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Animal bite injuries in pediatric population: a systematic review

  • Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences,Rohtak, Haryana

Abstract and Figures

Objectives: To assess the scientific literature pertaining the risk factors for injuries among victims of animal bite injuries. Data and sources: A systematic review of scientific literature published until May 2020 was carried out in the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar and Journals@ovid. Study selection: A total of 924 records were found, of which 29 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. There was a male preponderance in most of the studies with male/female ratio ranging from 0.75:1 to 2.1:1. The age range varies from 0 to 19 years with the mean age varying from 3.6 to 8 years. Pitbulls, Rottweiler's, German shepherds, Bull terriers, Labradors and Dobermans were breeds with higher risk of attack. The animals were familiar to the victim (own, friends, neighbors) in 27–98% instances. Most cases of animal bite injuries were recorded during Summer and Spring months. Head and neck followed by extremities was found to be most inflicted area. Conclusions: The sociodemographic characteristics of victim as well as the biting animal affect the circumstances leading to biting episode. However, the results should be interpreted with caution due to the high heterogeneity among studies and moderate quality evidence.
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Systematic Review
Animal bite injuries in pediatric population: a systematic
Ruchi Singhal
, Neha Sikka
, Ritu Namdev
Department of Pedodontics, PGIDS, Rohtak, India
Department of Dental Materials, PGIDS, Rohtak, India
(Received: 4 May 2022, accepted: 6 July 2022)
Animal bite /
injury / child /
adolescent / dog
Abstract -- Objectives: To assess the scientic literature pertaining the risk factors for injuries among victims of
animal bite injuries. Data and sources: A systematic review of scientic literature published until May 2020 was
carried out in the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar and Journals@ovid. Study
selection: A total of 924 records were found, of which 29 articles fullled the inclusion criteria and were analyzed.
There was a male preponderance in most of the studies with male/female ratio ranging from 0.75:1 to 2.1:1. The age
range varies from 0 to 19 years with the mean age varying from 3.6 to 8 years. Pitbulls, Rottweilers, German
shepherds, Bull terriers, Labradors and Dobermans were breeds with higher risk of attack. The animals were familiar to
the victim (own, friends, neighbors) in 2798% instances. Most cases of animal bite injuries were recorded during
Summer and Spring months.Head and neck followed by extremities was found to be most inicted area. Conclusions:
The sociodemographic characteristics of victim as well as the biting animal affect the circumstances leading to biting
episode. However, the results should be interpreted with caution due to the high heterogeneity among studies and
moderate quality evidence.
Animals are an indispensable part of the human ecosystem.
The animals might display many kinds of behavioral traits
towards humans like loyalty, affection or aggression. Animal
bite injuries in children of all ages represent an unsatisfactorily
understood but signicant medical and public health issue.
Unaesthetic soft-tissue and skeletal injuries, scars and
disgurements are outcome of such incidents [1]. It is
estimated that 50% of population in the United States
experience an animal or human bite wound at least once in
their lifetime, and 45% ofchildren had been bitten during their
lifetimes [24]. These types of injuries are ever-growing burden
for public health, especially in developing and third world
countries. Amongst bites caused by domestic animals, dog
bites account 8090% [5,6], whereas cat bites account for 5%
and 15% [7,8], as second common cause. Children are
especially susceptible to dog bite injuries of the head and
neck region [4,912]. The kind of wounds aficted span from
insignicant scratches to fatal injuries and/or infections [13].
These injuries are considerably preventable by studying the
attributes of the children who are traumatized, the character-
istics of biting animals and the detailed features of biting
incident. Accurate reporting of animal bites to authorities is
important for framing appropriate prevention strategies,
identifying the traumatic load and development of a more
efcacious planning of resource allocation and to provide care
[1416]. Various studies have been conducted in different
regions of the world to elucidate and characterize injuries
resulting from animal-inicted bites [1720]. However, there
are signicant scientic controversies in literature, and no
consensus on risk factors and optimal management. Therefore,
this systematic review aims to explore the literature to
understand the nature and severity of outcomes of bites from
animals, and identify the risk factors for injuries among young
victims of animal bite.
Preliminary search
The databases PROSPERO, the Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, the JBI Database of Systematic Reviews
and Implementation Reports and MEDLINE were searched and
no systematic reviews (completed or in process) on this topic
were identied.
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37
©The authors, 2022
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Protocol and registration
The systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA
Statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses) and the Cochranes Guidelines. The
proposed systematic review was registered in PROSPERO under
registration number # CRD42020177845.
The primary review question was, What is the epidemiology
of animal-inicted injuries in children and associated risk
factors?PECO strategy as proposed by Maia and Antônio was
followed instead of PICO [21]. The PECO used was Population
(patients 19 years of age), Exposure (animal bite), Compar-
ison (sociodemographic and bite wound characteristics) and
Outcome (injury pattern and characteristics).
Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria were observational studies (prospective
studies, retrospective, cohort, case-control and cross-sec-
tional) in which risk factors for animal bite in children and
adolescents (19 years) were reported. There was no
restriction of year, or publication status (Epub ahead of print).
Fig. 1. PRISMA owchart.
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Exclusion criteria were: (1) review articles, opinion articles and
single case reports; (2) studies with no apparent aim of
studying risk factors for injuries caused by animals; (3) studies
on adults with age >19 years and injuries caused by human
bites; and (4) studies addressing other etiologies (e.g.,
interpersonal violence).
Sources of information and research
The primary study source, PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane
Library, Google Scholar and Journals @ Ovid were used. The
descriptors were searched in the MeSH database (Medical
Subject Headings). With the help of the Boolean operators
ANDand OR, the research strategy was developed. The
keywords searched were (((((maxillofacial injuriesOR facial
injuries))) AND ((wounds and injuriesOR bites and stings OR
trauma OR soft tissue injuries OR wounds OR lacerat* OR
injuries OR wounds))) AND ((animal OR mammal* ORdog OR cat
OR domestic OR non domestic OR pet OR stray OR wild))) AND
((infan* OR child* OR adolescen* OR pediatr* OR human)).
The search strategy was modied for each included
information source. In addition, reference lists of literature,
existing networks and websites, were scrutinized to enhance
procurement of documents. Following initial search, all the
citations were transferred to EndNote 9 (Clarivate Analytics)
and duplicates were removed.
Selection of studies
To minimize inter-examiner variability, 2 reviewers
applied the eligibility criteria to 20% of retrieved studies
as calibration exercise and a good agreement level was
achieved (x= 0.841). The studies were assessed in two main
phases: (1) two reviewers (RS and NS) systematically analyzed
titles and abstracts, and when they fullled the inclusion
criteria for the review, articles were selected for the next phase
and (2) full texts of eligible studies were obtained and
evaluated. Reasons for exclusion of full text studies that do
not meet the inclusion criteria were documented. Any
disagreements between the reviewers during selection
process were resolved through discussion, or with a third
reviewer. The whole procedure was presented stepwise in a
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
analyses (PRISMA) ow chart.
