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The Advantages and Barries in Implementing of Industry 4.0 and Key Features of Industry 4.0


Abstract and Figures

Since the publication of the term "Industry 4.0" in 2011, the digital transformation required by Industry 4.0 has immediately attracted the attention of industrialists and governments around the world. Majority of the countries around the world are dealing with the difficulty of producing more goods from limited and consumed natural resources to meet the ever-increasing consumer demand worldwide with the first industrial revolution in the 18th century due to environmental and vital issues. Therefore, the sustainability impacts of Industry 4.0 and the way it contributes to sustainable economic, environmental and social development are getting more and more attention. Nowadays, Industry 4.0 is about digitalization in all industrial and consumer markets, from smart production systems to all distribution channels. Industry 4.0 digital transformation involves the digitization and integration of the entire value chain of the product life cycle. Industry 4.0 is a technological concept that contributes to the sustainability of businesses in today's conditions. Industry 4.0 changes the organization, business models, products, supply chain and strategies of companies. Industry 4.0 enables businesses to be more agile and flexible by integrating people, machines and data. Nowadays, countries such as Germany, the and Brazil have been developing policies for the implementation of Industry 4.0. However, the adequacy and implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies can be difficult for both industry representatives and countries. In this research, the advantages and barriers in implementing of Industry 4.0 were expressed. In addition, Industry 4.0 and its main features have been explained. Öz 2011 yılında "Endüstri 4.0" teriminin yayınlanmasından bu yana, Endüstri 4.0'ın gerektirdiği dijital dönüşüm, tüm dünyada sanayici ve hükümetlerin dikkatini hemen çekmiştir. Dünyadaki ülkelerin çoğunluğu, çevresel ve hayati sorunlar nedeniyle 18. yüzyılda ilk sanayi devrimi ile dünya çapında giderek artan tüketici talebini karşılamak için sınırlı ve tüketilen doğal kaynaklardan daha fazla mal üretmenin zorluğu ile uğraşmaktadır. Bu nedenle, Endüstri 4.0'ın sürdürülebilirlik üzerindeki etkileri ve sürdürülebilir ekonomik, çevresel ve sosyal kalkınmaya nasıl katkıda bulunduğu giderek daha fazla ilgi görmektedir. Günümüzde Endüstri 4.0, akıllı üretim sistemlerinden tüm dağıtım kanallarına kadar tüm endüstriyel ve tüketici pazarlarında dijitalleşme ile ilgilidir. Endüstri 4.0 dijital dönüşümü, ürün yaşam döngüsünün tüm değer zincirinin dijitalleştirilmesini ve entegrasyonunu içermektedir. Endüstri 4.0, günümüz koşullarında işletmelerin sürdürülebilirliğine katkıda bulunan teknolojik bir kavramdır. Endüstri 4.0, şirketlerin organizasyonunu, iş modellerini, ürünlerini, tedarik zincirini ve stratejilerini değiştirmektedir. Endüstri 4.0, insanları, makineleri ve verileri entegre ederek işletmelerin daha çevik ve esnek olmasını sağlar. Son zamanlarda Almanya, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Hindistan, Çin, Japonya, Birleşik Krallık ve Brezilya gibi ülkeler Endüstri 4.0'ın uygulanması için politikalar geliştiriyorlar. Bununla birlikte, Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin yeterliliği ve uygulanması hem endüstri temsilcileri hem de ülkeler için zor olabilir. Bu çalışmada, Endüstri 4.0'ın uygulanmasındaki avantajlar ve engeller ifade edilmiştir. Ayrıca Endüstri 4.0 ve temel özellikleri açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
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The Journal of International Scientific Researches
2022, 7(3)
Since the publication of the term "Industry 4.0" in 2011, the digital
transformation required by Industry 4.0 has immediately attracted the
attention of industrialists and governments around the world. Majority of
the countries around the world are dealing with the difficulty of producing
more goods from limited and consumed natural resources to meet the ever-
increasing consumer demand worldwide with the first industrial revolution
in the 18th century due to environmental and vital issues. Therefore, the
sustainability impacts of Industry 4.0 and the way it contributes to
sustainable economic, environmental and social development are getting
more and more attention. Nowadays, Industry 4.0 is about digitalization in
all industrial and consumer markets, from smart production systems to all
distribution channels. Industry 4.0 digital transformation involves the
digitization and integration of the entire value chain of the product life cycle.
Industry 4.0 is a technological concept that contributes to the sustainability
of businesses in today's conditions. Industry 4.0 changes the organization,
business models, products, supply chain and strategies of companies.
Industry 4.0 enables businesses to be more agile and flexible by integrating
people, machines and data. Nowadays, countries such as Germany, the
United States of America, India, China, Japan, the United Kingdom and
Brazil have been developing policies for the implementation of Industry 4.0.
However, the adequacy and implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies can
be difficult for both industry representatives and countries. In this research,
the advantages and barriers in implementing of Industry 4.0 were expressed.
In addition, Industry 4.0 and its main features have been explained.
