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Review Article
Volume 5 • Issue 3 163
Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the
Universe towards Human Body and Mind with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture
Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future
Magdalena Filcek
Science and geometry have always developed parallel and interpenetrated.
The orbits of the planets around the Sun can be represented by ellipses as
a result of the law of gravity. Simple geometric shapes are associated with
simple dynamics because this kind of mathematical representation implies
an interwoven relationship between the form of an object and the forces
acting on it. The author's pioneering empirical observations and research
on the biotechnology patented Vinci Power Nap® neuroarchitecture
system, led to the a very important notion that this unique combination
of a horizontal pendulum motion with a vertical harmonic oscillator, with
a man lying inside as a pendulum lens - all together create harmony in
the observed resonant frequency and period by presenting two values
of the number Phi. If everything in the universe is made of energy, then
maybe that energy can be dened in terms of 0,618Hz frequency, which
was found in the Vinci Power Nap® pendulum, as a pattern of incessant
space fractal transformation, inner fundamental force of nature and the
matrix of creation. Feynman’s ne structure constant can relate this golden
ratio to quantum physics, leading to quantum biology, quantum gravity,
the general theory of unication and even further to the M-Theory, unied
eld theory, theory of everything (TOE).
Inventor of the innovative system Vinci Power
Nap® - Dream’s Cafe® and the Balonodrom
Project©. Master of Art at Academia of Fine Art,
Department Architecture of Interiors, specialist in
neuroarchitecture, pilot of hot air balloons, innovator
of many patented projects, scientist, artist, designer.
Wroclaw. Poland.
*Corresponding author:
Magdalena Filcek. Designer, Neuroarchitect, Poland.
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony
and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the
Universe towards Human Body and Mind with
Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap®
Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future.
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedicine 5
(2022): 163-179.
Received: August 23, 2022
Accepted: August 29, 2022
Published: September 16, 2022
Keywords: Neuroarchitecture; Biotechnology; Biomedicine; Vinci
Power Nap; Phi golden ratio; Pendulum; Frequency of harmony; Quantum
biology; Cosmology; Unication; M-theory; Unied Field Theory; Theory of
Everything (TOE)
1. Introduction
"Real knowledge is knowing the causes" Aristotle
Johannes Kepler compared two key mathematical concepts - the
Pythagorean theorem and the golden ratio as „a gold and as a precious
gem" [1, 2] respectively. The author of the article notes that starting from
the golden ratio occurring in Fibonacci spirals, Platonic solids, the works of
Leonardo da Vinci, golden triangles, elliptical orbits and the laws of motion
of Kepler's planets, spinning black holes, through the analysis of simple
harmonic motion animation [3], drawings of SHM oscillations (free, damped,
forced), Helmholtz resonance, shock and generated waves [4] since examples
of a harmonic oscillator as a mathematical, physical, torsion pendulum and
a weight suspended on a spring [5], can be seen that there are huge areas
of mathematics, physics and biology that are delegated to model everything
as simple harmonic oscillators. Planets and a pendulum whose forward
and backward motion as harmonic oscillator is represented by a sinusoidal
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 164
wave, vibrates, which can be observed from the movement
of stars and pulsars in galaxies [6], in neuromechanics and
biomechanics of walking or running animals [7, 8], through
the interaction between atoms in the crystal to the current
owing in the circuits and the neurons. “Actually, all the
molecules that make up the string vibrate like little harmonic
oscillators at the same frequency. We could teach for hours
about all kinds of systems, which basically boil down to this
one equation, one way or another: the motions of atoms and
the motions of the stars." [9].
The universe is made up of an innite number of frequencies
and vibrations, all of them in innumerable phase relationships
with each other, some added together, and some canceled out.
Each of the particles that make up the selected phenomenon
is characterized by a unique frequency of vibration of the
electron (understood as the vibration of the super strings
that make up its physical image). The combined dierent
frequencies of electromagnetic waves create everything that
exists around us: light and its colors, sounds of the voice,
melodies in music, various smells, avors, the touch of silk
or grass under the feet, and nally feeling the position of the
own body in space. This is possible thanks to the senses that
are able to perceive these particular waves and the perception
can interpret them and make them tangible and specic.
"Natural or externally induced vibrations, such as acoustic,
seismic or electromagnetic signals, surround us on all sides,
becoming an integral part of the external environment" [10]
also aect the body internally, because it is constructed like
a tuning fork. "From the biological point of view, vibrations
are physical stimuli transferred directly from the vibrating
medium to individual tissues of the human body or to the
entire body" [11]. Each of the senses reacts to a specic
frequency range of electromagnetic waves and vibrations
within their range of geometric molecular structure [12, 13].
There is also the evidence for a human geomagnetic sense,
as scientists from Caltech developed a robust experiment
that shows human brain waves respond to changes in Earth-
strength magnetic elds [14]. The senses constitute a kind of
bridge between the invisible world of vibrations and what is
visible and felt, translating this into thermodynamic thermal,
chemical, physical or biological reactions in the body, based
on changes involving ions, phase, nuclear and electrical
transformations, etc., bringing closer the understanding of
quantum biology and phenomena in larger scale.
The question is, how does this micro-world connect to a
higher-level macro-world?
The author’s proposed solution suggests that it may be a
common resonance.
2. A physical and biological properties of the
Vinci Power Nap® pendulum, gravity and
gravitational waves
“All our knowledge begins in our senses” - Leonardo da Vinci
The neuroarchitecture of the interior of the Vinci Power
Nap® (VPN) system - is created to calm overloaded senses,
reduce stress, feel bliss, safety, regenerate the body and mind
in the fastest way. It is based on the author's design of the
synergy of the best elements created by nature (forest glade,
or sea, mountains) in combination with physical dependencies
on Earth, together with the resultant of the pendulum motion
forces - through their interaction. The VPN system is intended
for the wellbeing of a person who sways in the zero gravity
position (ZGP) inside the exible material that constitutes
the pendulum arm (pendulum is a harmonic oscillator) being
in another frame of reference, in an interior that soothes all
the senses at once. It happens, among others, by calming
down and soothing senses tired of receiving the multitude of
sensory vibrations on a daily basis - by reducing amount of
these sensory vibrations in a special designed environment,
also thanks to the zero gravity position (in a weightless state
in space) the tensions of muscles are reducing, the rocking
process as the pendulum movement in the proper direction
and pulsatile micro-massage of the material is giving the
physiological feeling "as in the mother's womb”. All of these
relaxing factors together are leading the human inside the
VPN to creative 20min power naps and to the restoration
of mental and physical balance. The Vinci Power Nap®
system is the innovative biotechnology giving fast natural
regeneration of body and brain (Figure 1).
Laying down in ZGP in a moving pendulum VPN is felt
on the physical and mental levels as an immediate experience
of bliss, security, love - as if the „primordial sound" or
vibration within a human being tuned by induction to the
frequency given by the pendulum motion and its frame of
reference in which it is located, up to a harmonious sense of
unity with the whole universe (probably in synchronization
with the frequency of a wave with a characteristic value).
