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A Novel Network Slicing based
Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) Framework for
Private 5G Networks
Shalitha Wijethilaka∗, Madhusanka Liyanage†
∗† School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland, †CWC, University of Oulu, Finland
Email: ∗, †, †
Abstract—Fifth Generation (5G) and beyond telecommuni-
cation networks introduce a set of novel technologies such as
private 5G networks, also known as Local 5G Operator (L5GO),
and Network Slicing (NS) for the realization of diverse novel
applications with heterogeneous network requirements. Among
other network-level requirements, security is a critical challenge
in L5GO networks. Facilitating the security requirements in
an NS-enabled L5GO environment while increasing resource
utilization efficiency is arduous. This paper introduces a novel se-
curity framework for NS-enabled L5GO networks. The proposed
framework increases the scalability, dynamicity, and flexibility of
the system while focusing on reducing the cost. Moreover, this
paper verifies the functionality of the security framework using a
real testbed. Extensive experiments are performed to analyze the
framework’s behaviour in terms of resource conservation, cost
reduction, and latency variation.
Index Terms—Security, Security as a Service, Network Slicing,
L5GO, 5G, Private 5G Networks, OpenStack, OpenBaton
Private 5G network, also known as Local 5G Operator
(L5GO), is a novel advent in 5G and beyond networks
which supposed to facilitate network requirements of localized
environments such as hospitals, schools, universities, and
industrial environments. This novel paradigm allows users to
provision their own 5G ecosystems with a unique design to
provide operation-specific network requirements [1]. Network
slicing (NS) is another key technology in future networks
that allows dividing the physical network into multiple logical
networks, known as network slices, to provide specific network
requirements for different applications. In [2], Siriwardhana
et al. identified NS as a significant technology in private 5G
networks. Multiple verticals and their tenants with diverse
network requirements of private 5G networks can be efficiently
served with NS [3].
Security is a significant challenge in any telecommunication
network. In private 5G networks, several security mechanisms
are also required to be implemented to secure the network en-
vironment. However, as private 5G networks are implemented
to facilitate network requirements of a particular environment,
security challenges that can be transpired in network slices in
these networks are nearly identical. Thus, almost the same set
of security functions needs to be deployed in all the network
slices. Pertinently, private 5G networks have a limited network
resource amount. Therefore, the available network resource
amount should be carefully managed within the network.
Moreover, the security attack space is continuously evolving.
Also, the severity of a particular security attack varies with
time. Hence, security mechanisms should be updated dynam-
ically. This paradigm surfaces the requirement of a novel
concept called Security as a Service (SECaaS) [4].
Therefore, this paper proposes the novel concept of an NS-
based SECaaS solution for mitigating security attacks in L5GO
environments. We introduce the possibility of deploying a ded-
icated security slice and a Security Function repository (SFR)
that manages the Security Functions (SFs) in the NS ecosystem
to provide security services. NS-based security frameworks
have been presented in [5]–[7]. In [3], [8], authors imple-
mented NS frameworks for private 5G networks. However,
the existing literature lacks researches on NS-based security
frameworks specific to L5GO environment. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first research in this area to present an
NS-based SECaaS solution to private 5G environments while
optimizing the network resource utilization. We develop the
high-level architecture of the proposed solution. The proposed
framework presents two modes of operation, i.e., default and
fallback, and two deployment options, i.e., static and dynamic.
An extensive feasibility analysis is performed, and the solution
is verified using a real testbed. Also, the potential challenges
are discussed in the paper for the completeness of the solution.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
presents the architecture of the proposed solution. Feasibility
evaluation, performed to evaluate the functionality and the
performance of the framework using real experiments and
simulations, is presented in III. Section IV compares the
framework with existing works, and discusses the implemen-
tation challenges. Finally, section V concludes the paper.
Discussed challenges in private 5G networks entail a novel
security solution. Our proposed architecture for SECaaS via
NS is shown in figure 1. It mainly consists of two parts, i.e.,
Dedicated Security slice and SFR. The security slice is an
End-to-End (E2E) network slice that is designed to deploy
SFs to provide security services to other slices. SFR manages
the available SFs. The primary objective of the solution is
to provide the security services dynamically and manage the
available network resources for security services efficiently.
