assay Kits is simple, and can be performed in any molecular laboratory with
a real-time PCR instrument. Thus, this approach is easily achievable, within the range of an IVF budget and
providing a timely result that can be clinically applicable.
First, we estimated the quantitative
of microorganisms present and secondly, the qualitative presence or
absence of a microbial species.
Quantitative levels of bacterial detection in Samples A+vs A- and Samples B+vs B-. Only Samples C + vs C- noted
Lactobcailli sp.
that was signicantly higher in males of women who did not achieve implantation.
Interestingly, this nding is not supported by the observation of their female partners.
Quantitative levels of bacterial detection of Sample A vs Sample B. Signicant differences of some anaerobes and
sp. in both groups were found. It was noted that in individual women the level of microorganisms
in Sample A often varied from that of Sample B supporting the suggestion that a dynamic environment is involved
[21]. Of particular note is our observation that anaerobes were the main driver of bacterial dynamics. This
observation questions why different bacteria behave in a different manner and how the dynamics of the
microbiome [19–21] are regulated.
Further, potential pathogens,
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus agalactiae
and STIs
Mycoplasma hominis
tended to be commonly detected in both groups (Fig. 1). Possibly suggesting that a degree of microbial diversity is
required to maintain basic physiological function of the urogenital tract.
Further, the quantitative
of microbial pathogens detected was very reliant on sample collection. Standardised
sampling in accessing vaginal epithelial cells is not applicable. Frequently when Sample B was collected by the
clinician, more mDNA had to be loaded to reach the same concentration of 125ng for testing. This factor
contributed to us simplifying the analysis of data to a qualitative analysis.
Qualitative analysis of qPCR results. The ndings were usually similar when comparing the microbial presence or
absence between couples who achieved implantation and those who did not. Samples generally had the same
microbial species detected either by both samples being positive or negative, with minimal variation, only a few
samples differed. These results indicated there was not rapid or frequent alteration of the qualitative nature of the
microbiome in these couples.
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The percent of samples that were positive suggests that the mere presence of a microorganism had an effect on
embryo implantation. A number of individuals who achieved implantation nurtured a level of anaerobes in the
urogenital tract commonly reported to be associated with non-implantation. However, the Z test produced two
values in Sample B, in women who did not achieve implantation. Increased levels of anaerobe
Prevotella bivia
, as conrmed by others [2, 7–10] and
Staphylococcus aureus
were detected. The lack of signicant
detection of other selected anaerobes such as
Gardnerella vaginalis
does not support these ndings. Possibly,
some anaerobes chosen to be included in the testing panel may not have been as active as others. Pro-
inammatory characteristics present in anaerobic/bacterial vaginosis [17, 33] as well as potential urogenital
pathogens can assist implantation [34]. Our nding indicates that while a proportion of ‘healthy’ microbial species
may be important, rates of implantation may be dependent on the biodiversity of microbial species. The implication
of such a conclusion is that the interactions and co-effects of one microorganism on another must be delineated in
the context of the ecient application of IVF. This unique, custom array testing panel allows the option to choose
new combinations and further microbial species.
The other signicant nding of
Staphylococcus aureus
also in Sample B of women who did not achieve
implantation could be explained by sampling technique. However, this trend was not noted in Sample B from
women who did achieve implantation.
Staphylococcus aureus
is considered as a skin contaminant. There were no
signicant differences detected for microbial species in Sample A. Sample C also had a signicant
value detected
for one
Lactobacilli sp.
in males of couples who did not achieve implantation.
The lack of HPV detection may be explained where negative partners may have resolved their HPV infection either
by vaccination or development of their own immunity [35]. The incidence of HPV detected was too low to ascribe
any inuence to implantation outcome and is not a robust predictor in our sample population.
The vaginal cavity has the capability to uctuate creating a dynamic urogenital microbiome environment [36–38]
as observed in this work, and is considered to be a likely inuence in the success of implantation rates [39, 40].
