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Effects of organo-mineral fertilization on plant growth and grain yield of an upland rice variety (NERICA 14) in lower Casamance (South-West Senegal)


Abstract and Figures

In Casamance, upland rice is generally practiced on sandy soils very low in organic matter with low yields (1 to 2 tons/ha). The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the effects of different doses of organic and mineral fertilizers on the growth and yield of upland rice. The test was conducted at the ISRA Djibélor station following a Fisher block design with 4 replications. The study factor is organo mineral fertilization with 9 treatments (T1 Unfertilized control; T2 = 0 kg/ha Compost (C) + 100 kg/ha NPK + 75 kg/ha Urea; T3 = 0 kg/ha C + 200 kg/ha NPK + 150 kg/ha Urea; T4 = 2.5 t/ha; T5 = 2.5 t/ha C + 100 kg/ha NPK + 75 kg/ha Urea; T6 = 2.5 t/ha C + 200 kg/ha NPK + 100 kg/ha Urea; T7 = 5 t/ha C; T8 = 5 t/ha C + 100 kg/ha NPK + 75 kg/ha Urea; T9 = 5 t/ha C + 200 kg/ha NPK + 150 kg/ha Urea). The results showed that the tillering is more important with T8 (107 ± 11.49 tillers/m²) and T5 (96.5 ± 24.35 t tiller/m²). The height of the plants is greater with T6 (42.3 ± 2.6 cm) and T9 (62.9 ± 6.0 cm) at booting and with T9 at flowering (92.6 ± 4.3 cm) and maturity stage (98.4 ± 1.5 cm). Paddy grain yield (2,087 ± 1,229 kg/ha) and paddy grain size (28.3 ± 2.9 g/1000 grains) are more influenced by T8. For a sustainable improvement the productivity of upland rice, it is recommended to adopt T8 combination (5 t/ha Compost + 100 kg/ha NPK + 75 kg/ha Urea) for upland rice variety in Southwestern Senegal.
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*Corresponding author: Baboucar Bamba; Email:
Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research/Agricultural research Center of Djibélor/Ziguinchor, Sénégal.
Copyright © 2022 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
Effects of organo-mineral fertilization on plant growth and grain yield of an upland
rice variety (NERICA 14) in lower Casamance (South-West Senegal)
Baboucar Bamba 1, *, Ismaila Coly 3 and Moustapha Guèye 2
1 Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research/Agricultural research Center of Djibélor/Ziguinchor, Senegal.
2 Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research / Horticulture for Development Center of Dakar, Senegal.
3 University of Assane Seck, Department of Agroforesterie, Ziguinchor, Senegal.
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 303311
Publication history: Received on 23 July 2022; revised on 14 September 2022; accepted on 16 September 2022
Article DOI:
In Casamance, upland rice is generally practiced on sandy soils very low in organic matter with low yields (1 to 2
tons/ha). The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the effects of different doses of organic and mineral fertilizers
on the growth and yield of upland rice. The test was conducted at the ISRA Djibélor station following a Fisher block
design with 4 replications. The study factor is organo mineral fertilization with 9 treatments (T1 Unfertilized control;
T2 = 0 kg/ha Compost (C) + 100 kg/ha NPK + 75 kg/ha Urea; T3 = 0 kg/ha C + 200 kg/ha NPK + 150 kg/ha Urea; T4 =
2.5 t/ha; T5 = 2.5 t/ha C + 100 kg/ha NPK + 75 kg/ha Urea; T6 = 2.5 t/ha C + 200 kg/ha NPK + 100 kg/ha Urea; T7 = 5
t/ha C; T8 = 5 t/ha C + 100 kg/ha NPK + 75 kg/ha Urea; T9 = 5 t/ha C + 200 kg/ha NPK + 150 kg/ha Urea). The results
showed that the tillering is more important with T8 (107 ± 11.49 tillers/m²) and T5 (96.5 ± 24.35 t tiller/m²). The height
of the plants is greater with T6 (42.3 ± 2.6 cm) and T9 (62.9 ± 6.0 cm) at booting and with T9 at flowering (92.6 ± 4.3
cm) and maturity stage (98.4 ± 1.5 cm). Paddy grain yield (2,087 ± 1,229 kg/ha) and paddy grain size (28.3 ± 2.9 g/1000
grains) are more influenced by T8. For a sustainable improvement the productivity of upland rice, it is recommended
to adopt T8 combination (5 t/ha Compost + 100 kg/ha NPK + 75 kg/ha Urea) for upland rice variety in Southwestern
Keywords: Upland rice; Fertilization; Plant Growth; Grain yield; Casamance; Senegal
1 Introduction
Senegal is one of the largest consumers of rice in Africa. The average annual consumption is 78.1 kg per capita [1].