2011 yılında "Endüstri 4.0" teriminin yayınlanmasından bu yana,
Endüstri 4.0'ın gerektirdiği dijital dönüşüm, tüm dünyada sanayici ve
hükümetlerin dikkatini hemen çekmiştir. Dünyadaki ülkelerin çoğunluğu,
çevresel ve hayati sorunlar nedeniyle 18. yüzyılda ilk sanayi devrimi ile dünya çapında giderek artan tüketici talebini
karşılamak için sınırlı ve tüketilen doğal kaynaklardan daha fazla mal üretmenin zorluğu ile uğraşmaktadır. Bu nedenle,
Endüstri 4.0'ın sürdürülebilirlik üzerindeki etkileri ve sürdürülebilir ekonomik, çevresel ve sosyal kalkınmaya nasıl
katkıda bulunduğu giderek daha fazla ilgi görmektedir. Günümüzde Endüstri 4.0, akıllı üretim sistemlerinden tüm
dağıtım kanallarına kadar tüm endüstriyel ve tüketici pazarlarında dijitalleşme ile ilgilidir. Endüstri 4.0 dijital
dönüşümü, ürün yaşam döngüsünün tüm değer zincirinin dijitalleştirilmesini ve entegrasyonunu içermektedir.
Endüstri 4.0, günümüz koşullarında işletmelerin sürdürülebilirliğine katkıda bulunan teknolojik bir kavramdır. Endüstri
4.0, şirketlerin organizasyonunu, iş modellerini, ürünlerini, tedarik zincirini ve stratejilerini değiştirmektedir. Endüstri
4.0, insanları, makineleri ve verileri entegre ederek işletmelerin daha çevik ve esnek olmasını sağlar. Son zamanlarda
Almanya, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Hindistan, Çin, Japonya, Birleşik Krallık ve Brezilya gibi ülkeler Endüstri 4.0'ın
uygulanması için politikalar geliştiriyorlar. Bununla birlikte, Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin yeterliliği ve uygulanması
hem endüstri temsilcileri hem de ülkeler için zor olabilir. Bu çalışmada, Endüstri 4.0'ın uygulanmasındaki avantajlar ve
engeller ifade edilmiştir. Ayrıca Endüstri 4.0 ve temel özellikleri açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
The introduction of smart technologies into the production environment has revealed industry
4.0 as the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 represents a business environment where
Yusuf Ersoy
Doç. Dr., Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi,, Muş, Türkiye
Orcid No:
Article Type / Makale Türü
Research Article / Araştırma Makalesi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yapay Zeka, Büyük Veri Analitiği, Endüstri
4.0, Nesnelerin İnterneti, Siber-Fiziksel Sistem
Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics,
Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Cyber-
Physical System
JEL Codes: M11, O30, Q55
This study has been extensively derived from
the paper "Main features of Industry 4.0 and
advantages and barriers to implementing
Industry 4.0" held in the Middle-East
Conference on Contemporary Sciences IV
November 1-3, 2020 Beirut, Lebanon.
27 / 05 / 2022
19 / 09 / 2022
The Advantages and Barries in Implementing of Industry
4.0 and Key Features of Industry 4.0
Endüstri 4.0'ın Uygulanmasındaki Avantajlar ve Engeller ve Endüstri 4.0'ın
Temel Özellikleri
Ersoy, Y. (2022). The advantages and barriers in ımplementing of ındustry 4.0 and key features of ındustry 4.0. The Journal
of International Scientific Researches, 7(3), 207-214.
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machines, devices, employees and corporate systems are connected through cyber-physical systems
and the internet. Technologies that provide Industry 4.0 significantly improve the quality of
products and services provided by firms with autonomous and dynamic production. These
technological innovations have made sustainable performance a key feature in smart factories by
ensuring the efficient use of resources (Fatorachian & Kazemi, 2020).
Industry 4.0 is a new paradigm that is deeply changing human-machine interaction in the
manufacturing / production environment. Industry 4.0 is a new production concept that aims to
integrate industrial automation and new production technologies to improve working conditions,
increase productivity and quality (Nardo, Forino & Murino, 2020). Firms can develop with Industry
4.0, their agility and profitability by improving the connectivity of machines, products, supply
chains and customers, and using the systems' increased decision-making capabilities. It is likely to
achieve operational performance levels previously unattainable with the use of the Internet of
Things, cyber-physical systems and cloud computing, (Rosin et al., 2020).
The statement "Industry 4.0" was first used at the Hannover Fair in 2011. Later, the term Industry
4.0 was adopted by the German government in 2013 as a strategic attempt to revolutionize the
manufacturing industry. Recently, there is a growing interest in Industry 4.0 due to the numerous
benefits it provides to production organizations. (Raj et al., 2020). As can be seen from this increasing
interest, it is possible to find many research on Industry 4.0 in the literature (Oztemel & Gursev,
2020; Osterrieder, Budde & Friedli, 2020; Gulot et al., 2020). Industry 4.0 is defined as the fourth
industrial revolution (Silveira et al., 2021). Industry 4.0 and the other 3 industrial revolutions can be
seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Stages of the four industrial revolutions
Source: Anderl, 2014
Industry 4.0 is about highly advanced automation and digitization operations and the use of
information technologies and electronics in services and production. Industry 4.0 enables factories
to be made more flexible, intelligent and dynamic by equipping the manufacturing environment
with autonomous systems and sensors. Industry 4.0 ensures that value-added integration is realized
vertically and horizontally during the production step. The manufacturing process in Industry 4.0
requires more microchips, sensors and autonomous systems due to the rapid development of
technologies (Lu, 2017). The integration framework that expresses the interoperability of Industry
4.0 with digital technologies such as machine, human, sensor and automation can be seen in figure
Ersoy, Y. (2022). The advantages and barriers in ımplementing of ındustry 4.0 and key features of ındustry 4.0. The Journal
of International Scientific Researches, 7(3), 207-214.