During observations and research on the VPN pendulum,
Figure 1: Take a nap and relax in space with frequency like on Earth, and
take a nap on Earth like an astronaut in ZGP, with microgravity and hyper-
gravity, rst created with a VPN on Earth [135].
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 165
whose elastic material pulsating symmetrically in three
axes and behaves like a quantum oscillator [15], creating
the experimental visualization of the Lorentz transformation
[animation: 16] leading to coherent state [17] which can be
found in biological systems [18]. Also the coherence [19],
a natural harmonization of internal human frequencies
(breathing, heartbeat, brain waves) was noticed with the
specic external frequency induced by pulsing and natural
swing of the pendulum, read by a measuring device (Figure
3) as 0,618Hz and a period of 1,618s (Phi numbers). The
author notes that the frequency of 0,618 Hz itself occurs
during the coherence of the heart, calm breathing as well as
within the range of neural oscillations of the Delta waves
of range 0,5Hz - 2Hz in the brain, constituting the waves of
night sleep in the NREM phase, in which natural regeneration
takes place, repairing the cells of body and brain of a sleeping
person, similar to the creative power nap [20]. Moreover, the
1,618 frequency is experienced by the embryo in the womb
through pulsating ows caused by the correct dierence
between systolic and diastolic blood pressure values of
the mother [135]. A pendulum is a mass suspended from a
pivot point that swings freely. When a pendulum is moved
sideways from its resting equilibrium point, gravity acts
as a restoring force, accelerating the pendulum towards its
equilibrium position.” [21-23]. It is similar to the movement
of walking mother while the embryo is in the fatal waters
in womb moving in this rhythm [24, 25]. The author, in
research, additionally observed that the mass of the subjects
did not play a role in the value of the period and frequency
of the pendulum motion, as Galileo had predicted. According
to relativity, mass tells space how to curve and space tells
mass how to move, but gravity also tells space how to expand
or compensate [26]. "The study on body swinging in VPN,
in the context of gravitation, has shown the creation of
simulated hyper-gravity of 1,49G and 0,7G microgravity on
Earth! (from F=ma)" [135]. This is conrmed by the micro-
and hyper-gravity observed in the experience with VPN’s
pendulums, occurring during swinging, which had an impact
on the expansion or contraction of the material around the
mass inside it, and thus also on the pulsating pressure on
the mass as well on the dynamics of uids (liquid ows,
gas swirls, etc) and they, in turn, aect the material and its
shape. „This distortion or curve following motion is what we
perceive as gravity. Einstein also predicted the occurrence
of gravitational waves, compressing space in one direction
and stretching in another, sending waves through space-
time” [27]. Similar like waves propagating over the surface
of the water after a stone is thrown or waves in an oscillating
source, and they aect both us, our environment and the
planet. Gravitational waves which are propagating through
the universe „could manifested in local compression and
expansion of the universe's constituent parts, in which space
and time are intertwined and dynamic, capable of stretching,
shrinking and jumping as a result of changing the direction
of elementary particles or changes in the movement of giant
objects like black holes” [28]. Moreover "a consequence
of the special theory of relativity and space contraction for
moving charges (Lorentz contraction) creates a dierence
between moving and resting charges, leading to the ow of
current and the creation of a magnetic eld" [29] (Figure 2).
It is noticeable that there is a mutual interaction of various
forces, including gravitational ones, where their resultant is
read as the frequency of the pendulum motion of 0,618 Hz,
which moves symmetrically in three axes and in the time.
Through this could the VPN pendulum be an experimental
visualization of quantum eld theory in curved spacetime?
Space-time geometry? Following among others: Einstein,
Minkowski, Lorentz and Riemann (Figure 4). Could this
VPN pendulum frequency create or represent "gravitational
waves" of this given frequency that can act as a matrix for the
growth and development of living beings on Earth? [30, 31].
3. Kepler, da Vinci, golden ratio and fractals
Without referring to Fibonacci, the German astronomer,
astrologer, philosopher of nature and mathematician
Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), a key gure in the 17th-
century scientic revolution, author of many astronomical
works, including: "Mysterium Cosmographicum" (The
Figure 2: First: Formula of Lorentz contraction on a wall in Leiden, NL.
Lorentz was chair of theoretical physics at the University of Leiden 1877-
1910 [64], Second: VPN as moving pendulum, Third: Vinci Power Nap®
Figure 3: The Vinci Power Nap® room, during experiment - measurement
of micro- and hyper- gravity. The kN measurements during the swinging
of the human body in VPN: multi-range dynamometer FC 00 5k. 5000N
accuracy 1N No. fab 128, on loan from Wagi Wielkopolska Sp. z o.o.
MOGA company. [135].
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 166
Sacred Mystery of the Cosmos 1596 and 1621), "Astronomia
Nova" (New Astronomy 1609), also studied the Phi number
and the number sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 ..., as a golden
ratio, albeit in a completely dierent context. In his work
"Harmonices Mundi” 1619 (Harmony of the Worlds) where
„harmony” referring to Greek mythology depicts: „order and
harmony, balance of oscillation, vibration”, Kepler writes
about the relationship of the music of the spheres and the
proportion of tone intervals - as the golden ratio: "proportio
divina" [32]. The golden ratio can be represented as follows:
that small is compared to large, as well as large to the whole.
This special ratio has been noticed by every culture on the
planet, it can be found in patterns and structures from the
tiniest particles of plants and animals, the spiral of hurricanes
occurring in nature, to works in art, music, architecture, the
great Giza pyramid, in the mathematical Fibonacci sequence,
or in Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man", showing the
golden proportion in the dimensions of the human body -
which, according to the master, inevitably follow geometric
archetypes. The Vitruvian Man is an illustration to the 3 book
of treatise "Ten Books on Architecture" by Vitruvius, in which
he showed the human body as a proportion model for artists
and architects to use it in works. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-
1519) Italian Renaissance artist and scholar: painter, sculptor,
architect, engineer, as well as discoverer, mathematician,
anatomist, inventor, geologist, philosopher, musician, writer,
he studied the surrounding nature all his life in search of
"divine proportion". He is one of the most famous artists who
used the golden ratio in his works, he also illustrated with his
drawings "Divina Proportione” Luca Pacioli [33] and stated
that "the wisest and noblest teacher is nature itself, which
never breaks its own rights." Comprehensive information
about the discovery of the golden ratio in the works of master
Leonardo da Vinci, among others, are provided at the Science
Museum in Boston [10, 34-37]. Johannes Kepler nds in the
golden ratio "the beautiful idea of continuing procreation"
because he notes that if the greater part of the line divided by
the golden ratio is added to the total, the sum for that line still
remains in proportion to the golden ratio, resembling a self-
like object or fractal in today's sense, which symbolize the
basic metaphysical principle of the unbreakable connection
of parts with the whole [38-42]. An example of a three-
dimensional fractal, based on the proportion of the golden
ratio, which "buds" to innity, could be the alternately
pulsating "oscillating" skeleton of a dodecahedron and an
icosahedron "consisting of alternating beams of the edges
of both polyhedra (...) and in which, with the increase of
radii, surface and volumes are governed exponentially by the
rhythm of the golden cut - which can be seen as the ideal
archetype of dynamic growth” [43], related to our bodies and
health [44, 45], ”which marks the paths for an ideal (fractal)
and non-destructive energy ow” [46]. It also has been
observed that "when the eld is applied at right angles to the
aligned spin, the magnetic chain has transformed into a new
state called a critical quantum with a Phi value, which can be
treated as a quantum version of a fractal pattern” [47].
