
Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things

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... Teknologi ini dapat meniru kecerdasan manusia atau hewan, Contohnya adalah Deepblue, AlphaGo dari Google, dan Watson dari IBM, yang telah mengungguli kecerdasan manusia di bidang-bidang tertentu. Kemampuan otonomi dan automasi AI ini tergantung dari seberapa besar dan kompleks data yang dikumpulkan (big data) yang dikumpulkan melalui data mining dan di olah melalui algoritma dan machine learning (Roehl, 2022) ; (Wirtz, 2022). Semakin besar dan kompleks data yang berhasil dikumpulkan maka AI dapat menghasilkan konten/output yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan/profil/karakter dari user yang menggunakan AI. ...
... Selanjutnya, temuan manfaat dan potensi masalah penerapan AI berfokus pada bagaimana membentuk privasi dan keamanan data. AI mengandalkan data dalam jumlah besar (Big Data) yang didapat melalui proses Data Mining dan dikelola dengan algoritma tertentu dan proses machine learning (Wirtz, 2022). Data yang diperoleh dapat berupa data privat seperti, tempat dan tanggal lahir, nama, alamat, jenis kelamin, riwayat pembelian, data keuangan, dll. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi awal tentang manfaat dan potensi masalah atas fenomena komunikasi publik yang menggunakan teknologi kecerdasan buatan atau artificial intelligence (AI). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah systemic literature review. Pendekatan metode penelitian review sistematis ini dilakukan berdasarkan dengan panduan PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mengenai manfaat dan potensi masalah yang mungkin timbul akibat penggunaan AI dalam komunikasi publik dengan mempertimbangkan aspek teori dan fungsi komunikasi, masyarakat, dan aspek moral dan etis yang hidup di dalam masyarakat terhadap tren pada teknologi penggunaan AI dalam komunikasi publik. Penggunaan AI dalam komunikasi baik komunikasi individual maupun komunikasi publik mengakibatkan perubahan dalam pola komunikasi tradisional selama ini, dan mempunyai sisi positif dan potensi masalah dalam penggunaanya. Kemudian adanya limitasi penggunaan AI yang bertujuan agar komunikasi publik dapat berjalan dengan efektif dan kemungkinan distorsi informasi yang tersampaikan dapat termitigasi. Untuk mencapai dan membentuk masa depan yang lebih baik, penggunaan AI dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan manusia telah meningkat seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi. Ini harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah etika, privasi, dan sosial. Kemajuan ini, bagaimanapun, tidak datang tanpa mempertimbangkan kemungkinan bahaya dan efeknya terhadap masyarakat dan individu. Penelitian ini memiliki signifikansi dan implikasi penting dalam konteks penggunaan kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam komunikasi publik yaitupenelitian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang manfaat dan potensi masalah yang terkait dengan penggunaan AI dalam komunikasi publik. Hal ini membantu para praktisi dan pengambil keputusan untuk memahami konsekuensi positif dan negatif yang mungkin timbul dalam penerapan teknologi ini.
... Digital government refers to adopting digital technologies to enhance public service delivery, improve administrative processes, and foster transparency and accountability. This transformation relies on cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and blockchain to support efficient data management and decision-making (Wirtz, 2022). The successful implementation of digital government services requires more than technological infrastructure; it necessitates institutional readiness, regulatory frameworks, and citizen engagement (Kumar, 2024). ...