National average production from 2014 to 2018 was 915,713 tons per year and accounted for 42% of national cereal
production [2]. In Casamance, rainfed rice cultivation is generally of the family type characterized by low yields (1.5 to
2 tons/ha) unlike the river valley where the average is around 6 to 8 tons/ha [2]. This is particularly due to abiotic
(rainfall deficit, salinization and acidification of rice fields, etc.), biotic (insects, diseases, weeds, etc.) and technical
(inappropriate cultivation practices) constraints. Indeed, rice plateau cultivation is mainly confronted with the decline
in soil fertility, thus leading to a decrease in yields. Low soil nutrient content is constantly cited as one of the major
constraints to agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa [3]. Indeed, these shallow soils have a low water retention
capacity and limited availability of nutrients [3]. In addition, mineral fertilizers and organic matter, which are important
sources of nutrients for plants, are used very little. Indeed, the intake rate of mineral fertilizers is less than 10 kg/ha in
Sub-Saharan Africa [4, 5]. Casamance is full of potential in terms of the availability of organic matter of animal and plant
origin. With the expensive cost of chemical fertilizers, the combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers remains one
of the solutions to increase rice production on the one hand and improve the level of soil fertility in Casamance on the
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 303311
other. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of fertilizers on growth and yield parameters and to determine
the best manure plan for upland rice in Lower Casamance.
2 Material and methods
2.1 Experimental site
The experiment was conducted at Djibélor Agricultural Research Center (12°33ʹ39ʺN; 16°18ʹ25ʺW) (Figure 1). The soil
is tropical ferruginous with a sandy texture and low organic matter content (less than 1%) [6]. The climate is south-
coastal type [7]. Cumulative rainfall was 2,037 mm in 2020 (Figure 2).
Source: Manga and Diouf (2019)
Figure 1 Localization of the experimental site in lower Casamance
Source: ISRA/Djibélor station (2020)
Figure 2 Variation in month and decade of the rainfall in 2022
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 303311
Table 1 Chemical characterization of the initial soil sample (T1) depth of 0-20 cm
C (%)
N (%)
2.2 Study Factor and experimental design
The study factor consisted of namely nine organo-mineral fertilization (OMF) (Table 2). The experimental designe was
a Fisher block design (RCDB) with four replications. The experimental unit consisted of eight (8) of 2 m-lines.
Table 2 Combinations of applied treatments
Basal fertilizer
Cover fertilizer
C (ton/ha)
NPK (15-15-15)
Urée 46% N (kg/ha)
0t/ha+0 kg/ha +0 kg/ha
0t/ha+100 kg/ha+75 kg/ha (50%
0t/ha+200 kg/ha+150 kg/ha (100% DR
2.5t/ha+0 kg/ha+0 kg/ha (50% DR FO)
2.5t/ha+100 kg/ha+75 kg/ha
2.5t/ha+200 kg+150 kg/ha
5t/ha+0 kg/h NPK a+0 kg/ha (100% DR
5t/ha+100 kg/ha NPK+75 kg/ha
5t/ha+200 kg/ha+150 kg/ha
DR: Recommended rate; FM: Mineral Fertilizer; FO: Organic Fertilizer
Figure 3 Experimental design
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 303311
2.3 Measurements
The height of the plants was randomly measured with a sample of 5 hills in each elementary plot at 35; 50; 65 and 80
days after sowing (DAS). The grain yield and its components were evaluated with the number of tillers at 60 DAS; the
number of panicles, the dry weight of aboved biomass (straw), the grain weight, the sterility panicle rate, the weight of
1000 paddy grains and the harvest index in each experimental unit. The insect damage consisted of the number of dead
heards and the number of white panicles whiche were respectively evaluated on the yield square 1 m² quadrant in each
elementary plot .
2.4 Statistical analyses
The data collected were analyzed with the XLSTAT software version 2014.5.03. These tests included the analysis of
variance (ANOVA), the Fisher test for means comparison and a principal component analysis .
