
A Case Study of 60-year-old female Patient of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated Successfully Using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing System as Complementary Medicine

  • Yoga prana vidya Ashram
  • Sri Ramana Trust
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Abstract Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease prevalent worldwide and primarily affects joints. While the cause of RA is not clear, scientific opinion considers it as a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Several treatment op�tions are available and this paper presents a case of one 60 years old female patient suffering for 8 years from chronic RA despite regular medication was healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) protocols as complementary medicine. Materials and Methods: Case study method is used in this study going through patient’s medical records before and after YPV heal�ing treatment given by a YPV healer. Results: Within 5 months of self-practice and daily healings given by a healer based at YPV Ashram, the patient fully recovered and is leading healthy life full of vitality, beyond her expectations. She is able to climb the stairs and also bend down, and perform all household chores normally. Conclusion: This case study documents the evidence gathered on the effective use of YPV in healing and treating Rheumatoid Ar�thritis. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches that include: Physical exercises, Rhythmic Yogic Breathing, Forgiveness Sadhana, Salt free diet and fruit diet, Meditation techniques, healing by trained and experienced healers, participation in group healing, regular self-practice of specified techniques. Recommendations include further research on the ap�plication of YPV as alternatively effective and low-cost medicine for various medical conditions using appropriate sample. Keywords: Rheumatoid Arthritis; Yoga Prana Vidya System®; YPV®; Mobility; Joint Pain and Stiffness

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Successful treatment of septated cystic lesion in left ovary with echogenic nodule within-probable dermoid cyst using yoga prana vidya healing: a case study.
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p class="abstract">Vitiligo is a skin condition with patches of white color occurring on any area of the human body and several treatment approaches are recommended in main stream medicine as well as alternative modes of treatments. Patients suffer psychosocial stress due to social rejection and consequent loss of self-esteem and self-confidence. This paper presented an in-depth case study of a 29-year-old female vitiligo patient, who used and practiced Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) protocols for self-healing. Case series method is used examining full case papers and narration of major events by the patient on what worked well for her using YPV system intervention. The patient persistently healed herself with 2 to 4 sessions a day and within a time span of 1½ months her all the vitiligo patches had healed almost by 50%. After a year of continuing the YPV intervention, the recovery was sustained and further recovery of 30% was seen as she continued with her practices of YPV techniques. As a result, she regained self-esteem and self-confidence overcoming the accumulated psychosocial stress. During this period, she was not taking any medications, but only doing self-healing using YPV protocols. The overall improvement over a period of one year and three months was nearly 80% and a complete life changing experience with self-acceptance after a prolonged traumatic phase in life. YPV system is proving to be a versatile approach to resolving a variety of health issues, as is evident from the published literature.</p
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Introduction: Animals too have an Aura similar to humans and their energy field can be healed by trained energy healers, to treat any illnesses in the physical body. Pet animals, like dogs, experience snake bites sometimes, needing emergency treatment. This paper presents a case of a snake bitten dog successfully healed and fully recovered by using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing protocols. Methods: This paper uses case study method collecting patient data before and after healing, and details of YPV intervention applied by a trained healer for treating this animal patient. Results: After two days of healing, the dog could get up and eat food. Within 15 days of healing, the wound near mouth got healed fully and healing continued on hard mass at mouth area and wound below leg. After 45 days of healings, the dog got completely healed and the hard mass near mouth came out. Conclusions: As an integrated and holistic system, the YPV system of healing has been found to be less expensive modality without the use of any medications and without touching the animal patient as well as human patient. YPV healing offers great opportunity to address snake bitten cases with successful results Further research may be conducted on the characteristics of the energy body of animals to throw more light for effective healing taking lesser time.
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Introduction: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder in which human gut becomes more sensitive and the muscles of the digestive system have abnormal contractions that affect bowel movements. Though IBS cannot be cured as per the main stream medical science, it can be managed through an integrative and holistic approach such as Yoga Prana Vidya System, to minimize the effect IBS has on our overall health and quality of life, as observed in the case presented in this paper. Methods: This paper uses a full depth case study method going through patient’s medical history and records before and after healing, and also taking the feedback from the patient, and evaluating the present health status. Results: Within 10 days of healing and following suggested Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) guidelines , the patient is able to do all the daily home activities, cook food, go for a walk, travel, better breathing, and practicing forgiveness sadhana which has become an important part of the routine. Her sleep cycle, energy levels are better now. She no longer has episodes of vomiting. The patient is able to eat food well and also has gained some weight which she lost earlier. Conclusions: As an integrative and holistic system of treatment and healing, Yoga Prana Vidya System offers tools and techniques easy to follow and practice, for curing illnesses, and improving overall health and immunity. There is scope for more research to conduct with targeted studies to gain more knowledge about this type of gastrointestinal disorders.