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Figure 2. Integration framework of Industry 4.0
Source: Lu, 2017
The technologies underlying the Industry 4.0 concept are aimed at reducing costs, increasing
flexibility, increasing speed and improving quality (Olsen & Tomlin, 2020). The digitization
principle of Industry 4.0 and the sensor data obtained from the physical environment offers very
important opportunities for optimization of production processes. The use of industrial robotics,
automation and additive manufacturing for the development of the modularity principle of Industry
4.0 facilitates an agile, flexible and decentralized production environment that effectively adapts to
constantly changing customer needs (Ghobakhloo, 2020).
If the spread of Industry 4.0 is not geographically homogeneous, economically and socially
disadvantaged countries will be negatively affected. As a result of this situation, the gap between
developed and developing countries will gradually increase (Bonilla et al., 2018). It is very important
to state the advantages and barriers in the application of Industry 4.0 to eliminate this gap between
countries and to distribute Industry 4.0 homogeneously. In this study, the advantages of Industry
4.0 and the barriers in its implementation have been tried to be explained.
1. Key Features of Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 can be expressed as a combination of various emerging concepts and new
technologies such as big data, smart sensors, robotics, cloud computing, machine learning,
augmented reality, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things. Advanced technologies included in
Industry 4.0 enable the restructuring of all production systems by converting centralized and analog
workflows into decentralized and digital manufacturing operations (Raj et al., 2020). Industry 4.0 is
a revolution that allows communication between people and machines using automated systems
such as cloud computing, cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things and etc. (Nardo, Forino &
Murino, 2020).
The basic elements of Industry 4.0 can be expressed as cloud computing, cyber-physical system,
internet of things, augmented reality, 3D printers, artificial intelligence and machine learning,
Ersoy, Y. (2022). The advantages and barriers in ımplementing of ındustry 4.0 and key features of ındustry 4.0. The Journal
of International Scientific Researches, 7(3), 207-214.
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simulation, big data analytics and autonomous robots (Soylu, 2018; Şekkeli & Bakan, 2018; Jena,
Mishra & Moharana, 2019; Olsen & Tomlin, 2020; Shafiq, Sanin & Szczerbicki, 2020; Ghadge et al.,
2020; Tehci & Ersoy, 2020). The main components of Industry 4.0 were given below.
Cyber-Physical System: Cyber-physical systems are referred to as converter technologies for
controlling systems interconnected between physical presences and calculation capabilities. In
current industrial applications, cyber-physical systems are integrated with production, logistics and
services, enabling today's factories to be transformed into an Industry 4.0 factory with considerable
economical potential (Lee, Bagheri & Kao, 2015: 18).
Internet of Things: Recently, the development of wireless technologies has led to the emergence
of a new paradigm called the Internet of Things. Internet of Things is applied in many areas such as
healthcare, smart building, logistics and the environment. Thanks to the Internet of Things,
businesses have the opportunity to collect and analyze very different and large amounts of data that
they can use to develop their industrial performance. (Khan et al., 2020).
Three-Dimensional Printers (Additive Manufacturing): Additive manufacturing is expressed as
combining materials in three-dimensional printers in the form of layers to produce objects from
three-dimensional data. It is also defined as three-dimensional production, additive production,
additive processes, additive techniques, additive layer production, layer production and free-form
production (Fraizer, 2014).
Cloud Computing: Cloud computing technologies provide computing, storage services and
networking in whole facilities in the Internet of Things system. Private cloud service models are not
a viable option for small and medium-sized businesses, as setting up data centers and hiring
technical crew requires high expenditure. However, large and multinational companies prefer
private cloud computing technologies to ensure security, safety information privacy, deal with
industrial information theft and gain a competitive advantage. (Khan et al., 2020).
Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality (AR) technologies assist industrial personnel during
complex processes such as complex industrial products, assembly/disassembly of machines, and
mission-critical systems. AR technologies enable the monitoring of workers and machines during
operations and instant changes or notifications to minimize errors (Khan et al., 2020). Industrial
augmented reality is one of the fundamental elements of industrial digitization concepts that
superimpose digital information and connect employees with the physical world (Masood & Egger,
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are a
technological revolution for companies in different sectors. Together with artificial intelligence
machine learning techniques, it enables the automation of a production process that increases
productivity, efficiency, optimizes production cost and reduces errors (Balamurugan et al., 2019).
Today, the development of machine learning as a branch of artificial intelligence is now quite fast.
