
Associator dependent algebras and Koszul duality

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We resolve a 10-year-old open question of Loday of describing Koszul operads that act on the algebra of octonions. In fact, we obtain the answer by solving a more general classification problem: we find all Koszul operads among those encoding associator dependent algebras.

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... The abovementioned result of Anan'in and Kemer was refined by Drenski and Vladimirova [36] who studied in great detail varieties of associative algebras defined by identities of degree and their lattices of subvarieties. These latter results were recently used by Bremner and the first author of this paper to classify Koszul quotients of the associative operad in [9]. Similarly, we were able to use the main result of the present paper to classify Koszul quotients of the Novikov operad. ...
... Recall that Dzhumadildaev [17] proved that the Novikov operad is not Koszul, so this result describes all ways in which a Novikov algebra can be regarded as an algebra over an Koszul operad. (This may be compared with a similar problem of Loday [28] asking to determine Koszul operads that act on the algebra of octonions, a question that motivated the paper [9].) Specifically, we prove the following theorem. ...
... It follows that our operad vanishes from the arity 4 onwards, and its Poincaré series is t + t 2 + 1 3 t 3 . It has the same Poincaré series as that of operads considered in [9,Prop. 3.13], and our argument will be very similar to the one of that statement. ...
We prove that a variety of Novikov algebras has a distributive lattice of subvarieties if and only if the lattice of its subvarieties defined by identities of degree three is distributive, thus answering, in the case of Novikov algebras, a question of Bokut from about fifty years ago. As a byproduct, we classify all Koszul operads with one binary generator of which the Novikov operad is a quotient.
... This idea has been discussed in similar terms in [26] in the context of Lie-admissible algebras and has roots in foundational articles on left-symmetric algebras [60,62]. In [8] there are considered algebras satisfying identities like those treated in this section from the more sophisticated point of view of Koszul duality of operads. The unrelated duality given by the adjoint multiplication considered here is motivated by considerations from affine differential geometry [19]. ...
... 7.8 Although this does not seem to be realized widely, for anti-Hermitian matrices the inequality (7.4) is closely related to Vinberg's results on invariant norms on compact simple Lie algebras in[63] applied in the special case of su(n). Precisely, Vinberg shows that, for an invariant norm, || · || on a compact simple Lie algebra g the quantity θ(x) = sup 0 =y∈g by definition, θ([x, y]) ≤ θ(x)θ (y), taking g to be a compact simple Lie algebra of matrices, e.g. ...
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The sectional nonassociativity of a metrized (not necessarily associative or unital) algebra is defined analogously to the sectional curvature of a pseudo-Riemannian metric, with the associator in place of the Levi-Civita covariant derivative. For commutative real algebras nonnegative sectional nonassociativity is usually called the Norton inequality, while a sharp upper bound on the sectional nonassociativity of the Jordan algebra of Hermitian matrices over a real Hurwitz algebra is closely related to the Böttcher–Wenzel-Chern-do Carmo-Kobayashi inequality. These and other basic examples are explained, and there are described some consequences of bounds on sectional nonassociativity for commutative algebras. A technical point of interest is that the results work over the octonions as well as the associative Hurwitz algebras.
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In this paper we introduce a general construction which associates an algebra A(g,b) with every pair (g,b) where e is a Lie algebra and b is an invariant symmetric bilinear form on g. By virtue of this construction several well-known (associative and non-associative) algebras can be dealt with under a unified view. We give characterizations of,those pairs (g,b) which generate associative algebras A(g,b) and of those algebras which can be represented in the form A(g,b).
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In part 1, we review the structure theory of FSn\mathbb{F} S_n, the group algebra of the symmetric group SnS_n over a field of characteristic 0. We define the images ψ(Eijλ)\psi(E^\lambda_{ij}) of the matrix units EijλE^\lambda_{ij} (1i,jdλ1 \le i, j \le d_\lambda), where dλd_\lambda is the number of standard tableaux of shape λ\lambda, and obtain an explicit construction of Young's isomorphism ψ ⁣:λMdλ(F)FSn\psi\colon \bigoplus_\lambda M_{d_\lambda}(\mathbb{F}) \to \mathbb{F} S_n. We then present Clifton's algorithm for the construction of the representation matrices Rλ(p)Mdλ(F)R^\lambda(p) \in M_{d_\lambda}(\mathbb{F}) for all pSnp \in S_n, and obtain the reverse isomorphism ϕ ⁣:FSnλMdλ(F)\phi\colon \mathbb{F} S_n \to \bigoplus_\lambda M_{d_\lambda}(\mathbb{F}). In part 2, we apply the structure theory of FSn\mathbb{F} S_n to the study of multilinear polynomial identities of degree n7n \le 7 for the algebra O\mathbb{O} of octonions over a field of characteristic 0. We compare our results with earlier work of Racine, Hentzel & Peresi, and Shestakov & Zhukavets on the identities of degree n6n \le 6. We use computational linear algebra to verify that every identity in degree 7 is a consequence of the known identities of lower degrees: there are no new identities in degree 7. We conjecture that the known identities of degree 6\le 6 generate all octonion identities in characteristic 0.