Data collection and extraction process
Two evaluators (RS and NS) performed data extraction
independently using a spreadsheet specially created to extract
the necessary information including the following items:
article identication (author, location, duration of study,
source of information, type of study and case denition);
victim characteristics (age and sex); causative animal
characteristics (breed, familiarity, provoked/unprovoked) and
results (area and types of injuries and months of year when
incidence is at peak) and other relevant variables.
Methodological quality appraisal
After data extraction of all relevant articles, an objective
appraisal process was initiated. The process ofappraisal aims to
assess the quality of the study by evaluating the design and
methodology. The quality assessment of included studies were
independently rated by two reviewers using an adapted version
of the NIH Scale for case series and JBI prevalence critical
appraisal tool having 7 questions, assigning Y/N/U (Yes/No/
Unclear) for each question. The higher the score, the better was
the methodological quality of the study.
Synthesis of result
The variability among studies was appraised by parameters
such as the outcome analyzed, sample attributes, predictor
measures, statistical tests and summary variables. This
prevented the pooling of data for meta-analysis.
Selected studies
A sum total of 924 potentially relevant articles were
recognized. Of the 924 articles, 842 were excluded after the
analysis of titles and abstracts. Full-text analysis was done for
eighty two articles, out of which twenty nine were included in
the systematic review according to the eligibility criteria.
Figure 1 shows the stepwise process of searching, evaluation,
inclusion and exclusion of articles.
Characteristics of included studies
The prime characteristic features of eligible studies are
summarized in Tables IIII. The time span assessed in the
studies ranged from 1985 to 2017 [4,9,11,2247]. Majority of
the included studies in the review were retrospective studies
except 4 studies (2 were prospective studies [11,25] and 2 were
cross-sectional questionnaire-based surveys [38,43]). The
animals involved in the biting episode were dogs in all the
included studies. The male/female ratio ranged from 0.75:1 to
2.1:1. Most of the included studies depict males are more prone
to animal bite injuries except only 3 studies which showed
female preponderance [22,33,47]. The age range varies from 0
to 19 years with the mean age varying from 3.6 to 8 years
[25,26]. The usual age in all studies analyzed corresponded to
preschool and grade school children being the most affected
group [22,24,25,2733,37,40,43,46]. The list of breeds
commonly causing ABI are given in Table II. Pitbulls,
Rottweilers, German shepherds, Bull terriers, Labradors and
Dobermans were breeds with higher risk of attack. The animals
were familiar to the victim (own, friends, neighbors) in 2798%
instances. Provocation was seen to be a risk factor for animal
bite. Most cases of animal bite injuries were recorded during
summer and spring months. Head and neck in younger children
followed by extremities in older children was found to be the
most inicted area [22,24,25,2733,37,46]. Among head and
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Table I. Demographic characteristics of patients included in studies.
Author/Country Duration of study Source Design Number of
Age Gender Case denition Age
1 Abraham JT et al.
2019/ USA
5 Y (October 2011 to
October 2016)
Pediatric trauma registry
Texas A&M University
Health Science Center,
Temple, Texas.
RS 102 3 D 16 Y
Mean 5.84 Y
43:57 (0.75:1) Individuals 18
years who sustained
a dog bite and
presented to the ED
directly or as a
transfer from a
regional center for
continued care.
01Y: 11, 25 Y: 44,
612 Y : 42, >13Y :
2 Akhtar N et al. 2006/
5 Y (19982002) Plastic Surgery Department
at the Shefelds Children
Hospital, UK
RS 118 1 15 Y Mean
6.6 Y
Patients with a dog
bite injury admitted
under the care of the
Plastic Surgery
Department at the
Shefelds Children
3 Alizadeh K et al.
2017/ USA
3 Y (January 2012
December 2014)
Maria Fareri Childrens
Hospital of Westchester
Medical Center, USA
RS 108 0 18 Y
Mean 6.5 ± 4.9
61:47 (1.30:1) All the pediatric
patients (age, 018
years old) who
sustained dog bites
Infant : 17.5%,
Preschool : 33.3%,
Grade School :
31.4%, Teenage :
4 Avner RJ et al. 1991/
1 Y (January 1989
December 1989)
The Childrens Hospital of
Emergency Department
PS 168 7 Mo 17 Y,
Mean 8 Y
60:40 (1.5:1) Children younger
than 19 years of age
who presented to ED
for evaluation of dog
bite injuries
>5 Y : 114
5 Bernardo LM et al.
1998/ USA
6 Y (January 1990
December 1995)
Registry of the
Pennsylvania Trauma
Outcome Study (PTOS)
RS 183 <18 Y Mean 3.6
106:77 (1.38:1) Individuals 18 years
of age or younger
whose injuries were
associated with a
dog bite
6 Bernardo LM et al.
2000/ USA
1 Y (January 1997
December 1997)
ED records of Children
Hospital of Pittsburg
RS 204 2 D 19 Y
Mean 6.8±4.2
124:80 (1.55:1) (1) the biting
episode was caused
by a dog, and (2)
the dog bite occurred
less than 24 hours
before the ED visit.
5 Y: 49%
7 Bernardo LM et al.
2002/ USA
2 Y (January 1999
December 2000)
Patient records from ED of
Childrens Hospital of
RS 386 7 Mo to 19 Y
Mean 6.7 Y
1) the biting episode
was caused by a dog,
and 2) the dog bite
<6 Y : 52.8%, >7Y
: 47.2%
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Table I. (continued).
Author/Country Duration of study Source Design Number of
Age Gender Case denition Age
occurred less than 24
hours prior to the ED
8ChenHHet al. 2013/
5 Y (January 2003
December 2008)
Childrens Hospital
(Denver, CO)
RS 537 0.5 17 Y
Mean 4.59±3.36
Patients with a
diagnosis of dog bite
were identied by a
search for medical
records containing
Code E906.0. Each
record was evaluated
to identify children
with bites to the
05 Y : 68%, 612 Y
: 28%, 1317 Y : 4%
9 Chiam SC et al.
2014/ Australia
2 Y (January 2009
Womens and Childrens
Hospital, Adelaide,
RS 277 1 Mo 17 Y,
Mode 2 Y,
Median 5 Y
Children aged017
years presenting with
dog bites
04 Y : 120, 58Y:
67, 912 Y : 58, 13
17 Y : 32
10Daniels DM et al.
2009/ USA
7 Y (19992006) Two Level I Trauma
RS 1347 <18 Y
Mean age 7.28
±4.44 Y
1.32:1 The study population
included all visits by
children younger
than 18 years who
were evaluated and
treated for dog bite
related injuries
<5 Y: 34%, 510 Y :
40%, 1117 Y : 26%
11Dwyer JP et al.
2007/ South Africa
15 Y (4
March 1991
to October 2004)
Child Accident Prevention
Foundation of South Africa
(CAPFSA) trauma registry
RS 1871 2.5 Mo to 18.5
Y Mean 6.84
<6 Y: 797, 6Y:
1065, Unknown : 9
12Eppley BL et al.