This pulsation (oscillation) based on the golden ratio can
describe the phenomenon of non-destructive (constructive)
wave compression and acceleration, which Einstein said
is the source of gravity [48-50] and "in this case, it has led
scientists to believe that nding a quantum solution to gravity
is a key — perhaps the key — to understanding the universe
on the most fundamental level” [51]. Because gravity,
following Einstein's concept, "is not a force, but the result of a
distortion of space-time. This stretching, caused by mass and
energy, distorts space-time and alters the motion of objects,
causing them to curve along with a space-time distortion
that is nothing but normal compression and stretching” [52].
The golden division occurring in the Platonic solids of the
dodecahedron and icosahedron also appears in the three-
dimensional geometric model of the Kepler cosmos (relating
to the orbits of Copernicus), which shows the search for
fundamental geometric harmony [53, 54].
4. Kepler's laws, Galileo's pendulum and the
harmonic oscillator
Kepler's laws concerning the motion of the planets [55]
(the line connecting the planet and the sun sweeps through
equal areas at regular intervals) and the observations of
the Galileo pendulum are consequences of the force of
Newtonian gravity. ”The graphical representation of Kepler's
law appears to be visually so similar to the behavior of
a pendulum (which is a harmonic oscillator) that it can be
said that the intuitive cue „hangs” in the air, because there is
something very similar in the swing of the pendulum and the
movement of the planet in an elliptical orbit: acceleration and
Figure 4: Is that a space hammock as part of Vinci Power Nap® cocoon or
curved spacetime of the 4th dimension? Pic source: internet
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 167
deceleration, when cyclically the kinetic energy is converted
into potential energy and this again into kinetic energy, and
both movements generate a period of oscillation and an orbit
sweep area, which is invariable resulting from this exchange”
[56]. Kepler's laws, which are based on the inverse square law,
are deduced and are derived from the laws of the harmonic
oscillator [57]. Oscillations are also found on a micro-scale
in the experimental works of Faraday and the theoretical
works of Maxwell, as well as in many other scientists, whose
research has shown that "there are electromagnetic elds (e.g.
in a vacuum) and they transmit electromagnetic oscillations
[58], also ”visible light is these electromagnetic oscillations
themselves in a certain range of oscillation frequencies”
[59], at the same time it should be noted that according to
quantum mechanics, light can also be treated as a stream of
particles (photons), which is presented as the wave-particle
duality of light [60]. The concept of a quantum oscillator
also appears and relates to the beginnings of quantum
physics. "Max Planck assumed that particles of matter
emitting and absorbing radiation behave like oscillators,
the energy of which has strictly dened values, what mean
it is quantized. A proper description of motion requires the
use of quantum mechanics, which boils down to nding
solutions to the Schrödinger equation (non-relativistic), and
even to relativistic Dirac equation” [61, 62], who ”described
quantization of the electromagnetic eld as a connection
of harmonic oscillators with the concept of creation and
annihilation of particles” [63]. "Quantum elds describing
electromagnetic interactions in quantum eld theory are also
a description of the physical world in quantum mechanics
(quantum electrodynamics is the simplest and historically the
rst complete theory of fundamental physical interactions.)”
[64]. Examples of the theory of quantum elds are, among
others: theories of great unication, supersymmetry or
quantum theory of the eld in curved spacetime [65], which
can help in the formulation of a more fundamental theory,
coherently describing all known interactions, including
gravitational or quantum gravity.” [66]. „One could describe
this special VPN pendulum in motion, while suspended on an
elastic rope, as the concept of quantum harmonic oscillator.”
[135]. The macro-scale correlation between the equations
of elliptical orbits and pendulums [67] brings to mind the
Kepler orbits and the harmonic oscillator [68] where there is
talk of a simple harmonic motion [69] or a quantum harmonic
oscillator that strives to balance. Moreover, by using a simple
solution of an isotropic harmonic oscillator, it is possible to
obtain a detailed orbit equation for the Kepler problem [70].
5. Kepler's law for a pendulum orbit, Lorenz
The astronomical observation of Kepler's law for a
pendulum orbit is presented in the form of animations here:
[71] and here: [72], where we can look at the considerations:
„The Kepler problem concerns a particle moving under the
inuence of gravity, like a planet moving around the Sun.
Newton showed the orbit of such a particle is an ellipse,
assuming it doesn’t y o to innity. There are many ways
to prove this, but the most illuminating is think of the orbit
as a circle in 4 dimensions. When the circle is projected
down to 3-dimensional space, it becomes an ellipse. The
animation, created by Greg Egan, shows how this works.
The plane represents 2 of the 3 spatial dimensions we live
in. The vertical direction represents a fourth dimension. A
point moves around in a circle in R4. But projecting this
circle down to R3, we obtain an ellipse: the actual orbit of the
planet. What is the fourth dimension? It’s related to time—
but it’s not exactly time. It’s the dierence between ordinary
time and a reparametrized version of time that ows at a rate
inversely proportional to the distance between the planet and
the Sun. The animation uses this other sort of time. Relative to
this other time, the planet is moving at constant speed around
a circle in 4 dimensions. But in ordinary time, its projection
Table 1: Visualization of the wave function of kgN change and the constant frequency during VPN sessions in ZGP [135].
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 168
to 3 dimensions moves faster when it’s closer to the Sun, as
a planet must. Physicists have known about this viewpoint
at least since 1980, thanks to a paper by the mathematical
physicist Jürgen Moser. Some parts of the story are much
older. Many papers have been written about it, but this one
is particularly elegant: „Jesper Göransson, Symmetries of
the Kepler problem", 8 March 2015. The best thing about
Göransson’s 4-dimensional description of planetary motion
is that it gives a clean explanation of an amazing fact. You
can take any elliptical orbit, apply a rotation of 4-dimensional
space, and get another valid orbit!” [72].
The transformation of coordinates from one inertial
frame of reference to another inertial frame of reference
is determined by the equations called the Lorentz
transformation, which correspond geometrically to a rotation
in four-dimensional space-time - which can be graphically
illustrated using symmetrical Minkowski diagrams [73,
74]. “According to current knowledge, space-time has the
metric structure of Minkowski space. Minkowski's space-
time is a set of elementary events with a structure resulting
from the special theory of relativity. The four dimensions of
this space correspond to time and place in classical physics
(three dimensions of physical space). An elementary event in
space-time is a physical process that occupies a point in that
space, that is, an innitely short process that takes place in an
innitely small area. Each elementary event can be assigned
four numbers (t, x, y, z), which uniquely dene this event.
