Importancia de las revisiones sistemáticas de literatura
Conferencia invitada impartida en la Jornada Científica Internacional Estado de la Ciencia y de la Tecnología – 2022, celebrada en la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo,
Perú, el 13 de octubre de 2022.
El objetivo es presentar el método de revisión sistemática de literatura para la elaboración del estado de la cuestión de una investigación.
... Una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RSL) es aquella donde a partir de una búsqueda exhaustiva de información acerca de un tema, se analiza detalladamente toda la producción científica disponible para una pregunta de investigación, tema particular o fenómeno de interés. Se basa en una estrategia de búsqueda definida que tiene como objetivo detectar la mayor cantidad de bibliografía relevante para ser analizada de forma minuciosa (Kitchenham y Charters, 2007;García-Peñalvo, 2018). ...
... La importancia de implementar un mapeo sistemático de la literatura al inicio de una investigación se basa en la calidad de la información que puede ser utilizada. Además, metodológicamente hablando, el mapeo proporciona una base de datos ordenados sobre documentos que cumplen con los criterios de calidad seleccionados por el propio investigador/a para realizar las búsquedas y permite seleccionar la información precisa y necesaria para ser analizada a profundidad, optimizando tiempo y proporcionando datos que serán útiles en cualquier etapa de la investigación (Kitchenham y Charters, 2007;García-Peñalvo 2018). En este sentido, a partir del mapeo realizado se pudo observar la evolución cronológica de las variables en cuestión, lo cual permitió observar los aspectos que aún quedan pendientes de análisis para posteriores investigaciones. ...
La educación y la escolarización se ajustan constantemente a los cambios políticos, sociales, económicos y contextos globales. El impulso de los gobiernos a nivel mundial por los cursos relacionados a las áreas STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, por sus siglas en inglés) ha sido un desafío para las y los educadores, ya que la incorporación e integración de estas áreas en todos los niveles educativos, va fuertemente ligada a la innovación educativa y a las estrategias que el/la docente utiliza en su práctica. Para abonar a este campo del conocimiento el objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un mapeo sistemático de literatura sobre la producción científica publicada entre los años 2013-2019 que está relacionada con las variables: a) estrategias didácticas, b) herramientas tecnológicas, c) práctica docente, d) STEM y e) innovación educativa, en el marco de la Educación Media Superior y en la Educación Superior. Se plantearon 4 etapas para la realización del mapeo, se utilizaron criterios de inclusión para la búsqueda y se seleccionaron las bases de datos Scopus, Scielo, Google académico, Redalyc, Cambridge collection y Springer. Después de la aplicación de las estrategias de búsqueda se ubicaron un total de 96 artículos. Uno de los hallazgos más importantes en la investigación fue que en los países de Latinoamérica se encontró un mayor número de investigaciones en torno a las variables: estrategias didácticas, herramientas tecnológicas e innovación educativa, mientras que en los países anglosajones se localizaron más investigaciones referentes a la práctica educativa y a las disciplinas STEM.
... Una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RSL) es aquella donde a partir de una búsqueda exhaustiva de información acerca de un tema, se analiza detalladamente toda la producción científica disponible para una pregunta de investigación, tema particular o fenómeno de interés. Se basa en una estrategia de búsqueda definida que tiene como objetivo detectar la mayor cantidad de bibliografía relevante para ser analizada de forma minuciosa (Kitchenham y Charters, 2007;García-Peñalvo, 2018). ...
... La importancia de implementar un mapeo sistemático de la literatura al inicio de una investigación se basa en la calidad de la información que puede ser utilizada. Además, metodológicamente hablando, el mapeo proporciona una base de datos ordenados sobre documentos que cumplen con los criterios de calidad seleccionados por el propio investigador/a para realizar las búsquedas y permite seleccionar la información precisa y necesaria para ser analizada a profundidad, optimizando tiempo y proporcionando datos que serán útiles en cualquier etapa de la investigación (Kitchenham y Charters, 2007;García-Peñalvo 2018). En este sentido, a partir del mapeo realizado se pudo observar la evolución cronológica de las variables en cuestión, lo cual permitió observar los aspectos que aún quedan pendientes de análisis para posteriores investigaciones. ...