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There exists two types of nonassociative algebras whose associator satisfies a symmetric relation associated with a 1-dimensional invariant vector space with respect to the natural action of the symmetric group on three elements. The first one corresponds to the Lie-admissible algebras that we studied in a previous paper. Here we are interested by the second one corresponding to the third power associative algebras. Comment: 18 pages
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Using computer calculations, we prove the statement in the title.
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The Cayley-Dickson process gives a recursive method of constructing a nonassociative algebra of dimension 2 n for all n 0, beginning with any ring of scalars. The algebras in this sequence are known to be flexible quadratic algebras; it follows that they are noncommutative Jordan algebras: they satisfy the flexible identity in degree 3 and the Jordan identity in degree 4. For the integral sedenion algebra (the double of the octonions) we determine a complete set of generators for the multilinear identities in degrees 5. Since these identities are satisfied by all flexible quadratic algebras, it follows that a multilinear identity of degree 5 is satisfied by all the algebras obtained from the Cayley-Dickson process if and only if it is satisfied by the sedenions.
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We present classes of nonassociative algebras whose associator satisfies invariance conditions given by the action of the 3 order symmetric group. Amongst these algebras we find the wellknown Pre Lie or Vinberg algebras and the Lie admissible algebras. We study the corresponding noncoassociative cogebras.
Algebraic Operads: An Algorithmic Companion presents a systematic treatment of Gröbner bases in several contexts. The book builds up to the theory of Gröbner bases for operads due to the second author and Khoroshkin as well as various applications of the corresponding diamond lemmas in algebra. The authors present a variety of topics including: noncommutative Gröbner bases and their applications to the construction of universal enveloping algebras; Gröbner bases for shuffle algebras which can be used to solve questions about combinatorics of permutations; and operadic Gröbner bases, important for applications to algebraic topology, and homological and homotopical algebra. The last chapters of the book combine classical commutative Gröbner bases with operadic ones to approach some classification problems for operads. Throughout the book, both the mathematical theory and computational methods are emphasized and numerous algorithms, examples, and exercises are provided to clarify and illustrate the concrete meaning of abstract theory.
A method of classification of PI-algebras over fields of characteristic 0 is described and applied to algebras satisfying polynomial identities of degree 3. Two algebras satisfying the same identities of degree 3 are considered in the same class. For the degree 3 all the possible classes are obtained. In each case the identities of degree 4 that can be deduced from those of degree 3 have been obtained by means of a computer. These computations have made it possible to obtain-except for three cases-all the identities of higher degrees. It turns out that except for a finite number of cases an algebra satisfying an identity of degree 3 is either nilpotent of order 4, or commutative of order 4, namely the product of 4 elements of the algebra is a symmetric function of its factors.
We define, for a somewhat standard forgetful functor from nonsymmetric operads to weight graded associative algebras, two functorial "enveloping operad" functors, the right inverse and the left adjoint of the forgetful functor. Those functors turn out to be related by operadic Koszul duality, and that relationship can be utilised to provide examples showing limitations of two standard tools of the Koszul duality theory. We also apply these functors to get a homotopical algebra proof of the Lagrange inversion formula.
We prove that the operad of mock partially associative n-ary algebras is not Koszul, as conjectured by the second and the third author in 2009, and utilise the Zeilberger's algorithm for hypergeometric summation to demonstrate that non-Koszulness of that operad cannot be established by hunting for negative coefficients in the inverse of its Poincar\'e series.
Given a type of algebras there is a notion of “free” algebra over a generic vector space V. Let us denote it by . Viewed as a functor from the category Vect of vector spaces to itself, is equipped with a monoid structure, that is a transformation of functors , which is associative, and another one which is a unit. The existence of this structure follows readily from the universal properties of free algebras. Such a data is called an algebraic operad. This notion admits another equivalent definitions: classical, partial, and combinatorial.
LetK = To(s3), {cn} its codimensions, {ln} its colengths and {Χn} its sequence of co-characters. For 9≦n, cn =2n - 1 or cn =n(n + l)/2- 1, 3≦ln ≦4 and χn =[n] + 2[n-1,1] + α[n-2,2] + β[22,1n−4] where α + β≦l.
The problem of determining directions of blood vessels in the optic disk is considered. The proposed method for estimating the vessel directions is based on analyzing local minima of gray-scale profile of the eye-ground image. Results of tests on real images are presented.
