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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Vol. 11, No. 5, October 2022, pp. 2442~2449
ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v11i5.3962 2442
Journal homepage: http://beei.org
Effect of peak sun hour on energy productivity of solar
photovoltaic power system
Prisma Megantoro1, Muhammad Akbar Syahbani1, Irfan Helmi Sukmawan1, Sigit Dani Perkasa1,
Pandi Vigneshwaran2
1Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
2Department of CSE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, India
Article Info
Article history:
Received Apr 16, 2022
Revised Jun 28, 2022
Accepted Jul 14, 2022
A solar cell is a type of renewable energy engineering technology that can
convert photons coming from the sun to be converted into electrical energy.
The amount of energy that can be converted by a solar cell is determined by
the effective insolation time. Peak sun hours (PSH) are the focus of this
research. This PSH analysis aims to determine the potential for solar energy
obtained in geographical locations throughout the year. Geographical location
and the position of the astronomical coordinates of a certain area affect PSH.
Therefore, the orientation of solar panel installation, including the height,
slope, and latitude of the solar panel surface needs to be considered in order
to get maximum solar energy. The results of this study can be used by
technicians in determining the orientation of solar panel development in an
Peak sun hours
Photovoltaic system
Renewable energy
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Prisma Megantoro
Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga
St. Airlangga No. 4-6, Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java 60115, Indonesia
Email: prisma.megantoro@ftmm.unair.ac.id
The application of renewable energy has begun to increase along with the high demand for
electrification and concerns about climate change. The utilization of renewable energy is also carried out in the
Universitas Airlangga. Universitas Airlangga is a study environment located in East Java with a wet tropical
climate type with coordinates at latitude 7°16'1"S and longitude 112°47'7"E. In the study environment, a
charging station for electric vehicles was built. To fulfill the necessity for electrification of the electric vehicle
charging station, this station is equipped with solar panels with a capacity of 5.4 kW. In obtaining peak sun
hours (PSH) data, output energy data is taken from Hoymiles microinverter data and is taken every 15 minutes
at time intervals of 05:30-18:30.
Solar cells utilize solar energy to be engineered into energy through the photoelectric effect [1], [2].
Materials the amount of energy that can be converted into electrical energy depends on the length of solar
irradiation and the size of the power of a solar panel (Watt peak). However, the length of time that the sun
shines cannot be said to be effective time. The optimum conversion of solar energy occurs during insolation at
the average maximum irradiation time or what is called PSH. PSH is a parameter that states the ratio of the
maximum duration of solar radiation in hours per day to the standard intensity of solar radiation which is
1 kW/m2 [3].
Basically, the solar insolation on the solar panel surface is fluctuating where the intensity increases in
the morning and decreases in the afternoon. The effective duration of solar radiation for solar panels affects
the high and low PSH. In its application, the photovoltaic semiconductor plate will receive maximum solar
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285
Effect of peak sun hour on energy productivity of solar photovoltaic power system (Prisma Megantoro)
irradiation if the direction of the incident photons is perpendicular to the surface of the solar panel
[4], [5]. Thus, PSH has a value of 3-7 hours per day depending on the geographical and astronomical location
of an area and the slope of the solar panel surface [6]–[10].
The main focus of this research is to analyze the actual value of PSH in Indonesia by using the location
of Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya as the analyzing point. Second, with the PSH value determined by
analyzing data from the field, it can be used to design a reliable solar photovoltaic power system in Indonesia.
Analyzing the PSH value can be used to determine the size and configuration of solar panel array needed for
the system. In addition, it can also be used to predict and optimize energy production in solar photovoltaic
power systems.
2.1. Photovoltaic effect
The conversion of solar energy into electrical energy occurs in photovoltaic semiconductor materials
through a photoelectric process [11], [12].
Where is the kinetic energy needed to move free electron to generate electricity, W is the photon energy and
is the material threshold energy obtained from:
or (2)
where c is the Speed of light . is wave length in meter. f is wave frequency (Hz).
2.2. Solar declination
The solar declination reading (δ) is obtained from the coordinates of the globe in terms of the equator
coordinates. The value of solar declination is measured by measuring the angle between the equator drawn
from the center of the earth to the center of the sun. The process of the earth around the sun on its polar axis
can form a slope of 0 - 23,45 [13].
) (4)
Where n is Julian day.