Recently, the use of machine learning has become widespread in areas such as intelligent
manufacturing, medical science, pharmacology, agriculture, archeology and so on (Cioffi et al.,
Autonomous Robots: In our age, robotic technology is used in different fields such as
production, transportation, e-commerce and health. Nowadays, these robots have finally begun to
interact with each other, work harmoniously and safely with operators, and provide support to
operators. In the future, these robots are expected to be more economical and have more capabilities
and features than currently used models. (Ghadge et al., 2020).
Big Data Analytics: Big data analytics are technologies and techniques used to extract unknown
and valid information from a variety of applications to analyze large-scale and complex data. For
this reason, big data analytics includes an ecosystem of complex, interconnected and multi-layered
high-capacity networks, users, applications, and services required to store, visualize, process and
deliver results from different data sources to target applications (Chalmeta & Santos-deLeon, 2020).
Simulation: Simulation is widely used in business models to model the real working
environment in a virtual ecosystem using available real-time data. Data collected and processed
from big data and cloud systems can be used in a virtual model to analyze whole feasible situations
Ersoy, Y. (2022). The advantages and barriers in ımplementing of ındustry 4.0 and key features of ındustry 4.0. The Journal
of International Scientific Researches, 7(3), 207-214.
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related to the development, research and production of the product. Businesses can see the risks,
setup times, costs that may occur in business processes, and make improvements for future
operations and services with the help of simulation (Ghadge et al., 2020).
2. Advantages and Barries in The Application of Industry 4.0
2.1. Advantages of Industry 4.0 in Its Implementation
Industry 4.0 has a great advantage in speed up production with higher output and lower cost.
It creates a smart factory environment with smart production, smart energy, smart engineering and
smart transportation. Industry 4.0 aims to develop and upgrade production technologies by
integrating the physical systems of the factory with cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things and
cloud computing. The integrated framework helps to monitor human, machine, material movement
and similar parameters and processes through real-time communication and enables smart
conclusions (Jena, Mishra & Moharana, 2019).
It is possible to classify the opportunities of Industry 4.0 under six main headings. These are;
production flexibility arising during the production of small batches, greater output capacity, speed
of serial prototypes, higher product quality and less production rejection, lower setup costs and less
error and machine downtimes, and improvement of customers' view of the product (Büchi Cugno
& Castagnoli, 2020).
Modgil et al., (2020) have determined the advantages of Industry 4.0 in their studies. These are;
innovation, effective globalization, optimum use of resources, seamless product flow, efficient
continuous real-time monitoring, efficient energy consumption, autonomous control, greater
flexibility to meet high-end last-minute changes, for every step in cloud storage safe and reliable
backup system, detailed end-to-end product transparency in real-time. Mian et al., (2020) have stated
the advantages of industry 4.0 as higher productivity, accelerated enterprise growth, better control
and streamlining of processes, greater flexibility, sustainability development.
Some researchers acknowledge that Industry 4.0 can provide some opportunities for social and
environmental sustainability beyond economic advantages (Stock & Seliger, 2016; Kiel et al., 2017;
Brozzi et al., 2020). Brozzi et al. (2020) have investigated the advantages of Industry 4.0 applications
in terms of sustainability. In the study, using a questionnaire, it has been investigated to what extent
manufacturing companies consider Industry 4.0 as an advantage in terms of environmental and
social sustainability? According to the results of the research, the advantages in implementing
Industry 4.0 were; reduction of errors, management of logistics, time savings, lower physical stress
of partners, reduction of costs, reduction of workforce, sustainability (lower environmental impact).
As a result of the study, the evaluation of economic opportunities was superior to environmental
and social opportunities.
2.2. Barriers of Industry 4.0 in Its Implementation
On the other side, the many advantages of Industry 4.0 technologies, there are some obstacles
in their application. Barriers in the implementation of Industry 4.0 can be classified as lack of
management support, financial constraints, resistance to change, legal problems, lack of expertise,
lack of government policy and support, insufficient research and development practices, lack of
infrastructure, lack of digital culture, poor quality data (Ghadge et al., 2020: 674).
Raj et al., (2020) have examined the barriers to the application of Industry 4.0 technologies in the
production industry within the framework of both developed and developing economies. In the
study, 15 barriers have been evaluated using Gray Relational Analysis (GRA) and DEMATEL
methods. Barriers used in the research; high capital in Industry 4.0 application, lack of certainty
about economic benefit, risk of a security breach, difficulty in value chain integration, irregularity,
low-quality level of the desired technology, disruption in the existing business, lack of standards,
regulations and certification forms, lack of infrastructure, difficulties in ensuring data quality, lack
of digital skills, in-house digital culture and lack of training, ineffective change management,
resistance to change and resource scarcity, as well as the absence of a digital strategy. As a result of
Ersoy, Y. (2022). The advantages and barriers in ımplementing of ındustry 4.0 and key features of ındustry 4.0. The Journal
of International Scientific Researches, 7(3), 207-214.
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the study, "lack of a digital strategy as well as resource scarcity" emerges as the most important
barrier in both developed and developing economies.
