
A Review on Heavy Duty Mobile Flood Wall Barrier: Way Forward for Malaysia

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Climate change have led to extreme weather events such as higher rainfall frequency that can cause severe flooding. In Malaysia, there is an increasing trend on extreme rainfall events and short temporal rainfall, particularly during the inter-monsoon season. In order to protect private properties and public premises from flooding, Mobile Flood Wall Barrier (MFWB) has been found to be more suitable as it is less costly, easier to deploy and does not require large space. Buildings such as factories and commercial shops that have larger entrances, they would require heavy-duty type of MFWB as compared to those for residential buildings. Heavy-duty MFWB has a better ability to withstand higher hydrostatic pressure from floodwater, hence suitable for public premises and buildings in industrial and commercial areas. In this paper, various types of heavy-duty MFWB and their application will be presented and discussed. The standards for testing MFWB products presented in this paper are summarised. Some existing testing requirements are also presented. Based on the review, the mobility characteristic indicated that the heavy MFWB can be installed temporarily to prevent flooding and be removed easily to ensure no interruption to the daily activities after flood events. There are many potential advantages for flood protection, in particular, it serves as the way forward for Malaysia.

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Rainfall defines livelihood patterns among agrarian communities of the climate-change vulnerable semi-arid Sub-Saharan Africa. However, it remains inadequately studied, resulting in ineffective water management policies and weak agricultural growth in the region. Monthly rainfall data collected between 1987 and 2018 at four stations along a 1200 km climatic gradient in northern Namibia were analysed for annual, seasonal and monthly trends and variability. Descriptive measures and the Mann-Kendall test were used for rainfall characterisation and trend detection, respectively. Results showed an annually increasing rainfall trend, but with a downward trend in the dry season decreasing by -0.14 mm year–1 and an upward trend in the rainy season increasing by 7.74 mm year–1 across the study area. The rainy-season mean monthly rainfall showed predominantly increasing trends, while the dry-season ones exhibited insignificant decreasing trends. The study detected a decreasing rainfall gradient from the northeast towards the northwest with a range of 156.8 mm and concomitant increasing spatial-temporal variability. The upward rainfall trend has implications for rainy season floods, whereas the downward trend suggests dry season drought intensification in the area. These results could be useful for rainwater management planning in the study area and other dryland regions.
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This paper presents an ontological framework that concisely captures the combinatorial complexity of river water sharing and visualizes the problem in its entirety. The frame-work's dimensions, the dimensions' taxonomies, and the resultant pathways are a complete , closed representation of the river water sharing problem. The framework is transdisciplinary; it is grounded in the research, the legal, and the practice literature on river water sharing. The authors illustrate the method and the application of the framework with the case study of Cauvery River water dispute between the Indian states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The approach can help develop innovative pathways to resolve such problems. K E Y W O R D S Cauvery River water dispute, ontological framework, solution pathways, transboundary river water sharing, water management, water policy
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To expand the knowledge base on natural infrastructure for erosion mitigation in the Andes, it is necessary to move beyond case by case empirical studies to comprehensive assessments. This study reviews the state of evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to mitigate soil erosion by water and is based on Andean case studies published in gray and peer-reviewed literature. Based on a systematic review of 118 case studies from the Andes, this study addressed the following research questions. (1) Which erosion indicators allow us to assess the effectiveness of natural infrastructure? (2) What is the overall impact of working with natural infrastructure on on-site and off-site erosion mitigation? (3) Which locations and types of studies are needed to fill critical gaps in knowledge and research? Three major categories of natural infrastructure were considered: restoration and protection of natural vegetation, such as forest or native grasslands, forestation with native or exotic species and implementation of soil and water conservation measures for erosion mitigation. From the suite of physical, chemical and biological indicators commonly used in soil erosion research, two indicators were particularly relevant: soil organic carbon of topsoil and soil loss rates at plot scale. The protection and conservation of natural vegetation has the strongest effect on soil quality, with 3.01±0.893 times higher soil organic carbon content in the topsoil compared to control sites. Soil quality improvements are significant but lower for forestation and soil and water conservation measures. Soil and water conservation measures reduce soil erosion to 62.1 % ± 9.2 %, even though erosion mitigation is highest when natural vegetation is maintained. Further research is needed to evaluate whether the reported effectiveness holds during extreme events related to, for example, El Niño–Southern Oscillation.
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Rihand reservoir is continuously experiencing siltation due to erosion in upper basin; thus study of morphometric-based prioritization of sub-watershed has become prerequisite for implementation of measures for conservation of soil and water resource. In present study an attempted has been made to analyze characterization and prioritization of sub-watersheds in upper basin of Rihand watershed based on hydro-morphometric parameters, in an environment of Geographical Information System (GIS), with the help of Multicriteria Decision Making through Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) techniques in order to identify critical sub-watersheds for conservation and management of soil and water resource. The morphometric characterization has been done through measurement of linear, areal and relief aspect of over seven sub-watersheds using SOI topographical sheet and SRTM data with the help of Q GIS 3.10 and White box software. In the purpose prioritization of sub-watersheds FAHP method has been implemented through assigning fuzzy membership function to each of 15 morphometric parameters by deriving their relationships with erosional hazard and criterion weight has been obtained using Saaty’s (Fundamentals of decision making and priority theory with analytical hierarchical process, RWS Publications University of Pittsburgh, Pittusburgh, 1980) proposed method. Based on prioritization approach the entire sub-watershed has divided into 3 vulnerable zones, i.e., high, medium and low. This study reveals that about 29% area of the watershed is falls under high vulnerable zone as they obtained high priority value and required immediate measures. In addition, ideal locations for measure structure to prevent soil erosion and maximize infiltration has been proposed which will be useful to the decision maker for land and water resource conservation, management, and sustainable agricultural development.
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In this study, the climate change, tsunami and biodiversity for 336 km coastline endangered at the South China Sea was investigated with the review for the past, current and prediction models for the future. The hydraulic study of the coastal area was conducted using a well-established 2D numerical model suite Delft3D. The study revealed that the generated earthquakes at the convergence zone in the last century are small (Mw7.3), the possibility that a megathrust earthquake event in the SCS basin occurs in the future. The study area comprises a narrow strip of vegetation notably dominated by Casuarina equisetifolia with other coastal plants. Mangrove forests are found along the coastline and estuaries that are overlaid with marine alluvial soils. The current paper is the first comprehensive study of the South China Sea, and the findings increase the awareness among the public to understand the risk associated with environmental pollution.