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Purpose: This study investigates the implications of digital government implementation on public sector accounting systems and data security. The purpose is to explore how digital technologies enhance financial management transparency and accountability while addressing the challenges related to data security in public administration. Research Design and Methodology: The research adopts a qualitative approach using a systematic literature review (SLR) to analyze relevant studies on digital government, accounting systems, and data security. The methodology involved reviewing recent articles and studies to understand the subject comprehensively. Findings and Discussion: The findings reveal that technologies such as cloud computing, AI, machine learning, and blockchain have significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of public sector financial reporting. Blockchain enhances transparency by ensuring the immutability of financial transactions. However, the study also highlights challenges such as cybersecurity risks, data breaches, and the need for comprehensive data governance frameworks. The findings emphasize the importance of human resources preparedness and infrastructure readiness to implement digital accounting systems effectively. Implications: The study’s practical implications suggest that policymakers must invest in secure digital infrastructure, provide continuous training for government employees, and establish strong data governance frameworks. These strategies are critical for ensuring digital government systems' effectiveness, security, and accountability.
... This period of disruption is characterized by the fusion of digital technologies, physical systems, and the integration of various industries, leading to significant transformations across sectors. The industrial revolution 4.0 builds upon the foundations of previous industrial revolutions but distinguishes itself through the convergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, and automation [1], [2] . These technologies have the potential to revolutionize industries, economies, and societies on a global scale. ...
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Digital media and business are rapidly growth. IMNU has a willingness to improve digital individuals' skills. They try to campaign using social media platforms and face-to-face workshops. explore the role of IMNU in implementing strategic campaigns of digital and business media. The research is a descriptive qualitative study in which participant observation is the primary data. The result shows that IMNU campaign consists of three categories: training, tutorials, and practitioners' sharing experiences on social media. They also present face-to-face digital training or workshop in NU-based Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia. The existence of IMNU has become important to help Islamic youth in developing their digital skill and accompanying them to provide knowledge on digital literacy
The artificial intelligence (AI) has been a platform of immense assistance to develop and simplify discoveries in medical science. However, the environmentalist have been researching this concept to benefit the environment to establish multidimensional discoveries of clean energy. An increase in greenhouse gases (GHGs) is caused by most human developmental activities. Direct or indirect emission of GHGs by person, group, event, or any other activity contributes to the carbon footprint. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, USA, major sources of increasing GHGs are transportation (29%), electricity (28%), industry (22%), commercial and residential (12%), and agriculture (9%). Vigorous effects are required to control the increasing GHGs by developing and implementing policies and utilizing new technologies. In this time of challenges presented by climate change, technological advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) or digital assistance have made a significant impact on people’s lifestyles. AI-based technologies to monitor, predict, and reduce GHGs emissions may help in a cleaner environment. This article aims to describe different AI-based approaches to minimize carbon footprints as well as discuss the role of AI in various industries and its economic and societal outcomes. Specifically, we have attempted to fill the research gaps by investigating existing opportunities in the field of AI toward reducing GHG emissions.
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The usage of lithium-ion batteries has significantly increased by various applications in recent years due to the advantages of long lifespan, high energy density, high power density, and eco-friendly environment benefits for sustainable usage. Although it has attracted much interest on its manufacturing process from practitioner in Industry 4.0 now, academia has relatively less concern on addressing the manufacturing process in using hybrid techniques. Thus, an advanced hybrid four-stage detection model is proposed into the original process to help identify optimal real-time production performance to hold sustainable manufacturing. This proposed hybrid model creates four key detection stages corresponded to four core challenges, including autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), If-Then-Else programming rule, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and artificial neural networks (ANNs) for achieving the purpose of economizing manpower and material resources to save manufacturing cost. (1) In cyclic process stage, ARIMA makes a successful prediction of a 20-min discharging curve with a significant low 13.38% error rate. (2) If-Then-Else programming rule sets up min–max threshold range (MMTR) on both attributes of voltage and capacity to find out failure packs before final test 1 and benefit with saving manual testing time. (3) CNNs achieve 100% classification accuracy in a productive result and save average 3.5 h for each battery pack. (4) ANNs conclude an empirical result of 100% accuracy in predicting the battery pack pass or failure. Conclusively, the study makes a comparative research with various deep learning algorithms to evaluate its performance; the proposed hybrid detection model is never seen in the challengeable lines of predicting Li-ion battery pack, and thus, it has an innovative value and priority performance for benefiting the sustainable manufacturing on offering green and renewable energy. This study contributes the research rationality and practical significance.