Further, an increase in microbial populations detected in women only, had no effect on implantation outcome. This
nding was possibly inuenced by the female urogenital tract being more hospitable to microbial species
compared to the male who may or may not have harboured a different or less hospitable environment to harbour
microbial species [41].
Further, the contribution of the microbiology of the male partner was also considered. Male Reproductive Proteins
(MRPs) can also have broad implications for successful reproduction. MRPs have the potential to inuence the
composition of the vaginal microbiome and thus the success of implantation [42]. But in this study, a wide variation
in the male urogenital microbiome often did not correspond with the womens microbiome.
The results of this study challenges a concept of current thinking and is at the interface of research and clinical
The unique methodology of this pilot project is most suitable as a foundation on which to develop an affordable,
timely test of microbiome proling in the routine IVF workup. Using the two indicators that were detected to have a
signicant inuence, these results can be extrapolated to a rapid antigen test for a woman to self-sample prior to
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ET as an indicator of likely implantation. The addition of further microbial targets (yet to be determined) can also
be combined in this predictive test for vaginal preparedness on the day of ET.
Disclosure statement and Declaration for all authors
All authors state that they have no conicting interest to declare.
Article Type
Reproductive Biology.
Funding statement
This research was funded by grant 8.1.21 from the Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust, New Zealand.
Data availability statement
Not applicable.
Attestation statements
Data regarding any of the subjects in the study has not been previously published.
Data will be made available to the editors of the journal for review or query upon request.
Conict of Interest
None. Form attached.
Acknowledgement. The authors wish to thank the wonderful contribution of couples who participated in this project
as they underwent their rst round of IVF.
Thanks also to Mona Schousboe, Canterbury Health Laboratories, Christchurch, New Zealand who supported the
concept of this research, the staff of Fertility Associates, Christchurch, New Zealand who supported this project,
Aubrey Brand, Bio-strategy, New Zealand and David Reynolds, Qiagen, Australia who assisted with developing the
testing platform.
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Figure 1
The percent of samples that were positive for each bacteria in women for Samples A and B
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Figure 2
A-D Percent of samples that were positive for couples who achieved implantation (A+, B+ and C+) and those who
did not for (A-, B-, C-)
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In modern society, 75% of all women worldwide have had vaginitis at least once in their lives. The vagina has a dynamic microbial ecosystem with varying vaginal pH levels. An imbalance in that ecosystem can alter the vaginal pH and tip the scale to the point of causing issues, such as vaginitis, that require medical attention. Although vaginitis is not an incurable disease, it causes discomfort and pain that disrupt women’s daily lives. The most common causes of vaginitis include bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, and vulvovaginal candidiasis. In this review, we discuss the causes, diagnostic methods, and symptoms of different types of vaginitis, the relationship of vaginitis to the prevalence of other diseases, issues associated with recurrent vaginitis and the immune system, and a variety of effective available treatments. In our article, we summarize the relationship of pH with the vaginal ecosystem, discuss the associated factors of vaginal pH, and finally introduce the different available vaginal pH self-test products.
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Uterine microbiota may be involved in reproductive health and disease. This study aims to describe and compare the vaginal and endometrial microbiome patterns between women who became pregnant and women who did not after in vitro fertilization. We also compared the vaginal and endometrial microbiome patterns between women with and without a history of repeated implantation failures (RIF). This pilot prospective cohort study included 48 women presenting to the fertility clinic for IVF from May 2017 to May 2019. Women who achieved clinical pregnancy presented a greater relative abundance of Lactobacillus spp. in their vaginal samples than those who did not (97.69% versus 94.63%; p = 0.027. The alpha and beta diversity of vaginal and endometrial samples were not statistically different between pregnant and non-pregnant women. The Faith alpha diversity index in vaginal samples was lower in women with RIF than those without RIF (p = 0.027). The alpha diversity of the endometrial microbiome was significantly higher in women without RIF (p = 0.021). There were no significant differences in the vaginal and endometrial microbiomes between pregnant and non-pregnant women. The relative abundance of the genera in women with RIF was different from those without RIF. Statistically significant differences in the endometrial microbiome were found between women with and without RIF.