A systematic literature review is a systematic method for identifying, evaluating, and interpreting the work of scholars and practitioners in a chosen field. Its purpose is to identify gaps in knowl-edge and research needs in a particular field. Systematic reviews form a broad family of methods and approaches and are made absolutely necessary by the enormous volume of scientific out-put in digital format that is potentially accessible. However, it is not enough to label a review as systematic. This article aims to present the different phases to be carried out when conducting a systematic review. It begins with introducing the methodological frameworks for conducting systematic reviews and then goes into the phases of planning, conducting, and reporting the sys-tematic review. So that any article bearing this label (systematic literature review), in addition to complying with methodological and transparency principles, allows any researcher not only to trust the conclusions derived from the work but also to evolve the systematic review carried out to tackle the problem derived from the obsolescence and continuous advance of scientific knowledge, in line with the FAIR data model, i.e., it meets the principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse. This article has been written in English and Spanish.
Curso impartido en la Facultad Psicología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú el 7 de octubre de 2022.
El objetivo del curso es introducir a los investigadores en la realización de revisiones sistemáticas de literatura o SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Una SLR es un tipo de revisión de la literatura que recopila y analiza críticamente múltiples estudios o trabajos de investigación a través de un proceso sistemático.
Existen múltiples tipos de revisiones de literatura, pero no todas ellas se pueden calificar de sistemáticas. Este curso se centra en las revisiones sistemáticas de literatura y en las revisiones de mapeo de literatura o SLM (Systematic Literature Mappings).
Para su desarrollo se van a introducir los principales marcos de referencia para la realización de revisiones sistemáticas y se detallará un protocolo para su desarrollo.
Los contenidos del seminario son:
1. Introducción a las revisiones sistemáticas
2. Revisiones sistemáticas de literatura vs. Revisiones de mapeo de literatura
3. Marcos metodológicos de referencia para la realización de revisiones sistemáticas de literatura
4. Fase de planificación
5. Fase de realización
6. Fase de informe
7. Caso de estudio
8. Conclusiones
The methods and results of systematic reviews should be reported in sufficient detail to allow users to assess the trustworthiness and applicability of the review findings. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement was developed to facilitate transparent and complete reporting of systematic reviews and has been updated (to PRISMA 2020) to reflect recent advances in systematic review methodology and terminology. Here, we present the explanation and elaboration paper for PRISMA 2020, where we explain why reporting of each item is recommended, present bullet points that detail the reporting recommendations, and present examples from published reviews. We hope that changes to the content and structure of PRISMA 2020 will facilitate uptake of the guideline and lead to more transparent, complete, and accurate reporting of systematic reviews.
The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, published in 2009, was designed to help systematic reviewers transparently report why the review was done, what the authors did, and what they found. Over the past decade, advances in systematic review methodology and terminology have necessitated an update to the guideline. The PRISMA 2020 statement replaces the 2009 statement and includes new reporting guidance that reflects advances in methods to identify, select, appraise, and synthesise studies. The structure and presentation of the items have been modified to facilitate implementation. In this article, we present the PRISMA 2020 27-item checklist, an expanded checklist that details reporting recommendations for each item, the PRISMA 2020 abstract checklist, and the revised flow diagrams for original and updated reviews.
This paper presents a method to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) and metaanalysis
studies on environmental science. SLR is a process that allowed to collect relevant
evidence on the given topic that fits the pre-specified eligibility criteria and to have an answer
for the formulated research questions. Meta-analysis needs the use of statistical methods that
can be descriptive and/or inferential to summarizing data from several studies on the specific
topic of interest. The techniques help to generate knowledge from multiple studies both in
qualitative and quantitative ways. The usual method has four basic steps: search (define
searching string and types of databases), appraisal (pre-defined literature inclusion and
exclusion, and quality assessment criteria), synthesis (extract and categorized the data), and
analysis (narrate the result and finally reach into conclusion) (SALSA). However, this work
added two steps which are research protocol (define the research scope) and reporting results
(stating the procedure followed and communicating the result to the public) at the initial and
last step, respectively. As a result, the new method has six basic steps which are abbreviated
as PSALSAR. Therefore, this method is applicable to assess the existing knowledge, trends,
and gaps in ecosystem services.
In sum, this literature review method presents:
The PSALSAR method is an explicit, transferable and reproducible procedure to conduct
systematic review work.
It helps to assess both quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the literature review.
The procedure listed here added two basic steps (protocol and reporting result) on a
commonly known SALSA framework.