Da Silva et al., (2020) have expressed the barriers of Industry 4.0 in its implementation. These
were; lack of government regulations and policies, the weak technological infrastructure of firms,
confusion of technologies, lack of specialized and diversified suppliers, poor organizational
management, lack of knowledge from a multidisciplinary perspective, lack of methodological
processes for the adoption of the Industry 4.0 concept, firms and suppliers understanding of
potential benefits and cooperation between organizations, internal resistance to organizational
changes, lack of qualified workforce, new skills and training needs, financial uncertainties regarding
return on investment, lack of financial infrastructure, data security.
Kumar, Singh & Kumar (2021) have definied some of the barriers in the application of Industry
4.0 as short-term corporate goals, insufficient legislation and controls, lack of skilled workforce, lack
of awareness of Industry 4.0, lack of waste management and ineffective performance framework. In
the study, 15 barriers have been evaluated using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Elimination
and Choice Expressing Reality (ELECTRE) methods. According to the results of the study, lack of
funding for Industry 4.0 and insufficient strategy for integration of Industry 4.0 and circular
economy have been determined as the main barriers.
3. Results and Discussion
According to the results of the study, the important advantages of Industry 4.0 in its application
are; production flexibility, efficiency, quality improvement, smooth product flow, optimum use of
resources, reduction of cost and errors, sustainability development, accelerated enterprise growth,
time-saving, innovation and improvement in customer satisfaction. The most important barriers of
Industry 4.0 are; legal problems, insufficient research and development practices, lack of
infrastructure, lack of digital culture, resource scarcity, lack of government regulations and policies,
poor quality data, the weak technological infrastructure of companies, poor organizational
management, internal resistance to organizational changes, lack of qualified workforce, new skills
and training needs, financial uncertainties regarding the return on investment, lack of financial
infrastructure, data security, lack of funding, insufficient strategy for integration of Industry 4.0 and
circular economy, lack of waste management, lack of awareness of Industry 4.0.
Developed and developing countries must make more effort to facilitate the applicability of
Industry 4.0. When evaluated from this perspective, it is understood that companies should use new
technologies together with Industry 4.0 to be successful in the sector. On the one hand, enterprises
should develop strategies to meet the needs of qualified personnel in the technological components
of Industry 4.0 such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning. Moreover, it is
understood that the integration of information, machine, human and technology is of great
importance for the successful application of Industry 4.0.
Today, the many businesses want to apply technological and organizational innovation.
Technological developments such as the Internet of Things, machine learning, simulation and cloud
computing enable solutions for customer needs. The development of the industry is a process of
complexity and agility integrated between man and machine. Industry 4.0 technologies ensure the
improvement of product quality. In addition to the convenience, it provides in the application,
Industry 4.0 brings several important difficulties to companies in terms of technological,
organizational and management. Determining the advantages and barriers of Industry 4.0 in its
implementation is very important for the sustainability of enterprises in the global competitive
It is thought that this study will contribute to those who will conduct research on this subject
and to the companies and organizations in the future. This study can serve as a guide for businesses
to prepare for the barriers of Industry 4.0 in its implementation. Examination of barriers of Industry
4.0 in its implementation such as lack of financial infrastructure and lack of digital culture can be
Ersoy, Y. (2022). The advantages and barriers in ımplementing of ındustry 4.0 and key features of ındustry 4.0. The Journal
of International Scientific Researches, 7(3), 207-214.
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considered as another research subject in the future. Determining the importance levels of the
barriers of Industry 4.0 in its implementation by using multi-criteria decision-making methods may
be another research subject to be in the future.
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Ersoy, Y. (2022). The advantages and barriers in ımplementing of ındustry 4.0 and key features of ındustry 4.0. The Journal
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... After a short break, focused on dealing with the causes and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic (Walentynowicz, Szanter, 2021), the topic of transformation of economies towards a digital economy, with particular emphasis on the concept of Industry 4.0, has become attractive in the science and practice of business management. That concept has been known since 2011 (Klingenberg, until 4) increase in the efficiency of the use of machinery and equipment, 5) increase in the efficiency of management of various types of areas of the company as a result of greater access to data, 6) increase in the flexibility of the company, 7) increasing the level of innovation of the company, 8) increasing the speed of response to customer expectations and shortening their service times, 9) closer relationships with customers, 10) shortening the time of designing and placing the product on the market, 11) increase in the level of satisfying customer needs, 12) increase in profitability and return on investment, 13) increasing the competitiveness of the company, 14) increasing the attractiveness of the company as a business partner, 15) increase in the market value of the enterprise. ...
... However, in order for the situation not to look potentially so colorful (so attractive), individual authors also raise the issues of threats related to the development of this concept (limitations in the supply of various types of IT specialists; increase in investment outlays and capital needed for this, increase in operating costs of this type of enterprises; threats to the security of key data; stress of employees in connection with the implementation of new technologies; qualification exclusion of some employees; polarization of society's earnings; AI threats) (Ersoy, 2022;Walentynowicz, 2020). In this way, after balancing the various costs and benefits of implementing Industry 4.0 solutions in organizations, we get a true picture of this concept, but it is unquestionable that progress cannot be escaped and in the future new technologies will dominate our lives and the functioning of organizations (Kelly, 2017). ...