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It has been long understood that the vaginal microflora is crucial in maintaining a normal physiological environment for the host and its involvement is deemed indispensable for reproductive success. A global concept of normalcy vs. dysbiosis of vaginal microbiome is debatable as women of different races have a unique vaginal microflora with regional variations. Vaginal microflora is a dynamic microenvironment affected by gestational status, menstrual cycle, sexual activity, age, and contraceptive use. Normal vaginal flora is dominated by lactobacilli especially in women of European descent vs. African American women. These microbes confer the host vagina protection from potentially pathogenic microbes that may lead to urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Changes in the vaginal microbiota including reduced lactobacilli abundance and increased facultative and anaerobic organism populations result in bacterial vaginosis, that predisposes the host to several conditions like low birth weight and increased risk of contracting bacterial infections. On the other hand, the vaginal microbiome is also reshaped during pregnancy, with less microbial diversity with a dominance of Lactobacillus species. However, an altered vaginal microbiota with low lactobacilli abundance especially during pregnancy may result in induction of excessive inflammation and pre-term labor. Since the vaginal microbiome plays an important role during embryo implantation, it is not surprising that bacterial vaginosis is more common in infertile women and associated with reduced rates of conception. Probiotic has great success in treating bacterial vaginosis and restoring the normal microbiome in recent. This report, reviewed the relationships between the vaginal microbiome and women’s reproductive health.
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PurposeDoes controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) and progesterone (P) luteal supplementation modify the vaginal and endometrial microbiota of women undergoing in vitro fertilization?Methods Fifteen women underwent microbiota analysis at two time points: during a mock transfer performed in the luteal phase of the cycle preceding COS, and at the time of fresh embryo transfer (ET). A vaginal swab and the distal extremity of the ET catheter tip were analyzed using next-generation 16SrRNA gene sequencing. Heterogeneity of the bacterial microbiota was assessed according to both the Bray-Curtis similarity index and the Shannon diversity index.ResultsLactobacillus was the most prevalent genus in the vaginal samples, although its relative proportion was reduced by COS plus P supplementation (71.5 ± 40.6% vs. 61.1 ± 44.2%). In the vagina, an increase in pathogenic species was observed, involving Prevotella (3.5 ± 8.9% vs. 12.0 ± 19.4%), and Escherichia coli-Shigella spp. (1.4 ± 5.6% vs. 2.0 ± 7.8%). In the endometrium, the proportion of Lactobacilli slightly decreased (27.4 ± 34.5% vs. 25.0 ± 29.9%); differently, both Prevotella and Atopobium increased (3.4 ± 9.5% vs. 4.7 ± 7.4% and 0.7 ± 1.5% vs. 5.8 ± 12.0%). In both sites, biodiversity was greater after COS (p < 0.05), particularly in the endometrial microbiota, as confirmed by Bray-Curtis analysis of the phylogenetic distance among bacteria genera. Bray-Curtis analysis confirmed significant differences also for the paired endometrium-vagina samples at each time point.Conclusions Our findings suggest that COS and P supplementation significantly change the composition of vaginal and endometrial microbiota. The greater instability could affect both endometrial receptivity and placentation. If our findings are confirmed, they may provide a further reason to encourage the freeze-all strategy.
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Microbiota are microorganismal communities colonizing human tissues exposed to the external environment, including the urogenital tract. The bacterial composition of the vaginal microbiota has been established and is partially related to obstetric outcome, while the uterine microbiota, considered to be a sterile environment for years, is now the focus of more extensive studies and debates. The characterization of the microbiota contained in the reproductive tract (RT) of asymptomatic and infertile women, could define a specific RT microbiota associated with implantation failure. In this pilot study, 34 women undergoing personalized hormonal stimulation were recruited and the biological samples of each patient, vaginal fluid, and endometrial biopsy, were collected immediately prior to oocyte-pick up, and sequenced. Women were subsequently divided into groups according to fertilization outcome. Analysis of the 16s rRNA V4-V5 region revealed a significant difference between vaginal and endometrial microbiota. The vaginal microbiota of pregnant women corroborated previous data, exhibiting a lactobacilli-dominant habitat compared to non-pregnant cases, while the endometrial bacterial colonization was characterized by a polymicrobial ecosystem in which lactobacilli were exclusively detected in the group that displayed unsuccessful in vitro fertilization. Overall, these preliminary results revisit our knowledge of the genitourinary microbiota, and highlight a putative relationship between vaginal/endometrial microbiota and reproductive success.