2.3. Latitude and longitude effect
The influence of the intensity of the sun is determined by the location of the area on the earth's surface
[14], [15]. The position refers to the astronomical coordinates of latitude and longitude. Figure 1 below explains
the solar path of the selected location. The solar path diagram illustrates the comparation of the azimuth to sun
height in degrees for an annual cycle. It can be used as a reference for an overview of solar resources within a
particular location.
2.4. Tilt
Solar energy can convert maximally into electrical energy if the surface of the solar panel is
perpendicular to the direction of the sun's rays (source). The orientation of the construction of solar panels must
pay attention to the position of the sun, longitude and latitude [16]–[18]. This is because each region based on
geographical and astronomical aspects has a different position.
: Optimal tilt angle
: Longitude area
: Declination angle
Figure 2 shows the tilt angle of the installed solar cell in Universitas Airlangga. The measurement of
the solar panel is conducted by applying magnetic water pass directly into the solar panel. This method can be
reassured by using (5).
ISSN: 2302-9285
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 11, No. 5, October 2022: 2442-2449
Figure 1. Solar paths based on coordinate of Surabaya, East Java (PVsyst 7.2)
Figure 2. Tilt angle of solar cell in Airlangga University
2.5. Determine peak sun hour
PSH take the solar irradiation interval when energy output increases by 60% until the output decreases
by 60% [19], [20]. The process of obtaining Peak Sun Hour (PSH) value can be done by using the equation of
nominal peak power or (5). after the maximum output value is obtained, the PSH value can be determined by
substituting the peak power value into the equation.
: Nominal peak power (W)
: Total energy demand (W)
PSH : Peak Sun Hours (hour)
: System efficiency (%)
2.6. Irradiance factor
Solar radiation is the power per unit area received from the sun in the form of electromagnetic
radiation measured in the wavelength range of the measuring instrument [21]. Irradiation can be measured in
space or at the earth's surface after absorption and scattering of the atmosphere. Irradiation plays a role in
predicting the energy productivity of solar power plants. The distribution of irradiation levels across the Java
Archipelago is described in Figure 3, with the selected location represented in the figure as the blue mark. The
figure explains the irradiation factor within a color range from yellow as lower to orange as the higher value.
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285
Effect of peak sun hour on energy productivity of solar photovoltaic power system (Prisma Megantoro)
Figure 3. Solar map in Java Archipelago (map solar irradiance on data of year 2021, ENERGYDATA.INFO)
In this section will explain the PSH analysis of solar cells found at Universitas Airlangga. In the
previous section, the method to get the PSH value was explained and the things that affect the PSH value such
as the photovoltaic effect, solar declination, longitude and latitude, tilt surface, and irradiance factor. Through
the described method, a graph of the PSH value will be displayed at the observation location. The installed
photovoltaic system in the observation location is equipped with a monocrystalline type solar cell which is
shown in Figure 4(a), and a panel box with a display to present solar measurement parameters, which are shown
in Figure 4(b).
Figure 4. 5.4 kWp photovoltaic power plant installation in Universitas Airlangga (a) the photovoltaic array,
and (b) the control panel
3.1. Peak sun hours analysis
The energy output produced by the solar cell shows a different amount of energy conversion every
day. The fluctuating energy output is due to the PSH factor [22]. The PSH value that is less makes the need for
solar cells increase. The location of Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia, has an average PSH value of
4.5 hours/day.
Figure 5 shows the data for calculating the PSH solar cell of 5.4 kWh which is calculated manually
through real-time solar power station monitoring (S-miles cloud). The value shown by the graph is the PSH
value measured at 12 hour intervals. From the graph, it can be seen that the PSH value fluctuates. This
fluctuating value is caused by weather factors that can make insolation not optimal and have an impact on low
solar irradiation values.
Figure 6 shows the results of the energy output that can be used for electrification of electricity needs.
The measurement results are obtained through real time measurements for 3 months. The results obtained, are
the results obtained from the average energy output at the PSH interval (4.5 hours) according to the PSH value
of the research results. Based on the results shown in Figures 5 and 6, there is a correlation that shows results
that are directly proportional to PSH and energy output. From the graph shown, it can be seen that the low PSH
in a period will affect the low energy output (and vice versa).
