1. General Photoepilation is a very new method in dermatology. Therefore possibilities and borders are not known by now. Many doctors are using these devices as comfortable method t reduce hair. This ex-amination should be helpful for the operator in judgment of in some cases contradictory statements in literature. Beyond this investigation should be a guidline to optimize the treatment with photo-epilation systems. 2. Material and Methods Therefore comparison investigations in between different lasers and IPL were performed as well as investigations concerning treatment parameters as energy densitiy and pulse duration and their influ-ence on efficiacy of hair reduction. The parameter that was used for statistical evaluation was the per-cental hair reduction that was ascertained by hair counts before the first and every following treatment as well as during the follow up periods up to twelve months. It was seen to it that countings were per-formed by the same person every time to reduce inaccuracies. Testing areas were located on sym-metric body areas with as homogenous hair as possible. This procedure should avoid diversity in hair density and differences in respond evocated by different body areas. Testing areas were generously extended on skin to guarantee for certain treatment of testing areas. All testing areas were treated in 4 to 8 weekly intervals with the respective method. Treatment parameters were unalterated concerning pulse duration and spot diameter at every repeated treatment, energy densitiy was enhanced at every treatment as far as the protocol of study allowed to do so. 3. Results 3. 1. Hair counting method The hair counting method that was evolved during this investigation was statistically explored and was statistically reliably and convincing. 3. 2. Comparison of two alexandrite lasers in low dose category This investigation was performed with two alexandrite lasers (alexandrite laser 1 and 2) of different firms in low energy ranges. That means within energy densities of 10 J/cm². This comparison showed a better hair reduction of alexandrite laser 1 at the third and fourth repeated treatment. 3. 3. Comparison of two alexandrite lasers at the energy densitiy of 20-25 J/cm² There was another comparison in the energy densitiy of 20-25 J/cm². This investigation showed no statistically significant different result. 3. 4. Analysis of influence on efficiacy of different pulse durations with alexandrite laser 2 A further comparison study with alexandrite laser 2 analysed the influence of pulse duration on efficiacy of hair reduction. This investigation showed no influence during pulse durations of 10 to 40 msec. 3. 5. Comparison of energy densities between 10 and 40 J/cm² by treatment with the alexandrite laser 2 There was another comparison study that investigated the influence of energy density of the range between 10 an 40 J/cm² on hair reduction. Statistical evaluation showed a significant different result after the second treatment in the group 10 and 30 J/cm² and 10 and 40 J/cm². All further results were statistically not significant different. 3. 6. Comparison concerning the efficiacy of hair reduction using lowly energy densities to normal energy densities treating with the alexandrite laser A further comparison study investigated the range of energy densities between 5 and 20 J/cm². The comparison of low energy densities showed statistically significant different results after the second treatment in the group of 5 to 20 J/cm² and after the third treatment in the group of 5 to 10 respectively 15 J/cm². All further results were statistically not significant different. Therefore low energy densities are sucessfull in hair reduction and enlarge the array of this method. 3. 7. Comparison of different cooling methods and their influence on hair reduction treating with an alexandrite laser and a flash lamp A further study investigates the influence of cooling on efficiacy of hair reduction. There were different cooling methods that were related to an uncooled control area. Cooling methods were ultra sonic gel, air cooling and a combination out of air and ultra sonic gel. Treatment parameters in all areas were that settings that were tolerated in the uncooled area. Treatment was performed either with alexandrite laser 1 or a flash lamp. Results of this investigation did not show statistically significant different re-sults in efficiacy concerning the cooling method. Apart from that treatment method was not crucial. 3. 8. Comparison of a diode laser and a flash lamp There was a comparison study between a diode laser and a flash lamp performed. Statistical evalua-tion showed statistical significant different results in five from six treatments. Results treating with the diode laser were better. Follow up after three and sex months showed statistically significant different results only after three months to the advantage of the diode laser. Apart from that there was another investigation concerning the body localisation. Therefore legs, bikini and chin were compared. There was a statistically significant difference after the first treatment in between legs and bikini. All further results were not statistically significant different. 3. 9. Comparison of a diode laser, two flash lamps and an alexandrite laser concerning the efficiacy of hair reduction A further study compared two flash lamps, a diode laser and alexandrite laser 1. This investigation did not show any statistically significant differences between the mentioned epilation systems. 4. Discussion concluding there could be mentioned that there are more investigations with more volunteers neces-sary to get better and more exact results concerning photo-epilation. Apart from that a more precise determination of treatment parameters should help to get better results. Follow up investigations are necessary in a bigger extension to qualify perspectives and