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Purpose To investigate if the vaginal microbiome influences the IVF outcome. Methods Thirty-one patients undergoing assisted reproductive treatment (ART) with own or donated gametes and with cryotransfer of a single euploid blastocyst were recruited for this cohort study. Two vaginal samples were taken during the embryo transfer procedure, just before transferring the embryo. The V3 V4 region of 16S rRNA was used to analyze the vaginal microbiome, and the bioinformatic analysis was performed using QIIME2, Bioconductor Phyloseq, and MicrobiomeAnalyst packages. Alpha diversity was compared between groups according to the result of the pregnancy test. Results Fourteen (45.2%) patients did not and seventeen (54.8 %) did achieve pregnancy under ART. A greater index of alpha diversity was found in patients who did not achieve pregnancy comparing to those who did, although this difference was not significant (p = 0.088). In the analysis of beta diversity, no statistically significant differences were observed between groups established as per the pregnancy status. Samples from women who achieved pregnancy showed a greater presence of Lactobacillus spp. The cluster analysis identified two main clusters: the first encompassed the genera Lactobacillus, Gardnerella, Clostridium, Staphylococcus, and Dialister, and the second included all other genera. Women who achieved pregnancy were mainly detected microorganisms from the first cluster. Conclusions The vaginal microbiome can influence the results of ART. The profiles dominated by Lactobacillus were associated with the achievement of pregnancy, and there was a relationship between the stability of the vaginal microbiome and the achievement of pregnancy.
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With steadily improving pregnancy and live birth rates, IVF over approximately the first two and a half decades evolved into a highly successful treatment for female and male infertility, reaching peak live birth rates by 2001-2002. Plateauing rates, thereafter, actually started declining in most regions of the world. We here report worldwide IVF live birth rates between 2004 and 2016, defined as live births per fresh IVF/ICSI cycle started, and how the introduction of certain practice add-ons in timing was associated with changes in these live birth rates. We also attempted to define how rapid worldwide 'industrialization' (transition from a private practice model to an investor-driven industry) and 'commoditization' in IVF practice (primary competitive emphasis on revenue rather than IVF outcomes) affected IVF outcomes. The data presented here are based on published regional registry data from governments and/or specialty societies, covering the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia/New Zealand (combined), Latin America (as a block) and Japan. Changes in live birth rates were associated with introduction of new IVF practices, including mild stimulation, elective single embryo transfer (eSET), PGS (now renamed preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy), all-freeze cycles and embryo banking. Profound negative associations were observed with mild stimulation, extended embryo culture to blastocyst and eSET in Japan, Australia/New Zealand and Canada but to milder degrees also elsewhere. Effects of 'industrialization' suggested rising utilization of add-ons ('commoditization'), increased IVF costs, reduced live birth rates and poorer patient satisfaction. Over the past decade and a half, IVF, therefore, has increasingly disappointed outcome expectations. Remarkably, neither the profession nor the public have paid attention to this development which, therefore, also has gone unexplained. It now urgently calls for evidence-based explanations.
