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Speaker discrimination and classification in breath noises by
human listeners
Raphael Werner, J¨
urgen Trouvain, and Bernd M¨
Language Science and Technology, Saarland University, Saarbr ¨
Audible breath noises are frequent companions to speech, occurring roughly every 3 to 4 sec-
onds [1, 2], and may also be present outside of speech during effortful actions [3]. Being a vital
function, breathing is arguably less affected by speakers trying to disguise their voice and neural
networks have shown promising results on speaker identification based on breath noises [4, 5].
However, breathing has remained largely untapped for forensic purposes, with few exceptions
(e.g. [6]). In this paper we want to investigate the potential that breath noises have for speaker
discrimination and classification by human listeners.
We annotated breath noises in dyadic conversations [7]. For high comparability and since they
are most frequent around speech [8], we here use 5 audible oral (and probably simultaneously
nasal) inhalations each from 6 younger (age range: 20–29; 3m, 3f) and 6 older (age range: 59–65;
3m, 3f) speakers. These noises were then used as stimuli in two tasks: 1) Discrimination task:
participants heard two breath noises (separated by 500 ms of silence; 14 pairs by participant) and
were asked whether they were produced by the same speaker or not. We also recorded participants’
confidence on a 5-point Likert scale. 2) Speaker classification task: participants listened to one
breath noise at a time (20 noises by participant) and were asked whether the breath noise was
produced by a young vs old and male vs female speaker and how confident they were in each of
these answers. We recruited and paid 33 speakers (22 f, 10 m, 1 other; age range: 20-71, median:
31), who reported wearing headphones in a quiet environment and having no hearing difficulties,
via Prolific [9] and ran the experiment on Labvanced [10].
The discrimination task was answered correctly at 64.3 % (sd: 11.8 %), with the lowest results
for combinations of different age and same sex. In speaker classification, the speaker’s age group
was correct at a rate of 50.2 % (sd: 9.1 %), whereas for sex it was 66.7 % (sd: 13.5 %). Confidence
did not differ much between tasks or between sex and age in the classification task.
The results in both tasks suggest that sex differences are more perceivable than age differences.
This general direction seems to be in line with regular speech [11], even though we used ingres-
sive, unphonated noises only here and speaker age was a very coarse-grained distinction between
two separate groups. Perceivable differences by sex but not age may be related to differences in
vocal tract length, which differs by sex [12, p. 25-26]. Age differences may thus be audible when
comparing children to adults. Although not very high, these numbers suggest that breath noises
may be usable for forensic applications to some extent, given that each individual breath noise
used here was only 300 to 1000 ms long. Including breathing patterns, rather than just one or two
noises, may add to finding speaker-specific characteristics [13].
These findings have implications for naturalistic synthetic speech and how breath noises there
need to be geared to the artificial speaker to be perceived as natural. For forensic purposes, they
explore to what extent breath noises may be exploitable for speaker classification and discrimina-
tion tasks. It should be borne in mind, however, that all stimuli used here were made under the
same recording setup and are thus highly comparable, whereas in real-world forensic applications
many factors may complicate comparisons.
P&P 18, 6-7 October 2022, Bielefeld Licensed under CC BY 4.0
[1] Am´
elie Rochet-Capellan and Susanne Fuchs. The interplay of linguistic structure and breath-
ing in German spontaneous speech. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Inter-
national Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), pages 2014–2018, 2013.
[2] Laura Lund Kuhlmann and Jenny Iwarsson. Effects of Speaking Rate on Breathing and
Voice Behavior. Journal of Voice, 2021.
[3] J¨
urgen Trouvain and Khiet P Truong. Prosodic characteristics of read speech before and after
treadmill running. In Interspeech 2015, pages 3700–3704, ISCA, 2015. ISCA.
[4] I Sense You by Breath: Speaker Recognition via Breath Biometrics. IEEE Transactions on
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[5] Wenbo Zhao, Yang Gao, and Rita Singh. Speaker identification from the sound of the human
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[6] Miriam Kienast and Florian Glitza. Respiratory sounds as an idiosyncratic feature in speaker
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[7] R. J.J.H. Van Son, Wieneke Wesseling, Eric Sanders, and Henk Van Den Heuvel. The IFADV
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[8] Rosemary A. Lester and Jeannette D. Hoit. Nasal and oral inspiration during natural speech
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[9] Prolific, 2014. Accessed: 17/05/2022.
[10] Holger Finger, Caspar Goeke, Dorena Diekamp, Kai Standvoß, and Peter K¨
onig. Lab-
Vanced: A Unified JavaScript Framework for Online Studies. In 2017 International Confer-
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[11] Michael Jessen. Speaker classification in forensic phonetics and acoustics. In Christian
uller, editor, Speaker Classification I: Fundamentals, Features, and Methods, pages 180–
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[12] Kenneth N Stevens. Acoustic phonetics, volume 30. MIT press, 2000.
[13] H´
ene Serr´
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Speech breathing: variable but individual over time and according to limb movements. An-
nals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1505(1):142–155, 2021.
P&P 18, 6-7 October 2022, Bielefeld Licensed under CC BY 4.0