On montre que des octonions sur un corps de caracteristique non 2, 3 ou 5 ne satisfont pas d'identite polynomiale de degre 4 et que les identites de degre 5 sont toutes obtenues a partir de deux polynomes
The co-characters of theT-ideal generated by the standard identitys 3[x 1,x 2,x 3] are determined.
A method of classification of Pl-algebras over fields of characteristic 0 is described and applied to algebras satisfying polynomial identities of degree 3. Two algebras satisfying the same identities of degree 3 are considered in the same class. For the degree 3 all the possible classes are obtained. In each case the identities of degree 4 that can be deduced from those of degree 3 have been obtained by means of a computer. These computations have made it possible to obtain—except for three cases—all the identities of higher degrees. It turns out that except for a finite number of cases an algebra satisfying an identity of degree 3 is either nilpotent of order 4, or commutative of order 4, namely the product of 4 elements of the algebra is a symmetric function of its factors.
We are investigating a new non-associative algebra which is a flexible and Lie-admissible algebra satisfying a cubic relation with a bi-linear symmetric associative form. We can show then that this algebra is pseudo-alternative and hence can be deformed into an alternative algebra with the unit element. As an application, we demonstrate that octonion algebra can be realized in terms of traceless 3 x 3 matrices over a field F which is not of characteristic two nor three.
Let an algebra P over the field F of characteristic not two be any Lie-admissible algebra, permitting a non-degenerate composition with symmetric bi-linear trace (or associative) form. Then, defining a new deformed product and a new symmetric bi-linear form in P, the deformed algebra P is shown to be alternative with the unit element. Moreover, it permits non-degenerate composition again now with respect to the new deformed product. Hence, by the Hurwitz theorem, only possible dimensions of the original algebra P are limited to 1,2,4, and 8. Further, the pseudo-octonion algebra P/sub 8/, the pseudo-quaternion algebra P/sub 4/, and the pseudo-quadratic algebra P/sub 2/ transform into the usual octonion, quaternion and quadratic algebra, respectively, by means of the deformation.
In a recent paper (1) Nagata proved that a (linear associative) algebra, not necessarily of finite dimension, over a field of characteristic 0 which satisfies the identical relation x ⁿ = 0 satisfies also the relation x 1 x 2 … x N = 0, where N is an integer depending only on n . He remarked further that it is a corollary that the result remains true if the ground field is of prime characteristic p , provided that p is large enough compared with n ; and he conjectured that the obviously necessary condition p > n is in fact sufficient. The object of this note is to prove Nagata's conjecture. To do this, we give a new proof of his theorem, and as a by-product we obtain a rather better bound for N than his, showing, namely, that we can take N = 2 n − 1. The determination of the best possible value of N , or even of its order of magnitude, seems not to be easy; at any rate, the best I have been able to do in the opposite direction is to show that for large n we cannot take N as small as n ² / e ² , where e is the base of natural logarithms.
Algebras with one of the following identities are considered: *20c [ [ t1,t2 ],t3 ] + [ [ t2,t3 ],t1 ] + [ [ t3,t1 ],t2 ] = 0, [ t1,t2 ]t3 + [ t2,t3 ]t1 + [ t3,t1 ]t2 = 0, { [ t1,t2 ],t3 } + { [ t2,t3 ],t1 } + { [ t3,t1 ],t2 } = 0, \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\left[ {\left[ {{t_1},\;{t_2}} \right],\;{t_3}} \right] + \left[ {\left[ {{t_2},\;{t_3}} \right],\;{t_1}} \right] + \left[ {\left[ {{t_3},\;{t_1}} \right],\;{t_2}} \right] = 0,} \\ {\left[ {{t_1},\;{t_2}} \right]{t_3} + \left[ {{t_2},\;{t_3}} \right]{t_1} + \left[ {{t_3},\;{t_1}} \right]{t_2} = 0,} \\ {\left\{ {\left[ {{t_1},\;{t_2}} \right],\;{t_3}} \right\} + \left\{ {\left[ {{t_2},\;{t_3}} \right],\;{t_1}} \right\} + \left\{ {\left[ {{t_3},\;{t_1}} \right],\;{t_2}} \right\} = 0,} \\ \end{array} where [t 1 , t 2] = t 1 t 2 − t 2 t 1 and {t 1, t 2} = t 1 t 2 + t 2 t 1 . We prove that any algebra with a skew-symmetric identity of degree 3 is isomorphic or anti-isomorphic to one of such algebras or can be obtained as their q-commutator algebras.