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Study question: Is the presence or absence of certain vaginal bacteria associated with failure or success to become pregnant after an in vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF-ICSI) treatment? Summary answer: Microbiome profiling with the use of interspace profiling (IS-pro) technique enables stratification of the chance of becoming pregnant prior to the start of an IVF or IVF-ICSI treatment. What is known already: Live-birth rates for an IVF or IVF-ICSI treatment vary between 25 and 35% per cycle and it is difficult to predict who will or will not get pregnant after embryo transfer (ET). Recently, it was suggested that the composition of the vaginal microbiota prior to treatment might predict pregnancy outcome. Analysis of the vaginal microbiome prior to treatment might, therefore, offer an opportunity to improve the success rate of IVF or IVF-ICSI. Study design, size, duration: In a prospective cohort study, 303 women (age, 20-42 years) undergoing IVF or IVF-ICSI treatment in the Netherlands were included between June 2015 and March 2016. Participants/materials, setting, methods: Study subjects provided a vaginal sample before the start of the IVF or IVF-ICSI procedure. The vaginal microbiota composition was determined using the IS-pro technique. IS-pro is a eubacterial technique based on the detection and categorization of the length of the 16S-23S rRNA gene interspace region. Microbiome profiles were assigned to community state types based on the dominant bacterial species. The predictive accuracy of the microbiome profiles for IVF and IVF-ICSI outcome of fresh ET was evaluated by a combined prediction model based on a small number of bacterial species. From this cohort, a model was built to predict outcome of fertility treatment. This model was externally validated in a cohort of 50 women who were undergoing IVF or IVF-ICSI treatment between March 2018 and May 2018 in the Dutch division of the MVZ VivaNeo Kinderwunschzentrum Düsseldorf, Germany. Main results and the role of chance: In total, the vaginal microbiota of 192 women who underwent a fresh ET could be analysed. Women with a low percentage of Lactobacillus in their vaginal sample were less likely to have a successful embryo implantation. The prediction model identified a subgroup of women (17.7%, n = 34) who had a low chance to become pregnant following fresh ET. This failure was correctly predicted in 32 out of 34 women based on the vaginal microbiota composition, resulting in a predictive accuracy of 94% (sensitivity, 26%; specificity, 97%). Additionally, the degree of dominance of Lactobacillus crispatus was an important factor in predicting pregnancy. Women who had a favourable profile as well as <60% L. crispatus had a high chance of pregnancy: more than half of these women (50 out of 95) became pregnant. In the external validation cohort, none of the women who had a negative prediction (low chance of pregnancy) became pregnant. Limitations, reasons for caution: Because our study uses a well-defined study population, the results will be limited to the IVF or IVF-ICSI population. Whether these results can be extrapolated to the general population trying to achieve pregnancy without ART cannot be determined from these data. Wider implications of the findings: Our results indicate that vaginal microbiome profiling using the IS-pro technique enables stratification of the chance of becoming pregnant prior to the start of an IVF or IVF-ICSI treatment. Knowledge of their vaginal microbiota may enable couples to make a more balanced decision regarding timing and continuation of their IVF or IVF-ICSI treatment cycles. Study funding/competing interest(s): This study was financed by NGI Pre-Seed 2014-2016, RedMedTech Discovery Fund 2014-2017, STW Valorisation grant 1 2014-2015, STW Take-off early phase trajectory 2015-2016 and Eurostars VALBIOME grant (reference number: 8884). The employer of W.J.S.S.C. has in collaboration with ARTPred acquired a MIND subsidy to cover part of the costs of this collaboration project. The following grants are received but not used to finance this study: grants from Innovatie Prestatie Contract, MIT Haalbaarheid, other from Dutch R&D tax credit WBSO, RedMedTech Discovery Fund, (J.D.d.J.). Grants from Ferring (J.S.E.L., K.F., C.B.L. and J.M.J.S.S.), Merck Serono (K.F. and C.B.L.), Dutch Heart Foundation (J.S.E.L.), Metagenics Inc. (J.S.E.L.), GoodLife (K.F.), Guerbet (C.B.L.). R.K. is employed by ARTPred B.V. during her PhD at Erasmus Medical Centre (MC). S.A.M. has a 100% University appointment. I.S.P.H.M.S., S.A.M. and