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High resolution models from the High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP), part of CMIP6, have the capacity to allow a better representation of the climate system in tropical regions, but how different model resolutions affect hydrological outputs remains unclear. This research aims to evaluate projections of hydro-climatic change of the Johor River Basin (JRB) in southern Peninsular Malaysia between 1985 to 2015 and 2021 to 2050, focusing on uncertainty quantification of hydrological outputs from low (>1°), medium (0.5° to 1°) and high (≤0.5°) horizontal resolution models. These projections show future increases in annual precipitation of 0.4 to 3.1%, minimum and maximum temperature increases of 0.8 to 0.9 °C and 0.9 to 1.1 °C, respectively. These projected climate changes lead to increases in annual mean streamflow of 0.9% to 7.0% and surface runoff of 7.0% to 20.6% in the JRB. These annual mean changes are consistent with those during the wet period (November to December), e.g., streamflow increases of 4.9% to 10.8% and surface runoff of 28.8 to 39.9% in December. Disagreement in the direction of change is found during the dry seasons, (February to March and May to September), where high resolution models project a decrease in future monthly precipitation and streamflow, whilst increases are projected by the medium- and low-resolution models.
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This paper presents an alternative water storage concept at lower sea-river interface vis-à-vis the conventional dam/reservoir storage scheme in the upper headwater region of a river basin. Two (2) estuary or coastal reservoir schemes are proposed to meet the future water demand of Johor Bahru and its vicinity. The low flow yields of a 98% reliability (or design 1:50-year return period) for both river schemes are also presented. A hydrological assessment is carried out to correlate the hydrometric variables, i.e. rainfall and streamflow. A long term 54-year streamflow record is adopted as input to the yield calculation. The reliable yields of 98% reliability criteria are in turn estimated based on a water balance or mass conservation. This new paradigmatic shift of reservoir storage location from headwater region to lower estuary/coastal interface can harness sufficient yield to meet the future demand of Johor Bahru and vicinity.
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This paper examines tourist public responses to crisis communications during the early stages of Covid-19. Using the social-mediated crisis communication model, the paper explores the key factors that influence public sentiments during nascent periods of the crisis. The choice of data collection dates was determined by key milestones events with significant implications in relation to UK tourism. Sentiment analysis of data sets of public tweets and news articles were done in order to interrogate how the trends and performance of the airlines and the tourism sector have been shaped by the sentiments of the tourism publics, the crisis communication interventions from key institutional actors, and the news sentiments about tourism organizations, particularly airlines. Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, falls under natural language processing (NLP) and is used to identify different sentiments and polarities in texts. Our findings indicate that institutional actors have a significant impact on the sentiments of tourism publics. Our study contributes to existing research on crisis communication by illuminating how public narrative about, and stakeholder responses to, crisis are shaped not just by organizational communication strategies but also institutional actors, on the one hand, and the interested publics too.
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In recent years, the rapid development and wide application of advanced technologies have profoundly impacted industrial manufacturing, leading to smart manufacturing (SM). However, the Industrial IoT (IIoT)-based manufacturing systems are now one of the top industries targeted by a variety of attacks. In this research, we propose detecting Cyberattacks in Industrial Control Systems using Anomaly Detection. An anomaly detection architecture for the IIoT-based SM is proposed to deploy one of the top most concerned networking technique - a Federated Learning architecture - that can detect anomalies for time series data typically running inside an industrial system. The architecture achieves higher detection performance compared to the current detection solution for time series data. It also shows the feasibility and efficiency to be deployed on top of edge computing hardware of an IIoT-based SM that can save 35% of bandwidth consumed in the transmission link between the edge and the cloud. At the expense, the architecture needs to trade off with the computing resource consumed at edge devices for implementing the detection task. However, findings in maximal CPU usage of 85% and average Memory usage of 37% make this architecture totally realizable in an IIoT-based SM.
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Drought is considered a damaging natural disaster for economic, societal, and ecological impacts. The challenge of drought is to determine the drought characteristics, frequency, duration and severity, vital for drought's impact control and mitigation strategies. This paper adopts the spatial pattern of Streamflow Drought Index (SDI) for three, six, nine and twelve months for the tropical climate at Peninsular Malaysia. About 40 years of daily streamflow data based on 42 hydrological discharge stations were analyzed to obtain these indices. The area under drought stress during the study period at different time scales is stable and approximately 24 % of the total area. The years 1997–1999, 2002 and 2016–2018 mark the most critical drought years, with more than 48 % of the entire basin area under hydrological drought. According to the spatial evaluation of drought characteristics, short-term droughts are frequent in most regions, with relatively high severity and frequency in Northeast and Southeast of Peninsular Malaysia, where the maximum frequency reached 35.7 % and 42.8 %, respectively. This outcome emphasizes the importance and necessity of the basin's drought action strategies. Early detection of a probable hydrological drought can improve in the implementation of drought prevention or mitigation strategies.
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River hydromorphology has long been subjected to huge anthropogenic pressures with severe negative impacts on related ecosystems’ functioning and water quality. Therefore, improving river hydromorphological conditions represents a priority task in sustainable river management and requires proper assessment tools. It is well known that riparian vegetation plays a crucial role in sustaining river hydromorphological conditions. However, it has been nearly neglected in most hydromorphological assessment protocols, including the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). This paper reviews and synthesizes the relevance of riparian vegetation for river hydromorphology, focusing on its contribution to streamflow and sediment regime conditions. We also examine how riparian vegetation is considered in the WFD and how it is included in national hydromorphological protocols currently in use. Our findings point to a temporal mismatch between the date when the WFD came into force and the emergence of scientific and technologic advances in riparian vegetation dynamism and bio-geomorphic modeling. To overcome this misalignment, we present promising approaches for the characterization and assessment of riparian vegetation, which include the identification of vegetation units and indicators at multiple scales to support management and restoration measures. We discuss the complexity of riparian vegetation assessment, particularly with respect to the establishment of river-type-based reference conditions and the monitoring and management targets, and propose some attributes that can serve as novel indicators of the naturalness vs. artificiality of riparian vegetation. We argue that the hydromorphological context of the WFD should be revisited and offer guidance to integrate riparian vegetation in river hydromorphological monitoring and assessment.