3 Results and discussion
Analysis of variance shows a very highly significant difference (P< 0.001) in height of plants . At 35 JAS, the highest plant
height is recorded with the T6 treatment (42.3 ± 2.6 cm). This average height is statistically higher than that observed
with other treatments except the T9 treatment, which recorded a height of 38.64 ± 5.59 cm (Table 3). At 50 JAS, the
highest average plant heights were noted with the treatments T9 (62.93 ± 5.98 cm), T8 (62.75 ± 10.21 cm), T6 (61.0 ±
3.8 cm) and T5 (58.7 ± 3.6 cm). The heights of the plants recorded with these treatments are statistically higher than
those of other treatments. At 65 JAS, as at 50 JAS, the plant heights obtained with the treatments T 9 (92.6 ± 4.3 cm), T8
(91.0 ± 6.3 cm), T6 (93.6 ± 3.6 cm) and T5 (88.8 ± 3.0 cm) are statistically higher than those of the other treatments
(Table 4). At 80 JAS the height of the heights plants are noted with the treatments T9 (98.4 ± 1.5 cm) and T6 (96._ ± 4.6
cm). The plants at the level of these treatments have a statistically different height from that obtained with the other
treatments except the T8 and T5. Regardless of the date of measurement, the lowest height is recorded with the tell-tale
(T1). Overall, the T9 and T6 stimulate more the growth in height of rice plants. This increase can be explained by the
fact that the combined application of organic manure and mineral fertilizer makes plant growth elements such as
phosphorus more available as indicated by Somda et al. [8]. Nacro [9] who showed that organic fertilizer (Fertinova +
Organova) combined with mineral fertilizer gave the greatest height growth of tomato plants in Burkina Faso found
similar results.
Table 3 Variation in the height of rice plants according to the treatments following the date of measurement
Height of plants (cm)
35 DAS
50 DAS
65 DAS
80 DAS
17.4 ± 2.1 f
25.09 ± 5.29 d
43.44 ± 6.39 c
46.82 ± 9.10 e
24.é ± 3.ç e
35.22 ± 7.34 c
64.56 ± 10.07 b
78.14 ± 1.10 cd
28.4 ± 5.5 e
44.66 ± 7.63 b
68.00 ± 4.69 b
84.13 ± 10.58 bc
29.3 ± 2.9 de
45.86 ± 6.49 b
68.50 ± 7.48 b
71.45 ± 7.46 d
40.06 ± 4.71 ab
58.69 ± 3.60 a
88.82 ± 3.01 a
94.27 ± 2.36 ab
42.28 ± 2.60 a
60.97 ± 3.84 a
93.57 ± 3.57a
96.79 ± 4.61 a
30.73 ± 1.04 cd
45.71 ± 2.11 b
68.81 ± 2,.7 b
76.89 ± 4.61 cd
35.72 ± 4.17 bc
62.75 ± 10.21 a
91.01 ± 6.28 a
88.40 ± 11.17 abc
38.64 ± 5.59 ab
62.93 ± 5.98 a
92.57 ± 4.26 a
98.44 ± 1.52 a
General mean
31.86 ± 8.47
49.10 ± 13.88
75.47 ± 17.11
81.70 ± 16.78
< 0.0001***
< 0.0001***
< 0.0001***
< 0.0001***
Averages with an identical letter are statistically equivalent to the 5% threshold; *** = Very Highly Significant according to the Fisher test; LSD=
Low Significant Difference
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 303311
3.1 Number of dead hearts and white panicles
Fertilizer combinations significantly influenced (P <0.0001) the appearance of dead hearts and white panicle rate
during tillering and maturity stage, respectively (Table 4). The lowest number of attacks is observed on the control plots
(0.00 ±0.00 dead hearts/m² and 0.25 ± 0.35 white panicles/m²) whereas the the highest number of dead hearts is
recorded with T6 (3.88 ± 2.42 dead hearts/m²) and T5 (4.69 ± 2.50 dead hearts/m²). Similarly, the highest number of
white panicles is noted with T5 (4.69 ± 2.50 white panicles/m²) and T8 (3.94 ± 1.66 white panicles/m²). The doses of
fertilizers favored the appearance of insect attacks during the vegetative phase (dead hearts) and the maturity phase
(white panicles). According to Brink and Belay [10] the larvae of stem borers feed inside the stem and destroy the
vascular system.