A.E.B. are co-owners of IS-Diagnostics Ltd. J.D.d.J. is co-owner of ARTPred B.V., from which he reports personal fees. P.H.M.S. reports non-financial support from ARTPred B.V. P.H.M.S., J.D.d.J. and A.E.B. have obtained patents `Microbial population analysis' (9506109) and `Microbial population analysis' (20170159108), both licenced to ARTPred B.V. J.D.d.J. and A.E.B. report patent applications `Method and kit for predicting the outcome of an assisted reproductive technology procedure' (392EPP0) and patent `Method and kit for altering the outcome of an assisted reproductive technology procedure' by ARTPred. W.J.S.S.C. received personal consultancy and educational fees from Goodlife Fertility B.V. J.S.E.L. reports personal consultancy fees from ARTPred B.V., Titus Health B.V., Danone, Euroscreen and Roche during the conduct of the study. J.S.E.L. and N.G.M.B. are co-applicants on an Erasmus MC patent (New method and kit for prediction success of in vitro fertilization) licenced to ARTPred B.V. F.J.M.B. reports personal fees from Advisory Board Ferring, Advisory Board Merck Serono, Advisory Board Gedeon Richter and personal fees from Educational activities for Ferring, outside the submitted work. K.F. reports personal fees from Ferring (commercial sponsor) and personal fees from GoodLife (commercial sponsor). C.B.L. received speakers' fee from Ferring. J.M.J.S.S. reports personal fees and other from Merck Serono and personal fees from Ferring, unrelated to the submitted paper. The other authors declare that they have no competing interests. Trial registration number: ISRCTN83157250. Registered 17 August 2018. Retrospectively registered.
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Studies suggest that persisting intrauterine bacterial infectious conditions such as chronic endometritis potentially impair the embryo implantation process. The microbial environment in the female reproductive tract, however, remains largely undetermined in infertile patients with a history of repeated implantation failure (RIF). Using next-generation sequencing, we aimed to characterize the microbiota in the endometrial fluid (EF) and vaginal secretions (VS) in women with RIF. Twenty-eight infertile women with a history of RIF and eighteen infertile women undergoing the first in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer attempt (the control group) were enrolled in the study. On days 6-8 in the luteal phase of the natural, oocyte-pickup, or hormone replacement cycle, the paired EF and VS samples were obtained separately. Extracted genomic DNA was pyrosequenced for the V4 region of 16S ribosomal RNA using a next-generation sequencer. The EF microbiota had higher α -diversity and broader bacterial species than the VS microbiota both in the RIF and control groups. The analysis of the UniFrac distance matrices between EF and VS also revealed significantly different clustering. Additionally, the EF microbiota, but not the VS microbiota, showed significant variation in community composition between the RIF group and the control group. Burkholderia species were not detected in the EF microbiota of any samples in the control group but were detectable in a quarter of the RIF group. To our best knowledge, this is the first study investigating the microbiota in the paired EF and VS samples in infertile women with RIF.
There is increasing evidence that human papillomavirus (HPV) infection affects reproductive health and fertility, although its impact on female fertility has not been thoroughly studied. MEDLINE, Embase, CENTRAL, Web of Science, CNKI, Wanfang, VIP and databases were systematically searched for relevant articles. A meta-analysis was conducted of 11 studies including 15,450 female subjects that compared HPV prevalence between the infertile and general population, and evaluated the association between HPV positivity and female infertility. Seven case-control studies on 3581 participants reported indiscriminate genotype infections (high-risk/low-risk [HR/LR]-HPV), but the random effects model revealed no association between HPV infection and female infertility (odds ratio [OR] 2.13, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.97-4.65, P = 0.06). Six studies with a total of 11,869 participants reported HR-HPV infections alone, and the pooled data showed a significant association between HR-HPV infection and female infertility (OR 2.33, 95% CI 1.42-3.83, P = 0.0008). It was concluded that HR-HPV infection is a potential risk factor of female infertility, but not an independent cause. Further prospective studies are needed to assess the exact role of HPV in female infertility.