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While a lot of work is done on extracting sentiments and opinions in unstructured text, majority of it is focused on contextual sentiment mining and features that are more focused on sentiments. The team attempted to use contextual text analytics to identify product or service features that drives the sentiment of the user. This is done through application of cosine similarity and neural networks. Customers speak about product or service feature when it is important for the them. The second stage of the analysis is focused on supervised learning, that identifies key drivers of a product or service. It helps in deriving those elements which are subconsciously being evaluated by customers but not spoken. We also test the significant difference in views of people pre and post Covid in their reviews. We found that factors related to Covid have gone up by 30% but not statistically significant. Given the volume of data, the team has analyzed these on cloud to assess the cloud computing readiness for such analysis. Feedback around the post Covid topics helps us understand the issues that need to be addressed by restaurant industry.
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Storm drainage inlets transport urban runoff and discharge to underground sewer systems. If the inlet structure is blocked, the urban drainage system is hampered, leading to urban flooding. To quantitatively analyze the influence of clogging conditions on inlet discharge capacity, laboratory experiments were conducted to address the impact of different inlet clogging conditions on inlet discharge capacity under different upstream discharge conditions. These were based on a two-layer platform that mimicked a complete inlet structure including a drainage grate, a rainwater well, and a connecting pipe. The results show that the water flow near the inlet was similar to weir flow when the rainwater well was not full, whereas the water flow state near the inlet behaved similarly to orifice flow after becoming full. In addition, it was found that the clogging extent and position can significantly influence the comprehensive discharge capacity of the street inlet. The experimental dataset was used to calculate the inlet discharge coefficients of the weir and orifice flow states under different clogging conditions. The results are applicable to research addressing the formation mechanisms of urban floods. Additionally, this study is of practical significance for early warning systems and emergency response support during heavy rainfall.
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This study addresses the development of a hydrodynamic model for the Western Mississippi Sound, in the Gulf of Mexico. The study site consists of a riverine part that includes the Lower Pearl River basin and an estuarine part that includes the Western Mississippi Sound. In order to study the driving mechanisms of this area, two hydrodynamic models were developed and linked; one for the Lower Pearl River, and another for the Western Mississippi Sound. Both models are driven by meteorological, flow, and pressure boundary conditions and were developed using the Visual Environmental Fluid Dynamic Code. Both models simulate flow, water surface elevation, temperature, and salinity. Outputs from the Lower Pearl River model are linked to the Western Mississippi Sound model. The Lower Pearl River model was calibrated for an 8-year period, and validated for a 9-year period. The Western Mississippi Sound model was calibrated and validated for two separate periods, each of 2-year duration. The outputs of both models are discussed using several graphical and statistical measures. The results of these measures demonstrate that the linked hydrodynamic models are able to represent riverine flow and estuarine circulation by accurately simulating flow, water surface elevation, temperature, and salinity. The linked model system developed in this investigation has the ability to be integrated with water quality and habitat suitability models. Future work will involve using the model system to study the ecological impacts of hydrologic variability, such as flooding, flood control, and/or water diversions in the Western Mississippi Sound.
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Tourism activities are considered, among others, the backbone of the local economies. However, tourism activities lead to adverse environmental impacts, especially in coastal zones. Coastal areas are considered and recognized as of strategic importance due to the fact that several activities take place, from leisure to business. At the same time, coastal areas are under pressure from tourist activities, and the waste generated is a very serious issue. Therefore, there are limited studies related to the environmental dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic in the coastal environment. This paper provides answers to the hypothesis that the pandemic lockdown scenario would improve environmental performance due to reduced usage and, therefore, waste, taking into account specific key performance indicators (KPIs) as these KPIs are used to evaluate the performance of an area. The results showed that the study area improved, as did the selected KPIs, i.e., clean coast index (CCI), waste accumulation rate (WAR), and waste accumulation index (WAI). Additionally, according to the final results, the concentration of micro-, meso- and macroplastics on the beach reduced, and the main issues remained the solutions on cigarette butts, straws, and other plastic containers. Furthermore, the final results are considered very useful to local authorities, stakeholders, consultants, policymakers, and any other competent authorities, to reschedule their waste management strategies, to improve waste infrastructures and their level of services (LOS), as well as, to suggest frequent awareness-raising activities to their visitors on how to protect the coastal environment, taking into account a pandemic scenario, as well as, the policy alternative impacts on EU coastal zones 2000–2050.
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Pervious concrete is one of the innovation from conventional concrete which has interconnected void, thus enabling it to drain water. Compared to conventional concrete, pervious concrete has different physical and mechanical characteristics, but composed by the same material which is Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), coarse aggregate, water, fine aggregate, and admixture. The use of fine aggregate in pervious concrete mixture is limited due to the fine aggregate can block the interconnected pores thus lowering the permeable ability of the pervious concrete. The objective of this research is to analyze the characteristics of the pervious concrete which is compressive strength, permeability, and porosity with variation of aggregate and compacting method. The pervious concrete mixture consists of 15%, 20%, and 25% of fine aggregate variations and standard rodding, proctor Hammer, and concrete vibrator as the compacting methods used. The amount of cement used on each mixture is 360 kg/m3, w/c = 0.3, and admixture as much as 2.8% of the cement used. The slump, compressive strength, and porosity test is based on ASTM Standard, while the permeability test is based on ACI Standard. The maximum compressive strength test result is 13.103 N/mm2 achieved by the mixture with 25% fine aggregates and compacted using concrete vibrator. The permeability test result ranged from 0.053 cm/s to 1.192 cm/s, and porosity ranged from 2.261% to 41.083%.
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Investigating and classifying sentiments of social media users (e.g., positive, negative) towards an item, situation, and system are very popular among researchers. However, they rarely discuss the underlying socioeconomic factor associations for such sentiments. This study attempts to explore the factors associated with positive and negative sentiments of the people about reopening the economy, in the United States (US) amidst the COVID-19 global crisis. It takes into consideration the situational uncertainties (i.e., changes in work and travel patterns due to lockdown policies), economic downturn and associated trauma, and emotional factors such as depression. To understand the sentiment of the people about the reopening economy, Twitter data was collected, representing the 50 States of the US and Washington D.C, the capital city of the US. State-wide socioeconomic characteristics of the people (e.g., education, income, family size, and employment status), built environment data (e.g., population density), and the number of COVID-19 related cases were collected and integrated with Twitter data to perform the analysis. A binary logit model was used to identify the factors that influence people toward a positive or negative sentiment. The results from the logit model demonstrate that family households, people with low education levels, people in the labor force, low-income people, and people with higher house rent are more interested in reopening the economy. In contrast, households with a high number of family members and high income are less interested in reopening the economy. The accuracy of the model is reasonable (i.e., the model can correctly classify 56.18% of the sentiments). The Pearson chi-squared test indicates that this model has high goodness-of-fit. This study provides clear insights for public and corporate policymakers on potential areas to allocate resources, and directional guidance on potential policy options they can undertake to improve socioeconomic conditions, to mitigate the impact of pandemic in the current situation, and in the future as well.
