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‘Flame Seedless’ Grape1



‘Flame Seedless’ is an early maturing, red-colored seedless table grape, Vitis vinifera Linn, released in November 1973.
Tlame Seedless' Grape1
John H. Weinberger and Frank N. Harmon2
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Fresno
Limited quantities o f cuttings may
be obtained by writing John H.
Weinberger, U. S. Horticultural Field
Station, 2021 South Peach Avenue,
Fresno, California 93727. Certified
wood is available from the Foundation
Plant Materials Service, Dr. Leon Cory,
University of California, Davis,
California 95616.
'Flame Seedless' is an early maturing,
red-colored seedless table grape, Vitis
vinifera Linn, released in November
The pedigree of 'Flame Seedless' is
shown in Fig. 1. The original vine was
planted in 1962 and first fruited in
1964 in plots cooperative with the
California State University at Fresno.
The selection was tested in California
only, under the number 32-137.
The berries of 'Flame Seedless' are
round, average 16 to 18 mm in
diameter. They respond well to girdling
and gibberellin treatment to increase
berry size. Berry texture is very firm
and crisp. Small seed traces may be
found but are generally not observed.
Flavor is excellent. The external red
color is bright and attractive in
vineyards at Fresno and Bakersfield but
did not develop as well under the high
temperature conditions of Indio,
The clusters are medium in size,
conical, and with well-spaced berries
(Fig. 2). The vines have moderate vigor.
When vines are cane pruned, production
is very heavy. Spur pruning may be
practicable. 'Harmony' has been a
suitable rootstock for 'Flame Seedless'.
Fig. 1.
publication January
17, 1974.
Fig. 2.
VOL.9(6),DECEMBER 1974
... Flame Seedless is the earliest ripening red seedless cultivar in South Africa and, in the 2011/2012 season, it contributed 9% to total exports (Anon., 2012). Under high temperature conditions, Flame Seedless tends to develop insufficient colour (Weinberger & Harmon, 1974). Flame Seedless colour is an important quality attribute, because it determines visual acceptability. ...
... The effect of environmental conditions on grape quality, and especially colour, must also be considered when explaining the differences between the current results and those of previous studies done in Montenegro (Topalović et al., 2011), Egypt (Mohsen, 2011), Turkey (Kok et al., 2010) and Spain (Parrado et al., 2007). Flame Seedless tends to develop insufficient colour in areas with high temperatures (Weinberger & Harmon, 1974), such as the area near Porterville. At temperatures above 30°C, anthocyanin biosynthesis is reduced (Mori et al., 2005) and anthocyanin pigments are degraded (Mori et al., 2007). ...
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Berry colour and size are important factors determining Flame Seedless quality. Supplementary to standard cultivation, foliar application of potassium (K) and seaweed or soil application of vegetable extracts affect grape quality. The purpose of this trial was to determine if combined product application (CPA) of K, seaweed and leonardite (organic material of vegetable origin) can improve Flame Seedless grape colour, berry size and composition. This study was conducted on Flame Seedless in the Berg River Valley in two seasons. In 2011/2012, leonardite was applied through fertigation six, four and three weeks before harvest, while K and seaweed were applied as foliar sprays four and three weeks before harvest. In 2012/2013, all products were applied eight and six weeks before harvest. Treatments included (1) control (ethephon/ ethephon and abscisic acid ABA); (2) CPA with ethephon/ethephon and ABA (CPA-plus); and (3) CPA without ethephon/ethephon and ABA (CPA-minus). All vines received standard gibberellic acid treatments. Berry quality was determined. In 2011/2012, CPA-minus reduced anthocyanin concentration significantly compared to the control. CPA-plus increased berry diameter significantly compared to the control on the first harvest date in 2012/2013. Compared to the control, CPA-plus significantly increased total soluble solids (TSS) on all harvest dates in 2011/2012, and on the first harvest date of 2012/2013. Compared to the control, CPA-plus did not improve colour, but it retarded total titratable acidity breakdown in both seasons. Ethephon/ethephon and ABA must be applied for acceptable colour. The consistent effect on TSS shows the ability of CPA-plus to enhance Flame Seedless ripening.
... It resulted from a cross made in 1961 that involved selections with 'Cardinal', 'Sultanina', 'Red Malaga', 'Tifafihi Ahmer', and 'Muscat of Alexandria' in their pedigree. 'Flame Seedless' was tested as selection 32-137 and released in 1973 (Weinberger and Harmon, 1974). 'Flame Seedless' set the standard for seedless table grape quality, and it is currently the second most important seedless grape produced in the United States. ...
The Outstanding Fruit Cultivar Award is a medal presented annually by the Fruit Breeding Working Group of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) for noteworthy new fruits released over the previous 35 years. Since 1987, 38 cultivars have been recognized with medals presented at the Annual Conference of the Society. The awards celebrate the progress achieved by fruit breeders and their contributions to the world's fruit industry.