These numbers, or coordinates, refer to a certain coordinate
system. Einstein's special theory of relativity determines how
to use a clock (pendulum) and a device to send and receive
light to determine the coordinates of an event (that is, time
and location). The coordinates of the event are related to the
indications of the measuring instruments used, which are
located in a certain coordinate system, which we call the
reference system (e.g. a system related to a person standing on
a platform (platform), a system related to a person riding in a
train (wagon)). In general relativity, space-time dened in this
way is curved by the gravitational eld and is a special case of
the so-called Pseudo-Riemannian space-time manifold. [75-
78]. Symmetrical multidimensional space-time is probably
the original shape of our pre-big bang universe. According
to this theory, the currently observed four-dimensional form
was created by breaking this original symmetry and tightly
folding the other dimensions. However, while these folded
dimensions are intended to be much smaller than the size of
the atom and thus normally imperceptible, their existence
has serious ramications. They make it possible to express
physical laws with the help of the laws of geometry, that
is, to reduce physics to pure mathematics” [79]. Maybe the
VPN is the evidence for the experimental visualization of the
transformation of the relationship between the coordinates
and time of the same event in two frames of reference
according to the special theory of relativity, which was
started by Galileo and supplemented by Lorentz? [80-82].
Together with the Lorentz contraction - the phenomenon
showing that the length of the body (distance of points) in the
frame of reference in which the body rests is dierent from
the measurement of the length of the same body in the frame
of reference moving in the direction of measurement and with
velocity in relation to this frame, the length of this body is
shorter than its measurement in the object's own rest frame
[83, 84] (Figure 2).
The consequence of shortening the space for moving
charges (Lorentz contraction), resulting in the dierence
between moving and resting charges, is the formation of a
magnetic eld as a result of current ow (charge movement)
[85][86]. Electromagnetic forces hold clues about the
fundamental interplay between space, time, and velocity.
The only transformation that works called the Lorenz
transformation. It is the only one satises all of these pretty
fundamental statements about the relativity, symmetry
and consistency of our universe. It must describe reality.”
[87, 88]. Maybe VPN is the answer how to unravel this
connection encoded in the transformation…? Can VPN be
the experimental verication of Lorenz transformation?.
"The elastic curved fabric of VPN's cocoon,
simultaneously: during harmonic swinging back - and -
forward with the matter (human body) inside, periodically
expands and shrinks both sideways perpendicular to the
direction of cocoon's move also simulates the eects of
microgravity and hyper-gravity on the body moving up and
down with the time. One could describe this special VPN
pendulum in motion, while suspended on an elastic rope,
as the concept of quantum harmonic oscillator [74A][75A].
The VPN fabric is moves in oscillation, in 3 axis at once
with symmetry, together with the ow of time, and is very
similar to animation of Lorentz transformation [76A][77A]
transformation of Minkowski spaces [78A] and spacetime
structure by Schrodinger [79A]. „Einstein’s 1915 General
Theory of relativity was built on the notion that gravity and
acceleration are not just easily confused, but are one and the
same. This equivalence, “the happiest thought” of Einstein’s
life, was his starting point for redening gravity, he argued
that gravity isn’t a force at all, described it as a curvature of
time and space caused by mass and energy.” [80A].
One of the force acting on the body in VPN is also the
centripetal force, which curves the path of the body, (because
of elastic rope forcing it to rotate in an ellipse), and the
centrifugal force which is the force of inertia. Together with
Copernicus Revolution, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion,
Newton, Galileo Galilei and Einstein’s theories, we can think
here about elliptical movement and orbital eccentricity." [135].
6. Time and pendulum - Galileo's clock -
isochronism and resonance in neuroscience,
biology and physics
We all dream that our ideas and works "come into
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 169
resonance with the others". Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) -
Italian astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, experimental
physicist, inventor-engineer, philosopher, pioneer of
modern physics and astronomy, he studied mainly classical
mechanics, of which he was a co-creator, as well as elements
of thermodynamics and optics. In 1602 he discovered the
independence of the pendulum's vibration period from the
amplitude and mass at its end, he was the rst to apply this
property, called the vibration isochronism, and to use the
pendulum to measure time [89]. This method was the most
accurate measurement method until the 1930s. Galileo
conducted research on the isochronism of pendulums, the
relativity of motion and developed prototypes of the rst law
of dynamics, the principles of relativity, transformation and
the weak principle of equivalence - proving that movements
under the inuence of gravity, such as free fall, pendulum
motion, etc., do not depend on the mass of the moved
body [90]. He was the rst to describe resonance, drawing
conclusions from his research on compressed pendulums and
strings of musical instruments [91] and, in addition, by being a
doctor's friend, he developed a device for measuring patients'
pulse using the length of the pendulum called Pulsilogium
[92]. In the modern world, without resonance, there would
be no radio, television, music or swings on playgrounds that
give a lot of fun, but it should be remembered that it can
also cause a bridge to collapse or a helicopter to fall apart
[93]. Similar types of resonance patterns can be observed in
living and inanimate structures, for example: the resonance
of the solar system as the interaction of the forces of gravity
and magnetism about which Johannes Kepler wrote in his
treatise "Nova Astronomia" (Pattern Recognition in Physics
The Hum: log-normal distribution and planetary–Solar
resonance) [94], in the "resonant nature of functional spectra,
in photosynthesis of plants, as mechanical resonance, as the
production of sound by musical instruments or human speech
apparatus, resonance of machine elements, driving and
regulating the speed of a mechanical clock by the capture,
balance and pendulum system, resonance of large tides and
seiche, electrical resonance as vibration excitation in LC
circuits (where there is a resonance of currents (in parallel)
or voltages (in series) and their use in radio broadcasting,
television, optical resonance in lasers, as well as optical-
chemical, electrical-mechanical, resonant resonance the
nature of light emission and absorption by atoms and
molecules, nuclear magnetic resonance, Mossbauer eect,
electron spin resonance, etc” [95].
Cymatics as a science about the shapes of acoustic waves
and their inuence on physical substances also explores the
resonance. It assumes that a specic vibration gives shape to
all forms. By resonating liquids, colloids or solids with sand
scattered on the surface, patterns are obtained, the shapes of
which depend on the frequency of sound and the shape of the
surface to be resonated. The same sound tone always creates
the same shape created by the „standing waves", which
take both static geometric shapes and dynamic forms. The
creator of the theory of cymatics is Ernst Chladni, who also
determined the speed of longitudinal waves propagation in
numerous metals and wood, and the speed of sound in a series
of gases. Experiments and research with sound were also
conducted by the Swiss Hans Jenny and the Japanese scientist
Masaru Emoto, who during 12 years of scientic work proved
in his experiments that water can store information, feelings
and states of consciousness, and that it reacts to our thoughts
and words that then manages to reect. Depending on what
words (sounds / vibrations) were sent during the experiments
towards the drop of water, its crystals when frozen, formed
into completely dierent crystalline forms and "snowake"
patterns. In 1611 Kepler wrote the essay "The Six Cornered
Snow Flake - A New Year's Gift" in which he wondered why
snowakes always had a perfect sixfold symmetry, the puzzle
was solved after three centuries and today it is obvious,
however, Kepler, in trying to nd the answer, he asked some
fascinating questions about geometry, physics, mathematics
and biology, nding an analogy in the world of nature, in
the structure of beehives, pods, pomegranates, ve-petal
owers, the spiral shape of snail shells and the shaping power
of nature itself, alluding to "Sacred Geometry" or the golden
ratio [96]. Until the appearance of clocks and articial light,
throughout the millennia human’s constant way of measuring
time was done by observing the cycle of day and night. It also
sets the rhythm of the life of plants and animals - in nature the
circadian cycles are ubiquitous. Those cycles are necessary
for life and probably played a key role in its creation on Earth,
because oscillations are necessary to put a mechanism into
motion [97]. „Living organisms are full of various kinds of
clocks - molecular, neuronal, chemical, hormonal, each of
which is more or less aligned with the others” [98]. There are
chemical mechanisms that maintain the 24-hour rhythm even
at the level of single cell biochemistry - what was presented in
Nobel Prize 2017 for Discoveries of Molecular Mechanisms
Controlling the Circadian Rhythm [99-102].