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The purpose of this study is to identify the differences in porosity and permeability coefficients when the mixing ratio of aggregates is different and to present the mixing ratio satisfying the strength requirement of compressive specified in a specification of Korea. Three mix ratios were suggested by considering various aggregate sizes and three cylinders were made for each ratio. The porosities of those cylinders were evaluated through the compression and water permeability test, measuring the weight of specimens in underwater and analysis of the pictured Computed Tomography (CT) image. Experiments have shown that it is best to mix 50% for 5–10 mm aggregates, 45% for 2–5 mm aggregates, and 5% for sand in terms of strength and permeability. In addition, as the proportion of fine aggregates increased, the porosity and permeability decreased. Moreover, the effectiveness of maintenance method was also examined in this study.
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Hydrological drought is an environmental event that affects surface water resources such as surface runoff and reservoir levels and its prediction, can help the water managers to be aware of the future status of the region. This study aims to predict and evaluate hydrological drought in the southwestern margin of the Caspian Sea. For this, Streamflow Drought Index (SDI) is used as a multi-scalar hydrological drought indicator and calculated in time windows of 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12-month. In this study, time series stochastic models were used for the first time to predict SDI and compared with two black-box machine learning (ML) methods including Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH). The used data belongs to two rivers named Khalkaei and Pasikhan in Guilan province, and the period of 1986–2015 on a monthly scale. Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation Functions (ACF and PACF) was used for selecting inputs among the series’ monthly time lags. The results showed that there are seasonal trends in SDI’s 1, 3, 6 and 9-month time windows; therefore, these time windows have better adaptability with the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model. But there is no seasonal trend in the 12-month time window (SDI12) series and the non-seasonal Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) model was found as the best choice for this time window. Among the models, the MLs (GMDH and ANFIS) had approximately similar prediction accuracies. Comparing the models indicate that the linear stochastic models in addition to the simplicity of use were significantly more accurate than the complex non-linear ML models. The current results suggest using the stochastic models for hydrological drought forecasting, in catchment areas.
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Predicting drought occurrence accurately still remains a challenging task. To fill research gaps, this study identified and analysed meteorological and hydrological droughts using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Streamflow Drought Index (SDI), respectively, in the upper Lam Pao watershed in Thailand. The study also focused on investigating the relationships between both droughts. The SPI and SDI were computed based on observed long-term precipitation and streamflow data during the period of 1988-2017. The drought analysis was carried out by using the R packages. The location, period and severity level of drought events were graphically presented. On the basis of trend analysis, the SPI series showed slightly increasing trends, whereas no trend was found for the SDI series. This implied that the hydrological drought was influenced by not only precipitation but also other factors. The key findings indicated that there was a positive relationship between meteorological and hydrological droughts. In addition, there was a specific lag time, which may depend on physical characteristics of a basin, in drought propagating from meteorological drought to hydrological drought. Overall, the drought indices can help to predict hydrological drought events, which could be valuable information for drought monitoring and early warning systems.
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Pump intake structure design is one area where physical models still remain as the only acceptable method that can provide reliable engineering results. Ensuring the amount of turbulence, entrained air vortices, and swirl are kept within acceptable limits requires site-specific, expensive, and time-consuming physical model studies. This study aims to investigate the viability of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as an alternative tool for pump intake design thus reducing the need for extensive physical experiments. In this study, a transient multiphase simulation of a 530 mm wide rectangular intake sump housing a 116 m3/h pump is presented. The flow conditions, vortex formation and inlet swirl are compared to an existing 1:10 reduced scaled physical model test. For the baseline test, the predicted surface and submerged vortices agreed well with those observed in the physical model. Both the physical model test and the numerical model showed that the initial geometry of the pump sump is unacceptable as per ANSI/HI 9.8 criteria. Strong type 2 to type 3 submerged vortices were observed at the floor of the pump and behind the pump. Consequently, numerical simulations of proposed sump design modification are further investigated. Two CFD models with different fillet-splitter designs are evaluated and compared based on the vortex formation and swirl. In the study, it was seen that a trident-shaped splitter design was able to prevent flow separation and vortex suppression as compared to a cross-baffle design based on ANSI/HI 9.8. CFD results for the cross-baffle design showed that backwall and floor vortices were still present and additional turbulence was observed due to the cross-flow caused by the geometry. Conversely, CFD results for the trident-shaped fillet-splitter design showed stable flow and minimized the floor and wall vortices previously observed in the first two models.
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Climate services have advanced significantly, evolving from primarily supply-side, top-down, one-size-fits-all approaches to a recognition of the need to support a unique and evolving community of decision makers and decision contexts. However, investments in climate services have not kept pace with the increasing need for evidence-based actions, and the need for “trusted relationships” between consumers and producers of those services may actually be slowing progress at a time when there is an increasing need to scale up from individual decisions to system-wide adaptation and resilience. In the meantime, recognition of the linkages between adaptation actions and the broader sustainable development agenda require an expansion of the concept of climate services from its historically narrow focus on the use of climate science for impact assessments and adaptation to that required to deliver a broader set of societal benefits based on increasing capacity to manage climate and other risks. A “next generation approach” is justified by the complexity and inter-relatedness of climate issues, the broad range of societal challenges, the scope of required actions, the rate at which adaptation and resilience challenges are emerging, and the range of data, tools and methods required. An approach based on transformational relationship-and capacity-building, which is capable of drawing on and informing science, service and practice is needed. Working at the science-to-service-to-practice interfaces to enable delivery of services aimed at informing action at scale will require new ways of collecting, analysing and using information and data about the effectiveness of climate actions in particular contexts.
