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How does the mind make moral judgments when the only way to satisfy one moral value is to neglect another? Moral dilemmas posed a recurrent adaptive problem for ancestral hominins, whose cooperative social life created multiple responsibilities to others. For many dilemmas, striking a balance between two conflicting values (a compromise judgment) would have promoted fitness better than neglecting one value to fully satisfy the other (an extreme judgment). We propose that natural selection favored the evolution of a cognitive system designed for making trade-offs between conflicting moral values. Its nonconscious computations respond to dilemmas by constructing "rightness functions": temporary representations specific to the situation at hand. A rightness function represents, in compact form, an ordering of all the solutions that the mind can conceive of (whether feasible or not) in terms of moral rightness. An optimizing algorithm selects, among the feasible solutions, one with the highest level of rightness. The moral trade-off system hypothesis makes various novel predictions: People make compromise judgments, judgments respond to incentives, judgments respect the axioms of rational choice, and judgments respond coherently to morally relevant variables (such as willingness, fairness, and reciprocity). We successfully tested these predictions using a new trolley-like dilemma. This dilemma has two original features: It admits both extreme and compromise judgments, and it allows incentives-in this case, the human cost of saving lives-to be varied systematically. No other existing model predicts the experimental results, which contradict an influential dual-process model.
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A moral trade-o system produces intuitive judgments that are rational and coherent and
strike a balance between conicting moral values
Ricardo Andrés Guzmán, María Teresa Barbato, Daniel Sznycer, Leda Cosmides
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, October 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2214005119
Making moral tradeos when facing a
What is it about?
Intuitions about right and wrong clash in moral dilemmas. This paper is about how
our mind makes judgments when that happens. It shows we have a cognitive system
that handles dilemmas very well, producing intuitive judgments that are rational
*and* coherent *and* strike a balance between conicting moral values.
We reported evidence that dilemmas activate a moral trade-o system: a cognitive
system that is well designed for making trade-os between conicting moral values.
When asked which option for resolving a dilemma is morally right, many people
made compromise judgments, which strike a balance between
conicting moral values by partially satisfying both. Furthermore, their moral
judgments satised a demanding standard of rational choice: the Generalized Axiom
of Revealed Preferences. Deliberative reasoning cannot explain these results, nor can
a tug-of-war between emotion and reason. The results are the signature of a
cognitive system that weighs competing moral considerations and chooses the
solution that maximizes rightness.
Why is it important?
Many psychologists underestimate the sophistication and rationality of human
cognition. They argue that we can reason deliberatively (which is obviously true), but
that evolved emotions, heuristics, or inferences pre-empt, interfere with, or bias our
reasoning. A case in point involves sacricial moral dilemmas (in which saving the
most lives requires harming innocents--as in trolley problems). According to an
inuential theory, these moral dilemmas elicit a tug-of-war between emotions and
reasoning, which prevents us from making judgments that strike a balance between
conicting moral values by partially satisfying both. But this makes no sense from an
evolutionary perspective. Moral dilemmas are, and always have been, part of the
human condition. Our ancestors lived in dense, interdependent social groups, and
had obligations and duties to children, parents, siblings, friends, neighbors,
coalitional allies and others. In many (most?) cases, it was impossible to fully satisfy
all of these obligations. Sometimes the best you can do is partially satisfy several of
them. This suggests that natural selection would have built computational
machinery that is good at weighing various obligations, and producing compromise
judgments (ones that partially satisfy two or more conicting values). Our research
provides evidence of a cognitive system that does just that, producing intuitive
judgments systematically and rationally, while maintaining moral coherence (i.e., the
judgments vary sensibly with changing conditions). Across situations, people
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consistently chose the resolution to a dilemma that was *most right*, given how
their mind weighed the competing moral values. In fact, their judgments satised a
standard of rationality from microeconomics that implies the existence of an
optimizing algorithm.
Leda Cosmides
University of California Santa Barbara
My personal perspective:
Strangely, I found our results (and the evolutionary analysis accompanying it)
comforting. For years, I suered because I could not gure out how to be a good
mother and a good professor at the same time. I always felt I was failing someone. If
I was fully satisfying my obligations to my child, I was failing at some of my duties in
the department, to my colleagues or students. If I was doing right by my grad
students, I felt like I was failing my child. Working on this paper brought home that
doing it all was literally impossible. Often, the best choice--the one that is most right-
-is to satisfy most of your obligations partially: a compromise judgment. What counts
as "most right" will vary from person to person, of course, because it depends on
how heavily you weigh your competing obligations, to family, students, colleagues,
etc. (a "rightness function" (as discussed in the paper) expresses those weights). But
it is comforting to know that we have a cognitive system that takes all that
information into account, does a nonconscious computation that determines which
available option maximizes rightness, given your values--and that *that* is the option
that will feel most right (an intuitive judgment). And to me, it is interesting to know
that the option that feels most right is sometimes a compromise judgment. I was
always going all-out, exhausted most of the time, yet feeling like I was failing at all my
obligations. Now I realize that it was my expectations that were nuts, and what I saw
as failures were compromise moral judgments--my mind was striking a balance
between all these obligations. And that is just part of the human condition.
The following have contributed to this page: Leda Cosmides
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... A conflict resolution is then simply defined as making a choice between the contrasting actions. The literature on moral dilemmas has focused on principles such as "deontology" and "utilitarianism" [28,29,31]; but people's wildly different responses to dilemmas that allegedly all contrast abstract deontology with utilitarianism [20,31] show that the right level of analysis is often not abstract principles but norms specific to contexts (see also [32,45,72]). ...
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... 2. First steps toward an empirical investigation of normative uncertainty have recently been taken by Costa-Gomes and Schönegger (2022), and Jabarian (2020). For recent work on uncertainty in moral judgments without explicit reference to uncertaintism, see for example Alsaad (2021), Alsaad et al. (2021), Guzmán et al. (2022), and Mata (2019). 3. ...
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The prominent dual process model of moral cognition suggests that reasoners intuitively detect that harming others is wrong (deontological System-1 morality) but have to engage in demanding deliberation to realize that harm can be acceptable depending on the consequences (utilitarian System-2 morality). But the nature of the interaction between the processes is not clear. To address this key issue we tested whether deontological reasoners also intuitively grasp the utilitarian dimensions of classic moral dilemmas. In three studies subjects solved moral dilemmas in which utilitarian and deontological considerations cued conflicting or non-conflicting decisions while performing a demanding concurrent load task. Results show that reasoners' sensitivity to conflicting moral perspectives, as reflected in decreased decision confidence and increased experienced processing difficulty, was unaffected by cognitive load. We discuss how these findings argue for a hybrid dual process model interpretation in which System-1 cues both a deontological and utilitarian intuition.
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