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: Dental Abscess is a collection of pus caused by bacterial infection and its symptoms include pain, inflammation and swelling of the face or jaw. Usual procedures of Dental Abscess are extraction or root canal treatment performed by Dentists. In this article a summary of four cases of Dental Abscess treated as complementary modality of treatment by means of non-invasive YPV distal healing for removing infection and pain is presented. Case study method is usedto collect data from four similar cases of Dental Abscess healed by two YPV healers independently, and analyzed. It is observed that in all four cases tooth infection and pain reduced completely within 7 to 15 days of healing, bringing great relief to the patients. The YPV healing has worked as preliminary or first aid treatment without the use of anti-biotics or pain killers before proceeding with further work such as tooth extraction or root canal procedure as may be needed to be performed appropriately by a dentist. Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of practices and healing techniques have been successfully applied to various types of physical and mental ailments and there is enough evidence available from documented cases and empirical studies. This paper has provided consistent successful results of application of YPV system of healing for treating infection and reducing pain in 4 cases of Dental Abscess, and it is recommended to conduct further studies on larger sample sizes.
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p class="abstract">Bones form a vital part of the skeletal system providing mechanical support, strength, structure and protection to the human body. Inability of the bone to resist any kind of stress caused accidently can result in a bone injury or a fracture. This article provides a summary of eleven cases of bone injury and fracture treated successfully by yoga prana vidya (YPV) techniques as a complementary medicine for faster recovery. The study was carried out by two healers who independently healed eleven cases of bone injury and fracture using the bone regeneration techniques of YPV. Further, the data was collected and the results were analysed. By application of YPV healing techniques complementarily, it is observed that full recovery took place within 10 days to 45 days for the 3 hospitalised cases, and within 3 to 8 days for the two patients who had bandage/dressing done at a medical facility. In case of the remaining 6 patients who sought YPV healing help in preference to seeking medical help the recovery took place within 5 to 20 days. helping the patients to lead a normal life thereafter. It is observed that YPV techniques can be used for faster recovery of patients with injured and fractured bones. This paper shows the successful results when the techniques were applied on eleven participants. It is recommended to conduct further studies on a larger scale for the healing of bone related cases such as injury and fractures.</p
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The current study focused to identify the Indian research contribution on Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease, in which human immune system has attacks on their own healthy cells, characterized as compulsive and progressive with severe inflammatory attacks. The current study exclusively examines 2007 published articles only which have been indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database published and indexed in between 2002 to April 2021. Scientometric analysis use as the research tool and method to fulfil the objective of study. Furthermore, statistical correlations using RStudio and Python have been used where its required to understand, demonstrate and visualization. The analysis figured out a total of 2007 articles published during the period, of which 10993 authors appeared with rate of 3.43% authors per document. Chronological Analysis indicates the steady growth with 6.61 publications per year where 2018 accounted as the most productive year with 197 (9.82%) publication. Mean RGR (P) for first 10 years is 0.34 downfalls in last 10 years to 0.15. The rate of Doubling time for first decade of study accounted 2.00 increased to 7.50. As a result, there is an enormous growth of scholarly literature on the subject. It will be very useful for the Indian researchers and scientist for understanding the growth of publications output in the Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or Gatiya and identifying research collaborator.