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Sinai Peninsula was delineated to 62 hydrological catchments using WMS and GIS tools. Thirty geo-morphometric parameters were calculated for each catchment. Statistical analyses were conducted to determine the important parameters namely Factor analysis (FA), Cluster Analysis (CA), and Regression Analysis (RA). FA resulted in the exclusion of some factors (filtration of parameters), as they do not have a significant relationship with other parameters. CA in Q-mode classified the 62 catchments concerning their close hydrological characteristics and in R-mode classified the parameters into 2 main groups and five sub-main groups. RA then presents the relation between the correlated parameters. The catchment area showed the highest correlation with other parameters. Finally, RA between highly correlated parameters was employed to develop relations between these parameters. The overall coherence of the data indicates the participation of the individual hydro-morphological parameters in several influence factors. A useful relation for the construction of unit hydrograph, according to [23] was developed. Multivariate studies yield a better understanding of the physical behavior in arid regions where the records of hydrological events are very scarce or absent. The results were found to be compatible with the fact that most studied basins related to the late period of geomorphological.
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Cutoff walls are commonly used as an alternative to the desalination of coastal aquifers in many coastal regions. Current researches suggested that the high-velocity freshwater flow at the bottom cutoff wall opening was critical to prevent seawater intrusion (SWI). However, the role of the inland freshwater influx on coastal salinization is ignored. The groundwater cycle driven by the inland freshwater influx can be considered as a natural desalination process of coastal aquifers. Field-scale numerical models with the specified-head inland boundary and specified-flux inland boundary were used to investigate the effect of cutoff walls on the desalination of coastal aquifers. The results delineated that (1) both the freshwater flow velocity at the wall opening and inland freshwater influx significantly influence the seawater invasion length. (2) In contrast with the freshwater flow velocity at the wall opening, the inland freshwater influx is indeed the key factor controlling the desalination of coastal aquifers. The increase of inland freshwater influx narrows the freshwater-seawater mixing zone and reduces the groundwater salinization area. These results provide a comprehensive explanation on the hydrodynamic mechanism of cutoff walls and a reference for the groundwater resources management in coastal regions.
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In this work, object-oriented integrated algorithms for an efficient flow analysis of the water pipe network are developed. This is achieved by treating the pipe network as a graph data structure with its nodes as the graph’s nodes and the pipes as the edges. The algorithm for cycle (real cycle or pseudo-cycle) extraction has been developed using nested breadth-first search that gives ordered cycles. Pseudo-loops are found using the shortest path algorithm between the nodes. Pipes are initialized loop by loop using conservation of mass at nodes. A modified Hardy Cross method is used in the proposed work with third-order convergence. The friction factor is updated for every change in discharges. The pressure calculation has been done by the graph traversal algorithm between the reference nodes and node where the pressure is to be calculated using the energy equation. The pressure at all intermediate nodes is obtained in the course of the traversal. Balanced discharges and nodal pressure in the pipe network are compared with the simultaneous loop flow adjustment method and EPANET software. The proposed work gives more efficient flow analysis than the traditional Newton–Raphson-based techniques for complex networks.
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A novel design of a drainage coverslab in pedestrian walking areas has been developed as a composite section of reinforced concrete and a porous concrete layer. Porous concrete exhibits a reduction in permeability due to clogging by particulates, which severely limits the functional level of the coverslab. Slabs were tested for sever clogging mechanism in the laboratory. Samples of new coverslabs with various sizes of aggregates were cast using various compaction methods. Strength was tested using 3 point load test and clogging potential of cover slab was determined by infiltration test (ASTM C1701). Infiltration was tested on a series of coverslab samples which were clogged with top soil mixture collected from the field, landscape fine compost and silt clay slurry to simulate worse case clogging in the field. Comparison of surface textures of the porous surface was made based on sand patch test and proposed clay patch test. This paper focuses on discussing the design of porous concrete layer of coverslab, construction methods and practical issues related to application and mitigation techniques.
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Climate change events cause erratic spatial and temporal variability in rainfall, temperature, humidity, etc. in long term, and are most severely affecting irrigation , domestic and industrial water supply. At the same time, water availability is also under pressure due to climate change and overexploitation of water resources. In a monsoonal climate that is already erratic and highly seasonal in nature, this increased variability due to climate change will further impact water availability and salt water intrusion. To overcome such problems, one of the most effective ways is interlinking of rivers. It is the interbasin water transfer from the water surplus rivers to water deficit rivers or regions. It will increase water supply, irrigation potential, mitigate floods, and droughts and reduce regional imbalance in the availability of water. Interlinking of rivers will reduce regional imbalances significantly and provide benefits by the way of additional irrigation potential, domestic and industrial water supply, hydropower generation, and transport facilities.
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The problem of oblique water wave diffraction by three asymmetrically arranged vertical porous barriers with different widths in infinitely deep water is investigated. Reflection and transmission coefficients are evaluated, applying single-term Galerkin approximation. The amount of energy loss is derived employing Green's integral theorem. Wave force is determined using the linear Bernoulli equation of dynamic pressure jump, on the porous barriers. Forces and energy of the wave are studied to understand the effect of the dissipation of wave energy due to the presence porous barriers. Numerical results for the reflection coefficient, wave force, and wave energy dissipation are analysed graphically. The comparison of the numerical results are carried out for the validity of the derived solution. It is observed that porosity affects significantly on reflection coefficient and amount of energy dissipation. It is also found that more energy is dissipated if the permeability of the barriers is increased.
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Utilising pervious concrete (PC) increases the environmental, economic and social benefits. This study aims to investigate the mechanical performance of PC paving bricks using smaller single-sized coarse aggregates with different types of fibres: Kevlar, Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) and Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibres. Four PC mixes were designed using a modified ACI method and paving bricks formed using a pressure compaction method of 2 MPa and air-curing for 28 days. Results showed that the use of smaller coarse aggregate results in reduced porosity. However, the addition of fibres at a volume fraction of 0.3% lead to approximately 47%, 21.5% and 18.8% decrease in 28-days compressive strength, and 26%, 7.3%, and 17.6% reduction in tensile splitting strength for specimens containing Kevlar, PVA, and UHMWPE fibres, respectively. When compared with the control group, an optimum 9.5% increase in the flexural strength shows the effectiveness of the fibre addition. The permeability values range between 0.15 cm/s to 0.39 cm/s, which is proportional to the porosity of the material and satisfactory according to ACI standards. Combining the pressure compaction method and the addition of fibres adversely affects the compressive and splitting tensile strength, while increasing the flexural strength slightly. An alternative forming/moulding method that can fully utilise the addition of fibres is worth further investigation.