This allows better security attack mitigation in an L5GO
While creating the dedicated security slice, a sufficient
amount of resources to cater the required security services
is allocated to the security slice beforehand. When there is a
Security Function
Normal Network
Security Slice
DLP - Data Loss Prevention
IPS - Intrusion Prevention Systems
Physical L5GO
MEC server MEC server
Machinery Slice
AR Slice
Sensor Slice
Robots Slice IDS
IAM - Identity and Access Management
SIEM - Security Information &
Event Management
BCDR- Business Continuity &
Disaster Recovery
Transformation of Security Functions
Fig. 1: Proposed security framework
TABLE I: Notations
Symbol Definition
NNumber of network slices in the system
KNumber of SFs in a slice
BNumber of basic SFs in a normal slice
MNumber of SFs in security slice
RX=kResources in kthslice
RX=k,F =l,D Resources for deployment of lth SF in kth slice
RX=k,F =l,P Resources for processing of lth SF in kth slice
RX=SResources in security slice
RTTTotal resources for security in traditional system
RTPTotal resources for security in new system
RASaved resources from new framework
RA|F M Saved resources from new system in fallback mode
RTP|F M Resources for security in new system in fallback
PiAllocated resource percentage from ithslice
RX=S|UT Upper threshold of resources in security slice
RX=S|LT Lower threshold of resources in security slice
RX=k|UResource utilization in kth slice
RX=k|AResource allocation to kth slice
specific security requirement from an L5GO user, the corre-
sponding SF will be selected from the SFR and dynamically
migrated to the security slice. The packet flow of a particular
L5GO user needs to be diverted from the relevant slice to the
security slice to acquire the security service.
The L5GO can dynamically direct their security require-
ments to the Network Slice Manager (NSM) via Security
Service Level Agreements (SSLAs). The NSM forwards the
security requirements to the SFR. Then, it identifies the
required SFs to facilitate security requirements and migrates
identified SFs to the security slice. New security solutions can
also be registered in the SFR. Hence, the SFR continuously
evolves to mitigate diversified security attacks.
The resource variation in the system can be formulated as
follows. The symbols used in the paper are shown in table I.
(RX=i,F =j,D +RX=i,F =j,P )(1)
As deployment overhead is the same for all slices (assump-
tion: since the same attack space is affected to all the slices
in the L5GO environment, the same set of security functions
need to be deployed in all slices)
RX=1,F =j,D =
RX=2,F =j,D =... =
RX=N,F =j,D
RX=i,F =j,D =N∗
RF=j,D (3)
RF=j,D +
RX=i,F =j,P
RF=j,D +
RX=i,F =j,P
= (N−1) ∗
RF=j,D (7)
Equation 7 shows the amount of resources that can be saved
from our security framework. This amount of resources can
be allocated to alleviate the traffic fluctuations in the system.
A. Modes of operations
The proposed framework can be operated under two basic
modes of operations: Default mode and Fallback mode. Each
mode has its own advantages and disadvantages.
1) Default Mode
In this mode, all the SFs in the NS ecosystem are operated
via the security slice, i.e., no SFs are implemented in each
slice. When a specific slice requires a security service, it
is mandatory to get it via the security slice. The complete
traffic flow of the tenant slice needs to divert to the security
slice. Added latency is higher in this mode due to inter-slice
communication to get each security requirement. However, in
terms of resource utilization, this mode performs well. The
equation 5shows the amount of resources in the security slice
under this mode of operation.
2) Fallback Mode
Here, the proposed framework acts as the fallback option
for the slicing ecosystem for security operations. A basic set
of SFs is deployed in tenant slices. If the deployed SFs can
not facilitate a specific security requirement, it receives the
security service via the security slice. Diverting traffic between
slices is at a minimal level in this mode. However, when
considering the resource utilization efficiency, it is at a lower
level due to the deployment of the same SFs in multiple slices.
Resource utilization in this mode can be formulated as follows.
RA|F M =N∗(
(RF=i,D)) −
(RX=S,F =i,D)
B. Life Cycle Management (LCM) of the Security Architecture
The NSM plays the management role of the proposed
security architecture. It manages the LCM of the security
slice. The NSM performs SF deployment in the security
slice according to the security requirements through the SFR.
According to the resource requirements, the allocated network
resources for the security slice need to be managed among
deployed SFs. Furthermore, the NSM handles the diversion
of the traffic from a tenant slice to the security slice and
backwards. Hence, the traditional NSM needs to be upgraded
to execute these functionalities.
C. Deployment methodologies of the security slice
Primitively, we have two options when deploying the pro-
posed framework in an L5GO environment: static deployment
and dynamic deployment.
1) Static Deployment
In this method, constant network resources from each slice
are allocated to create the security slice. As the security
slice continuously owns a sufficient amount of resources, it
can execute security operations faster. However, unutilized
network resources can be found when there are no security-
threatening incidents. The algorithm 1 can be used to create
the security slice with the required resources.
