Liver cryopreservation has the potential to enable indefinite organ banking. This study investigated vitrification—the ice-free cryopreservation of livers in a glass-like state—as a promising alternative to conventional cryopreservation, which uniformly fails due to damage from ice formation or cracking. Our unique “nanowarming” technology, which involves perfusing biospecimens with cryoprotective agents (CPAs) and silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles (sIONPs) and then, after vitrification, exciting the nanoparticles via radiofrequency waves, enables rewarming of vitrified specimens fast enough to avoid ice formation and uniformly enough to prevent cracking from thermal stresses, thereby addressing the two main failures of conventional cryopreservation. This study demonstrates the ability to load rat livers with both CPA and sIONPs by vascular perfusion, cool them rapidly to an ice-free vitrified state, and rapidly and homogenously rewarm them. While there was some elevation of liver enzymes (Alanine Aminotransferase) and impaired indocyanine green (ICG) excretion, the nanowarmed livers were viable, maintained normal tissue architecture, had preserved vascular endothelium, and demonstrated hepatocyte and organ-level function, including production of bile and hepatocyte uptake of ICG during normothermic reperfusion. These findings suggest that cryopreservation of whole livers via vitrification and nanowarming has the potential to achieve organ banking for transplant and other biomedical applications.