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We are witnessing a progressive divestment of some institutions with strong traditions and skills in physical modelling and their consequent impoverishment, to the detriment of numerical modelling. For many reasons, the economic imperatives and the exponential growth of computational means and numerical methods should certainly not be excluded. In this work, we aimed to highlight the new requirements of the recent sophisticated developments in physical modelling, precisely due to the new needs imposed on them by mathematical and numerical modelling and the growing risks in civil construction works. In this context, reflections are reported, justified by scientific and real-world examples, on the need for maintenance and reinforcement of investments in physical modelling, both to support the scientific community and to design buildings of significant economic, social and environmental impact.
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Plain Language Summary During the droughts of 2018 and 2019, Central Europe had a water deficit of about 112 and 145 Gt compared to an average year. As the water storage differences between winter and summer is about 150 Gt, the drought‐related deficit amounts to 73% and 94% of these annual variations. These mass variations can be observed with the twin satellite missions GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, 2002–2017) and its successor GRACE Follow‐On (launched May 2018). With the satellite observations, the change in the total water storage can be estimated, including ground water, soil water content, and surface waters such as lakes and rivers. During the 21st century, Central Europe experienced four major droughts in 2003, 2015, 2018, and 2019, and we document the severity of the more recent droughts with respect to earlier events. We also find no systematic offset between the GRACE and GRACE‐FO observations, so that the available satellite gravity record extends now over 18 years already.
The objective of the chapter is to analyze Twitter data to extract sentiments and opinions in unstructured text. The team attempted to use contextual text analytics to categorize Twitter data to understand the positive or negative sentiments for COVID vaccinations and wish to highlight key concerns. Text clustering has been performed on positive and negative sentiments to understand the key themes behind them. We followed a two-step process. In the first step, we identified positive and negative sentiments from Twitter feeds. In the second step, we aggregated all sentiments into categories to deduce what the Twitterati is thinking about COVID-19 vaccinations.The whole analysis was performed using Python, including TextBlob and Vader libraries. TextBlob library uses the Naïve-Bayes (probabilistic algorithms using Bayes’s Theorem to predict the category of a text) classifier to assess the polarity of a sentence and generates a score ranging between −1 (strongly negative) and +1 (strongly positive). The Naïve Bayes classifier categorizes based on probabilities of events. Although it is a simple algorithm, it performs well in many text classification problems. On the other hand, the Vader library uses a lexical approach that uses preassigned scores labeled positive and negative for different words found in a text. These scores are based on pre-trained models classified as positive/negative by actual human beings.We then performed the topic extraction that discovers the keywords in sentiments that capture the recurring theme of a text and is widely used to analyze large sets of sentiments to identify the most common topics easily and efficiently. We found a large segment as neutral (53%) followed by a positive sentiment segment that contributed 36% of tweets. However, at the same time, many people (10%+) remain on the fence regarding the potential repercussions of COVID vaccines as they are relatively new and yet untested over longer periods of time. It is reasonable to expect that people are a bit skeptical about vaccinations. Text clustering of negative sentiments identified late vaccinations and side effects being the key concerns. Positive sentiments mainly were driven by the readiness of other vaccines and weak reactions following vaccinations. The study contributes to text mining literature by providing a framework for analyzing public sentiments. This can help to understand the key themes in negative sentiments related to COVID vaccinations and can help in adjusting policies.KeywordsSentiment analyticsTwitterCOVID-19Text clusteringTopic modelingOpinion extractionTopic extractionPost COVIDIntention mining
Objective: The objective of this paper is to analyze approved areas of medical research related to COVID-19 from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and World Health Organization (WHO) in order to identify key topics and themes for these two entities. The paper attempts to understand the key focus areas of the government and private agencies for further medical research in response to COVID-19. Research Design and Methods: In view of availability of large volumes of documents and advancements in computing systems, text mining has emerged as a significant tool to analyze large volumes of unstructured data. For this paper, we have applied latent semantic analysis (LSA) and singular value decomposition for text clustering. Findings: The findings of terms analysis results show various focus areas of medical research communities for UAE and WHO. Nutrition is a key theme of research in UAE whereas alternative medicines or infection study emerged as key focus areas for WHO. Further analysis of topic modeling indicates that topics like pneumonia and prevention approach has been a focus of approved research for WHO. Contribution/Value Added: The study contributes to text mining literature by providing a framework for analyzing research or policy documents at country or organization level. This can help to understand the key themes in COVID-19 response by various countries and organizations and identify the focus areas for them.KeywordsText miningCOVID-19Public policyInformation extractionTopic modelingText clustering
The spatial and temporal changes of water resources of Iraq were evaluated using the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data for the period 2002-2019. The rate of change and significance of the change in terrestrial water storage (TWS) derived from different GRACE solutions were estimated using Sen's slope estimator and Mann-Kendall test. The sustainability of water resources was evaluated using reliability-resiliency-vulnerability indicators. Results indicated a significant decrease in water availability. The reliability (range 0.22-0.30) and resiliency (range 0.01-0.23) of water resources were low. The estimated vulnerability (range of 0-1) was highest in the north and lowest in the south and southwest. The calculated sustainability of water resources was generally low (range 0-0.36) and was higher in southern and western regions relative to northern and central areas. Anthropogenic activities and climate change (increasing temperature) play major roles in changes in water availability in Iraq.
Development on Rinca Island by the Indonesian Government has received a lot of reaction from the community. Masses expressed their opinion through social media, especially Twitter regarding the matter. The research was conducted to analyze the public’s sentiment about this development which was divided into three categories: pro, contra, and neutral. There are two Doc2Vec models used in this research, the distributed model, and the distributed bag of words, and using support vector machines and logistic regression as classifiers. Each combination of the models and classifier has an accuracy rate above 75% and shows that almost all are against the development of Rinca Island.
Companies deal with good and bad publicity daily. We study the impact of news on consumer sentiment toward a company in the presence of pre-news sentiment. We use Sina Weibo’s (the Chinese version of Twitter) microblogging data and the full list of news items published in Sina Finance between 2013 and 2014 to measure sentiment. In our study, we address the following research questions: Does negative news have a greater impact than positive news on consumer sentiment change? Does news affect sentiment change to a greater degree when pre-news sentiment matches the news valence? Does the type of company (either B2C or B2B) matter? Our empirical findings show that consumers overreact to negative news and negative pre-news sentiment intensifies such overreaction, leading to negative herding. Further, negative pre-news sentiment is even more damaging for B2B companies than for B2C companies.