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Wir nennen uns selbst Homo sapiens – der weise Mensch. Erste Versuche, diese Weisheit zu beschreiben, zu verstehen, abzubilden und in Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu verwandeln, reichen bis in die Antike zurück und haben eine lange Tradition in der Philosophie, Mathematik, Psychologie, Neurowissenschaft und Informatik. Vielfach wurde versucht, den Begriff der Intelligenz – also die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit des Menschen – besser zu verstehen und zu definieren. Als KI bezeichnet man traditionell ein Teilgebiet der Informatik, das sich mit der Automatisierung von intelligentem Verhalten befasst. Eine genaue Begriffsbestimmung ist jedoch kaum möglich, da auch alle direkt verwandten Wissenschaften wie Psychologie, Biologie, Kognitionswissenschaft, Neurowissenschaft an einer genauen Definition von Intelligenz scheitern.
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Artificial intelligence (AI)—defined as a system's ability to correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation—is a topic in nearly every boardroom and at many dinner tables. Yet, despite this prominence, AI is still a surprisingly fuzzy concept and a lot of questions surrounding it are still open. In this article, we analyze how AI is different from related concepts, such as the Internet of Things and big data, and suggest that AI is not one monolithic term but instead needs to be seen in a more nuanced way. This can either be achieved by looking at AI through the lens of evolutionary stages (artificial narrow intelligence, artificial general intelligence, and artificial super intelligence) or by focusing on different types of AI systems (analytical AI, human-inspired AI, and humanized AI). Based on this classification, we show the potential and risk of AI using a series of case studies regarding universities, corporations, and governments. Finally, we present a framework that helps organizations think about the internal and external implications of AI, which we label the Three C Model of Confidence, Change, and Control.
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The concept of smart home is a promising and efficient way of maintaining good health, providing comfort and safety thus helps in enhancing the quality of life. Acceptability of smart homes relies on the users' perceptions towards its benefits and their concerns related to monitoring and data sharing. Within this study, an online survey with 234 participants has been conducted to understand the attitudes and perceptions of future smart home users, followed by detailed analysis of their responses. In general, the users agree that the smart home technology would improve the quality of life to a greater extent and enhance the safety and security of residents. On the contrary, they raise several concerns such as the increased dependence on technology and the monitoring of private activities, which may be seen as perceived drawbacks. The obtained results show that the older adults (ages from 36 to 70 years) are more open to monitoring and sharing data especially if it useful for their doctors and caregivers while the young adults (ages up to 35 years) are somewhat reluctant to share information.
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The Internet of Robotic Things is an emerging vision that brings together pervasive sensors and objects with robotic and autonomous systems. This survey examines how the merger of robotic and Internet of Things technologies will advance the abilities of both the current Internet of Things and the current robotic systems, thus enabling the creation of new, potentially disruptive services. We discuss some of the new technological challenges created by this merger and conclude that a truly holistic view is needed but currently lacking.
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This study aims to comprehensively examine the adoption of smart home service. A new model combining VAM (Value-based Adoption Model) and TAM (Technical Acceptance Model) was developed and analysed with a set of variables from Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Elaboration Likelihood Model. Perceived value was affected by both perceived benefit and perceived sacrifice. In particular, perceived benefit was found to have a strong positive effect on perceived value. In contrast, privacy risk and innovation resistance were found to limit perceived value. This study holds considerable significance as it proposes a new approach to IoT (Internet of Things)-based smart home service adoption using VAM and TAM. Through these two models, the study determined that it is imperative for businesses to constitute and secure appropriate infrastructure for residents to use IoT-based smart home service. Developing content related to security is also crucial.
