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Caracterización básica del relicto de biodiversidad Rucamanque



Articulo publicado en revista: Bosque Nativo
... Oeste, en la comuna de Temuco,Provincia de Cautín,Novena Región de La Araucanía (Figura 5). Se ubica a 12 kilómetros al Noreste de la ciudad de Temuco, por el camino a Chol -Chol, tramo Trabunco -Los Copihues (Salas, 2001) El Parque se ubica en el denominado cordón montañoso Huimpíl -Ñielol, mediante el cual Rucamanque se conecta con el Monumento Natural Cerro Ñielol. Presenta una altitud máxima de 550 msnm., y el 62% del predio se ubica entre los 300 y 400 msnm. ...
... La estructura de estos remanentes es multietánea, multiestratificada, con individuos de roble dominantes y emergentes de grandes diámetros (Martínez, 1999), pertenecientes al tipo forestal Roble-Raulí-Coigüe (Donoso, 1981). Una muestra de este tipo de bosques y de lo que existía antiguamente en la Región de La Araucanía, lo constituye el Parque Ecológico y Cultural Rucamanque, ubicado en una zona de transición entre los bosques siempreverdes del sur y los ecosistemas esclerófilos de la región mediterránea central, convirtiéndolo en una zona ecotonal de gran relevancia ecológica con vegetación única dentro del país (Salas, 2001). ...
... El cordón montañoso donde se encuentra inserto el Parque Ecológico y Cultural Rucamanque presenta suelos de Clase de uso VII, es decir, de Aptitud Preferentemente Forestal, los cuales presentan como principales limitantes la pendiente. En el predio se presentan 2 tipos de suelo dependiendo de la altitud: suelos arcillosos en la parte baja y suelos trumaos en las zonas de mayor altitud (sobre 400 msnm aproximadamente), además de una zona de transición entre ambos (Salas, 2001). De acuerdo a Seguel et al. (2008), el suelo en Rucamanque corresponde a un tipo Andisol y pertenecen a la serie Ñielol. ...
... La estructura es multietánea, multiestratificada, con individuos de roble dominantes y emergentes de grandes diámetros (Martínez 1999) pertenecientes al tipo forestal Roble-Raulí-Coigüe (Donoso 1981). Una muestra de este tipo de bosques y de lo que existía antiguamente en la Región de La Araucanía lo constituye el predio Rucamanque, ubicado en una zona de transición entre bosques siempreverdes del sur y esclerófilos de la región mediterránea central que lo convierten en una zona ecotonal de gran relevancia ecológica con vegetación única dentro del país (Salas 2001). ...
... Por las características edáficas de andisol se seleccionó dentro del predio Rucamanque el Rodal Nº 8 (18 ha) que corresponde a un bosque mixto adulto de olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum R. et P.), roble, ulmo (Eucryphia cordifolia Cav.), laurel y lingue perteneciente al tipo forestal Roble-Raulí-Coigüe, subtipo remanentes originales (Donoso 1981). El bosque presenta una estructura multietánea y multiestratificada, con una densidad promedio de 680 árboles ha -1 y 97 m 2 ha -1 de área basal; en el bosque adulto el roble está presente exclusivamente en el estrato emergente, alcanzando alturas entre 42 y 53 m y con un diámetro medio cuadrático (DMC) superior a 85 cm (Salas 2001). Dentro de dicho rodal se seleccionó un sitio con exposición noreste (NE) ubicado en el límite superior del predio, a una altitud de 504 m (coordenadas UTM 0709496-5719595 determinadas con GPS Garmin 75 con una precisión en XY de 100 m) con 30% de pendiente (medida con clinómetro Suunto), y otro sitio con exposición suroeste (SO) situado a 460 m s.n.m., con una pendiente abrupta de 60% (coordenadas UTM 0709250-5719282), ambos presentando el mismo tipo de bosque. ...
In forest ecosystems the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play an important role in the carbon accumulation by a glicoprotein production named glomalin that participate in the soil aggregate stability. Therefore, the aim of this study was to quantify the glomalin content of an andisol of southern Chile under adult and mixed forest and to determine the relationships with fungal and soil chemical characteristics. The study was at two slopes and exposition (NE and SW). The forest vegetation was principally dominated by species that develop ectomycorrhiza, but the underforest species, shrubs and climbers, developed arbuscular mycorrhiza with high glomalin production capacity and with amounts higher than those determined in agroecosystems for the same area. Glomalin concentration in the upper horizon ranged between 44.2 and 46.1 mg g″ 1 representing between 8.9 and 10.4% of the total soil carbon, decreasing their content as depth increased. The slope and exposition type influenced glomalin content both, total and easily extractable. Therefore, NE with smooth slope presented the major content of total glomalin, while SW with sharp slope showed high levels of easily extractable glomalin. Total glomalin showed close relationships with the spores AMF (r = 0.84, P < 0.001) and with soil organic matter (r = 0.83, P < 0.001). Data obtained in this study suggest that it is necessary to preserve the forest ecosystems for keeping up the mycorrhizal potential and reinforce the statement that glomalin can be an important carbon sink contributing to soil carbon retention.