2013/ USA
10 Y (19952005) Riley Hospital for Children PS 107 6 Wk to 11.5 Y
Mean 5.7±2.9 Y
Children (<12 years
of age) with dog
bites above the
13Fien J et al.2018/
California/ USA
8 Y (20072014) Research data sets of
RS 7912 <18 Y Mean
5.4 Y
43:57 (0.75:1) 17 years or younger
with the ICD 9
CM E906.0 code, dog
02Y : 30%, 35Y:
27%, 612 Y : 34%,
1317 Y : 6%
14Garvey EM et al.
2014/ USA
7 Y 2 mo Phoenix Childrens Hospital
Level I Trauma Centers
RS 282 2 mo to 17 Y
Median 5 Y
Dog bite patients are
included in the
trauma database if
they are evaluated by
the trauma team or
arrive to the ED
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Table I. (continued).
Author/Country Duration of study Source Design Number of
Age Gender Case denition Age
15Greenhalgh C et al.
1991 Australia
18 Mo (January 1986
to June 1987)
Emergency Department
(ED) at the
Adelaide Childrens
RS 159 100:59 (1.69:1)
16Kasbekar AV et al.
2013/ UK
10 Y (September
2001August 2011)
Alder Hey Childrens
Hospital Liverpool/ UK
RS 436 1 Mo 16 Y
Median 6 Y
1.2:1 Injury to the head
and neck region by a
dog in children of 16
years of age or under
17Kaye AE et al. 2009/
4 Y (April 2001
December 2005)
Childrens Hospital
of Philadelphia Emergency
RS 551 5 Mo 18 Y
Mean 8.41 Y for
Mean 8.666 Y
for females
Children presenting
to the Hospital with
diagnosis code
E906.0 (dog bite
Infant 01 Y : 4.5%,
Preschooler 25Y:
24%, Grade School
612 Y : 51%,
Teenager 1318 Y :
18Kahn A et al. 2003 /
9 Mo (April 15 to
December 31, 2001)
based survey
100 <16 Y,
3Mo15 Y
Median 7 Y
1.38:1 The children younger
than 16 years old,
had been bitten by a
dog less than 72 h
earlier, and agreed to
answer a
questionnaire or an
adult care giver
agreed to answer on
their behalf.
19Lang, ME et al. 2005
4 Y (19982002) 2 tertiary EDs in
RS 287 4 Mo to 16.9 Y
Mean 7.4±4.2
Children <16 years
of age presenting
a dog bite
20McGuire C et al.
2018/ Canada
2.5 Y (January 2015
June 2017)
Izaak Walton
Killam Health Centre ED
RS 158 <16 Y 53.8:46.2
ICD 10 CA(Tenth
edition) Code W54,
Corresponding to
bitten by Dog
21McHeik, JN et al.
2000/ France
10 Y (19851995) RS 100 59:41 (1.44:1)
22Mitchell RB et al.
6 Y (January 1995
December 2000)
University of New
Mexico Health Sciences
RS 44 1 12.1 Y,
Mean 5.2±2.9 Y
Children with bites of
the scalp, face, or
E906.0 of ICD/9/CM
23Monroy A et al. 2009
9 Y (19992007) Tertiary care childrens
RS 84 0 19 Y
Mean 6.19±4.01
Y Median 4.07
Dog bite injuries
sustained to head
and neck.
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Table I. (continued).
Author/Country Duration of study Source Design Number of
Age Gender Case denition Age
24Reisner IR et al.
(December 2006
Feburary 2009)
ED of the Level 1 trauma
centre at the Childrens
Hospital of Philadelphia
based survey
203 3 Mo 17 Y,
Mean 7.2 Y,
Median 6.5 Y
<17 years presenting
for dog bite injuries
25Schalamon J et al.
2005/ Austria
5 Y (19942003) Department of Pediatric
Surgery at the Medical
of Graz (Level 1 trauma
RS 341 8 D 16 Y
Mean 5.9 Y
Individuals younger
than 17 years and
sought medical
attention after a dog
26Speirs J et al. 2015/
Texas/ USA
6 Y (20052011) Level one trauma centre RS 116 <19 Y <19 yrs old with a
dog bite injuries
27Sribnick EA et al.
2016/ USA
106 Mo (February
State mandated trauma
database (Georgia Central
Trauma Registry)
RS 236 Mean 5.83 Y 132:104
Patients less than 18
years of age who
were seen in the
Department for a
documented acute
injury due to a dog
28Van As AB et al.
2010/ South Africa
13. 5 Y (March 1991
November 2004)
The Child Accident
Prevention Foundation of
South Africa (CAPFSA)
trauma registry.
RS 596 2.5 Mo to 13.4
5.1±2.9 Y
29Wu PS et al./ USA 5 Y (January 2003
December 2008)
Urban tertiary care
RS 87 9 Mo 17 Y
Mean 6.82 Y
41:46(0.89:1) Patient 18 years or
younger who
sustained a facial
dog bite injury and
was treated by a
single pediatric
surgery practice at
an urban, tertiary
care hospital. Dog
bites to the face of
all severities
Y= Year, Mo= Month, Wk= Week, D= Days, ED= Emergency department RS = Retrospective, PS= Prospective, CS= Cross-sectional.
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Table II. Characteristics of animals included in studies.
Author Most common breed
identied (* 3 Most
common in descending
Familiarity of Dog Provocation by child Most common time of year
1 Abraham JT et al. 2019/
Pit bulls, Labrador Pet 41.4%
Non pet 58.6%
Recorded in 74 out of 102
Spring (March to May
31.4%) and Winter
(December to February
29.4%)December 14.7%
2 Akhtar N et al. 2006/ UK Alsatian, Japanese Akita,
Pet 75%
P3 cases Summer 36%
3 Alizadeh K et al. 2017/
56 cases that had an
identied dog breed, Pit
bulls, German Shepherd,
Husky, Small terriers
4 Avner RJ et al. 1991/ USA Mixed breeds, German
shepherd, Pit bull
K77% P 46% 65% in spring and summer
months (April to
5 Bernardo LM et al. 1998/
Recorded in 17% cases
German Shepherd,
Rottweiler, Great Dane
Documented in 27(15%)
cases only. P 10, NP
August (15%)
June (13%)
6 Bernardo LM et al. 2000/
Pit bull, German shepherd,
Parent n= 55 (27%)or a
neighbor n= 57(28%)
unrecorded in 49(24%)
NP 17+14
Summer (June August)
7 Bernardo LM et al. 2002/
Pitbull, German shepherd,
Mixed breed/ mutt
Dogs owner parent n
134 (34.7%) or neighbor n
94 (24.4%).