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Advances supported by emerging wearable technologies in healthcare promise patients a provision of high quality of care. Wearable computing systems represent one of the most thrust areas used to transform traditional healthcare systems into active systems able to continuously monitor and control the patients’ health in order to manage their care at an early stage. However, their proliferation creates challenges related to data management and integration. The diversity and variety of wearable data related to healthcare, their huge volume and their distribution make data processing and analytics more difficult. In this paper, we propose a generic semantic big data architecture based on the “Knowledge as a Service” approach to cope with heterogeneity and scalability challenges. Our main contribution focuses on enriching the NIST Big Data model with semantics in order to smartly understand the collected data, and generate more accurate and valuable information by correlating scattered medical data stemming from multiple wearable devices or/and from other distributed data sources. We have implemented and evaluated a Wearable KaaS platform to smartly manage heterogeneous data coming from wearable devices in order to assist the physicians in supervising the patient health evolution and keep the patient up-to-date about his/her status.
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We present the broad outlines of a roadmap toward human-level artificial general intelligence (henceforth, AGI). We begin by discussing AGI in general, adopting a pragmatic goal for its attainment and a necessary foundation of characteristics and requirements. An initial capability landscape will be presented, drawing on major themes from developmental psychology and illuminated by mathematical, physiological, and information-processing perspectives. The challenge of identifying appropriate tasks and environments for measuring AGI will be addressed, and seven scenarios will be presented as milestones suggesting a roadmap across the AGI landscape along with directions for future research and collaboration. Copyright © 2012, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.
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To date, the health care industry has paid little attention to the potential benefits to be gained from big data. While most pioneering big data studies have adopted technological perspectives, a better understanding of the strategic implications of big data is urgently needed. To address this lack, this study examines the development, architecture and component functionalities of big data, and identifies its capabilities, including traceability, the analysis of unstructured data and patterns of care, and its predictive capacity to support healthcare managers seeking to formulate more effective big-data-based strategies. Our findings will help healthcare organizations respond strategically to the challenges they face in today's highly competitive healthcare market.
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This study addresses a major gap in our knowledge about the allocation of information technology (IT) decision rights between business and IT units at the application level, including the governance of applications delivered on-premise versus those delivered with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. Building on the findings from a multicase qualitative study of organizations that had adopted the same SaaS application, we draw on three theoretical lenses (agency theory, transaction cost economics, and knowledge-based view) to develop a theoretically grounded model with three organization-level factors, three application-level factors, and application-level IT governance. Hypotheses derived from the model, as well as a set of differential hypotheses about factor influences due to on-premise versus SaaS delivery, are tested with survey responses from 207 firms in which application-level governance is operationalized with two dimensions: decision control rights (decision authority) and decision management rights (task responsibility). Three antecedents (origin of the application initiative, scope of application use, business knowledge of the IT unit) were significantly associated with application governance postimplementation, and the on-premise/SaaS subgroup analyses provide preliminary evidence for the mode of application delivery as a moderator of these relationships. Overall, this study contributes to a growing body of research that takes a more modular approach to studying IT governance and provides theoretical explanations for differing application-level governance designs.
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Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm that allows users to conveniently access computing resources as pay-per-use services. Whereas cloud offerings such as Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud and Google Apps are rapidly gaining a large user base, enterprise software's migration towards the cloud is still in its infancy. For software vendors the move towardscloud solutions implies profound changes in their value-creation logic. Not only are they forced to deliver fully web-enabled solutions and to replace their license model with service fees, they also need to build the competencies to host and manage business-critical applications for their customers. This motivates our research, which investigates cloud computing's implications for enterprise software vendors' business models. From multiple case studies covering traditional and pure cloud providers, we find that moving from on-premise software to cloud services affects all business model components, that is, the customer value proposition, resource base, value configuration, and financial flows. It thus underpins cloud computing's disruptive nature in the enterprise software domain. By deriving two alternative business model configurations, SaaS and SaaS+PaaS, our research synthesizes the strategic choices for enterprise software vendors and provides guidelines for designing viable business models.