Synchronization, harmonization, vibrations or simply
resonance in the most general sense, the mechanism of which
enables the generation of vibrations and waves of a given
frequency and the inuence of the electromagnetic eld on a
living organism, seems to be integral to consciousness itself,
taking into account the resonance structures in the eld of
neuroscience, biology and physics. "There is a "resonance
theory of consciousness” which suggests that resonance
- another word for synchronized vibrations - is at the heart
of not only human consciousness but physical reality more
generally" [103,104].
7. Pendulum and synchronization, analysis of
orbital movements, precession
“The universe exists solely of waves of motion...
There exists nothing other than vibration." Walter Russell
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 170
“Synchronization - understood as two or more events
occurring at the same time - is one of the most common
phenomena in nature. Ranging from unconscious beings to
human beings, it can even be found in Olympic sports in the
form of synchronized swimming or diving. Ballet dancers
move harmoniously to the beat of the music. Violinists of the
orchestra playing in perfect unison. A shoal of sh gracefully
swimming together in the sea. Synchronization is also
essential to life. For example, pacemaker cells must release
electrical discharges synchronously to ensure the heart beats
properly” [105]. Christiaan Huygens observed in 1665 that
the pendulums of two timing clocks gradually but inevitably
became synchronized with each other after a while, and
after some time began to work synchronously, the problem
remained unresolved for 350 years [106,107]. Research from
2015 showed that in this case mechanical vibrations, and
specically the ticking generated by the escapement, may
be responsible for the synchronization, where the sounds
of the working mechanism are transferred via the rail from
one pendulum to the other, synchronizing their movements
over time [108]. Although in the era of electronic clocks,
the solution of the puzzle from the 17th century regarding
pendulum clocks may seem unnecessary, the analysis of
oscillator operation may be of fundamental importance, for
example, to understand the processes taking place in ordinary
electronic systems or the construction of synchronized
electronic neurons to control a mobile robot (International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26 1650196) [105, 109] as
well as contribute to the development of neurology [110] as
its examples are not limited to only mechanical oscillations.
"Synchronization also happens for many dierent biological
networks. A phenomenon occurs in the brain, for example,
when nerve impulses synchronize. This synchronization
of brain waves in certain areas appears to be important for
the functioning of our thinking organ" [111]. Researchers,
for the discovery of the basic equations describing the
electrical voltages inside neurons, received the Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine in 1963, in the same eld in 2021
scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for "ground-breaking
discoveries of the TRPV1, TRPM8 and Piezo channels,
which made it possible to understand how heat, cold, pressure
and mechanical force can trigger electrical signals in the
nervous system and initiate nerve impulses, allowing us to
perceive and adapt to the world around us. These channels
also contribute to many other physiological functions that
depend on the sensation of temperature or mechanical stimuli”
[112, 113].
"VPN cocoon acts like a pressure wave — in pulsation
pushes on the tissue, creating vibrations that inuences
cell membranes, that, in turn, could aect nerve-cell ring,
because certain ion channels are mechanically sensitive and
thus respond to membranes' stretches and strains, it also
creates positive or negative pressure that causes individual
cells to compress or expand [99A]. „The rotationally
simulated microgravity allowed some accelerated nerve
growth” [100A], from Thomas J.Goodwin NASA research
[101A]. "Harmonic oscillations appear very frequently
in nature: sound waves, the motion of a pendulum, and
vibrations of every sort” [102A]. „Operation of creation and
annihilation operators on the oscillator's own states”.[74].
“Creation is but a swing of the cosmic pendulum from inertia,
through energy, and back again to inertia (...) It is but a series
of opposing pulsations of action and reaction, integration
and disintegration, gravitation and radiation, inhalation-
exhalation” [103A]." [135]
"Studying Huygens' synchronized pendulum clocks can
help us better understand the phenomena of synchronization
in the physical and biological world, and shed light on the
many similar eects of synchronization in living organisms,
where there are many dierent types of oscillating rhythms -
including respiration, heartbeat, neuronal activity and blood
perfusion - and when these get in sync with each other, the
whole system uses very little energy” [114]. The phenomenon
of "self-organizing synchronization" is common in nature
and engineering, and was discovered in quantum systems,
which, according to Marc Timme's team from the Institute
of Dynamics and Self-organization of Max Planck, they can
synchronize themselves through self-organization without
any external control. "This synchronization manifests itself in
the strangest property of the quantum world - entanglement"
[111, 115]. Until now, attempts to combine quantum
mechanics and the theory of gravity have failed due to various
contradictions, and testing the quantum nature of gravity
seemed to be far beyond the reach of measurement, but now
perhaps the pendulums could be of help to solve it [116-120].
In 1666, the English scientist Robert Hooke studied a conical
pendulum that could swing freely in two dimensions and with
a weight rotating in a circle or ellipse, and he noticed that
the pendulum could be used to measure the force of gravity
[121]. He used the motion of this device as a model to analyze
the orbital movements of the planets [122, 123], and in 1679
he suggested to Isaac Newton that orbital motion consisted
of inertial motion along the tangent to the trajectory and the
motion pulling the planet in a radial direction, which played a
signicant role in Newton's formulation of the universal law
of gravity [124,125]. Another interesting application is the
Foucault Pendulum, which demonstrates the rotation of the
Earth. In 1848, French physicist Jean Foucault discovered
that when a large pendulum swings for a long time, it appears
to change direction throughout the day. What really happens
is that the pendulum is moving in the same direction, but the
Earth has turned under the pendulum [126]. The same scientist
in 1852 discovered a gyroscope, a device for measuring or
maintaining spatial orientation, operating on the principle of
conservation of angular momentum [127].
