
Disruption Management in One-Off Production with Collaborative Digital Assistance Systems – Benefits of an Integrative Approach with a Generic Data Model

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Disruptions inevitably occur in complex one-off projects causing effort and costs and delaying the progress. Nevertheless, disruption management is often inadequate in practice. Disruptions are only recorded locally and related information is documented in an unstructured manner. Many disruptions can only be solved by the interaction of several operational roles. However, disruption information is not easily available for all affected roles. By using digital assistance systems, disruptions can already be reduced due to an improved presentation of information. Nevertheless, unavoidable disruptions occur. There is potential for improvement in reducing the effort involved and mitigating the effects by reacting quickly. This paper shows how a generic data model can represent different disruptions and enables structured storage. Based on this, it is shown how access to disruption information can be improved by a digital assistance system. It enhances information quality by locating disruptions in the project's 3D model and general plan. Additional web-based tools present the project's disruption situation transparently and support decision-making and gaining knowledge for future projects.

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