Algorithm 1 An algorithm for static resource sharing
RST ←0▷Total resources for security slice
RSS ←0▷Total resources required for SFs
while s in Slices do
end while
while sf in SecurityFunctions do
end while
if RST < RSS then
for k= 1,k++, while k < K
Recalculate Pk
end if
2) Dynamic Deployment
The allocated amount of network resources dynamically
varies under dynamic deployment method. This method in-
creases resource utilization efficiency by allocating resources
as required depending on the severity of the security incident.
Therefore, resources can be utilized for other operations when
there are no security incidents. However, additional computing
and processing overheads need to be allocated to grant re-
sources between slices dynamically. The same algorithm in 1
can be used to create the security slice initially in this method.
For dynamic resource allocation in the system, algorithm 2 can
be used. The NSM should execute this algorithm periodically
while collecting the information related to resource utilization
of network slices.
Algorithm 2 An algorithm for dynamic resource sharing
RX=SMaxS ←0▷Resources in max utilized slice
RX=SMinS ← ∞ ▷Resources in min utilized slice
kis a defined constant and k≥1
if RX=S|U> RX=S|UT then
Rreq ←k∗(RX=S|U−RX=S|U T )
while Rreq ≥0do
while S in slice do
if RX=SminS ≥RX=S|Uthen
SminS ←S
end if
end while
if (RX=SminS|A−RX=SminS |U)≥Rr eq)then
Allocate Rreq from SminS to SS
Rreq = 0
Allocate RX=SminS |A−RX=SminS|Uto SS
Rreq =Rreq −(RA,min,S −RM inU,S )
end if
end while
else if RX=S|U< RX=S|LT then
while S in slice do
if RX=SMaxS < RX=Sthen
SMaxS ←S
end if
end while
Allocate (RX=S|LT −RX=S|U)to SMaxS
end if
This section evaluates the feasibility of the proposed solu-
tion. The experiment is performed using real SFs, on top of a
real NS testbed.
A. Testbed Implementation
1) System Model
An L5GO-based environment that consists of 4 network
slices has been considered. We assume that 25% of total
resources from each slice are allocated to the security slice.
2) Implementation setup
Here, we build a test setup to compare the performance of
the proposed security framework concerning the inbuilt NS
security paradigm. Figure 2 shows the implementation of our
test setup. NS testbed implementation in [9] is used as the
base of our implementation. Standard opensource tools have
been utilized in the testbed implementation.
OpenBaton is an open-source implementation of the Euro-
pean Telecommunications Standards Institute’s (ETSI’s) NFV
Management and Orchestration (MANO) framework. It is
used as the NFV Orchestrator (NFVO) in our implementation.
Openbaton is deployed as docker containers in an Ubuntu
environment. OpenStack is an open-source cloud operating
system that helps to manage resources (compute, network,
and storage resources) at a data centre. It is the Virtual
Infrastructure Manager (VIM) used in the implementation.
OpenStack VIM driver is used to connect OpenBaton and
OpenStack installations. Here NSM is implemented as a spring
boot application, and APIs can be exposed to present security
requirements of the slice owners. A Suricata instance, an open-
source, fast, and robust network threat detection engine is used
as the SF of the evaluation. Tcpreplay, which is an open-
source utility program for replaying the previously captured
pcap files, is used to send data packets at different speeds to
the Suricata instance. We used OpenVirtualSwitch (OVS) for
diverting traffic between VNFs.
Generic VNFM
OpenStack VIM
Security Function
Traffic flow through
Tenant slice
Traffic flow through
Security slice
Slice - 1
Slice - 2
Slice - 3
Slice - 4
L5GO-based IIoT
Fig. 2: Implementation setup
3) Testcase
In this paper, we consider a sample system to prove the
functionality of the proposed framework. Comparison is per-
formed for three scenarios:1) without the proposed framework,
2) Proposed framework under static deployment, 3) proposed
framework under dynamic deployment.
A particular slice contains 8GB RAM and 8vCPUs. In the
first scenario, 2GB RAM and two vCPUs are allocated to
each VNF initially. In the second scenario, resources from
all slices are allocated to the security slice statically. As
there is one security VNF in the security slice, all resources
(8GB RAM and 8 vCU) are allocated to that SF. Resource
allocation is dynamically altered in the third scenario. The
experiment is run by allocating 2GB RAM and two vCPUs
for the security slice initially and dynamically changing the
resources according to the given algorithm.