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 171
"Precession is the movement of the body's own rotation
axis, occurring around a xed, stationary axis. If a rigid
body with rotational symmetry, rotating around the axis of
symmetry (top, gyroscope), is xed in the center of gravity,
and the resultant moment of forces (acting on the body) with
respect to the point of the clamping point is equal to 0, then
the solid performs a regular precession, in which the axis of
symmetry of the solid moves around the angular momentum
direction with a constant angular velocity. The precession
of the same body, but xed at a point that is not the center
of gravity, is an irregular precession and takes place around
the direction of the force of gravity; irregular precession is
always accompanied by nutational vibrations (nutation).
In quantum physics, the Larmor precession is equivalent
to the gravitational eld precession” [128], describes “the
precession motion of a single particle (eg. an electron) or a
system of particles (eg. an atomic nucleus) that has its own
magnetic moment in a magnetic eld. The axis along which
the magnetic moment of a particle or particle system is
directed makes a cone around the direction of the magnetic
eld that is used for diagnostics (MR). A spin that is not in the
direction of the external magnetic eld performs a rotation
around the magnetic eld lines. Such a spin is in a state of
superposition of eigenstates. The superpositions of these
states are non-stationary, therefore the spin rotates around the
magnetic eld axis, taking into account the Planck constant"
[129, 130].
In astronomy - "the precession of the Earth's axis is caused
by the gravitational interaction of the Moon and the Sun
(Lunisolar Precession) and the planets (Planetary Precession)
on the non-spherical body of the Earth causing the world poles
to shift around the poles of the ecliptic. This phenomenon
is accompanied by the shift of the spring equinox along
the ecliptic in the opposite direction than the Sun is about
50"26 a year. The full precession cone marks the axis of the
earth in about 25,700 years” [128]. This period was called
the Platonic year. „The forces that cause the Earth's axis to
precess due to the change in the location of the Sun and Moon
in relation to the Earth are constantly changing, therefore, as
the Earth's rotation axis moves on the cone, small oscillations
form on the cone are called nutation. Under the inuence of
precession and nutation, the world pole describes a complex
wave curve among the stars.” [131, 132].
8. The Gravity as the sculptor and cosmology
"Gravity as the sculptor of the living world is leading to
the gravitational biology. Throughout its evolution, life on
Earth has experienced an environment with a mass of only 1G.
The inuence of this ubiquitous force is not well understood,
except that there is a clear biological response to gravity in
the structure and functioning of living organisms. Gravity
biology aims to understand the molecular mechanisms by
which a cell detects gravity and converts that signal into a
neuronal, ionic, hormonal, or functional response.” [133].
Space-time tells matter how to move. And matter tells space-
time how to curve” - John Wheeler. (…) Periodic variations
in the torques from the sun, the moon and other planets,
creates the wavy "nutation", these eects combine to vary
the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the equator over the
18,6 year period. There is also the perihelion movement,
often called perihelion precession” [85A, 86A]. (…) Maybe
nutation has a frequency of 0,618Hz or period of 1,618s? An
example of precession and nutation is the variation over time
of the orientation of the axis of rotation of the Earth. The
most commonly used frame of reference for measurement of
the positions of astronomical objects is the Earth's equator
coordinate system. The author wanted to know what could
be the length of the wave which occur in the VPN pendulum
experiment with its special frequency (0,618Hz) regarding
the speed of light.
From the equation λ=c/f => 299 792 458 m/s / 0,618Hz
= 485101065m dividing it by the length of the equator:
40075000m, author has got the number: 12,1. The number
„12" is approximately the number of: full lunations of the
moon in a year; years for a full cycle of Jupiter; signs of the
zodiac; hours in astronomical's day and night; it is central
to many systems of timekeeping, calendar and units of time
of day (Ch. Huygens' pendulum clock); it was originally
used by ancient civilizations and frequently appears in the
world's major religions [87A, 129A], and is in the Hz range of
alpha brain waves. The main source of tidal forces (shifting
sea levels) is the Sun and Moon, which constantly change
their relative positions, causing the Earth's axis to nutation.
In botany, nutation is a circular motion [134] of the shoot
tips [88A]. „The golden ratio that characterizes the fractal
structure of nature also appears in the geodesic structure of
black holes, in particular in the movements of null particles
independently of the value and sign of the cosmological
constant” [89A, 90A]. (…) In modern quantum theory, in
which denite trajectories of motion do not even exist, rather,
the particle is represented by a wave function spread out in
space and in time, showing the „Planck–Einstein relation"
which connect the particular photon energy E with its
associated wave frequency „f” E=hf, where Planck’s constant
is „h”, and f=1/T and „T” is time. Since the frequency „f”,
wavelength „λ”, and speed of light „c” are related by equation
f=c/λ, the relation for electromagnetic waves (photon energy)
can also be expressed:
E=hc/λ[94A] hf=Emc2=> f=mc2/h
The every clock is built on this principle" ks.M.Heller
[95A]; also pendulum clock. Does design of the VPN
pendulum show such subtle and dicult to analyze
astronomical phenomena as precession and nutation? If yes,
does it mean that the microcosm and the macrocosm are
connected with special code frequency of „gravity wave”?
[96A, 97A] [135].
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 172
9. Frequency and period of VPN pendulum
movement - research
The entire description of the materials, methods and
results with tables of the experiments of measurement the
micro- and hyper-gravity are described in author’s research
paper: [135][136], excerpts are quoted below.
"The frequency that resulted from this oscillating motion
was ~ 0,618 Hz with a period of ~ 1,618s. These results
completely surprised the author as they reect a beautiful
property of a quantum system, a hidden symmetry in the
golden ratio numbers, which is a mathematical combination
of two aspects of an object [107A][108A]. The golden ratio
"phi" and the inverse golden ratio φ ± = (1 ± √5) / 2 have a
set of symmetries that preserve and connect them. Both are
preserved by fractional linear transformations:
x, 1 / (1 − x), (x − 1) / x,
This fact corresponds to the identity and denition of a
quadratic equation in which the mathematics of φ and the
Fibonacci sequence are closely related, where
(1,618 x 0,618 = 1)
[109A], and Feyman's ne structure constant could link
the golden ratio with quantum physics” [110A]. (….)” [135]
(Figure3, Table 1).
10. Striving for inner harmony - quantum
The human heart generates electrical potentials, the
measurement of which on the skin surface is a commonly
used diagnostic method (ECG). The measurement of the
variable currents owing in nerve cells in the brain, in turn,
is the basis of Electroencephalography (EEG) [116A]. "HRV
changes according to changes in brain functional connectivity;
the heart and brain are connected bi-directionally. HRV
may serve as a proxy for ‘vertical integration’ of the brain
system in which DMN plays an important role in adaption to
microgravity in space.” [117A]. NASA has also interest in
Schumann resonance [118A]. (…). During the VPN sessions
there was an impressive increase of slow waves - Delta (0.5–
4,5Hz), also Alpha and Theta waves. Beta waves remain the
same or increase a little. The results are not exactly correct
due to artifacts in the data. The adaptive response was
stronger during the VPN session compared to before/after
VPN sessions. (…). From neurobiology: activation of the
vagus nerve by swinging and the pulsating touch on the skin
of the VPN cocoon (stimulates neurotransmitters, endorphins,
Runi and Pacinian receptors, which are activating: oxytocin,
serotonin, melatonin [125A]) reduces: stress, tension, high
heart rate and blood pressure what is related to the decrease
in systemic vascular resistance and reduction of sympathetic
nervous system activity during VPN sessions, which is key
to bringing calmness and relaxation to both mind and body.