We investigate algebras with one operation. We study when these algebras form a monoidal category and analyze Koszulness and cyclicity of the corresponding operads. We also introduce a new kind of symmetry for operads, the dihedrality, responsible for the existence of dihedral cohomology.The main trick, which we call the polarization, will be used to represent an algebra with one operation without any specific symmetry as an algebra with one commutative and one anticommutative operations. We will try to convince the reader that this change of perspective might sometimes lead to new insights and results.This point of view was used by Livernet and Loday to introduce a one-parameter family of operads whose specialization at 0 is the operad for Poisson algebras, while at a generic point it equals the operad for associative algebras. We study this family and explain how it can be used to interpret the deformation quantization (∗-product) in a neat and elegant way.
A Lie-admissible algebra gives a Lie algebra by anticommutativity. In this work we describe remarkable types of Lie-admissible algebras such as Vinberg algebras, pre-Lie algebras or Lie algebras. We compute the corresponding binary quadratic operads and study their duality. Considering Lie algebras as Lie-admissible algebras, we can define for each Lie algebra a cohomology with values in an Lie-admissible module. This leads to the study some deformations of Lie algebras in the classes of Lie-admissible algebras.
The main goal of this paper is to present a way to compute Quillen homology of operads. The key idea is to use the notion of a shuffle operad we introduced earlier; this allows to compute, for a symmetric operad, the homology classes and the shape of the differential in its minimal model, although does not give an insight on the symmetric groups action on the homology. Our approach goes in several steps. First, we regard our symmetric operad as a shuffle operad, which allows to compute its Gr\"obner basis. Next, we define a combinatorial resolution for the "monomial replacement" of each shuffle operad (provided by the Gr\"obner bases theory). Finally, we explain how to "deform" the differential to handle every operad with a Gr\"obner basis, and find explicit representatives of Quillen homology classes for a large class of operads. We also present various applications, including a new proof of Hoffbeck's PBW criterion, a proof of Koszulness for a class of operads coming from commutative algebras, and a homology computation for the operads of Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras and of Rota-Baxter algebras.
Given an operad P with a finite Gr\"obner basis of relations, we study the generating functions for the dimensions of its graded components P(n). Under moderate assumptions on the relations we prove that the exponential generating function for the sequence {dim P(n)} is differential algebraic, and in fact algebraic for P is a symmetrization of a non-symmetric operad. If, in addition, the growth of the dimensions P(n) is bounded by an exponent of n (or a polynomial of n, in the non-symmetric case) then, Moreover, the ordinary generating function for the above sequence {dim P(n)} is rational. We give a number of examples of calculations and discuss conjectures about the above generating functions for more general classes of operads.
In the rst of two papers on Magma, a new system for computational algebra, we present the Magma language, outline the design principles and theoretical background, and indicate its scope and use. Particular attention is given to the constructors for structures, maps, and sets. c 1997 Academic Press Limited Magma is a new software system for computational algebra, the design of which is based on the twin concepts of algebraic structure and morphism. The design is intended to provide a mathematically rigorous environment for computing with algebraic struc- tures (groups, rings, elds, modules and algebras), geometric structures (varieties, special curves) and combinatorial structures (graphs, designs and codes). The philosophy underlying the design of Magma is based on concepts from Universal Algebra and Category Theory. Key ideas from these two areas provide the basis for a gen- eral scheme for the specication and representation of mathematical structures. The user language includes three important groups of constructors that realize the philosophy in syntactic terms: structure constructors, map constructors and set constructors. The util- ity of Magma as a mathematical tool derives from the combination of its language with an extensive kernel of highly ecient C implementations of the fundamental algorithms for most branches of computational algebra. In this paper we outline the philosophy of the Magma design and show how it may be used to develop an algebraic programming paradigm for language design. In a second paper we will show how our design philoso- phy allows us to realize natural computational \environments" for dierent branches of algebra. An early discussion of the design of Magma may be found in Butler and Cannon (1989, 1990). A terse overview of the language together with a discussion of some of the implementation issues may be found in Bosma et al. (1994).
This is a list of some problems and conjectures related to various types of algebras, that is to algebraic operads. Some comments and hints are included.
A Pre-Lie algebra is a vector space L endowed with a bilinear product * : L \times L to L satisfying the relation (x*y)*z-x*(y*z)= (x*z)*y-x*(z*y), for all x,y,z in L. We give an explicit combinatorial description in terms of rooted trees of the operad associated to this type of algebras and prove that it is a Koszul operad.
This is a copy of the article by the same authors published in Duke Math. J. (1994).
Operadic Gröbner bases calculator
  • Vladimir Dotsenko
  • Willem Heijltjes
Sloane and The OEIS Foundation Inc. Entry A337017 in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
  • J A Neil
PARI/GP version 2.13.4, 2022
  • The Pari Group
  • Univ
  • Bordeaux
  • Abraham A Klein
  • Abraham A Klein
  • Abraham A Klein