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Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has become popular with consumers worldwide and accounts for significant private and public health expenditures. According to earlier reports, the prevalence of CAM use by rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients in the United States is anywhere between 28% and 90%. Extensive use among RA patients and the limited knowledge among physicians had confirmed the need to evaluate the increasing prevalence of various CAM modalities. The primary aim of this study was to identify the incidence of CAM usage among our RA patients. Additionally, we aimed to correlate patient demographics and disease characteristics with the use of specific CAM modalities. An analysis of data extracted from our institution’s RA longitudinal registry was performed. The patients were asked to select from a list the modalities they were currently using and/or had used in the past. Of patients, 75.9% reported current or past use of CAM with >10% using 12 different modalities. Nutritional supplements and touch therapies were the most widely used overall, with mind–body therapies more prevalent among younger patients. CAM users were found to have more extra-articular manifestations and fewer comorbidities than non-CAM users. The use of CAM among RA patients is widespread with a broad spectrum of CAM modalities being used in early stages of the disease, frequently in conjunction with mainstream conventional treatments. Therefore, CAM may no longer be considered the rheumatoid patients’ last resort. Keywordscomplementary and alternative medicine-CAM-alternative therapy-rheumatoid arthritis
Introduction: Sinus tachycardia (ST) denotes a condition of heart beats of over 100 per minute, for which the usual causes are: strenuous exercise, a fever, fear, stress, anxiety, certain medications, anaemia, an overactive thyroid or damage from a heart attack. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) has symptomssimilar to those of a stroke, but lasts only a few minutes and doesn't cause permanent damage. The usual causes of TIA are smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes and excessive alcohol consumption. This paper presents a case of a female with TIA and past history of ST, treated by Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing techniques. Method:This is a case study method analysing the diagnosis and treatment of a female patient, and the improvements noted from the application of YPV healing and results obtained from medical records and patient feedback. Results:Within 2days of YPV healing, her palpitation and BP returned to normal. Healings continued and day by day the patient was able to recover from her symptoms, and within a span of 20 days of healings, she got completely recovered from symptoms. Conclusion:Yoga Prana Vidya system of healing and practice protocols cured the patient holistically to normalise from Sinus Tachycardia and Transient Ischemic attack together with other vital parameters. Further research may be conducted on appropriate sample to study the results on wider population.
Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder involving infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, caused often by excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries develop numerous small collections of fluid — called follicles — and may fail to regularly release eggs. PCOS is a complex disorder of uncertain etiology, having strong evidence that it is a genetic disease. This paper presents a case of PCOS treated successfully by Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols. Method: This report uses case study method of investigating the case of a 22-year-old female diagnosed with having PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) during 2015. First symptoms were heavy menstrual flow accompanied by weakness. A Gynaecologist advised Ultrasound, full body test that revealed multiple cysts. The doctor prescribed steroids for treatment of this condition without any improvement, and instead deterioration was taking place. Her medical history before PCOS showed that she had sinusitis, low Iron count in blood and irregular periods. Results: The patient joined YPV from January 2017. She started taking healings from a senior YPV trainer from March, 2017, when she stopped taking medications. The senior YPV trainer helped the patient greatly through healings and constant nurturing. Slowly and gradually through healings, meditations, physical exercises, rhythmic breathing, forgiveness and learning lessons over the course of three years, the patient began to recover from march 2017 onwards. Conclusion: PCOS is one of the most important endocrine female disorders affecting in the reproductive age and may lead to serious complications, if not given due care and attention. Scientific studies are needed to determine the exact etiology of PCOS, and methods of proper management. Further research using YPV with appropriate number of samples of cases similar to this case is recommended to throw more light on treatment and normalization of this condition to give renewed life to patients in the society at large.
Introduction: kidneys filter blood by removing waste and extra water to make urine. The kidney's filtration rate, called the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), shows how well the kidneys are filtering. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is known to be the 6th fastest growing cause of death globally. Early detection of CKD can help to protect kidney function. This paper presents a case of Stage 2 Kidney disease treated successfully by the application of Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols. Method: This study uses case study method, analysing patient medical records and YPV protocols used in treating the patient for 6 months. Patient feedback also obtained for analysis. Results: Improvements in the main parameters achieved at the end of 6 months of YPV intervention show that eGFR improved from 79 to 95. Total Cholesterol improved from 235 mg/dl to 165 mg/dl. HDL Cholesterol increased from 32 mg/dl to 47 mg/dl and LDL Cholesterol reduced from 150 mg/dl to 94 mg/dl. Patient achieved peace and satisfaction of YPV treatment that worked for normalizing his kidney condition. Conclusion: Using the YPV intervention for this patient, only YPV healing was given and no other form of therapy or treatment was given for stage 2 kidney ailment, which shows that YPV Healing System can be applied not only as complementary treatment but also as an alternative treatment mode in such cases of diseases. Further research may be conducted with wider applications of YPV Healing system to various other kidney ailments.