P191 (49.5%)
NP 66 (17%)
May to Aug 182
8 Chen HH et al. 2013/ USA Mixed breed, Labrador
retriever, Rottweiler
K90% (family pet
(51.2%) or through a
neighbor (14.7%),friend
(12.7%), or relative
(9.5%)Un 5%
P164 (31%)
NP 144 (27%)
Not documented/
witnessed 229 (43%)
9 Chiam SC et al. 2014/
Bull Terrier group, Jack
Russell Terriers
NF 11.6%
Undocumented 10.5%
NP 32.5%
10Daniels DM et al. 2009/
Pit Bulls, German
Shepherd, Great Dane
Childs caregiver (Family or
baby sitter) 45(37%)
Friend/ Neighbor 19
Stray dog 4
Undocumented 75%
NP 5+3+2
Summer & spring (63%)
Peak July(12.6%)
11Dwyer JP et al. 2007/
South Africa
Recorded in 1% of cases
Pit Bull Terrier, German
546(29%) occurred in
summer months of
November and January
12Eppley BL et al. 2013/
Chow, Pit Bull, German
Family 49.4%
Relative 25.3%
Neighbour 19.5%
Un 5.7%
NP 19.5 %
Observed 16 %
Not observed 4.6%
13Fien J et al.
2018/ California/ USA
14Garvey EM et al. 2014/
Pit Bull, Labrador, German
Families or extended
families 53%
Neighbor 21%
Family friend 12%
Stray 8%
Un 6%
July and November
15Greenhalgh C et al. 1991
German shepherd, Kelpie,
Ownership established in
NP 61%
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
neck region, the area frequently involved was cheek region and
lip/mouth. The type of wounds aficted range from minor soft
tissue scratches to life threatening injuries including severe
nerve and vascular or bony destruction. Laceration wound was
the most frequent soft tissue injury.
Risk of bias and methodological quality appraisal
The articles included in this review were observational
studies, which may have led to publication bias. There may be
geography-based bias, with most of the studies in the literature
presenting data from western countries; thus not providing an
accurate representation of global pediatric injuries inicted
by animals. In addition, bias may be caused by the articles
that were excluded based on unavailability or non-English
The methodological quality appraisal of included studies
using an adapted version of the NIH Scale for case series [50]
and JBI prevalence critical appraisal tool revealed that most of
the studies were of moderate quality (Tab. IV)[51].
Table II. (continued).
Author Most common breed
identied (* 3 Most
common in descending
Familiarity of Dog Provocation by child Most common time of year
Family dog 30(27%),
Relative, friend or
neighbour 78(71%)
16Kasbekar AV et al. 2013/
Terrier group, Husky,
K98% of which 55%
were family pet
17Kaye AE et al. 2009/ USA Pit bull terriers,
Rottweilers, Mixed breeds
F68.8% June and July 24.1%
18Kahn A et al. 2003 /
German Shepherds,
Rottweilers, Labradors
F71 P 86% July and August
19Lang, ME et al. 2005
Rottweiler, German
Shepherd, Husky
Stray/ Stranger 10.1%
Not documented 16%
20McGuire C et al. 2018/
Pit bulls, Labrador
retrievers, German
Family pet 53.2%
Un 14.6%
Missing 2.5%
NP 46.8%
Not documented 26.6%
June 13.3% and July
21McHeik, JN et al. 2000/
22Mitchell RB et al. 2003/
Rottweiler 13.6%, Chow
11.4%, Pitbull 9.0%
Un 20.6%
23Monroy A et al. 2009 /
Pitbulls F 27% Summer 38%
24Reisner IR et al. 2011/USA Mixed breed, Pit bull,
Relative, Neighbour, Friend
Family 35%
Stranger 9%
Not clearly mentioned
25Schalamon J et al. 2005/
Crossbreed, German
Shepherd, Labrador
NF 15%
Un 12%
P75% Summer (August)
26Speirs J et al. 2015/
Texas/ USA
27Sribnick EA et al. 2016/
Pitbull, Rottweiler,
Family 44.5%
Neighbor 27.1%
Friend 4.2%
No correlation found
28Van As AB et al. 2010/
South Africa
Summer of December and
29Wu PS et al./USA 
*F=Familiar, NF= Non-familiar, K= Known, Un= Unknown, P=Provoked, NP=Non-Provoked.
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Table III. Injury pattern and characteristics.
Author Area Type of injury
1 Abraham JT et al. 2019/ USA Head and neck region 92.1%,
Extremities 15.7 %, Trunk 4.9 %,
Multi region 12 patients
Major in 74 children
Minor in 28 children
2 Akhtar N et al. 2006/ UK Face 59% (Middle third was most
commonly affected), UL 20%, LL
6%, Scalp 7%
Laceration 75%, Puncture 20%,
Avulsion 2.8%, Fracture 1.4%, Tendon
injury 0.7%
3 Alizadeh K et al. 2017/ USA Head/neck region 59.2%, Upper &
lower extremities 30.5%
4 Avner RJ et al. 1991/ USA Face & scalp 44, Trunk 11,
Extremity 113 Lacerations 38%, Abrasions 33%,
Puncture wounds 29%
5 Bernardo LM et al. 1998/ USA Skull/ head 41, Face 176, Neck
13, Chest 7, Back 14, Shoulder/
Upper arm/ upper limb 25, Elbow/
forearm/wrist/hand ngers 32, Hip/
thigh 13, Knee 26, Leg 12, Spine
1,Buttocks/genitals 3, Multiple
sites/ unspecied 77
Fractures 26, Dislocations 11, Cerebral
lacerations/ contusions/ intracranial injury
3, Pneumothorax/hemothorax 3, Open
wounds 330, Vessel injury 6.
Amputation of ngers and arm 3,
Supercial injury 25, Contusion 13,
Nerve injury 8, Lacerations of eye 12
Open wounds were most common type of
6 Bernardo LM et al. 2000/ USA Total injuries 511, Facial 221,
(cheek 69 and lip/mouth 66)
Laceration 57%, Puncture 18%
Abrasion/ scrapes 16%
7 Bernardo LM et al. 2002/ USA Total injuries 886
Face 61%
UL 19%
LL 9%
Laceration 55%
Puncture 24%
Abrasion 13%
8 Chen HH et al. 2013/ USA 
9 Chiam SC et al. 2014/ Australia Head& Neck 70.8%, UL 18.4%, LL
9.4%, others 1.4%
10 Daniels DM et al. 2009/ USA Head or neck (642), Trunk (90), Upper
limb (342), lower limb (245)
11 Dwyer JP et al. 2007/ South Africa Head, Neck or Face 633(31%), Trunk 132
(7%), Shoulder, arm or hand 344(17%),
Perineum or buttock 133(7%), Leg or
foot 779(39%)
Minor (Lacerations, Abrasions) 1718 (85%)
Signicant 303(15%)