The traffic flows in two different paths through the system
are shown in figure 2. The red path shows the legacy method
(without the security framework). The blue path is for the
traffic flow with the security framework. It is operated under
two scenarios: static and dynamic. In all traffic flow scenarios,
we use Suricata VNF as our SF. Then we gradually increase
the speed of the traffic (data rate) to the slices and measure the
Drop Packet Percentage (DPP) for different data rates. When
DPP exceeds a threshold level (here, we selected 10% as the
threshold level), the NSM alters the resource distribution in
the system.
Assumption: In the ’without security framework’ sce-
nario, the maximum slicing resource that can be allocated
for SFs is limited by the dependencies of the tenant slice.
50 100 150 200 250
Legacy - No SECaaS
2GRAM −2vC P U
4GRAM −4vC P U
SECaaS - Static deployment
8GRAM −8vC P U
SECaaS - Dynamic deployment
2GRAM −2vC P U
4GRAM −4vC P U
6GRAM −6vC P U
8GRAM −8vC P U
10GRAM −10vC P U
Data Rate (Mbps)
Packet Drop Percentage
Fig. 3: Experiment Results
Since the considered usual slice has 3 VNFs, the maximum
resource limit for the Suricata instance in the tenant
slice is 4GB RAM and 4vCPUs. In the dynamic SECaaS
scenario, 2GB RAM and 2vCPUs are allocated in each
step. Furthermore, we assume that the NSM monitors
the performance matrices of the VNFs (here, the DPP
of Suricata instance) and allocate resources appropriately
according to the monitored information.
4) Evaluation of the results
Figure 3 depicts the results of the experiment. In the first
scenario, DPP increases with the increasing data rate in the
Suricata instance in the tenant slice and passes the threshold
level. Once the NSM increases the resource allocation of the
Suricata instance, the DPP falls below the threshold level and
starts again to increase with the data rate. However, the NSM
can not reallocate resources to the Suricata instance due to the
resource restriction in the tenant slice. Hence, DPP passes the
threshold level and continuously increases.
As all the resources in the security slice are allocated to the
security VNF in the second scenario, DPP can be maintained
under the threshold for a wide range of data rates. However,
due to the static resource allocation for the security slice, after
240 Mbps, the threshold level can not be maintained.
When we increase the data rate in the third scenario,
the DPP increases as in the first scenario. As the resource
allocation to the security slice is dynamic in this, we can see
saw teeth in the graph. In each sawtooth, when DPP passes the
threshold level, the NSM can allocate more resources to the
security slice from other slices. Hence, the DPP of the Suricata
instance can be controlled under a desirable threshold value.
2 4 6 8 10
Number of Slices
Conserved Resource Ratio
Default SECaaS
Fallback SECaaS
Fig. 4: Conserved resources with different modes
We can conclude that the system performs well with SE-
CaaS than the traditional architecture. In the static SECaaS
scenario, after a particular point, the system can not provide
security requirements with existing resources in the system.
However, in the dynamic scenario, security requirements can
be provided with already existing resources in the system.
B. Simulations
We compare two modes of operation in the simulations:
default mode and fallback mode, along with the traditional
mode(i.e. no security framework implemented). We consider
resources, cost, and latency in the simulations. Matlab is used
as the simulation tool in these simulations.
1) Simulation model
We consider an L5GO environment where we can increase
the number of network slices in the system. As in the exper-
iment, we assume that 25% of the resources of a slice are
allocated for security solution deployment. In default mode,
25% of resources from one particular slice is sufficient for
deploying SFs in the security slice. In fallback mode, we
assume that 10% of resources are required for special SFs,
and the remaining 15% is sufficient for basic SF deployment.
Thus, in fallback mode, 15% of resources from each slice and
10% from a particular slice are allocated to deploy SFs.
2) Resource conservation
Here, we calculate the conserved resources in different
modes as follows. Modes for RTPcan be default, fallback,
or traditional. In traditional mode, RTT=RTP.
Figure 4 shows the conserved resource proportions in each
mode. Conserved resources always increase when the number
of slices increases in the system with the proposed framework.
Since the resources need to be allocated for basic SF deploy-
ment in each slice in fallback mode, the conserved resource
ratio is always a lower value than the default mode.
3) Cost reduction of the security
This simulation calculates the cost of each mode of opera-
tion. One cost unit represents 1% of allocated resources. For
instance, allocating 25% of resources for security operations
represents 25 cost units for security operations. The cost for
each mode is calculated as follows.