ISSN: 2302-9285
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 11, No. 5, October 2022: 2442-2449
Figure 5. PSH data collection from hoymiles microconverter
Figure 6. Energy output based on PSH data
Figure 7 shows the results of the power output starting from sunrise to sunset. The power output shown
every hour is the result of the average power output for 3 months. The first red line showed in the Figure 7 (the
left one) is the time of PSH start point, which more than 60% of the peak power is reached. Besides, the second
red line (the right one) is the time when PSH is ended. This means the power decrease into less than 60% of
peak power. Based on this average value, the PSH zone can be determined, namely in the graph area bounded
by the red line. The PSH solar cells are at intervals from 09:30 to 14:00 (4.5 hours). This PSH value will be
used to determine the optimal hour for converting solar energy into electrical energy.
Figure 7. Energy output based on PSH data
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285
Effect of peak sun hour on energy productivity of solar photovoltaic power system (Prisma Megantoro)
3.2. Energy output from solar cell
The on grid solar cell photovoltaic installed in the Airlangga University study area has a capacity of
5.4 kWh a 24 Volt system. The normalized energy, performance ratio, global incident in coll, and power
injected into grid values are values analyzed using PVsyst software. The orientation of the PVsyst has been
adjusted including geographical and astronomical coordinates, the slope of the solar cell surface, and solar
irradiation data for the area (Airlangga University, East Java) for one year. Thus, the PSH value and energy
output from solar panels can be analyzed regarding the relationship between analyzed from the software.
Figure 8 explains the system’s capability in producing power month-by-month in a year. The figure
shows the system’s daily useful energy referred to the nominal power and the losses that occurred. Those losses
include the collection losses that happened because of thermal, wiring, shading, or other inefficiencies [23],
[24]. Also, the system loss which in the case of the proposed method happened because of inverter
inefficiencies [25]–[27]. While Figure 9 shows the system’s effectiveness in producing energy if the system
continuously working.
Figure 8. Energy productivity every month
Figure 9. Monthly performance ratio
Figure 10 shows a graph that represents the photovoltaic daily production. The graph shows a
correlation between daily irradiation and system daily productivity. While Figure 11 shows the accumulations
of all energies registered by the system during the simulation period, with the instantaneous output power
injected into the grid [28]–[30].
Figure 10. Daily energy supply to daily irradiation
Figure 11. Power and energy supply
PSH is an indicator that determines the amount of energy output required in the installation of solar
panels, especially on 5.4 kWh solar panels in the Airlangga University area, Surabaya, East Java. Based on
PSH data collection using the observation method, the average PSH in the observation area was 4.5 hours. The
PSH value can produce an average energy of 3.28 kWh/day and a performance ratio value of 0.831. Thus, the
analysis of the PSH value can be a reference for technicians and renewable energy consumers in solar panel
ISSN: 2302-9285
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 11, No. 5, October 2022: 2442-2449
The authors would like to thank Universitas Airlangga for providing facilities. We also thank all
colleagues and students of Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Advance Technology and
Multidiscipline, Airlangga University for their support for this research.
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Prisma Megantoro is a lecturer in Electrical Engineering, School of Advanced
Technology, and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga since 2020. He received a bachelor's
degree and master's degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 2014
and 2018. His current research is focused on solar photovoltaic technology, embedded
system, and the internet of things. He can be contacted at email:
Muhammad Akbar Syahbani was born in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia in
2001, after graduating from high school he continued his studies in electrical engineering at
the Universitas Airlangga in 2020. Now he is active in reseach on reneawable energy in
Universitas Airlangga Research Community. He can be contacted at email:
Irfan Helmi Sukmawan was born in East Java, Indonesia in 2001. He has
completed his high school education and continued his study of electrical engineering at
Airlangga University in 2020. Now he is active in renewable energy research in the
Airlangga University research community. He can be contacted at email: irfan.helmi.f-
Sigit Dani Perkasa was born in Surabaya, Indonesia in 2002. He is a second
year Electrical Engineering student at Universitas Airlangga. He is active in the
Instrumentation Research Group. He is also a member of Research and Development
division in Universitas Airlangga's Robotic Community and participating in the Indonesian
Soccer Robot Contest. He can be contacted at email: sigit.dani.perkasa-
Pandi Vigneshwaran has obtained his Doctoral Degree in Anna University
Chennai during 2016 and Master of Engineering under Anna University Chennai during
June 2005. He is having 18.4 years of experience and specialization in Cybersecurity.
Presently, He is working as Associate Professor in SRM Institute of Science and
Technology, Chennai. His area of interest includes security, routing, and intelligent data
analysis. He can be contacted at email: vigenesp@srmist.edu.in.