12 Eppley BL et al. 2013/ USA Head & Neck Puncture 15%, Avulsion 25%,
Combination 90%
13 Fien J et al.
2018/ California/ USA Head 852, Face 3594 (54%), Neck 216,
Thorax 207, Abdomen 226, Spine 23,
Upper extremity 1031, Lower extremity
512, Unspecied 1251
AIS classication: Minor(1) 6287
(79.6%), Moderate(2) 1122, Serious(3)
383, Severe(4) 99, Critical(5) 10,
Maximum(6) 1, Not assigned 10
14 Garvey EM et al. 2014/ USA External (skin) 231 (81.9)Face 16 (5.65)
Extremities/Pelvis 16 (5.65)Head/neck
13 (4.6)Abdomen 5 (1.8)Chest 1 (0.4)
AIS classication: Minor(1) 198 (70.2)
Moderate(2) 73 (25.9)Serious (3) 6
(2.1)Severe (4) 4 (1.4)Critical (5) 1
(0.4)Unsurvivable (6) 0 (0)
15 Greenhalgh C et al. 1991 Australia Face 91 bites (57%), Lower leg 11,
Upper leg 9, Forearm 7, Hand 6, Back 5,
Finger 5, Wrist 4, Abdomen 4, Elbow 2,
Knee 2, Chest 2, Foot 2, Ankle 2
16 Kasbekar AV et al. 2013/ UK Lip 46%, Ear 23%, Cheek 15%, Eye/
undereye 5%, Nose 5%
17 Kaye AE et al. 2009/ USA Face 29.8%, UL+LL 53.9%, trunk 4.7% NM
18 Kahn A et al. 2003 / Belgium Face and head (46)
Arms & hands (28) Severe (Puncture & Lacerations) 80
Minor (Scratches & Bruises) 20
19 Lang, ME et al. 2005 /Canada Face 58.5%, Extremity 35.5%, Head
1.4%, Buttock 1.4%, neck 0.7% Mild 46%, Moderate 28.9%, Severe 25.1%
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
A systematic review is the mainstay of evidence-based
practice, commonly used for formulation of prevention and
treatment guidelines and policies [5256]. It objectively
evaluates all available scientic evidence to answer a research
query; and identify the sectors where evidence is decient
[54,57]. The present systematic review evaluated the scientic
literature for risk factors of animal bite injuries in children and
Animal aggression may be a result of interaction of several
factors [58]. The study of individual factors, interrelationship
between victim, animals and their environment is very complex
[59], several confounding factors such as perception, risk
taking and health care seeking behaviorof an individual may be
affected by past experiences, education and culture. A good
quality research requires reliable and reproducible measure-
ment of both the outcome and variables of the study [59].
There are many barriers in measuring outcomes as the number
of reported injuries is low in comparison to actual incidence of
animal bite injuries.
Young children below 5 years and male child seem more
vulnerable to be attacked because of their underdeveloped
motor skills [22,24,2730,33,40,43,46]. Face especially lips,
nose and cheeks, also referred to as central target areais more
prone, may be because of comparatively smaller body and larger
head size [3,5,6,9,11,6071]. Some investigators found higher
prevalence of animal bite injuries in older children
[25,31,32,37]. Evidence shows that risk of biting to both
household and non-household members increases if a dog lives
in a house with children or teenagers [59]. This area requires
further research. Daniels et al. (2009) [31] and Thompson
(1997) [62] found that death in younger children was result of
damage to vital structures and the childs fragile skull [31,62].
In addition, younger children were more susceptible to sustain
deep wounds rather than supercial scratches or lacerations
Table III. (continued).
Author Area Type of injury
20 McGuire C et al. 2018/ Canada Face (42.9%), hands (12.6%) and scalp
(12%) Arms (11%), Legs(11%) Neck
(3.7%) Trunk (2.6%) Genitals (1.6%),
Feet (1.6%) Buttocks (1.2%)
Lackmanns Type I (91.1%), Type II (3.2%),
Type III (5.1%), Type IVa 0.6%), Type IV b
no cases
21 McHeik, JN et al. 2000/ France Cheek, 35 wounds (24.3%); Lip, 25
wounds (18.5%); Orbit, 24 wounds
(16.4%); Forehead, 21 wounds (15%);
Chin, 11 wounds (7.8%); Nose, 10
wounds (7.3%); Ear, 9 wounds (6.4%);
and Scalp, 6 wounds (4.3%)
Stage 1 (simple wound without lacerations
or muscular injury) 59%; Stage 2, (multiple
injury with tissue lacerations and muscular
injury) 35%; Stage 3 (substance loss) 6%
22 Mitchell RB et al. 2003/USA Head and neck only Scalp Laceration 57%
23 Monroy A et al. 2009 / USA Cheek 34%, Lips 21%, Nose 8%, Ears 8% Laceration complex 45%, Laceration
Linear 32%, Avulsion 18%, Puncture
24 Reisner IR et al. 2011/USA Face/head 52.5%, Arm/hand 32.3%,
Leg/Foot 20.6%, Other 7.0% Injury Severity score
ISS1 85.4%
ISS2 9.1%
ISS3 2.5%
ISS4 3%
25 Schalamon J et al. 2005/ Austria Face 50%, UL 28% LL 18%, trunk
4% Deep wounds 85%
Scratches/ Minor Lacerations 15%
26 Speirs J et al. 2015/ Texas/ USA Upper extremity 26(22.4%), Lower
extremity 41(35.3%), Face/axial trunk 54
Data mentioned only for upper extremity
Excoriation 15.38%, Laceration 57.69%,
Puncture wound 30.77%
27 Sribnick EA et al. 2016/ USA Head 73.7%, Other 26.3%
28 Van As AB et al. 2010/ South Africa Scalp 72 (11), Skull 13 (2), Brain
closed injury 2 (0), Eye(s) 42 (7), Nose
19 (3), Facial bones 9 (1), Mouth/
oropharynx 64 (10), Mandible 4 (1), Ear
39 (6), Face (other) 353 (56), Neck 15
Laceration supercial 64%, Laceration
complicated 15%, Abrasion 13%,
Close tissue 4%, Vascular 0, Muscle
tendon 0, Others 3%
29 Wu PS et al./USA ––
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Table IV. Methodological quality appraisal of included studies.
Abraham Akhtar Alizadeh Avner Bernardo 1998 Bernardo 2000 Bernardo 2002 Chen 2013 Chiam Daniels Dwyer Eppley
1 Was the study question or objective
clearly stated?
2 Was the sample representative of
the target population?
3 Was the study population and
setting clearly and fully described,
including a case denition?
4 Were the risk factors clearly
5 Were objective criteria used for the
measurement of the injury?
6 Was there appropriate statistical
7 Are all important confounding
identied and accounted for?
Total Score 6 3 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 3 4
Fien Garvey Greenhalgh Kasbekar Kaye Kahn Lang Mcguire Mcheik Mitchell Monroy Reisner Schalamon Speirs Sribnick Van As AB Wu
1 Was the study question or objective
clearly stated?
YY N Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y N y
2 Was the sample representative of
the target population?
3 Was the study population and
setting clearly and fully described,
including a case denition?
4 Were the risk factors clearly
5 Were objective criteria used for the
measurement of the injury?
6 Was there appropriate statistical
YN Y N Y N Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y y
7 Are all important confounding
identied and accounted for?
Total 5 4 3 3 4 4 6 5 3 2 3 5 5 4 5 2 4
Quality Rating Criteria: Good: 67, Fair: 45, Poor: 13.
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
[4,13,31]. Extremities; either the hands or lower limbs were
more commonly bitten in older children [7278]. Single bite
wound was most frequently reported rather than multiple
wounds which occurred in cases of severe mauling [4,79].