Costtr aditional
=N∗cost for security f unctions in one slice
Costdef ault =cost f or security f unctions in one slice
Costf allback =N∗cost f or basic security f unctions
+cost for specif ic security functions
Figure 5 shows the results received for this simulation. The
cost for deploying SFs in No SECaaS mode continuously
increases with the number of slices in the system. SECaaS
in fallback mode always has a lesser cost value than in No
SECaaS mode due to the requirement of deploying basic SFs
in each slice in traditional method. Since all the SFs are
deployed only in the security slice, the cost is minimum and
the same for deploying security in default SECaaS mode.
Number of slices
Default SECaaS
Fallback SECaaS
Fig. 5: Cost Analysis
4) Latency
The latency variation in the system according to the data
rate is modelled here. The considered parameters are shown
in figure 6 and the equations are shown below.
Security VNF
Normal VNF
Fig. 6: Latency parameters
(14)TNo−S EC aaS =tSS +tP+tQ+tSS
(15)TD−SECaaS =tI S +tP+tQ+tIS
TF−SECaaSs = (tS S +tP+tQ+tSS )|dr=o to dr =ko
+(tIS +tP+tQ+tI S )|dr=koto dr=∞
The parameters for this simulation are obtained from the
above experiment. Until 20mbps, there are no packet drops in
traditional mode. Therefore, packets do not need to wait in the
queue for processing. Therefore, tQ= 0 from 0 to 20 Mbps.
After 20 Mbps, tQincreases proportionally to the incoming
data rate. We assume that tSS =tp/10 = tI S /2 = tin this
simulation. Poisson distribution is utilized to randomize the
input traffic to the system.
Figure 7 depicts the results for latency variations in different
modes of operation. Initially, latency is high in default SECaaS
mode. However, it can maintain the same latency for higher
0 20 40 60 80
Data rate (mbps)
Default SECaaS
Fallback SECaaS
Fig. 7: Latency variation in the system
data rates. Though the traditional mode shows low latency
values for low data rates, latency increases rapidly after a
certain value. Fallback mode behaves in the middle of default
and traditional modes in terms of latency.
Here, we compare our framework with existing solutions
and present the implementation challenges of our framework.
A. Comparison with Existing work
Table II shows a comparison between our framework and
existing frameworks for evaluating a set of features. ’Y’
denotes the availability of the corresponding feature, and ’N’
denotes the unavailability.
Feature [5] [6] [7] [8] [3] Our system
Security Y Y Y N N Y
Scalability Y N Y Y Y Y
Dynamicity Y N Y Y Y Y
Flexibility Y Y N Y Y Y
Network slicing Y Y Y N Y Y
L5GO specificity N N N Y Y Y
TABLE II: Comparison with existing frameworks
This comparison shows the significance of our proposed
solution. Security frameworks that are L5GO specific and
NS based are not proposed yet. Moreover, in terms of other
advantages, our solution performs well.
B. Implementation Challenges
Implementation of the proposed framework raises several
challenges. Slice isolation is a primitive requirement in the
NS ecosystem to preserve the confidentiality of the traffic
flow. However, traffic flow is required to steer to the security
slice and back to the parent slice in the proposed security
architecture. Hence, slice isolation is a challenge. In the
traditional scenario, there is no specific element to manage
security VNFs. The novel architecture consists of a security
slice and an SFR. Hence, an additional security manager is
required to manage the migration of SFs to the security slice
and alter the resource allocation to the SFs in the security slice.
The extra security manager will be an additional overhead to
the system. In the traditional scenario, an inter-slice traffic
steering mechanism is not required. Hence, the E2E latency
values will be lower than the E2E latency values in the
proposed system. This can be a bottleneck for delay-critical
As this architecture is proposed for an L5GO-based envi-
ronment, complete slice isolation is not a critical requirement.
However, advanced encryption mechanisms such as homomor-
phic encryption [10] can be utilized to ensure secure inter-
slice communication. The role of the extra security manager
can be integrated into the operation of the traditional NSM
to eliminate the challenge of the requirement of an additional
security manager. A hybrid mechanism can be proposed for
applications to mitigate the latency challenge. For delay-
critical applications, they can use in-slice SFs to achieve se-
curity requirements; for other applications, the novel SECaaS
architecture can be integrated.
Natural limitations in the NS-enabled private 5G network
ecosystem intensify a network-level solution for addressing
security vulnerabilities. In this paper, we introduced the con-
cept of allocating a dedicated slice of the network to enable
the SECaaS paradigm for an NS-enabled L5GO ecosystem.
The proposed security slice performs all the related security
operations in the private 5G slices. The extensive experimental
and simulation results show the significance of the proposed
solution. Identified implementation challenges open a set of
future research directions related to the proposed framework.
Finally, this paper concludes on the fitness of the concept
of the security slice to address security vulnerabilities in the
private 5G network domain.
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