... El Parque Ecológico y Cultural Rucamanque se encuentra en una zona de transición entre los bosques siempreverdes del sur y los ecosistemas esclerófilos de la región mediterránea central, convirtiéndolo en una zona ecotonal de gran relevancia ecológica con vegetación única dentro del país (Salas 2001). Además, por su relevancia en términos de biodiversidad y no estar en el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas del Estado (SNASPE) es considerado un Sitio de Prioridad para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad (CONAF 1996), el cual además se encuentra dentro del Hotspot de biodiversidad "Chilean winter rainfall-Valdivian forests" (Myers et al. 2000;Arroyo et al. 2004). ...
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Composition and seasonal variation of the birdlife present in the Rucamanque Ecological and Cultural Park, Araucanía Region, Chile. It is essential to know the avifauna of a region, whether at broad or local scales, because based on this data, different actions can be generated for various purposes, ranging from simple knowledge to eventual management. To provide robust scientific evidence that contributes to the knowledge and conservation of birds, we investigated the effect of seasonality on the richness and abundance of bird species within the Ecological and Cultural Park Rucamanque, a Priority Site for Biodiversity Conservation of the Araucanía region. From October 2018 to September 2019, 12 sampling campaigns were conducted to evaluate the richness and abundance of both diurnal and nocturnal avifauna at 41 counting points distributed within the Park. A total of 3,130 birds belonging to 49 species were observed, of which 32 were identified as permanent residents, six as summer residents, two as winter residents, and 9 as sporadic. Of the 49 recorded species, 9 were not reported in previous studies. In terms of composition, differences were observed in both their richness and abundance, which varied according to seasonality. The results value the Park as a Priority Site for Biodiversity Conservation, as it hosts a rich community of birds, and confirm the need to monitor the state of populations, as they are under constant anthropogenic pressures.
... El Parque Ecológico y Cultural Rucamanque está ubicado en el llano central de la Región de La Araucanía, específicamente a 12 km hacia el noroeste de la ciudad de Temuco (Figura 1), y es considerado un sitio prioritario para la conservación de la diversidad biológica de Chile (CONAF 1996;CONAMA 2002), dentro de sus 408 hectáreas converge el bosque esclerófilo, típico de la zona central, con el siempreverde del sur, predominando el bosque adulto del tipo roble-laurel-lingue asociado a olivillos y ulmos (Ramírez et al. 1989). El conocimiento que se tiene sobre las comunidades de organismos existentes en Rucamanque es relativamente completo en lo que respecta a vegetación (Ramírez et al. 1989;Salas 2001;CONAMA 2002;San Martín et al, 2008), sin embargo, es escaso en cuanto a vertebrados (CONAF 1996;CONAMA 2002;Zúñiga et al. 2005;Zúñiga et al. 2008;Zúñiga 2014), lo que es preocupante ya que se encuentran bajo constantes presiones antropogénicas, en especial los anfibios, debido aque son especies muy sensibles a los cambios en el medio y actualmente presentan una disminución global de sus poblaciones (Collins y Halliday 2005; Cuevas y Cifuentes 2010). ...
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Se documenta la presencia de B. leptopus en el Parque Ecológico y Cultural Rucamanque (38°39'26"S 72°35'26"W, 400 m.s.n.m.), Región de la Araucanía. Se presentan datos de su morfometría y se describe el hábitat observado.
... Some of these tree species can be aged > 460 years old, with the forest stand averaging ca. 350 years old [34]. The intermediate and shrub layer is dominated by Rhamnus diffusus Clos, Pseudopanax valdiviensis (Gay), and Lomatia dentata (Ruiz & Pav.) R.Br, whereas on the forest floor, Blechnum hastatum Kaulf., Luzuriaga radicans Ruiz & Pav., and Lapageria rosea Ruiz & Pav. are frequent. ...
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Chilean native forests have been subjected to several types of disturbances, with one of them being the replacement by exotic species. Pinus radiata D. Don is a widespread exotic tree that forms extensive plantations in southern Chile. It covers extended areas, affecting the landscape, biodiversity, and ecosystem services associated with native forest ecosystems. Although advances in assessing the impact of exotic plant species have been conducted, few studies have focused on the alteration of soil microorganisms. This study aimed to characterize the rhizosphere bacterial and fungal communities associated with the tree species Nothofagus obliqua inside a native forest stand and within a P. radiata plantation growing nearby. We used a 16S rRNA gene and ITS region metabarcoding approach. Using bioinformatics, diversity indices, relative abundance, preferential taxa, and predicted functions and guilds were estimated. The β-diversity analysis showed that both factors, the type of soil (rhizosphere or bulk soil) and the type of site (native forest or P. radiata plantation), were significant, with the site explaining most of the variation among bacterial and fungal communities. Proteobacteria and Basidiomycota were the most abundant bacterial and fungal phyla in both types of soil and sites. Similarly, bacteria showed similar abundant taxa at the family level, independent of the soil type or the site. The main fungal taxa associated with native forests were Tricholomataceae and Cantharellales, whereas in P. radiata plantations, Russulaceae and Hyaloscyphaceae were the most abundant families. The main bacteria functional groups were chemoheterotrophy and aerobic chemoheterotrophy, without significant differences between the type of soil or sites. Overall, these results demonstrate that the composition and diversity of bacterial and fungal communities associated with native N. obliqua forest are influenced by the surrounding forest, and mainly depend on the site’s characteristics, such as the lignin-rich wood source. These results improve our understanding of the impact of native forest replacement on soil microbial communities, which can alter microbial-related soil ecosystem services.