„Hugs, cuddling, touching works as an antidepressant, it gives
us well-being” [126A]. When considering the frequency of
pressure on human skin in a VPN cocoon with embryonic life
in the fetal waters, a comparison to the pulsating pressure on
the skin can be found in the pulsating rhythm of the mother’s
blood pressure. According to standards, the correct pressure
is in the range of 120-129mmHg /80-84mmHg (if we divide
129/80=~1,618), the period of VPN's pendulum movement
is 1,618s and its frequency is the reverse number 0,618Hz.
Can there be some connection here? - further research is
needed. All those changes in hormones, together with stress
reduction and relaxation may be helpful also for procreation
[127A][128A]. Knowing that the frequency of swinging
body was 0,618Hz, there is a probability that induced activity
generally could aect on the activity of numerous neurons:
amplitude changes in oscillatory are thought to arise from the
synchronization of neurons [35A]. In neurology, isochronic
tones are regular beats of a single tone used for brainwave
entrainment [130A] occurred resonance [131A]. Stanford
University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne has been awarded
the 2020 Gruber Neuroscience Prize „winding projection on
a nerve cell, or neuron, that directs electrical impulses away
from the body of the cell to wire up the nervous system
during embryonic development.” [132A]. Nobel Prize 1963
in physiology or medicine for mathematical model which
approximates the electrical characteristics of a neuron, in
particular generation and propagation of action potentials
Induced brain activity is elicited by sensory stimuli or
motor responses [134A]. „Neural oscillations are also thought
to be involved in the sense of time [135A] (pendulum)
and in somatosensory perception” [136A]. „Oscillatory
synchronization has an important functional role in dierent
odor perception, as it leads to dierent subsets of neurons
ring on dierent sets of oscillatory cycles” [137A][35A],
what was observed by a participant (M) who, after the rst
VPN session, noticed extensive activation of the sense of
smell, as well as the sense of taste. Knowing that the subject
(M) has PTSD and many ash back of memories from
traumatic events, changing oscillation movement of the body
in VPN sessions probably could help reduce frequency of sad
occurrences because „coupling between neural oscillations:
theta and gamma activity, is thought, to be vital for episodic
memory.” [138A][139A]. (…)” [135]. Also the changes in
the physical environment surrounding the cells, in vivo or
in vitro, may indirectly lead to changes in the cell. Little
was known about whether and how individual cells sense
mechanical signals such as gravity, or how they convert
these signals into a biochemical response, but the 2021 Nobel
Prize in Medicine and Physiology provided many answers on
this topic. A cellular mechanical sensing system can initiate
changes in multiple signaling pathways. Spaceight oers a
unique opportunity to reveal the presence of such a system,
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 173
as well as to understand this mechanism - the innovative
technology of the Vinci Power Nap® / Space Power Nap®
system can be helpful. All of this is bringing closer the
understanding of the quantum biology [137][138].
11. Best benets to mankind from Vinci Power
Nap® biotechnology system
(…) „After this pilot study the conclusion is that VPN
system and its Delta Slow Wave frequency swing of (0,618
Hz) - could be helpful to reduce symptoms of disorders
frequently associated with disrupted delta-wave activity,
like: ailments of the sleep disorders which are linked to
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as said Philippe
Mourrain Stanford Bio-X and the Wu Tsai Neurosciences
[145A], schizophrenia [146A], diabetes and insulin
resistance (glucose metabolism in the brain increases as a
result of tasks that demand mental activity [147A]), cardio-
vascular system, immune system, cells malignancy [148A],
bromyalgia, alcoholism, parasomnias, narcolepsy, anxiety,
depression, trauma, PTSD, obsessive– compulsive disorder,
attention decit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its three
subtypes [149A], etc. An integrated neuroscience research
project could be implemented to identify the relationship
between vestibular adaptation during spaceight and sleep
cycles, hormonal and immune changes, cardiovascular
and pulmonary changes, muscle physiology alterations,
etc. (…)” [135]. "Due to the increasing possibilities and
needs of staying living beings in outer space, gravitational
biology and gravitational medicine are currently one of the
most dynamically developing elds of science. The works
devoted to the study of the functioning of living organisms
in microgravity conditions show that gravitational eects are
revealed at all levels of the organization of a living being:
molecular, cellular and organism.” [133]. Fractals of the
golden ratio are connected also to human bodies and its health
[44, 45], because of that the technology of Vinci Power Nap®
system could be very helpful for people on Earth and in the
Space as a space medicine and a biomedicine.
12. The golden ratio in radiating energy and
"Everything is connected with everything" - Leonardo da
Vinci. 400 years ago, Galileo, Kepler, and da Vinci tried to
answer questions that are as old as humanity itself. What are
we made of? What are the basic building blocks of the universe
that make up man, the stars, and everything else? Over the
centuries, thousands of theories and experiments have delved
into smaller and smaller distances, focusing on one image
of the structure of matter [139]. According to Kepler, both
men and women can learn the secrets of the world, including
the causes of the movements of the wandering stars in the
sky [140]. Although the "divine measure of beauty" or „the
golden ratio” has always existed in geometry, mathematics
and the physical world, it is not known exactly when it
was discovered and applied by mankind [141], but the Phi
number that represents it and its absolute value (golden ratio
coupling) played an amazing role in our history and in the
entire universe. It appears as a constant repeating value of
the proportion of elements whose continuation of division
according to the golden ratio represents the fractal and its
unique phenomenon of unlimited complexity of each of
its smallest elements, where fractal multiplicities having
an extremely complex structure, at the same time retain
astonishing harmony and symmetry, recently discovered
also in quantum version of a fractal pattern. „Each smaller
element of the structure is similar to the larger one" [142].
This principle of fractal interconnection, inseparability and
unity provides us with constant reminders of the pattern and
our relationship with the whole. Could this suggest that time
is a spiral or fractal repeated at a given frequency Phi? [143,
144]. Or if thinking about holograms - can it be somehow its
base code?
“It has been shown that the golden ratio plays a signicant
role in the dimensions of all objects that show vefold
symmetry. It has also been shown that among irrational
numbers, the golden ratio is the most irrational and, as a result,
has unique applications in number theory, search algorithms,
function minimization, network theory, the stock market,
the atomic structure of some materials, and the growth of
biological organisms” [145-148]. „Fibonacci numbers are
also used to determine the wavelengths of pulses. When wave
3 lengthens in a pulse, waves 1 and 5 tend to be generally equal
or remain in a ratio of 0,618. In fact, relations determined by
the Fibonacci coecients, like: 1; 1,618 or 2,618, often occur
between all the impulse waves. It is common for wave 3 to
be 2,618 wavelength 1. So if wave 3 is strong and dynamic, it
can end at wavelength 2,618 of the 1” [149]. „The ELFRAD
Extremely Low Frequency Research And Development, a
self-funded research organization tracked radiation on Earth
through an array of antennas and has found an extremely low
frequency signal at phi, or 1,618033 Hertz, cycles per second”
[10]. Phi is synchronized with nature on the planet Earth, the
galaxy, it is visible in atomic, quasi-crystalline and other
chemical structures, and according to prof. Steven Strogatz
(researcher of synchronization in dynamical systems, applied
mathematics, including mathematical biology and complex
network theory), synchrony is a new science at the border of
which mathematicians and physicists try to determine how
spontaneous order emerges from chaos.