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Nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize in Science and Technology. AI chronicles the dramatic successes and equally dramatic failures of the half-century long search for artificial intelligence. Rich with anecdotes about the founders and leaders of the field, AI is also an exhilarating saga of new programs, new hardware, and the slow but steady acquisition of knowledge about how humans think. Will we humans one day have to share our world with entities smarter than ourselves? And can we rely on these creations to make vital decisions for us? Daniel Crevier discusses these questions with the leaders of AI, and they offer some surprising answers.
This textbook introduces readers to digital business from a management standpoint. It provides an overview of the foundations of digital business with basics, activities and success factors, and an analytical view on user behavior. Dedicated chapters on mobile and social media present fundamental aspects, discuss applications and address key success factors. The Internet of Things (IoT) is subsequently introduced in the context of big data, cloud computing and connecting technologies, with a focus on industry 4.0, smart business services, smart homes and digital consumer applications, as well as artificial intelligence. The book then turns to digital business models in the B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) sectors. Building on the business model concepts, the book addresses digital business strategy, discussing the strategic digital business environment and digital business value activity systems (dVASs), as well as strategy development in the context of digital business. Special chapters explore the implications of strategy for digital marketing and digital procurement. Lastly, the book discusses the fundamentals of digital business technologies and security, and provides an outline of digital business implementation. A comprehensive case study on Google/Alphabet, explaining Google's organizational history, its integrated business model and its market environment, rounds out the book.
As government and public administration lag behind the rapid development of AI in their efforts to provide adequate governance, they need respective concepts to keep pace with this dynamic progress. The literature provides few answers to the question of how government and public administration should respond to the great challenges associated with AI and use regulation to prevent harm. This study analyzes AI challenges and former AI regulation approaches. Based on this analysis and regulation theory, an integrated AI governance framework is developed that compiles key aspects of AI governance and provides a guide for the regulatory process of AI and its application. The article concludes with theoretical implications and recommendations for public officers.
Künstliche Intelligenz hat einen erheblichen Bedeutungszuwachs in der Wissenschaft und Praxis in den letzten Jahren erfahren und durchdringt mit ihren vielfältigen Erscheinungsformen und Anwendungsbereichen zunehmend unsere Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Der vorliegende Artikel baut auf dem Beitrag „Künstliche Intelligenz: Erscheinungsformen, Nutzungspotenziale und Anwendungsbereiche“ der Autoren (siehe WiSt, Nr. 10/2019, S. 4 ff.) auf und stellt wesentliche Chancen und Risiken von künstlicher Intelligenz sowie einen strategischen KI-Governance-Ansatz dar, um entsprechende Risiken zu minimieren und Chancen zu verbessern.
Künstliche Intelligenz bietet Unternehmen ein erhebliches Chancenpotenzial und hat sowohl in der Unternehmenspraxis als auch in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung besondere Bedeutung gewonnen in den letzten Jahren. Als Querschnittstechnologie durchdringt künstliche Intelligenz zunehmend die gesamte Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft und ist somit für alle Branchen und Lebensbereiche relevant. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschreibt der Beitrag die wichtigsten Erscheinungsformen künstlicher Intelligenz und stellt deren Nutzungspotenziale und Anwendungsbereiche in unterschiedlichen Branchen dar, bevor in einem folgenden Beitrag die Chancen, Risiken und strategische Governance im Zusammenhang mit künstlicher Intelligenz betrachtet werden (siehe WiSt, Nr. 11/2019, S. 4 ff.).