Table 4 Variation in the number of dead hearts and white panicles as a function of treatment
Number of dead hearts /m²
Number of white panicles/m²
0.00 ±0.00 c
0.25 ± 0.35 d
0.75 ± 0.29 c
1.44 ± 1.03 cd
2.56 ± 1.45ab
2.25 ± 1.62 bcd
1.13 ± 0.43 bc
3.19 ± 0.83 abc
3.19 ± 1.26 a
4.69 ± 2.50 a
3.88 ± 2.42 a
3.88 ± 2.56 ab
1.13 ± 0.32 bc
2.13 ± 0.48 bcd
2.88 ± 0.63 a
3.94 ± 1.66 ab
2.75 ± 0.96 ab
3.00 ± 2.87 abc
General mean
2.03 ± 1.59
2.75 ± 1.54
< 0.0001***
< 0.0001***
Averages with an identical letter are statistically equivalent to the 5% threshold; *** = Very Highly Significant according to the Fisher test; LSD=
Low Significant Difference
3.2 Tillering and fertility rate
T Tillering capacity and fertility rate were significantly (P <0.0001) influenced by fertilizer inputs (Table 5). Tillering is
higher in plots fertilized with T9, T8, T6 and T5 compared to that with the control plot. On the other hand, the fertility
of the tillers is higher with the recommended doses of mineral fertilizer (T3: 69.14 ± 7.12%) and organic (T7: 66.37 ±
12.55%). The most important tiller production is obtained with the treatment 100% compost + 50% of the
recommended rate of the mineral fertilizer (107 ± 11.49 tillers/m²). This could be explained by the contribution of urea
during the beginning tillering and the compost in mineralization during the vegetative phase. This value is similar to
Mendy and Nadhumat [11]. These authors showed for the same variety (NERICA 14) positive effects of organic and
mineral fertilizers on tillering in Low Casamance. These results are not similar to Bamba [12] who showed a lack of
positive effects of the interaction organic and fertilizer mineral on the tillering of Sanio millet in Casamance and Eastern
The 50% compost+100% recommended rate of mineral fertilizer resulted in the highest panicle production (93.75 ±
31.70). Indeed, this treatment gave more fertile tillers. These results are not similar to those of Ndiaye and al. [13] who
found a negative response of the interaction organic fertilizer * mineral fertilizer on the number of panicle Sanio millet
in High Casamance.
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 303311
Table 5 Variation in rice tillering and fertility rate in function treatments
Number of tillers/m²
Fertility rate %
41.00 ± 10.00 c
41.00 ± 6.16 c
64.00± 14.61 bc
56.85 ± 20.60 abc
70.00 ± 19.73 b
69.14 ± 7.12 a
41.00 ± 3.83 c
43.65 ± 5.03 bc
96.50 ± 24.35 a
59.17 ± 4.10 abc
95.00 ± 17.09 a
57.30 ± 20.00 abc
42.00 ± 7.66c
66.37 ± 12.55 a
107.00 ± 11.49a
59.00 ± 16.91 abc
88.00± 26.73ab
63.85 ± 22.28 ab
General mean
71,61 ± 29,04
57.42 ± 15.66
< 0.0001***
< 0.0001***
Averages with an identical letter are statistically equivalent to the 5% threshold; *** = Very Highly Significant according to the Fisher test; LSD=
Low Significant Difference
3.3 Straw production
Fertilizers (P < 0.0001) influenced biomass yield (Table 6). The biomass produced with the T6 treatment (6100.00 ±
770.28 kg/ha) is statistically higher than that of the other treatments with the exception of that recorded with the T9
treatment (5150.00 ± 822.60 kg/ha). The lowest biomass is obtained with the control treatment (625.00 ± 125.83
kg/ha). Indeed, the combined inputs of organic and mineral fertilizers have released nutrients that are assimilated by
the plant during the vegetative phase. These observations corroborate the work of Somda et al. [8] which showed an
improvement in the production of above-ground biomass of Fonio and sorghum yields following organo-mineral inputs.
Contrary to these results, Kanfany [14] noted in farmers field to Casamance and Oriental Senegal that the interaction
between mineral fertilizer and organic matter did not induce significant effects on Fonio millet biomass.