Rapidly growing and uncontrolled changes in the natural landscape due to human intervention has created a serious problem of rainwater harvesting in many Indian cities. Rainwater is seen getting wasted on the roads due to lack of proper design of drainage system. Construction of Pervious concrete pavement (PCP) is one of the best method to solve this problem. The pervious nature of the pavement is suggested to act as a drainage pipe and the water accumulated on the road or pavements drains out immediately. Therefore, an attempt has been made for the construction of PCP in this present study. The PCP was constructed at Nirma University campus, Ahmedabad, India for study purpose. The size of PCP stretch was 3 m × 10 m. The details of construction methodology and material used for the construction of PCP are included in this paper. In addition to that, properties of pervious concrete (PC) such as void ratio, compressive strength, permeability and density were evaluated and compared with field investigation results. The 28 days results of PC field cores and cast specimens achieved similar range for compressive strength and void ratio. Moreover, maintenance schedule was prepared for the supervision of PCP. The infiltration rate was measured at different intervals to determine if there was clogging in the PCP. Based on the results of this investigation, it is seen that there is successful drainage performance of the PCP, demonstrating the possibility of construction of such pavements in the water logged areas of India.
A smart home inhabitant performs a unique pattern or sequence of tasks repeatedly. Thus, a machine learning approach will be required to build an intelligent network of home appliances, and the algorithm should respond quickly to execute the decision. This study proposes a decision tree-based machine learning approach for predicting the activities using different appliances such as state, locations and time. A noise filter is employed to remove unwanted data and generate task sequences, and dual state properties of a home appliance are utilized to extract episodes from the sequence. An incremental decision tree approach was taken to reduce execution time. The algorithm was tested using a well-known smart home dataset from MavLab. The experimental results showed that the algorithm successfully extracted 689 predictions and their location at 90% accuracy, and the total execution time was 94 s, which is less than that of existing methods. A hardware prototype was designed using Raspberry Pi 2 B to validate the proposed prediction system. The general-purpose input-output (GPIO) interfaces of Raspberry Pi 2 B were used to communicate with the prototype testbed and showed that the algorithm successfully predicted the next activities.
Consumers are increasingly caring about air quality, and the air purifier market is facing fierce competition. In the era of e-commerce, it is possible to improve product design and enhance competitiveness by mining consumer demands for product functions from online reviews. However, the existing aspect-level sentiment analysis methods fail to deal with the over-segmentation of multi-word aspects, which is likely to cause the omission of aspects. Moreover, there is still a gap between sentiment analysis and demand recognition. To overcome these limitations, we propose an approach based on fine-grained sentiment analysis and the Kano model to extract consumer demands for product attributes from online reviews. Specifically, a recognition method based on part-of-speech rules is presented to identify multi-word product attributes. Inspired by the Kano model, extraction rules are designed to identify consumer demands for product attributes from the results of sentiment analysis. Finally, online reviews of air purifiers in Chinese market crawled from are used to illustrate the proposed approach. The correlation results show that there exists significantly positive correlation between product sales and the extracted attractive and one-dimensional product attributes. This indirectly demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method. Another dataset of refrigerators is further used to check the robustness of our proposed approach, and the results further demonstrate the effectiveness.
Due to the inception of Web 2.0 and freedom to facilitate the dissemination of information, sharing views, expressing opinions with regards to current world level events, services, products, etc. social media platforms have been mainly contributing to user-generated content. Such social media data consist of various themes discussed online and are associated with sentiments of the users. To catch up with the speed of streaming data at which it generates on social media platforms, it is crucial to detect the topics being discussed on social media platforms and analyze the sentiments of users towards those topics in an online manner to make timely decisions. Motivated by the same, this paper proposes a deep learning based topic-level sentiment analysis model. The novelty of the proposed approach is that it works at the sentence level to extract the topic using online latent semantic indexing with regularization constraint and then applies topic-level attention mechanism in long short-term memory network to perform sentiment analysis. The proposed model is unique in the sense that it supports scalable and dynamic topic modeling over streaming short text data and performs sentiment analysis at topic-level. For SemEval-2017 Task 4 Subtask B dataset as a case of in-domain topic-level sentiment analysis, average recall of 0.879 has been achieved, whereas, for out-of-domain data, average recall of 0.846, 0.824 and 0.794 has been achieved for newly developed datasets collected under the hashtags #ethereum, #bitcoin and #facebook from Twitter. To assess the performance of the model for scalability, we analyzed the model in terms of average time in milliseconds for creation of feature vectors, throughput in terms of topics detected per second and average response time in seconds to handle the sentiment analysis queries. The experimental results are significant enough to enable large scale topic modeling over streaming data and perform topic-level sentiment analysis.
In terms of stability, the response of static cars in floodwaters has been widely investigated. However, the hydrodynamics of a non-static vehicle exposed to such events are less explored. Herein the study ponders the assessment of the hydrodynamic forces experienced by a non-static vehicle attempting to cross a low-lying flooded street. With that regards, a Perodua Viva was modeled (1:10) and tested in the Hydraulics Laboratory under partial submergence and sub-critical flows, fulfilling the similarity laws. Since the Froude number could best analyze the flow conditions, the behavior of the hydrodynamic forces and the Froude number have been the focus of this investigation. From the study of outcomes, an inverse relation of the Froude number with respect to the buoyancy force, along with positive trends relating to drag, frictional, and rolling resistance, were noticed. ABSTRAK: Dari segi kestabilan, tindak balas kereta statik dalam air banjir telah banyak dikaji. Walau bagaimanapun, hidrodinamik kenderaan tidak statik yang terdedah kepada kejadian seperti itu kurang diterokai. Kajian ini menilai daya hidrodinamik kenderaan tidak statik yang cuba melintas jalan raya yang banjir. Sehubungan itu, sebuah Perodua Viva dimodelkan (1:10) dan diuji dalam Makmal Hidraulik di bawah perendaman separa dan didedahkan kepada aliran sub-kritikal, seperti ketika kejadian. Manakala nombor Froude adalah terbaik dalam menganalisa keadaan aliran air. Oleh itu, tindak balas daya hidrodinamik dan nombor Froude menjadi fokus penyelidikan ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kaitan terbalik nombor Froude pada daya apungan, sedangkan tren positif yang berkaitan dengan daya tarik, geseran dan rintangan guling diperhatikan.
