
Mô hình đạo hàm phân thứ cho sự lan truyền COVID-19 với biện pháp cách ly

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Bài báo nghiên cứu sự lan truyền của COVID-19 bằng đạo hàm phân thứ. Sự lan truyền được quyết định bởi số sinh sản cơ bản R0 và tính ổn định của các điểm cân bằng. Tính ổn định địa phương được xác định bằng phương pháp giá trị riêng. Tính ổn định tiệm cận đều được chứng minh bằng phương pháp hàm Lyapunov và nguyên lý bất biến Lasalle. Chúng tôi chỉ ra rằng khi R0 < 1 thì điểm cân bằng tự do ổn định địa phương và tiệm cận đều và khi R0 > 1 thì điểm cân bằng bệnh ổn định địa phương và tiệm cận đều. Phân nhánh Transcitical được dùng để giải thích cơ chế của sự lan truyền. Mô phỏng số được thực hiện để kiểm chứng các kết quả lý thuyết.

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The present paper describes the mathematical modeling and dynamics of a novel corona virus (2019-nCoV). We describe the brief details of interaction among the bats and unknown hosts, then among the peoples and the infections reservoir (seafood market). The seafood marked are considered the main source of infection when the bats and the unknown hosts (may be wild animals) leaves the infection there. The purchasing of items from the seafood market by peoples have the ability to infect either asymptomatically or symptomatically. We reduced the model with the assumptions that the seafood market has enough source of infection that can be effective to infect people. We present the mathematical results of the model and then formulate a fractional model. We consider the available infection cases for January 21, 2020, till January 28, 2020 and parameterized the model. We compute the basic reproduction number for the data is R0≈2.4829. The fractional model is then solved numerically by presenting many graphical results, which can be helpful for the infection minimization.
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Fractional calculus is at this stage an arena where many models are still to be introduced, discussed and applied to real world applications in many branches of science and engineering where nonlocality plays a crucial role. Although researchers have already reported many excellent results in several seminal monographs and review articles, there are still a large number of non-local phenomena unexplored and waiting to be discovered. Therefore, year by year, we can discover new aspects of the fractional modelling and applications. This review article aims to present some short summaries written by distinguished researchers in the field of fractional calculus. We believe this incomplete, but important, information will guide young researchers and help newcomers to see some of the main real-world applications and gain an understanding of this powerful mathematical tool. We expect this collection will also benefit our community.
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Laboratory experiments and field observations indicate that tlie Q of many non ferromagnetic inorganic solids is almost frequency independent in the range 10' to 10~2 cps; although no single substance has been investigated over the entire frequency spectrum. One of the purposes of this investigation is to find the analytic expression of a linear dissipative mechanism whose Q is almost frequency independent over large frequency ranges. This will be obtained by introducing fractional derivatives in the stress strain relation. Since the aim of this research is to also contribute to elucidating the dissipating mechanism in the earth free modes, we shall treat the cases of dissipation in the free purely torsional modes of a shell and the purely radial vibration of a solid sphere. The theory is checked with the new values determined for the Q of the spheroidal free modes of the earth in the range between 10 and 5 minutes integrated with the Q of the Railegh waves in the range between 5 and 0.6 minutes. Another check of the theory is made with the experimental values of the Q of the longitudinal waves in an alluminimi rod, in the range between 10-5 and 10-3 seconds. In both clicks the theory represents the observed phenomena very satisfactory.
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We study a new model describing the transmission of influenza virus with disease resistance in human. Mathematical analysis shows that dynamics of the spread is determined by the basic reproduction number . If , the disease free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable, and if , the endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable under some conditions. The change of stability of equilibria is explained by transcritical bifurcation. Lyapunov functional method and geometric approach are used for proving the global stability of equilibria. A numerical investigation is carried out to confirm the analytical results. Some effective strategies for eliminating virus are suggested.
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In this paper we prove an elementary lemma which estimates fractional derivatives of Volterra--type Lyapunov functions in the sense Caputo when α(0,1)\alpha\in(0,1). Moreover, by using this result, we study the uniform asymptotic stability of some Caputo--type epidemic systems with a pair of fractional-order differential equations. These epidemic systems are the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS), Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) and Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Susceptible (SIRS) models and Ross-Macdonald model for vector-borne diseases. We show that the unique endemic equilibrium is uniformly asymptotically stable if the basic reproductive number is greater than one. We illustrate our theoretical results with numerical simulations using the Adams-Bashforth-Moulton scheme implemented in the fde12 Matlab function. Keywords: Caputo fractional derivative, direct Lyapunov method, Volterra–type Lyapunov function, epidemiological models, stability.
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In this paper stability analysis of fractional-order nonlinear systems is studied. An extension of Lyapunov direct method for fractional-order systems using Bihari’s and Bellman–Gronwall’s inequality and a proof of comparison theorem for fractional-order systems are proposed.