Table 6 Biomass rice yield in function of treatments
Biomass yield (kg/ha)
625 ± 12- f
2675 ± 340 de
4325 ± 1330 bc
1750 ± 1121 ef
4825 ± 91_ b
6100 ± 770 a
1600 ± 337 ef
3650±1190 cd
5150 ± 823 ab
General mean
3411 ± 1930
< 0.001***
Values with same letter are statistically equivalent accordin the Fisher test ; *** = Very Highly Significant difference; LSD= Least Significant
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 303311
3.4 Grain yield and its components
Analysis of table 7 reveals that the treatments affected the number of panicles/m² (P< 0.0001), paddy sterility rate (P =
0.001) and paddy yield (P=0.043). The highest number of panicles is observed with T6 (93.75 ± 31.70 panicles/m²) and
T9 (90.75 ± 33.75 panicles/m²). These treatments produced statistically higher panicles than the T1 control (29.75 ±
9.43 panicles/m²). The highest rate of sterility is recorded with T5 (61.76 ± 27.52%). This rate is statistically higher
than those recorded with T2, T4, T6 and T7. Plots fertilized with the T6 dose recorded the lowest percentage of empty
grains (18.80 ± 4.18%).
The highest grain yield is observed with the T8 (2087.5 ± 1229.07 kg/ha). This yield is statistically different from that
obtained with T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. Indeed, Hu et al. [15] showed that the combined effects of organo-mineral
fertilization increase rice yield in a rice-wheat system. Akanza et al. [16, 17] who showed that the joint application of
mineral manure and organic manure increased maize and rice production found similar results. Furthermore Akanza
et al. [16] reported that organic manure improves the efficiency of mineral fertilizers. The average yield obtained from
paddy (1050 ± 904.17 kg/ha) is lower than the average yield of rice in Casamance which is 2,782 kg/ha [2].
There was no significant effect of the fertilization dose on the weight 1000 grains (P=0.746) and harvest index (P=0.9).
However, T8 recorded the best results with 28.33 ± 2.90 grams and 0.33 ± 0.16 respectively for the weight 1000 grains
and the harvest index (Table 7). The average weight of the 1000 grains is 25.49 ± 5.93 grams. The value found is close
to that obtained by Ouattara [18] who obtained a weight of 1000 grains that varies between 29.11 grams and 32.16
Table 7 Effects of organo-mineral fertilization on yield rice and component
Sterility paddy rate
Paddy Grain Yield
Weight of 1000
paddy grain (g)
Harvest Index
29.7 ± 9.4 c
60.77 ± 18.79 ab
217.5 ± 323.86 d
21.00 ± 5.22 a
0.19 ± 0.25 a
80.25 ± 24.39 ab
24.04 ± 12.86 cd
882.00 ± 781.93 bcd
26.58 ± 2.57 a
0.22 ± 0.15 a
58.50 ± 37.60 abc
45.32 ± 28.9 abc
850.00 ± 995.82 bcd
23.25 ± 7.88 a
0.15 ± 0.17 a
40.75 ± 9.11 bc
36.43 ± 20.69 bcd
337.50 ± 319.83 cd
25.12 ± 7.92 a
0.18 ± 0.13 a
88.00 ± 37.92 ab
61.76 ± 27.52 a
1650.00 ± 561.24 ab
28.00 ± 0.72 a
0.25 ± 0.06 a
93.75 ± 31.70 a
18.80 ± 4.18 d
1362.50 ± 554.33 abc
27.50± 1.23 a
0.18 ± 0.06 a
51.00 ± 20.46 abc
37.24 ± 18.26 bcd
612.50 ± 409.01 bcd
23.62 ± 11.78 a
0.25 ± 0.14 a
82.00 ± 55.20 ab
59.89 ± 3.95 ab
2087.50 ± 1229.07 a
28.33 ± 2.90 a
0.33 ± 0.16 a
90.75 ± 33.75 a
55.37 ± 3.18 ab
1450.00 ± 1105.29 abc
25.99 ± 2.90 a
0.20 ± 0.12 a
General mean
68.31 ± 36.14
44.40 ± 22.17
1050.00 ± 904.17
25.49 ± 5.93
0.22 ± 0.14
< 0.0001***
Averages with an identical letter are statistically equivalent to the 5% threshold; *** = Very Highly Significant according to the Fisher test; LSD=
Low Significant Difference
3.5 Correlation between treatments and variables
The analysis in Figure 4 made possibility to discriminate between three groups of treatments:
Group A consisting of the T5, T8 and T9 treatments which resulted in a high number of panicles/m², a number
of tillers/m², a number of white panicles/m² (BNP/m²), a grain yield (Rd Gr), a germination rate (T G), a sterility
rate (ST rate) and a harvest index (I R);
Group B consisting of T1, T2 and T7 treatments that induced late semi-spruce duration;
Group C consisting of the T6 and T3 treatment that made it possible to obtain a height of the plants, a diameter
at the collar, a weight of 1000 grains, a number of dead cores and a significant above-ground biomass.