Most of the studies on extreme waves are focused on the systems with single-peak wave spectra. However, according to the statistics of occurrence, the bimodal spectral system is also frequent in real sea conditions. In order to summarize the statistics of extreme waves, irregular wave trains under single-peak and bimodal spectra for long durations are simulated in this paper, based on a two-dimensional High Order Spectral (HOS) numerical wave tank. A large number of configurations have been tested under unimodal and bimodal spectra. The investigation on the wave trains under single-peak spectrum indicates that although in conditions often referred as deep water (kph > π), the relative water depth has a significant influence on the probabilities of occurrence of extreme waves. A detailed analysis of the combined effect of Benjamin-Feir Index (BFI) and relative water depth is provided. However, the situation is more complex in real sea conditions, which may exhibit multimodal spectra. We focus in this study on long-crested bimodal spectra characterized by the same significant wave height Hs and mean zero-crossing period Tz of the sea states as the single-peak spectrum. The wave conditions under bimodal spectrum present milder extreme wave statistics than those under single-peak spectrum. In addition, mixed ocean systems with equivalent energy distribution (i.e., Sea-Swell Energy Ratio (SSER) is close to 1.0) and larger separation between partitions (i.e., Intermodal Distance (ID) > 0.10) are the less prominent to extreme waves appearance. The comparison of the mixed sea states and the corresponding single independent systems demonstrates that the complexity of the underlying physics of a given sea state (for instance the presence of modulational instability or other nonlinear process) cannot be deduced by an analysis limited to the statistical content of the combined sea state. The wave energy being distributed among frequencies plays a major role. Additionally, Gram-Charlier distribution can accurately predict the probability of large waves (1.5 < H/Hs < 2.0) compared to the MER distribution, but it underestimates the statistics of the wave height distribution when H/Hs is larger than 2.0 for both single-peak and bimodal states.
Conference Paper
Tropical Storm (TS) Pabuk which occurred in South China Sea during the Northwest Monsoon season of 2018-2019 is a rare storm event. Even though it was originally considered weak, it was able to enter and remains active in the 5 degree latitude of weak Coriolis zone, then track further north, make a short land crossing before ending in Andaman Sea. At its early formation, it was in tune with the incoming monsoon's cold surge which perfectly align with the storm outer circulation that enable it to amplify like a little push that spun a spin-top going faster. The waves measured during this storm far exceeds the waves conditions associated with a 100 year Return Period (RP). In addition to being larger, they are also much steeper than the waves contained in the SEAFINE hindcast database spanning back over the past 59 years. However, interestingly, correlating the generated waves with the local wind field showed that at the locations where the data originated, the peaks in wave conditions are contributed by swell.
Pervious concrete remains a sustainable solution for effective water management in urban scenarios. Owing to the absence of fine aggregates, properties of pervious concrete rely much on the properties of aggregates and porosity. This article is aimed at determining the effect of aggregate size on the performance of pervious concrete mixes using 12.5 and 20 mm nominal-sized aggregates. In addition to that, the effects of polypropylene and glass fibre were experimented by varying their proportion in volumetric increments of 0.1% up to 0.4%. The aggregate to cement ratio and water to cement ratio were retained constant at 3.54 and 0.35, respectively. Results indicated that the fall in aggregate size improves mechanical properties but decreases porosity and permeability values. The presence of fibres in pervious concrete mixes was observed to improve flexural and split tensile strength but has no significant effect on the compressive strength, porosity and permeability.
We reviewed historical data on surface sediment composition/distribution and hydrodynamics of the Patos-Mirim lagoonal system, the largest coastal shallow limnological system of the world, located in eastern South America, which is ca.15,000 km2, the maximum length is almost 500 km and maximum depth is around 7 m. We inferred the geographical position of six mud depocenters in relation to the hydrodynamic conditions evolved from predominant winds and morphometry. Littoral zones of sediment resuspension dominated by sand were identified where current velocity was higher than 0.2 ms−1 and depth was <5 m. In addition, central zones were susceptible to deposition of fine sediment fractions, where current velocity was close to 0.1 ms−1 and depth was >5 m. Such conditions observed for the central zones represent appropriate morphodynamic controls for mud depocenter formation. The six permanent Holocene depocenters for the whole Patos-Mirim system were all dominated mostly by silty clayey facies and exhibited an Mz value equal to or higher than 7.5. Because of the dominance of the fine fraction, we propose them as future potential key-spots for monitoring the environmental quality of the system to assist regional sustainable management.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed businesses and societies to the shortfalls of normal patterns of production, consumption, and their long-lasting impact on supply chains. In this opinion paper, we provide insights from the COVID-19 pandemic for making supply chains more resilient, transparent, and sustainable. These insights include supply chains needing to develop localization, agility, and digitization (LAD) characteristics. We link LAD to a potential solution using blockchain technology and circular economy principle capabilities. Use cases are used to show how blockchain-enabled circular economy practices can support supply chain LAD efforts. Supply chain tracking, tracing, and responsiveness can be supported through blockchain-enabled circular economy practices. One result of identifying these relationships include solutions and insights at multiple levels and stakeholders – individual, organizational, supply chain, governmental, and community. These crisis-related observations and findings set a future research foundation for sustainable production and consumption.
A paradigm shift from the traditional strategy of upstream freshwater reservoirs to downstream coastal storages has been widely debated for the implementation in Malaysia. The government in the current financial allocation has listed a few of water resources projects to emphasis on the downstream reservoir approaches, including the projects on off-river storages (ORS). The ORS is getting more recognition in the recent years after a few of successful projects being implemented in the country. With the introduction of new approaches on water resources management, coastal reservoirs (CR) can be extensively implemented as an alternative solution to supplement the function of ORS if the storage capacity has been exhausted and to enable the storage of excess freshwaters at the coast for future use. Comparing to ORS which utilizes space, CR create additional area which potentially can be utilized not only for water supply but also for other purposes such as power generation, waterfront city development, tourist attraction spot, etc., where a lot of investigations is needed for further study. CR can be one of the sustainable solutions to solve the water scarcity problems in many coastal cities in the country. Looking into scenario of water resources in Malaysia and the feasibility of CR proposals to address water scarcity by impounding excess freshwaters along the coast shorelines, the associated research and development (R&D) on the implementation of CR in Malaysia needs to be further investigated. R&D on strategy and its applications in Malaysia is desirable to make sure of the successful implementation of CR.