
Usage d’une langue véhiculaire dans l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile dans le sud de l’Espagne

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Les phénomènes migratoires liés aux personnes réfugiées et aux demandeurs d’asile sont de plus en plus visibles. En 2019, l’Espagne est devenu le troisième pays de l’UE recevant le plus grand nombre de demandes d’asile. Une tendance qui, malgré la Covid-19, s’est maintenue en 2020 (Eurostat, 2021). Par conséquent, les besoins en traduction et interprétation, un service qui fait partie de leurs droits lors de leur prise en charge, se sont également accrus. Cependant, les dispositifs d’accueil ne disposent pas toujours d’interprètes de la langue native du demandeur. Une langue véhiculaire, connue par les participants de la communication sans être la langue native d’aucun d’entre eux, est donc souvent utilisée. À ce propos, nous présentons une étude qualitative effectué par notre groupe de recherche par le biais d’entretiens semi-directifs au personnel d’organismes d’accueil en Andalousie, une des régions européennes les plus marquées par l’entrée d’immigration sur le territoire de l’UE. Nous observons l’usage de l’anglais, le français, le russe et l’arabe comme langues véhiculaires, notamment lors d’interventions internes et de moindre importance. Il s’agit d’un domaine où se produisent de nombreuses situations d’urgence ou bien où il est impossible de trouver un interprète de la langue ou du dialecte de la personne demandeuse ; ce recours permet ainsi de faciliter la communication. Il est toutefois nécessaire de signaler les problèmes et les inconvénients qu’entraîne l’usage d’une langue véhiculaire qui, dans bien des cas, est ressentie en tant qu’étrangère et n’est pas maîtrisée, le tout dans un contexte de vulnérabilité et de déséquilibre de pouvoir comme celui-ci (autorité/réfugié).

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... Different legislative instruments, both at the European Union and national levels, regulate translation and interpreting in international protection scenarios in Spain (Relinque and Martín-Ruel 2022). At the European Union level, Article 22 of Directive 2011/95/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 13 December 2011 (Official Journal of the European Union 2011: 19) establishes that Member States must provide the beneficiaries of international protection with information about their rights and obligations in accordance with their status "in a language that they understand or are reasonably supposed to understand. ...
... Spanish national legislation also sets forth the right to translation and interpreting within the field of international protection (Relinque and Martín-Ruel 2022). Several articles of Organic Law 4/2000, of 11 January, regarding rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration (Gobierno de España 2000), establish the right to assistance from an interpreter if they do not understand or speak the official language being used. ...
... No previous systematic research had been conducted on the topic in this region, despite the fact that, as previously noted, the region has been witnessing an ever increasing rise in the arrival of migrants and asylum seekers. In line with previous research conducted in Spain (León-Pinilla et al. 2016Valero Garcés 2018), the results of the study on Andalusia carried out by UPO researchers have stressed the following: the need for professionalization (Relinque and Martín-Ruel 2022); work opportunities for Translation and Interpreting graduates who receive appropriate training (Martín-Ruel 2020); and the current mismatch between the training offered at Translation and Interpreting undergraduate degrees and the real needs identified by the sector's stakeholders (Briales and Relinque 2021). ...
In 2019, Spain became the country with the third highest number of asylum applications in the EU and it continues to be one of the top destinations for international migration (Migration Policy Institute 2022). This is a particularly pressing issue in the southernmost regions of Spain, namely the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and Andalusia, which have become the main gateway to Europe for those arriving by sea (Martín-Ruel 2021). As a result, the need for interpreting in international protection settings has increased, as these services prove essential for overcoming cross-linguistic and cross-cultural barriers, facilitating better integration of asylum applicants and refugees into the host society, and safeguarding their language rights (Wallace and Hernández 2017). In this article, we propose that the interpreter training provided by Andalusian universities can be used to respond to the needs identified in the international protection sector, thus contributing to the professionalization of the activity, and enhancing graduate employability in this field. To that end, we first describe the profile of an ideal interpreter for the stakeholders in international protection settings, then analyze current interpreting training programs, and finally suggest how specific training may be incorporated to provide better services in this field.
... have already been disseminated in several publications (see Briales and Relinque, 2021;Martín-Ruel, 2020;Martín-Ruel, 2022 andVigier-Moreno, 2023). This analysis therefore begins with some comments on the results obtained from the research carried out in Malta, which have not yet been published. ...
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Despite the increasing perils involved, more and more migrants and asylum seekers try to reach Europe every year by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Those who manage to survive come ashore along the coasts of the southernmost countries of Europe, namely Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus and Malta (UN, 2023). These countries have a duty to ensure the dignity of those migrants reaching their borders, to uphold their human rights and to facilitate their integration in the host society. For these purposes, the work of professional interpreters becomes essential. This paper analyses the language-related needs and problems faced by the main entities responsible for attending international protection seekers in Malta and in Southern Spain. It also proposes some possible forms of alleviating the situation. The data provided is based on the results obtained from a qualitative study involving semi-directive interviews with the said entities
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Healthcare interpreting in Japan has a history of approximately twenty years. Currently, local governments and NPOs dispatch their trained interpreters, or hospitals hire their own interpret- ers. As interpreting services are not positioned as public services, Japan still needs integrated education systems, curricula, accreditation, and dispatching systems. In 2014, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare published a training curriculum and a textbook for healthcare interpreters. Also, private third-party certification for individual interpreters has started. We surveyed our Association members to learn about their training experiences and awareness of certification.
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El presente estudio de investigación pretende llevar a cabo un acercamiento de la realidad de la ISP en la ciudad de Córdoba a través del cual sea posible evidenciar, de forma real y actualizada, la necesidad de establecer y mejorar los servicios de interpretación de los organismos públicos en dicho enclave multicultural. Tomando la región que nos concierne como punto de partida, este trabajo se fundamenta en realizar un estudio de campo a nivel lingüístico, con el propósito de evidenciar el grado de “posibilidad de comunicación” de ciertos habitantes pertenecientes a grupos minoritarios de inmigrantes y obtener resultados representativos de dicha situación. Como fin último, este trabajo investigativo persigue la revalorización de la interpretación y de los profesionales, la visibilidad y la puesta en valor su papel en un organismo público en ámbitos como la sanidad, la justicia, y los servicios sociales, en un enclave pluricultural como la ciudad cordobesa.
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En el ámbito de la protección internacional, la mediación interlingüística e intercultural constituye un instrumento imprescindible para garantizar tanto el ejercicio al derecho de asilo y refugio como una integración satisfactoria en la sociedad de acogida. En esta contribución se presentan los resultados de un estudio basado en entrevistas realizadas a entidades responsables de la gestión de la acogida a las personas solicitantes de protección internacional en Andalucía, una de las regiones españolas que recibe un mayor número de asilados. Este estudio ha permitido obtener las opiniones de diferentes trabajadores de dichas entidades con respecto a las necesidades de comunicación interlingüística e intercultural que detectan en su actividad, a la forma en que estas necesidades son cubiertas -y la forma en que desearían que se cubrieran-, y al perfil ideal de mediador en este ámbito, sobre todo en lo concerniente a la deontología y conducta profesional.
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