The upper age limit for inclusion in the study as pediatric
population was not uniform in all the studies. Some included
patients up to 15 years, whereas in some studies patients with
age 17, 18 and 19 were included. This might have led to bias.
Moreover, the categorization of the victims according to the
age was variable, as some authors have categorizedon the basis
of age range and some have used the terminologies infant, pre-
school, grade school and teenagers.
In order to report the injuries inicted in different areas of
body, few authors have divided the body parts as head & neck,
upper and lower extremities and trunk/torso/chest whereas
some have further subdivided head & neck into face, scalp, eye
and neck. This led to inconsistencies while drawing conclusions
from the data.
All the included studies in present systematic review
reported dogs as the offending animals. No observational study
reported any epidemiological data related to other animals.
Also, the data pertaining to the unreported bite incidents were
not apprehended. Discrepancies in health care seeking
behavior and access to healthcare facilities are well recognized
and affected by a number of factors, like severity of injury and
risks posed, health beliefs and understanding [8084].
Ignorance regarding appropriate treatment, its completion,
vaccine was also implicated in the outcome.
No study included in present systematic review could
establish high quality evidence regarding risk factors for animal
aggression and none compared the risk across different groups.
To establish a variable as a risk factor, a control or a comparator
group is needed [59,85]. Comparison must be needed to isolate
animals showing aggression from animals with no aggressive
behaviour [86]. Also, comparison between characteristics of
victims and non-affected population has to be included. None
of the studies reaching the nal review, examining the
demographics of the target of aggression had a comparator
Pitbulls, Rottweilers, German shepherds, Bull terriers,
Labradors and Dobermans were ranked as breeds with higher
risk of attack [11,15,39,62,63,69]. Some breeds were
considered to be more aggressive, indeed many breed specic
legislations have been enacted [8789]. However, the
relationship between dog breed and aggression may be
confounded by several factors [59]. Even the experienced
personnel may misidentify certain breeds, particularly cross
breeds, leading to behavioral and expectational implications
[90]. The breeds bull terrier, American Staffordshire bull terrier
(also known as American pit bull terrier), and Staffordshire bull
terrier are collectively referred to as Pitbull[9193].
Misleading information perpetuated by media regarding dog
breed also creates confusion [63]. Very few hospitalized cases
reported or identied breed of the dog inicting the injury
[31,9498]. Cognitive biases regarding a particular breed of
dog causing serious injury may result in those recipients being
more likely to attend for treatment [99].
Various authors have used variable terminologies like
known/ unknown, familiar/ unfamiliar and pet/ non-pet to
establish the relationship between the victim and the biting
animal which created disparities while summarizing the data.
Hence, uniformity in data during compilation of results could
not be obtained. The events preceding the animal bite injuries
which were considered as provoked incidents were not
uniformly explained and demand a universally accepted
denition. After reviewing all the articles, we propose, factors
such as playing, teasing and feeding should be considered
under the term Provocation. There is seasonal variation across
different sub-continents with summer being the months of
June, July and August in some parts of world while in others
they occur during November, December and January. This could
lead to bias in the registry database.
A lot of incongruity was observed in documentation of type
and severity of injuries. The authors have used variable
terminologies such as minor/major, mild/moderate/severe,
laceration/abrasion/contusion/avulsion. Certain authors have
used Injury severity score (ISS) and few used Lackmanns
classication [48,49]. These classications did not address the
full spectrum of animal attack injuries. There is a need of a
globally accepted classication system that will help to make
consistent decisions regarding their management also. So, we
are hereby proposing a new classication-Singhal-Sikka
Classication of Animal bite injuries(Tab. V).
There is a need for development and maintenance of an
online database for reporting animal inicted injuries in all the
countries of the world. Standardized methods for reporting
animal bite are required. Similarly, standardized methods for
measuring and reporting animals particularly dog populations
are required. The patient registry database should follow a
universally accepted animal bite injury reporting form to
Table V. Proposed Singhal-Sikka Classication of Animal bite injuries.
Grade 1 Licking or touching by the animal without any breech in skin continuity
Grade 2 Supercial skin injuries like scratches, abrasions, lacerations
Grade 3 Wound extending from skin to fascia, muscle or cartilage
Grade 4 Wound with tissue necrosis or tissue loss
Grade 5 Neural or vascular injury/ bone involvement /Organ defect/ Amputation
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
document an incident of animal attack. An animal bite injury
reporting form for attending physician (Checklist 1) and a
checklist for the authors while writing a paper on animal bite
injuries (Checklist 2) for accurate compilation is hereby
proposed in this article.
Checklist for the authors while writing a paper
on animal bite injuries
Details of victims
Age range and Mean age
Sex ratio
Locality: Urban/ Rural
Family characteristics: Joint Family/ Nuclear family/
Single parent
Case denition
Non case denition
Details of biting animal(s)
Species: Dog/ Cat/Monkey/Others
Sex ratio of biting animal: Male/ Female/ Unknown
Breed of the animal
Ownership of animal: Pet/ Stray/ Wild/Unknown
Vaccination status of animal: Yes/No/Not known
Neuter status: Yes/No/Not known
Current Location of the animal: Alive and in Quarantine/
Waiting to be tested/ Euthanized/ UnknownCircumstances of
the injury
Location of incident
Familiarity of the victim with the biting animal:
Familiar/ Nonfamiliar/ Unknown
Owner of the animal: Self/ Parent/ Relative/ Neighbor/
Friend/ No relation/ Not reported/ Other
Behavior of animal leading to the incident: Provoked/
Most common time of year
Most common time of day
Time lag between the injury and presentation to the
emergency services
Characteristics of the injury
Number of wounds: Single/Multiple
Anatomical site(s) involved: Head and Neck,Upper Limb,
Lower Limb, Torso
Type of tissue(s) affected: Skin/ Muscle/ Tendon/ Nerve/
Vascular/ Bone
Severity of animal bite injuries: Grade I/ Grade II/ Grade
III/ Grade IV/ Grade V
Self- toileting of the wound
Agents used for self-toileting of wound
Wound ushed at the hospital
Agent used for wound ushing
Tetanus vaccine
Rabies vaccine
Antibiotic therapy
Dose, Frequency, Duration
Average stay
Permanent disability
Follow up
Psychological counselling
Have the victim or the caregiver ever received education
on prevention of animal bite injuries
Design priorities in future research
Future research regarding animal bite injuries should follow
good methodological standards that will help to provide strong
evidence for development of preventive strategies. Studies
comparing victims with a control or comparator group should be
undertaken. Importance of educational interventions need to be
supported and should be area of future research. Educational
intervention regarding expected behavior of children in presence
ofanimalsand adequatesupervisionbyparents/caregiversshould
be emphasized. These studies can focus on public awareness
about such injuries and importance of timely intervention.
