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Human-computer interaction in software engineering courses

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A working group was convened to consider human-computer interaction (HCI) issues in relation to software engineering (SE) courses. Two broad questions were posed to the group: 1. Is this aspect (HCI) of software development adequately covered in SE courses? 2. Do contemporary graphical user interface (GUI) development tools over-emphasise the interface at the expense of functionality? The report has been written to reflect the discussions by the participants and to set out specific recommendations concerning the issues raised. It does not necessarily represent the views of any individual participants, nor the official views of their academic institutions

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The disruption of the recent COVID crisis has as a result many and serious environmental, social, political, and economic consequences. In the entrepreneurship domain, now it is the time for reimagining the relationship between people (employees, customers) and technology. This is very important in the so-called Western Balkan (WB) countries, apply for EU membership whilst facing serious environmental, social, political, economic and governance problems. The disruptions brought by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis have made WB countries and a number of international and domestic companies think about increasing the resilience of their production through sustainable, green, and scalable investments and management (e.g. supply diversification, geographically closer to customers activities and delivery centers, shorter supply chains, smarter solutions, thoughtful initiatives, increased home production, smart scalable inventories, open governance, new technology transformation, adaptable management, trusted relations, etc.). The main target of this article was to perform a practical primitive analysis of access to economic and green entrepreneurship constraints in the WB region and in the post COVID-19 pandemic crisis times. Hence, in this article, several green entrepreneurship perceptions, financial and green investment initiatives, operated as financial constraints, which should form in WB countries just after the COVID crisis introduced and discussed. Particularly, the factors that influenced these perceptions/initiatives/constraints, and the consequences should they had on the political, social, and economic dynamics in WB were presented in this paper. The main article’s objectives are the following: (i) to analyze how the WB economies could benefit from these initiatives after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis; and (ii) to form the suitable environmental, social, economic, and governance commitments. Findings and proposed entrepreneurship analysis is complemented, in Section 4, by a review of the environmental, social, and governance commitments (operating as nine “financing constraints” with great corporate finance functionalities), which should operate (in the post COVID-19 era) as economic reform by national authorities in Western Balkan countries, through specific EU programmes and various green entrepreneurship and corporate finance initiatives. For instance, four key findings were recorded in the commitment “Environmental issues”. The results of the presented research, as recommendations, were referred to the adoption of good and innovative practices for sustainable green entrepreneurship in WB. In particular, the relationship between people (employees, customers) and the new technology was discussed and documented, as well as the issue of “digital transformation in the WB entrepreneurship” by identified nine (9) commitments that fully or partially support green entrepreneurship; the concept of “team-work collaboration” (collaborative entrepreneurship and solutions); and the “geospatial optimization” initiative (e.g. geospatial optimization for delivery centers) were introduced, analyzed and documented.
Conference Paper
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Résumé : Des recherches sur le développement de l'Internet tendent à prouver que l'apprentissage et le counseling peuvent aussi bien s'effectuer en ligne qu'en présence. Beaucoup d'efforts ont présentement été faits par les institutions d'enseignement pour la conversion de notes de cours en format électronique. Cependant, des recherches restent à faire en ce qui concerne l'implantation de l'évaluation en ligne. Ce type d'évaluation, jusqu'à maintenant, consiste majoritairement en des questions de type vrai ou faux ou à choix multiples. Cette recherche veut approfondir le domaine de l'évaluation des apprentissages en ligne par le développement de tâches d'évaluation complexes en contexte authentique dépassant la simple présentation de questions à choix multiples. Ces tâches d'évaluation complexes pourraient être en mode collaboratif et inclure des types d'évaluation qui seraient des questions ouvertes, des portefeuilles, des scénarios, des problèmes ainsi que des projets effectués dans un mode de travail collaboratif permettant à plusieurs étudiants et enseignants de réaliser ces tâches d'évaluation. Les étudiants réaliseront ainsi la tâche en ligne sous la supervision des enseignants. Afin de répondre à cette problématique, des modèles éducationnels seront développés. Un premier type de modèles représentera des modèles éducationnels visant le développement de tâches d'évaluation complexes en mode collaboratif. Le second type de modèles représentera des modèles de données capables de stocker des tâches d'évaluation en langage XML. Le troisième type de modèles sera un modèle d'interface usager permettant l'affichage de ces tâches d'évaluation en mode collaboratif. Mots clés : formation en ligne -évaluation en ligne -modèles éducationnels -tâches d'évaluation complexes -tâches d'évaluation en mode collaboratif -langage XML.
Since the early 1980's, intelligent and adaptive systems have appeared and have been written about in a variety of guises. Although there are many differences between such systems as adaptive user interfaces, intelligent help systems and explanation systems, there are many similarities as well. The most notable of these is that they all require user models to be maintained and exploited as part of their designs. Furthermore, they share the same high level architecture. This paper discusses the use of user models in human- computer interaction design and offers a common architecture for these adaptive systems. A methodology for the development of these systems is presented.
Conference Paper
Heuristic evaluation is an informal method of usability analysis where a number of evaluators are presented with an interface design and asked to comment on it. Four experiments showed that individual evaluators were mostly quite bad at doing such heuristic evaluations and that they only found between 20 and 51% of the usability problems in the interfaces they evaluated. On the other hand, we could aggregate the evaluations from several evaluators to a single evaluation and such aggregates do rather well, even when they consist of only three to five people.
Usability inspection is the generic name for a set of costeffective ways of evaluating user interfaces to find usability problems. They are fairly informal methods and easy to use.
Conference Paper
Because human-computer interface design is traditionally included in computer science curricula as an advanced level topic, it is usually perceived as an add-on, and not well integrated into the software lifecycle. An holistic user-centred methodology for system design, one which has proved particularly appropriate for software development based on 4GLs, is described. By treating interface design as an integral component of the analysis and design, rather than an afterthought, successful systems can be produced for the more enlightened, demanding and assertive users of today's interactive systems. The methodology has been successfully applied as both a teaching tool and in real system development environments