... Th e dominance of the assemblage in the forest by O. longicaudatus can be explained by its fl exibility to use diff erent microhabitats, mainly in the vertical layer of this habitat (Murúa, 1982), situation that is favored by the extensive tree cover present (Salas, 2001). Likewise, the herbivorous habits of this species are favored by the high richness of available plant species (Meserve et al., 1988;Ramírez et al., 1989;González et al. 1989), thus contributing to the selection of this habitat. ...
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Diversity of rodents were compared in a priority site of conservation in southern-central Chile through two seasons (winter and spring). Through the use of Sherman traps, the richness and abundance of species present in both the priority site (native forest) and its adjacent habitat (commercial plantation of Eucalyptus globulus) was assessed. There were significant differences in terms of diversity between both habitats, the composition was significant only for the case of the native forest; however, the seasonal effect was only significant in this same habitat. The ecological aspects linked in this pattern are discussed, which involved both the particularities of the recorded species and the microhabitat.
... El Parque concentra el área mejor conservada y la mayor superficie de los bosques originales que existían en la depresión intermedia de la Región de la Araucanía de Chile. Se localiza a 12 km al noroeste de la ciudad de Temuco en la provincia de Cautín, Región de la Araucanía (Salas 2001). El clima del área es del tipo templado húmedo (Di Castri & Hajek 1976), con una precipitación promedio anual que alcanza los 1.400 mm y una temperatura de 12 °C, respectivamente. ...
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The Rucamanque Park houses some of the remnants of the Roble-Raulí-Coigüe mixed forest in Central South Chile. Cortical lichens were monitored in Renoval and in the Original Remnant Forest of Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst. We found differences in specific richness by tree species and between the Renoval (13 species) and the Original Remnant (7 species). The variables that affect the greatest richness are discussed, suggesting that the structure of the forest may play a key factor.
... The following General object was therefore proposed: To characterise the diurnal lepidopterofauna of Rucamanque, a forest remnant set in a fragmented ecosystem in the central valley of the Araucanía Region of Chile. The specific objects were: (1) to determine the taxa of diurnal lepidoptera associated with forest, grassland and ecotone environments in the Rucamanque forest remnant, determining diversity in forest, grassland and ecotone environments by community parameters and (2) to compare the taxocenotic and biocenotic similarities between the Rhopalocera of the different habitats in spring and summer using the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient [31]. Data analysis included a taxonomic list of the species present in the study area to determine the richness of species (S) and relative abundance (%) at the site to interpret the alpha diversity. ...
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El Parque Nacional Nonguén es uno de los últimos parches remanentes de gran tamaño del Bosque Caducifolio Costero de Concepción, lo que demuestra su importancia a nivel ecológico y la relevancia de conservar y restaurar las zonas que se encuentran degradadas, con invasión de especies exóticas. Para llevar a cabo el diseño de restauración ecológica, se caracterizó un ecosistema de referencia el cual se plasmó en un mapa de fustes. A partir del análisis de la base de datos de dicho mapa se obtuvieron parámetros de composición y estructura. Luego, con la función G de vecinos más cercanos, la función K de Ripley (a continuación, función K) y el algoritmo de identificación de grupos se evaluó el patrón espacial del mapa de fustes, donde se obtuvo que el patrón fue agrupado. Posteriormente, se generaron clusters, combinando el análisis espacial estadístico con el mapa de fustes. Como resultado se obtuvo una plantilla, de la cual se seleccionó una zona que se replicó en seis parcelas de restauración. Finalmente, se ajustó el diseño final en función de dichas parcelas, de manera de optimizar la superficie. El diseño de restauración aplicado aportará a los esfuerzos de restauración ecológica y a la recuperación del ecosistema degradado dentro del Parque.
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The seasonal effect on the composition of a bird assembly was examinated at a priority site for the conservation of southern-central Chile, together with a Eucalyptus globulus plantation and an agroecosystem. During autumn, winter and spring 2014, the diversity of the assemblies and their composition in trophic terms were compared. Effects mainly associated to the habitat were observed, there being greater species richness in the agroecosystem (28), and a minimum in the plantation (24). Habitat effect was found to result in significant changes in species abundance through seasons (19 species in fall, and 20 in winter and spring, respectively). Seasonality produced lesser effect on species in habitats (8 in agroecosystem, 7 in forest and one species in plantations). In terms of guild composition, differences were observed both in their richness and their diversity depending on the habitats, which varied according to seasonality, highlighting the predominance of insectivores in the forest and omnivores in the agroecosystem. The ecological particularities of the species, mainly associated to the use of space, which would affect the observed community pattern are discussed.
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