Group D consisting of the T4 treatment characterized by a grain yield and a low number of tillers/m².
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 303311
Legend: P M G= weight thousand grains; Rd Gr= grain yield; H Pl= Plant height; D C = Diameter at the collet; NPB= number of white panicles; NCM=
number of dead hearts; I R = harvest index
Figure 4 Principal Component Analysis
4 Conclusion
This study evaluated the effect of combinations of organic and mineral fertilizers on the growth and production of
upland rice in Lower Casamance. The morphological parameters (height of the plants) are more affected by the
combinations 50% Compost + 100% recommended mineral fertilization and 100% Compost + 100% of the
recommended mineral fertilization. Tillering and biomass increased significantly, respectively with the combined
intakes of 100% Compost + 50% of the recommended mineral fertilization rate and 50% Compost + 100% of the
recommended mineral fertilization rate. The best grain yields were obtained with the treatment 100% Compost + 50%
of the recommended of mineral fertilization rate.
Compliance with ethical standards
We are grateful to Djibélor Agricultural Research Center and department of Agroforestry Assane Seck University of
Ziguincho. Senegal.
Disclosure of conflict of interest
No conflict of interest.
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Long-term fertilization experiment has been conducted since 1981 to study the effect of soil management practices on soil fertility, soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration, soil culturable microbe counts and crop yields at the Nanhu Experimental Station in the Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences (situated in the middle reach of the Yangtze River and the rice–wheat cropping system). The experiment was designed with the following eight treatments: (1) unfertilized treatment: Control; (2) inorganic nitrogen fertilizer treatment: N; (3) inorganic nitrogen plus inorganic phosphorus fertilizer treatment: NP; (4) inorganic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus plus inorganic potassium fertilizer treatment: NPK; (5) pig dung compost (manure) treatment: M; (6) inorganic nitrogen fertilizer plus manure: NM; (7) inorganic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus fertilizer plus manure treatment: NPM and (8) inorganic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus, inorganic potassium fertilizer plus manure treatment: NPKM. The results showed that long-term application of organic manure in combination with inorganic fertilizer significantly ( p < 0.05) increased soil organic C concentrations compared with the corresponding inorganic fertilizers alone. Soil organic C contents were significantly ( p < 0.05) increased in balanced application of NPK fertilizers in comparison to unbalanced application of fertilizers. After 30 years of experiment, soil organic C and total N sequestration rate averagely were 0.48 t ha −1 year −1 and 28.3 kg ha −1 year −1 in the fertilized treatments respectively; nevertheless, it were 0.27 t ha −1 year −1 and 9.7 kg ha −1 year −1 in the unfertilized treatment. Application of organic fertilizer in combination with inorganic fertilizer significantly ( p < 0.05) increased culturable microbial counts compared with the corresponding inorganic fertilizers alone. The balanced application of NPK fertilizers significantly ( p < 0.05) increased culturable microbial counts compared with unbalanced application of fertilizers. The average grain yield of wheat and rice was significantly ( p < 0.05) higher in organic manure combined with inorganic fertilizer treatment than in inorganic fertilizer alone and unfertilized control. Therefore, long-term application of organic manure combined with inorganic fertilizer and balanced application of NPK fertilizers could increase soil organic C and total N sequestration, culturable microbial counts and crop grain yields.
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The objective of this study was to determine the grain and stover yield response of pearl millet to microdose fertilizer application alone, and microdose combined with N and P fertilizer application rates across years and locations in West Africa. Microdose fertilizer application increased pearl millet grain yields by 240 to 300 kg ha -1 on sandy soils across a broad range of climatic and soil conditions in West Africa, while increasing pearl millet grain yields by 400 kg ha -1 on silty clay soils in Mali. Stover yield increases of pearl millet were 250 to 400 kg ha -1 on sandy soils and 500 to 2500 kg ha -1 on silty clay soils in Mali. Application of 20 kg ha -1 P 2 O 5 and 30 kg ha -1 N in addition to microdose commonly increased grain yields by 140 to 180 kg ha -1 and stover yields by 600 to 1500 kg ha -1 over that of microdose application only. These results indicate that micodose in combination with 20 kg ha -1 P 2 O 5 and 30 kg ha -1 N fertilizer application is required to optimize both grain and stover yield of pearl millet in West Africa to meet food, fuel and soil improvement needs of farmers.