Longitudinal prospective studies to establish relationship
between behavior of animals and their confounders like their
temperament and training may reduce the risk of animal biting
trait. Reliable methods for accurate identication of dog breed
should be established like an atlas, including photographs as well
as size of particular breed need to be developed and validated
internationally. Observational studies shouldfollow multivariable
analysis to control the effect of confounders. Studies should also
identify barriers in implementation of preventive strategies like
neutering, avoiding high risk breeds of pets and supervision in
household with young children. A Standardized Checklist as
proposed in this article for reporting animal inicted injuries
should be followed and validated internationally.
Why this paper is important?
Children are the most frequent victims of animal bite
injuries. These injuries have a deep impact on social and
psychological development of children.
Pediatric dentists can play an active role in early diagnosis,
initial management and timely referral for proper treatment.
This paper provides an insight how pediatric dentists can
impart anticipatory guidance to the patients and their families
regarding risk factors of animal bite injuries and the behavioral
response in case of an encounter.
Author contributions
R.S. and N.S. conceived the ideas; R.S. and N.S. collected
the data; R.S. and N.S. analysed the data; and R.S., N.S.and R.
N. led the writing.
J Oral Med Oral Surg 2022;28:37 N. Sikka and R. Namdev
Conicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest
in relation to this article.
Informed consent
As it was a systematic review involving data from previously
published scientic literature, informed consent from subjects
was not required.
Ethical committee approval
Since the study involved retrospective collection of data of
patients who had already been managed and their identity shall
not be disclosed at any point of time, the ethical approval was
not obtained.
Source of funding
This research did not receive any specic funding.
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... Dogs form an integral part of the society and our homes. Stray dogs are becoming a menace [1]. The reported incidence of dog bite injuries is 12.9 per 10000 population in western literature [2]. ...
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Introduction: Dog bite injuries are common in developing countries. Most of the reported cases in western countries are domesticated dog bite injuries while in developing countries it is stray dog attacks that are more common. We aim to study the morbidity due to stray dog injuries, their surgical management in severe cases and suggest preventive strategies to curb this widely prevalent menace.
... 1 Educational intervention regarding expected behavior of children in presence of animals and adequate supervision by parents/caregivers should be emphasized. 6 Rabies being a vaccine preventable zoonotic disease, immunization plays a crucial role in its prevention. Management of an animal bite case and successful prevention of Rabies can be achieved by the following measures: timely and proper wound care; washing all the wounds with soap and running water for 15 minutes, verification of the immunization status of the child and ensure Tetanus vaccine and full dose Rabies vaccination (IDRV/IMRV). ...
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Animal bites are a leading cause of injury among children, of which dog bites contribute significantly to the burden of Rabies in the world. This was a case report of a 7-year-old migrant girl child who was admitted to the casualty as a victim of multiple stray dog bite injuries. The child presented with multiple and extensive lesions all over the body. Trauma related to animal bites cause not just physical pain and suffering but also emotional stress and carries the risk of Rabies which is a highly fatal disease. Prompt management of the case with post exposure prophylaxis against Rabies needs to be done immediately, along with wound management to ensure good treatment results and patient outcome. This report presents the case of a child who sustained multiple stray dog bite injuries all over the body. Patient was followed up for one month, showed good wound healing and recovery.
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Background: Rabies is a fatal disease that still kills 2-6 people a year in Iran. A meta-analysis was conducted in order to generate accurate data on animal bite exposure, and to estimate the incidence of animal bite across the country. Materials and methods: Major national and international electronic databases were searched using the keywords "animal bite," rabies, prevalence, incidence, and Iran. Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Scopus, Ovid, and ScienceDirect were used as international databases, and the national databases included Science Information Database, MagIran, and IranDoc. Descriptive cross-sectional studies addressing the incidence of animal bite were selected and screened by two authors, and pre-specified data were extracted. The population of provinces or cities of studies was extracted from the Statistical Centre of Iran. The overall incidence of animal bite in Iran was estimated using a random-effects model with 95% confidence interval (CI). Study quality was assessed using the STROBE recommended checklist. Results: A total of 34 studies were selected for the meta-analysis out of 1215 retrieved studies. The number of animal bites in the studies during 1993-2013 was 230,019 cases. The overall estimated incidence rate of animal bite in Iran was 13.20/1000 (95%, CI 12.10, 14.30) and the mean age of people was 26.23 (SD = 5.02) year. The incidence rate of animal bite among males (14.90/1000) was much higher than females (4.55/1000), and was higher in rural areas (17.45/1000) compared with urban areas (4.35/1000). The incident rate was highest among students compared with other reported occupations. The incidence rate of dogs was 10.40/1000 followed by cats, cows, wolves, jackals, and foxes. Domestic animals had a higher incidence rate than stray and wild animals. The incidence rate of animal bite during spring was 4.90/1000; however, the incidence rate in other seasons had no significant difference. In the retrieved studies, the highest incidence rate of animal bite was found in the West Azerbaijan Province (146.83/1000). Conclusion: The current study is the first comprehensive analysis of the published animal bite studies in Iran. Accurate data on animal bite incidence may lead to more effective policy-decisions towards more efficient resource allocation to primary health care for reducing rabies case. Such information is a primary and major necessity for rabies control program in the country. Animal bite reduction can significantly minimize the risk of rabies infection, thereby reducing public health costs for the expensive post-exposure treatment.
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Background:. Incidence of dog bites continues to rise among the pediatric population and serves as a public health threat for the well-being of children. Plastic surgeons are at the forefront of initial management and eventual outcome of these devastating injuries. This study set out to determine the nature of dog bite injuries treated over a 3-year period at a large level 1 pediatric trauma center. Methods:. A retrospective review of emergency room records of all pediatric patients (age, 0–18 years old) who sustained dog bites between January 2012 and December 2014 were gathered. All details about age of patient, location and severity of dog bites, type of dog breed, antibiotics given, and emergency versus operative treatment were recorded and analyzed. Results:. One hundred eight patients aged 5 months to 18 years old were treated in the emergency department after suffering dog bite injuries during the study period. The highest incidence of dog bites occurred in preschool children. The mean age for patients who required operative repair was lower than the mean age for patients who underwent primary closure in the emergency department. The location of injury was most commonly isolated to the head/neck region. Of the 56 cases that had an identified dog breed, pit bulls accounted for 48.2% of the dog bites, and 47.8% of pit bull bites required intervention in the operating room. Conclusion:. Children with large dog bite injuries require more immediate care in a level 1 pediatric trauma hospitals in order to optimize their hospitalization course and eventual outcome.
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Introduction Maxillofacial region in children is particularly vulnerable to animal bite injuries. These injuries may range from insignificant scratches to life-threatening neck and facial injuries. Children are the common victims, particularly of dog bites. Materials and methods Three cases of animal bite injuries in children with their clinical presentation and their management are being presented along with review of literature. Surgical management included cleansing and primary closure of the wound. Rabies and tetanus prophylaxis were given. Discussion The most common site of injury was the face. For the facial injuries, the most frequently affected area was the middle third (55%), also called as the ?central target area.? The small stature of children, the disproportionate size of the head relative to the body, their willingness to bring their faces close to the animal, and limited motor skills to provide defense are believed to account for this. The resulting soft-tissue injuries can vary in relation to their extent. Treatment involved initial surgical exploration, and secondary repair later depending on the severity of the injury. Conclusion Prompt assessment and treatment can prevent most bite wound complications. Early management of such injuries usually guarantees satisfactory outcome. Prevention strategies include close supervision of child-dog interactions, better reporting of bites, etc. How to cite this article Agrawal A, Kumar P, Singhal R, Singh V, Bhagol A. Animal Bite Injuries in Children: Review of Literature and Case Series. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2017;10(1):67-72.