The design and development of information dashboards are not trivial. Several factors must be accounted; from the data to be displayed to the audience that will use the dashboard. However, the increase in popularity of these tools has extended their use in several and very different contexts among very different user profiles. This popularization has increased the necessity of building tailored displays focused on specific requirements, goals, user roles, situations, domains, etc. Requirements are more sophisticated and varying; thus, dashboards need to match them to enhance knowledge generation and support more complex decision-making processes. This sophistication has led to the proposal of new approaches to address personal requirements and foster individualization regarding dashboards without involving high quantities of resources and long development processes. The goal of this work is to present a systematic review of the literature to analyze and classify the existing dashboard solutions that support tailoring capabilities and the methodologies used to achieve them. The methodology follows the guidelines proposed by Kitchenham and other authors in the field of software engineering. As results, 23 papers about tailored dashboards were retrieved. Three main approaches were identified regarding tailored solutions: customization, personalization, and adaptation. However, there is a wide variety of employed paradigms and features to develop tailored dashboards. The present systematic literature review analyzes challenges and issues regarding the existing solutions. It also identifies new research paths to enhance tailoring capabilities and thus, to improve user experience and insight delivery when it comes to visual analysis.
The objective of this report is to propose comprehensive guidelines for systematic literature reviews appropriate for software engineering researchers, including PhD students. A systematic literature review is a means of evaluating and interpreting all available research relevant to a particular research question, topic area, or phenomenon of interest.
Systematic reviews aim to present a fair evaluation of a research topic by using a trustworthy, rigorous, and auditable methodology. The guidelines presented in this report were derived from three existing guidelines used by medical researchers, two books produced by researchers with social science backgrounds and discussions with researchers from other disciplines who are involved
in evidence-based practice. The guidelines have been adapted to reflect the specific problems of software engineering research.
The guidelines cover three phases of a systematic literature review: planning the review, conducting the review and reporting the review. They provide a relatively high level description. They do not consider the impact of the research questions on the review procedures, nor do they specify in detail the mechanisms needed to perform meta-analysis.
Research suggests that emotionally responsive machines that can simulate empathy increase de acceptance of users towards them, as the feeling of affinity towards the machine reduces negative perceptual feedback. In order to endow a robot with emotional intelligence, it must be equipped with sensors capable of capturing users’ emotions (sense), appraisal captured emotions to regulate its internal state (compute), and finally perform tasks where actions are regulated by the computed “emotional” state (act). However, despite the impressive progress made in recent years in terms of artificial intelligence, speech recognition and synthesis, computer vision and many other disciplines directly and indirectly related to artificial emotional recognition and behavior, we are still far from being able to endow robots with the empathic capabilities of a human being. This article aims to give an overview of the implications of introducing emotional intelligence in robotic constructions by discussing recent advances in emotional intelligence in robotics.
Nowadays, companies are demanding better‐prepared professionals to succeed in a digital society, and the acquisition of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)‐related competencies is a key issue. One of the main problems in this sense is how to integrate STEAM into the current educational curricula. This is not something related to a subject or educational trend but rather to new methodological approaches that can engage students. In this sense, such active methodologies that apply mechatronics and robotics could be an interesting path to pursue. Given this context, the first necessary task in evaluating the potential of this approach is to understand the landscape of the application of robotics and mechatronics in STEAM Education and how active methodologies are applied in this sense. To carry out this analysis in a systematic and replicable manner, it is necessary to follow a methodology. In this case, the researchers employ a systematic mapping review. This paper presents this process and its main findings. Fifty‐four studies have been selected out of 242 total studies analyzed. From these, beyond obtaining a clear vision of the STEAM landscape regarding project topics, we can also conclude that robotics and physical devices have been applied successfully with collaborative methodologies in STEAM Education. Regarding conclusions, this paper shows that robotics and mechatronics applied with active methodologies is to be a good means to engage students in STEAM disciplines and thus aid the acquisition of what is commonly known as “21st‐century skills.”
Augmented Reality (AR) has experienced an increasing trend in applied research in the last few years. This emerging trend is focused in content-related challenges: mainly creation (Authoring), adaptation (Context-Awareness) and improvement (Interaction-Analysis) of augmented content. Research in these techniques has enabled Academia to recognise Augmented Reality capability for knowledge transfer, either from AR systems to users or between users. But to the best of author’s knowledge, there are no specific literature review in these areas, neither on their relations with AR knowledge transfer ability. Therefore, this paper aims to identify these relations through an analysis of state-of-the-art techniques in Authoring (A), Context-Awareness (CA) and Interaction-Analysis (IA) in the context of maintenance applications. In order to do so, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been conducted on 74 application-relevant papers from 2012 to 2017. It comprised a thematic analysis to establish the relation between maintenance applications, research in A, CA and IA and AR knowledge transfer modes. Its results helped to classify AR maintenance-applications by technological readiness levels. They also revealed the potential of AR for users’ knowledge capture, and future research required for full knowledge management capabilities. Furthermore, the SLR method proposed could be extended to correlate AR systems and applications by their knowledge management capabilities in any AR application context.