Purpose: The main objective of the article is to present the results of a study on the attitude of young generation customers to Industry 4.0 technologies used in manufacturing companies and the resulting conclusions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The CAWI methodology was used in the study. The respondents were mainly students of the University of Gdańsk and the Pomeranian University in Słupsk (320) aged 18-35, as full-fledged clients of the young generation. As part of the survey, respondents explained what Industry 4.0 technology is all about. Conclusions: As the basic results of the study turned out to be consistent with the hypotheses (younger generation customers are mostly ambivalent about the technologies used in manufacturing companies), an additional study was conducted on what is important to them. This part of the study yielded very interesting results from a marketing point of view. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation is that the study was conducted on students majoring in management. Currently, the research is being continued, consisting in polling the opinions of students of humanities and engineering. Practical implications: The results of the study can be used in the practice of marketing management of enterprises. Societal implications: The results of the study will have no impact on society at large. Originality/value: The publication is addressed to academics at management and marketing faculties and practitioners of the management of manufacturing enterprises. The main value of the article is the innovative (so far unprecedented) context of deliberations on technologies included in the Industry 4.0 concept. Keywords: customers of the young generation, Industry 4.0 technologies, Industry 4.0, preferences, quality features of products. Thesis category: research paper.
... One of the main goals of industry 4.0 is to predict the anomalous behaviour of the system. Fault diagnosis, early detection of defects, and increased system reliability are essential to lower operational costs [2]. Numerous methodologies are presented in the literature [3][4][5][6] to reduce maintenance costs and prevent unplanned downtime in the production chain due to equipment failures. ...
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The methodology and case study presented in this article reveals the impact of self-X properties onlong-term system reliability. The studies were conducted on the data received from XMR-based angulardecoders used as a demonstration setup and Red Pitaya platform used for real-time measurement. Anew approach inspired by the biological immune system was explored to detect anomalies and noveltiesin the field of one-class classification (OCC) XMR sensor properties. The accuracy of the proposedmethodology was 96.2 %. Due to the implementation of the self-X (self-healing, self-calibration, self-repairing, etc.) properties, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the physical demonstrator by main-taining satisfactory system performance, despite the defects that occur during the operation. (1) (PDF) A4.3 - Concept of a Self-X Sensory System and its first implementation on an XMR-based Angular Decoder Demonstrator. Available from: [accessed Oct 09 2023].
The practical Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) algorithm stands out as one of the most frequently employed consensus algorithms in consortium blockchains. However, due to the frequent global communication mechanism, the PBFT’s communication overhead increases exponentially with the number of nodes, resulting in poor scalability. Therefore, the PBFT is typically used only in small networks. To improve the PBFT’s efficiency in large-scale systems such as massive smart grids and the Internet of Things, we put forward a reputation-based PBFT algorithm with node grouping strategy (RGPBFT). Specifically, we firstly develop an improved consistency subprotocol based on node grouping strategy to improve the consensus efficiency and the scalability of the PBFT. Then, we propose a reputation-based strategy to enhance the reliability of the elected master node. The simulated test results show that the node grouping strategy could significantly improve the consensus efficiency of the PBFT, and the reputation-based strategy could reduce the impact of Byzantine nodes on the throughput and consensus latency. Overall, the test results demonstrate that the RGPBFT outperforms the PBFT in consensus latency, throughput, communication overhead, and fault tolerance. The RGPBFT exhibits high consensus efficiency in large-scale networks.
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The application of Industry 4.0 technology has substantial prospects for future innovation and corporate growth. This research study investigates the influence of Industry 4.0 technologies on the establishment of environmental sustainability in the manufacturing sector and other associated industries. Industry 4.0 and its associated technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems, have a detrimental effect on environmental sustainability. This is due to factors such as air pollution, improper waste disposal, and excessive consumption of raw materials, information, and energy. The approach employed in this study is an extensive review of a literature review comprising 207 manuscripts that explore subjects pertaining to Industry 4.0 and environmental sustainability. Currently, there is a gap between the current and intended state of affairs. Production is happening in a paradigm that lacks sustainability, which is why this research examines the impact of Industry 4.0 on environmental sustainability and the relevant aspects of Industry 4.0. One of the objective of this study is to examine the notable advantages of Industry 4.0 in the context of sustainable manufacturing. The other objective of this study are to ascertain the specific tools and components associated with Industry 4.0 that have a role in promoting the progress of a sustainable ecosystem and to do a comprehensive analysis of existing literature to find out the effectiveness of technologies of Industry 4.0 in promoting environmental sustainability. This study identifies and examines 18 significant uses of Industry 4.0 that contribute to the development of a sustainable environment. This research shows that the convergence of Industry 4.0 and the sustainable development goals improves environmental sustainability by establishing ecological support that ensures superior environmental performance with a greater positive influence than previously. This paper aims to assist stakeholders and organizations in addressing current environmental concerns by implementing innovative technologies. This study is novel in that it illustrates the integration of Industry 4.0 and its technologies with sustainable development goals, resulting in a sustainable Industry 4.0 that combines environmental protection and sustainability.