Background: Free health checkup and treatment camps help villagers with health awareness and management of illnesses at no cost. This paper presents one such health camp conducted by Yoga Prana Vidya® (YPV®) healing team for 5 days in a village in the state of Haryana, India and with documented data and successful outcomes to the participants in the camp.Methods: An intervention with YPV® system healings was conducted, and patient data and feedback collected before and after the healings in the camp.Results: A total of 216 patients were registered in this camp with 20 types of illnesses identified for which treatment was sought by the patients. A group of 11 healers rendered healing services to all registered patients successfully.Conclusions: The camp served the intended purpose of rendering free service to the villagers in health awareness and improvements through YPV® healing techniques and protocols. Continuous increase in the number of participants in the camp and its popularity confirms the relief people got through healing during the camp. Many people got major relief in the ailments they were suffering over a time. It is the achievement of quick relief which drove many students’ and teachers’ interest in learning the healing techniques, and the teachings of YPV® were received by them with great enthusiasm.
This study was conducted in order to study (a) seropositive RA patients for their prior caregivers, diagnosis makers, drugs and doses taken and (b) the disease status at the first visit and the last visit, from the standpoint of whether they received optimum or suboptimum DMARD treatment. Prospectively entered data were extracted from a rheumatology-specific electronic health record for demography, diagnostic delay, prior caregivers, diagnosis makers, intake of DMARDs and glucocorticoids and disease activity state at first presentation and at the last visit using structured query language. Among 316 patients, prior caregivers were orthopaedicians (73.4 %), alternative systems of medicine practitioners (62 %), internists (38 %), rheumatologists (35.8 %), general practitioners (17 %) and others (12 %). The diagnosis of RA was made by rheumatologists (55.6 %), orthopaedicians (21 %), internists (12.6 %), physiotherapists (3.5 %), homeopaths (2.8 %), general practitioner (2.1 %), neurologists (1.4 %) and Ayurvedic physicians (0.7 %). The mean and the median diagnostic delay among 142 patients where information was available were 18 and 8.5 months, respectively (SD +23.2). Thirty-two percent of the patients had early disease, 48 % established disease and 20 % late disease at presentation. Sixty-six percent of the patients had taken DMARDs-methotrexate (56 %), hydroxychloroquine (46.2 %), leflunomide (18.7 %) and sulfasalazine (20.6 %)-and often in combinations. Different preparations, doses and schedules of glucocorticoids were taken orally or parentally by 51 %. Only one (0.3 %) patient had taken biological DMARDs prior to visiting this clinic. High or moderate disease activity was present in 84 % at the first clinic visit that fell to 14 % at the last clinic visit. The majority of patients with RA were treated by orthopaedicians and practitioners of alternative systems of medicine with only a third by rheumatologists. In 80 % of patients, the diagnosis was made 18 months at the onset, yet in 84 %, the disease control was poor. Non-use or suboptimal use of methotrexate appeared to be the main reason.
There are studies that have evidence for and are against to suggest that some of the complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are effective against rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, there are no adequate studies that have evaluated the role that can be played by CAM in the management of RA. A focused approach in defining the role and limitation as well as the possible adverse events and safety should help in integrating both CAM and mainstream treatment of RA. This review discussed the limitations in the available literature and the direction for future research, which can accelerate the defining role of CAM in RA.
Allopathic and Ayurvedic physicians collaborated on a study of traditional medicine, which was sponsored by the World Health Organization. The aim of the study was to test the efficacy and safety of Ayurvedic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This study was conducted at the Ayurvedic Trust, Coimbatore, India. In this unique study of classical Ayurvedic treatment for RA, allopathic physicians enrolled a total of 290 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of RA over a 7-year period, and once every 6 weeks evaluated Ayurvedic treatment outcomes on the basis of American Rheumatism Association criteria: grip strength, walking time, number of swollen and painful joints, joint count, functional class, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and rheumatoid factor. Ayurvedic physicians administered individualized treatment, closely adhering to principles set forth in classical Ayurvedic texts. The duration of treatment varied from 1 to 6 months. Due to limitations in computer technology in the 1970s, the data were not computerized. Therefore, data for 12 months at a time were analyzed, using repeated measures t-test. Measures of central tendency (means) and probability values were reported. Results from the patients enrolled and discharged at the end of the first year of the study (N = 33) are presented in this paper. There was statistically significant improvement in all parameters from admission to discharge. The results indicated that classical Ayurvedic treatment was effective in this first cohort of patients who completed treatment. Even patients with severe functional limitations showed significant improvement. Although there was no control group, the results are positive enough to warrant further study of classical Ayurvedic treatment for RA in controlled trials.
Literature review of rheumatoid arthritis in India
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Atheesh KM., et al. "A case study of successful treatment of varicella-zoster virus (chickenpox) infection using yoga prana vidya healing". W J P l s 7.12 (2022): 185-189.