Artificial intelligence (AI) extends the limits of current performance in data processing and analysis many times over. Since this states a great improvement in managing public data, this conceptual study discusses the use of AI in public management structures in connection with their risks and side effects. The exercise of state power and public influence through intelligent machines make ethical and political guidelines essential for their operation, constituting the cornerstones of the AI framework model developed here. The organizational structure and technical specification are additional aspects of the AI that determine design and functionality of the framework model in practical application. © 2018
Digitale Angebote sind inzwischen fester Bestandteil des Bildungssystems. Zahlreiche Hochschulen verwenden Learning-Management-Systems (LMS) zur Unterstützung von Lehre und Studium und bieten immer häufiger Online-Kurse an, z. B. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) (Cormier und Siemens 2010). Bei der Nutzung digitaler Lernangebote und Lernumgebungen fallen kontinuierlich Daten an, die sich analysieren lassen, Einblick etwa in das individuelle Lernverhalten geben oder Hinweise darauf, wie die Lehre und das Lernen unterstützt werden könnten, um Lernprozesse zu verbessern. Bislang nutzen Bildungsinstitutionen diese Daten jedoch noch wenig – mittels Learning Analytics könnte sich das ändern. Was aber ist Learning Analytics? Und wie ist es im Kontext KI einzuordnen? //
Smart manufacturing based on cyber-physical manufacturing systems (CPMS) has become the development trend and been widely recognized all over the world. Throughout the development trend of CPMS, one of the key issues is industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) with the characteristics of automation, smart connected, real-time monitoring, and collaborative control. Along with the permeation and applications of advanced technologies in manufacturing, massive amounts of data have been generated in the manufacturing process. However, the current 3th generation mobile network (3G), 4G and other communication technologies cannot meet the demands of CPMS for high data rate, high reliability, high coverage, low latency, etc., which hinders the development and implementation of CPMS. As a future advanced wireless transmission technology, 5G has a significant potential to promote IIoT and CPMS. Based on the architecture and characteristics of 5G wireless communication technology, this paper proposes the architecture of 5G-based IIoT, and describes the implementation methods of different advanced manufacturing scenarios and manufacturing technologies under the circumstances of three typical application modes of 5G, respectively, i.e., enhance mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine type communication (mMTC), ultra-reliable and low latency communication (URLLC). Besides, the characteristics, key technologies and challenges of the 5G based IIoT are also analyzed.
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have attracted great attention from researchers and practitioners and have opened up a broad range of beneficial opportunities for AI usage in the public sector. Against this background, there is an emerging need for a holistic understanding of the range and impact of AI-based applications and associated challenges. However, previous research considers AI applications and challenges only in isolation and fragmentarily. Given the lack of a comprehensive overview of AI-based applications and challenges for the public sector, our conceptual approach analyzes and compiles relevant insights from scientific literature to provide an integrative overview of AI applications and related challenges. Our results suggest 10 AI application areas, describing their value creation and functioning as well as specific public use cases. In addition, we identify four major dimensions of AI challenges. We finally discuss our findings, deriving implications for theory and practice and providing suggestions for future research.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant importance in science and management and holds great value creation potential for public services. A pressing issue in this regard is how governments and public organizations can adapt their traditional structures and processes to the innovative field of the IoT to create public value. Previous research fails to provide a holistic explanation to this research question. Its technological background and predominant consideration in technology-based research areas has led to a one-sided understanding of the IoT concept that neglects its value-adding aspects. To fill in this research gap, this study presents an integrative public IoT framework for smart government, consolidating insights from IoT literature and related fields of research, complementing the so far predominant technology perspective of IoT with important business-related or value-adding aspects. In doing so, it enhances our understanding of public management-specific key dimensions and aspects of the IoT, serving as a holistic guidance for future research as well as practical implementation and application.
Conference Paper
The programming language, Prolog, was born of a project aimed not at producing a programm3ing language but at processing natural languages; in this case, French. The project gave rise to a preliminary version of Prolog at the end of 1971 and a more definitive version at the end of 1972. This article gives the history of this project and describes in detail the preliminary and then the final versions of Prolog. The authors also felt it appropriate to describe the Q-systems because it was a language that played a prominent part in Prolog's genesis.
Specialized elements of hardware and software, connected by wires, radio waves and infrared, will be so ubiquitous that no one will notice their presence.