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Health 4.0 can be understood as the set of procedures that seek to improve the efficiency and speed of health professionals with possible guidelines for combining patient data in hospitals. However, systematizing and qualitatively describing the contributions of industry 4.0 in the context of the Brazilian health sector is a complex task. The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of industry 4.0 related to the health sector and its respective characteristics in Brazil. In addition, it discusses the prospects for greater use of technology in health care. In methodological terms, an exploratory field research was conducted with a non-random and intentional sample of professionals working in the technological context of Brazilian health. The research is classified as descriptive and qualitative, exploratory. The results contribute to narrow the information gap about industry 4.0 in the Brazilian health sector. The study allowed to develop a concept map of health 4.0 regarding the professional profile, considering the adoption of technologies that may favor the sector.
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The emergence of Industry 4.0, also referred to as the fourth industrial revolution, has entirely transformed how the industry or business functions and evolves. It can be attributed to its broadening focus on automation, decentralization, system integration, cyber-physical systems, etc. Its implementation promises numerous benefits in terms of higher productivity, greater volatility, better control and streamlining of processes, accelerated enterprise growth, sustainable development, etc. Despite the worldwide recognition and realization of Industry 4.0, its holistic adoption is constrained by the requirements of specific skills among the workforce. The personnel are expected to acquire adaptive thinking, cognitive and computational skills, predominantly in the area of information technology, data analytics, etc. Thus, the universities that laid the foundation for future talents or trends in society have to adapt and modernize the existing programs, facilities, and infrastructure. This reshaping of higher education in consonance with the vision of Industry 4.0 possesses its opportunities and challenges. There are, of course, a multitude of factors involved and they need a reasonable assessment to strategically plan this metamorphosis. Therefore, this work aims to explore and analyze the different factors that influence the progression and enactment of Industry 4.0 in universities for sustainable education. For this purpose, a systematic approach based on a questionnaire as well as a SWOT (strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T)) integrated with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is adopted. The questionnaires are administered to university employees and students (or stakeholders) to assess their viewpoint, as well as to estimate the priority values for individual factors to be included in SWOT. The AHP is implemented to quantify the different factors in terms of weights using a pairwise comparison matrix. Finally, the SWOT matrix is established depending on the questionnaire assessment and the AHP weights to figure out stakeholders' perspectives, in addition to the needed strategic scheme. The SWOT implementation of this research proposes an aggressive approach for universities, where they must make full use of their strengths to take advantage of the emerging opportunities in Industry 4.0. The results also indicate that there are fundamental requirements for universities in Industry 4.0, including effective financial planning, skilled staff, increased industrial partnerships, advanced infrastructure, revised curricula, and insightful workshops. This investigation undoubtedly underlines the importance of practical expertise and the implementation of digital technologies at the university level to empower novices with the requisite skills and a competitive advantage for Industry 4.0.
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Industry 4.0 is a new paradigm in the manufacturing world and it has deeply changed the Human–machine interaction. This paper focus is on the nature of this interaction, which is made possible thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), and Cyber-Physical System (CPS). These Industry 4.0 key technologies are studied related to the standard Deming cycle, in order to underline the importance of Human–machine interaction. The Fourth Industrial Revolution involves several changes in the workforce’s key features. In this paper, a new perspective based on the centrality of humans is given in the new Industry era. The importance of the human factor will be deeply studied through the implementation of the ‘Sand Cone Model’. A new framework is proposed in order to explain the quality measures addiction on the workforce quality skills, and how it engraves on improving efficiency and effectiveness of an industrial process.
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Industrial augmented reality (IAR) is one of the key pillars of the industrial digitalisation concepts, which connects workers with the physical world through overlaying digital information. Augmented reality (AR) market is increasing but still its adoption levels are low in industry. While companies strive to learn and adopt AR, there are chances that they fail in such endeavours due to lack of understanding key challenges and success factors in this space. This study identifies critical success factors and challenges for IAR implementation projects based on field experiments. The broadly used technology, organisation, environment (TOE) framework was used as a theoretical basis for the study, while 22 experiments were conducted for validation. It is found that, while technological aspects are of importance, organisational issues are more relevant for industry, which has not been reflected to the same extent in the literature.
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Industry 4.0 is increasingly being promoted as the key to improving productivity, promoting economic growth and ensuring the sustainability of manufacturing companies. On the other hand, many companies have already partially or fully implemented principles and tools from the Lean management approach, which is also aimed at improving productivity. While the two approaches use very different strategies, they share some common principles. The objective of this article is to highlight the links between the principles and tools proposed by Industry 4.0 and those proposed by the Lean management approach, with a particular focus on how some of Industry 4.0's technologies are improving the implementation of Lean principles, depending on the technologies’ capability levels. As such, this study aims to provide a characterisation of the impacts of Industry 4.0 technologies on Lean principles according to targeted capability levels. The results obtained show strong support for Industry 4.0 technologies for Just-in-time and Jidoka, but little or no support for waste reduction and People and Team work. There is, therefore, a clear need to pursue the deployment of Lean management while improving certain Lean principles using Industry 4.0 technologies.
