
A Comparison of Cyber Security Reports for 2020 of Central European Countries

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... Cybersecurity becomes a very challenging issue and the occurrence of different cyber attacks is more frequent [1,2]. Detection of anomalies in computer networks has been the main goal of many research activities due to its potential in detecting new types of cyber attacks. ...
... The global distance for all data points from the data set to the given clusters is computed on the basis of the partial distance for each cluster computed by the previous formula (1). The global distance GD is represented by the sum of partial distances: ...
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This research aims to describe and analyze phishing emails. The problem of phishing, types of message content of phishing emails, and the basic techniques of phishing email attacks are explained by way of introduction. The study also includes a review of the relevant literature on Web of Science and analyzes articles that deal with the threat of phishing attacks and defense against them. Data collected within a time interval of two months from two email accounts of one of the authors of the study was used for the analysis of 200 email messages. Data has been resented in tabular form, to allow further statistical processing using functions such as sum, average and frequency analysis. The core part of the study involved the classification and segmentation of emails according to the main goals of the sent message. The text analytical software Tovek, was used for the analysis, Contribution of the manuscript is in the understanding of phishing emails and extending the knowledge base in education and training in phishing email defense. The discussion compares the results of this research with those of the studies mentioned in the "Introduction" and "Literature review" sections. Furthermore, the emerging problems and limitations of the use of text analytical software are described, and finally the issue is devoted to problems with obtaining personal data from recipients' emails. The "Conclusion" section summarizes the contributions of this research.
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The paper compares information security policies of two countries, Russia and Armenia. Provided the common historical past, two countries have a close cultural, historical and, partially, language basis. Moreover currently both countries tightly cooperate, particularly, in political, economic, and military fields. As cases for comparison, we choose countries – members to such international regional organizations, as Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). In accordance with the Index of Democracy, Armenia and Russia are countries in democratic transition. However they have different approaches to information security – more liberal in case of Armenia and more centralized in case of Russia. We use two levels (legal and practical) to analyze cyber strategies, institutions and experience (policies) of two countries. First of all, we provide deep and comprehensive literature review on information security. The latter is performed on the following aspects of international information security: theoretical, legal, activities of international organizations, as well as Russia and Armenia positions on these issues. Second, we analyze key theoretical concepts (information security, information warfare, etc.) and approaches to them in academic and political communities. Third, we reveal basic doctrines and policy papers regulating information security policy in these states. One of the ways to evaluate information policy effectiveness is based on comparison of countries’ positions in global rankings (e.g. ITU Global Cybersecurity Index). In addition the research considers official statistics data, experts’ surveys, public opinion polls and media publications.
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This paper discusses the phenomenon of "patriotic" hacking, i.e. cyber attacks that are mounted by hackers against states with which there is a prolonged national conflict such as: India-Pakistan, China-Taiwan, Russia-Chechnya and of course Israel-Muslim countries. The paper does not look at hacking perpetrated by countries themselves (or their proxies) in the form of cyber warfare but rather by individual hackers and hacker groups. These hackers are then compared to cosmopolitan hackers or Hacktivists, active in global and national arenas. Political motivations and ideology of both groups are explored. Case studies for comparison are drawn primarily from the Israeli-Muslim cyber conflict, with an emphasis on the November 2012 ("Operation Pillar of Cloud") conflict in Gaza, and its parallel arena in cyberspace. The Gaza case is unique in that patriotic hackers are joined by hacktivist groups such as Anonymous and LulzSec in mounting cyber attacks against Israeli institutions and individuals.
La difesa cibernetica nei Paesi NATO: modelli a confront
  • A Marrone
  • E Sabatino
A. Marrone, E. Sabatino, "La difesa cibernetica nei Paesi NATO: modelli a confront, Cyber Defence in NATO Countries: Comparing Models," Rome, Senate, 2020, [Online]. Available: repository/affariinternazionali/osservatorio/approfondimenti/PI0164.pdf.
Annual Report to Congres, The State of Federal Cybersecurity, Federal Information Security Modernization Act of
  • Fisma Fy
FISMA FY 2020 Annual Report to Congres, The State of Federal Cybersecurity, Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014, 2021.
Complete Guide to Phishing Attacks: What Are the Different Types and Defenses?
  • J Fulmer
J. Fulmer, "Complete Guide to Phishing Attacks: What Are the Different Types and Defenses?," 2022, [Online]. Available:
The text analytical software TOVEK
  • Tovek
Tovek, "The text analytical software TOVEK," 2022, [Online]. Available: