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  • VIVA Instituto Verde Azul
  • VIVA Instituto Verde Azul


O boto-cinza distribui-se entre Honduras e Santa Catarina, habitando águas costeiras e estuarinas, o que faz com que esse cetáceo seja bastante estudado no Brasil. Todavia, há poucas pesquisas com botos-cinza na região de Caraguatatuba, apesar da presença da espécie ser relatada de modo anedótico. Neste estudo, foram utilizados dois pontos fixos de observação em terra, na baia de Tabatinga, localizada ao norte do município de Caraguatatuba, litoral do estado de São Paulo.
Sotalia guianensis
, o
pequeno cetáceo cuja distribuição na
costa brasileira se estende do Para!a
Santa Catarina (Simõ!es-Lopes,1988;
et al,
1989). Utilizam ambientes
costeiros, sendo encontrados em
águas estuarinas rasas, mas também
podem ser observados em ilhas
oceânicas, como em Abrolhos (Lodi,
et al.
As pesquisas na região da Baia de Ta batin g a, em Caraguatatuba, SP.devem continuar
para melhor compreender aocupação dessa espécie eos impactos relacionados ao
fluxo de embarcações, para odesenvolvimento de
políticas públicas que minimizem
atividades humanas que representem risco para aespécie que éclassificada como
vulnerável aextinção.
Materiais e Métodos
Resultado e Discussão
Sotalia guianensis
Artioli, I.1,2; Marques, M.L.2,3; Morete,M.E.2 ; Rollo, M.M.4
1 UNESP IB/CLP, São Vicente,SP
2 VIVA Instituto Verde Azul, São Paulo,SP
3Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, PPGZOO-UESC, Ilhéus, BA
4 Umeå University, Sweden.
Área de estudo
Ponto fixo de observação PF”, na baía de Ta bat ing a, norte de
Caraguatatuba, SP. (Fig 1.) Lat 23°3428.0” S Long 45°1734.3” W,
Figura 1: Visão geral da área de estudo, aenseada de Massaguac"u, contendo abaía de Ta b a t i n g a e
área de estudo.
Coleta de Dados
Das 05h as 18h; em intervalos
de 15 minutos a cada 1 hora
Método de Amostragem
(Mann, 2000)
Registro continuo.
Análise de Dados
Caderno de campo -> Excel;
Programa R
-> jitter reversa e
= 230h
54 avistagens de grupos de botos-cinza
= 303 animais;
Grupos de
1 a 20
Grupos com
4 (18,5%) e 5 (20,3%
) indivíduos;
Mais avistagens entre
05h e 12h,
sendo apenas
7 (12,9%) avistamentos fora desse horário.
embarcações presentes na área
de estudo foram classificadas como:
(embarcações com motor que o realizavam atividade pesqueira),
fishing boat
(embarcações com motor que realizavam atividade pesqueira),
jet ski, motor boat
(embarcações sem motor que não realizavam atividade pesqueira)
no-motor fishing
(embarcações sem motor que estivessem praticando a pesca)
Foi observada uma frequência
maior de grupos na presença
barcos de pesca
(fishing boat).
Os estados comportamentais
mais observadas na área de
estudo foram a
natação e o
Os pequenos grupos de botos com formação de
4 a 5 indivíduos
foram os mais
avistados, resultado semelhante ao que foi encontrado em Araújo
et al.
( 2008).
A maior frequência de avistagens em
período da manhã
já havia sido reportado
Geise (1999); Lodi (2003); Reis
et al.
A presença simultânea de botos-cinza e embarcações foi notável quando havia
atividade de pesca,
provável busca pelo mesmo recurso
Formam pequenos grupos de 2 a 10
indivíduos; porém grupos com
aproximadamente 450 indivíduos já
foram registrados (
Monteiro Filho, 2000).
Ações antrópicas, capturas acidentais, exposição àpoluição química e
sonora, podem levar aalterações na estrutura social dos grupos enas
emissões acústicas, efazer com que se afastem de áreas preferenciais
temporariamente ou permanentemente (Silva, 2014).
Ha!poucas pesquisas com botos-cinza entre aregião de
Caraguatatuba eUbatuba, apesar da presença da espécie ser relatada
de modo anedótico, sendo necessário um investimento maior em
observações continuas que resulte em um cerio mais próximo da
Este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar apresença, e
comportamentos de
Sotalia guianensis
na baía de Tab at i ng a,
localizada ao norte do município de Caraguatatuba, litoral do
estado de São Paulo, Brasil.
Araújo, M. E. (2008).
The behavior of Sotalia guianensis (Van néden) in Pernambuco coastal waters, Brazil, and a further analysis of its reaction to boat trac. Revista Brasileira
de Zoologia, 25(1), 1-9.
Borobia, M.; Barros, N. B(1989).
Notes on the diet of marine
Sotalia fluviatilis
. Marine Mammal Science, 5(4): 395-399, Oct.
Bornatowski, Hugo et al (2012).
Shark scavenging and predation on cetaceans at Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United
Kingdom, v. 92, n. 8, p. 1767-1772
Geise, L., Gomes, N., & Cerqueira, R. (1999).
Behaviour, habitat use and population size of
Sotalia fluviatilis
(Gervais, 1853)(Cetacea, Delphinidae) in the Cananéia
estuary region, São Paulo, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 59(2), 183-194.
Lodi, L. F. (2003).
Ta ma nh o e c om po si çã o d e gr up o do s b ot os -cinza,
Sotalia guianensis
(van Bénéden, 1864)(Cetacea, Delphinidae) na baía de Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Monteiro-Filho, E. L. A (2000).
Group organization in the dolphin
Sotalia guianensis
in an estuary of southeastern Brazil.” Ciência e Cultura Journal of the Brazilian. Association for
the Advancement of Science, v. 52, n.2, pp. 97-101.
Reis, M. S. Sdos; J. L Spínola; R. N. G. Batista; T. Foester; L. M. Bauer & L. C. Fernandes (2008).
Comportamento do boto
Sotalia guianensis
na Barra do Paraguaçu Bahia. In:
Rossi-Santos, M. R. & Reis, M. S. II Worskshop do Nordeste: Pesquisa e conservação de Sotalia guianensis. Ilhéus: Editus, p. 235-240
Silva, FJ. (2014).
Manual de Métodos de Estudo de Comportamento de Cetáceos. Natal, Oset Editora
Simões-Lopes, P.C (1988).
Ocorrência de uma população de
Sotalia fluviatilis
Gervais, 1853, (Cetacea, Delphinidae) no limite sul de sua distribuição, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Biotemas,
1(1): 57-62.
Distribuição de boto-cinza. IUCN
Imagem: Instituto Boto Cinza
área de
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The occurrence of Sotalia guianensis and their group size and composition in Paraty Bay, Rio de Janeiro, are described for the period October 2000 – September 2001. During this period, 36 cruises and 6718min (45,19%) of direct observation were acomplished. Sightings were made in all seasons (in 94.5% of all cruises), during which time 54 groups (total of 1,754 individuals; mean= 32.4 individuals/group) were observed. The size of each group varied from one to 100 specimens. The total number of individuals per unit effort and their group size varied seasonally. Groups with 31-40 individuals were the most often observed (25.9% of all groups). Significant differences between group size frequency and season, type of activity were seen. No significant differences were seen between group size frequency and time of day or tidal phase. The highest number of sightings was made in the mornings. Calves were observed in all seasons, with a peak in summer. The high incidence of calves (presente in 88.9% of all sightings) and juveniles (87.0%) suggests that Paraty Bay is a nursery area for estuarine dolphin. The presente study suggests the existence of links between the seasonal occurrence of estuarine dolphins in Paraty Bay and their group size, reproductive activity, prey availability and water temperature.
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There is still little knowledge about the behavior of the estuarine dolphins and also the way they react to the presence of different types of vessels. The aim of the present study was twofold: to investigate the behavior of estuarine dolphins in four locations in Pernambuco, Brazil, and also their reaction to the presence of common types of nautical crafts. The data of this study resulted from 48 fieldtrips to each of the four localities studied (ports of Recife and Suape, and beaches of Bairro Novo and Piedade), thus totaling 192 days of observations, with approximately 380 hours of actual sampling. Ten types of behavioral activities were counted for Bairro Novo beach and the port areas, but only four for Piedade beach. The greatest flows of boats were recorded in the port of Recife. Fishing boats were the commonest type in the port area of Recife and Bairro Novo beach, while tourist vessels predominated in the port of Suape and Piedade beach. During the observations of encounters between these boats and the estuarine dolphins, neutral reactions predominated for all the vessel types studied. The same type of reaction predominated when the distances at which the interactions between the animals and vessels occurred were correlated.
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From March 1987 to February 1988, Sotalia fluviatilis population size was estimated and behavioral patterns were observed in the Cananéia estuary region, in Southeast Brazil. Field observations were carried out from shore (40, with a mean observation period of 7.76 ± 2.05 hours a day, completing a total of 310.5 hours) and during line transect surveys by boat (55, 10 of them with a mean observation period of 4.44 ± 0.15 hours each and 45 with a mean observation time of 20 minutes, in the totality 64.3 hours). Dolphins occur in this region all year round, most commonly in small groups, with a greater number observed in January 1988, with no seasonal occurrence pattern. Pairs accounted for ca. 30% and calves were seen year round, always accompanied by one or more adults. Juveniles were slightly more common from July to February. More dolphins were seen from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (60.8%) until midday. From fourteen behavioral patterns identified, travelling (46.8%) and feeding (33.9%) were the most frequently observed. Group size and composition differed in each behavioral pattern. Diurnal migration was observed, related with hour and not to tide conditions. Dolphins were seen throughout the estuary. For the whole survey area, population density ( ) was 3.38 ± 1.76 individuals/km², dolphin abundance was found to be 704.8± 367.7 along 10 line transect from April 1987 from, where 82 km were surveyed. In Trapandé Bay, the largest part of the studied area, equaled 12.4 ± 10.3 individuals/km² in the morning and 16.4 ± 13.8 individuals/km² in the afternoon.
Although it is largely assumed that shark predation and predation risk are unimportant to large cetaceans, whales can make up large portions of the diets of some shark species. We investigated interactions between sharks and cetaceans in the Abrolhos Bank (16°40′ to 19°40′S), off the eastern coast of Brazil, including scavenging and predation attempts on living humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). In order to determine the frequency of shark bites on cetaceans, both living and postmortem, we used carcasses discovered along the coast of Abrolhos Bank between 2001 and 2010 and photographs of living cetaceans during systematic and opportunistic visual surveys from 2004 to 2009. We analysed a total of 221 cetacean carcasses, of which 150 (67.8%) were humpback whales. Large sharks had fed on 22.3% (35 of 150) of humpback whales carcasses, and 20.8% (10 of 48) of carcasses of other species. Only three living humpback whales (<1%) had bite scars from large sharks, suggesting that they at least occasionally target living humpbacks. Cookiecutter shark bite marks also were observed on both dead and living cetaceans, with numerous living humpbacks showing multiple bites. The abundance of humpback whale carcasses available over the Abrolhos Bank, mainly during the humpback breeding season, may be an important component of shark diets seasonally. Further work is needed to better understand the frequency of shark attacks on mysticetes, potential costs of sublethal injuries, and importance of whales to shark diets.
Ocorrência de uma população de Sotalia fluviatilis Gervais, 1853, (Cetacea, Delphinidae) no limite sul de sua distribuição
  • F J Silva
Silva, F J. (2014). Manual de Métodos de Estudo de Comportamento de Cetáceos. Natal, Offset Editora Simões-Lopes, P.C (1988). Ocorrência de uma população de Sotalia fluviatilis Gervais, 1853, (Cetacea, Delphinidae) no limite sul de sua distribuição, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Biotemas, 1(1): 57-62.