... Os centros de pesquisa no mundo todo têm respondido com sucessivos lançamentos de cultivares apirenos (Bazak & Pearl, 1994;Mortensen & Gray, 1986;Moore, 1989;Weinberger & Harmon, 1974;Ramming, 1987;Reisch et al., 1985;Terra et al., 1985). A análise sensorial levada a efeito pelos autores confirmou observações dos pesquisadores que obtiveram esses cultivares: os bagos de `Fantasia' são carnosos, de textura média, com sabor doce agradável; os de Ruiva são firmes, de textura bem crocante, de sabor neutro, porém com melhor equilíbrio açúcar/acidez . ...
... Os centros de pesquisa no mundo todo têm respondido com sucessivos lançamentos de cultivares apirenos (Bazak & Pearl, 1994;Mortensen & Gray, 1986;Moore, 1989;Weinberger & Harmon, 1974;Ramming, 1987;Reisch et al., 1985;Terra et al., 1985). A análise sensorial levada a efeito pelos autores confirmou observações dos pesquisadores que obtiveram esses cultivares: os bagos de `Fantasia' são carnosos, de textura média, com sabor doce agradável; os de Ruiva são firmes, de textura bem crocante, de sabor neutro, porém com melhor equilíbrio açúcar/acidez . ...
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Fantasia' e `Ruiva' são dois cultivares de uva de mesa desenvolvidos pelo Departamento de Agricultura dos E.U.A., lançadas na Califórnia em 1989 e introduzidos no Brasil, no mesmo ano, pelos autores. No final do inverno de 1991, garfos dos dois cultivares foram enxertados sobre três diferentes porta-enxertos, a saber: Kober 5BB, Ripária do Traviú (106-8 Mgt) e IAC 766 `Campinas', no Centro Experimental de Campinas, do IAC. Garfos também foram distribuídos para alguns viticultores selecionados em diferentes regiões paulistas. Resultados de observações preliminares são apresentados. Para a familiarização pelos viticultores, bem como facilitar a pronúncia em português, os cultivares foram renomeados como sendo `Fantasia' para "Fantasy Seedless" e `Ruiva' para "Crimson Seedless". `Fantasia' é uma uva preta, de ciclo precoce a médio, com cachos médios (350-550g), de 13-20cm de comprimento e de compacidade média a solta. Os bagos são naturalmente grandes, apesar de apirenas, pesando em média 4-9g, com diâmetro de 17 a 22mm e 20-30mm de comprimento e ovais. `Ruiva' é uma uva avermelhada, de ciclo médio, com cachos médios a grandes (460-620g), com 18-30cm de comprimento e levemente compactos. Os bagos são naturalmente grandes, apesar de apirenas, pesando em média 3,5-8,0g, diâmetro de 16-21mm e 18-30mm de comprimento e cilíndricas a ovais. A duração do ciclo vegetativo (da poda à colheita) em Campinas, para ambos os cultivares foi aproximadamente o mesmo, independentemente do porta-enxerto utilizado. Por outro lado, o vigor, avaliado por intermédio do diâmetro do tronco e do peso de ramos podados, foi mais pronunciado para Ruiva enxertado sobre Kober 5BB. O comportamento de ambos cultivares em São Paulo, avaliado nas condições enunciadas, mostrou elevado potencial produtivo, aliado a excelentes características comerciais.
John H. Weinberger - fruit breeder and horticulturalist;John Weinberger's work, centering on - production of new cultivars of peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, and grapes;first important peach - at Fresno, California, ‘Suncrest’ followed by ‘Redtop’;‘Friar’ plum, Weinberger's outstanding accomplishments;Weinberger, intuitive seeking - for better peach rootstocks resistant to soil pests;Weinberger's ‘Flame Seedless’ grape - his most important developments;grape growers, needing nematode and phylloxera-resistant rootstock - for San Joaquin Valley;Weinberger, one of the foremost fruit breeders - since Luther Burbank;Weinberger's keen sense of observation - and uncanny ability to pick out the best;Weinberger's work on fruit improvement - recognized by growers, breeders and nurserymen
Introduction Anatomy Inheritance Plant Growth Regulators Future Developments Literature Cited
O clone híbrido A1105 de uvas brancas sem sementes, obtido no Arkansas (EUA), foi avaliado sobre os porta-enxertos IAC 766 e Kober 5BB, em Campinas (SP). As obser-vações foram efetuadas em 1994 quando, após a segunda poda de produção, acompanhou-se o desenvolvimento de seu ciclo vegetativo. Na colheita, avaliaram-se: produção de uvas por planta, número, massa, comprimento e largura dos cachos, massa, comprimento e largura das bagas, teor de sólidos solúveis totais e o diâmetro do caule a 60 cm do solo. O comportamento do A1105 foi semelhante sobre os dois porta-enxertos, sendo a largura das bagas a única característica influenciada diferencialmente por eles. As bagas mostraram variação da massa entre 3 e 6 g, mesmo sem aplicação de ácido giberélico; sabor neutro agradável e textura crocante. As plantas, vigorosas, de boa fertilidade de gemas, podem produzir até 26 cachos em um metro de cordão esporonado, o que representaria produção de mais de 20 t/ha. Os cachos são bem formados, de compacidade média, cônicos, com massa média de mais de 225 g. O ciclo vegetativo foi curto, de 113 dias, mostrando ser material genético bem precoce.
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