A key component of human intelligence is our ability to think about each other's mental states. This ability provides an interesting challenge for cognitive neuroscience at- tempts to understand the nature of abstract concepts and how the brain acquires them. Research over the past 15 years has shown that very young children and children of extremely lim- ited intellectual ability can acquire mental state concepts with ease. Children with Kanner's syndrome have severe difficulty using these concepts, despite relatively great experience and ability. These discoveries have led to the development of the first information processing models of belief-desire reasoning. The term "theory of mind" was coined by David Pre- mack (Premack and Woodruff, 1978) to refer to our ability to explain, predict, and interpret behavior in terms of mental states, like wanting, believing, and pretending. Because the behavior of complex organisms is a result of their cognitive properties— their perceptions, goals, internal information structures, and so on —it may have been adaptive for our species to develop some sensitivity to these properties. The capacity to attend to mental state properties is probably based on a specialized represent- ational system and is evident even in young children. The term "theory of mind" is potentially misleading. It might suggest that the child really has a theory or that the child has a theory of mind as such. Although there are some writers who hold such views (Perner, 1991; Gopnik and Meltzoff, 1997; Gopnik and Wellman, 1995), I assume simply that the child is endowed with a representational system that captures cognitive proper- ties underlying behavior. To better see what is meant by "theory of mind" ability, consider the following scenario (figure 85.1). Sally has a marble that she places in a bas- ket and covers, and then departs. While she is gone, Ann removes the marble from the basket and places it in the box. A child to whom this scenario is presented then is asked to predict where Sally will look for her marble when she returns. To correctly predict Sally's be- havior, it is necessary to take into account both Sally's desire for the marble and Sally's belief concerning the location of the marble. In this scenario, Sally's belief is
While industries such as ICT and biotechnology have been characterized as high-velocity environments, in which demand, competition and technology are constantly changing, there has been little systematic empirical research focusing on the conceptualisation and operationalisation of strategy in such environments or its effect on performance. This article draws from industrial economics and the resource-based view to conceptualise strategy in high-velocity environments as a multi-dimensional construct. Additionally, the construct's positive effect on business performance is empirically proven. The article closes with managerial implications and directions for further research.
Conference Paper
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) helps organizations avoid capital expenditure and pay for the functionality as an operational expenditure. Though enterprises are unlikely to use SaaS model for all their information systems needs, certain business functionalities such as Sales Force Automation (SFA), are more seen to be implemented using SaaS model. Such demand has prompted quite a few vendors to offer SFA functionality as SaaS. Enterprises need to adopt an objective approach to ensure they select the most appropriate SaaS product for their needs. This paper presents an approach that makes use of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique for prioritizing the product features and also for expert-led scoring of the products.
This article can be viewed as an attempt to explore the consequences of two propositions. (1) Intentionality in human beings (and animals) is a product of causal features of the brain. I assume this is an empirical fact about the actual causal relations between mental processes and brains. It says simply that certain brain processes are sufficient for intentionality. (2) Instantiating a computer program is never by itself a sufficient condition of intentionality. The main argument of this paper is directed at establishing this claim. The form of the argument is to show how a human agent could instantiate the program and still not have the relevant intentionality. These two propositions have the following consequences: (3) The explanation of how the brain produces intentionality cannot be that it does it by instantiating a computer program. This is a strict logical consequence of 1 and 2. (4) Any mechanism capable of producing intentionality must have causal powers equal to those of the brain. This is meant to be a trivial consequence of 1. (5) Any attempt literally to create intentionality artificially (strong AI) could not succeed just by designing programs but would have to duplicate the causal powers of the human brain. This follows from 2 and 4. “Could a machine think?” On the argument advanced here only a machine could think, and only very special kinds of machines, namely brains and machines with internal causal powers equivalent to those of brains. And that is why strong AI has little to tell us about thinking, since it is not about machines but about programs, and no program by itself is sufficient for thinking.
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