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Introduction Animal inflicted injuries to the face and neck are becoming much more common as people lavish affection on pets. Injuries caused by animal attacks to the face can cause complex injuries to soft and hard tissues, presented as perforations, lacerations, crushes, avulsion or fractures. An uncountable number of bacteria and virus can be found in such injuries, with a potential pathological effect to humans, regarding infections. Although the infection rate is low due to excellent blood supply to face, the injuries have disfiguring effect with possible psychological repercussion to the patients. The treatment of animal inflicted injuries must address the soft tissue defect, neurovascular injuries, and bone injuries as well as prevention of post treatment infection. Primary wound repair is the treatment of choice for most clinically uninfected bite wound where as delayed closure should be reserved for wounds at high risk of infection or already infected wounds and tissue defect may require local flap or micro-vascular re-implantations. Material and Methods In this article, we have elicited up to date considerations regarding the management of animal inflicted injuries to the face based on literature search and exemplified by multiple case reports. Conclusion For bite injuries on face, immediate primary wound repair after meticulous wound debridement and irrigation with sufficient volume added by antibiotic prophylaxis gives good cosmetic results with minimum risk of infection. Depending upon type of attack and age of victims, psychiatric or social counseling may also be required.
Introduction Dog bite injuries to the face are a serious, yet modifiable public health concern. This study explores the relationship between dog breed and the risk of biting and injury. The objective of this study is to determine the relative risk and severity of dog bite injuries to the face by breed. Methods Retrospective chart review of facial dog bite injuries presenting to the University of Virginia Health System and Nationwide Children's Hospital. Additionally, descriptive data was collected from 240 patients over the last 15 years. Bite risk by breed was assessed by a literature search from 1970 to current. A composite measure was used to determine the severity of injury, and characterize each patient into an ordinal scale of bite severity. An average of each breed bite rate within each study was calculated and combined to create an empiric bite risk by breed. Dog breeds were also further characterized morphologically. Results Bite risk by breed from the literature review and bite severity by breed from our case series were combined to create a total bite risk plot. Injuries from Pitbull's and mixed breed dogs were both more frequent and more severe. This data is well-suited for a bubble plot showing bite risk on the x-axis, bite severity on the y-axis, and size of the bubble by number of cases. This creates a "risk to own" graphic for potential dog owners. Conclusions Breeds vary in both rates of biting and severity. The highest risk breeds had both a high rate of biting and caused significant tissue injury. Physical characteristics can also help determine risk for unknown or mixed dog breeds. Potential dog owners can utilize this data when assessing which breed to own.
Dog bites result in a diverse range of injuries and complications in the periocular region, particularly in school aged children. It is therefore incumbent on the oculoplastic surgeon to be well versed in both acute and long-term management. The intent of this review is to provide a systematic evaluation of the epidemiology, principles of dog bite wound care, and specific considerations related to common patterns of ophthalmic injury. Review of clinical literature from 1976 to 2014. The majority of periocular injuries result from seemingly benign interactions between young children and familiar dogs. Aggressive saline lavage combined with selective debridement of devitalized tissue is essential. High-risk wounds and vulnerable patient groups may benefit from preventive antibiotic coverage as well as appropriate rabies and tetanus prophylaxis. While the nuances of surgical repair are variable given the heterogeneity of presentation, systematic examination and an algorithm-driven approach underlie the optimal management of these complex injuries.
Objective: To describe characteristics of dog bites and their treatment in a pediatric population including infection, medical specialties involved, rates of admission, and need for surgery. Method: Patients presenting with a dog bite to the emergency department of a tertiary care pediatric hospital between January 1, 2015, and June 30, 2017, were included. Details related to demographics, complications, consultations, and treatment were extracted from the patients' records. Descriptive statistics were performed and binary logistic regression was used to assess potential predictors of infection. Results: One hundred fifty-eight dog bite patients were identified. Most patients were male (53.8%) and less than 5 years of age (50%). Bites occurred most frequently in June (13.3%) and July (16.5%). The face was most commonly involved (42.9%), followed by the hands (12.6%) and the scalp (26.6%). Pit bulls (11.4%), Labrador retrievers (7.0%), and German shepherds (4.4%) were the most common offending breeds. Most bites were superficial (91.1%). Half were treated conservatively with dressings and petrolatum-based ointment, with 41.1% requiring simple primary closure. Ten (6.3%) cases necessitated primary repair in the main operating room under general anesthesia. More than half of patients were treated with prophylactic systemic antibiotics (55.1%). Plastic surgery was the most common service involved (24.7%). Seven (4.4%) patients developed an infection and there were no mortalities or long-term complications. Rates of infection did not differ between patients who did or did not receive prophylactic systemic antibiotics (P = .88). Regression analysis revealed no significant predictors of infection. Conclusions: Most dog bites are superficial and involve the head and hands. Infection rate is low, with no significant difference in infection rates between patients treated with or without prophylactic antibiotics.
Background Previous studies have identified risk factors for dog bites in children, but use data from individual trauma centers, with limited generalizability. This study identifies a population risk profile for pediatric dog bites using the National Trauma Data Bank. We hypothesized that the population at risk was younger boys, that such bites occur at home, are moderately severe, and are on the face or neck. Methods For this retrospective cross-sectional study, a sample of 7912 children 17 years old and younger with International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9 event code E906.0, for dog bites, were identified. Datasets from 2007 to 2014 were used. Data included patient’s gender, age, ICD-9 primary and location E-codes, AIS body region and AIS severity. Results Most children were 6–12 years old and female, but a similar number fell into the narrower range of 0–2 years old. Injuries in the younger group frequently occurred at home, on the face and head, and with minor severity. Age of the child predicts the location of incident (P<0.001), the severity of injury (P<0.001) and the body region of the injury (P<0.001). Body region of the injury predicted its severity (P<0.001). Discussion Younger children are more likely to receive dog bites, and bites incurred are likely of greater severity. Children this young cannot yet be taught how to properly interact with a dog. Conclusions Dog bites are a significant source of morbidity for children. Based on the population risk factors profile generated, this study recommends targeting live dog education towards the parents of young children.
Dog bites are common injuries in children. The effects of such injuries can be devastating for the children concerned and their families. It is therefore important to provide holistic care and to consider psychological well-being as well as physical recovery. There should be clear guidelines for professionals about reporting dog bites and safeguarding. The literature recommends primary closure of the dog bite wound unless an infection is present. Literature also suggests that prophylactic antibiotics are ineffective in preventing infection except in hand injuries, although they are still routinely used in practice. This article recommends further research, support and education on dog bites in children, as well as national guidelines.