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Laboratory experiments and field observations indicate that the Q of many non-ferromagnetic inorganic solids is almost frequency independent in the range 10⁻²–10⁷ c/s, although no single substance has been investigated over the entire frequency spectrum. One of the purposes of this investigation is to find the analytic expression for a linear dissipative mechanism whose Q is almost frequency independent over large frequency ranges. This will be obtained by introducing fractional derivatives in the stress-strain relation. Since the aim of this research is also to contribute to elucidating the dissipating mechanism in the Earth free modes, we shall treat the dissipation in the free, purely torsional, modes of a shell. The dissipation in a plane wave will also be treated. The theory is checked with the new values determined for the Q of spheroidal free modes of the Earth in the range between 10 and 5 min integrated with the Q of Rayleigh waves in the range between 5 and 0·6 min. Another check of the theory is made with the experimental values of the Q of the longitudinal waves in an aluminium rod in the range between 10⁻⁵ and 10⁻³ s. In both checks the theory represents the observed phenomena very satisfactorily. The time derivative which enters the stress-strain relation in both cases is of order 0·15. The present paper is a generalized version of another (Caputo 1966b) in which an elementary definition of some differential operators was used. In this paper we give also a rigorous proof of the formulae to be used in obtaining the analytic expression of Q; moreover, we present two checks of the theory with experimental data.
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A fractional order model for nonlocal epidemics is given. Stability of fractional order equations is studied. The results are expected to be relevant to foot-and-mouth disease, SARS and avian flu.
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In this paper, stability results of main concern for control theory are given for finite-dimensional linear fractional differential systems. For fractional differential systems in state-space form, both internal and external stabilities are investigated. For fractional differential systems in polynomial representation, external stability is thoroughly examined. Our main qualitative result is that stabilities are guaranteed iff the roots of some polynomial lie outside the closed angular sector jarg(oe)j ff=2, thus generalizing in a stupendous way the well-known results for the integer case ff = 1. 1. INTRODUCTION Fractional differential systems have proved to be useful in control processing for the last two decades (see [21, 22]). The notion of fractional derivative dates back two centuries; some references that have now become classical were written two decades ago (see [20, 25]). Several authors published reference books on the subject very recently: see [26] for a thorough mathem...
A precise definition of the basic reproduction number, R o , is presented for a general compartmental disease transmission model based on a system of ordinary differential equations. It is shown that, if R o < 1, then the disease free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable; whereas if R o > 1, then it is unstable. Thus, R o is a threshold parameter for the model. An analysis of the local centre manifold yields a simple criterion for the existence and stability of super-and sub-threshold endemic equilibria for R o near one. This criterion, together with the definition of R o , is illustrated by treatment, multigroup, staged progression, multistrain and vector-host models and can be applied to more complex models. The results are significant for disease control.
In this paper, we propose the definition of Mittag-Leffler stability and introduce the fractional Lyapunov direct method. Fractional comparison principle is introduced and the application of Riemann-Liouville fractional order systems is extended by using Caputo fractional order systems. Two illustrative examples are provided to illustrate the proposed stability notion.
Among the many possible definitions of differential operators of fractional (i.e., non-integer) order, the one usually attributed to Caputo is particularly important because of its outstanding significance for the modelling of many memory-dependent phenomena in physics, engineering, finance, and various other areas. In this book we give a comprehensive account of these differential operators and the corresponding integral operators. Based on these results we then develop a thorough analysis of the differential equations with Caputo-type derivatives. This includes, among others, results concerning the existence and uniqueness of solutions, the dependence of the solutions on the given data, and the long-term behaviour of the solutions. Moreover we briefly compare the properties of Caputo-type equations to those of Riemann-Liouville type for which a detailed theory has been known for some time now but which are mainly of interest for theoretical, purely mathematical reasons and not from the point of view of applications. Our goal in this book is to provide the results derived in a way that is mathematically precise and rigorous and, at the same time, readable also for researchers from outside of mathematics who need to use Caputo differential equations in their work. We also believe that the theory developed in this book can serve as a solid foundation for a theoretical analysis and thorough understanding of methods for the numerical solution of these equations.
Detail error analysis for a fractal Adams method
  • K Diethelm
  • N J Ford
  • A D Fredd
Diethelm, K., Ford, N. J., & Fredd, A. D. (2004). Detail error analysis for a fractal Adams method. Nsumerical Algorithms, 36(1), 31-52.
Predictor-corrector PECE method for fractional differential equations, MATLAB Central File Exchange
  • R Garrappa
Garrappa, R. (2010). Predictor-corrector PECE method for fractional differential equations, MATLAB Central File Exchange, File ID: 32918.