Low inherent fertility of tropical soils and degradation, nutrient deficiency and water stress are the key factors that hamper rainfed agriculture in semi-arid West Africa. Conservation Agriculture (CA) is currently promoted in the region as a technology to reduce soil degradation, mitigate the effect of droughts and increase crop productivity while reducing production costs. CA relies on the simultaneous use of three practices: (1) minimum or zero-tillage; (2) maintenance of a permanent soil cover and; (3) diversified profitable crop rotation. The most prominent aspect of CA for degraded lands in the semi-arid tropics would be the organic soil cover that impacts on the soil water balance, biological activity, soil organic matter build-up and fertility replenishment. Yet, the organic resources are the most limiting factor in Sahelian agroecosystems due to low biomass productivity and the multiple uses of crop residues, chiefly to feed the livestock. Hence, CA as such may hardly succeed in the current Sahelian context unless alternative sources of biomass are identified. Alternatively, we propose: (1) to gradually rehabilitate the biomass production function of the soil through increased nutrient input and traditional water harvesting measures that have been promoted as “soil and water conservation” technologies in the Sahel, e.g. zaï, in order to restore soil hydrological properties as prerequisite to boosting biomass production; (2) to encourage during this restorative phase the regeneration of native evergreen multipurpose woody shrubs (NEWS) traditionally and deliberately associated to crops and managed the year around and; (3) to shift to classical, less labour intensive CA practices once appropriate levels of soil fertility and water capture are enough to allow increased agroecosystem primary productivity (i.e., an active ‘aggradation’ phase followed by one of conservation). The CA systems we propose for the Sahelian context are based on intercropping cereal crops and NEWS building on traditional technologies practiced by local farmers. Traditionally, NEWS are allowed to grow in croplands during the dry season; they reduce wind erosion, trap organic residues and capture the Harmattan dust, influence the soil hydraulics and favour soil biological activity under their canopies. They are coppiced at the end of the dry season, leaves and twigs remain as mulch while branches are collected for domestic fuel and other uses. Shoots re-sprouting during the rainy season are suppressed as weeds. Such CA systems have limited competition with livestock due to the poor palatability of the shrub green biomass, which may increase their acceptance by smallholders. Such aggradation–conservation strategy is not free of challenges, as it may imply initial soil disturbance that entail important labour investments, substantially change the structure and management of the cropping system (annual crop-perennial plant), and lead to emerging tradeoffs in the use of resources at different scales. This paper offers a state of the art around NEWS and their integration in relay intercropping CA systems, discusses the above mentioned challenges and the main research needs to address them.
National Agency of statistics and Demographic. Monthly bulletin of economic and financial statistics
National Agency of statistics and Demographic. Monthly bulletin of economic and financial statistics. September 2020; ISSN 0850-1467; 111. Update 23 July 2022.
Role of legumes on the fertility of tropical ferruginous soils Guinean and Sudanese areas of Burkina Faso
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Bado BV. Role of legumes on the fertility of tropical ferruginous soils Guinean and Sudanese areas of Burkina Faso. Thesis, Université Laval Québec. 2002; 184.
The soils of the Fluvio-marin domain of Casamance (Senegal). Recent developments and reassessment of the major constraints for their development. French Institute for Scientific Research for Development in Cooperation (ORSTOM)
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Climate dynamics and recent developments in the western part of West Africa
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Determination of optimal doses of organo-mineral manure in microdose in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso
  • B B Somda
  • A B Ouattara
  • I Serme
  • M B Pouya
  • F Lompo
  • S J Taonda
  • M Sedogo
Somda BB, Ouattara AB, Serme I, Pouya MB, Lompo F, Taonda SJ, Sedogo M. Determination of optimal doses of organo-mineral manure in microdose in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 2017; 11(2): 670-683, April 2017 ISSN 1997-342X (Online), ISSN 1991-8631 (Print)
Effects of organic fertilizers on tomato production and soil chemical parameters in north-central Burkina Faso. End-of-cycle memory
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Nacro SR. Effects of organic fertilizers on tomato production and soil chemical parameters in north-central Burkina Faso. End-of-cycle memory. 2018; 56.
Plant resources of Tropical Africa 1. Cereals and pulses. (Translation of: Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 1. Cereals and pulses
  • M Brink
  • G Belay
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