„The golden ratio was also discovered in the quantum
world: the hidden symmetry of E8 was rst observed in solid
matter. They measured symmetry signatures showing the
same attributes as the golden ratio. Where the tension comes
from the interaction between the spins causing them magnetic
resonance [31, 47, 150]. Then it may turn out that even the
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 174
structure of the human body and its physiology are based on
the same principles that function at all levels of creation for
all animals, plants, planets, solar systems and galaxies with
their golden spiral rhythm underlying the growth process
attuned to the harmony of the vibrations of the universe.
13. Conclusion
According to the author - the value of Phi 0,618 found in
the pendulum of the VPN system, measured in Hz, can be this
special frequency of the heartbeat of the universe, the insistent
rhythm, according to which thousands of reies gather and
ash in harmony, the moon in its orbit rotates in resonance
around the Earth, plants grow, our brains enter the Delta state,
in which the body rebuilding processes take place, stimulating
more intense secretion of hormones responsible for growth,
inhibiting aging processes, and mind regeneration, where the
structure of the DNA code is based on the same principles (on
a regular dodecahedron, based on the golden ratio and the Phi
number), and humans hearts are beating in coherence with
it, etc. [151, 152]. Magdalena Filcek has developed a system
and method for fast stress reduction, to feel calm, blissful,
relax, for regenerate the body and mind, harmonize the body's
internal vibrations by using natural Vinci Power Nap® rocking
frequency, thanks to which one can nd himself in resonance
together with his interior and the surrounding environment,
in synchronization of the microcosm with the macrocosm,
create a harmonious rhythm with it, restoring the "factory
settings", and through the simultaneous synchronization of
respiration, heartbeat, neuron activity and blood circulations
- leading to homeostasis, energy savings and balance [108,
153]. Today we charge our phones and cars with energy, let's
not forget to recharge Vinci Power Nap® - the best benet
for mankind, this technology can change your life, maybe
even save it ... The observed impact of the above mentioned
factors of the neuroarchitecture VPN system on human
psychophysiological well-being is extremely interesting for
the author's research - bringing closer the issue of neurology,
physics and quantum biology - and at the same time leading
to a surprising discovery: until now the Phi number was
considered as mathematical number, it was not taken into
account and presented as the value of vibration. Given this
particular value of the wave frequency, could it represent
the sought relationship between quantum and Newtonian
physics? ... can it be the pulse of the universe, which is the
basis for the emanation of all energy in nature? And thus the
construction of the universe? [10, 139, 154, 155]. „Quantum
physics has shown that everything in the universe vibrates
and resonates with a unique frequency [150A, 151A]. One
could argue that VPN can be an experimental visualization of
quantum harmonic oscillator or quantum eld theory in curved
spacetime? Spacetime geometry? The M- theory? Theory
of everything that would describe all known interactions
including gravitational? Quantum cosmology? [84A]. Can
this VPN pendulum frequency creating waves and act as a
matrix for the growth and development of existences living on
Earth? [152A, 108A].” [135]. Can this pendulum movement
by changing kinetic energy for potential energy - make
„the virtual proces of annihilation and creation of bosons,
which „borrows” the energy and then giving it back during
annihilation? (…) The theory of everything is supposed to be
the primary theory underlying the theory of specic physics
” [156]. „A fundamental theory of the universe does not have
to include a time variable, but it does tell us how what we see
in the world changes with respect to itself - what relationships
may exist between variables.” [157]. Basic equations of
quantum gravity do not have a time variable and describe the
world by indicating possible relationships between variable
quantities [158]. „It is important to not confuse the temporal
structures belonging to the world "seen from the outside"
with the aspects of the world observed by us and dependent
on the fact that we are a part of it, we are embedded in it.”
[159]. In order to understand and feel how we experience
space, it is not enough to think about Newtonian space, it
is important to remember that we see it from the inside, that
we ourselves are located and immersed there, therefore, to
understand time, it is not enough to think about it from the
outside, the helpful is understanding that in every moment of
live we are grounded and co-created in time, in fact it can be
said that we observe the universe from the inside, interacting
with a tiny part of countless vibrations and variables of the
entire cosmos. [Figure 4]. "The brain is part of this reality,
which consequently depends on the interaction between the
outside world and the structures through which the mind
works.” [97]. In all eras, from Pythagoras, Euclid, Galileo,
Kepler, Leonardo da Vinci, to modern scientists, some of
the greatest minds of mankind have spent endless hours
analyzing the golden ratio and its properties. Obedience to
the golden ratio has been found in ower petals, fruits, shells,
hurricanes, and even in DNA strands or quasi-crystals, and
the attraction of the most amazing number - the Phi number
- inspires thinkers of many disciplines: biotechnology,
biomedicine, neuroscience, chemistry, physic, quantum
physics, cosmology, mathematic, art, music, architecture,
also: neuropsychology, behavioral neuroscience, psychology,
psychiatry, cerebral palsy, damage-related factors, aging
prevention, cognitive science, etc [160-164]. The Phi number
continues to open new doors in our understanding of life and
the universe also appearing in the 1970s in Roger Penrose
of Oxford discovery of the vefold symmetry surface, in
the 1980s in the newly discovered geometric form of quasi-
crystals and now found in the pendulum of the Vinci Power
Nap® as a frequency to harmonize with the inner "sound
of the universe”, probably describes the unied theory as
proposal for a united quantum theory of the fundamental
constituents and forces of nature, containing the superstring
theories and supergravity, M-Theory [165] and brings
Filcek M, J Biotechnol Biomed 2022
Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
Volume 5 • Issue 3 175
us closer to the theory of quantum gravity and quantum
biology, contributing to the further development of modern
science, neuroscience, biomedicine and technologies of the
future [135][166]. "If you want to discover the secrets of the
universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla (1942).
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Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
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with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
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Citation: Magdalena Filcek. Frequency of Harmony and the Unied Theory of Everything. Across the Universe towards Human Body and Mind
with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
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with Discovery of Neuroarchitecture Vinci Power Nap® Pendulum as the Biotechnology of the Future. Journal of Biotechnology and
Biomedicine 5 (2022): 163-179.
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Magdalena Filcek „Cutting edge solution for eective and safe missions - Neuroarchitecture system of Vinci Power Nap® - revolution in fast stress reduc-
tion, regenerating body & mind which can help you, pilots, astronauts: before, during and after space travels.” Publikacja 12.10.2020 w 71st International
Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition, 12-14 October 2020. International Astronautical Federation (IAF)