The rapid development of technology, communication, and informatics greatly affects the standard of living of people and the development of countries. These developments are directly or indirectly related to production management and marketing processes. With the first industrial revolution, using steam power increased the mechanization rate in production. In the second industrial revolution, mass production started with electrical energy. The transition to electronic and information technology automation was achieved by the third industrial revolution. In the early 2000s, smart applications, digital processes, and artificial intelligence applications started to be used. In the last 10 years, developed countries such as Germany, France, Sweden, and Japan started to bring up the concept of industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is expressed as the use of information and communication technologies in production, planning, purchasing, and marketing processes. Industry 4.0 directly affects many technological sectors such as health, genetics, space industry, defense industry, and the pharmaceutical industry. Rapid developments in technology, global competition conditions, social media concept, and internet usage level worldwide have been effective in the emergence of the concept of marketing 4.0. Marketing 4.0 provides to consumers have visual information about the product and have the opportunity to compare alternative products. The concept of Marketing 4.0 is based on the understanding of customer-oriented production and just-in-time production. Thus, marketing 4.0 integrates with concepts such as lean production and just-in-time production. Companies that evaluate the concept of Industry 4.0 as a whole with production management and marketing can compete with their competitors and achieve their goals under global competitive conditions. Industry 4.0 includes concepts such as production, engineering, software development, smart systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and information systems. Marketing 4.0 includes concepts such as brand image, brand integrity, customer-oriented production, social marketing, and digital communication. In this study, it was aimed to examine the concepts of industry 4.0 and marketing 4.0 and explain the importance of smart production systems for companies.
Organizations are struggling to leverage emerging opportunities for maintaining sustainability in the global markets due to many barriers in the era of Industry 4.0 and circular economy. The main aim of this study is to analyze these barriers to improve the sustainability of a supply chain. Our study identifies the major criteria for sustainable operations and barriers that need to be overcome to achieve the objectives of sustainability through literature review and experts’ opinions. An integrated approach comprising Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Elimination and Choice Expressing Reality (ELECTRE) is used to analyze these barriers and ensure the sustainable supply chain operations. Resource circularity, increasing profits from green products, and designing processes for resource and energy efficiency have been found to be as major sustainability criteria. There are many barriers to the implementation of Industry 4.0. These barriers include but are not limited to, a lack of a skilled workforce that understands Industry 4.0, ineffective legislation and controls, ineffective performance framework, and short-term corporate goals. The study finds that ineffective strategies for the integration of industry 4.0 with sustainability measures, combined with a lack of funds for industry 4.0 initiatives, are just two of the major barriers. The findings of the study will help organizations to develop an effective and integrated strategic approach that will foster sustainable operations through the utilization of improved knowledge of Industry 4.0 and the circular economy.
Industry 4.0 aims at providing a digital representation of a production landscape, but the challenges in building, maintaining, optimizing, and evolving digital models in inter-organizational production chains have not been identified yet in a systematic manner. In this paper, various Industry 4.0 research and technical challenges are addressed, and their present scenario is discussed. Moreover, in this article, the novel concept of developing experience-based virtual models of engineering entities, process, and the factory is presented. These models of production units, processes, and procedures are accomplished by virtual engineering object (VEO), virtual engineering process (VEP), and virtual engineering factory (VEF), using the knowledge representation technique of Decisional DNA. This blend of the virtual and physical domains permits monitoring of systems and analysis of data to foresee problems before they occur, develop new opportunities, prevent downtime, and even plan for the future by using simulations. Furthermore, the proposed virtual model concept not only has the capability of Query Processing and Data Integration for Industrial Data but also real-time visualization of data stream processing.
This paper examines barriers to the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in the manufacturing sector in the context of both developed and developing economies. A comprehensive literature review, followed by discussions with industry experts, identifies 15 barriers, which are analyzed by means of a Grey Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) approach. The ‘lack of a digital strategy alongside resource scarcity’ emerges as the most prominent barrier in both developed and developing economies. The influencing barriers identified suggest that improvements in standards and government regulation could facilitate the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in developing country case, whereas technological infrastructure is needed to promote the adoption of these technologies in developed country case. This study is one of the first to examine the implementation of Industry 4.0 in both developing and developed economies. This article highlights the difficulties in the diffusion of technological innovation resulting from a lack of coordinated national policies on Industry 4.0 in developing countries, which may prevent firms from fully experiencing the Industry 4.0 revolution. The results of this study may help decision makers and practitioners to address the barriers highlighted, paving the way for successful implementation of Industry 4.0 across the manufacturing sector.
Industry 4.0 connotes a new industrial revolution centered around cyber-physical systems. It posits that the real-time connection of physical and digital systems, along with new enabling technologies, will change the way that work is done and therefore, how work should be managed. It has the potential to break, or at least change, the traditional operations trade-offs among the competitive priorities of cost, flexibility, speed, and quality. This article describes the technologies inherent in Industry 4.0 and the opportunities and challenges for research in this area. The focus is on goods-producing industries, which includes both the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Specific technologies discussed include additive manufacturing, the internet of things, blockchain, advanced robotics, and artificial intelligence.